The Elderine Stone

The Elderine Stone @page { margin-bottom: 5.000000pt; margin-top: 5.000000pt; } The Elderine Stone Title PageChapter One: A Hut in the WoodsChapter Two: The ProphecyChapter Three: Into the WoodsChapter Four: The Slave TradersChapter Five: To HasparChapter Six: Devon DrakeChapter Seven: The Great LibraryChapter Eight: A hooded FigureChapter Nine: The Talathin TreeChapter Ten: A note on the tableChapter Eleven: The Hardyhan BridgeChapter Twelve: The Elderine ForestChapter Thirteen: The Mingus MountainsChapter Fourteen: The Dark LadyChapter Fifteen: The Return Home The Elderine StoneAlan Lawson    The Elderine StoneAlan Lawson This edition published in arrangement with Smashwords Copyright 2011 Alan Lawson Find out more about the Author at  Smashwords Edition, License NotesThis ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.     Thanks to my parents for always being supportive,My brother for getting me hooked on fantasy,David for making me happy and keeping my feet grounded.To the people who read and loved my work,And to all my friends who encouraged me every step of the way.    Chapter One: A Hut in the Woods Swoosh.A large spiked club, twice the length of Jason’s arm, flew over his head, creating a gush of wind that ruffled his dark brown hair.Jason ducked to dodge another swing and scrambled to a nearby rock, hoping for any chance of escape. The club came crashing down beside him. A spray of dust burst into the air, causing a short, blinding cloud, which restricted the vision of both Jason and his attacker. The dust settled and Jason was now inches away from what looked like an ugly, grey skinned, pig-like creature that snorted and growled with every breath. The creature looked at Jason, raised its club, opened his mouth and let out a growl...â€Ĺ›Jason! Wake up, this very minute! I am sick to the back teeth with you, young man. I was good enough to buy you that bloody alarm clock for your birthday last year, and this is how you repay me? Treating me like your own personal farm yard roaster, expecting me to wake you up every morning. Well I will tell you one thing, and that’s for sure, the next time that teacher of yours wants words with me for you being late, you will be in the firing line.” The voice quietened to a soft mutter, voicing distaste and other vulgarities that Jason couldn’t quite make out. Then to finish off what was started the voice boomed up the stairs again â€Ĺ›and I mean it when I say that. I don’t want to have to listen to that Miss Thornbottle again if you’re late for school!”Jason stirred in his bed, covered in a cold damp sweat from his dream. This had been the third time this week he’d had a nightmare like that one. The thought rolled idly through his head that he was possibly reading far too many fantasy novels. Rubbing his eyes, he rolled over in bed to face the alarm clock that his aunt had bought him for his fourteenth birthday. It was a knight holding a sword and shield, the time was displayed in the middle of the shield. He could just about make out its red glow, seven forty-five, he watched as the numbers blinked, seven forty-six. He groaned, and closed his eyes pretending to himself that he could just lie in bed for another five minutes and maybe that would be enough to shake off his tiredness. Jason was not a morning person. However he knew, much like his aunt had said; all hell would break loose if he wasn’t up and out of bed within the next few moments. That was it, he was going to make a start on this battle. He looked at his little calendar that sat on the pine bedside table. It was one of those very useful calendars that offered a very useless phrase or piece of advice each day. He ripped off yesterday’s and read the one for today: be careful of what you dream, it may come true. He wouldn’t have much luck, then, if his dreams did come true, as there was no such thing as the creatures he saw in his dreams. However with the way things were going in his life at the moment, Jason felt that anywhere would be better than here, living in this house.School didn’t start until nine, which Jason thought was still far too early for anybody to be up, out of bed and doing anything constructive, by any standards. Regardless of his own opinions his aunt’s were very different. In fact she felt it was her duty of care to wake Jason up ridiculously early each and every morning, without exception. She had made the point very clear to Jason, that it was an added hassle to her seemingly indolent lifestyle waking him up every morning; it meant that she too had to get up five minutes earlier, just so she could still make her fresh coffee and read the share index on page 36 of the newspaper. Jason knew that his mean and overbearing aunt gained a rather exorbitant amount of pleasure having the task of disturbing his slumber every morning. Having said that, there was an occasion, a â€Ĺ›one-off” at that, when Jason had thought his aunt would let him have somewhat of a lie in. His aunt had left him alone in the house for a week, as she was off on vacation with her friends Doris and Myrtle. Naturally, Jason had thought that he could finally have a lie-in before getting up for school. His aunt however had mad prior arrangements for this, and a phone call in the morning at exactly seven forty-five hindered all aspects of Jason’s plans. With a huge struggle Jason managed to pull himself out of bed. Pointing his big toes to the ground he began to search for his slippers. Each toe edged across the floor until their short explorations led them to the soft furry surface of his burgundy slippers. With each foot firmly secure in his slippers he walked towards the bathroom.Jason Greaves was fifteen, slim, not too tall, but not small either. He had brown eyes, which he had always been told were a strange shade of brown; looking chocolaty on several occasions, and hazel at others. Once or twice he had even been told there was an odd glimmer of green in there too.His body glowed with a slight tan from the numerous days that he had been sitting outside in the garden, and he had freckles across his nose and some scattered on his cheeks.Jason lived with his Aunt Florence, Jason’s late father’s older sister. She was a brawny woman who could have easy acquired and maintained any military position without hassle. Along with her muscular appearance, her voice had developed a strident, controlling tone. This was something that she had mastered from the many years she had spent as an executive of an averagely medium sized PR company in the city centre. It was a strange situation as it would not be expected that her voice would help in selling anything to anyone using charm.All of Jason’s friends, a group that was not numerous, had an immediate fear of Ms Greaves, with her booming voice and the permanent absence of a smile. It was a wonder too many people how she actually managed to maintain her position in the PR company. After all it did have a very strong focus on positive attitude and charisma. All of these attributes and her towering muscular figure led his friends to avoid her without exception. Aunt Florence didn’t have any children of her own, mainly due to the fact that she never married. Jason wasn’t at all surprised at this. He even found it hard to imagine anyone suitable, or even willing enough to be her husband. Even if there ever was a chance of a marriage proposal to come her way, Jason privately believed that the â€Ĺ›other half” would soon find some â€Ĺ›irreconcilable differences” after a short period of actually living with her.Jason had never known his father, but was told that he had died when Jason was only two years old. His father had been a sergeant in the army, which seemed rather fitting for that side of the Greaves family. He had only brief memories of his mother, who had seemingly vanished a few weeks after the funeral. When Jason tried, he could almost recall images of his mother. They were vague, perhaps they weren’t even real, but Jason held onto them.Aunt Florence became Jason’s legal guardian following the eventful day when social services took him into care. The same day his mother had disappeared Jason was left unattended. Following a day spent listening to non-stop crying, concern and curiosity arouse with neighbours, who in turn took it upon themselves to investigate the Greaves home. As one neighbour had seen no sign of the â€Ĺ›young widow from next door” she phoned a report in. Social Services immediately sent out a search for the boy’s closest relative, finding only his aunt, she of course was only delighted at this prospect. She purposefully hid those feelings however. The fact that his aunt was granted the deeds to the Greaves house had nothing whatsoever to do with her decision, which she had often been heard to remark, quite vehemently, to her friends. This group consisted mainly of old business women, who seemed more stuck-up than business-like and eccentric young men eager to get a foothold onto the executive ladder.And so, here he was, in the care of his Aunt Florence. This, in Jason’s opinion, didn’t really seem like care at all now that he had experienced thirteen years of her business-like methods. Where everything had a time and a place and life was built around a set schedule of activities. Therefore Jason had no other choice, but to live everyday trying to make the most of it and always trying to find the best side of everything, even if it did seem his aunt wanted otherwise.Jason wasn’t the least popular of kids, nor did he find himself in the more popular â€Ĺ›in” crowd at school, in fact most of his free time at school and at home was spent daydreaming in fantasy worlds. He often hoped for an escape from the hectic life of a fourth year student. Jason probably spent more time thinking about escaping to these dream worlds than doing anything else that he supposed a normal fifteen year old should be doing.While trying to wash his face with his old, tatty facecloth, Jason heard his aunt shout up,â€Ĺ›I’m going to work now. And remember Jason, do not be late for school, and when you get home you’d better have your room tided and the cleaning done.”â€Ĺ›Okay Aunt Florence,” Jason shouted back, as he tried to rearrange his hair into some form of hairstyle, without any luck.The front door slammed and it was quiet.It was getting close to eight thirty and Jason knew he had to leave. He wasn’t too sure if he could face another day of Miss Thornbottle bellowing at him from behind her desk, but the thought of having to listen to his aunt’s ranting and raving when she found out that he had missed school that day persuaded him to take the simpler approach and face Miss Thornbottle. He headed towards the front door, lifting his house keys and lunch money on the way out, almost knocking over one of his Aunt Florence’s precious porcelain dolls. Thankfully he was able to rescue it just in time before it had a chance to tip over onto the varnished wood floor.It was getting very close to the time that Jason should be leaving, if he left it any later he’d have to start thinking of excuses for arriving late. Jason stepped out onto the porch, locking the front door behind him. He paused for a moment to look around at the suburban part of Belfast, Northern Ireland that he called home, with its rustic tree-lined streets and 3 story houses. Every now and then a woman or man would walk past being trailed along by their dogs. Jason was always amused by this, thinking about how these small creatures could lead their masters in the directions they wanted to go rather than the other way around. Jason had always wanted a pet, something to keep him company during the lonely days spent at home, but his aunt had always said, â€ĹšAnimals just take up too much time, besides you have enough cleaning to do, without having to look after a pest.’He knew he would never get her to change her mind unless there was a pet that washed dishes or vacuumed.It was mid spring and unusually hot for the time of year. Everything looked so colourful, fresh, and bright. Jason smiled as he thought about the Easter holidays fast approaching, which led him on to think about the open countryside and how great it would be to run freely through fields and forests. It often amazed him how he could fall into a day dream like this, which often caused more than enough trouble.Looking at his watch he noticed that it was now ten minutes to nine. â€Ĺ›Where did the time go?” He wondered. A surge of panic began to spread throughout his body, realising he had less than ten minutes to arrive at his school and be sitting in his seat in class. Running and thinking at the same time, Jason decided to take a shortcut down the lane that linked two streets together which also ran adjacent to the Cavehill Forest Park. He had heard many tales about that forest when he was younger, but now at the mature age of fifteen he believed these stories were just told by nervous parents (and strict aunts) to keep their children away from the forest and any dangers that might lie within. The lane entrance lay just in front of him. In the last year or so, the city council had erected a metal gate at both ends of the lane to prevent cars using it as a shortcut. As Jason leant against the metal gate, he had time to process his next course of actions, should he attempt going down the shortcut or stick to the familiar footpath? A second glance at his watch made the decision an easy one to make.Boldly Jason made his way down the lane at a brisk-but-sensible pace. If he walked too slowly he would be late, but he didn’t want to run, as Miss Thornbottle would find some other reason to pick on him, perhaps for his heavy breathing.Half way down the lane he noticed a small derelict building nestled a few metres into the forest. On closer examination Jason saw that it was locked up rather well, or at least, it seemed to be. The wooden door at the front had a few loose chains hanging from the handle, and a nail in the wood held up a large board bearing, in clear red lettering, the words:DANGER! DO NOT ENTER!Of course, his curiosity was no match for his fear of Miss Thornbottle, so he decided to continue on. The curiosity however, would remain imbedded deep within him for the rest of the day.Jason arrived a few seconds after nine, opened the door and just managed to get to his seat without Miss Thornbottle noticing. Miss Thornbottle was Jason’s maths teacher, and for some strange reason his timetable was arranged so that he had maths first period every day of the week except Friday, on which he had History, but that was not an alternative that Jason looked forward to. Both classes always started almost immediately with a test on the areas they had covered in the previous lesson. What seemed like hours passed as Jason sat at his desk chewing on the end of his pencil. Minutes passed as he sat staring at the test, trying in vain to answer any of the questions. He was hoping that he could chance his arm with a few of his answers and get some â€Ĺšpity marks’. It was hopeless. The thought of the hut in the forest kept coming back into his mind, making concentrating on the test more than impossible. Who would think that a fourth year maths test could be so thought consuming? Half an hour passed, and Jason was jolted from his reverie by the screech of Miss Thornbottle,â€Ĺ›Pencils down! Stop writing, the test is now over!” Miss Thornbottle pushed her seat back scraping the legs against the floor. "Make sure your names are on them this time" she wailed as she started her walk past each desk, collecting the test papers.As Jason passed his paper he knew he wasn’t going to be sitting at the top of the class in this particular test. The bell rang and Jason walked out, heading down the corridor to his next class, English, expressing a sigh of relief that maths was over for another day.The rest of the day passed by at a snail's pace. Each period witnessed the same turn of events: Jason walked into class, sat down and tried to concentrate on the teacher’s lesson, but of course it was all going in one ear and out the other. Even in English, his favourite subject, he found it hard to concentrate. At long last the final bell rang and everyone stampeded towards their lockers to gather their books before they went home to a hot dinner and a night of homework. Jason’s class was still sitting at the final bell; their science teacher believed that the bell was for him. It was a signal for him to know that he should stop teaching, and that he would tell them when the class was dismissed. He finally nodded the scraping of chairs echoed throughout the classroom as the pupils made a hasty exit. On the way out Jason noticed Miss Thornbottle in the corridor, he spun round to head in the opposite direction but heard her shout,â€Ĺ›Jason I wouldn’t be late tomorrow again if I were you. Don’t think for one second that I didn’t see you come in late today.”Jason shivered as though in the presence of evil, and walked towards his locker.It was three twenty when he left school.On his way home, Jason approached the lane he had used as a short cut earlier. Without fighting his curiosity, his feet led him towards the odd hut. The suspense was pure agony as he thought up all the possible uses for the hut in the past, and maybe also the future. It could be the perfect den, where he could hang with his friends. Perhaps it was some sort of storage shed for one of his neighbours; perhaps a run down council building; or perhaps it had been used by the old woodsman who used to take care of the grounds. Jason remembered that he had passed away a few years ago.As he walked closer he could feel the goose pimples rising in his arms as the excitement and curiosity overcame him. Finally, he was standing in front of the worn down building, the â€Ĺ›Danger” sign still visible, and somehow highlighted by the evening sun. With more time to investigate this strange building he noticed that it was built using what looked like sturdy stone with wooden beams for support. Over the years it had also gathered a rather impressive amount of moss. Vines and various other wall-climbing plants had started to spread across the hut’s many facades, making the stone walls their home, engulfing the hut with ever-growing forest. Within a few years the hut would be completely hidden. Jason thought it a perfect place for a den. There were no windows in the building, and a wooden door occupied the front wall, in the style, although on a much smaller scale, of those seen in castles in the old medieval films. Several odd looking trees grew on either side, a branch of one of these had grown over the top of the hut, and there were a few medium-sized bushes in front as well; each displaying a glamorous amount of emerald green leaves.â€Ĺ›How did I ever manage to see the hut in the first place,” Jason wondered, â€Ĺ›it’s so well camouflaged by all these plants?”Jason looked again at the sign. He knew that these signs were put up for a reason, but still he walked closer passing a few of the bushes. He pushed back a large branch that blocked his path. The voices in his head were arguing whether he should feed his curiosity or head home, having realised how late it was getting. On this occasion, the adventurous voice seemed to be louder than the rest of the more morally-suited ones, investigating the building seemed like an adventure that could not be missed. Especially when it said â€Ĺ›do not enter” that was an obvious invitation to do the opposite.Jason walked closer to the door, and placed his hands on the wooden surface, gasping as a cold shiver travelled through him. For a moment he stood there looking at the rich redwood door which stood in front of him. Gingerly, he pushed on the door, expecting it to be firmly closed. The door moved slightly, letting out a gush of old air that smelt of damp, yet carried a hint of something that smelt rather pleasing, and inviting. It was a very unusual smell. Jason pushed further as the door swung open, and coughed at the growing intensity of the smell. Inside the hut was dark. The fading sunlight lit the entrance of the building but no more. Jason took a step forward, then another, stopping to allow his eyes to focus. After a short period he could make out various markings on the wall. He took a step forward to examine these more closely. They were pictures, with strange symbols intermixed. Jason let his eyes pass over them, trying to gauge a meaning, or work out a pattern within them. He found his gaze kept returning to one picture in particular, which showed a group of people with pointed ears. He laughed inwardly as the thought occurred to him that some other young people just like him had already made this their den, and had decorated it with symbols from their favourite books or movies. â€Ĺ›Now then,” he thought, â€Ĺ›Elves, or Vulcans?” Squinting, he took a step closer to the wall, stumbling as the floor seemed to give a little under him. Suddenly, his foot slipped and he felt himself falling down into the darkness. He barely had time to scream before he landed with a thud, winded and shaking.Jason shook his head to try and stabilise the spinning sensation, and painfully sucked air into his lungs a few times, before attempting to assess the situation. He was lying on what felt like soft, damp ground. It could have perhaps been leaves. He felt rather pleased that he wasn’t harmed in any way except for a few small bumps and bruises that time would heal. Looking up he could see sunlight coming from the hole through which he had fallen. He looked around for a way out, now clearly hearing the moral voices in his head, â€Ĺ›I told you that â€ĹšDanger’ meant stay away!” Shaking these thoughts off, Jason acknowledged a sense of fear, and the thought of not being able to escape passed his mind. He remembered the story of â€Ĺ›The Boy who fell down the Well” that his aunt had told him.â€Ĺ›But a well is slightly different from a hole in an abandoned building that says, â€Ĺšdo not enter’ on it, which is located half way down a lane that hardly anyone uses,” Jason muttered under his breath. Looking around frantically, his eyes caught a bluish glimmer from a gap just big enough for a medium sized youth to pass through. Marvelling at the weird quality of the light, it took Jason a moment or two to realise that the hole into which he had fallen had grown darker. Puzzled, he looked around and discovered the reason. The hole through which he had fallen was no longer there. It was almost as if the ground had grown back to conceal the hole.He jumped a few times, trying to touch the roof of the chamber, hoping that maybe his eyes were playing cruel tricks on him, but there was no such luck. He was barely able to reach the roof, but a sickening certainty in his stomach told him that the hole was indeed sealed, and that his jumping was not going to ease the situation in any way. Panic started to set in; terrible, claustrophobic thoughts of being trapped forever in this cold, damp, dark place. He tried to hold them back, but they flooded his mind, speeding his heartbeat and stealing his breath. Unbidden, tears began to course down his cheeks, and he began to feel light-headed. He had read of panic attacks, of course, but somehow, he had always thought they only happened to girls. Sinking back onto the floor of his prison not prison, not prison I am NOT TRAPPED!! He thought as he put his head between his knees and concentrated on taking one breath at a time, slowing them until his heartbeat seemed to be almost normal again. Exhausted, he sat for a moment, looking again at the eerie blue light that served as his only illumination. Jason knew he couldn’t sit there waiting for something (quite possibly unpleasant) to happen. Deciding that his only option was to follow the blue glimmer, Jason rose unsteadily to his feet and began to walk toward the gap, hoping it would lead outside. He reached for the wall and started to make his way through. His breathing got deeper as he tried to fill his lungs with extra air, and he felt slightly dizzy from the panic he was still fighting to control, as well as shock from having fallen down the hole in the first place. The gap led into a tunnel that wound left and right for what seemed like several metres, the blue glimmer gaining strength with every step Jason took. Finally, he turned the last corner, stumbling into a sizeable chamber; and was confronted by the oddest of objects.The chamber was lit with four blue-flamed torches, one in each corner, increasing the effects which appeared to make the chamber resemble a medieval tomb. Each of the walls bore some form of engraved writing. Of course, Jason had no idea of what these engravings meant. In the middle of the room a small stone pillar stood drawing all attention towards it. It appeared to be made out of smoothed grey stone; it was rectangular in shape, and had several engravings on each side. As Jason took a closer look, he noticed that the top was sloped creating a bowl-like shape in the centre. Several engraved lines emerged from the central bowl and cut through the stone down each side to the base of the pillar. It appeared to be a pedestal, perhaps for some strange ceremony or something. Jason walked around the pedestal, tracing his fingers along the grooves. As he touched it, a cold shiver descended his back, which caused him to shiver. He felt nervous, and afraid, but at the same time he was also excited. This was something that had never happened to him before, and he was sure that no one else had been in this room for a very long time. As Jason was walking around the chamber, something caught his eye. Behind the central pedestal lay another smoothed stone. In sharp contrast to the dull grey of the central stone, however, this was a large gem, of brilliant and fathomless blue. Jason was mesmerised by its appearance. Throughout his entire life, he had never seen anything as beautiful as this. That stone must be worth a fortune, he thought. Eagerly he picked it up. The cold touch of the surface caused him to shudder.Scenes flashed through his mind in rapid succession, a dizzying montage of blue oceans, green valleys, large snow peaked mountains, gleaming forests and a beautiful white city. He watched as four robed men placed what seemed to be the stone, he had picked up, on top of a rectangular stone object. The image blurred and was replaced by that of a young woman. She was dress in clothes that looked much like those that people in the United Kingdom would wear. She too was placing the stone on the pedestal. Then there was a flash of light. Startled, Jason dropped the stone and the flow of images stopped. The scenes he had witnessed were of immaculate beauty, but the last scenes made him curious. He struggled to make sense of what he had seen. Were those men, and that woman, placing the stone he had been holding on the central pedestal in this room? Jason couldn’t think straight, and was unsure of what he should do. This strange new puzzle had made him forget he was trapped.Scratching at his arm Jason noticed the time on his watch, six twenty three, his aunt would be home in seven minutes. She would be furious if she got home and he wasn’t there, never mind that he hadn’t cleaned his room or tidied the house. He ran back through the winding tunnel to the pit into which he had fallen as quickly as he could, although it seemed much more difficult to race away from the light than to travel towards it. A brief inspection revealed only the dark earth above him. Even as he started screaming for help, he knew it was useless. No one could hear him so far down, covered by earth, in a neglected building on a lane that people seldom walked.He thought about his aunt and his friends, and started to think that he would never get out of this hole. Even going back to his aunt wouldn’t be as bad as being stuck down here forever! A few brief and morose thoughts passed and he found himself remembering the image of the robed men and the stone. This time he couldn’t shake it off. It seemed so clear! Over and over he saw the men placing the stone on top of the rectangular alter, the images playing faster and faster like a kaleidoscope of urgency and meaning. There was a flash, and they stopped.Driven by his curiosity and the sense of need in the vision, Jason ran back to the lit chamber, and stared hard at the stone pedestal in the centre of the room.Carefully he looked at the markings around it; he remembered watching a documentary on ancient writing in school. Jason had been particularly interested in the Egyptian hieroglyphics that were shown, but what he saw on this stone was definitely not Egyptian, and he was almost positive that the Egyptians were never in Ireland. Again the image of the robed men came into his thoughts. Jason looked to the right and found the gem-like stone glistening in the position he had dropped it. He bent down picking it up, he took a deep and shaking breath in preparation, but this time no images flashed into his mind. No scenes of forests, valleys, towns or people. He looked back at the pedestal and saw that the groove on top was almost the exact same size as the mysterious stone. He moved to the pedestal and gently placed the stone on top. Nothing happened.Jason stood there, looking at the pedestal, half-disappointed at the lack of activity. Without warning a brilliant white flash emerged from the centre of the pedestal. Jason felt a strange sensationâ€ĹšThen there was nothing.Chapter Two: The Prophecy Awareness brought a strange sensation to Jason’s stomach, yet unsurprisingly having had a sudden fall, bump and now having been blinded by what he wanted to describe as torchlights being shone directly into each of his eyes at the same time, he couldn’t see anything. He blinked wearily, then fluttered his eyelids a few more times trying to bring reality to the fussy image that his eyes were trying to interpret. Rubbing his eyes, and blinking a bit more, seemed to help him in the visual reconstruction process which thankfully was slowly coming back to normal. Jason sat back against the cave wall and watched the fuzzy haze resolve itself into the stone pedestal. He stared at it. What was that light? Why did he feel so funny? He thought to himself â€Ĺ›Why do I always manage to get myself into situations where everything I do causes more questions than answers?”He looked around the chamber. Nothing looked different. The four blue flames still lit the room, flickering gently against the stone walls. He was still on his feet, even if his stomach thought otherwise, in more or less the same position as before. His mind struggled to make connections that weren’t there. As his senses came back to him he felt afraid, his claustrophobia returning. Somehow he knew that he must get out of the chamber. He ran back to the cave into which he had fallen. His panic caused him to be a bit careless as he ran through the tunnel, tripping on something that seemed much like a tree root, sprawling once again onto the soft ground. â€Ĺ›At least it’s not rock,” he thought with a rueful smile, pleased that he had not lost his ability to find things to be thankful for even in such unusual circumstances.Jason picked himself up and started to brush himself off, trying his best to remove the clumps of soil on his clothing. He paused as he became aware of a subtle change. The air felt different, somehow, and he could smell the strong, pleasant smell from earlier. It was a clean smell, and it seemed to be carried on a cool breeze. Feeling a little calmer than before Jason started to walk the rest of the way back into the cave, his puzzlement growing as he became more and more convinced that things were not as they had been. For one thing, it was colder, and the air seemed fresh and clean. A strange hope began to grow inside as he thought that the gap through which he had fallen might be clear once more. He turned the last corner, and his eyes dilated from shock.What lay in front of him was not the cave that he had fallen into, but instead an open area dotted with trees. The tunnel led outside. For a moment Jason wondered if he had taken the wrong tunnel by mistake, but that was impossible - there only was one to start with. He walked slowly out into the open air, thinking he could look for the path that would lead back to his street. But something was different. Even the trees looked different.More confused than he had ever been before, Jason looked around. He was starting to realise that he was no long anywhere near the Cavehill, in fact he was starting to have suspicions whether or not he was still in Belfast or anywhere in the United Kingdom for that matter. Looking back at the cave he had just left he noticed pillars on either side of the entrance bearing similar writing to that which he had seen earlier in the chamber. The Irony was not lost on him that he may now actually be in a fantasy world the like of which he had often dreamt of, and what he most wanted to do was get home. He shook his head with a wry smile at his predicament.The sound of a branch breaking could be heard coming from the bushes to his right. Without hesitation, Jason quickly spun around to face the direction of the noise, not knowing what to expect. He waited, hardly breathing. The trampling of the forest ground grew louder. Jason heard grunting, and heavy breathing. He was starting to feel the sense of fear travel through his body, sending shivers to the surface of his skin. Moments later a large yellowy-green bush just a few steps away began to rustle and what looked a lot like a wolf’s head emerged. Large fangs dripping with saliva, which was slowly cascading downwards, creating gooey, wet splashes on the ground.The beast walked slowly out of the bushes, standing about an arms reach away from Jason, allowing him to see its full monstrous size. If it was a wolf, it was the largest he had ever seen, with powerful shoulders almost three times the width of the creature’s head. Its front legs were as long as Jason’s. The lean, muscled flesh of its torso revealed ribs the width of rulers with each breath. A bristling stripe of coarse hair ran along the length of its spine, ending in a thick tail, which was, at that moment, held straight out for balance. The beast narrowed towards its rear, and the power in its thick hind legs was unmistakable. Paws wider than Jason’s face pushed against the ground with thick, black claws on display, curved and deadly. The beasts’ tan and dark hair dappled in the light, and every inch of the beast’s body exuded pure fury.Jason was petrified, frozen in place. He had never seen a creature like this. In fact he wasn’t even sure his imagination would have been capable of creating something like this. The creature moved closer, tilted its head down, and snarled. Jason gulped as he saw the fangs. He managed to tear his gaze from the beast’s hungry jaw and look at the beast’s eyes, he wished he hadn’t. They were eyes filled with hunger, and sheer dominance. Jason was shaken to the core with fright, this beast was hunting him, it was sizing him up and he knew that he was to be its next feast. He thought about running, but his feet were glued to the ground. This was no ordinary beast and he could never outrun it.The creature snarled at him, and as it licked its lips Jason knew only too well what the creature had in mind. He became aware of a murmured voice, and realised it was his own as he mumbled a desperate prayer begging for help. Praying for something, anything, to save him from what was surely the inevitable. Body shaking, he closed his eyes, and listened to the low growls of the slavering creature as it prepared to jump. The skin of his throat tingled as he imagined the deadly grip of those terrible jaws, and silently, wretchedly, he prayed it would be over soon.There was a short, sharp sound, and Jason felt something fly passed him from behind. There was a yelp, and then silence. Jason opened one eye and then the other.In front of him lay the creature, two arrows imbedded in its neck. Jason heard voices behind him, he slowly turned, and saw three cloaked men walking towards him.â€Ĺ›Boy, what are you doing in the Elderine Forests alone? You must know that this is a very dangerous place.”Jason didn’t answer, but looked at the men, who were oddly dressed, in forest greens and browns. Each had a bow and a quiver on their backs; one was carrying a sword at his left side.â€Ĺ›Perhaps he is still frightened after that. Seeing that beast eye to eye is enough to scare even some of the most seasoned hunters.” he heard another say.â€Ĺ›Why was he here in the first place? Not many people know of this area, or are brave enough to tread here. Perhaps we should take him back to Elindril. He should know what to do.”The three men looked at Jason, the man with the sword stepped forward.â€Ĺ›I am San and these are my two fellow watchers Seth and Rubin. Come with us. These woods are unsafe, especially for unprepared travellers.”Jason watched as the three men walked off. He didn’t feel much like staying around on his own after what had happened, and decided for his own best interests, and also to feed his curiosity, he would follow the trio of archers.At first, Jason hadn’t noticed the strange shape of his rescuers ears nor did he take much note at their names, which were rather unusual to him - definitely not normal names that he was used to. Perhaps he had been too overcome by his brush with death to have paid more attention, but now in somewhat safer surroundings, Jason most certainly did notice, and what’s more, had time to think it through.Jason walked with the three men for some time, passing through the dense forest listening to the many strange noises, wondering what other strange creatures lived there. Jason often heard the others talking in some foreign tongue. Jason had no idea what they were saying. Feeling a bit bold he spoke up and asked,â€Ĺ›Where are we going?”Without stopping or turning around the man with the sword spoke up and said, â€Ĺ›We are travelling to Glen Tirel, home to the elves in these lands, Lord Elindril should be able to shed some light on what has happened”.â€Ĺ›Elves?” Jason thought, feeling vaguely light-headed at having his impossible suspicion confirmed. â€Ĺ›Okay,” his mental voice continued, â€Ĺ›Let’s stop for a minute and review the important information. I know I’m not anywhere near home. I know I’m not even in Ireland. I’m pretty sure I could say I know I’m not anywhere I know of. And in this scenario the best thing for anyone to do, is to follow anyone who seems friendly.”Hours passed. The evening sun left the sky, and Night took its place. The stars barely lit the forest.â€Ĺ›Keep close, young one.” San said.Jason kept as close as he could. His sight didn’t seem to match that of his guides, and seeing any detail in front of him was a strenuous effort. They walked a little further passed much denser trees, until soon the trees started to become less dense, eventually they approached a clearing. San spoke again.â€Ĺ›We are here. The City of Glen Tirel”Jason looked in awe at what lay before him. Today he had seen so many beautiful things that he thought could not be surpassed, but what lay before him easily outmatched any of the things he had witnessed. The three elves continued on as they walked toward the city among the trees. As Jason followed the three elves through the streets he noticed each building was elegantly crafted from pure white wood, with exquisite markings on each. He could hear beautiful music in the distance and ethereal voices singing. He felt he was in heaven. Looking ahead, Jason noticed that they were heading towards central tree, much larger than he had seen before. It rose high into the heavens, and had spiralling white stairs leading up to various different levels.As the group approached the stairs, Jason noticed a figure in a long robe walking toward them. Whoever it was came close enough to allow the discernment of features. Jason noticed he too was an elf with long white hair. His garments were a soft and pristine white with a pattern woven down the seams.â€Ĺ›Greetings San, I see you have brought a human along with you. Dressed in rather peculiar attire, isn’t he?”â€Ĺ›Yes, my Lord. We found him at the Elderine Shrine. We saved him from a worg.” Jason stood, somewhat self-consciously, and watched as the two elves discussed his situation. Finally they turned and addressed him.â€Ĺ›What do they call you boy?” the older elf asked.Jason replied with just his name.â€Ĺ›That’s interesting. Very interesting indeed,” he turned once again to the other elves. â€Ĺ›Fetch him some clean clothes and bring him to my chamber. I am sure he has many questions to ask.”Jason was escorted to a building close to the large tree. Inside, a young elf silently handed him clean clothes, which on closer inspection seemed much like Victorian clothing. The pile had rather baggy brown trousers, a white shirt, and an emerald green cloak. He was left with the clothes and directed to a room with a large bath. The door was closed behind him. Jason shrugged, and removed his clothes, which were definitely a little worse for wear following his experiences in the hut. He bathed thoroughly, pleased to find the water heated to the temperature he liked. He wasn’t worried about being in a strange place and expected to wash. In fact he was grateful, it had been a long day and he felt and looked unclean. When he felt he had soaked long enough, or rather when he remembered where he was and that he was most likely being waited for, he jumped out of the bath and changed into the elven clothing. He actually liked the clothes, they were soft and comfortable, the opposite of what he had expected. He rumbled his damp hair, choosing a style he was used to, a random arrangement, and then headed out of the room.A different elf waited outside the building, this time, a female.â€Ĺ›Jason, follow me. I will take you to Lord Elindril.”With that, she started walking towards the white stairs. Jason tried to follow close behind her. She walked slowly and gracefully, her white gown shimmering as she moved. Jason took a final look around the elvish town as he reached the bottom of the stairs. The elven lady stopped at the stairs and directed him onward. Jason smiled at her, and continued to walk toward the Lord Elindril’s chamber. Outside, the night grew peaceful. Elsewhere things were far from peaceful.â€Ĺ›Emily! What did I tell you about casting spells in the house!” an angry sounding mother shouted.â€ĹšSorry mum I’ll do them outside from now on!”Emily Talathin had just started studying the arts of magic. Her grandfather, who happened to be a fairly well known wizard, was teaching her. Emily lived with her family in a remote part of the Halin’nor Plains in Hasparia, which was mostly populated by humans, the odd travelling elf family and an assortment of goblins, wild beasts and fantastical creatures. The Talathin Family had found that they couldn’t live in one of the towns, as Emily’s grandfather was always concocting various potions into the early hours of the morning, which never went down too well with anyone who had the dubious pleasure of living near them. Emily’s Grandfather’s spells could be noisy and colourful when they succeeded, and his language even more so, when they failed.The family had been â€Ĺ›required” to move house on more than one occasion as a result. Emily could remember three other homes before their current one, but she knew that they would be allowed to stay in this one as long as they wished. The grandly sized house built in and among the roots of a large Accuro Terradea tree was a gift from the King of Hasparia himself.Emily was a happy young girl around the age of fifteen. She had long flowing golden hair and eyes the colour of emeralds. She had always had a heart for adventure, and was greatly excited when her grandfather had told her that he had to go to Glen Tirel on important wizard business. Of course, Emily did everything in her power to sway her grandfather and parents’ opinion into allowing her to accompany him on his journey. After much turmoil, and a few rants and raves, Emily got her way. They were set to leave that night.It was to be a long journey, but Emily was positive that she was going to make the most of it. She had never left the region before, never mind gone on a journey to an elf-populated forest. This was to be a journey that she would never forget.The day passed slowly as Emily waited around, jumping about in frustration. Finally her grandfather left the house with his travelling cloak draped around his neck.Master Aber Talathin was a medium-sized man, his face almost hidden behind thick, white hair, and a beard that was almost as long as he was tall. He carried one rather peculiar old looking wooden staff that was unremarkable in itself, but every so often a small twig could be seen growing from it, and sometimes these twigs bore tiny leaves.Emily had always been fascinated with her grandfather’s staff, and he had always been amused by her interest, often passing a quiet chuckle when she noticed fresh, new leaves.Aber almost always wore his dark grey cloak, which was woven from nymph hair and enchanted by the druids of Feril. A nymph cloak was rare enough, and the extra enchantments placed on it affected its power and value greatly. Aber would seldom let it out of his sight. No one knew where he got it, as he had always seemed to have it. No one asked.He patted himself down, found his clay pipe and popped it into his mouth, chuckling at Emily’s expression.â€Ĺ›Well Emily, I guess the time has come to make our way. Say your â€Ĺ›farewells” and let’s be off, and don’t forget your staff.”Emily ran into the house and moments later, out she came with her cloak and newly made walking aid, as many wizards tended to call them. Hers was long and almost the same height as she was. It too was made from sturdy wood, and at the top four points had been carved, almost like twisted fingers, which wrapped around a red stone.â€Ĺ›Well child. It is time. Now let me tell you this, it will be no easy journey,” he paused and considered a moment, then looked at her with his usual mirth. â€Ĺ›Or perhaps it will! It all depends on how much poplin I have with me.”Master Talathin chuckled again he pulled himself up off a tree stump where he had been sitting, using his staff for support.Poplin was the weed that Emily’s grandfather used in his pipe. He had always had it. Emily tried to recall a time when her grandfather had been without his favourite smoking weed, but she failed. In fact, she believed her grandfather stored a never-ending quantity of the plant in his secret quarters which was nestled next to the Talathin tree home.She really cared for her grandfather. He was such a noble man, and an amiable character. He was almost an idol to her, it was her desire to be like him one day, maybe not as powerful; but as kind, and both respected and respectful.â€Ĺ›Now, now! Less thinking and much more walking,” Emily’s grandfather commanded.Emily was always amazed at how her grandfather knew exactly what she was doing. She expressed a grin at the thought of him being always able to outthink and outsmart her. One day though she hoped to have gained enough experience to be on par with her grandfather, the Great Master Talathin. She glanced back once towards their home, but it was getting late, and she knew they had to get underway. The time for goodbyes was over. Jason stood in the beautifully decorated room, gazing out through the windows that filled each wall. From this height, he could see the whole city. It looked so peaceful. It seemed unreal, almost like a dream. At that thought he secretly pinched himself, letting the sharp pain he felt under his arm convince him that everything in front of him was real.â€Ĺ›Jason, please come and take a seat; I am sure that you have many questions, and I am willing to answer, but I must also ask some of you, in return.”Jason heard Lord Elindril behind him. Turning to look at him, Jason was reassured by his warm, if regal, smile, and took a seat. Not knowing what to say, he simply stared at the older elf, who in return, smiled, sitting down gracefully in the chair opposite him.â€Ĺ›You have no need to be anxious, Jason. Nothing shall harm you here. You must have many questions, you are in a strange place having travelled very far I can imagine. Perhaps your questions will help calm you, so ask when you feel you are ready”.Hesitantly at first, but with growing confidence, Jason began to ask questions about the land in which he found himself. Elindril seemed happy to talk about his home, and answered openly. Jason thought to himself that no adult had ever treated him like this at home. Elindril spoke to him as though he was worthy of attention, as though he mattered, which encouraged Jason to respect Lord Elindril more and made him feel more at ease. When he asked how he happened to be in Hasparia, as he found this place to be called, Lord Elindril sighed, and leaned forward, pressing his long, elegant hands together.â€Ĺ›Jason that is the question I hoped you could answer for me. Please, could you help me, by explaining what happened before you found yourself here in the Elderine Forest or in Hasparia for that matter?”Jason took a deep breath, and began to tell him about the hut, and the hole. Elindril listened intently, and when Jason described the pedestal and the stone, and the images he had seen, the Elven lord drew back in his chair, an expression of horror passing over his aged face.Alarmed, Jason broke off his story, and resisted the urge to reach out and reassure the troubled elf.â€Ĺ›Is everything okay?” Jason asked â€Ĺ›Do you understand how I got here, how I can get home?”Elindril briefly let his eyes meet Jason’s gaze, before frowning at the floor. He moistened his lips and spoke in tones much softer that he had before.â€Ĺ›Itâ€Ĺš has been a long time since we have heard any tales of the Elderine Stone. We have long thought that it had been lost to time. I do not want to trouble you with its issues and history now. Though, you should know that as far as I can tell, there is no way to send you home to your world.”He paused, giving Jason time to accept the reality of this news.â€Ĺ›I am sorry Jason, and I do not wish to cause you any alarm but I must take my leave. I must discuss what you have told me with the fellow elders here in the city. When you are ready, Melina will take you to a room you can use, and see that you are given more clothes.” His face softened. â€Ĺ›Take your time, Jason. Take as long as you need. I trust that in time you will accept this kingdom as your home. Come to me in the morning, and we will talk again. Jason, please do not worry. This is only the beginning, you have much to learn about this world and the world has much to learn about you, you will need your rest.”With a small bow, Elindril left the room.The female elf that Jason had met earlier slipped into the room, and waited at the doorway. Still in a daze, Jason allowed her to escort him to his room. Alone, he sat on his new bed, which had a pleasing softness, and tried to think things through.He wasn’t too sure about what would happen in the future, but he did know that he would probably be stuck here forever. He considered the beauty of the city, and the kindness of the elves, and decided that whatever was to come, he would make the most of it. â€Ĺ›After all,” he thought with a small smile, â€Ĺ›this kind of thing doesn’t happen to everyone.”Morning seemed to come too soon for Jason, who had been more exhausted than he realised. He was awakened by a knock at his door. Though at first he did not realise what it was that had disturbed his sleep. He sat up in bed hearing another knock. He tried desperately to work out where he was, and why Aunt Florence had come to his door instead of just shouting as usual. As the events of the preceding day flooded back into his mind, he jumped up, grabbed the robe that someone had thoughtfully hung on the door, pulled it on, and opened the door. San was waiting outside with a smile on his face.â€Ĺ›Good Morning, Jason! I am glad to see you slept well. Food has been prepared for you in the Lord’s chamber. You should dress, and proceed there as soon as you can.”Jason thanked him, went back into his room, had a quick wash and put on some of the clothes that had been left for him. Once dressed, he left his room and with San as his guide, walking hurriedly towards Lord Elindril’s Chamber. Having travelled all night with her grandfather, Emily was now thinking that this journey was not all she had expected it to be. In fact, it was rather uneventful. The greatest moment of excitement was when her grandfather’s told old tales about his youth. Emily was footsore and weary when her grandfather finally stopped and nodded.â€Ĺ›Ah! At last we have arrived.” He turned cheerfully to his granddaughter. â€Ĺ›Wasn’t that a splendid walk?”He struggled to suppress a grin at Emily’s baleful expression.â€Ĺ›Well, I guess we’d better head to Lord Elindril’s Chamber. He has been expecting us.”The two wizards, one jauntily swinging his staff, the other using hers as a much needed support, passed up through the town to the central tree. Emily had heard many tales about this elvish town, but her tiredness prevented her from fully appreciating its beauty. She did remember that a great and very wise elf lived here. She assumed that this person must be Lord Elindril. Despite the haste with which he had begun, Jason had slowed on his way to Lord Elindril’s chambers. He took his time so he could watch some of the elves of this town go about their daily business. It was so different from any town he had ever visited back home, and he was interested in everything that went on about him. Finally, he made his way to the top of the white stairs and walked into Elindril’s chamber. Finding that he was alone, he walked to a seat and sat down. The scent of the freshly cooked breakfast reminded him that whatever else had changed, he was still a growing boy who could happily eat a horse, or whatever horse equivalent they had here. As if in answer to his hunger’s unspoken cry, a smiling Melina brought in a tray of breads and fruits, and a large cup of steaming, dark liquid.â€Ĺ›Here is your Breakfast.” she told him simply, and withdrew.The food was filling and tasty. Some of the fruit tasted familiar, but others had a strange yet pleasant tang; while some of the smaller berries were spicy enough to bring tears to his eyes. He found that they went especially well with the drink they had provided, which was chocolaty and rich, but as refreshing as tea, or coffee. With a happy sigh, Jason finished everything he had been given, and sat back to wait for Lord Elindril. His mind kept returning to a single question: why was he here?A short time passed, in which Jason watched, life at the Elven life go by. The silence was broken by a girl’s voice. Jason turned as the source of the voice walked in, accompanied by an old, but sprightly looking, bearded man. Jason did the quick calculation in his head of â€Ĺ›pointed hat plus beard plus staff” and sat up straighter. He was evidently in the presence of a wizard. Lord Elindril stepped in from another room.â€Ĺ›Master Talathin! I am pleased that you could come, and I see your granddaughter has joined you on your journey.”Removing his pointed hat, the robed, elderly man spoke,â€Ĺ›Indeed. I hear you have news that you wish to discuss with me. I assume it concerns the boy?”The wizard looked at Jason with one arched eyebrow raised higher than the other, as if he was probing his very mind. Emily stood behind her grandfather, also looking directly over at Jason. However she wore a different expression upon her face. This expression could only be described as complete interest.â€Ĺ›So what is this news?” the old man asked, â€Ĺ›What news is so urgent that it merited my coming?”Jason saw that the expression on Lord Elindril's face was much like the one he had witnessed yesterday. Elindril looked at Talathin and in a low voice, said,â€Ĺ›I believe the time has come. She will try and break the seal.”The room was still. No one said a word. Jason and Emily stood wondering what this seal was, and how it being broken would cause alarm between two such noble and heroic characters. The wizard was the first to speak.â€Ĺ›Hmm, yes, I can see how this could be of some concern. Am I correct in saying that this boy has some connection with the Stone?”Elindril nodded, and continued,â€Ĺ›I believe that Jason could be the answer to what we seek. With the arrival of the Dark Lady some years ago, we saw an era of darkness spread over the lands. It had been prophesied that a second shall follow in her wake. The same birth for them both in this world but different paths they will follow”The wizard began to chew on his lip, and looked down at Jason.â€Ĺ›Perhaps it would be in the best interests of the young ones if we discussed these matters somewhere a little more secluded, Elindril.”The elf nodded, and called Melina into the room.â€Ĺ›Melina, take Emily and Jason to their quarters, there are some things I wish to discuss with Master Talathin alone. Jason, I apologise for inviting you to breakfast and failing to join you. But please feel free to look around our wonderful city. After all, you may be here for a while. Glen Tirel could be your new home.”Aber Talathin expressed a look of distaste at Elindril’s invitation, but hid the reaction by continuing to chew on his lip.With a small bow toward Elindril, Melina beckoned Emily and Jason to follow her. Elindril and Aber walked through a side door, already deep in their muted and private discussion. As he followed Melina and Emily Jason just picked out the words â€Ĺ›end the evil in the north” drifting in the Elven lord’s resonant tones. A cold hand gripped his heart as he joined the others outside.â€Ĺ›What do you suppose they are talking about?” Emily asked, as soon as Melina left them to their rooms. So great was her curiosity, she forgot to introduce herself, choosing instead to voice the thought that had itched in her head since they had left the two men.â€Ĺ›I’m not sure,” Jason replied, â€Ĺ›I’m really not too sure about anything at the moment.”Emily looked at him with her head tilted to the side, reminding Jason of a rather confused chipmunk. She sat down on the bed, and remembered her manners.â€Ĺ›Oh, I’m Emily Emerald Talathin.” She gave a little smile. â€Ĺ›It’s a pleasure to meet you.”â€Ĺ›Hi, I’m Jason. Jason Greaves. Um, well it is nice to meet you too.”He sat down on the bed opposite Emily’s.â€Ĺ›That’s a rather odd name, â€Ĺ›Jason”. Where are you from? Are you a traveller from the east?”â€Ĺ›No,” Jason said vaguely, â€Ĺ›I’m from Ireland.”Jason looked at his watch, and realised it had stopped.â€Ĺ›Hmm well I’d have to say I’ve never heard of that place. Must be Akerian...”Emily was only half paying attention to what she was saying, spending every second going over the small part of the conversation between Elindril and her Grandfather that she had heard. She had a funny feeling about Jason, and was in fact pretty sure she knew who he was, or more precisely what he was.Jason looked around, trying to see if he could recognise anything from the world he knew as home.â€Ĺ›What are you doing? You look silly,” Emily remarked.â€Ĺ›Oh, I’m just looking for things. Actually, anything that I can recognise as something I know. Something similar to anything from my world.”â€Ĺ›Oh I see. Well, perhaps we should take up Lord Elindril’s invitation and have a look around the city. I have heard that elvish cities are spectacular, and I only got a brief look around when we got here. My Grandfather has no time for anything except for business.”â€Ĺ›That would be great. It might help lift my mind a little, and if I’m here to stay, I better get used to things.”â€Ĺ›That’s the spirit!” Emily said, springing to her feet, â€Ĺ›I’ll have you shaped into a typical Hasparian before you can say, â€Ĺ›Miriwena Smudgels ate Friggles pie!””â€Ĺ›What?” Jason asked, looking and feeling very confused.â€Ĺ›Oh, never mind!” Emily said with a giggle. â€Ĺ›Let’s go explore, before they send us to our beds.”Emily ran out the door, quite obviously full to the brim of excitement.Jason had a feeling that Emily could be quite a handful, but he was happy to find someone so cheerful, and if he was here forever, then he was glad he had met someone who could be potentially very entertaining. Without another thought, he hurried out the door after her.Jason soon caught up with Emily, who was standing outside looking from left to right, as though weighing up the potential for fun in each direction.â€Ĺ›So which way shall we go first?” she asked, breathlessly, but continued while Jason was still opening his mouth to form an answer. â€Ĺ›I think the city is a circle, so it doesn’t really matter which way we go, though I have to say I think we should go right, it’s much brighter that way, don’t you think?”â€Ĺ›Sounds good to me,” Jason replied. He didn’t notice much difference in brightness from either the left side or the right, but remembered what Tommy the Milkman had always told him: â€Ĺ›Never argue with a woman, son, they can’t half throw a good pint of milk.” He decided to go with Emily’s suggestion, fearing the milk bottles they might have in this world, or what the counterpart could be.The trees surrounding the city blocked out much of the sunlight, but there were many lanterns hung from hooks either in posts along the pathways or hanging from ropes descending from the treetops. There was a pleasant green-blue light about the area, giving a sense of calm and tranquillity. Some of the buildings were up amongst the trees. Jason looked up and watched as a group of elves gracefully walked along the tree top platforms from one upper area to the next.â€Ĺ›This place is so strange.” he said at last, â€Ĺ›I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to it.”â€Ĺ›I can’t really imagine what your world must be like, Jason, though I’m sure you’ll get used to things here, eventually. Besides I’m here, although I don’t know how long for, but if I can, I’ll help you as best as I can to settle in.”â€Ĺ›Thanks Emily. I think I might need all the help I can get. In fact, I definitely need it now - I don’t even know if I’m coming or going!”â€Ĺ›Coming or going where?”â€Ĺ›Oh, it just means that I’m not sure what I’m doing, which is very true.”â€Ĺ›Well, we’ll soon sort that out,” Emily said purposefully.She stopped outside what looked like a shop.â€Ĺ›Ah, well, here we are. My mother told me to try and get a visit to this shop if I could. I honestly didn’t think I’d get a chance. Are you coming in?”Emily entered the shop before Jason could get a chance to answer her.The shop was bathed in the same light as that outside, but when they entered, there was a much greater and more intense feeling of peace. There wasn’t much in the shop, just a few tables covered in silky blue fabric, with boxes placed on them. In each box sat a few different coloured stones, each one carefully labelled. Jason looked at a few and read their titles: memory stone, summoning stone, reading stone. Emily seemed deeply intrigued by each of them, carefully picking each one up, turning it around, placing it down, and moving on to the next. Jason hated shopping and had heard how bad it was to shop with girls. Now it seemed, however, that it was his turn to experience the tedium for himself. Unfortunately in his case, there didn’t seem to be any waiting seats, in this small shop to cater for those who were less interested in the merchandise or the shopping experience.It felt like hours passed while Emily continued her ritual of examining the strange stones. Jason was finding it very taxing indeed to work out what interest she could possibly have with them. He didn’t bother to ask her though, as he knew this would only hold things up, which was probably the one thing that he would least like to happen at this very moment. Instead he looked around the shop himself and every so often poked a few things, he was slowly losing the will to stay awake, that was, until he found a strange black disc on the wall. The disc kept changing every few moments, depicting different scenes. According to the plaque posted below it was entitled:Scenes from HasparThe Seeing EyeAbsorbed in the pictorial history, Jason almost jumped when he heard Emily come up behind him.â€Ĺ›Well? Are you ready? It’s getting pretty late, and we should probably head back to our rooms. Don’t want to upset the old folk now, do we?”It was very typical Jason thought that as soon as he had found something that he might enjoy spending a reasonable amount of shopping time studying they had to leave. Rather than argue to stay longer, he agreed to leave. â€Ĺ›Yeah, I am feeling a bit tired,” truthfully he had put little effort into trying to hide his relief that they were finally leaving the shop - and empty handed at that. All that time and she didn’t even buy a thing. â€Ĺ›Women!” he thought, with feeling. Tommy the Milkman would’ve been proud.It didn’t seem to take as long walking back to their quarters. Jason was finding it hard to believe that he managed to spend the majority of the day walking around this town and only going to a few shops. By the time they arrived, Jason was truly feeling tired and couldn’t wait to reach his bed.As they entered the room Jason was gratified to see that someone had brought all his new belongings from the room he had stayed in the night before to this double one that he could share with Emily. Sleepily they both went to wash and change.â€Ĺ›I think we’d better get some sleep. It’s getting late, and the grimbats are out.” Emily said, as she proceeded to get into the bed.â€Ĺ›Uh, grimbats?” Jason asked. But it was too late for any response. Emily had already managed to fall into a deep sleep. Jason pulled back the cover of the bed he was sitting on and got in. Surrendering to sleep and dreams sooner than he would’ve thought possible. They both lay there sleeping, as the night hours passed.â€Ĺ›You know who he isâ€Ĺš You know who I am. He will come to meâ€Ĺšâ€ťThe soft, ghostly woman’s voice carried on the air startled Emily into wakefulness. As quietly as she could, she eased herself into a sitting position and looked around to see if there was any movement. The room was silent, and still. Emily let out a relieved sigh – it wouldn’t be the first time she had had vividly realistic dreams. She looked over at Jason and saw that he was still sound asleep, and started to wriggle back down under the covers.â€Ĺ›He shall comeâ€Ĺš it has been foreseenâ€Ĺšâ€ťEmily definitely heard it that. Her eyes wide, she carefully lifted the cover of her bed, just in case there was something, some creature, about. She stretched out her arm, and poked Jason a few times in his shoulder. He didn’t move.â€Ĺ›Jason, wake upâ€Ĺš Did you hear that?” Emily whispered.Jason started to shift in his bed. She increased the pressure of the pokes and soon he was somewhat awake. She whispered again,â€Ĺ›Jason, did you hear that voice?”â€Ĺ›What voice?” Jason grumbled his weary reply, rubbing at his arm crossly, â€Ĺ›What time is it anyway?”Then on a breeze of soft wind, the voice spoke again.â€Ĺ›He shall come, for it is meant to be. He shall come to me.”With that, Jason jumped out of his bed in fright.â€Ĺ›W-w-what was that? Who was that?”â€Ĺ›I don’t know,” Emily replied, â€Ĺšbut I think she, or whatever it was, was referring to you.”Jason looked at Emily with a confusion etched upon his face.â€Ĺ›None of this is real,” he said, as much to himself as to Emily. â€Ĺ›It can’t be happening to me. I wish I had never placed that stupid stone on that stupid pedestal.”Emily’s mouth dropped.â€Ĺ›What? It must be...yesâ€Ĺšâ€ť She looked up at Jason, a mixture of triumph and worry in her voice. â€Ĺ›I know what my grandpa was talking about now. You! The Elderine Stone! You entered the portal, didn’t you?”â€Ĺ›Well I guess I didâ€Ĺš I think,” Jason replied, â€Ĺ›but what does that mean? And what is this Elderine stone?”Emily looked at him, then down at the earth floor. Slowly, she lifted her head and looked straight into Jason’s eyes. He could see sadness and fear in her eyes. She began to tell Jason the story of the Elderine Stone.â€Ĺ›Long ago, a dark creature lived on these lands. It was a creature with a blackened heart which would never know joy. It destroyed everything. There was no happiness, no hope, no respite from its cruelty, until a group came forth known only as the Order of the Elderine. They travelled to the lands in the north where the lord of Darkness had defeated Lady Averin. He had stolen her lands, her temple and her magical powers. A small group, all that remained of the Elderine Order, marched north back towards their old home to fight the demon. They destroyed thousands of his minions as they went. Only three made it to his chamber, one of the Averinite guards, a priestess and a stone master. With their last effort they captured him and held him within a prison. A prison of made of crystal - The Elderine Stone. The land knew peace for many years, and the Order of the Elderine passed into time and legend. The stone was placed on an altar hidden to all men. Then one day a woman arrived. The king’s hunting party reported her stating they had seen a strange woman near the northern side of the Elderine Forest at the river, but she just seemed to vanish, and was never found. Within a few months strange beasts started to appear across the lands, beginning in the north. That was a number of years ago. Since that time, things have become worse. And now, with your arrival, the prophecies are coming true.”A tear dropped from Emily’s eye as she lowered her head. Jason was going to ask her what these prophecies were, but in his heart he knew. He knew from what he had seen and heard today that Lord Elindril and others believed that he was the one from the prophecies, the one who would fight the evil in the north. Jason moved over to Emily and put his arm around her. She raised her head and said in a quiet voice,â€Ĺ›You knowâ€Ĺš There will be a lot of people who will try and stop you. My Grandfather is one. He thinks that only a powerful warrior of our lands who is a descendant of the Order of the Elderine can destroy the evil. He won’t let you go.”â€Ĺ›What do you mean, â€Ĺšhe won’t let me go’?” Jason replied.â€Ĺ›You have to get away from here before it’s too late!”She pushed back from him, and stared earnestly into his eyes.â€Ĺ›You can stop her, I know you can. Andâ€Ĺš I-I-I’ll come with you, if that’s ok with you?”Jason looked at her blankly. He was thinking very hard. This had all been too much for him.â€Ĺ›Ok, Emily. You’re probably right. If there are people who will try and stop me I think it’s best that we get out of here, and you’d better believe that you are coming with me, â€Ĺšcause I have no idea what’s out there.”Emily smiled warmly and jumped to her feet. She grabbed her staff and cloak and began to stuff some clothing into her knapsack, motioning that Jason should do the same.â€Ĺ›We should go now, before my grandfather comes for you.”Within a few moments they were ready. Setting her face with a determined expression, Emily swept out the door.Taking a deep breath, Jason followed her into the woods.Chapter Three: Into the Woods Jason and Emily crept silently out of their room, carefully treading across the floor so they wouldn’t risk disturbing anyone. Luckily for them there didn’t seem to be anyone about. As agile as they could, they crept between the buildings and the trees keeping a close eye out for anyone that might be keeping a close eye on them. Thankfully they had explored the area earlier when it was bright, which offered then a great advantage in navigating their way back to the denser forest, they made a quick dash from behind one of the elven buildings and slipped into the shadow of the Elderine Forest.The forest was dark, and seemed strangely alive as Jason looked up at the towering green giants that branched out and concealed the night sky. Jason shuddered as they passed the first grouping of trees it was as though they formed a barrier between the calm elven settlement and the foreboding presence of the Elderine Forest. They moved almost noiselessly along the path. Fallen pine needles and other woodland debris creating a soft carpet that absorbed every footstep. The very atmosphere seemed designed to muffle their passing, and Jason couldn’t shake the feeling that he was walking in the presence of a great power, something that was aware and intelligent in a way he couldn’t understand. Between the trees, the dark was absolute. Every now and then, the moon stole through small gaps in the dense forest canopy, sending shards of light onto the trail ahead. Jason peered further into the forest, barely able to discern the endless maze of trees, bushes and other wildly overgrown plant life. His grand dreams of escape dimmed in this dark place. The simple lack of light made it seem impossible that they might find a way out. He stopped. Emily walked on a little further, then sighed and shrugged, turning to face him.â€Ĺ›We’re not going to make our way out of this place like this,” she remarked, in a tone that suggested she was thoroughly put out by nature’s failure to lend a helping hand. â€Ĺ›Maybe we should stop somewhere, and sleep until morning. I suppose we’ve given ourselves a little bit of a head start, at least.”â€Ĺ›Good idea,” Jason said, and pointed over to a rock lying in a slightly open area, which the moon had just managed to break through and light up. To his mind, it made the perfect resting place, at least compared to anywhere else in the near surroundings.â€Ĺ›What about here?”â€Ĺ›Yes that looks like an ideal place. We might even be able to make a fire there. We’ll get cold quickly now that we’ve stopped walking.”Emily gathered up some sticks, and set them down in a roughly circular pile near the rock. She whispered something. There was a spark, and soon the sticks were alight, sparking and crackling as the fire took hold.â€Ĺ›You are useful, aren’t you,” said Jason.â€Ĺ›What do you mean?”â€Ĺ›I mean the way you can do magic and all. It must help a lot.”Emily sat down against the rock and set her staff down beside her. She looked up at Jason, and motioned for him to join her by the fire, which was now settled, and emitting a warm yellow and orange glow.â€Ĺ›Yeah, it can be useful sometimes, but it tends to take a lot out of me. Well, the more powerful spells, anyway.”â€Ĺ›What do you mean by â€Ĺšthe more powerful spells’?” Jason asked. â€Ĺ›What sort of spells?”â€Ĺ›Well, there are some, uh, â€Ĺšbig’ spells, well big to me anyway, but they probably wouldn’t seem so big to any of the more experienced mages. Things like summoning a spirit or an animal of some sort. Those sorts of spells can be a lot of work, and tiring at that.”â€Ĺ›How is it that you can do magic, anyway? Where I come from we have magicians, but they don’t do real magic. It’s more like trickery.”Emily smiled, revealing a slight dimple in each cheek.â€Ĺ›Well, not everyone can do magic. You have to be born with it in your blood. And even at that not everyone who has it knows they can do magic.”â€Ĺ›I see,” Jason replied.â€Ĺ›Take my family, for example. We’ve been known mages for hundreds of years now, in fact, we’re tested for it at birth. That’s only because we have been, and thankfully still are, taught by our parents and grandparents.”The fire crackled, sending sparks into the air. Jason and Emily looked around with a shared jump. The night seemed quiet, perhaps a little too quiet, though it seemed a little brighter than before. They looked up through the gap in the branches overhead to see the moon in its full glory, released for a time from the grasping fingers of cloud that sought to cover its brilliance. Several stars shone brightly around it, in a pattern unfamiliar to Jason.â€Ĺ›I truly am in a different world,” he thought, â€Ĺ›and yet, for all its terrors, I could learn to love it, I believe.”He turned again to Emily.â€Ĺ›So, where does the magic come from? I mean, how can you use it, or harness it, or whatever?”Emily took a strange, smooth stone from her pocket and rubbed it gently, before opening her hand to let him see it. It was shaped like a perfect teardrop, the milky blue and white of the stone blending into one another like marble, but softer somehow, like the swirls of a cloudy liquid caught and pressed into stone. Jason thought it best not to ask to touch, or hold it. After a moment, Emily began to rub it once again.â€Ĺ›It is said,” she began, â€Ĺ›that long ago a beautiful goddess known as Averin walked this earth. Many say that she was the earth, in human form, though nobody knew for certain. Whatever the truth, she exerted a powerful influence over the people. Some became her followers and built a city in her honour. One day, the others, who did not follow her, turned against her. They were under the leadership of her brother, Caleb. He was full of jealousy, and sought to control the magical powers that Averin and her followers commanded. As his army came to destroy her, she began to weep, but even seeing his own sister so distraught he was unmoved. However before her final breath departed her, she was heard to say, â€Ĺ›Give them the strength”. Ever since that day, strange teardrop stones appeared across the world. No one knew what they were, until one day a young boy took a liking to one, and decided to keep it. When he picked it up, he felt different. He could cast magic.”â€Ĺ›He could cast magic as soon as he picked it up?”â€Ĺ›No, not right away. At first it was only when he was in need of something. But over time he worked it out, and with age he became wiser.” Emily gave Jason an acknowledging smile, and pushed some strands of hair from her face.â€Ĺ›So, this boy was the first mage, and all other mages are in his family?”Jason was really interested. He had always wondered about how mages had actually become mages when he read about them in the fantasy books back at home. Most of the theories he had read didn’t make much sense to him, though he assumed that was because in reality any of the theories would be impossible in his world.â€Ĺ›I guess all mages could trace their family back to him, but there were other stones, and probably others who picked those stones up. He was the first to realise what the powers were, and keep a record of the words needed to make them useful. Maybe there’s a mageline for every one of the Tears of Averin.”Jason looked confused for a moment. Emily looked at him understanding that Jason might need some time to comprehend what she had just told him. After all he came from a world that didn’t have magic. He looked as if he was about to ask a question, perhaps a question for clarity that he would fire at her next.â€Ĺ›So, can you only cast magic if you have that stone with you?”Emily laughed. Jason’s question wasn’t that tough for her after all, but Jason really did look confused.â€Ĺ›No, no. The stones are just a sign of the gift that Averin left us. It just helps us remember”â€Ĺ›Oh, I see.”Emily put the stone back in her pocket.Jason, feeling increasingly more exhausted, rested his head on a nearby rock, sighing as he prepared to let sleep take him. As his head rested, there was a rustle behind them. They jumped to their feet, turning instinctively towards the sound. Jason started edging back towards the fire as his past experience of â€Ĺ›rustle in a bush” came back to him. Emily cautiously moved in front of him and raised her staff. There was another brisk rustle, and then the scuffling sound of little feet, as if a small creature was now running away.â€Ĺ›What was that?” Jason asked, turning a bewildered and slightly fearful face to Emily.â€Ĺ›I’m not sure. Let’s go find out.”With that, she ran into the forest, following the creature - whatever it was. To Jason, the choice of either following a potentially dangerous creature with Emily, or waiting behind to be attacked by potentially dangerous creatures on his own was simple. Muttering under his breath, he picked up his pack, and followed Emily’s noisesome trail.As he crashed through the undergrowth, Jason wondered how Emily could see her way ahead. He could only hope to follow by the sound she made running over dry twigs and loose stones. Probably some sort of magic, he thought, she was either tracking the beast or augmenting her sight. As she suddenly came to a stop, Jason barely avoided knocking her over.â€Ĺ›Quiet,” she said, rebalancing herself again, â€Ĺ›I hear something.”Jason stopped and tried to listen, but the sound of his heart and his laboured breathing meant he couldn’t hear anything.â€Ĺ›There it is again!” Emily whispered.Jason listened carefully, and soon he heard it too. First there was a fast swoosh. Then a thud followed by a yelp. This cycle of noises repeated a few times, and Jason gulped as he realised what they were. Someone or something was being attacked. Emily nudged Jason on the arm.â€Ĺ›We have to see what’s making those noises. Someone could be in danger!”Emily burst through the trees and started to run towards the noises, with Jason once again left to grit his teeth and follow behind. The noises got louder. With every yelp originating from the creature Jason could feel the pain surge through his body. Emily finally stopped at a large rock, and peered over the top of it. Quickly, she drew her head back down.â€Ĺ›What? What is it?” Jason gasped.â€Ĺ›Shush! Do you want to get us killed?”Jason shrugged, wondering why Emily was whispering.â€Ĺ›Well, be quiet then. There are three trolls over there and they are torturing something.”Jason raised an eyebrow, and slowly lifted his head to see over the rock. He wished he hadn’t. Standing only a few metres away were three of the ugliest creatures Jason had ever seen towering over a small creature. They were large, fat creatures. Dressed in nothing but torn animal hides. Each dragged a menacing looking club along side them. The small creature that was currently the focus of their attention sat very close to a tree stump, trembling. Jason couldn’t make out what it was, and was sure he would never get the chance if those trolls did any more damage. Without thinking, Jason jumped out from behind the rock. Emily gasped and tried to grab onto his top, but it was too late. The trolls had spotted him.With a grunt, the biggest and in Jason’s opinion, ugliest of the three trolls turned around to face him. Lifting its club, it swung it directly at him with great force, but thankfully, with mercifully little accuracy. Jason ducked and avoided it, feeling the rush of air pass across his head with less of a gap than he would have liked. By now the other two trolls, despite not being the brightest of creatures, had caught on to the new presence. Jason darted from side to side of the small clearing. Ducking under swings of the large clubs, and running circles around the three large trolls to desperately try and avoid a deathly blow. Emily watched in horror. Her heart rate speeding as she noticed that Jason and the three trolls were getting ever closer to the rock that she hid behind. Without a second thought she stood up, grabbed her staff and ran around the edge of the clearing, coming out of the wooded covering behind the trolls. Jason was starting to panic as he realised he was running out of places to dart to. He risked a glance back at the rock they had been hiding behind, and started to make a dash for it, leaping crazily over the downstroke of one of the trolls weapons. He jumped right over the top of the rock and slid to the ground, as a club came crashing down beside him with splintering force. He was starting to feel as though he had been in this situation before, but he was sure that there were no trolls back in Northern Ireland. Except for the Spenser Brothers, perhaps. Jason heard the club scrape off the ground, and knew it had been raised once more. He looked up to see an old, dirty, wrinkled face staring down at him, with an odd mixture of puzzled interest in its expression, much like a cat’s first encounter with a frog. Jason drew breath to scream, knowing that this had to be his end. He had chanced his fate once too many times already in this strange land. He couldn’t be lucky again this time. Instead of screaming, though, he let the breath out slowly, listening to a strange noise that seemed to envelope the clearing. It sounded rather like a mid-force wind that had been strung with little bells. Jason closed his eyes, waiting to see if he would see a light at the end of a tunnel, or images of his life passing by, but nothing happened. The noise grew louder and there was a strange growl. â€Ĺ›This is it,” Jason thought, as he tightened his arms around himself.Still nothing happened.Estimating that the troll had had time to probably kill him twice, Jason gathered all the courage he could muster and opened his left eye. He looked up. There was nothing there that could do him any harm, and so with a small huff of surprised relief, he opened his right eye too. He cautiously looked from side to side, wondering where the troll had gone. â€Ĺ›Maybe waiting in the clearing,” he thought, â€Ĺ›Or off to find another weapon to bash peoples’ heads.” Turning around slowly to face the back of the rock, Jason braced himself on it with his two badly shaking hands. He pulled himself up to the top, slowly moving his head higher and higher to take a peek over. Finally, he had raised his head high enough to see, but to his surprise, the trolls were now engrossed in something else. Jason couldn’t make out exactly what they were staring at, but he was glad that it wasn’t him. Jason felt a tap on his shoulder, and spun around quickly, to be met by Emily’s rather cheeky grin. She was standing beside the small creature that they had rescued from the trolls.â€Ĺ›Well, are you going to sit around all day?” Emily asked calmly, â€Ĺ›Or do you want to wait for those trolls to find an interest in you again?”Jason’s puzzled expression returned. The small creature jumped up and down, still standing behind Emily.â€Ĺ›Come on, let’s go.” she said in a low voice.Jason got up, brushed himself off and risked a sidelong glance at the trolls. They still seemed utterly absorbed by whatever it was that had distracted them. Emily and the small creature were walking back into the woods, not paying much attention to the threat nearby. Their lack of concern restored Jason’s confidence, and he hurried to catch up.â€Ĺ›How did you do that?” He asked when he was within earshot.â€Ĺ›Do what?”â€Ĺ›Distract the trolls! I was sure I was done for.”â€Ĺ›Oh, that was nothing. I just cast a curiosity spell on them, and directed it towards a bunch of Fengnog mushrooms. They should be fascinated for days to come.” She laughed, and then shook her head as though remembering something she should have done.â€Ĺ›Oh! Jason, this is Sherbit. He’s an imp.”â€Ĺ›An imp? – oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that, I justâ€Ĺšâ€ť He sighed. â€Ĺ›Nice to meet you.”â€Ĺ›He hasn’t talked much. The poor fellow’s a bit shocked.”Seeing the dying light of their fire ahead, she smiled.â€Ĺ›Right! The best thing to do then is get a good night’s rest, and start nice and early in the morning.”â€Ĺ›Do you think it’s wise to stay here? We are still pretty close to those trolls. I wouldn’t want to wake up in the night to find one of them staring down at me.”â€Ĺ›Don’t be silly,” Emily replied, â€Ĺ›They won’t bother us. I don’t even think we need to stand watch. I’m sure we could all do with a good, deep sleep. I know I could.” She yawned, for emphasis. â€Ĺ›What about you, Sherbit?”The imp, who had stood trembling a little way behind her, looked up with a baleful stare. Jason shrugged, rolled his eyes, and gave in.Emily busied herself helping Sherbit to make a little ball-like nest out of dried leaves, while Jason scuffed a little groove around the fire to keep it in place while they slept. Banked up properly, it should give off enough heat to last until morning, so he dragged their blankets toward it and set out their packs to act as pillows.Emily settled herself down with remarkably little fuss, and the leafy rustling of Sherbit’s nest gave way to a soft, huffly little sound that could be gentle snores. Jason lay down on his side, with his back to the fire, and looked around at the cold, dark wood.â€Ĺ›How could this happen?” he thought, â€Ĺ›More to the point, why did this happen? And why did it happen to me? Let’s recap, shall we? I fell down a hole that sealed itself up; was attacked by a - a thing; met and stayed with elves; ran away with a girl, which is strange in itself but not weird enough, oh no, I had to run away with a girl who could do magic; and together we just rescued an imp from some trolls. Now I’m trying to sleep in a forest which feels alive and trying not to think about what I might face tomorrow. Surely this is far too unreal to be happening.”He lay quietly for a while, letting the weariness wash over his body like a drug, and soon the gentle heat on his back, and soft sighs behind him from the sleeping girl and imp lulled him into a deep and dreamless slumber.Emily was a morning person.For a moment, half hopeful, half horrified, Jason thought he was back at home with his aunt, as loud and cheerful humming brought him out of his sleep. He willed his eyes to open and tried to stretch his limbs to get some feeling back into them. Emily was bright, clean, and brewing something that smelled suspiciously like tea in the small pot she had brought with her. He closed his eyes again and groaned.â€Ĺ›Good morning, sleepy! You’ll never guess – there’s a small pool just through those trees. I re-set the fire and I’m making some tea. It should be ready by the time you’ve washed up.”This time it was a little easier to open his eyes and he managed a grunt.â€Ĺ›Don’t do anything irresponsible like relieve yourself in the pool. I’m hoping to fill our waterskins from there before we move on.”Jason hoped his expression was indignant, but imagined it was probably just the blank zombie look he always wore upon awaking. Joints protesting, he stumbled through the trees Emily had pointed at and tried to work out what time it was. He settled for early.The water was cool and did its job well. He felt almost human as he returned to the camp. He took the small travelling cup filled with freshly poured tea that Emily held out to him, and sat by the fire. Sherbit sat close by, his large ears twitching occasionally. It was the first time Jason had seen him clearly. His body was covered in a sort of down. It looked soft, but neither fur nor feather. His ears were the largest part of him. His thin body was like a tiny child’s, with spine and rib bones just visible through the skin due to the hunched position he sat in. A thin tail about the same length as his legs was curled into his lap where he held it in both hands, stroking it gently in what appeared to be a nervous fashion. He had fingers and toes, but Jason couldn’t see if they were clawed; and his small but expressive mouth held tiny teeth, some flat, some pointed. He had wide nostrils that flared every now and then, and his big almond eyes were as dark and deep as a Labrador that really wanted a biscuit.â€Ĺ›Perhaps Sherbit will do some talking, if we get him warmed up.” said Emily, as she refilled her cup. â€Ĺ›I want to know if it was him following us yesterday, and if it was, why?”Jason had completely forgotten about the creature that had been watching them. Perhaps it had been Sherbit, perhaps not, but all the same it would be interesting to hear what he had to say. The forest was definitely less foreboding in the early morning light, though Jason still couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to it than just trees. The aura of power that it resonated was as strong as it was when he first entered. It almost had a taste, or at least a texture.â€Ĺ›U-ghuhh.”â€Ĺ›Did you say something, Jason?”â€Ĺ›Eh? No I didn’t. I thought that was you.”Jason looked at her, but kept his seat, still warming his hands on the fire. Emily looked around, thinking back on her words that the trolls would never come after them, and wondering on the strength of her distraction spell.The silence surrounded them.Neither Jason nor Emily thought to look at Sherbit, who had got to his feet and was trying to clear his throat.â€Ĺ›T-t-thank you forâ€Ĺš h-h-helping me,” Sherbit stammered.Jason and Emily looked round at the little creature in shock.â€Ĺ›You can talk!” Jason said, realising as soon as he said it, how ridiculous it sounded.â€Ĺ›Of course I can talk,” Sherbit replied, with a much stronger sounding tone, â€Ĺ›and I wanted to say thank you for rescuing me, although I could have done it myself.”â€Ĺ›Are you sure? Those trolls were rather bigâ€Ĺš and nasty,” Emily said doubtfully, as she made herself more comfortable. Sherbit moved closer to the fire and turned around to face them.â€Ĺ›Well, I wouldn’t have been in that situation, if it wasn’t for you two.”â€Ĺ›Huh? What do you mean?” Jason askedâ€Ĺ›If you hadn’t chased me, I wouldn’t have been caught!” Sherbit’s face fell, â€Ĺ›Oops, erm, no. You never chased me. It wasn’t me.”He twisted his tail again, and dropped his gaze.Jason jumped up, startling Sherbit so much that he nearly fell into the fire.â€Ĺ›So it was you watching us! What were you doing? Who sent you?”Emily had never heard Jason sound so focused and determined. She stood up and spread her hands in a conciliatory gesture.â€Ĺ›Ok, Jason. I’ll take it from here. We don’t want the little fellow anymore frightened than he already is.”Behind her, Sherbit grinned mischievously at Jason, who looked at him with shock, feeling a cold prickle of unease at the back of his neck. Reluctantly, he sat down. Emily followed suit.â€Ĺ›So Sherbit,” she said with a reassuring smile, â€Ĺ›why were you watching us?”The creature squirmed.â€Ĺ›Erm, well, you see, you were both sitting, near erm, a rock I like to sit on, and I was waiting for you both to leaveâ€Ĺšâ€ť he trailed off with a nervous giggle, and quickly asked a question before Emily or Jason could respond his excuse. â€ĹšSo, erm, what brings two young folk like you into the Elderine woods, hai, hai?”Emily sighed. â€Ĺ›We aren’t too sure yet. Jason isn’t from here, you see. He was warped here from another world’Jason nudged her.â€Ĺ›Emily, don’t tell him anything! He could be a spy, or - or something else that could be bad.”Emily turned to him with a yeah, right, expression that slowly melted from her face as Sherbit’s innocent voice continued.â€Ĺ›I don’t suppose this has anything to do withâ€Ĺšâ€ť he paused and turned away, coyly, just meeting their gaze and no more, â€Ĺ›The Elderine Stone?”He jumped onto the rock, and showed them a very large grin.â€Ĺ›How did you know that?” Jason asked sharply.â€Ĺ›So much for not telling him anything,” Emily said, and folded her arms, pretending to be in a huff.Sherbit knelt down on the rock, crawled over to the edge and lowered himself down. â€Ĺ›I can tell you what I know of the Stone, and I can tell you where you should go to find moreâ€Ĺš.” He cocked his head, ears twitching, and spoke quickly and furtively, under his breath. â€Ĺ›But you will have to take me with you.”â€Ĺ›What? Why should we?” Jason asked, more uncomfortable than he wanted to admit. There was something not quite right about this creature. Or maybe it was just the forest playing havoc with his nerves. Or lack of sleep. â€Ĺ›Who knows?” he thought. â€Ĺ›Who knows when anything will ever make sense to me again?”â€Ĺ›Jason, you can be very cruel at times, do you know that?” Emily said jokingly. â€Ĺ›Poor Sherbit must have been through a lot. From what I know imps don’t tend to go off by themselves. He could be lost.” She paused. â€Ĺ›I think we should keep him.”â€Ĺ›Keep him,” Sherbit repeated with a frown.â€Ĺ›Oh,” Emily giggled, â€Ĺ›I mean that you can come along with us.” She smiled, and then giggled again.â€Ĺ›What about the Elderine Stone? Tell us what you know about it.” Jason demanded. Emily frowned. Jason was definitely wound up tighter than usual. She sighed dramatically and pulled a serious face, hoping to at least get a smile.â€Ĺ›It’s a long story. Not too happy for me,” Sherbit began, â€Ĺ›Miss Emily is right, we imps do normally stay together, but one day, oh it was terrible!” He began to wail uncontrollably.â€Ĺ›It’s ok, Sherbit. Tell us what happened,” Emily said, trying to calm him down. As if by magic Sherbit stopped crying, and gave her a fawning look. Jason watched him suspiciously.â€Ĺ›Well, one day, the slave traders, they came to our enclave. They start picking us up one by one! Not many of us managed to escape their evil traps. I was unlucky. I was running and running and then swoop! I was caught. All I remember is black, until I woke up one day in a cage. I was frightened, and confused.”â€Ĺ›And the Elderine Stone?” interrupted Jason.â€Ĺ›I’m getting to it! I sat in the cage for a few days, but nothing happened. Then one day a lady came. She had a soft, gentle voice, but something seemed strange about her. Very strange. She picked me, and a few others, and we set off to the north. I don’t know how long we travelled. It seemed to be days. We couldn’t see where we were going as she had thrown a cloak over our cages. Then we stopped. The air was cold, and I could hear strange noises. Something came close to us and lifted the cloak. I saw the lady walk towards a large ruin with a tall tower. There were mountains all around. We were lifted up. I couldn’t see what was carrying us. We were carried up to the ruins and placed on pedestals around a big room. In the centre there was another pedestal. It had a blue stone sitting on top of it.” Sherbit stopped. His large eyes filled with tears.â€Ĺ›That sounds like the stone I touched back home!” Jason said with a touch of excitement in his voice.â€Ĺ›It certainly sounds suspicious. Do you think that that Lady was you know who?” she dropped her voice to a whisper and added â€Ĺ›The Dark Lady?” She turned to the imp. â€Ĺ›Sherbit, was she?”â€Ĺ›Hmm, hmm, I think so,” Sherbit replied, rather nervously.â€Ĺ›I knew it! He’s a spy!” Jason shouted, jumping to his feet. â€Ĺ›I knew we shouldn’t have told him anything!”â€Ĺ›No, Master Jason! I’m not a spy! The Dark Lady, she did terrible things! She was always transforming her slaves into horrible beasts with her magical powers. The pillars drew our energy into her spells – so cruel, so cruel! When my turn came I managed to escape somehow, and I tried to get as far away as possible! Then I meet you two, and I’m safe.” Sherbit looked exhausted, but relieved to have told his tale. He breathed a sigh of relief, and loosened his grip on his tail, letting it twitch a little in his hands. His ears stopped quivering, and drooped.Jason had been thinking hard.â€Ĺ›Sherbit,” he said slowly, â€Ĺ›Do you know how to get back there?”He was sure he already knew the answer, but wanted to see Sherbit’s reaction, perhaps glean some sort of clue as to where his loyalties lay.â€Ĺ›No, Master, I don’t.” He said, resuming the grip on his tail. â€Ĺ›Please don’t say you want to go there. It’s a terrible place.”â€Ĺ›We have to go there, Sherbit,” Emily said gently. â€Ĺ›We need to stop the Dark Lady.” The pride in her voice was unmistakable. â€Ĺ›But, we need to know where the ruins are, and how to get there.”Sherbit scuffed his heels a little, and looked up at her with his most innocent expression.â€Ĺ›You could always go to Haspar,” he hinted.â€Ĺ›Of course! The Great Library! Now why didn’t I think of that? We could find out about the Order of Elderine and how to get to the Dark Lady’s lair. We may even get to see the King and Queen.”â€Ĺ›The King and Queen?” Jason asked, incredulously.Emily nodded excitedly.â€Ĺ›Yes! They’re supposed to be the only living descendants of the Order of the Elderine. I can’t believe I didn’t think if that before!”She stood up decisively, and started to kick dirt over the fire, handing the pot and cups to Jason as she did.â€Ĺ›Right Jason, you rinse those in the pool, fill the waterskins and bring them back here. I’ll cover the signs of the camp.”Before long, they were packed up and the camp was as clear. Emily picked up her staff, and took the lead, Sherbit keeping close behind her.â€Ĺ›We have a long way to walk, but as soon as we get out of this forest we should be able to see Haspar. Then it’s only a matter of getting to the path, and following it. Is everyone ready? Let’s go.”The day was spent walking through the brooding forest. They must have started out even earlier than Jason had thought, as the trees started to thin out while the sun was still high overhead. The heaviness of the wood lifted as they came towards the end of it, and it seemed to Jason that they made better time because of it, their hearts and footsteps growing lighter as they walked. Sherbit capered and sang and swung on nearby branches making them both laugh. Emily was glad to see that Jason’s earlier tension and suspicion had gone, and their conversation turned to brighter and happier things. Finally, they stood at the edge of the forest on a large slope that wasn’t too high or awkward to descend, but offered up the whole breathtaking panorama of the land. Jason had never felt so relieved to see open space. True to Emily’s words, they could see a vague image of what looked like a town to the south. It was further than Jason had hoped, but they could make it before dark if they put their minds to it.Sherbit took a quick glance north and suddenly hid behind Emily’s leg.â€Ĺ›What is it, Sherbit?” Jason asked.The creature raised a trembling arm and pointed.â€Ĺ›The Mingus Mountains” Emily explained. â€Ĺ›That’s where we’ll be heading, when we find out more.”Sherbit looked up at Jason with a look demanding only sympathy.â€Ĺ›It’s okay, Sherbit. We won’t let anything happen to you.” Jason smiled at him, and turned to head down the slope.Slowly they made their way down and headed for a path that lay a few metres away.As they joined it, they saw a signpost that proclaimed: â€Ĺ›Haspar Walking Distance: 1 Day.”â€Ĺ›Well, I guess we best start walking.” Jason said with a wry smile, and they headed south, the Mingus Mountains a dark sentinel behind them.Chapter Four: The Slave Traders It seemed like they'd been walking for forever, but Jason could tell by looking at the sun that it had only been a few hours. The trees of the Elderine Forest were now distant, but at least they knew they were heading in the right direction.The day was warm and pleasant, with clear skies that stretched out above them, making the walk was more enjoyable than they had expected. Sherbit led the way, walking slightly in front of Jason and Emily. Every now and then, Sherbit would stop for a moment and look at something intently, flowers, stones, or random bits and bobs lying on the ground. When the other two caught up with him, he would stop his speculative stares and rush ahead again. It was almost as if he was marking his way; laying a secret path, in case he got lost.As Sherbit ran ahead, Jason and Emily smiled as they heard the small creature singing, or mumbling, they weren’t too sure which it was. They tried to listen to the small creature's pleasant tune, but he was either singing in a strange language or purposefully hiding his utterances so no one could understand. Even with his secretive habits, Sherbit really did look as if he was enjoying himself as he zigzagged along the path.Jason took a deep refreshing breath, marvelling at the scents in the air. It just smelt like any spring day back home, in his world. "Shouldn't it be different?" he thought, "shouldn't there be spices, or something to tell me it's not just a glorious, normal day? Secretly, though, he was glad. He would have missed the familiar fragrance of spring, and summer, and even winter. He wondered if they had snow here. His thoughts wandered like the path they walked, the even pace of their steps bringing back memories of the homeward trek from school he had followed so many years of his life. This made him think of all the things he didn’t miss. The insufferable acts of his aunt Florence, her crazy friends who often poked Jason with their knitting needles when they wanted his attention. School, well, he supposed he would have to get some sort of education here, but he'd never again be at a school like his old one. Things could really be different here, they could be better. But, where would he live, how would he earn his keep? What could he do here? The questions made him frown, but he shrugged them off, deciding he should just try to live one day at a time. The plans would come clear in time.Emily too, had also been thinking as she walked, and now she broke the silence with a question."Sherbit, tell us a bit about your home. What was it like? You know, before the” She paused before continuing â€Ĺ›before it happened. I know it must be hard, and if you don't want to tell me I'll understand. Gosh, I really shouldn't have asked, but I've never met an imp before, and I'd love to hear more about you and where you came from."Sherbit stopped in front of the two teenagers. The wind blew gently passed them, with a very welcoming breeze. The midday sun was almost uncomfortable to walk in, but not so warm that they felt the need to move into the shade to cool down."It’s okay Miss Emily, I don’t mind talking about my home, and I have nothing bad to say about it. It was all good until those good-for-nothing Slaves traders came.”Sherbit's voice held anger, but beneath that, there lay something more, something vaguely discomforting. It was almost as if his hatred for the slave traders masked another, darker emotion, as a pale scab might hide an ugly, infected wound.â€Ĺ›Those Slave traders sound like a nasty bunch," Jason said, "Who do they work for?"Emily answered him, saying, â€Ĺ›Nobody knows for sure, but many people think they work for the Dark Lady, keeping her supplied with slaves, so that she can cast terrible spells on them.”â€Ĺ›I agree with those people,” Sherbit said, rubbing his watering eyes. â€Ĺ›I have seen what she does to creatures, and people brought to her.”He stopped rubbing his eyes and looked up at Jason and Emily. Noticing that Emily and Jason were now paying complete attention, he continued, wringing his tail between his hands so hard that Jason was sure it must have hurt the creature.â€Ĺ›I was lucky enough to get away. But all the restâ€Ĺšâ€ť he began to cry uncontrollably.â€Ĺ›It’s alright, Sherbit.” Emily said, in a soothing, gentle voice. â€Ĺ›We’ll put a stop to it, don’t worry. And when we are finished you’ll be able to go back to your home.”She knelt by the imp, stroking his head as one might soothe a child, or a cat. He fawned at her a little, and the tearful floods became the breathy little sobs and sighs, as he calmed.Jason thought for a moment. How exactly were they going to put a stop to it? After all, he still wasn’t too sure exactly what it was they were going to put a stop to.â€Ĺ›Are you going to be ok to carry on?” Emily asked, still stroking the small creature.Sherbit managed to pull a brave smile.â€Ĺ›Yes I am thank you. The sooner we go, the sooner we can stop all the bad things.”Emily stood up and looked over at Jason, then back to Sherbit.â€Ĺ›Well let’s go then.” Jason said. â€Ĺ›Nothing will get in our way.”As they started walking again, Jason noticed that Sherbit’s earlier activities must have exhausted him, as he tagged behind them. Instead of running ahead he was only just managing to keep up.They walked in silence, each alone with their thoughts once more. Engrossed in their silence neither of the friends noticed the change in their surroundings. An eerie feeling drifted through the air hugging them like a dense mist. The birds were silent, and the temperature dropped to a cool skin tingling level.Emily shuddered. Her actions startled Jason, and he began to look around, trying to pinpoint what was wrong. A cold breeze blew passed them, stealing his breath in a long streamer of vapour.â€Ĺ›It has become cold all of a sudden,” Emily remarked, wrapping her arms around her body to keep the heat inside.â€Ĺ›Yeah, it has.” Jason replied. â€Ĺ›But the sun is still out and there are no clouds.”They all stopped for a moment. Turning in small circles around each other, to try and spot anything out of the ordinary. Emily held her staff in an iron like grip, while Sherbit’s lower lip was clasped as hard, by his teeth, as his tail held tight in his hands. They stood still, listening. Listening for any sort of noise but the only sound was their breath.Finally, their eyes met, and they grinned.â€Ĺ›Look, at me! I’ve only been here a few days and I’m a paranoid wreck!” Jason joked, rubbing his hands to stave off the chill.â€Ĺ›The weather is very unpredictable you know,” Emily said, the smile on her face brightened by relief.â€Ĺ›Tell me about it” Jason replied with good natured sarcasm.â€Ĺ›My grandfather once built an instrument that could tell you the weather that was to come!” Emily said with a laugh. â€Ĺ›Crazy thought, isn’t it? Knowing what weather could be, a full week ahead!”Jason smiled to himself, thinking of how everyone back home took weather forecasts for granted.â€Ĺ›Well?” She was all business now. â€Ĺ›We’d better not hang around; we certainly don’t want to be caught in a thunder storm. You never know how the weather could change.”She brushed down her cloak, turned south and started walking again.Jason raised his eyebrows, shook his head and looked at Sherbit. The imp still seemed uncertain, so Jason stooped to scratch him behind the ears before standing to start after Emily.She was standing still only a few steps ahead.With a gasp, he started to run. He was panicked by the look of concentration on her face as she stared at the ground.She held out her hand and cried â€Ĺ›Whoa!”â€Ĺ›What is it? What’s wrong?” Jason asked. He looked at the ground around her, trying to see what she saw. There was nothing. He started to walk to her, slowly and quietly, so he wouldn’t startle her. She could be casting a spell.â€Ĺ›Stop!” she screamed, â€Ĺ›Don’t come any closer!”Her eyes were wild, wide and afraid.â€Ĺ›Why? Emily what’s wrong?”He took another step closer, and suddenly he felt the ground start to weaken under his feet. Emily looked up at him, frustration mixed with fear, and the ground collapsed beneath them. The shock of the fall caused Emily to release her staff into the air, and it clattered woodenly along the path ahead of them. They fell quickly and untidily into a deep, freshly-dug hole. Branches, leaves and copious amounts of soil fell down on top of them, and for a moment Jason feared it would bury them alive.When it stopped, and he had worked out which way was up, and aligned himself with that, he almost wished it had buried them. Emily was furious.â€Ĺ›Does â€Ĺšdon’t come any closer’ mean something different where you’re from? How are we going to get out of here, may I ask?”â€Ĺ›I don’t know,” Jason replied. â€Ĺ›Where is â€Ĺšhere’, anyway?”Emily looked at him. Then she looked at the pit, in a very obvious manner, and looked at him again. When she began, her tone was even, if exasperated, and Jason realised she was trying her best not to shout.â€Ĺ›We have fallen into a trap, Jason. Weak ground and a hole underneath? This is the typical trap used by the slave traders that we’ve been hearing about. If we don’t get out soon, we’ll get to meet them for ourselves.”Jason gulped at the thought of being made a slave, or worse yet, being sold to the Dark Lady. Their adventure could be over very soon if they didn’t find a way to escapeâ€Ĺš and quickly.â€Ĺ›Why not ask Sherbit to help us?” Jason said in what he hoped was a reassuring and calming tone. â€Ĺ›After all, he is up there, and we’re down here. He could throw your staff down and you could cast a spell, couldn’t you?’â€Ĺ›Yes of course I could. That’s exactly what I had in mind.” Emily pulled herself up, and started calling Sherbit, who quickly ran over and peered over the edge of the hole.â€Ĺ›Yes, Miss Emily?” They could see that Sherbit was finding this situation very funny, as hard as he was trying to hide his giggles, a number of large grins made it through.â€Ĺ›Sherbit, this is not funny! Now go get my staff and throw it down to me.”Sherbit turned and went to fetch Emily’s staff, allowing himself a little giggle as he went. Those humans! The looks on their faces were priceless. As he bent to lift it, he felt a funny, yet familiar feeling. The air rippled behind him, and a cloaked figure emerged. Sherbit gasped in shocked recognition as a heavy bag came towards him. He didn’t even have time to squeak before he was scooped into it. The bag was hefted and securely tied. Sherbit moaned helplessly as he struggled uselessly, trying to escape. He felt the air ripple again and an unseen voice joined the figure.â€Ĺ›Ah, that has to be the fifth time we’ve caught that little fella! I wonder what the Mistress’ll say this time. Maybe we shouldn’t be too rough on him, you know.”Meanwhile still in the pit, Emily and Jason had stopped brushing soil from their hair and clothes as they felt the disturbance in the air. They waited, not daring to speak, trying hard not to breathe, knowing only too well who had arrived.Footsteps neared the trap, and then a face looked over.â€Ĺ›We’ve two more in here! They are pretty young too. They should make good subjects for the Mistress’ experiments.” He looked over to his companion. â€Ĺ›She’ll have some fun with them, no doubt of that.”His gaze returned to the captives. â€Ĺ›Wouldn’t like to get in her way on a bad day.”â€Ĺ›That’s for sure,” the other voice replied.Jason gulped as Emily grabbed his arm. The other man’s face appeared. Jason and Emily watched as he held up a small bag. The slaver put his hand in and brought out some shimmering dust, which he sprinkled over Jason and Emily. They blinked once, and dropped unconscious to the ground.Whatever the dust had been, it was effective. Regaining consciousness felt like swimming upward through cotton wool. With a gasp, Jason opened his eyes and peered into darkness. He rubbed them, and decided that it was dark because it was night rather than blindness. Gingerly he sat up. His stomach heaved. He closed his eyes again to fight the nausea. When his body felt like it belonged to him once more, he stood up and looked around. He was in some form of camp surrounded by a dense copious covering of trees. He could hear laughing and talking - there was a campfire not far from him with a few people sitting around it. Then he realized where he was, or rather, what he was in. It was an enclosure large enough not to be confining, allowing him to stretch out on the ground, but regardless of the freedom it permitted it remained a sturdy wooden cage. He shook on the bars, and then tried to push and pull them, but he couldn’t move them at all. He looked down at Emily, still lying on the ground. She was very still. He couldn’t see Sherbit anywhere. Emily stirred and groaned as she came to.â€Ĺ›Oh, so you are still with us,” Jason said, trying to mask his relief.â€Ĺ›That’s rather cheeky,” Emily replied, â€Ĺ›any ideas about where we are?”â€Ĺ›It looks like a slave traders’ camp, although I can’t see any other slaves. It just looks like us here.”Emily joined him at the front of the cage and put her hands around the bars to regain he balance, making her own attempt to move them. It was no use. She noticed one of the slave traders walking towards them.â€Ĺ›Jason, look, one of them is coming over.”They both noticed at the same time that he was carrying something, a small brown bag that seemed to move as if it were alive. The slave trader stopped in front of their cage, and grunted a laugh.â€Ĺ›I hope you like your new home. Don’t get too comfortable mind, you’re off to the north tomorrow.” He laughed again, an evil sound carried on foul breath, but he looked incredibly dim-witted, like the caricatures of criminals Jason used to see in comic strips. He lifted the bag he was carrying and hung it from one of the poles protruding from the top of the cage. He cast a beady eye down at Jason and Emily.â€Ĺ›Keep an eye on the little bag won’t you? Oh, and try not to make too much noise. We hate having to punish our slaves - we end up getting less when we sell ya.”He laughed again before heading back to the fire.â€Ĺ›What an idiot.” Emily said.â€Ĺ›Idiot or not, I don’t like the sound of what he was saying,” Jason replied.â€Ĺ›Oh don’t worry it won’t come to that. We’re going to escape.” Emily grinned and looked at Jason, who looked back at her with disbelief.â€Ĺ›And how exactly do you plan to get us out of here? You’ve tried yourself, these bars aren’t going to move easily, and you haven’t got your staff.”Emily nodded, and gave a half-shrug.â€Ĺ›I’ll think of something. Just wait and see.”Emily sat down next to one of the cage walls and began to think, or at least, tried to look the part.Jason watched her for a moment, and then looked up at the bag as it continued to move about. He wondered what could possibly be in it. He hoped it wasn’t a grimbat. It started to make little moaning noises that Jason found vaguely familiar, and picked up a rhythm to its movement that started to rock it closer and closer to the edge of the pole. Jason watched it’s unusual but effective progress until it reached the end. Then it stopped moving, hung still for a while, and then with a large kick from inside the bag, it fell to the ground with a thud loud enough to distract Emily from her deep thoughts of escape. She got up and walked over to Jason.â€Ĺ›What was that?” she asked, before looking down at the ground and noticing the bag. It was still moving about.â€Ĺ›I wonder what’s in it.”She didn’t have to wait long for an answer, as they watched the string that had sealed the bag start to become looser, then looser, until finally it was undone. Once more, the movement stopped.Jason and Emily looked on with excitement tempered with caution. The bag began to move again, with a lump at the bottom starting to slowly make its way up the bag. Jason could feel Emily squeezing into his arm. The lump stopped, quivered, and then started again. It was getting very close to the mouth of the bag. The top lifted slightly and a small head emerged. Jason sighed with relief while Emily nearly screamed with excitement as they recognized the forlorn shape of Sherbit the imp, who was now pulling the rest of his body out of the bag. Safely out, he stood up and cleaned himself off. Just as he was about to run off into the trees to make his escape, he stopped, as if hearing a noise behind him. Eyes wide, he turned around and jumped with shock to see Emily and Jason staring down at him.â€Ĺ›Master! Miss Emily! There you are! We must get out of here!” Sherbit ran up to the front of the cage.Jason hunkered down to Sherbit’s eye level.â€Ĺ›Yes Sherbit we must. But at the moment we can’t. We need your help to get us out.”â€Ĺ›You could get my staff!” Emily jumped in, pointing over to a tent with a weapon rack sitting next to it. Amongst the weapons Emily’s wooden staff proudly sat. Sherbit nodded as he ran over to the tent. He soon reached it, and looked back at Jason and Emily before he stretched out to grab the staff. Just as his hands brushed against the wood, he froze. Someone was walking towards the cage! Trying hurriedly to blend himself in among the weapons, Sherbit watched the Trader walk up to the cage.â€Ĺ›Ehh, what’s going on â€Ĺšere then?” The Slave Trader blurted out, breathing ale laden fumes at the two young captives. The bottle in his right hand that was the cause of both his breath and his balance sloshed expressively as he used it to gesture to the bag on the groundâ€Ĺ›What’s â€Ĺšis â€Ĺšere bag doin’ on da ground? Bad place f’r a bag, if ye asks me.”He made a few drunken swipes at the bag before catching it, and promptly turned, belched, and staggered off back towards the camp fire.Jason and Emily passed a sigh of relief. With the slave trader gone Sherbit hurried back to the cage with Emily’s staff. Emily quickly took it off him and began casting a spell that would ultimately either open the door or blast the cage to pieces. Of course Jason was hoping for the first. Within seconds the cage door flung open, Jason and Emily hurried out. The noise of the door opening may have attracted one of the slave traders, though they weren’t sure. Most of them would probably be too drunk to have heard anything. Still, they thought it was best not to take any chances. Together, they hurried away from the camp and into the trees once more.They continued to run until the noise of the slave traders laughing, singing and other drunken activities passed into the distance. Emily stopped to catch her breath, as did Jason. Sherbit stopped a bit in front, looking nervous. As Jason watched him, he felt sorry for him. Sherbit had been through this before, he knew what it was like to be caught and sold, and worse - sent to the Dark Lady.He couldn’t imagine how many cruel things the poor creature had had to witness: torturous experiments; the summoning of strange and terrifying creatures; she could have ripped a human limb from limb. Jason thought Sherbit was lucky to still be alive, and even more so that he was still in the right frame of mind, despite his occasional eccentricities.â€Ĺ›We should probably carry on tonight and rest in the morning, when we get closer to Haspar.” Emily said, â€Ĺ›We don’t want to be caught by the Slave traders again, besides once they know we have escaped they may come after us, and I certainly don’t want to go back.”Jason nodded at Emily in agreement.They rested briefly so that they could catch their breath before they continued their journey. They all felt tired but they knew they couldn’t sleep tonight, not here, being so close to the slave traders’ camp.â€Ĺ›How far away from Haspar are we now?” Jason asked.â€Ĺ›I’m not sure,’ Emily said, â€ĹšI’m not too sure where we are exactly”â€Ĺ›We are about one night’s walk away from Haspar.” Sherbit answered, he was obviously familiar with that camp and the Trader’s normal routes. For a little creature that had seen the worst side of the worst things imaginable, he could still be pretty clever at times. Most occasions though, the thought of food, and when and where he would be able to fill his stomach again was his main priority. Any intelligent or knowledgeable thoughts would be pushed back and hidden from anyone wanting to know what he could share.â€Ĺ›Well, if we set off tonight, we could reach Haspar’s farming land by early morning.” Emily said, standing up straight and stretching her arms behind her head, to open her airways a bit more.â€Ĺ›Well I think we had better get moving. The sooner we get to Haspar the better.” Jason said.Sherbit nodded solemnly in agreement. They enjoyed their rest for a few more seconds, gathered themselves and started off again.It seemed like they had only just left the forest behind them, when they came to the edge of a small wood, much brighter, and with different foliage than the scenery of their night time travels. Through the trees, they could see Haspar clearly in the south, and realized how close to it they had come. Jason smiled. He was excited about going to this great city, but he felt nervous inside too. He had no idea as to what he should expect when he got there, but he hoped that when they did, he would learn the answers to more than just a few questions.Chapter Five: To HasparEmily led the way as they continued to walk along the rough path through the surrounding farmland of the great city of Haspar. The fields were golden with the various harvest time crops, ready to be reaped and carted off to the markets. Jason thought how the time of year here in this land must be completely different of that back home. Every now and then a farmer would walk past them. Puffing as they pushed wheelbarrows filled with strange looking vegetables of varying shapes and sizes. In Jason’s opinion they did slightly resemble Fruits and vegetables that you could find in any local convenience store back home - these were just slightly bigger and much healthier looking. Jason and Emily were happy to receive an occasional smile or welcoming hello. Everyone they saw seemed cheerful and at ease.â€Ĺ›Everyone looks so happy” Jason said as they walked along the path towards the city gates.â€Ĺ›They have no reason not to be,” Emily said, â€Ĺ›especially as they live so close to Haspar. With a great King like Halown, they feel safe. If anything should go wrong they always know he will come to their aid. Besides, I feel that the New Order has twisted people’s minds into believing that they are safe and that the evil coming from the north is something that we should all expect to exist. That it is something that will be dealt with in time.”â€Ĺ›King Halown? The New Order?” Jason asked sounding quite intrigued.Having lived in the United Kingdom he knew what it was like to have a royal family as the head of state, but he had never had a chance to meet any of them. And what was this New Order? Had it some connection with the Order of Elderine? The politics of this world seemed to be as confusing as the politics which Jason had a vague knowledge of back home. In fact, his knowledge was next to none. He knew that in some countries people voted for their leader and in others they had no choice as to who should lead them. Jason was happy with his basic knowledge of political entities, and he wasn’t really interested at all in understanding the inner workings of their structures, except to find out ways he might have to use to reach the Dark Lady and defeat her. His thoughts came to an end with Emily’s answer.â€Ĺ›King Halown is the ruler of these lands. He is a very powerful and noble man. Under his control his army defeated the pirates in the east several years ago, making those lands prime and safe for settling. Apart from that, many have said that the king, the Queen and their son, are the only descendants left of the Order of Elderine, and because of this the people feel that they can’t be harmed whilst King Halown is on the throne” Emily spoke, with a tone that resembled one who had a great control of knowledge of historical facts. â€Ĺ›It was believed that the members of the Order of the Elderine were bestowed with great magical powers. It’s no wonder that the royal family are the public figure head of The New Order. Which is more or less the religion of the world, everyone follows it, or they are supposed to. Though, as always, there are a few who go against the ways of the King”â€Ĺ›Oh” Jason said, and chanced a half serious remark â€Ĺ›I guess it would be too difficult or impossible for us to get an audience with the king or Queen?”â€Ĺ›You’re right there” Emily replied quickly.Jason was trying to fit the pieces of the puzzle together, he knew that the something had brought him here and from what he had heard he was the only one who could defeat the Dark Lady. Now it seemed he was just about to enter a city that housed three people that (rumour said) belonged to the Order of the Elderine. Surely they would have answers? And wouldn’t they want to meet him? After all, he was proof that the Order was still powerful – powerful enough to drag a teenage human boy into their world.Shaking his head, Jason tuned back in to the conversation. Emily was still talking; she didn’t even appear to have noticed that he had stopped listening to her.â€Ĺ›It isn’t even that simple. We can’t just walk up to the royal family and tell them something’s wrong. For one, they are unlikely to believe us, and two, I’m very sure there are powers working against us that will try and stop us reaching our goal. Going out into the open by approaching the King or Queen would just make it easier for those watching us. Right now that’s far from what we need.”â€Ĺ›Watching us?” Jason asked sounding a little nervous, â€Ĺ›What do you mean watching us?”â€Ĺ›The Dark Lady knows all, Master” Sherbit said in a hushed voice, looking around him in trepidation. â€Ĺ›She knows you are here, she will have sent out her servants to find you. Maybe she has even got people close by you. You should be careful Master, never know who to trust.”Jason gulped as he scanned the crowd for any suspicious looking people.â€Ĺ›Maybe you’re right” he said â€Ĺ›We should probably find out more about the Order of Elderine and the stone from somewhere else, and while we are at it keep a low profile.”â€Ĺ›Exactly my idea” Emily said â€Ĺ›We’ll head to the Great Library. We are sure to be able to find something there. We can search the books and the scrolls - many were written by scholars who lived during the times when the Order of the Elderine were large in numbers, and I am more than sure some of their members wrote historical facts, or even prophecies. We’re bound to find something of use. I would be most surprised if we couldn’t.”The City Gates of Haspar were now in sight. Two huge wooden doors, fastened to the stone walls by huge black hinges, two on either side. The walls surrounded the entire city. Every now and then a guard would walk along the upper walkway, and then would stop to look out into the nearby farmland and beyond. Even though as Emily had said the people of the land felt safe with the King and Queen on the throne there was still the apparent need to have a tight and strong watch on the city’s perimeter. Naturally the city looked very well protected. Emily had told Jason about the city while they had been walking. It was the largest city in the lands, and not only was it the home for the royal family and the Great Library, it also accommodated a large dock, where vast numbers of ships would sail to trade goods, even more so now that the pirates were vanquished from the east. Trade grew, and as a result so did the city. Haspar became a thriving centre of commerce, and today of course was no exception, it was market day. The streets were certain to be riddled with wooden stalls covered in fancy linen fabrics, with strange looking vendors selling even stranger looking items.Jason couldn’t contain his excitement but he knew just like the other two did that they weren’t here to look around at all the strange and mysterious items that were on offer, but to find out about the Elderine Stone and the Dark Lady. Perhaps another day, when things were a little more tranquil and the evil had been once again diminished, then Jason could spend the day exploring this great city and do all the shopping and admiration of peculiar objects as he wished.Finally, the crowd thinned, and Jason was able to see the city gates. Just like in every fantasy novel he had ever read, the gates were huge and wooden, set deep into the imposing stone wall. In the light of the sun, the rich red tones in the wood glowed warmly, and Jason realised he was looking at the same wood that was used in the red door of that strange hut, back home. The memory seemed strange, and caused an odd lurch in his stomach, like dĂ©jĂ vu. On either side of the archway two guards stood proudly each holding a long wooden spear with gleaming metal. Jason thought of the royal guards in London that he had once saw on a school trip and how different they looked from these guards who were nearly clad head to toe in strong metal armour.As Emily and Sherbit caught up with Jason the guards peered down at them, Emily stepped forward and said.â€Ĺ›We’d like to go into the city, please?” with as much authority as she could muster.The guards didn’t reply but within seconds there was a creak, and the sound of grinding metal could be heard, as the large chains attached to the door were pulled to open it. Jason finally had his first glimpse of the insides of Haspar, the great city of Hasparia, the home of the King and Queen and the beginning of their quest of knowledge. Jason stood in awe as the doors opened further.Emily and Sherbit walked past him through the still widening doorway.â€Ĺ›Aren’t you coming Jason?” Emily asked as she raised one eyebrow quizzically.â€Ĺ›Yes sure. It’s just, I’veâ€Ĺšâ€ť he trailed off, not knowing how to explain that this city, this world, was more than his mind could take in at times. He just needed a moment to process it all. He looked at her, helplessly, as she stared back at him expectantly. He gave up. â€Ĺ›Never mind.” he said with a sigh, and stepped through the gates.Inside the city, Jason looked around, trying to drink in the atmosphere as much as he could. From the street he was on he could see shop after shop, each with a bundle of eager shoppers standing outside, but this wasn’t like any street Jason was used too. The road was cobbled much like in the olden days back home. The buildings looked old too. Many of them were white with black or brown beams across them, much like the Tudor style buildings he had seen back in his world. These buildings seemed to lean slightly at the sides, and really didn’t look secure at all. The sight was breathtaking to Jason, and he watched as the shoppers went from one side of the street to the other, carrying baskets filled with strange looking fruits and vegetables. The sounds of the bustling market filled the air, and the sweet fruits and flowers on sale masked the underlying scents of human habitation, making the breeze fresh, and fragrant.In the distance passed some buildings, Jason could make out other larger structures. One of which Jason assumed must have been a church as it had a pointed tower. However, he couldn’t be sure, after all Emily had said that the New Order was the religion here, did the people of Hasparia worship in churches like they did back home? There was a large brilliant blue dome in the south which was nestled near the centre of the city. Jason could just about make out the top of what looked like a grand palace to the west of the city.Jason realised that he had been preoccupied looking at his surroundings, forgetting to keep an eye on Sherbit and Emily. He had no idea where they were. There were few things worse than being lost in an unknown city in an unknown world. Having been told that there could be people (or things) watching him, he didn’t want to be alone for too long.He spun around, fighting panic. He frantically looked at all the shops and trying to find the whereabouts of his friends. This wasn’t happening to him already. People who had seemed friendly and innocent only a moment ago now seemed dangerous and sinister. Anyone of them could be an agent of the Dark Lady. Anyone of them could kill him in a thousand ways, and he had no one to protect him. Suddenly, he felt a light tap on his shoulder, and he stopped, frozen in time and space. At the thought of what might be behind him he started to shake, and soon he felt very light headed. Slowly turning around, he felt a cold flush engulf him. He was anxious to see who or what had touched him. He was hoping upon hope to see one of the townsfolk looking genuinely concerned, a guard, or someone that didn’t resemble the mental image he had drawn of these watchers. Fortunately for Jason, the tap didn’t come from anyone with any suspicious motives, but from a girl with a large grin on her face. Emily.â€Ĺ›Are you going to stand around all day? Or can we make our way to the library, so we can at least find something out about the stone and what we are supposed to do.”Jason grinned and managed a nervous laugh.â€Ĺ›Yeah, I guess we should try and find the library.” he said, trying to keep the tremor from his voice as his heart rate found its normal rhythm. â€Ĺ›Do you have any ideas where to look?”â€Ĺ›Nope not yet. But I intend to ask that guard over there” Emily pointed to a guard standing on the corner of a street. â€Ĺ›I’m sure he will help.”Without Jason being able to get in a word, Emily spun round and ran over to the guard. Jason shrugged, and followed.â€Ĺ›Sir, excuse me” Emily said sounding meek and very polite â€Ĺ›Would you happen to know, where the Great Library is?”The guard looked down at Emily. The helmet he was wearing was a few sizes too big for him. Every time he tipped his head the helmet slid forward causing the visor to crash down over the eye slot. He fixed it self consciously, and Jason smiled. It was quite reassuring to see that even in a perfect city a guard could have a helmet that was too big.The friends just looked at the guard realising they may have made a mistake in choosing this particular person for help.â€Ĺ›Ah it looks like we have three very studious young folk” the guard said smugly, concealing his grin beneath the metal of his helmet.If Jason wasn’t mistaken the guard appeared to be one half less a shilling, perhaps there was a reason for him being on watch in the city rather than on the city wall or battlements. Though as the guard continued, (after he had regained his composure) he actually did seem more with it than was expected.â€Ĺ›Well” he said â€Ĺ›if you just look over there, see that big blue dome? That’s our Great Library. Just head towards that and you can’t go wrong. Just remember to keep heading towards it no matter what.” He smiled again and stood to attention, his helmet doing a little wobbly dance as he straightened up.â€Ĺ›Thanks!” Emily replied as she gave the guard a rather large smile and turned to Jason and Sherbit who were standing starring at her in astonishment.â€Ĺ›Emily I didn’t know you had it in youâ€Ĺš you know, being polite” Jason said jokingly.â€Ĺ›Oh, ha-ha.” Emily replied scathingly. â€Ĺ›At least we know where the library is, and that’s no thanks to you two.” With that she walked off, leaving Jason and Sherbit with their mouths hanging open.â€Ĺ›Touchy, isn’t she?” Jason said to Sherbit, who giggled, then ran off to catch up with her. Jason matched the little creature’s pace.They soon caught up with Emily, who was moving at a brisk pace down the road toward the blue dome of the Great Library. Jason felt a bit awkward, and thought that Emily may have been angry with him. He considered that having Emily angry with him may actually be worse than facing the Dark Lady. He had meant the whole thing as a joke, but maybe humour was different here.â€Ĺ›Emily, you know I was only joking back there, don’t you? I’m sorry if I hurt you or annoyed you.”She smiled prettily.â€Ĺ›It’s ok Jason, I knew you were only joking, I was just playing along. Besides I wouldn’t have let you walk all over me like that, you should know me better, by now.”Emily grinned.â€Ĺ›You’re right. Anyways, I’m still sorry, and I’m glad we’re still friends.”Emily gave him a look which he couldn’t quite interpret, and he felt his face start to grow warm.â€Ĺ›Well! Let’s get goingâ€Ĺš We’re heading to that big blue dome over there, then?” he said, trying to cover his embarrassment by changing the subject.â€Ĺ›Yes,” she replied, looking away. â€Ĺ›It shouldn’t take us too long to get there. Soon we should know a bit more about the Order of Elderine, and their stone.”Once again the three set off down the cobbled road, heading towards the blue dome. As they walked, they passed more strange looking buildings, homes, shops and craft workshops each looking as dangerously close to collapsing as the next, but each very surprisingly constructed securely. They soon reached the end of the road which then split.â€Ĺ›Which way is it now?” Jason askedâ€Ĺ›I’m not too sure” Emily looked left and right, each direction looking completely the same â€Ĺ›lets try this way” Emily pointed as she started to walk along the road to the right, closely followed by boy and imp.The direction of the road, and the shops on either side, meant that they couldn’t see the blue dome at all, and so they weren’t actually too sure if they were heading the right way or not. By the time they had walked half way along it, they were quite sure they weren’t heading in the right direction at all.Finally, after walking a little further, with a few more comments from Emily about this road not looking right, and a few more encouragements from Sherbit that â€Ĺ›maybe there was a turn between those shops, right ahead”, they decided to turn back and try the other way.They returned to the fork and went left, happily reassuring each other that it couldn’t be too far now, and trying to take a bearing on where the dome was before losing sight of it again. Whilst walking however, they soon felt they were getting further and further from the blue dome. Once again, Emily started to mention that the road â€Ĺšlooked wrong.’ A few grumbles later, Sherbit bounced off.â€Ĺ›I wonder what he’s up to” Emily said.â€Ĺ›I don’t know, but we shouldn’t let him get too far” Jason replied as he watched Sherbit run round the side of a house and out of their line of sight.Emily and Jason walked over to the building that Sherbit had disappeared behind to find a small dark looking alley. Thinking that all the other roads seemed to lead away from the library they decided to take their chance and see where the alley led. It couldn’t be much worse than walking what seemed like an endless road that led to no where in particular. Sherbit was sitting waiting for them.â€Ĺ›Maybe the library is this way” Sherbit said as he pointed down the alley, His large grin showing as he pointed.â€Ĺ›It’s worth a try” Jason said, though he grimaced at some of the smells that were drifting out towards them.As they walked along the small cobbled alley which lay in-between two rows of houses, they noticed that every so often another alley would join onto the one which they were walking along.After a while Jason stopped.â€Ĺ›Maybe we should try one of these side alleys’ this one doesn’t seem to be going anywhere at all”â€Ĺ›You’re right. We’ll take this one.” Emily said, and moved towards an alleyway pointing over to a dark passage, which really didn’t look too inviting at all. Why Emily hadn’t picked a brighter, wider one was beyond anyone’s guess.After following the alley for a while they ended up face to face with a stone wall. There were no doors to buildings, or windows, just plain, old stone. Confused, a bit annoyed and frustrated they decided to walk back again and try a different alleyway, but the same thing happened again, with the alley ending with a stone wall.They tried this a more few alleyways but more often than enough they ended up heading down one, and finding that it was a dead end too. Having to walk back up it again was beginning to cause a tiring effect on the friends.By the fifth dead end, they decided that maybe it was time to take a rest and head back to the main street. It was like being in a maze, and although Jason thought about making jokes about trails of breadcrumbs, the look of irritation on Emily’s face made him bite his tongue. Eventually, they found their way back to the fork at the end of the main street. They could see the blue dome. It really wasn’t that far away. It was just a matter of getting past the row of shops and houses that lay in front of it. But no matter what they tried, what road or alley they took, they always seemed to reach a dead end.â€Ĺ›Oh this is absolutely useless” Emily said as she sat her exhausted body down on the side of the road, â€Ĺ›We are never going to get to the Library at this rate, someone or something is obviously trying to stop us”â€Ĺ›Maybe you could go talk to that guard again, and see if he could tell us how exactly we could get to the Great library” Jason said as he sat down beside her trying to sound as optimistic as possible.â€Ĺ›Jason that’s not funny. Do try and be serious for once” She settled into what Jason thought of as a â€Ĺšclassic huff position’, with her arms crossed over her knees, and her chin resting on them, morosely.â€Ĺ›I am being serious. You should go and talk to the guard again. He must know how to get to the library – he just took it for granted that we knew the city’s shortcuts and everything. Maybe if you explain to him that it’s our first visit? Besides, it beats sitting here doing nothing.”Emily raised her chin to look at him, and nodded slightly.â€Ĺ›You’re right. I’ll go ask him”She walked slowly over toward the guard who was still standing smartly to attention. â€Ĺ›Excuse me.” she said, waiting through the helmet-fixing ritual until she had the guard’s attention, â€Ĺ›we tried to get to the Library, but every road or alley we took led away from it. Can you please tell us which way we should go?”The guard chuckled â€Ĺ›of course, like I said just head directly towards the dome, don’t change direction, just go straight ahead from where we are standing”â€Ĺ›But there is a row of shops there’ Emily said, trying to keep the annoyance from her voice. The guard wasn’t listening to her at all.The guard smiled a mysterious smile.â€Ĺ›Just look closely at those shops” he said quietly â€Ĺ›one of them is bound to help you out”Then he straightened up, fixed the helmet, and stood to attention again.Emily looked at him for a moment, and turned to walk back to her friends.â€Ĺ›Well? Did you find anything out?” Jason asked as soon as she returned.â€Ĺ›Not much. He just said that we should head straight towards the dome and not change direction.”â€Ĺ›But the row of shops...” Jason interrupted.â€Ĺ›I know. I did say about that, but the guard just said there was bound to be one that could help us, and that was it, that’s all he would say.”Jason looked at Sherbit, who just shrugged his shoulders. There was a rumbling noise.â€Ĺ›What was that?” Emily asked.â€Ĺ›My stomach!” Jason said, with a laugh.â€Ĺ›Trust you to be thinking about food, especially at a time like this!” she exclaimed.There was a second rumble, and Emily’s face went red.â€Ĺ›Looks like I’m not the only oneâ€Ĺš!” Jason laughed again.â€Ĺ›Let’s go get something to eat, before we starve away to nothing. We can’t be making things too easy for the Dark Lady and her watchers.”They gathered their belongings and walked down the road.Chapter Six: Devon Drake It wasn’t long before the three friends were looking for a place to buy a bite to eat. Sherbit of course who had the smallest stomach out of the three, but who also had the biggest appetite, was now starving, and the rumblings were a constant reminder. Being the most eager to grab something to eat, and at point were anything would have sated his hunger he noticed a small bakery. It was neatly tucked between two houses. A few customers stood outside gazing through one large window, their mouths almost watering at the sight of the freshly baked goods. The small shop looked like the perfect place to have something to eat.Jason and Emily soon caught the aromatic smells of the baked goods. Jason had never smelt anything like it. The aroma must have been ten times better than the smell of baked foods back home. Crusty breads and jam filled tarts, freshly griddled pancakes, plain and fruity scones, along with the smell of various buns and pastries swallowed up the surrounding air.There was no argument between the three friends about where they were going to eat. Sherbit ran over to the window. He was just tall enough to see over the ledge but still too short that he couldn’t see all of the goods that had been laid out by the baker. He looked at the goods that he could see, laid out perfectly across the counter, his mouth watered and his eyes dilated as they tried to capture all the breads, buns and cakes in one gaze. His mouth watered, and he made little smacking noises as he tried to stop himself drooling.â€Ĺ›Well are you just going to stand there and stare at them or are you going to come and eat some” Emily said as she headed towards the door.â€Ĺ›I would” Jason replied, â€Ĺ›but I don’t have any money, and even if I did I don’t think any shop keeper would accept any kind of money I would have”â€Ĺ›Oh don’t be silly Jason I have enough here to buy all three of us something” Emily tapped a pocket in the side of her cloak, some coins jingled musically. â€Ĺ›Shall we go in then, or stand here a little longer?”Sherbit didn’t hesitate nor did he need to be asked twice. No sooner had Emily jingled the coins in her pocket he was already stampeding toward the small shop door.â€Ĺ›I guess we should go in then” Jason said as he joined Emily following Sherbit into the bakery.The bakery was cramped, but cosy. It was no larger than a standard sized living room. With a counter next to the door, fresh goods were laid out. There was a small curtained door that must have laid back into the preparation and baking area. Nonetheless the tiny shop still looked very inviting. The floors were covered in dark slabs of stone that looked worn, the walls were covered in a dark red wood and each wall, except the front, held a medium sized painting of either beautiful natural scenery or very rural looking buildings. One in particular had a picture of an old looking mill with a small shack beside it. Two very proud looking men with long brown cloaks stood outside. The bakery’s front wall had a large window and the front door letting in just enough light for the customers to have the privilege of seeing the items for sale. The area behind the counter, like the seating area of the bakery, was lit by dim but warming oil torches on the wall. The only area in the whole bakery that didn’t hold any light was a very shadowed place at the back right side of the shop. As no cake selling transactions would take place over in that corner, it didn’t seem so important. Along the wall closest to the door sat three tables, each with four stools tucked neatly underneath. Each table was adorned with a red and white chequered cloth. The third table, the one furthest from the door, also happened to be in the dark area; and would have made the perfect place for anyone wishing to eat their fresh treats in peace while remaining unseen.A plump lady, with rosy checks and grey hair tied into a bun stood behind the counter smiling and greeting every customer that came to buy some of her breads and cakes. She beamed at Jason, Emily and Sherbit as they gazed with longing at the treasures spread before them.â€Ĺ›Hello dears” the lady gushed â€Ĺ›Would you like to try some of these Strawberry tarts? They’re fresh”Sherbit nearly jumped at the chance but thought otherwise when he remembered he had no money and that it was Emily who had gracefully said she would pay for all three of them. He certainly didn’t want to ruin his chance for a free snack now.â€Ĺ›Yes we would love too” Emily replied sounding very polite once againJason started to snigger, but quickly turned it into a cough as Emily gave him a sharp look.â€Ĺ›Well, go and take a seat then dears, and I’ll bring you some over with a glass of something sweet, ok?” She wafted them away with a smile and turned towards a door that must have led into the kitchen. Jason led the way over to the table closest to the door. As he sat down, Sherbit bounced over and sat next to him, followed closely by Emily sitting down opposite JasonIt wasn’t long before the old lady returned, carrying a tray with three tall glasses of what looked like milk and a plate of strawberry tarts piled into a tall, sticky pyramid.â€Ĺ›There you go dears! Now eat up, and enjoy.” She smiled again, and then added under her breath, â€Ĺ›It looks like you haven’t eaten in days, poor things!”â€Ĺ›Don’t we owe you something for this?” Emily asked, reaching for her purse.â€Ĺ›Oh, no dear! It’s a treat. Now eat up.” She smiled once again, and headed back to the counter.â€Ĺ›That was very nice of her!” Jason said, helping himself to one of the strawberry tarts.â€Ĺ›Yes. Very.” Emily replied, apprehensively.Neither Jason nor Sherbit seemed to notice her tone, as they happily munched on the free tarts.â€Ĺ›These are really good. Emily you should try one” Jason said with his mouth full of tart. Some off which had managed to find its way out of Jason’s mouth and had started to roll down his chin.â€Ĺ›They look lovely” Emily said, but deep down she was thinking about the old lady’s actions. Why had she been so nice and given them this food for free? Emily shook her head. â€Ĺ›I’m just being paranoid,” she thought. â€Ĺ›She is just an old lady after all.”She took a deep breath, and a bite of a strawberry tart.â€Ĺ›My goodness these are good!” Emily exclaimed, once she tasted the sweet strawberry jam.â€Ĺ›I think Sherbit agrees with you there” Jason said as he looked over at Sherbit. Midway through his third tart, it was hard to see were the jam ended and the imp began.Emily laughed then pulled herself together.â€Ĺ›I should really start thinking about what exactly we will be looking for when we get to the library. I mean it is a lot we have to look up. With the Order of Elderine the stone and the Dark lady, we will have our hands full”â€Ĺ›We should be ok, I hope, but I am a bit anxious as to what we will find. I am excited too though.” Jason said as he lifted his glass to take a drink.â€Ĺ›I’m excited too, we may find some things that will shock both of us, but at least we will know the truth and perhaps maybe the reason for you being here”â€Ĺ›Yeah, I hope so.”Jason and Emily finish off their tarts whilst Sherbit nipped under the table to lick himself clean. Catlike purring noises could be heard from where Sherbit was nestled under the table cleaning, he emerged a few moments later jam-free and faintly embarrassed. Jason and Emily, who had barely been able to contain their giggles, straightened their faces and picked up their cloaks.â€Ĺ›We should say thanks to the old lady before we go for the tarts and drinks.” Emily said as she walked towards the counter.The three friends said their thanks then left the bakery feeling refreshed and full from the very enjoyable tarts.At the back of the bakery engulfed in shadows, a figure stirred.â€Ĺ›Did you hear that?” a voice whispered. The owner of the voice was shadowed but for anyone who had purpose or interest could have squinted or focused enough to discern that the source of the mysterious voice was coming from someone who had dark black hair with piercing dark eyes which melted out of the shadows, resolving themselves into a young, clean-looking boy. The mysterious boy was well-dressed for someone of his age. He would have stuck out among the crowds of commoners, townsfolk and busy shoppers that paraded around the streets of Haspar, which is perhaps why he chose to sit in the shadows. Here was a boy who did not want to be known, or recognised.â€Ĺ›Grimble? I said did you hear that? Did you hear what they were talking about?”â€Ĺ›Yes, master. I did,” a rough sounding voice answered in return. The boy’s companion shuffled forward on his chair. He was a small, unusual looking creature. It looked almost brown in appearance. It vaguely resembled an elf, but lacked the well-expressed features that any elf would naturally possess. Instead this creature looked like it was pulled from the ground, earth, leaves, twigs and all. In appearance it looked as if created by Mother Nature herself.Perhaps it was half tree, and half elf.â€Ĺ›They are going to the great library, to read about the Order of Elderine. What possible reason could they have for doing such a thing?” the boy pondered before pausing.â€Ĺ›I think something unusual is happening Grimble, and we are not going to sit around here and watch it walk off. We will follow them to the library and find out exactly what they are up to.”â€Ĺ›Good idea Master Devon” Grimble replied, without enthusiasm. He had been bound to his master, Devon Drake, since the boy’s birth and had endured many of the youngster’s ill-advised schemes in the past. Still, when one was bound to a house, and a good house at that – one that did not punish with hated metal, or forget to feed one – one did not disagree when the master’s mind was made up.Devon had decided from the very moment he heard what Emily was talking about The Elderine Stone, that there was something unusual about the three characters. He noticed that Jason seemed very unusual, however thought that he was perhaps a distant stranger who was merely visiting the country. Devon had spent many hours each day studying the people of the world. Due to this he did possess some knowledge of the types of people from the surrounding lands. This boy however was different, unlike anything he had studied before. It wasn’t his looks but rather the way he acted, the way he held himself. Devon had the lucky fortune of being the King’s son, and one of the descendants of the Order of Elderine. Hearing the mentioning of the name by Emily only intrigued more interest and Devon knew he had to find out what exactly they were up to.However, as one might come to expect, being the only prince of Haspar, carried certain duties that required fulfilling, and difficulties that required resolutions, which is why he was hiding in the bakery. He didn’t want to be spotted outside the castle walls. It wasn’t that the city was unsafe. It was the complete opposite of that, in fact it was very safe, perhaps too safe for his liking. Much to his resounding objections his mother and father were very strict, especially when it came to his studies. â€Ĺ›The future King must know his Lands and History!” his father always told him, but Devon had always felt it would be better to get to know the lands of today rather than those of one thousand years ago.Devon stood up from the table, pulled a hood over his head and walked towards the door of the shop.â€Ĺ›Have a nice day dears” the old lady behind the counter said as Devon sauntered by her.Devon didn’t reply, and Grimble merely slightly inclined his wizened head.As he passed by the table of bread and buns, Devon passed his hand over the table and deftly removed a bread roll, which he neatly tucked into his cloak pocket. It was so quick that neither the old lady nor Grimble managed to see.He walked out of the shop, without paying any attention to the old lady or his pernicious act.â€Ĺ›We have to keep a close eye on them. Though at the same time, we don’t want them noticing us.” Devon said as he peaked round a pillar outside the bakery. Jason and his friends weren’t that far away, Devon quickly withdrew back into the shadows to avoid being detected.Jason, Emily and Sherbit were now walking towards the library. They held thoughts of what the guard had told them, to walk straight towards the dome. They had previously tried that several times before and felt that they were getting nowhere. They had decided that the guard’s advice should be heeded, and that’s exactly what they were going to do, head straight towards the dome and take no alterations in their direction.As they walked with their goal in sight along the busy market street they failed to notice the two unfamiliar faces peering out from behind stalls along the road. Every now and then the two shifty characters would dart out from behind a wooden market stall to the next. From within busy swarms of energetic morning shoppers or from behind the rickety yet still very sturdy supports of buildings, stealthily running to catch up with the three unsuspecting companions. They continued to dash from one object to the next, artfully avoiding detection.Unaware and unconcerned, the three friends walked on towards the dome of the Great Library. It wasn’t long before they had reached the end of the road and were once again faced with the decision, should they go left or should they go right?â€Ĺ›I don’t understand” Emily said as she looked both ways then jumped a few times to see if she could see over the roofs that obstructed their path to the library. â€Ĺ›We can’t possibly go straight ahead there is no way, passed this building in front.”â€Ĺ›Maybe that’s it, maybe we are supposed to go through that building, I mean there is no other way around it.” Jason replied.â€Ĺ›Well let’s go look, maybe one of those doors leads to an alley way, which will lead us to the library”Devon and Grimble watched with suspicion from behind a trade cart that was sitting at the end of the road, they were considerably close to Jason and Emily who still didn’t notice. Sherbit, on the other hand, found his gaze returning again and again to the cart. His nose twitched. He could have sworn that the scent of those wonderful strawberry tarts had been following them from the bakery. He surreptitiously checked his tail for jam, just in case he had neglected to clean all of his body. Sadly he was a very particular cleaner, which meant there was no jam in sight, much to his disappointment. A slight movement brought his attention back to the cart, but he was distracted when Emily pulled him away as they walked towards the row of buildings facing the road.â€Ĺ›Do you think he saw us Master?”â€Ĺ›If he did I don’t think he would have done anything about it” Devon replied as he peaked over the cart to watch Emily rap on a few of the doors. â€Ĺ›What are they doing anyway, why don’t they just go to the library?”â€Ĺ›Maybe they know we are here master, watching them”â€Ĺ›Don’t be stupid Grimble” Devon said as he slapped the back of Grimble’s head. â€Ĺ›If they knew we were watching them they would have come over and said something. I think they are lost, they don’t know how to get to the library.”â€Ĺ›I don’t know which door it is, they all seem to be locked” Emily said as she tried to push open another door that had no reply to her tapping.â€Ĺ›Maybe it’s this one over here” Jason pointed over to an old rusty looking door, with very ornate curves and designs around the marble frame. At the top of the door sat a very proud looking statue of an owl.â€Ĺ›Well we should try it. Jason, try pushing that door open”Jason walked up to the door and with a gentle push the door creaked and swung open. The door opened to reveal a street with rows of obscure looking buildings with robed men and women.â€Ĺ›This must be it. Look!” Emily shouted as she pointed down the street. â€Ĺ›We are in the library section of town, all these people are either philosophers, students of magic, or mentors” Emily looked around at all the robed figures walking from building to building carrying bundles of books, some had scrolls tucked neatly under their arms. It was a very different scene from the market street.Sherbit was clinging to the ends of Jason’s cloak as the three friends walked passed the busy scholars and teachers of magic and history towards the blue dome of the Great Library. They could see the large white marble building in front of them. Six pillars stood proudly at the entrance of the great building, holding up the front of the large domed roof. Each pillar had a painstakingly carved figure of a robed man holding a book. Two stood facing each other, holding what looked like orbs in their hands.Jason looked at the marvellous building. It was a masterpiece of creation, with smooth white marble walls surrounding the entire structure. There were large windows positions with equal distance along each wall. The blue dome was so rich and lustrous in colour, that Jason couldn’t take his eyes off it for long. Jason’s eyes were often drawn back to the figures embedded in the marble pillars - they reminded him of the robed men he had seen in his visions. He found them daunting. They seemed to watch his every move, but he knew that they were only statues, nothing more. They couldn’t actually be watching him, but he still felt something, a prickling sense of unease.The statues kept their own council on the matter, but elsewhere, in an alley nearby, a slim shadow skulked. Jason and his companions were being watched by more than just Devon and Grimble.â€Ĺ›Well what are you waiting for? Let’s go in” Emily said as she started to walk up the marble steps towards the entrance of the library.Sherbit followed her, jumping up each step, again he was humming a tune, very similar to the one he had been singing while they were walking towards Haspar.â€Ĺ›Jason. Are you okay” Emily stopped as she turned around to see Jason standing at the bottom of the steps still staring at the figures in the statues.â€Ĺ›Yeah I’m fine, it’s just these statues. I don’t know what it is.” Jason looked around again as if he was scouting the area, for anyone who might be watching. As soon as he felt assured that there was no one with any unwanted intentions, he followed Sherbit and Emily up the steps to the library entrance.As soon as the three companions entered the library, Devon and Grimble walked out of a crowd of magic students, it was almost a miracle that they were actually able to hide among them.Grimble started to walk towards the library but was quickly pulled back by Devon.â€Ĺ›Where are you going? We don’t want to go into the library right after them. They will catch onto us, fool.” Devon said taking a bread roll out of his pocket which he had lifted from the bakery earlier. â€Ĺ›We will wait here a while, then we will go in”â€Ĺ›Good idea sire, we will wait here, then we will go in” Grimble said eyeing up the bread.Stretching out his arm Grimble tried to grab the bread, but with a quick swoop of his hand across Grimble’s head Devon denied him the pleasure.â€Ĺ›Grimble you have to stay focused. We have to be fully aware of our surroundings and concentrate on what these trouble makers are up too. If my father had heard what we heard, those three would be in prison by now” Devon took a bite of the bread. â€Ĺ›But really where is the fun in that? Besides, if they are planning on doing what I think they are going to do, well then we can follow them, cut them to the chase, and win the goal for ourselves”â€Ĺ›What are they planning on doing, sire?” Grimble said still watching the remaining half of the bread.â€Ĺ›Don’t you listen, Grimble? They are going to go to the North in the hopes of defeating the Dark Lady, and you know as much as I do, that we can not let that happen. It should be us, or rather me who defeats her, and not some outsider.”â€Ĺ›Oh yes, yes now I see.”â€Ĺ›Okay Grimble let’s go see what they are up too” Devon said throwing the remaining piece of bread to the ground.Grimble looked at it, as if it was the last piece of food around, but he quickly shook of the illusion when Devon pulled him along towards the Library.The figure in the shadowed alley watched as Devon and Grimble walked towards the library entrance, then when they reached the steps the figure moved back into the shadows out of sight.Chapter Seven: The Great LibraryThe entrance chamber of the Great Library was a long and wide room. The air carried a peculiar smell, which you would expect to find, upon entering any building that was a monumental tomb of old books, scrolls and mysterious ancient artefacts. This library was no exception. It was the grandest of buildings that one could imagine. A strange looking circular object delicately floated in the air as if it had its own will to fly. It looked like a crystal clear glass globe which contained a strange swirling mixture of dark blue and purple liquid. The colours didn’t mix, but slowly swirled throughout the glass container, like an endless dancing sea. Three tubes emerged from the globe at different sides, one traced along a beam on the roof and disappeared through the back wall, and another followed a beam on the roof and then came down the left wall into a strange looking stone pedestal with equally strange looking markings up one side. The third tube went straight up through the roof, heading to goodness knows where. Along the wooden panelled walls stood several display cases containing old scrolls, books and tattered pages with various different images and texts. Curiosity filled Jason as he sensed the great magical histories that would be stored within the building. Leaving the others he walked over to one of the cases to look at its contents. Peering through the window of ones of the cabinets he noticed a plaque which was placed within glass enclosure. He read the plaque softly to himself.Bridge Sprites and their Riddles.A Fantastic collection of riddles collected through the years.By Evabe TricksThe book was opened at a page with the title Hardyhan Bridge. In the centre of one of the pages the author had neatly drawn picture of a rather old looking stone bridge with vines growing over it, at either side stood two large gates, which would stop anyone from crossing. Underneath the image was a small description. Jason was quite surprised when he read further. Apparently the bridge was the only known route to the mountains in the north. He thought to himself that he would actually have to cross this bridge at some point and any information that he could find could turn out to be very useful, whatever it was that he would encounter. The description read:To those adventurers who wish to seek out the mountains and ruins to the north, it would be wise, when and if, crossing by the Hardyhan Bridge to keep your wits about you. For there lives a creature, that is cunning in its very nature. To pass across the bridge alive and well you must answer a riddle that the mischievous creature will ask.Don’t be hasty in your answer, as a correct answer will be a wrong answer. But you can not guess any other answer either, hoping that it will be right. Instead you must give an answer that you know to be wrong but feel confident enough that it is right.With his jaw dropped Jason initially stood thinking over the passage. His face was a painted image of confusion. â€Ĺ›Give an answer that you know to be wrong, but confident that it was right, surely you’d have to be crazy to even be able to do that” he thought to himself, thinking that whoever wrote that book was surely out to bewilder its readers. Although when he thought about it, nothing really was straight forward here. He pondered the text a bit further until he finally thought he understood it. Either he did understood or his brain was getting tired of rereading the same passage and wanted him to believe he understood. If he ever needed to cross the bridge he would have to know he was giving a wrong answer. He chuckled at the thought then continued to look around the library entrance chamber.He noticed a large tapestry which hung majestically from the north wall above a large wooden door at the far end of the room. The robed figures yet again appeared on the material, a spectacle that was becoming far too familiar in Jason’s own opinion. The tapestry portrayed two robed figures, one of which was holding what looked like a blue orb. A pedestal had been sown into the centre of the tapestry and appeared almost as if it was surrounded in light. This however was only visual trickery, created by the various yellow and golden threads sown into the fabric. The pedestal looked familiar. It looked much like the one that Jason had seen in the cave chamber back home, and again like the one he has seen in the Elderine Forest. Jason almost didn’t notice it at first, but when he looked closer he began to make out the outline of what appeared to be a dark figure in the tapestry it was very unclear, but it obviously played an important part in the story that the tapestry’s creator was trying to tell.Jason finally pulled his eyes away from the woven work of art. He hadn’t realised how long he had actually been staring at it. He quickly looked around the library to locate his friends, spotting Emily and Sherbit standing next to an ornately curved counter at the end of the room talking to an old man.The man was a stick of a figure, long thin and slender, with an owl like face. His eyebrows were bushy and rose when he spoke. He wore half-rimmed glasses which he pushed up at regular intervals whilst continuing to speak to Emily and Sherbit. He was wearing a long brown cloak with several patches. Jason thought to himself that this chap really did fit the build of a stereotypical librarian. Not that he was assuming all librarians had to fit that build and look exactly the same as this one.The old man passed a small piece of yellow-aged piece of paper over to Emily, followed by a quill and a small pot of something that must have been ink. He positioned it just to the right of the paper. Emily reached for the quill lent forward and began to write something. The librarian watched over the rim of his glasses as the young girl jotted down whatever it was that she was writing. She stopped after a short period of time and handed the quill back to the librarian, who quickly took it off her and smiled. His eyebrows rising as he did so. Tucking the paper into a wooden cabinet behind him he turned and pointed down the hall. Jason spun round to see where the librarian was pointing to.His long slender finger directed the friends towards the pedestal in the corner, the one in which the strange pipe with the peculiar mixture of coloured liquid had flowed into. The pedestal definitely looked remarkably similar to the one which Jason had seen in the chambers both back home and in the Elderine forest. A large brown circle was neatly carved around the pedestal, and on top sat a large green gem.Emily started to walk towards Jason, Sherbit followed closely behind her. Sherbit jumped from tile to tile of the marble floor, almost as if he was trying to avoid any cracks or joints.â€Ĺ›Well Jason let’s go. I have talked to the librarian and he has said it was alright for us to search the entire library for any information. Though I have to say he was a bit concerned when I told him what exactly we wanted to look up.”Jason gulped.â€Ĺ›What do you mean the whole library? We could be here for days if we have to search everything.”â€Ĺ›Oh don’t worry Jason, it will be fine.”Emily started to walk towards the pedestal in the far corner. Jason stood there just gazing at her, wondering how she could keep her cool in situations like these. Surely they would have to spend hours searching through the parchments, tomes and old dusty books for any relevant information, that is, if there was any to be found. â€Ĺ›What was going on?” he thought as he watched Emily approach the pedestal. â€Ĺ›Perhaps this strange pedestal was an indexing device” he laughed at the thought, but then he really couldn’t deny any possibilities or alternatives in this world. Anything could be essentially possible. â€Ĺ›Expect to find the unexpected” he thought â€Ĺ›and the strange things to be normal.” He slowly started to walk towards Emily and Sherbit who had now reached the strange device.â€Ĺ›Come on” Sherbit signalled showing his teeth in a grin.â€Ĺ›Shush” Replied Emily as quick as Sherbit spoke â€Ĺ›Remember where you are.”Jason finally made it over to the stone object, for some reason his stomach was turning, maybe it was nerves, but nonetheless he knew that whatever was about to happen he had to do it.â€Ĺ›Come stand in the circle” Emily directed as she shifted over to make a little more room, to allow enough space for the three friends to stand together within the circle on the floor surrounding the pedestal.Jason placed one foot in then the other. When Emily was sure that they were all within the perimeter of the circle she turned to face the stone resting atop the pedestal, she placed her two hands on the green stone, then announced.â€Ĺ›The Order of Elderine and the Lady of the North”Immediately there was a strange buzzing noise that seemed to come from the large globe floating in the centre of the chamber. Jason looked up to see the mixture spinning within the globe much faster than before, he could have sworn that the mixture was spinning and merging with greater speed. The colours began to mix, the contents appearing to expand and contract as the mixture slowly began to move its way along the three tubes. The three friends could feel the ground beneath them vibrate slightly and then a little more. Soon their surroundings were starting to seem blurry. The walls blurred in with the windows and the containers. The librarian at the end of the hall didn’t seem to take note of them or the fact that they were rapidly fading and merging in with their surroundings.The buzzing noise grew louder. Jason closed his eyes. He felt two small arms wrap themselves around his leg. It was Sherbit, the tiny creature was not accustomed to this device either. He sighed and closed his eyes again, absently resting his hand on Sherbit’s little head.Within seconds the noise stopped, the ground was motionless. Jason opened his eyes.They were now standing in an empty room, the walls were bare. They were standing alone, in a room with no door, no windows, and more importantly no books or any containers to hold such items. Had they been tricked, had they somehow been magically warped into an inescapable prison? The only other item in the room along with the three friends was an identical pedestal like the one that had brought them in here.â€Ĺ›Well what now?” Jason asked as he looked around the room â€Ĺ›We can’t do much research in an empty room, can we?”â€Ĺ›Jason just wait” Emily replied sounding very mother-like.Jason waited. Sherbit was still cowering behind his legs. Nothing happened. Then with a pop at the back of the room a book case appeared, then another, and another. Two more appeared at the same time, giving a total of five empty book cases standing in the room.Jason looked on in amazement. An empty silence filled the room for a brief moment, and then the empty cases started to fill up with books. Large dusty tomes and smaller indexed catalogues, one case started to fill up with scrolls, whilst another seemed to fill up with a series of books that belonged to a volume. A few books landed on the floor. At the back of the room there was another pop and a few strange looking objects and artefacts appeared on some of the shelves. Each shelf on every bookcase had something on it. Jason was speechless for a moment. He collected his thoughts and swallowed hardâ€Ĺ›How on earth did that happen?”â€Ĺ›The Indexing Stone searched the library for anything that contains any details on what I mentioned when I touched it. So these books and scrolls should contain some information on the Order of Elderine, and the Dark Lady.” Emily walked towards one of the bookcases and lifted a hardcover book its cover was a magnificent emerald green. â€Ĺ›The good thing is that these books are only magical copies, the real books are stored deep within the libraries inner chambers. It prevents the books from being damaged, or stolen, and it means several people can read the same book at the same time”â€Ĺ›Wow! That’s incredible!” Jason said in what almost seemed like a gasp.â€Ĺ›Well come on you two let’s not stand around all day. The sooner we get through these books the better.” Emily spoke as if she was uninterested in what had just happened. It was as if she had expected this to happen, or even that she knew that the books would appear. In truth however, she was just as astonished as Jason and Sherbit were, she just didn’t want to admit it. Her grandfather often told her that the best actors made the best leaders. It was only now, as she kept her hands out of sight of the others so they wouldn’t see them shake, that she thought she understood what he meant.The three friends began their individual searches at different corners of the small room, each grabbing a book, or scroll and skimming through it for any clues that could help them in their quest. Many of the books describe the Order of Elderine and how they were formed, when and where, but there was no information on the Dark Lady or the Elderine Stone. Emily did come across several books that mentioned the Lord of Darkness and that he had been imprisoned. However any relevant information, such as any sort of answer to any one of their questions remained hidden from their eyes. It almost seemed like the books were trying to hide something from the three friends, the books didn’t want to release the secrets of the Order of Elderine or the stone.Sherbit was the first to break the silence when he came across a very old, looking scroll, though it didn’t smell too old, in fact it felt and smelt like it was a fresh piece of parchment that had just recently been written upon and dipped in coffee to get a stained effect, Emily could have sworn that the ink was still damp when she took the scroll of Sherbit. She began to read it aloud so the others could hear.It was on a dark and dreary night,The three remaining members of the Order proceeded to the inner chamber.Their prisoner waited.The Stone Master carried the stone,The Others cried orbs to aid the bindingWithin the stone that would hold the demon.The chant began, the orbs held high,The stone sat waiting.The dark shadow chained to the walls struggled for release,With its last words, I shall bring another; it was drawn into the stone.The door was sealed.The room was quiet.Then, another came,A femaleâ€ĹšBefore Emily could finish reading the scroll, it disintegrated, leaving a pile of dust on the ground and an ash-like substance on her clothes and hands.â€Ĺ›Well that was something” Jason exclaimed looking at the pile of dust on the floor, â€Ĺ›I don’t think scrolls are supposed to do that”â€Ĺ›You’re right someone or something is trying to stop us from getting further in our quest. We have to be cautious. Let’s finish with the rest of these books, there may be something else. Then we should get out of the city before we are caught.”Emily walked over to the artefacts whilst Sherbit continued to look through the scrolls. Jason decided that he should try his luck looking through the books of the volume. Walking over to the bookcase and looking at its contents, there were at least twenty various sized books lined up all neatly bound in what looked like red leather. One book, however, which had been placed in the centre was green, it had the title All things Elderine Old, New and Now, imprinted in gold along the spine. It’s worth a try Jason thought as he lifted the book down. The book slipped through his fingers and landed open with the pages facing the ground. Jason bent down to pick it up, placing one of his fingers between the pages that the book had fallen open at. Jason didn’t even glance at the contents until he was standing up again. As he leant against the bookshelf he began to open the book at were it fell.Jason suddenly jumped back with surprise, what he found was totally unexpected, in a matter of seconds he had uncovered and completely by accident, exactly what they had been looking for.â€Ĺ›Emily come here, I think I have found something”Emily looked over at him, placing a strange looking metal block back on the shelf.The Story of the Hero.It has been said that a hero will come, a hero not familiar to this world. This hero will be the one who will vanquish the new evil, the evil that has been summoned forth by the Dark One.Many will stop him, many who believe that only a member of the Order can stop the evil.The writing began to fade. Jason turned a few more pages hoping to find some more clues. The next page was blank, and any page that followed on after. Jason gulped as his heart and hopes sank as the penultimate page he turned to also bore the same appearance as those before. He turned one last time to find a picture. It looked like a mountain, with a ruined building at the foot. A caption below the picture read:The Lost City Ruins, at the foot of the Mingus Mountains.â€Ĺ›That is where we have to go” Emily explainedâ€Ĺ›To the Mingus Mountains?”â€Ĺ›Don’t you see Jason, you are that Hero, and there are people who are trying to stop us, we haven’t been imagining this. We should go to my house at once, it’s on the way. We can stock up on supplies and then at first light head towards the Mingus Mountains. Then we can fight the Dark Lady.”â€Ĺ›Wait.” Jason said interrupting Emily in her excitement â€Ĺ›I don’t know if I’m capable of fighting anyone, never mind the Dark Lady, who by the sounds of things seems to strike fear into the hearts of so many people here”â€Ĺ›But Jason you have to, it’s your Destiny! Besides you are the only one who can defeat her. You have to” Emily sounded so emotional that Jason felt guilty for even thinking about questioning who Emily thought he was.â€Ĺ›Ok, I will, or at least I will try. There is no harm in trying. Besides there is not much else I can do now that I am stuck here”â€Ĺ›She is evil” Sherbit said rocking back and forth on the ground â€Ĺ›I don’t want to go back there”â€Ĺ›Sherbit you’ll be ok, besides you have me looking after you, the hero” Jason said this with a brave sounding voice, imitating a typical hero pose.â€Ĺ›See Sherbit you have nothing to worry about.” Emily said kneeling down to rub Sherbit’s back. â€Ĺ›You will be fine I promise.”â€Ĺ›Maybe we should go now” Jason said, remembering the past events. If they were right in their assumptions, someone would soon catch up with them and try to put a stop to their plans before they even had the opportunity to put them into action.â€Ĺ›Yeah we have found everything we could find out here” Emily walked over to the Indexing stone â€Ĺ›Come and stand in the circle you two”When all three were standing safely within the circles perimeter, Emily placed her hands on the stone.â€Ĺ›Search Complete”The buzzing noise surrounded them, the ground vibrated, but this time they knew what was happening. Even Sherbit who had been terrified last time was now humming his usual tune.The noise and the vibrating stopped. Once again they were standing back in the library entrance chamber. Nothing much had changed since they had left it earlier, except for two young looking people who quickly turned away as soon as Emily, Jason and Sherbit appeared back in the room.â€Ĺ›Well that’s everything. We should leave the city now before we attract any unwanted attention.” Emily said as she lead the way towards the door, passing by Devon and Grimble who were nervously looking at one of the containers hoping that they wouldn’t be noticed. The three friends smiled at the librarian on their way out. â€Ĺ›Grimble this is your entire fault, we have missed them. Look! They are leaving.” Devon said as he slapped Grimble across the head.A loud shush came from the direction of the librarian at the desk.â€Ĺ›You almost got us caught too, standing there staring right at them” Devon lowered his voice to a hiss, but still punctuated his complaint with a series of sharp slaps.â€Ĺ›But masterâ€Ĺš!”â€Ĺ›No â€ĹšButs’, Grimble. We will check the Indexing Stone to see what they were looking at” Devon walked towards the Indexing Stone with Grimble slowly walking behind him. Devon placed his hand on the stone and saidâ€Ĺ›Immobile. Previous search”Devon clearly had used these devices before, but being the kings son, and having to study quite a bit this was to be expected. Instead of being warped into a different room, A metal like plate attached to the wall above the stone shone, then a list of books that were in the last search appeared. Most names contained Elderine, Order of Elderine and a few contained brief notes on the Dark Lady.â€Ĺ›So they are planning to go north” Devon said forgetting the silence rule. â€Ĺ›We have to stop them Grimble, we can’t let an outsider take the honour that is rightfully mine”â€Ĺ›Yes Devon, we should stop them, but shouldn’t we be following them now?”â€Ĺ›Yes Grimble, following them sounds good” As soon as Devon had said it he realised what it meant, they had let the three friends out of their sight, but at least he now knew where they were heading. They were on their way towards the ruins of the old Elderine City, The Lost City, at the foot of the Mingus Mountains.â€Ĺ›Well let’s get going Grimble. We have no time to stand around waiting.” Devon motioned as he walked towards the library exit.On his way out he stopped at the librarian, and lowered his hood.â€Ĺ›Next time you tell me to be quiet; I shall have to have a word with my father.”â€Ĺ›Oh sorry you’re Highness! I didn’t recognise you! My apologies!”He bowed low, and Devon made a gesture indicating the librarian to stand up.â€Ĺ›It is alright. This time! Next I won’t be so favourable”Devon pulled his hood up again and walked out of the library; Grimble just gave a nervous smile to the now shaken librarian, and followed Devon out. Chapter Eight: A hooded Figure The air was much cooler outside. It refreshed and lifted the sprits of the young friends who were now eager to start their quest. Standing side by side they enjoyed a gentle breeze blow passed them. The sensation sent cool tremors down their backs. The library had been rather stuffy. The air had been warm and dry, almost suffocating. It was such a liberty to be able to breathe fresh air again.The once busy streets, which were previously crowded by teachers of magic and their students, were now fairly empty. The majority of the previous crowd were now probably deep in thought, focusing on their classes or studying the ancient magical archives. Jason wondered for a brief moment, why couldn’t someone else from this world defeat the Dark Lady and why did it have to be him. The many users of magic, the King’s guards, or even an army of both could surely go up against the Dark Lady and have a much greater chance of success. Then again maybe the stories were true, maybe only the hero could defeat her, or a member of the Order. It didn’t matter though Jason knew he had to go north. After all, there was no where else for him to go. He had no other choice, if an alternative did pop up he would surely take it, but as far as he could see there was no way out of this one. Here he was a stranger in a strange and magical land, following two new friends. They had dropped everything for him, so he wasn’t going to give up on them now.Emily led the way back through the streets of the library district towards the door that would lead them onto the busy merchant area. They all felt a little uneasy, as if their surroundings were caving in over them, or as if hundreds of eyes were watching from the windows, peering into their minds to uncover their plans. It was a silly thought really. Some townsfolk were still walking around the streets, but they were too preoccupied with their own personal business to pay any attention to the three friends. They now had a hint of what they needed to do, and it was important that they started their quest as soon as possible. What they did know had been reaffirmed. The scriptures had spoken about the Hero, and now they were more than certain it was Jason.As they continued to walk, they discussed what they had uncovered in the Great Library. They spoke at an audible level but at the same time took much care to ensure no one overheard them. Fearing the worst, or rather that the streets of Haspar had more ears than walls they decided it best that they should postpone any further discussion about their discoveries. At least until they were safely out of the city boundaries. They all felt the same feeling, as if an uncomfortable cloak of observation had been cast over them as soon as they left the library. They desperately wished to remove this.â€Ĺ›You know we really should pass by my home.” Emily mused breaking the silence â€Ĺ›It would give us a chance to rest, and think things through before we continue on our journey north. Plus it would allow us to gain some privacy from everyone else so we can really think about what we should do when we do reach the Dark Lady.”â€Ĺ›That would be a great idea.” Jason replied before pausing, as if he remembered something important then he continued â€Ĺ›Although, perhaps not. Won’t your grandfather be there? After all I thought he was against the whole idea of me being the hero?”â€Ĺ›Well yes he could be. Though I have a feeling he won’t be there. In fact there is a much greater risk of him being here in Haspar, as I’m sure he would have come to tell the king about your arrival.”â€Ĺ›Well then I guess it’s settled. It would be nice, I think, if we could rest there before we start the long trek north, I haven’t had a good sleep in a while” Jason stretched and yawned â€Ĺ›I hope your parents have plenty of food stocked up.” Sherbit nodded whilst rubbing his stomach with his bony hand, Emily and Jason looked down with a grin.â€Ĺ›Oh yes, yes, there must be food for us to eat” Sherbit said which a much more serious tone.Jason and Emily laughed as they walked through the door leaving Sherbit standing a few paces behind still rubbing his stomach.â€Ĺ›I’ll take that as a yes then... yes??”There was no reply, Sherbit sighed and ran through the door after his two friends.Emily and Jason were standing at the other side looking up the street. They were quite surprised at what lay before them. Busy shoppers shuffled along the market stalls, each looking for any bargains that they could lay their hands upon. The market place had nearly tripled in size since they left earlier. The people were so tightly squashed together that most could barely move.â€Ĺ›Wow look at all those people” Jason said â€Ĺ›maybe we should find another way around them? It might be quicker in the long run, besides I don’t particularly fancy being squashed to death in the process of trying to reach the city gates.”â€Ĺ›I agree.” Emily replied thoughtfully â€Ĺ›I remember seeing a side street when I was talking to the guard earlier perhaps it will lead to the city gate, if not at least it will direct us away from the crowds.”â€Ĺ›Its worth a try, anything has to be better than being squashed between that horde of shopaholics”â€Ĺ›Shop-a-what-now?” Emily replied in a confused tone along with a very blank and vacant expression painted across her face.â€Ĺ›Oh never mind” Jason said with a laugh â€Ĺ›Let’s just find this side street and get out of this city, I’m starting to feel like a rat in a cage never mind the feeling of being watched.”It was true in a way, as not far behind, Devon and Grimble stood pretending to admire some unusual objects that lay sprawled across a wooden market stall. Jason had glanced over at them a view times but didn’t seem to pay them much attention.Devon of course had been listening carefully to every word spoken by the three friends and was now planning what he and Grimble should do. The very fact that the three friends planned to leave the city caused a certain deal of weariness for Devon, as he knew that if his father even found him outside of the Palace grounds he would be in trouble. Devon was not going to let something like this slip away so easily. He felt it was more his duty to follow them to the north It was his duty to protect the interest of the remaining members of the Order. He was their chosen one and he was not about to step aside and let this outsider take his destiny.â€Ĺ›What are we going to do when they go to her house?” Grimble said as he admired a rather shinny object, from a basket.â€Ĺ›Well we will have to follow them and then wait around until they leave again.”â€Ĺ›What if they stay a long time?”â€Ĺ›I don’t think they will.”â€Ĺ›And sire what if, her adults are there?”â€Ĺ›Grimble be quiet! You ask too many questions, and it’s her parents not adults.” Devon began to mutter to himself about the lack of intellect he had to deal with, and why his parents hadn’t entrusted his protection with something a little more suitable for his needs.â€Ĺ›Okay sire I won’t ask anymore questions, but what ifâ€Ĺšâ€ťDevon didn’t give him a chance to finish as a swift blow across his head stopped him from saying or asking anything else.â€Ĺ›Now be quiet and listen.”They both stood and watched Emily lead Jason and Sherbit towards a side street then they slipped into the shadows.As soon as Emily had reached the side street she had peeked down to see if it looked safe enough for them to enter. It would be foolish at this stage now they had an idea of what they were supposed to do, to be lynched and carted off to goodness knows what sort of ending. The alleyway didn’t look unusual, though strange music was being played and laughter could be heard, from a building that looked much like a tavern, well a building that tried its very best to at least resemble a tavern. It almost pulled it off. The guard who had helped the friends previously in the day with his riddles to assist them was no longer in sight, if they needed any help now it would be useless trying to call for someone. Even if they did, the noise from the crowd of busy shoppers would be more than overwhelming.â€Ĺ›Okay this is it” Emily said as she took another look down the alley â€Ĺ›It really doesn’t look that bad, and I’m sure it will lead us to the gate or at least past the crowd.”â€Ĺ›Well there’s only one way to find out” Jason said as he started to walk down the street boldly leading the way.Emily laughed â€Ĺ›Jason you have become really brave, that hero thing must be kicking in now. I told you it was true”Jason smiled back at her trying to hold his own private fears within.â€Ĺ›I’m not afraid to go walk down this alley, I’m a hero too” Sherbit said as he ran in after Jason.Emily laughed again as she walked down after her too brave friends.The street was rather shaded which made it a lot cooler than the open market street, it was a welcomed change, but the street still felt eerie. The three friends walked closely together, obviously Sherbit and Jason had lost what little bit of bravery they had within a few moments of entering the side street.The further they walked the narrower and darker the side street seemed to become. The walls in parts were green and slimy looking where they had been water stained. Moss grew over some bricks where the plaster and paint work had fallen off from age and neglect. The music from the tavern was getting increasingly louder, as the din of the busy crowd was almost unheard.â€Ĺ›Maybe the shop-a-havocs have gone” Sherbit said whilst his teeth chattered with nerves.â€Ĺ›Don’t be silly Sherbit, besides I’m sure we are almost at the end of this street, the gate is probably just around this corner.”Just as Emily finished speaking someone or something jumped out in front of them causing all three to jump back in surprise.The figure in front wore a purple robe. Whoever it was had a hood pulled up over their head hiding his or her face. The hooded figure didn’t say anything, just stood silently and waited, blocking the path forward for Jason and his friends.â€Ĺ›Excuse me, could we pass?” Jason said trying to sound as brave as he could, although the nerves could be easily heard on his voice.The figure stood firm and didn’t move. Jason waited a while for an answer but there was no response. Feeling an urge of bravery come over him again, he decided to walk around the figure.â€Ĺ›Wait” the figure said, it was a woman’s voice. Her voice was polite and her way with words associated her with the educated. â€Ĺ›You can’t go yet, I have something for you, and I must tell you something before you travel north.”â€Ĺ›How did you know we were going north?” Emily asked surprised that this strange figure seemed to know more than she should. She mentally kicked herself for revealing the truth in their plans.â€Ĺ›I know many things Emily, I know that you three seek to destroy the Dark Lady, and I know that Jason here is the prophesised hero.”â€Ĺ›Butâ€Ĺšâ€ť Emily didn’t get a chance to finish what she was about to say.â€Ĺ›You must listen I don’t have much time, Jason take this, you will need it. I can’t tell you what it is or what does, but in time you will know when to use it. You must discover its magic yourself” The lady reached into her pocket and withdrew a small golden chain with a pendant on the end. In the centre was a small sky blue gem. She handed it to Jason.â€Ĺ›I must warn you, that there are many who would seek to stop you in your quest, even those who you know as close friends. Emily I’m sure that you feel it, your magic is warning you of a danger close to you, you must be careful of who you trust.”The cloaked lady looked around, almost as if she was nervous to be here. There was a rattling noise as something was knocked over within the shadows.â€Ĺ›I must go. Leave the city as soon as you can. Take care. Know that we all depend on you, even if there are some out there who are too stubborn to admit it. My love goes with you all, may Averin watch over you on your journey” she turned and ran into the tavern.â€Ĺ›Wait” Jason tried to stop her but she didn’t stop. â€Ĺ›Quick we have to follow her! Who was she?”â€Ĺ›I don’t know” Emily replied â€Ĺ›Though I think she may be on our side, and we could certainly use the help of someone like her.”Jason placed the pendant in his pocket then ran into the tavern followed by Emily and Sherbit.The tavern was bustling with patrons who were happily chugging mugs of what would appear to be alcoholic ales and beers. Jason looked around the room, there were dirty looking men sitting around even dirtier looking tables. Several woman were plotted around the room in-between the men or sometimes in groups with other woman. The lady with the purple robe wasn’t anywhere to be seen.The landlord caught sight of Jason and Emily and Sherbit as soon as he peeked around the door frame.â€Ĺ›Well now, look what we have here, â€Ĺštis not often that we would see three young folk such as yourselves in this kind of establishment.”The music stopped and everyone quickly turned round to see what was happening.â€Ĺ›We are just looking for a lady” Jason replied trying to break contact with the land lords overpowering stare.â€Ĺ›Well there are a plenty of ladies in here, though you do seem a little young about the face lad”â€Ĺ›No. No we were talking to a Lady with a purple robe. We saw her run in here”The landlord looked around, â€Ĺ›Trying to find a purple robed lady, the fella says, anyone seen one”There were a few replies of no, and a few laughs.â€Ĺ›Well there you go fella, there is no purple robed lady in here, and as far as I can remember there never has been, and I don’t suspect there ever will be, well not for a while anyhow”â€Ĺ›But Sir, we saw her run in”â€Ĺ›It must have been a trick of yer eyes boy. Now if I can’t be getting you something, please be getting on with ya, I have many a customers to serve, impatient lot at times.” The landlord turned to talk to another customer who was pushing an empty ale jug and a clatter of coins in his direction.Emily pulled Jason away from the counter before he could say anything else. The patrons in this particular tavern didn’t look like the sort of people that anyone would like to get on the wrong side of.â€Ĺ›Jason, we have to go, remember what the lady said we have to leave the city as soon as possible, we shouldn’t stick around.”â€Ĺ›I guess you are right, if whoever that was wants to talk to us I guess she will find us again. We should leave”Everything returned to normal when they left the tavern, the music started, the Landlord wiped the sweat of his head and passed a short sigh of relief then started to clean some grubby looking mugs. The townsfolk started to talk and laugh as they enjoyed the custom of the taverns services.The side street was quiet. Jason felt slightly annoyed that he couldn’t talk to the robed Lady for longer. She seemed important. Maybe she had a role to play in whatever will happen in the future. He knew he had to stop thinking about her and carry on with his quest. It would be dark in a few hours and they had to make it to Emily’s House, which was no short journey.Jason reached his hand inside his pocket and felt the cold metal of the chain and its pendant. He wondered what it was for, taking it out of his pocket for closer inspection. It didn’t seem too unusual, but then he wasn’t sure what to consider unusual in these lands. The pendant was formed out of what looked like pure gold. It was made up of two hands that had been bound together at the wrists by a golden representation of cloth or rope, the hands were open and the fingers outstretched. Between the two hands lay the sky blue gem, it looked almost clear, but when Jason brought it closer to look at it again, it seemed to cloud over making it impossible to see through. He rubbed the pendant before placing it back in his pocket, remembering what the strange lady had said to him. That he had to discover its magic, a strange idea he thought, he knew nothing of magic himself, so where should he start looking. The pendant had attracted Jason’s attention long enough to attract Emily’s.â€Ĺ›Jason you should keep that away while we are out in the streets. Who knows what it is, or what it could be. Besides in our current situation it could attract the eyes of those who would want to steal it.”â€Ĺ›It’s just so beautiful. I want to uncover its hidden magic, but yes you are right it has a purpose and having it stolen won’t help matters in the slightest.”â€Ĺ›Exactly! Well I walked to the end of this street while you were mesmerised and it does lead back onto the main road, and passes that crowd, so it looks like we haven’t far to go to the gate. Don’t get me wrong I love this city, but at this particular moment I can’t wait to get out”â€Ĺ›So we go now” Sherbit said obviously anxious to get out of the city too.â€Ĺ›Yeah the sooner the better, I cant wait to see your house Emily.”â€Ĺ›It’s nothing much, but it is home, My parents work for the Royal Institute of Elderine Research, so when they aren’t out searching for lost treasures, they are at home examining their latest finds. Which can mean our house is a little messed up. Though I think they mentioned that they were heading to the Eastern Deserts before I left with my Grandfather.”â€Ĺ›The Eastern Deserts?” Jason asked sounding slightly bemused, which was starting to become a more permanent state of mind for him.â€Ĺ›Oh, they recently uncovered a series of ancient ruins, which royal architects think may date as far back to the times of Averin and Caleb. They aren’t really sure whether or not the ruins were an outpost for the followers of Averin, the Elderine Order or a settlement for Caleb’s followers. After all the deserts are very close to the border of where Caleb’s own region once lay. To any extent, the researchers and architects are hoping to find some artefacts that will enlighten us even more to our past, for better or worse.”â€Ĺ›Oh the deserts are such hot and dry places, nasty places they are” Sherbit said speaking as if he had knowledge of almost everything bad in the lands.â€Ĺ›Your right Sherbit, I for one would hate to be stuck out there, really. I hear there are some rather fierce beasts there too, those which have a taste especially for little imps” Emily said with a laugh as Sherbit jumped and ran to hide behind Jason’s legs.â€Ĺ›Sherbit it’s ok, she’s only teasing you, and it’s not as if we have to head to these deserts, so you have nothing to worry about. Isn’t that right Emily?”â€Ĺ›Right, we only have to trod all the way north to the Mingus Mountains” Emily said as she patted Sherbit on the head, bringing back some of his confidence, but not that much.The friends laughed a while trying to spook Sherbit out about the imp eating monsters. A few people looked over at them as they walked to the end of the side street.â€Ĺ›Oh look we have passed the crowd, and there’s the gate” Jason exclaimed as he noticed how close they were to the exit of the city.â€Ĺ›Finally, now all we have to do is walk to the plains and rest up at the Talathin abode, it shouldn’t take long” Emily said with a sweet smile.â€Ĺ›Well let’s get a move on then. We want to get there before it gets dark”â€Ĺ›You mean before super” Emily added with a cheekily.â€Ĺ›Oh. I don’t like the dark, we should go now.” Sherbit said as he started to walk quickly towards the city gate leaving Emily and Jason standing behind laughing.Devon and Grimble had edged carefully along the side street just so they could keep up with the three friends, they didn’t want to be spotted, but Devon had to be within hearing distance. When he saw the three friends leave the city he relaxed slightly.â€Ĺ›Grimble, do you know who that girl is?” Devon asked when they reached the main street again.â€Ĺ›No sire who is she?”â€Ĺ›I only realised now, she’s the granddaughter of Master Talathin, one of my fathers’ old friends”â€Ĺ›The great mage?”â€Ĺ›Not only that. I’ve overheard my father talking about The New Order, and that Master Talathin is the head.”â€Ĺ›Which means?”â€Ĺ›Which means if my father found out this could be a serious matter. This means that we should follow them and father won’t mind so much. At least we won’t need to stay so close now that we know where they are heading. I have visited the Talathin residence a few times for studies.”Devon bore a grin across his face as he pulled his hood up and walked towards the gates. The guards didn’t even recognise him. He laughed smugly as he walked out through the gate. He had managed to get out of the city undetected. Emily, Jason and Sherbit could be seen in the distance, but Devon didn’t need to worry about keeping a close eye on them now, just as long as they could keep to a similar pace all the way to the north. Then he would make himself known, and take the honour of destroying the Dark Lady. Not far from the Great Library, several cloaked figures walked down a shadowed spiral staircase that lay behind a wooden door at the back of an alley. The stones had yellowed with a mixture of moss, age and other fauna that thrived underground in dark damp passages. Each footstep echoed down the stone passage. At the bottom of the stairs lay a wooden door. The first of the cloaked figures pushed the door open and entered. Beyond lay a chamber, four torches lit both the left and the right sides of the room. A rectangular table sat in the centre with chairs around it, at the top of the room sat a long table raised on a higher platform. An old looking man sat on a much more ornate seat behind the raised table, his left hand running down the length of his grey beard, it was Master Talathin. A banner was draped from the wall. It depicted a stone sitting atop a pedestal, with a Shadow behind it.â€Ĺ›Please take your seats, we have an issue to discuss which is of great importance” Master Talathin raised his head and watched as each of the cloaked figures sat down around the rectangular table in the centre of the room. The door closed and there was silence.â€Ĺ›As many of you are aware, the prophecy has come true, the seal has been broken and the second has come.”Brief whispers passed over the cloaked figures, some shocked, some already aware of what had happened. Emily’s grandfather raised his hand and there was silence again.â€Ĺ›Yes, maybe it has come as a surprise to many, but we must be weary. We can not trust this Jason, the boy from the otherworld. We all know what happened the last time one of their type arrived. The minds were twisted and they caved into the evil and power that the Lord of Darkness had to offer.”The members of the New Order looked at each other in surprise, passing remarks on how they could stop this boy who seemed to be causing so much trouble for them.â€Ĺ›We all know that only a descendent of the Order can defeat the darkness in the north, this boy will only make things worse. I have already attempted to hinder their progress.”â€Ĺ›Master is it true that your granddaughter is with him?” one of the members boldly asked.â€Ĺ›She is of no concern, she shall be stopped too. The survival of our beliefs is of far greater importance. If she does not conform to our ways she shall be destroyed along with that outsider she believes to be the hero.”A sense of shock passed across the room, but these followers of the new order, knew that what their master had said was true, they couldn’t let anything get in the way of their values, the beliefs of the New Order.â€Ĺ›I do believe that the young prince has already begun to follow those who would steal his honour. He has been taught well and shall not fail in his quest.”â€Ĺ›We have heard from the streets that there is someone helping the boy, Master, a lady who hid her identity”â€Ĺ›We have nothing to worry about regarding her. She is of no concern. We must not let that boy defeat the Dark Lady, be watchful, of their progress.” Master Talathin stood up, lowered his head and vanished into a cloud of smoke, leaving the remaining members of the New Order, in a slight state of confusion.Master Talathin appeared in a small chamber, it was lined with books. A desk and a chair lay at one end of the room. There was a small stone embedded into the middle of the desks surface. It appeared that there was no door into the room, which made it secure, no one else could find a way in. The room had been protected by many runes and protection spells, only one person could get in and that was the person who knew the way; Master Talathin.The old wizard walked over to the table slowly sat down then placed his hands upon the stone. His eye lids flickered then closed. There was silence.It was an eerie silence, but it didn’t last for long. A voice, almost a whisper was heard in the room, it was a female voice, it sounded cold, and dark.Master Talathin knew it well. He had spoken with it often. He knew who the voice belonged to, he was there the day she came, and he was the one who led her north.â€Ĺ›My Lady, he is coming north” Master Talathin said in a quiet whisper, he sounded possessed, but he was in complete control of his thoughts and words.â€Ĺ›I have been waiting for him.” an icy response whispered throughout the room.â€Ĺ›The king’s son is following close behind the boy too. I hope that he won’t be a problem to you?”â€Ĺ›Neither of them shall cause any problem to me” The answers from the mysterious voice were short, but trailed off into the distance at the end of each response.â€Ĺ›There are others with them. Together they could cause some problems.”â€Ĺ›Then it is important that they are split”â€Ĺ›You must keep them at bay, they can not find out the location of The Elderine Stone.”â€Ĺ›They will be of no problem.”The voice slowly trailed off, and then the room was silent.Chapter Nine: The Talathin Tree A gentle breeze was blowing across Jason’s face as the three friends made their way through the surrounding farmland of Haspar towards the Talathin tree.â€Ĺ›I can’t believe how bright and warm it is. It almost feels like midday, but surely it can’t be?” Jason mused as he walked alongside Emily. Farmers were still busy at their work refusing to give in to the approaching evening. From what he could see some were loading the last bundles of crops onto their sturdy wheelbarrows or gathering their harvesting tools, the working day was almost over.â€Ĺ›Yes it is unusually warm. I guess something is finally tipping over to our side, for once. It would be a lot less comfortable to travel in the rain, the roads get awfully hard to walk on, after a heavy downpour and unimaginably impossible come winter. We should be thankful that it’s not dark yet.”â€Ĺ›Thankful?” Sherbit muttered with a hiss, waving his hands up and down to try and cool himself off, â€Ĺ›this heat will be the death of me, andâ€Ĺšâ€ť He paused and waited a while to evaluate Jason’s and Emily’s mood before continuing â€Ĺ›and I’m still hungry!”â€Ĺ›Sherbit you are always hungry. You are always thinking about that stomach of yours. I’m really surprised you left that bakery back in Haspar. Luckily there is no reason for you to fret. When we get to my home there will be plenty of food to eat. My mother is an amazing cook. Well that is when she isn’t working on something important for the Royal Institute of Elderine Research”Emily was obviously very proud of what her mother and father did for a living. It wasn’t very often that people could get into this line of work. The study of anything to do with the Elderine Order was considered a very noble and respectful job. Not just anyone could take the position. Any person who wished to work in the service had to be well known by the Royal family. The Talathin’s had no problem with that, due to the fact that Master Talathin was one of the King’s current court advisors. His most trusted advisor. The other requirement, a little easier to fulfil was an oath of secrecy, probably one of the real reasons for the Talathin’s living so far away from the city boundaries.Relics of the Elderine order were considered precious artefacts of incredible importance. A lot of the Orders history had been lost through the ages, but anything that had been discovered was recorded with such fine detail that it may as well have been recorded in stone. The Order’s rules and guidelines made up the most part of the modern laws that governed Hasparia. The public figure head of the New Order was of course none other than the King and Queen. There would have been far too much suspicion surrounding the order if they did not at least appear to be the ones in control of its actions. They of course were two of the three remaining descendants of the Elderine Order. No one really knew where the idea of their son being the only one capable of destroying the Dark Lady came from. Many had the suspicion that it was made up, to protect the ideas of those who feared the coming of the true hero. If it was made up, it would explain why the Dark Lady hadn’t been defeated already. But of course like always the followers of this New Order believed that only when the descendant comes of age will he gain the power to destroy the evil in the north.Emily, Jason and Sherbit continued on their journey along the road through the surrounding farmland of Haspar to the Jelestin plains, a vast emerald green ocean where many grazing beasts slowly moved, tearing long blades of grass from the soil then slowly chewing.Emily began to tell the story of the Elderine Order marching north across these lands. With each step the Mingus Mountains seemed to grow in size and terror, becoming evermore present on the distant horizon. They loomed in front, a bluish colour with snow brushed peaks. They were still several days walk away, the mountainous monsters of the earth and rock, stood out above everything else. They made the Elderine Forest itself look to be cowering in fear.They continued walking until they saw a rather strange and large looking tree in the distance. It was much taller than any average tree. It could have been the width of a bus and as tall as Big Ben had Jason been given the time and tools to measure it. Had there been other trees surrounding it he would have found it much easier to determine it actual size. Jason was intrigued and greatly excited at the fact that they were heading directly towards this fascinating structure.Emily’s smile grew wide as she noticed the expression of amazement painted across Jason’s face. Jason suspected that one of the buildings connected to the tree would surely be the place where master Talathin would conduct all of his research and potion creation. Jason could also see another building which looked like an empty barn. The Talathin family probably didn’t have much time to care for animals, as each member of the family had very busy lifestyles and hectic occupations in RIER or the Royal Courts.The large tree grew slightly to the side, and it curved in many directions. Branches grew at every angle, had it been a little smaller it would have been the prefect climbing tree, however the enormous scale of the lower trunk made that idea an impossible notion. The tree was covered in lush green leaves, creating a large circular shadow beneath the canopy. From what Jason could see there seemed to be small windows dotted all over it. The windows only went one third up the three, leaving much of the upper tree untouched. The tree was probably tall enough to hold several houses of this sort, leaving Jason with the thought of how anyone could actually manage to build a house within a tree, such as this in the first place. â€Ĺ›But then again, anything could be possible when your Grandfather is a great wizard” he mused over the though. He had enough questions needing answers at the moment than enough.â€Ĺ›It’s called an Accuro Terradea tree” Emily announced â€Ĺ›many believe that Averin planted it herself when she first transformed into her worldly form. It was a sign of true love for the world. I think the name means Care from the Earth Goddess” Emily smiled.â€Ĺ›It is truly amazing” Jason replied, looking on in awe.â€Ĺ›Come on I’ll race you to the bottom!” Emily laughed as she started to speed towards the base of the tree, where a large door rested. She reached the base first and turned around to await her friends. When Jason and Sherbit finally caught up they realised that she was actually reading a note which had been left for her.â€Ĺ›Is everything ok Emily?” Jason asked from over her shoulder trying to get a glimpse of the letters contents.â€Ĺ›It’s a letter from my parents” She began to read it aloud:Dear Emily.Your Father and I have been called to the RIER, to investigate a strange object that has appeared near the Elderine Forest. , We may not be back for a few days so I have left some food in the cupboards. I heard your grandfather had been called to an Important New Order meeting so I suspect that you are arriving home alone.Oh and Emily dear don’t forgetâ€ĹšEmily stopped reading as the blood rushed to her face.â€Ĺ›What did it say Emily? Oh come on, you can tell us.” Jason said expecting to hear something really important.Sherbit began jumping up and down to see if he could manage to read the note, but every jump he made, Emily just lifted the note higher preventing Sherbit from even getting a glimpse.â€Ĺ›Oh it’s nothing, just a joke my mum tells me now and again” Emily said nervously as she hurriedly tucked the piece of paper into her pocket and pulled a nervous and embarrassed smile.â€Ĺ›Well I guess we’d all better go inside, it will be getting dark soon, and besides Sherbit aren’t you hungry?” Emily said quickly covering up any embarrassment concerning her mother’s letter.â€Ĺ›Oh yes please, I am very hungry!” Sherbit said rubbing his stomach.â€Ĺ›Okay let’s go in then. Oh and make yourselves at home, erm but don’t touch anything that looks old. It probably is and I don’t think the institute would be too happy.”Emily pushed the front door open. Sunlight filled the inner rooms of the house built within the tree. As expected the floors and the walls were made of wood, a few picture frames and some rather strange objects lined the walls. A cuckoo clock hung from one of the rear walls close to a window. So far, from what Jason had seen the house looked like a normal country home. It did look very inviting as he had expected, and was obviously the environment that witnessed many happy family memories.Emily walked around the outer wall of the front room, opening indoor shutters, letting in more light. There were some wooden stairs to the right that led upstairs to what Jason assumed must be bedrooms.Emily led the way through the front room of the house to a kitchen and dinning area. As soon as Sherbit knew where they were heading he ran straight between Emily’s legs nearly tripping her up. He jumped up on top of a counter and started to open doors of cupboards desperately looking for food.Emily laughed at the sight that lay before her.â€Ĺ›Really Sherbit I didn’t think you were that hungry. Here” Emily said as she opened a cupboard and pulled out some fresh looking baked goods.â€Ĺ›At least we can rest a while before heading on. Is it okay if we stay the night Emily” Jason asked whilst still looking around.â€Ĺ›Of course that’s fine, like I said make yourselves at home, I have a few things that I want to look up before we go, so feel free to look around.”â€Ĺ›Thanks Emily” Jason said as he watched Emily walk out of the dinning area and head towards the stairs that led upstairs.Jason felt it was best to leave Sherbit undisturbed from his eating and walked out of the kitchen to what looked like a family room, a few wooden chairs sat around a table in the centre, and at one side a very cosy looking sofa sat with a few patchwork throws that had been haphazardly thrown over it. There was a large fire place in the centre of the room, with ornamental stones sitting in the hearth and mantle. On the walls Emily’s mother and Father had displayed a family portrait, and some strange looking metal objects, they were long with what looked like balls on the end.Jason decided to take a rest and sat down on the sofa, waiting on Emily to find whatever she needed to look up. It was still bright outside, but the sun was slowly getting close to setting. All three were happy that they reached Emily’s house before night fell.Meanwhile Emily was in her study upstairs. The room was not especially designed to cater for a large collection of books, papers and objects related to the young wizards’ studies. The fact that this room was also used as her bedroom meant that it didn’t exactly look the tidiest, but nonetheless Emily knew where to look for her things. To her, her room was organised, albeit chaotic. Emily had shelves full of books covering various areas of magic, magical creatures, magic to do with magical creatures and much, much more. In fact her room was full of books. There were enough books to rival the collections within the Great Library itself. What would normally be expected in a girl’s room of Emily’s age was replaced by books. If there was any room left more books were squeezed in. It was quiet apparent that Emily was very studious, which probably came from her parents and Grandfather, she had a lot to live up to, and by the looks of things she was well on track of achieving this particular goal, at a very young age.Emily reached up to a bookshelf and pulled out a rather dusty looking leather backed book, the cover of the book read: Avoid that Zap!Protection Spells for the BeginnerAn A to Z guide on Spells that you probably shouldn’t ever need to use.Section 3 of 19Emily began to flick through the pages, she had it clear in her mind what she was looking for, and she knew that as the only magic user out of the three, she would have to be able to protect them if the situation did verge on becoming disastrous. She hoped that it wouldn’t, but she couldn’t be careless about taking a risk. She soon stopped at a page and began to read aloud in a quiet whisper. She always found it easier if she read things aloud, it helped her remember them much more easily.Ruin Ous Nick’s Self Protection Spells.These spells should only be cast if the Magic wielder is in grave danger, the area that the spell will affect will be one metre from the person. Take note when casting on more than one person, the wielder must not be distracted.She continued to read the other incantations of interest section beneath that protection spell entry:Nullification SpellsThese spells will nullify any effect that has been cast on any living creature. Though it should be noted that nullification spells also affect positive spells hence a healing spell cast before a Nullification spell will ultimately be nullified. These spells are more purposefully used to nullify negative effects, such as poison, reduced speed or spells of transformation or binding.When Emily finished reading her face showed an expression of enlightenment as if she had discovered something that would play an important role later on in their quest. She knew that she couldn’t destroy the dark lady but she couldn’t possibly let Jason fight her by himself. No matter what, she was going to be there for him, every step of the way. She closed the book and headed downstairs to Jason and Sherbit. It was starting to get dark.Jason was still sitting on the sofa, though Sherbit was no longer in the kitchen, in fact he wasn’t even with Jason.â€Ĺ›Jason have you seen Sherbit? He’s not in the Kitchen.”â€Ĺ›Oh yeah he went outside.” Jason said slowly turning round while yawning and stretching at the same time. Jason pulled his feet up onto the Sofa and snuggled back into the comforting sofa.â€Ĺ›Surely he must be full by now, and at least you seem to be enjoying yourself.” Emily said as she walked over and took a seat in a rather worn padded rocking chair. She swung back and forth a few times. The floor creaked with each swing.â€Ĺ›It will be getting cold soon. I’ll close the windows and put a fire on, might as well make the place more comfortable.” Emily said as she stood up and walked towards the closet window. â€Ĺ›I’m sure Sherbit can look after himself.”Sherbit had indeed wandered outside. The house had very quickly become a boring place for someone such as himself. He was a creature of feasting, tricks, fun, and the continual search for all things interesting. Well the first was more prioritised than the latter but still he had to burn of the energy gained by eating somehow. Once his hunger had been satisfactorily filled he had no interest in sitting about. Sherbit had decided to explore the surroundings, he didn’t want to go too far, but was happy when he found a small pond close to the barn. He sat on one of the rocks and started to hum his usual tune. Thinking back of his home, his friends and family, a smile grew across his face.It was getting dark but there was still enough light from the setting sun and the now ever more present moon to light up the area and reflect of the small pond. Sherbit watched small fish swimming through the shallow water underneath small rocks, then shoot out again to the other side. Some swam around in circles before darting off. Sherbit gazed down at the fish as they danced about, he didn’t notice the shadow loom behind him, or the reflection form on the ponds’ surface. He spun around and stared in fear as a figure leant forward and grabbed him.â€Ĺ›Ha ha, Look what we have here” Devon said as he held tightly onto the struggling Sherbit â€Ĺ›I wonder what we could do with him, might be handy for some hunting bait. Eh Grimble?” Devon swung Sherbit about a bit, who was desperately trying to grab onto Devon’s arm.â€Ĺ›We could of course eat him Sire, if we don’t happen to come across anything else worth catching” Grimble said looking at Sherbit almost imagining him as a juicy piece of something rather tasty.â€Ĺ›Seriously Grimble. We are not savages. Sometimes I really wonder about you” Devon said giving Grimble his usual slap for saying something stupid â€Ĺ›He is bound to know what those two are up to, and like I said if he won’t tell us, we can use him as bait.” Devon laughed as he tossed Sherbit in a cloth sack which he had found earlier in the Talathin’s barn.Sherbit struggled from within the sack but he couldn’t break free, Devon tied a tight knot at the top then threw the sack to Grimble,â€Ĺ›You can look after him for now, but I mean it when I say don’t eat him!” Devon laughed again as a frightened shriek came from the sack.â€Ĺ›Yes Sire, of course I won’t.” Grimble replied as he held the sack up to his face and licked his lips.â€Ĺ›It looks like we’ll be sleeping outdoors tonight” Devon said as he walked over and lay against a hay stack, the only one in the whole barn. â€Ĺ›Grimble come into the barn, those two pesky fools might come out and see you, and we don’t want that yet.”Grimble walked into the barn dropped the sack down on the ground. Sherbit groaned as he hit the earth. Grimble relaxed his muscles causing him to slide down the wall of the barn to the ground.Back in doors Emily and Jason sat on the sofa watching the flames of the fire, the room was cosy, the fire lit up the room giving it a warm and magical feeling.â€Ĺ›You know this may be the last time I’m ever going to be in a place like this” Jason said still not breaking eye contact with the fire.â€Ĺ›What do you mean Jason? Of course you will.”â€Ĺ›What if I’m not the hero, or what if I am and the prophecies are wrong?”â€Ĺ›That’s just nonsense, and it doesn’t even make sense. You are the hero, and to be a hero you first need to do something heroic, and that is what you are doing, this quest.” Emily replied firmly â€Ĺ›for one you’re from that different place, and if the prophesies were wrong then they wouldn’t have said about you coming here, and you are here aren’t you?”â€Ĺ›Yea I guess you’re right, things will go well.” Jason said, though deep down he still wasn’t sure he was the one, and if he was he wasn’t sure if he was brave enough to face the Dark Lady, not yet anyway. â€Ĺ›I guess we better get some sleep, the morning comes early”â€Ĺ›I wonder where Sherbit is. He didn’t come back in.”â€Ĺ›He’ll be okay, he can look after himself for at least one night” Jason said as he curled up on the sofa.â€Ĺ›Yes I’m sure he can. Night Jason.”â€Ĺ›Night Emily”Emily quietly stood up and walked out of the room, towards the stairs. She walked up to her room, and sat on her bed, putting her hand into her pocket she pulled out her remembrance stone. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.Chapter Ten: A note on the table Jasonâ€Ĺš Jasonâ€ĹšI am waiting for you. I am waiting for you, and your friends.The cold ethereal voice slithered through the air waking Jason from his sleep, he felt a chill shoot down his spine, and he shivered as each hair on his body stood on end. Was he alone in the room? Was Emily here with him, surely not, he thought, she had went upstairs to sleep in her own room. But something had woken him, he sat in observing silence, trying not to move or breathe, trying his best to avoid being detected by whatever or whoever had spoken those poison-riddled words.The voice spoke again. Jason, you are coming to meâ€Ĺš Jason could hear the cold, spine chilling voice in the darkness. He couldn’t pinpoint its source, he wasn’t even sure if there was a source. The very sound seemed to suck the air out of Jason’s lungs. At times like this he wished he wasn’t alone, or at least not alone with something so horrible. He spun around desperately trying to find the person who was calling his name. Was it the same voice he had heard before back in the Elderine Forest a few days ago when he arrived in this strange land. He couldn’t be sure.A strange glowing orb appeared before him, emitting a soft radiance that lit up the room. He gasped as he looked around, he was no longer in Emily’s living room, and he wasn’t in any room in Emily’s house! He was standing in a strange and twisted version of his own home back in Belfast. A suffocating purple mist floated throughout the room adding a ghostly carpet that swept up to Jason’s knees. Jason ran to a window, looking outside might give him a better clue as to where he was, he felt panic cross over him, his top was soaked in cold sweat. Had he been warped back home? Had his adventure in Hasparia been a dream? So many questions flooded into his mind all demanding to be answered at once. He peered out one of the windows, but it was too dark, the night had cast a veil of darkness over the outside world, yet the moon still shone in the sky lighting up the room. It was as if the house had been warped to a dark void and he was now its only prisoner.Feeling the panic dig deeper within, he spun around from the window to explore the rest of his distorted house. He froze, his eyes widened in trepidation, he couldn’t move! He tried to lift his feet, but they were fixed to the ground, he tried to move again, this time nearly toppling over from the effort, he still couldn’t move. The mist began to rise. It was soon passed his knees, then his waist. Was it going to rise up and suffocate him, he thought. The mist rose further and soon he was buried beneath the thick blanket, the room began to fade around him. He stood, fixed, in this new void with the mist around him. It was too quiet, eerily quiet. The sound of his breathing was the only sound that reached Jason’s ears. Then the voice was heard again, a quiet whisper from no clear direction,â€Ĺ›Jasonâ€Ĺš I will have your life when you come to me, stop now or you will die!” The voice trailed off into the darkness, it seemed to come from all angles.â€Ĺ›No!” Jason cried â€Ĺ›Who are you? What do you want with me?” Jason spun around frantically searching for the dark speaker. Fear grew over him as he felt weak at the knees. He knew what the voice was talking about, the whispering of his death should he venture north. This was a warning, a cruel and vindictive warning.The mist swirled before him, as a figure emerged. Jason squinted as he tried to make out who or what it was. The figure walked towards him. It was a lady, someone who Jason had known, but for the life of him he couldn’t remember where he knew her from.Smiling with an affectionate smile, the lady looked at him, and for a brief moment Jason felt safe. The mysterious lady grinned and took a step back; she no longer looked so loving. Jason watched on as her body slowly began to change. The colours and textures of her clothes and skin colliding. Slowly the merging took shape, a beast appeared, a ghastly manifestation, draped in black rags, ancient in age. Its face was long yet hidden, it moved towards Jason, arms stretched towards him in a grip that only meant one thing, death.â€Ĺ›Jason” it whispered â€Ĺ›You will die!”Jason woke with a jerk, his breathing was heavy, his nightmare had almost seemed too real, perhaps it was real, but more than likely it was a vision, a warning that he would die if he travelled north with his friends. Maybe it was a warning to put him off, avoiding any confrontation with the Dark Lady. The image of the ghastly figure had been embossed on his mind. He couldn’t shake the image from his head.A chilly, yet tender breeze passed through the room from the end of the living room, one of windows had been opened. The smell of the countryside swept through the room which was quiet refreshing. From the sound of things Emily had been up a while, she was currently busy in the kitchen preparing some food for their breakfast whilst setting some food and provisions aside for the journey ahead. She had set the table, three plates with a bowl on top of each. She had then placed a knife and a spoon beside each of the plates, and left three upturned glasses in the centre of the table. She was now busy toasting some bread. The aroma was rich and very welcoming. Jason was quite surprised that he couldn’t hear Sherbit demanding to have his food now. Jason rose from the sofa he had slept on and walked over to the small window at the front of the house. It was bright outside, song birds could be heard as they flew around the large Accuro Terradea tree, â€Ĺ›this is the ideal home for me” he thought, it was a shame they had to leave now.Jason rubbed his eyes he could still see the image of the terrifying creature every time he closed his them. What it was, he didn’t know, but he knew for sure that he would find out if they travelled north. This worried Jason, as he knew where they were travelling and he couldn’t turn back now. Looking into the kitchen Jason could see Emily placing what looked like some slightly golden toast in the centre of the table. â€Ĺ›Perfect” he thought â€Ĺ›Just how I like it”, Feeling his stomach rumble slightly, Jason thought the best plan right now was to go eat something, perhaps talking with Emily and getting a good breakfast would cast away his worries and memories of the nightmare he had.â€Ĺ›Ah Jason, I was just about to call you, did you sleep well? Oh and I haven’t seen Sherbit this morning. He probably slept outside, typical of him.” Emily said with a warming smile as she walked over to fetch some more toast.â€Ĺ›I slept reasonably well thanks, but I had a bad dream, woke me up with quite a shock. I’m ok now though.”â€Ĺ›A good breakfast will do you a world of good. I’m very surprised that Sherbit is missing this, if he knew we were eating without him... I’d hate to think what he’d do.”Jason laughed as he took a bite out of the toasted bread, it tasted so good, it was fresh, but he knew that Emily hadn’t baked this morning.Emily and Jason sat around the table. Emily talked for a while about her family, Jason sat and smiled acknowledging everything that she said, he hadn’t really experienced a family life like hers, and the only family he knew was his aunt, who at the best of times was someone he had tried to avoid.As they finished their rather bounteous breakfast of toast, cheese and fruit Emily started to clear the table, while Jason finished off the last of his toast with a slice of cheese.â€Ĺ›There is something I have to do before we leave.” Emily said as she turned round to get Jason’s plate â€Ĺ›so while I’m doing that you can wait here, or if you want a bit more of a strenuous task you could have a look around the house and outside for Sherbit. I shouldn’t be too long.”Jason nodded in reply, he didn’t want to say anything knowing only too well that if he did he would spill half of the food in his mouth out onto the table, and that’s something that he didn’t want anyone to see, especially Emily. With a smile Emily walked out of the kitchen towards the front door, opened it walked out, closing it behind her. She was always up to something Jason thought.As Emily stepped out of the front door into the morning sunshine she looked around, everything seemed so peaceful, birds were flying (as they normally did), some landing on the great branches above her, she often wondered how things could be like this when there was that ever growing evil in the north. How could people continue to live their life’s knowing that the Dark Lady existed? Maybe it was because people expected her to be there, there had always been evil, perhaps in the past there was a greater fear, but when the Lord of Darkness was imprisoned things became more relaxed.â€Ĺ›That’s just the way things are.” Emily sighed.Emily believed that The New Order was more like a religion rather than a protective gathering of noble people. Perhaps this New Order had twisted the minds of the ordinary folk to believe that the evil was of no concern, perhaps the truth was buried deeper within the Order and impossible to retrieve by someone like herself.Emily had her doubts the night that she met Jason. She knew who he was the moment she laid eyes upon him. The fact that her Grandfather pushed him aside to talk with Elindril caused her to ponder the imponderable, why would her grandfather want to talk alone with Lord Elindril why didn’t he want to talk more with Jason? Her grandfather must have known Jason was going to be there, so why was she allowed to come along. Something wasn’t right, and she felt her grandfather had a part to play, perhaps she was over reacting, maybe her grandfather was a cautious old man, but then, he was, the head figure above the other elders in the Order, of course he was still beneath the King and Queen, but as they had interests of state to address he had the responsibility to take care of the Order and its activities. Her grandfather held quite an honourable position. But how this boy could be such a risk to them she couldn’t understand. She had to make sure that Jason was the hero, not that she didn’t already believe that he wasn’t, but she couldn’t afford to risk the life of her new friend and her own at the same time.â€Ĺ›Still” she said aloud, â€Ĺ›something isn’t right, someone else is trying to stop us, apart from the dark lady”. There was only one way to shed some light on the matter, she had to find out if her grandfather had been playing a negative role in their quest.Master Talathin’s hut stood alongside the large tree, it had two small windows that were tinted a dark shade of blue, strangely enough no matter how hard you tried to squint your eyes, the angle you stood at, or how far you could press your face against the cold glass, you couldn’t see inside. It was a clever spell that Emily’s grandfather had placed on the windows to stop wandering eyes from seeing the huts contents, even though the only eyes that may be interested in this area were those of Emily and her parents.The door of the hut looked like any ordinary door, solid wood, steel beams embedded within the door to make it sturdier, metal bolts aligned along each beam. The handle was a round loop of metal. Anyone trying to push the door open would have found it impossible, knocking it down was also impossible. There was a trick in getting in, and if it wasn’t for Emily’s curiosity and sense of adventure when she was younger then she too would have found entering her grandfather’s hallowed place impossible.Emily placed her hand on the surface of the door, closing her eyes, so her mind could come as one with the door. How she knew what her grandfather did each time he wished to enter his most private place was beyond the normal comprehension of common folk. Emily’s eyelids fluttered as she concentrated on the task at hand, her hand placed firmly against the door. There was a clicking noise from within the building, followed by another as the sound of cogs and gears as they began to turn, creaking with each movement. The noise of latches being removed behind the door could be heard. Emily relaxed as the final latch slid back into its resting place, freeing the door from its locked state. Emily pushed the door open half expecting to see a neat looking study where her grandfather could carry out his research for The Order. Instead a spiral staircase led down into the darkness below. The Staircase was made out of old wood, it looked almost malevolent in appearance. Emily could almost swear she saw what looked like twisted faces in the knots of the wood.Her heart pounded against her chest, Emily knew her grandfather had cast a few spells to aid him, whilst he was alone in his chamber; one such aid was the casting of a lighting spell. The room or area would illuminate with the clap of a hand. Emily didn’t hesitate to light the hall in which she was standing, she clapped her hands and several torches sparked to life lighting the short hall and the twisted staircase that led downward.Each step creaked as Emily walked downward, as a new torch lit in front with a clap the one behind her faded into the darkness. This effect added more apprehension for Emily. She knew her grandfather as a kind and loving wizard of great dignity and revere. The staircase finally stopped Emily’s foot touched solid stone ground, the stairs behind her were now dark as the torches had faded out of sight. One remained lit at the bottom of the stairs. It was dim and didn’t shed enough light to make the whole room visible. There was a puff as several torches around the room lit up. Emily stood in dread at the sight that lay before her. The expected sight of a noble wizards study was far from what lay in the girl’s line of sight.Glass cabinets were plotted around the room with a large desk sitting at the side with a wooden chair. The cabinets contained a host of many strange looking objects, strange models of creatures, scrolls, and dusty books, large and small stones of varying colours, a cube of red glass imprisoning a large eye, that seemed to watch Emily as she walked around the room, In one of the cabinets Emily saw something that made her heart slow, and her blood turn cold, skulls and bones.Nothing in the room pointed Master Talathin out as being on a darker side, but it did show that he did have a darker side, a side that he had hidden from Emily, her family and perhaps many other people. Emily continued to look around. She didn’t want to miss anything, perhaps if nothing else she would be able to find a clue that will help with their quest. Deep down Emily had other reasons to find the truth, she wanted to be proved wrong, her trust in her grandfather was what she built her life upon, she didn’t care for The New Order that her grandfather was such a huge part of, in fact if anything the New Order may have caused him to become the twisted man that she feared she would find him to be.Sitting on the desk was a strange object it looked like a mirror, but it showed no reflection, the surface appeared as a slivery liquid that swirled when Emily passed her hand across. She felt the need to touch it, she felt drawn in by it, as if it was communicating with her. The mere touching of this creation would open new doors of understanding. Her hand was so close. She felt the icy surface chilling her palm.Knock knockEmily heard someone knocking at the door, she couldn’t let Jason or Sherbit see what lay down here, she couldn’t let anyone know, she didn’t want to know herself.Emily ran up the stairs the room behind her faded into the darkness as the torches lit the path up the twisting staircase towards the door.â€Ĺ›Hey Emily.” Jason said as Emily opened the door â€Ĺ›Sherbit isn’t around anywhere, maybe he came to his senses and headed off on his own, at least one of us had a bit of sense, but I guess we should probably make a move too.”â€Ĺ›Yeah, I was just checking on something, but we can go now, I’ll just get some food together and we can set off. Maybe we should leave a note for Sherbit, just in case he does decide to come along with us.”â€Ĺ›That sounds good to me.”Emily led the way back into the house underneath the tree. She grabbed a quill and a piece of yellowed parchment from a side table in the hall, and continued to walk into the kitchen. She began to write: Sherbit,Where have you been? I’m guessing you are reading this now as you have realised that you would do better coming along with us. Well we have headed towards the Hardyhan Bridge. It’s just a little north, just follow the path.Oh and I Left some food here beside the letter, but I’m guessing you will have already devoured that by now. Typical.Emily and Jasonâ€Ĺ›That should do it” Emily said as she folded the letter and scribbled Sherbit in big letter across the centre. â€Ĺ›I’ll leave some food beside it, that should at least attract Sherbit’s attention if he does come looking for us.”Jason laughed â€Ĺ›That is purely typical of Sherbit, where there is food he will go.”â€Ĺ›So true, perhaps we should make a trail of crumbs for him to follow?”They both laughed and set off out the door towards Hardyhan Bridge. Devon was the first to awaken from his sleep. It had been a new experience for him, being used to the comfortable environment of the royal palace in Haspar, but nonetheless he still managed to have a good sleep, and felt completely refreshed ready to tackle anything that might get in his way. But of course now that he was up, it was only fair that Grimble should be awake too.Reaching for a stick that was lying close to where Devon had slept he grabbed it and hit Grimble a few times to stir him from his slumber. At first it seemed like a losing battle as Grimble didn’t even make a slight movement, he was obviously a heavy sleeper. Though with a few more whacks with the stick and with more force that almost caused the sturdy stick to snap into several pieces, Grimble woke with a snort.â€Ĺ›What? No I don’t want to fetch the waterâ€Ĺšâ€ť Grimble said, as if entering the real world from the exit of another.â€Ĺ›Quiet you fool, you were dreaming.”â€Ĺ›Oh okay” Grimble said and suddenly fell back to sleep.â€Ĺ›Why did I bring you with me?” Devon questioned in anger as he slapped Grimble again completely waking him up from his second slumber. â€Ĺ›Stay awake this time. Remember why we are here.”Devon pulled himself up, and then walked over to where Grimble had thrown the bag containing Sherbit the night before. The bag was still puffed out and was gently rising and falling.Devon smiled wickedly as he picked up the small bag and threw it over his shoulder, holding onto the tied draw cord waking its contents.â€Ĺ›I think I heard the other two leaving a few minutes ago, which means we can go and explore the house, maybe grab something to eat, although I don’t suspect it to be of any quality, but pauper food will have to do”Grimble slowly eased up sliding his back up against the wall, keeping an eye on the sack, he still thought Sherbit could make a tasty meal, but if there was food to be found in Emily’s house that would certainly do instead.Devon stopped outside the front door of Emily’s house, and cautiously looked around, being caught now would most certainly ruin Devon’s plans, he wanted to sneak up at the last moment and claim the victory, and of course this would save him from actually having to fight the Dark Lady, something he’d prefer not to do.Pulling the sack from behind his shoulder, Devon loosened the draw cords and looked inside, to see a nervous big eyed imp looking up.â€Ĺ›Where have they gone? You should probably tell me before I let Grimble eat you!”At the sound of that Grimble began to bounce up and down with excitement, Devon turned round quickly scolded Grimble in a somewhat angry whisper â€Ĺ›Stop it you fool you’re not going to eat him!” Devon turned his attention back to the small creature in the bag.â€Ĺ›Well?”â€Ĺ›I-I-I don’t know” Sherbit replied sounding very sheepish indeed.â€Ĺ›Of course you now, do you take me for a fool?”â€Ĺ›No, I swear I know nothing” Sherbit continued to cower within the bag shielding his head.â€Ĺ›Useless” Devon puffed as he quickly drew the cords again sealing Sherbit within the bag. â€Ĺ›Well at least we still know they are heading north, we will just have to head that way and hope to get there in time, let’s grab some food out of her kitchen.”Grimble watched with his mouth dropped, he had expected Devon to throw the small creature over to him, to feast upon.Grimble wasn’t a cruel creature. It wasn’t even that he normally went about eating living things. It was more a case that he didn’t have the sense of what was food and what was something that shouldn’t be eaten. Having lived in the palace with Devon he never had to worry about determining the difference. He was a strange creature at that, fierce looking, but soft at heart really, his stomach just did more thinking than his brain did.Devon walked into the hall of the house within the tree, he didn’t care to look around at anything, though he did smirk and grunt a noise to show some interest at a collection of the objects Emily’s parents had collected that were associated with the Order of Elderine. Walking straight into the kitchen Devon dropped the bag onto the table almost right on top of the note that Emily and Jason had left for Sherbet moments earlier. Devon more interested in the search for substantial food missed the small pile which Emily had put together for their small missing friend. Devon being clueless continued searching the cupboards.Grimble followed in behind and began to search the work benches for any sign of food, it wasn’t long before he caught the sight of the bag again and began to walk closer to the unsuspecting victim that lay within.â€Ĺ›Why can’t I leave you for one moment? You are always after that thing, leave him be!” Devon scolded as he hung from one of the cupboard doors with one foot just reaching the stool that sat on the floor, â€Ĺ›Wait one moment,” Devon exclaimed sounding very methodical â€Ĺ›What’s that sitting beside the bag?”Immediately Grimble picked up a piece of the food that was sitting on a small plate and showed it to Devon.â€Ĺ›No, no, that piece of parchment, Give it here!”Grimble passed the yellowed parchment to Devon who quickly snatched it off him, and began to read into himself stressing some of the key points.â€Ĺ›Ah so they plan to cross the Hardyhan Bridge, don’t they know of what lies there, they must be fools. But something that we can take to our advantage, if they do manage to get past the creature that awaits them there, they will be slowed down at least, which will give us enough time to prepare for them arriving at the ruins. Come Grimble let’s go.”Grimble quickly stuffed the items of food on the table into his mouth, chewing rapidly and swallowing large amounts with each gulp. Devon walked down the narrow hall and out into the open.â€Ĺ›We will head through the Elderine Forest, it might take a little longer, but it won’t be anything compared to what those two will face.” Devon laughed as he began to walk in the direction of the Elderine Forest.Chapter Eleven: The Hardyhan Bridge The path north to the HardyHan Bridge was nothing but a track of dirt. By the look of things it had been months or perhaps even years since it had last been tread. The path had been worn into the ground many years ago when the city in the Mingus Mountains was thriving, now though as much like the city, the track looked unused, and defunct. The Elderine Forest ran adjacent to the track. Strange hoots could be heard from what must have been birds from amongst the branches of the towering trees, often attracting the attention of the young friends. It was early morning, and the sun was almost at its highest point.Jason walked flanking Emily. It was times like these that Jason really felt like he had some time to himself. He had the company of Emily, which he greatly enjoyed but he also had time to think, which was much easier now that Sherbit wasn’t there to constantly distract him. He could concentrate. Concentrate on what he had to do. Though as much as he tried, he couldn’t work out a plan, he didn’t know how he was going to battle the darkness in the north that people feared or reverted into believing in an aspirant religion that was based on false ideologies, if anything.His thoughts kept leaping back to that lady in Haspar. Her voice was so gentle, perhaps even motherly. Her emotions were hidden from sight but yet so clear. Jason knew deep down that if anyone apart from Emily was of a kind nature in this land it would be that strange lady. She had been the only person that Jason had seen in this world who had taken an interest in him for a positive and caring reason, apart from Emily of course. That lady was different, he knew it. He just couldn’t put his finger on why.As they walked in silence, Jason re-acted the scene in his mind, to see if he could remember anything peculiar about that day, about that lady. He remembered the time he was standing outside the library and felt as if someone was watching him. Perhaps it was her, but if it was, why didn’t she follow them into the library. He couldn’t think.â€Ĺ›Emily, I have something on my mind.”â€Ĺ›Um hmm?” She murmured looking rather concerned in Jason’s direction â€Ĺ›What is it?”â€Ĺ›It’s that Lady, you know, the one we met in Haspar, in the alley? I can’t get her out of my head. I know she has some part to play. And when I think about it, I remember sensing that someone was watching us go into the library”â€Ĺ›You think it was her?” Emily look puzzled, she for one didn’t sense anyone watching them, well at least anyone that they should be weary of.â€Ĺ›I don’t know.” Jason replied â€Ĺ›But if it was, why did she wait for us in the alley, and not follow us into the library, after all it would have been safer there. How could she have known that we were going to walk down the alley, we didn’t even plan that ourselves”â€Ĺ›It’s easy Jason. She didn’t come into the library simply because she had to make sure you were the one she had to speak with. Plus there is matter of the Library being watched constantly by the New Order, and perhaps others. She didn’t want to risk being spotted or bring attention to you. I’m not sure about the alley, maybe she expected us to find a quick way out of town and seeing the main street blocked herself thought we’d try the alley?”â€Ĺ›I really should think about things more” Jason said looking at Emily â€Ĺ›You really have a knack of looking at things logically.”â€Ĺ›Well I do try, but Jason I am curious what was that thing she gave you? I didn’t really get a close look.”Jason reached into his pocket feeling the smooth touch of the pendent â€Ĺ›Oh this thing, I’m not too sure what it is. Though I have to say it does look neat. What do you think?” Jason tossed the pendant over to Emily. Her eyes lit up like beacons as soon as she saw it. â€Ĺ›I think I know what this is!” she exclaimed with disbelief.â€Ĺ›You do?” Jason questioned quickly with a sense of excitement in his voice.â€Ĺ›Well I can’t be too sure, but from what I can recall, this pendant contains a summoning stone and a very rare one at that”â€Ĺ›A summoning stone?”â€Ĺ›Yes, it contains the essence of a beast, or a creature or sometimes even the spirit of a person. Once summoned it will aid the wielder in what ever they command or need”â€Ĺ›But I thought you said you didn’t need a stone to cast magic?”â€Ĺ›No Jason, this is very different. Summoning stones are different from the remembrance stone I carry. A summoning stone has its own powers within, many non magic users have one, and normally they have the essence of a wolf or another lesser creature, but this one in the pendant looks very strange, perhaps even more powerful.”â€Ĺ›Well if it is a summoning stone, I wonder how you use it.”â€Ĺ›I’m sorry Jason, I can’t help there, I have never actually used a summoning stone myself, but the lady did say you will know how to use it when you need to.”â€Ĺ›Let’s hope I do” Jason replied, the sense of hope ever present in his voice.They continued to walk northwards. Jason rubbed the pendant within his pocket, he was now carrying something powerful filled with magic, and he felt important for a brief moment. He didn’t know how to use the pendant, or how to summon the creature within. He removed the chained item from his pocket and placed it over his head, tucking the summoning stone and its decorative holder under his shirt. It felt warm to his skin. With the pendant now safely around his neck he felt a strange sensation pass through his body, he shivered briefly. Somehow he felt stronger.For the next few moments the silence elapsed over the two friends. Emily’s face twisted, she was deep in thought; an expression of anguish was painted across her regular expected smile. She paused before speaking.â€Ĺ›I wonder if Sherbit ever came backâ€Ĺš You know I felt that he would have stayed with us to the very end.” she really did feel let down by Sherbit, maybe it was because she felt Sherbit owed them something, after all they did save his life, but then in turn he had helped them escape the slave traders. â€Ĺ›He didn’t even say he was going.”Jason felt a bit anxious by Emily’s remark about being with them to the end. He hoped she meant the end of their quest and for maybe sometime after that, if he decided to stick around. â€Ĺ›I’m sure there is a reason behind it, Emily. Don’t worry about it too much, and besides he could still catch up, you never know.”â€Ĺ›I hope he does, I miss him awfully, that strange tune he always hummed, and the way he hopped about. He was a lively little thing, wasn’t he?”â€Ĺ›Yea he was” Jason grinned â€Ĺ›that’s probably why he needed to eat so much” Jason said trying to lighten the mood.They both smiled, calling back fond memories of Sherbit, they were indeed warm memories but Emily was still annoyed that he wasn’t here with them, sharing in the quest that they started out on together. But then Emily thought about the stories Sherbit had told them, about how he had seen what the Dark Lady did to her prisoners perhaps Sherbit was afraid of seeing this again, or worse being the tortured and manipulated prisoner.â€Ĺ›Emily, look! There is a bridge up ahead” Jason yelled as a stone bridge came into sight.â€Ĺ›It’s the HardyHan Bridge. Not many people have journeyed so far to see this, and any who have, won’t speak of it. People have heard rumours of a foul demon that guards the gates. Hopefully they are exactly that, rumours.”â€Ĺ›When we were in the library I read a book about the bridge and the creature that lives here, so I guess the rumours may actually be true. It saidâ€Ĺšâ€™â€Ĺ›But that’s impossible, no books have ever been written about the bridge, I have tried to do a search in the library before, but no books were ever found.” Emily said cutting Jason off, before he could finish his sentence.â€Ĺ›The book was in a glass cabinet in the hall.”â€Ĺ›That is most strange, I have never seen it before, and I have searched the library archives a lot from my Grandfathers library access point in his office in the palace.”â€Ĺ›Perhaps it was a new item?”â€Ĺ›Or perhaps someone knew that we would have needed it, and had it displayed there.” Emily looked at Jason. He returned the same look.Jason thought back to the lady from the alley, could it have been her; there was no one else that seemed interested in their quest, but how could she have placed the book in the library in time for them to see it, it was in a glass case. How could she change it without anyone knowing? There were so many questions that Jason needed answered, and yet there was nobody around who could answer them. With every answer, two more questions were formed. They approached the Hardyhan Bridge.The bridge was old. It definitely looked like the image that Jason saw in the book. He remembered what Emily had said, that there were no books written about the bridge, and no one would want to talk about it. People seemed to have a fear that was worse than death itself. He did trust Emily. He held absolute faith in her, so naturally he believed her when she said it was impossible for this particular book that he had read concerning the HardyHan Bridge to exist. Though in this world, anything that seemed impossible could probably be possible. He did feel the situation was strange and he was almost more than sure that someone was trying to help them, or perhaps give them speed on their journey north. Either way, what he read may help if a creature did indeed live near to the bridge or if a grotesque monster did guard it. The answers to this particular riddle were now only a stones throw away.They continued to walk closer to the bridge, the gates on either side of the bridge were firmly shut, the water was too deep, and the current too strong, so it looked like the bridge was the only way across the unbridled river.Jason looked around to see if he could see anything that looked horrifying in any way, a huge Minotaur perhaps, an ogre with a spiked club maybe even another troll, but there was nothing in sight. Though beside the bridge a singular and magnificent tree grew, it was in full bloom, and was unlike any tree Jason had ever seen before, back home or here in this new world.â€Ĺ›Death by a beautiful tree, interesting.” Jason said quietly, an inward joke.â€Ĺ›It doesn’t look like there is any beast here Emily.” Jason said as he continued to look around for the slightest of movement, or the sound of a twig breaking, but it was silent.â€Ĺ›I’m not so sure, but I certainly won’t argue with anyone if there is no beast. Let’s cross now while we have the chance.”Emily and Jason both increased their pace. They didn’t want to run though, in case it would attract attention of anyone who may be around. They reached the gate, it was old and rusty, but it wasn’t locked, Emily moved her hand out to push it open.â€Ĺ›Hello” a quiet voice whispered on the air it sounded from the direction of the tree.Emily and Jason spun around in shock expecting to see someone, but couldn’t see anything. For a moment they thought it could have been the tree itself, but surely it couldn’t have been the tree?The air started to haze in front of them, as a small slender creature appeared. It looked like a young girl, perhaps ten years old, but her skin had a slight tint of blue and her hair was green. Her voice was gentle and hypnotising.â€Ĺ›It’s a nymph!” Emily cried with much excitement. â€Ĺ›Isn’t she beautiful?”â€Ĺ›Jason did not reply”The nymph looked at Emily, then back to Jason, â€Ĺ›So you want to cross my bridge?”â€Ĺ›Yes we do, erm Miss?” Jason didn’t know what to call her, but his thoughts were quickly answered.â€Ĺ›There is no need for names” The nymph walked towards the bridge gate, and began to rhyme a poem, perhaps this was the start of the riddle Jason thought”â€Ĺ›To cross the Bridge you must answer,A single riddle just for me.Only then can you pass,Unharmed and free.If you fail; oh a terrible mistake,That you should try not to make.But if you do, your life will be mine,All mine to take. An answer I seek,And only the one.An answer you know,But correct to none.” The nymph paused, and then she looked at both Jason and Emily. The nymph continued; â€Ĺ›You have one last chanceBefore your test.Turn around now,Or try your best.” Jason looked at Emily, who looked back at him. They knew they had no other option but to cross the river using the bridge. Emily believed in the prophecies more than anything, so she believed that they would be able to get across the bridge, nothing could stop them.â€Ĺ›Are you ready Jason?” Emily askedâ€Ĺ›More than I can ever hope to be” Jason replied.â€Ĺ›Ok Bridge Nymph, we are ready.”â€Ĺ›Okay, your riddle will come next; I can only accept your first words as an answer, no others at all”Emily and Jason both nodded at the same time at the nymph, this was the moment of truth, they had to get the answer the nymph was looking for, they had to get across the bridge, and they couldn’t afford becoming a slave to this nymph now, not now when they were so close.The nymph raised her head. She began to tell them the riddle, â€Ĺ›A darkened dayNo sun in sight,The clouds are goneHow is this right?” Emily looked at Jason, the expression on her face was blank, she didn’t know the answer, she couldn’t think, Jason smiled back at Emily which gave her a sense of apprehension, was he going to do something stupid? Emily thought the riddle over and over in her head, why couldn’t she get the answer, she should know this, she did know it, but the answer wouldn’t come. It was as if the answer was being blocked behind several barriers, and chained down deep within her mind. The answer would not come!Jason looked at the Nymph, he opened his mouth. The nymph’s eyes widened in excitement as she saw Jason, he was going to answer.â€Ĺ›Old grimbats, swinging in Master Talathin’s beard” he stopped and smiled.Emily turned and faced him a look of horror across her face, she couldn’t speak, she knew that the answer Jason had said would be the only answer the nymph would accept now, they were doomed to be slaves.The nymph looked at both of them,Your answer was wrong,And you knew that so.The gates are now open,You are free to go.” Emily’s look of horror quickly changed to an expression of complete bewilderment, what had just happened? Jason had given an answer that was most definitely wrong, the nymph knew it was wrong but let them pass. Emily didn’t want to argue now, as the result was in their favour, she would ask Jason when they got across the bridge.â€Ĺ›Jason, what just happened there?” Emily asked trying to make sense of things â€Ĺ›Why did that nymph let us cross even though you gave her and answer that was completely wrong, I mean what kind of answer was that?”â€Ĺ›The wrong answer.” Jason said, with a Cheshire cat like smile.â€Ĺ›Yes, I am quite aware of that. Which is why I am asking, why she let us cross.”â€Ĺ›Well I gave an answer that I knew was completely wrong, I answered wrongly on purpose”â€Ĺ›I’m not too sure if I understand what you mean Jason.”â€Ĺ›Well you remember I was telling you about that book I saw in the library, well it said that you have to answer the bridge keeper with an answer that you know is wrong, so that’s what I did.”â€Ĺ›I see” Emily started to think â€Ĺ›Oh I get it, when the nymph first talked to us she spoke in riddles too, she said an answer you know, but correct to none. I should have picked that up.”â€Ĺ›I guess you can’t be right all the time Emily.” Jason jested.â€Ĺ›Be quiet you!” Emily gave him a friendly nudge â€Ĺ›We should get a move on, the forest is just up ahead.”â€Ĺ›At least that’s one thing out of the way” Jason said â€Ĺ›But I can imagine that the HardyHan Bridge is going to be nothing compared to what still lies ahead.â€Ĺ›That’s for sure, who knows what manner of creatures well see as we head north through the forests and into the mountains.” Devon, Grimble and Sherbit had been following Jason and Emily for some time now. Earlier in the day they had managed to catch up with them and had followed the two friends from a safe distance. Devon pulled Grimble onto a side path that was no more than a hunters trail. They could see the bridge in sight and felt it was best to take a different route into the forests. They were not going to risk crossing that bridge, they had heard rumours of people disappearing.Devon knew these lands well, his father was a keen hunter of wild beasts and they often visited the northern plains on the borders of the Elderine Woods. Jason had a fair instinct of where to go when needed. Fortunately on this occasion he knew of another way to cross the river, and at the same time get to the forest. His fathers hunting lodge. It was built right next to the river, and had its own private bridge for crossing. Not many common folk knew about HardyHan Bridge, but even less knew about this royal hunting lodge, though it was suggested that this was most likely due to the magic that Master Talathin had enchanted around it, keeping it hidden from the eyes of anyone who would seek it, or accidentally uncover it on their travels.Devon led the way to lodge. It wasn’t that far of the main path, though it was surrounded by quite a few large trees, shrubs and dense foliage. Even without Master Talathin’s magic, it would be almost impossible to see it with the naked eye from the path.The lodge was deserted, the king had called all his servants and gamekeepers back south when the beasts started to grow in number in the north. The area was still considerably safe, but the king didn’t want to deal with any unexpected incidents.The lodge was still in good condition, Devon pushed the door open. There was no reason to have it locked as only those who were permitted to be there could see it.The door creaked open. Grimble followed Devon in as they walked through the lodge. The small private bridge lay at the back of the building. The only way to reach it was by passing through the lodge itself. Devon led the way through the narrow wooden halls, passing by trophies of the king’s previous hunts. Devon reached the back door and pushed it open, the bridge rested in front of them, spanning the gushing river. Behind the bridge lay the Elderine forest darkened by the canopy above, shielding any light from reaching the leafy surface. The mass of trees looked unmoved.They walked across the bridge and into the green darkness of the forest and headed north. They didn’t need to follow Jason or Emily now, they knew where they were going, and at this rate, and thanks to the route they took, they could reach the temple at exactly the right time to defeat the Dark Lady. They headed towards their assumed victory, swinging the bag containing Sherbit back and forth.Chapter Twelve: The Elderine ForestEmily and Jason had only a short walk through the northern part of the Elderine Forest in order to reach the Mingus Mountains, but it was still a considerable distance. This was especially so, having travelled for quite some time beforehand. With night fast approaching the friends felt it would be best to settle down and find some form of shelter at the edge of the forest. What they really wanted to do was reach the edge of the Elderine Forest then rest. Emily and Jason were both very tired from the journey so far, and any place looked like an idyllic place to rest for the night, but something kept them moving, they really didn’t want to risk spending the night without armed protection in this end of the forest. Resting at the forest edge would grant them the benefit of being protected by the trees of the forest and also let them cast their eyes on the goal that lay ahead in the Mingus Mountains.They continued to walk northwards through the forest, both holding an arm up to protect their faces from any low hanging branches, that seemed to snap back on them. The ground was covered in fallen leaves, a mixture of dark browns, dusky greens and a few golden orange and yellows. It had probably rained here a few days ago, as the ground felt soft and moist, the canopy above had shielded the sun, preventing the ground from drying out. It was a miracle that anything could actually grow on the ground Emily thought, as she wondered if sunlight had ever made far enough to the ground in this particular area of the forest.The Elderine Forest was probably the oldest living natural creation in the lands. It had been around from the early ages. The forest had been planted and carefully guarded by the Elderine Order, as a sign of respect towards nature. The forest blossomed and so did the magical powers that the order controlled. The forest continued to grow as tides of men passed over the lands, building cities, from the mountain face, to the shore, it watched on silently as great city of the Averinites fell to the hatred and jealousy of Caleb, powerless to protect or save its creator.It watched silently as the darkness grew in the North, it stood firm whilst evil grasped at the powerful nature magic. The evil entangled itself around the forests northern borders. Yet even though the forest felt so much pain for the loss of its planter, and the loss of the Averinite people it stood motionless, not even swaying in the gentle breeze. It was almost as if the forest knew that evil had conquered the Temple City of Elderine. But it didn’t need to take action, instead the forest watched as the people of the region played out their roles, waiting with perfect patience.So many years had passed since the Lord of Darkness was imprisoned within the Elderine Stone that the people of Hasparia had almost forgotten the threat of the darkness that had spread across the land. It had been thousands of years since Caleb had marched on the Temple City, and now it was the turn of Jason and Emily, but for completely different reasons. They were following the path that had long been foretold, but in this age, an age were man no longer followed the Righteous Order of Elderine but the New Order, an order were twisted minds controlled the very essence of society. But they couldn’t stop them now. If those who opposed them won, then the world would never be safe again. The evil would grow, the Lord of Darkness would be released, and no one would be able to stop him. Jason was the only chance left.They continued on, there was no turning back now. They could feel the uneasy presence of evil around them. The forest was quiet, darker than usual, this made them more uneasy, but they had to continue on, neither wanted to spend the night within the woods, Jason least of all after his encounter with the worg not so long ago. He was more than sure that any creature living in this end of the woods, would be much bigger and much fiercer. They both decided that reaching the edge of the wood before nightfall would be the best thing they could do, they picked up pace and headed towards the forests northern edge. Devon lead the way into the Elderine forest, their route was dark, but they could still see well enough to walk through the maze of trees and forest undergrowth. There were a few hunting trails that led off into the forest in various different directions, none however led north. Devon had to push back branches and shrubs with each step, still grasping tightly to the end of the bag in which Sherbit was held. It wouldn’t take too long to reach the other side of the forest, but it was getting dark.Devon had never been allowed out of the lodge at night, his father always said it was too dangerous, he argued with his father every hunting night, until one time, his father returned with only one other member in his hunting party out of the four who went with him. Devon could remember the night clearly; his father had returned in a cold sweat, fear drenched his whole body. The blood on his clothes not his own, but of fellow hunters, bar the doors! He could remember his father shouting, close the shutters! It’s coming! Devon could remember every moment of the events that night. It was dark. He heard the howls from outside. It was no beast that he or his father was familiar with. It was no dog, no wolf. It wasn’t even a werewolf rare as they are, but something different, something unseen or heard before. It pounded at the door, thump, thump, thump the maids were crying, and rocking back and forth, the guards stood ready with their spears, Devon’s father stood at the door, with his protector, Devon crouched in his bed. The beast left the door, it could be heard running around the lodge, rubbing against the wooden panels, looking, searching for another way in, there was another pound at the door, a howl, then silence, the beast had left.Devon swallowed hard, as he nervously looked around to scout out the area, looking for any sign of a large wolf like beast, he quickened his pace, he wanted out of the forest before he had a chance to meet whatever killed his father’s hunting friends, and scared him so much. The night was cold, and silent. Devon knew the north end of the forest was normally quiet at this hour, which was strange for most forests, but being this far north changed things, creatures must have sensed the proximity to evil and moved south, some remained, but not even they could be heard. This made Devon more nervous than he was previously.â€Ĺ›Lets get a move on, we have to get out of this forest before night falls” Devon said continuing to look aroundâ€Ĺ›Scared are we?” Sherbit said from within the bag, taunting his captors.â€Ĺ›Don’t be stupid you slime-rag you, I’m not scared. We just have to catch up with those two, before we lose them.”â€Ĺ›Oh that’s ok, because I heard a growl back there, thought it was that oaf, Grimble’s stomach, but no I am sure it was a growl, or something big, something nasty, with sharp teeth, and an empty stomach. Something that’s coming our way!”â€Ĺ›Shut up before I leave you hanging from one of these trees!” Devon shouted back.Sherbit made a howling noise from within the bag, and then laughed. There was a brief moment of silence, then in the distance a howl, a bone chilling howl, much like the one Devon had in memory from that night in the lodge.Whatever it was, it was coming their way and fast, Sherbit giggled evilly,â€Ĺ›This is fun.”â€Ĺ›We have to get out of here, now!” Devon screamed as he started to run.The beast was running towards them, gaining on them, closer and closer. Devon didn’t dare look back. He didn’t want to see his predator. He didn’t want to stare death in the eye. The path forward was the way to survive. They had to run. It wasn’t long before Jason and Emily saw the welcoming sight of the forest edge, the sight of the night sky. They continued to walk in the direction of the forest opening, the gap widening with each step they took. Soon they saw the foot of the Mingus Mountains, giants of solid rock that stretched up into the night’s sky, disappearing into the darkened clouds. In the distance they could see torches flickering.The sight was eerie, the area was still, there was no sound coming from any creature, fear encompassed this area, nothing wanted to be here, including Jason and Emily, but now they had no choice.Jason looked around for somewhere to rest for the night. They now stood at the edge of the wood, the trees had become distorted, they looked twisted with the presence of evil, they had darkened bark and little or no leafs. Jason spotted a large rock that lay leaning against a smaller one. It would make a perfect shelter from the nights howling wind.Emily gathered some dead wood from the ground, to use as kindling, and walked over to Jason who was now slouching down against the larger rock.â€Ĺ›We can rest here tonight, I don’t feel comfortable but I doubt there are any Inns around.”Jason tried to pull a smile, though being honest to himself he was afraid. He tried to look confident. He could now see the ruined temple in the distance, the flickering lights against the cold stone halls, where he would soon walk, to meet the Dark Lady.Emily could see the fear in Jason’s eyes. She could only imagine how he felt, a stranger to this world, landed with a quest that he is unfamiliar with. But she had faith in him, now though she could only comfort him and help him relax. She lit a fire and sat down.â€Ĺ›Jason, tell me about your world.” Emily said trying to lift the moodJason who was now sitting on top of the rock looking toward the temple in the distance, slid down and sat beside Emily.â€Ĺ›It is very different from here, we don’t have magic, but we have machines that do things for us, we have buildings taller than your Accuro Terradea tree, maybe even ten times as tall and taller” Jason paused and smiled as he watched the expression of Emily’s face change to utter amazement, then he continued â€Ĺ›We have machines that drive us around, or fly us in the air, we can even talk to people thousands of miles away by using a machine called a phone.”â€Ĺ›Oh we can talk to people too, well some people can but they need to be really powerful wizards or witches and use a responding stone. Jason your world sounds amazing!” Emily exclaimed. â€Ĺ›Those machines sound very useful. A world without fear, it must be a great place.”â€Ĺ›It’s not trust me, there are a lot of bad things too, and not all our machines do good, some could destroy the entire world or large parts of it. I suppose we live in a world of fear too. I don’t know much about this place but I’d say things are a lot better here” They both stopped talking when they heard someone screaming, someone screaming and heading their way. It sounded like a boy. They heard another scream, although it sounded different than the first, perhaps someone else. What was it? They weren’t sure, but they would soon find out, the screaming got louder and closer with each second. Jason and Emily pulled themselves up, they felt no fear, but bewilderment, what was it? They kept asking. The screaming was very close now, they could hear the snapping of branches on the ground, and leafs being rustled. The nearby branches began to sway back and forth, within an instant a figure burst out of the darkened woods out into the open, carrying a small bag in his left hand, the boy was followed by a strange looking creature, it looked human, but looked like it was made from the earth and wood, but it still had an pleasant eminence.Jason and Emily stood astonished as the two figures, the one with the bag in his hand and the other earthly creature ran passed, and they continued to run, screaming as they went. Jason and Emily watched as they ran passed them then stopped, the boy quickly turned back to see if they were still being chased, they weren’t. He gasped a sigh of relief then he caught sight of Emily and Jason in the corner of his eye, standing at the edge of the wood watching them. Devon grabbed Grimble and jumped behind a rock, in a feeble attempt to hide.Devon sat with Grimble still grasping tightly to the bag containing Sherbit, who was now kicking and screaming for help, in an aggressive fashion. Devon knew they had been spotted, and that hiding now was useless. They waited for Emily and Jason to walk over, their cover was now gone.Emily and Jason looked at each other, still in shock at what they had just witnessed. They wondered why these two strange characters had run and hid behind a rock. Who were they hiding from? Emily was the first to make any movement towards the rock, which was neatly hiding the bodies of the two figures, but neglecting to cover the head of the earth like creature. Jason followed Emily, walking closer to the rock.Emily reached the rock and looked over to see the boy crouched as low as his body would allow, still holding the bag that was now squirming about and still shouting help, the earth like creature wasn’t putting as much effort into the crouching, but still sat as low as he could.â€Ĺ›Hello” Emily said â€Ĺ›Umm who, may I ask, are you?” sounding puzzled.Devon looked up into Emily’s face, not knowing what to do in this situation; he had to think fast, he couldn’t think of anything but the truth, to answer with. He was still quite alarmed from his experience and lucky escape in the woods.â€Ĺ›I’m Devon. This here is Grimble, my protector.”â€Ĺ›You have a protector?” Emily asked, knowing that only wealthy citizens or those who were of high importance had protectors.â€Ĺ›I’m Devon of Haspar” Devon repeated again, clearly not answering Emily’s question, the fear in his voice was evident as he gasped of air. He was slowly calming again, he was catching hold of his senses, and his surroundings, and he was now able to think clearly, and think of excuses that would help them come across as those who would want to help Emily and Jason on their quest.Emily noticed the bag moving about. An arm would push the sack cloth up from within, and then a leg would kick another area, the calls of help could still be heard coming from the bag, but Emily had only noticed it now.â€Ĺ›And what is in that bag?” She asked looking down at Devon’s arm which was still grasping tightly, though shaking slightly.â€Ĺ›Oh it’s a little creature we found on our way here.” Devon said clearly thinking of an excuse that would hide the fact that they had been purposefully following the two friends, and had kidnapped the little creature at Emily’s house.â€Ĺ›It’s Sherbit!” Jason cried, finally picking himself up from what had just happened, â€Ĺ›It certainly sounds like him.”As soon as Sherbit heard Jason’s voice he started to call for him.â€Ĺ›It is him!” Emily yelled â€Ĺ›Devon why have you captured him?”Devon couldn’t think of an answer, he hesitated, then thought of something, that could maybe save them, save what little was left of their plan.â€Ĺ›We found him wandering aimlessly when we were heading north, we thought he was lost, or looking for someone, maybe you two. So we tried to make him come with us but he wouldn’t. He would only have been hurt or, or... he could have starved, poor thing, so we had to bring him with us the only way we could.” Devon had now fully regained control of himself, he spoke as if he truly cared for Sherbit, he was trying to convince Emily and Jason that he was concerned not for himself but others.â€Ĺ›He lies” Sherbit yelled from within the cloth bag â€Ĺ›Captured me, I’d no choice.”â€Ĺ›He is confused, It has been a long journey” Devon replied nervously.Jason thought for a moment, he had been wondering about Devon’s answer, why was he coming north in the first place.â€Ĺ›Devon, why are you here? How did you know Sherbit was looking for someone?”â€Ĺ›We over heard Emily talking about your quest to the North and your plans to destroy the Dark Lady, in a bakery back in Haspar. We were interested and thought that we could help, or rather that we should help.” Devon had twisted the truth slightly, he couldn’t tell them his true plans, or who he truly was, who’s son he was. If Emily and Jason knew this they would surely cast them aside and continue with their quest alone. Now that they had been spotted their only other option was to join forces, Devon didn’t want to spoil this chance.â€Ĺ›There was no one else in the bakery.” Jason argued.â€Ĺ›No trust me we were there, sitting in the back corner in the shadows. No one could really see us.”Jason thought back to that small cosy bakery, true as Devon said, there was a corner in the back of the shop, there was a table and stools there and it was covered in shadow. It could have been possible for them to hide there, it could have been possible for them to hear what Emily had spoken about and not be seen.â€Ĺ›We don’t want to harm, or get in your way. We just thought we could help with your quest.”â€Ĺ›Well I guess as a start you could let Sherbit out of that bag” Emily said pulling back from the rock.â€Ĺ›Of course” Devon said as he undid the draw strings around the bag slowly opening the top. â€Ĺ›We meant no harm, you do understand?”Devon set the loosely opened bag on top of the rock. Slowly Sherbit came out and rubbed his eyes, he looked happy to see Emily and Jason, and then he noticed where they were, he looked towards the mountains, the ruined temple with the flickering lights, and he smiled, a hidden smile. He then looked back towards Emily and Jason.â€Ĺ›We’ll there isn’t much we can do now, you are here now, there is not much point sending you back, and I doubt you would go if we told you to. I hope you know what you are getting yourself into.” Emily said as she walked back towards the campfire that she had lit moments earlier. Emily was good during times like these at acting as a mother figure, even though she was still considered young in age. She could still be very strict and voice the opinion that would matter most. Jason followed Emily back to the campfire, followed by Sherbit hopping along as usual.Devon pulled himself up and looked at Grimble with an expression of relief, they had overcome two obstacles in that short period, that beast, whatever it was had been outrun, and they had now been accepted by Emily and Jason. Devon didn’t want to think about what stopped that beast from chasing them further, though he believed that the presence of evil emitted from the temple at the foot of the Mingus Mountains had frightened it off. The thought scared him. The evil had even frightened a beast such as it.All five sat around the blazing fire, every so often Jason would throw a piece of dead wood that Emily had collected earlier on top. It was now dark; the moon shone in the sky over the mountains, often blocked by passing clouds, there were few stars in the sky this night, as if they were aware of the evil too and had fled south.The five were quiet, yet they all had so many questions they wanted to ask each other. They had plans to make, they didn’t know what to expect. All that they knew were the many rumours and tales that they had been told by their parents and tutors. Jason knew nothing, only that he was labelled as this so called hero that would defeat the Dark Lady and put an end to the Lord of Darkness’s reign of evil.Devon sat quietly he had been thinking considerably about what he should do, what his previous intent was, and how he could carry out any actions now that he was with Jason and Emily. He felt drawn to this group of adventurers. He could even feel a slight aura of power from Jason. He was starting to wonder if Jason could actually be the hero that had been spoken of, and prophesised, and although this would go against everything he had been taught, he still felt that this idea was closer to the truth. Perhaps he thought it would be better to help them now rather than work against them. The realisation of what actually lay ahead frightened Devon. Whatever resided in that temple had frightened the beast in the forest. Perhaps the Dark Lady was far worse, maybe the only person who could defeat the Dark Lady was Jason, and if it was true, then Devon wanted to be able to help in any way he could.Grimble and Sherbit were happily chewing on some food that Emily had brought with her, Grimble wasn’t that concerned with what was going on. He was Devon’s protector, but right now Devon was safe. Sherbit on the other had was still staring at the temple in the north, as if it was calling to him, earlier he had been afraid to look north, but now that they were so close, it was as if he had gained a new power within, he was not afraid of what lay ahead. He had been there before, he had seen what the Dark Lady did to her prisoners, but he didn’t show any signs of fear, he looked onward and smiled.Emily was the first to speak up as she gazed into the dancing yellow and orange flames of the camp fire. She felt that they had to discuss what they were going to do, they would soon be at the temple and they would soon face the Dark Lady. If any time would be best to sort out a plan of attack it was now.â€Ĺ›We have to think of what we will do when we reach the Dark Lady, I don’t know what to expect” She looked at Jason â€Ĺ›I believe that Jason is the only one who can defeat her, but we have to be able to give him some time, time to work out what he has to do”Devon looked up. â€Ĺ›We can help fight, I don’t have much, I’m no wizard or warrior, but I do have a summoning stone, it isn’t much I know, but it may help.”â€Ĺ›Devon anything will help. Grimble and Sherbit what about you two?”Sherbit turned around slowly and with a smile that almost looked evil saidâ€Ĺ›I can help.”â€Ĺ›Ok, Grimble?”â€Ĺ›He will help too” Devon replied, â€Ĺ›He is pretty strong when it comes to fighting.”â€Ĺ›Ok, well that should help, I can cast a few spells, and hopefully they will help. Help give Jason enough time to work out a plan.”Jason looked at the ground, he couldn’t think, he didn’t want to think. What could he do that would destroy the Dark Lady, and bring peace back to these lands. How could he alone destroy the evil that had haunted so many people in the past and present? He had to think of a plan, what would happen to his friends and himself if he couldn’t think of something that would destroy this Dark Lady when the time came. His thoughts were broken when Emily started to talk again.â€Ĺ›We should rest soon, it will be a hard task getting to the temple, we have to climb the base of the Mingus Mountains, and I am more than sure that the Dark Lady will be watching and have prepared an abundance of defences. We will have a fight on our hands that none of us could ever imagine. It will all start tomorrow.”Each of the five looked at each other. They had been brought closer together through the knowledge that they had one common enemy, an enemy that they had known about from an early age, an enemy that they were coming to battle. They all knew that tomorrow no matter what happened they would have to face the Dark Lady and her minions, hopefully the prophecy would ring true, and Jason would be the true hero. If he wasn’tâ€Ĺš they couldn’t think of the outcome, they didn’t want to imagine what would happen to them. They were sure that if things didn’t turn out as planned they would have a much worse fate compared to that of the prisoners that the Dark Lady experimented upon.One by one each of the five companions lay down, trying to think of happy memories so that they could veil the dark and haunting scenery that lay in front of them. The fire cracked and continued to dance in the night, warding off any beast that would come their way. Jason rubbed the pendant that the mysterious lady had given him back in that dark alley in Haspar, it throbbed an unseen glow, tucked under his shirt. Jason’s eyes grew weary and soon he passed into a world of dreams, the stone stopped glowing.The lights continued to flicker, as if the winds were blowing on giant torches in the ruined temple to the north. The five friends grew quiet, all asleep. The night remained still and hushed.Chapter Thirteen: The Mingus Mountains The five companions were awoken early in the morning by a sharp and bitter cold wind that blew over them. The campfire had long since died down, and was now smoking gently. The air was clear, the sky was sparse with clouds, and the sun was slowly rising. The woods behind them still lay quiet, as if they were in an eternal slumber, waiting for the evil to be washed away from their feet. There was no sound of morning birds or any creature at all.It seemed that they were the only living things for miles around. Each one took a glance at what lay before them, the Mingus Mountains. They could clearly see their peaks now. Three peaks each capped with snow, the sight amazed anyone who stared up at their beauty, though they were not a welcoming place, not while evil called those mountains home.Jason looked frantically for the temple. It was still there, sitting amongst the rocks of the Mingus Mountains, waiting for him. He had had a nightmare that night. They had reached the temple, and confronted the Dark Lady, all was going well until it was Jason’s turn to destroy her once and for all, but he couldn’t. Something inside him wouldn’t let him, and as a result he had to watch his friends die, then he too died. He had woken up after that, everyone was still there, asleep.Emily was getting ready to set off again, stamping on the campfire to put out any smouldering flames. Ever the environmentalist Emily worried that if they had left the fire with even the smallest of glow, a gentle wind could blow one of the embers onto dry wood close to the Elderine Forest.Once she was happy that the fire had no chance of recovery, she gathered the few items that she brought with her tucking some of the left over pieces of food into her pocket and picked up her staff.As the group was now larger in number she decided that the best course of action would be to now take control of the group and their quest north herself. she thought this might help Jason think about what lay ahead, after all it wasn’t fair on him to have to worry about leading the group further north, he needed time to think, and to do it alone.â€Ĺ›Ok let’s get a move on.” Emily ordered sounding very stern, she had a personality that would change faster than any tide, but she was a lovable character. â€Ĺ›The temple lies ahead. We should reach it by nightfall”Devon grumbled a bit as he pulled himself up, muttering something about taking orders from Emily. He himself thought that he would be the best choice to lead the group. After all he was the Kings son. The problem was that Emily nor Jason knew this, and this was the way Devon wanted to keep it, for now at least.Being the king’s son would only show one thing, that he was supposed to be a strong believer in the laws of the New Order which in turn should mean that he like his father and the rest of his family should belief that only a descendant of the Order can destroy the Dark Lady, and that descendant was him. Devon’s faith in the belief of the New Order was slowly slipping away. To him Jason seemed different, he wasn’t quite sure how yet, but he felt something. Jason was the boy from another world; could he really be the one who would defeat the Dark Lady? The thoughts and questions cascaded through his mind. He had another worry, Emily might never trust him if she knew the truth about who he was, she surely knew the beliefs of the New Order like any other. For now Devon decided to follow along, and help as much as he could.Jason was being particularly quiet. He walked slightly behind Emily who was now leading the way. Devon, Grimble and Sherbit were walking further behind, Sherbit was running around Grimble’s legs confusing him, it was a pay back for the threats Grimble had shown yesterday when he wanted to set his teeth into Sherbit.Jason was still deep in thought; he had been confused about the whole quest from the beginning, but now with these dreams he was having, he was feeling more uneasy with every step closer to the temple. He felt as if he was being called forward, his name upon the air, being called toward the temple.Emily noticed Jason’s state, and slowed down to walk with him.â€Ĺ›Jason, are you okay? You look tired.” she asked putting one arm around his shoulder.â€Ĺ›I think so, I’m not tired. It’s just this place seems so weird, I almost feel like I’m connected to it, I feel like I’m being called to the temple.”â€Ĺ›It’s a strange place Jason, so empty. Don’t let it affect you. The Dark Lady probably knows we are coming so she is trying to corrupt your mind before we even reach her.”â€Ĺ›I’m trying, I really am.”â€Ĺ›Jason, I know this is really hard for you, but you are the hero, you are the only hope.” Emily rubbed Jason’s back, reassuring him of who they all felt he was.â€Ĺ›Thanks Emily, I know I can do this, I’m sure something will come to be when the time comes just like that lady said in that alley.”When the time comes he hoped for the sake of his friends he did know what to do, he wished he had the strength and faith that Emily had, she didn’t doubt him, she knew that Jason wouldn’t fail, she was the rock in this crusade to destroy evil.â€Ĺ›Don’t worry Jason, like I said last night, we will all be there to help you, you won’t be alone.”â€Ĺ›We will do it Emily” Jason smiled, he felt encouraged, he could no longer hear the voices in the air calling his name, for a brief moment he felt pure peace.The foot of the Mingus Mountains now lay in front, they towered up into the sky, and clouds had started to gather around each of the snow capped peaks, restricting the friends from seeing the very tips of the giant rock monsters. But they could see more than enough, they could see the ruined temple further up the mountain, its large torches still glowing from within. Flickering like beacons calling all evil towards it.They were almost at the mountains, the forest could be seen in the distance behind them, what lay in front however was only that what could be described as a scene from a nightmare, a vast plain of dead earth, dead trees and what looked like ruined buildings were plotted every so often across the earth, and a light fog covered the ground giving it a strange and unwelcoming appearance. The five friends had to cross this land to reach the foot of the mountain.â€Ĺ›The Dead Forest” Devon whispered, the fear was evident in his voice.â€Ĺ›It doesn’t look much like a forest” Jason replied, he didn’t seem so afraid, but then he didn’t know the story behind this strange scene that lay before him.â€Ĺ›It was the northern part of the Elderine forest long ago” Emily said â€Ĺ›It’s borders touched the outer sections of the Temple City, it once used to be a beautiful place, the Averinites would come and feed the creatures of the forest, meditate, or stroll through the trees. But when Caleb attacked the Temple city and destroyed Lady Averin, he also destroyed a part of the forest. The Elderine forest has a life of its own and it did not want to touch or be so close to such an evil creation such as Caleb. The outer forest slowly died off after the attack, leaving behind the Dead Forests.”â€Ĺ›And what about the people that lived in the houses close to the forests edge?” Jason enquired.â€Ĺ›They felt the power of the forest the most, and when Caleb’s forces marched in and slaughtered them, their souls remained attached to the forest, but not only that, any of Caleb’s forces that died here remained too, to haunt these lands.”â€Ĺ›They are the undead” Devon said looking about for any signs of movement from within the fogged land.â€Ĺ›This is an evil place Jason. A lot of innocent people were killed here by the Lord of Darkness, before he was imprisoned within the stone, these people never passed on. They neither hate nor love anyone, they only feel the loss of the forest, and that feeling drives them to a state that no person or creature that approaches is safe. We have to pass through quickly, if we are lucky we won’t awake those who sleep.”Emily led the way down over the bank leaving the living forest behind. The living trees at the edge of the Elderine Forest lent inwards almost as if they were trying to flee from the scene as they looked on in fear towards the ruined city, and the dead lands that lay below. The Dead Forests were still covered in a thick, dark strangely purple fog that was almost choking.The friends followed in single file, being careful where they placed each foot, and trying to avoid anything that looked dangerous in any shape or form. Even Sherbit was cautious as he walked, making sure to tread as quietly as he could possibly manage, which surprisingly was relatively quiet indeed. Holding tightly onto the back of Devon’s cloak, forgetting any grudge that he may have had towards the young boy, especially now as the fog was above his head, and seeing anything in front was almost impossible.Every now and then they would pass a ruined structure that perhaps once was a place of life, a place of colour, and of happiness, buildings that accommodated trade, and entertainment, homes, shops, and academic learning, they were all lost, much like those who lived here. Age and the elements had eaten away at the masonry, wood had long since rotten away, leaving many of the haunted structures roofless and empty.Each of the friends tried to imagine what the city was like, tried to imagine families, old and young walking the streets, talking to each other, continuing with their daily lives, not knowing what would happen to them in the future, their future that would be unending, the denial of eternal rest.A nauseating wind blew past, carrying the smell of ancient dead, the friends stopped to let the wind pass before carrying on. The wind continued to blow, fear now held them rooted to the ground as they witnessed the sights before them, the fog began to dissipate, clearing the empty streets of the ruined city, the darkness left, slowly the friends could see the city in full light as if it had never been destroyed.They huddled together, Emily knew what was happening.â€Ĺ›They have awoken” Emily cried as she huddled closer into the group â€Ĺ›We won’t be able to out run them!”Jason watched on, he didn’t know who they were, but he would soon find out. Ghostly figures from the past appeared throughout the city, children laughing as they ran along the streets playing games, busy shoppers looking into shops that now filled with ghostly images of items to buy. The city was coming to life with the dead, carrying on with their lives as if they were unaware of their eternal doom.Moments later the city dwellers stopped, they looked torn, distressed, hurt and alarmed; one by one they turned to face the group who were now standing motionless.â€Ĺ›Here they come.” Emily whispered the fear ever evident in her voice.The ghostly figures slowly faded to the ground crying out in help, and then sounds of evil laughter came, as dark figures appeared from behind ruined buildings, skeletal figures draped in black cloth.â€Ĺ›The undead have awakened, we have to get passed them” Devon cried as he watched several undead beings circle them.â€Ĺ›There are too many, we can’t fight them, more will come.” Emily shouted.Evil laughter filled the air. The skeletal figures seemed to hover across the ground slowly towards the group. Some had large swords, which they trailed behind them. The sound of the scrapping metal against the cobbled streets sent chills down Jason’s back causing him to shiver, as he watched the frightening sight before him. Other undead creatures trailed their arms along their sides, their bony arms showing whilst the rest of their bodies remained hidden somewhere behind the torn black cloth.â€Ĺ›We will have to run.” Emily whispered to the group looking for a direction to make their escape.The tormented creatures of death slowly marched towards them, seeking to claim more to join their numbers.â€Ĺ›Wouldn’t this be a good time to cast a distraction spell Emily?” Jason asked trying to think any plan of action up that would save them.â€Ĺ›These things won’t take notice of any distraction. They aren’t as dumb as those trolls in the forest. We have to run, and quickly. Hurry, follow me!”Emily led the way along a street past the creatures of death, some tried to swing at the friends as they ran past, almost catching a hold of a length of cloak, but it wasn’t enough. They managed to escape their doom, but they weren’t out of the city yet, they still had a long way to go, and the undead beings wouldn’t stop now, not now that they had been awoken, now that there was life amongst them.They ran passed more buildings, every street and alley they passed saw more creatures of death marching towards them, it seemed like the whole city had awoken. They were getting closer to the base of the mountain. The Temple of Elderine was in sight. But the closer they got to the mountain base the more they realised that they weren’t going to reach it without having to face these monsters, they were slowly being closed in. The undead seemed to be controlled by one mind, one thought behind their very movement, behind their actions, someone or something was controlling them, using a strategy to close the friends off and trap them with in the city of the dead.The base of the mountain was just ahead, Devon was now leading the way, he wasn’t the fastest runner out of the group, and if their fast paced escape had of taken place in more likeable terms and surroundings, Jason would have easily beaten Devon. Emily had fallen back considerably, so Jason had slowed his escape to return to her and support her as much as he could. Emily was growing weary, she was now struggling to run, the weight of her staff and tiredness pulled her down, she wasn’t going to be able to reach the mountain base before they could get away from the beasts of death. She would either have to be left behind or the group would have to face the oncoming army of death.It was at this very moment that Emily tripped and fell to the ground. She tried to pull herself up but failed, her body too weak with exhaustion. Jason stopped and ran back to her aid while the others carried on, the undead minions were gaining on them, and there was no chance for them now to reach the mountain base, to reach its safely. The others had just made it, looking back to see what had happened to their lost friends.â€Ĺ›Oh no!” Devon cried out as he saw the hordes of death surrounding his two new friends.Devon, Grimble and Sherbit couldn't move they stood in fear, their two friends sat huddled as the hordes of undead cursed by an evil, closed in on them. They wouldn’t stand a chance. Emily was weak her magic wouldn’t even keep the attack off long enough for Devon and the others to reach them. There was nothing they could do to save Jason and Emily from their fate, and without Jason their quest would be pointless.The shrouds of black cloth closed in on Jason and Emily as they sat huddled expecting the worse to come. Emily tried to stand again, at least so they could make a final battle together without giving up hopelessly.Jason helped Emily to her feet. She leant against her staff whilst holding onto Jason’s arm, the dark figures closing in against them.â€Ĺ›Thanks” Emily said in a grateful, caring voice.â€Ĺ›What for?” asked Jason sounding brave in their final moments together.â€Ĺ›For showing me the real world and the truth.”â€Ĺ›It’s not over yet Emily, I’m the hero. It doesn’t end here.”Emily smiled at him then looked at the skeletal figures, reaching into them, to take their last breath and make them one of their own.â€Ĺ›Jason!” Emily cried with excitement â€Ĺ›It’s glowing!”Jason looked down at the pendant around his neck, the summoning stone within was now glowing a warming blue colour, it continued to glow, the light growing in strength.Devon could see a bright blue light that gained strength and brightness with every second he looked on. The black shadowed beasts continued to move in on the two friends, and the light within stone continued to grow. He watched waiting to see what would happen, wondering if Emily had gained enough strength to cast a spell.Then he saw it, a figure appeared, it looked angelic in appearance, draped in a long silver robe, the figure was ghostly, but not like the creatures around it. A female with long golden hair, she held out her arms, facing her palms toward the ghastly figures of the city.Emily held onto Jason as the light continued to grow, the black beasts had stopped moving towards them, it was almost as if they feared the light, or feared what was in the light, neither Jason, nor Emily could see the angelic figure that had appeared in front of them, the brightness was so overwhelming and the fear of what could be happening had forced them to close their eyes and wait for the end to come.They could feel a gentle breeze around them as if something was shielding them from the evil in the ancient streets.Devon continued to watch as the angel like figure surrounded Emily and Jason. The dark creatures moved back slowly as the light grew around the dazzling figure. Suddenly each one of the dead turned and fled into the city away from Jason and Emily, the light began to fade, as the rest of the beasts disappeared. The figure faded, the light decreased, the stone within the pendant was still and lifeless. The summoned had done its work, and now rested within its stone.Jason opened one eye first, and then slowly opened the other. He blinked a few times while his eyes re-adjusted to the darkness. The street was empty. It was quiet, but most importantly free from the creatures that had stalked them. The beasts had been driven off by whatever that light was, it seemed so powerful, but he felt a sense of calmness, as if he was being held by a loving force that wasn’t just Emily, he felt as if he was being held by the presence of love itself.Jason supported Emily, she had regain her strength, in fact both Emily and Jason felt fully refreshed, no longer tired or hungry, they were more than ready to continue with the journey.â€Ĺ›Look Jason, Look at your summoning stone” Emily said exclaimed.â€Ĺ›Yeah! Look!” Jason replied in amazement at the power he now controlled,â€Ĺ›It was beautiful, and so strong. I have never even seen magic as powerful as that”Jason walked alongside with Emily to the base of the mountain, their three friends stood in amazement, still in shock at what they had just witnessed. They had seen what the summoned was, although they didn’t know its name, they saw the shape it took. Devon ran to meet them.â€Ĺ›Are you two ok?”â€Ĺ›Yes we are fine, in fact I think I feel a lot stronger now” Emily replied smiling at Jasonâ€Ĺ›That thing, you know that light and that lady. It was flipping amazing, did you summon it Jason?”â€Ĺ›It came from the stone within his pendant! I’ve never seen anything like it” Emily said when she finally reached the base of the mountain, she then looked up at the stairs that led the way to the temple â€Ĺ›It looks like we have a long climb ahead”â€Ĺ›The thing is I don’t have a clue how I managed to summon it.”â€Ĺ›I’ve heard that the most powerful of summoning stones, react to the emotions of the holder” Emily answered.â€Ĺ›Which would mean that, in your time of despair, the summoned brought itself out to aid you” Devon continued.â€Ĺ›Well at least I know what it can do now, I just hope it can help when we really need it, I mean if all else fails I hope I can summon it when we come to fight the Dark Lady”â€Ĺ›Jason, you will be fine, don’t worry about it,” Emily paused briefly then continuedâ€Ĺ›Devon did you say you saw a lady? We couldn’t see anything except for a bright light”â€Ĺ›Yea she was beautiful, wearing a long silver robe, and bright golden hair, I mean she was the most attractive girl I have ever seen”Emily gave Devon a looked of disgust, Devon quickly noticed and grinned.â€Ĺ›I wonder who she was” Emily said pondering out loud.Her thoughts were soon disturbed as Sherbit came running up the steps screaming, â€Ĺ›The dead they are coming again!”â€Ĺ›I think we should move on before those damned souls get a chance to catch up with us” Emily said as she led the way up the steps to the temple.The steps had been carved into the rock of the mountain face, they looked worn from many years of use, and perhaps the temple up ahead was a place of worship for the people of this city. The Temple above was the central point for the Elderine Order, Lady Averin and her priestesses spent many hours within the walls of the Temple reflecting on the powers that they controlled. The temple was once a beautiful place, lined with trees and streaming water that flowed down to the city below. When Caleb attacked all beauty was stolen away. The people below enjoyed a prosperous life with natures blessing, but no matter how much magic they controlled the greed of Averin’s brother destroyed them and everything they had worked for.Many ornate figures lined the sides of the stairs each depicting a figure of great magnitude, a priestess, or a great mage all ordained in robes of solid rock. Even through the many years of their existence they still embody faultless detail.Jason stopped a few times to look at the figures, who were they? And why had they been honoured by having their sculptures grafted to these stairs?The stairs led high into the mountain, the ground below was shrinking and any member of the group who dared look down could see the borders of the Elderine forest and the city of the dead. The epic size of the once grand city could be seen. Its size harmonized with the size of Haspar perhaps it was even bigger. The city grew darker. The fog had regained its coverage of the streets. The creatures that once lived now rested. They waited for another, perhaps less protected being to stray into their world of the lost.The air was much cooler at this height, but the friends carried on. The flickering flames of the temple were now in sight, they seemed to pulse as if the whole building was a live and the torch fires were its life line. It was midday, and by all means the sky should be bright, the sun was out and most definitely in full glory when they left their camp earlier that morning, but now it was dark, it was as if the mountains themselves had stolen the sun thinking it to be a precious gem and hiding it away within its hidden caverns.â€Ĺ›We are almost there!” Emily called down as the tower of the temple came into sightAll were thankful when they reached the top of the stairs. They had finally reached the top. The climb was long and laborious but they didn’t feel exhausted, perhaps they had no time to feel tired, they could see the temple in front of them now, with its looming tower, stretched into the sky. Stain glass windows cast colourful images onto the ground which flickered as the flames moved from the torches within the temples’ halls. The building was in perfect condition, the test of time had eaten into its stone work, all the windows were still intact, the wood in the structure had not totted in at all, and it was as if the temple had been built recently. The door into the temple lay in front. Soon they would confront the Dark Lady, and Jason’s moment, the moment in which the life of the world would lie in his hands.â€Ĺ›Well here we go.” Jason said as he walked towards the door, there was no turning back now, he was here, and the Dark Lady knew. She was waiting for him.Emily followed Jason, the rest slowly walked behind towards the large door that sealed the temple.Chapter Fourteen: The Dark Lady Jason could feel the chilling cold as he placed his hands on the surface of the door, a tingle was sent down the spine of his back, as he felt each hair on his body stand on end. Behind the closed door the group of friends could hear mechanisms of ancient times creaking and grinding against each other, and within moments the great door slowly pulled open, revealing inch by inch the inner corridors and the bright flickering lights of the red, orange and yellow flamed torches. The doors continued to open, pulled by chains thicker than a muscle ridden arm. The chains disappeared through holes located on each side of the walls in the corridor, until they were hidden and the doors, now fully open came to a rest.Devon shuddered as he walked into the warm corridor of the temple. The air was cool outside and it was such a relief to all, that this temple, a place now known to be a resting place of great evil, to be so welcoming, still had a warm environment. At least they wouldn’t freeze to death in this battle of good versus evil. The entrance corridor was ornamented with large statues of robed figures. They were different from those that patrolled the edges of the stone staircase cut into the mountain, these figures seemed to be alive, their eyes almost appeared to watch and follow every movement that the friends made.Alcoves lined the walls, each displayed a pedestal with an ornate object on top, and many displayed stones, much like the stone in the great library. These stones however seemed to resonate with a presence of evil, as if they held trapped spirits of foul demons and tortured souls. It could well have been true, they were all very aware that the most evil of creatures is held within the Elderine Stone. Perhaps that stone lay somewhere within this temple?Jason led the way up the corridor, their steps echoed along the hall, it would be impossible for them to hide their presence now, yet it seemed so naĂĹ»ve to even think of a sneak attack. The Dark Lady was not of a simple mind. She knew of their presence and eagerly awaited their arrival, but still they hoped that they could somehow gain an advantage before whatever lay ahead.The doors of the temple slammed shut behind them closing off the wind that was blowing in against their backs, causing the lights to flicker. The halls echoed with the sound of the doors closing. If the Dark Lady wasn’t aware of their presence she certainly was now. The five friends all stood motionless for a moment waiting for the echoing to stop. The halls soon returned to their unnatural silence, a signal for the friends to continue on.At the end of the hall a large statue stood in the centre of the floor, it stretched from the floor to the ceiling. It was a statue of a cloaked man. His face was hidden from sight, an emotionless sculpture. The statue held out two cold arms, holding onto a stone which seemed to merge together with the figures arms, as if they were one. The statue seemed to represent a great power. Perhaps this statue represented the magical power that was offered to Averin and her people because they showed great respect towards nature. However the statue was also very fitting at representing Caleb a hidden figure filled with greed that had stolen the magical powers from his sister and as a result suffered and was imprisoned within the Elderine Stone.Jason now knew what lay ahead of him. The seal which Elindril had spoken of was the seal holding the Lord of Darkness within the Elderine Stone. Now that he was here, perhaps the Dark Lady could break this seal, and he was the only one who could stop her. He paused for a moment, thinking this over. If he failed this quest, she would be able to release her lord, and the world that he had entered would be lost forever; everything that he had seen, everyone that he had met, his new friends, all destroyed.â€Ĺ›Are you alright, Jason? You look awfully white.” Emily said as she walked over to Jason.â€Ĺ›Yes, Yes, I’m fine, really I am. I just had a thought.”â€Ĺ›Are you worried” she paused and lowered her voice, so that only Jason could hear her, â€Ĺ›about what lies ahead? I know I’ve said this before Jason, but I am here for you, we all are! And by my word we will get through it. You are the one and don’t forget that.”Jason smiled, he somehow struggled to do so, he was grateful for the encouragement but that alone would not take away the fear he felt inside.Devon and Grimble had stopped now too, they were now cautiously looking around for any creature that might try and ambush them and strike them down before they even had a chance to face the presence of evil deep within the temple.Sherbit on the other hand was hopping along as he usually did, humming the tune that he often hummed. If the others had more attention to spare, they would have noticed his strange actions that were rather unfit for this particular time and place. It almost seemed as if he was possessed or that he had lost all control of his natural thinking. Perhaps he was over come by the situation, and had reverted to a child like persona so that he could face what was to come. Or perhaps there was darkness within waiting to be released. No one noticed, as they continued to walk down the hall. They continued to pass statues much like the large statue in the temple’s entrance hall that had welcomed them. The stone walls seemed cold, and shielded an ancient history from those that walked by them.In the distance they could hear the crackling of a huge fire, and the sounds of chains being hit against the stone walls, as those who were held captive tried desperately to escape though their attempts were in vain. Apart from these distance noises, the halls were surprisingly quiet.â€Ĺ›I hate to be the one to break up our little rest, and believe me, I could do with one, but don’t you really think we should try and get this bit over with, or at least get to the stage were we face the Dark Lady.” Devon turned around and mumbled to Grimble â€Ĺ›I’d hate to be picked off before we reach her, imagine the stories.”Grimble nodded in return as if agreeing to the shame they would face if something did happen to them before they had a chance to fight the dark lady.â€Ĺ›We can’t be far now, from the outside this temple doesn’t look that big, so we should reach the inner chambers soon.” Emily stated almost matter-of-factly.â€Ĺ›Well let’s get moving then, The Dark Lady is more than likely aware that we are here. It would be best, not to keep her waiting” Jason said as he continued to walk down the remainder of the large hallway.The corridor ended at a junction, they had two choices as to which direction they should now go. Going back the way they came was certainly not an option. Jason thought that no matter which direction they took now the destination would most likely be the same. Before Jason could make a final decision in direction they should take, a gust of wind blew past him from the left corridor to the right. It wasn’t that fierce but was strong enough to blow the torch flames completely out along the wall of the left corridor and cause the ones in the right to flicker.â€Ĺ›Well that’s my decision made for me I guess.” Jason said aloud to himself.The corridor was not that long at all. Jason could see that the corridor connected on to what looked like a large chamber. He noticed that there were several more large statues plotted against the far wall, each cloaked and bowing to an invisible master. He could hear heavy breathing, deep breaths in and out, it didn’t take him long to realise that these were his own. He felt a cold shiver pass over as each hair on his body stood on end. He knew what lay ahead in that chamber. There seemed to be some form of magnetic field that affected only him, he felt pulled towards it, but he could not explain it. He took one final step, he was now at the end of the corridor, and he could see so much more of the large chamber that lay a head of him.Jason took a deep breath, trying to inhale as much as he could. Without looking back he walked into the chamber, not for one second moving his eyes from the far wall, if she was in this room he didn’t want to see her. Stopping when he felt he was half way across, Jason breathed out. He could hear the torches crackling quietly along each face of the old stone walls, what sounded like a large fire could be heard burning at the top of the chamber; although he didn’t want to look, not yet at least.He was unsure if his friends had followed him this far or if they were still standing in the connecting corridor, but he most certainly did not feel alone, someone else was with him. His heart raced as he decided to look up and towards the end of the chamber. Excitement mixed with fear passed over him in rapid succession, boosting his adrenaline to carry out what needed to be done.Slowly he lifted his eyelids, with each movement he could see more of what lay at the end of the chamber. Situated at the end of the room in the centre was a platform area reached by three steps, two large figurines on either side, each holding a bowl. Jason could now see the large fire, it burned in a majestic fire place, but what was more, he could see someone standing in front of it. This someone could only be one person, The Dark Lady. She was cloaked in a long black garment that reached out onto the floor in an effort to trap any colour and life from those who would seek it. The figure slowly turned around, lifting her head slightly, so that she could face her new guest.â€Ĺ›I have waited a long time for this.”Jason looked at the lady that stood in front of him, her face was pale and drawn, her eyes blackened, forcing an expression of agony and emptiness across her face, yet she still presented an attractive visage. Her jet black hair was almost hidden beneath her hood, but that which Jason could see was long and straight, a few strands lay against the side of her check. Her voice was cold, as if her soul had been drawn from her, yet somehow, Jason felt an unusual warmth and welcoming tone.â€Ĺ›Years have passed, and I have waited, waited for the coming of the chosen one. Who could have foreseen that the chosen one would be you? Not even the wisest of them all could have figured that one, but I knew. I knew it would be you, why else would I be here if you were not the chosen one.”Jason tried to figure out what this mysterious lady was saying, riddles had never been a problem before with him, but never before had he been apart of the riddle itself.â€Ĺ›What are you trying to say?” Jason asked feeling more courage fill his body than he had ever experienced.â€Ĺ›Don’t you realise who I am Jason? Don’t you remember me?” The Dark lady pitched forward displaying a grin across her face mocking innocence.â€Ĺ›No!” shouted Jason â€Ĺ›I don’t remember you, why should I? This is not my world!”â€Ĺ›No Jason it is not, and nor is it mine, thirteen years is a very long time my boy isn’t it?” again the Dark lady grinned as she moved ever closer to Jason. â€Ĺ›I knew that you would follow me here in time and fulfil the prophecies, who else would be the great hero of the Elderine Order other than the son of the Dark Lady?”â€Ĺ›No it can’t be true!” Jason exclaimed in horror, â€Ĺ›You can’t be!”â€Ĺ›And why not? Deep down you know it is true, you can feel the calling, you can feel the power of the Elderine Stone, you know we are of the same blood, Join me Jason, together we could free the Lord of Darkness and rule under his power”There was a sudden cry from the back.â€Ĺ›You know that is not true! No one can ever rule with the evil one in power, he will destroy all! Don’t listen to her Jason!”Emily, was standing at the end of the hall, the others were standing with her.â€Ĺ›Ah your friends Jason, I’m glad that you have made friends with the right families, all very powerful in their own rights, and of course Sherbit, I had to send him along to make sure you arrived here safely, he did a good job don’t you think?”â€Ĺ›What? Sherbit that can’t be, you didn’t trick us?” Jason cried out in horrorâ€Ĺ›Didn’t you recognise the tune he always hummed Jason? Didn’t it bring back the memories?” The Dark Lady smirked as she held her hand out to Sherbit.â€Ĺ›You are lying. You are just trying to trick me!”â€Ĺ›Oh, come on now, do you think I would be that low to do a thing such as that? Silly boy! Jason you have yet to learn so much. Sherbit here is merely possessed, of course he led you to me, and after all he could do nothing other than what I had commanded.”â€Ĺ›You evil, foul witch! You â€Ĺšâ€ťBefore Emily could finish, the Dark Lady had already started expressing distain towards her.â€Ĺ›Of course, young Emily, what a sharp tongue you have. I see you have learnt a lot from you grandfather, but haven’t we all?” The Dark Lady laughed.â€Ĺ›And what do you mean by that?” Emily demanded, her grandfather held a special place in her heart and she wouldn’t let anyone speak ill of him, especially this old crooked crone.The Dark Lady chucked, she was clearly enjoying this, a group of young children who were certainly no match for herself, after all she a powerful witch, channelling the powers of evil. She could summon dark spirits with a single breath, standing opposite her stood a young apprentice mage, a prince and his protector and of course Jason, a boy from another world, the hero called forth to destroy the Lord of Darkness and his minions. How silly they are she thought.The room grew still as the friends glanced around their surroundings. A battle was imminent, they all knew that. This talking had prolonged the inevitable. They all knew the Dark Lady had been clever using this time to unnerve them, to cause fear and confusion. On their journey they each had something to learn, Jason more than the others of course, but still each stood there for a reason. Devon who had been silent for the most part was slowly picking up his own courage. He had his name, his reputation and his family heritage to stand for. For years he believed much of what the New Order believed, that he would be the one to destroy the Dark Lady, but now that he stood here he understood that it was truly Jason’s destiny. Nonetheless, it was his destiny to make sure that Jason did not fail.â€Ĺ›How dare you speak ill of Master Talathin! He is a great man, I will have no one speak ill of the New Order or its members!”â€Ĺ›Oh the young prince speaks at last, you think with all that tutoring you receive in the palace walls that you would have more wits and intelligence at your disposal. Perhaps all that studying has made you lose your edge on reality! Master Talathin is not who he seems to be. Come on your highness don’t you see” The Dark Lady laughed again in mockery of the prince.Tempers were rising, Devon could not stand these outrageous bursts against his family and their close friends, everyone was entitled to their own opinion in the kingdom but it was inappropriate to speak against the New Order.â€Ĺ›That is it I will not stand here whilst you speak ill of all that is good!”â€Ĺ›You think you are a match for me boy? How exactly do you think you will be able to defeat me, for that is what you plan is it not?”â€Ĺ›We are more of a match than what you think!” Emily screamed back, her emotions carried every word.â€Ĺ›Well then what are we waiting for? Clearly I can’t get the boy to join my side, even though it would be for his and your own best interest to be by the side that will prosper. But alas we will just have to say goodbye for good this time Jason.”â€Ĺ›Enough we have come to destroy you and we will not fail!” Jason screamed as he prepared himself for what was to come.â€Ĺ›As you wish.” The dark lady said with an evil chuckle, â€Ĺ›Let it begin.”Grimble moved forward, stretched his arms and shoulders, then he stopped. He stood for a few moments, enough time to gain everyone’s gaze. The room again grew quiet as all watched in suspense as Devon’s protector, edged forward, and then stopped again.Looking down to the stone floor, Grimble stooped and seemed to pick up what looked like a small stone, he grasped at it then rose up again. With the stone firmly in his hand Grimble took another step forward, and once again stopped, his eyes fixed firmly on the Dark Lady, whose eyes were firmly fixed on him. Moving his arm back over his shoulder, Grimble aimed and flung the stone towards his target. Eyes followed the stone as it hurtled through the air towards the Dark Lady. With a thump the stone landed paces away from where the stones target stood. Everyone in the chamber stared at the stone, and then one by one, they lifted their gaze and directed it towards Grimble, who was still standing in his throwing position.No one really knew what to say, Devon could feel the embarrassment flooding into his cheeks, as he felt the shame of having a royal bodyguard that had the perception of a blind bungus beetle.The Dark Lady broke the silence with a soft chuckle â€Ĺ›Really now, that was quite something! Perhaps I should change your protector into a body that more suits the size of his brain!” With a wave of her hands swirls of colourful magic shot across the room towards Grimble. Grimble’s body, bloated then contracted a few times until he finally shrunk in size and transformed into a mouse. The friends gasped in terror as Grimble the mouse scurried behind Devon for protection.â€Ĺ›What have you done?” Devon cried.â€Ĺ›Ha-Ha, that’s better. Your pet looks much better this way I think, young prince. Now shall we stop with the games and get this over with? As Sherbit is now on my side, although I have to say through no choice of his own, it looks like it will be two against three, oh and the mouse, but after that excellent display of talent by the young Prince’s protector I think that the sides are quite even. Oh wait!” she chuckled again â€Ĺ›sorry I forgot, why play fair when you can play to win?’ with a laugh the Dark Lady began to wave her arms around hypnotically in circles. Her body began to transfigure. She grew in height, her dark hair raced down her back, her skin began to change imitating an evil darkness, it was as if her body was transforming into a shadow, some form of beast known only within nightmares. Devon gulped as he realised what she was turning into. This beast before them was the same horror that had frightened him so many years ago in his fathers hunting lodge, and what had chased him in the woods earlier. She had been playing with him, directing him to find Emily and Jason.The friends looked on in amazement. Even Sherbit who had been standing beside the Dark Lady was trembling. Emily was the first to make a move. She stepped forward and raised her staff.â€Ĺ›We have to fight her now, we will win! Jason we can help but you must find it in you. You must find the way to destroy her!”Emily began to concentrate on a spell, holding her staff in front of her, she only closed her eyes for a brief second, but this was long enough for the Dark Lady to strike, with a swift move of her dark arms the Dark Lady threw Emily to the side crashing her against one of the stone walls.â€Ĺ›Emily!” Jason cried as he saw his friend lie against the wall with her staff lying against her, she didn’t move. He hoped that she was ok, but he could not run to her as the battle had started. He had to destroy the beast in front of him.Devon stepped forward. He held a pendant in his hands, holding it out. He whispered something, summoning a white winter wolf of incredible size. Its claws tapped on the stone surface, ready to advance.â€Ĺ›Is this the best you can do, heir to the throne?” The malevolent apparition of the Dark Lady laughed, as she focused on the wolf unsummoning the creature. â€Ĺ›You can’t expect to win with these children’s tricks!” She moved forward and began to wave her arms again, â€Ĺ›My turn!” she exclaimed with an evil snigger.Devon stood motionless with Grimble the mouse cowering behind. Their feet frozen to the ground. Straining until the blood rushed to their heads they tried to lift their feet. But it was useless it was if they had been turned to stone. They could only watch as the battle continued around them.â€Ĺ›She has cast a hold spell on us Jason, it is up to you. You must destroy her!” Devon cried.The dark figure stopped and began to transfigure back into her human form. When the transfiguration was complete, she smiled at Jason.â€Ĺ›Oh Jason, you know you are my son. Come join me, together we could rule this kingdom. Look you have seen the powers that I control. You too have these great abilities Jason, look within. Together we would be unstoppable”â€Ĺ›I’d never join sides with you!” Jason cried â€Ĺ›I would never betray my friends! And you are right, I do have the power within, and I will use it to destroy you!”â€Ĺ›Fool! You are like your father. You never see the benefits of anything! If that is your choice you leave me no option but to destroy you and your meaningless little friends too!” The Dark Lady once again began to spin her arms in front of her invoking a spell to destroy the group of friends.Without thinking Jason grabbed his pendant and held it out just as the Dark Lady had finished casting. A sharp bolt of light emerged from the Dark Lady’s hands directed right towards Jason, but before it could even reach him, a flash of light burst out of Jason’s pendant. The flash was magnificent filling the room with an ultimate white light. Jason shielded his eyes with one hand fearing the worst. A sharp scream filled the room, and then there was silence.Opening his eyes Jason could see dark purple smoke in front of him. He watched in angst, waiting to see what had happened. The smoke slowly dissipated clearing the chamber. The Dark Lady began to reappear from within the clearing smoke. However something was different, Jason felt a strange feeling, the Dark Lady no longer seemed so dark, what lay in front of him seemed to be a weak middle aged woman lying on the floor. She was breathing heavily as if she was struggling for her last breaths of air. Without a thought of concern Jason moved towards the huddled woman, his fear now lifted. He knelt down beside her, and moved to place his hand upon her shoulder, as his hand lowered, the Dark Lady turned over to face him. Jason was suddenly struck with an emotional force so strong, tears began to well in his eyes, for the first time in his life, as he looked down at this defeated sorceress, he recognised someone who loved him. The power of Jason’s pendant had not only defeated the Dark Lady, but also freed his mother from her cruel entrapment of evil. Although she would soon succumb to this world, she had been freed. A tear fled from Jason’s eye down his cheek and fell to the stone floor below. His mother smiled and with great effort raised her hand to his cheek to wipe away the trail of the tear.â€Ĺ›I love you Jason.” She smiled. Her eyelids flickered as she exhaustedly drew in her last breath.Devon and Grimble stood watching filled with their own share of the emotion. The hold spell had now worn off, leaving them free to move, but the emotions they shared with Jason, held them still. Grimble was still in the form of a mouse and had not transformed back. They felt powerless to do so as they watched Jason hold onto his mother’s hand.Sensing that he had to change the mood of their victory Devon forced himself to move. â€Ĺ›Jason you did it! You destroyed the dark power of the Dark Lady!” Devon said as he began to walk over to him.â€Ĺ›Maybe, but I also feel I have killed a great and loving person, who had been corrupted by this world.” Jason said holding back another tear.â€Ĺ›You freed her Jason. You destroyed the evil that was eating away at your mother. She will have thanked you for that.”â€Ĺ›I know.” Jason said, lifting himself up off the ground letting go of his mothers hand and resting it on the ground beside her. â€Ĺ›Where is Emily?” Jason looked over at the wall to see Emily still lying against it with her staff lying beside her. He ran over to her.â€Ĺ›Emily, please be okay. She is gone, we destroyed the Dark Lady. Wake up Emily.” Jason lifted Emily’s head hoping that she was ok. He had come so far, and he had learnt so much about himself, but it was only with her help and support that he was able to do what he had done. Memories flashed through his mind of when he had first met her, back in the Elderine Forest. She too had grown so much. â€Ĺ›She can’t be gone now” Jason said softly to himself. Tears began to run down Jason’s cheek, as he held Emily in his arms, he couldn’t bear the thought of losing Emily now too.As Jason held onto Emily, his pendant began to glow unnoticed by anyone in the room, it pulsated for a few seconds then dimmed. Slowly Emily began to come around, her head was spinning. â€Ĺ›Well that thump against the wall had really knocked me out cold.” Emily said as she blinked a few times readjusting to the light of the room. Finally when she regained full control of her senses and sight, she looked up to seen Jason holding her.â€Ĺ›Jason, are you ok?” She asked.â€Ĺ›You’reâ€Ĺš you’re ok!” Jason cried with elation â€Ĺ›We did it Emily! We destroyed the Dark Lady! We can go home now.”â€Ĺ›Home.” Emily said, realising that Jason had learnt a great deal about himself and his future in that short time that he was alone against the Dark Lady. â€Ĺ›Yes, let’s go home.”â€Ĺ›There is just one thing I want to do before we leave.” Jason said.â€Ĺ›Yes sure, anything” Emily replied wondering what Jason wished to do in this place.Jason stood and walked towards Devon, saying something to him that Emily couldn’t make out. Either she was still feeling a little dazzled or Jason was speaking quietly as to not be heard. Devon nodded and they both walked towards the body of the Dark Lady. They lifted her and began to carry her out of the chamber. Pulling herself up, Emily followed them out of the temple.The two boys carried the body over to a clear area outside the temple and lay it to rest on some soft ground. Jason then began to look around, noticing some stones he went to collect one then proceeded to place them around his mother. He was burying her.Emily looked on as she watched her new close friend, bury a woman that he had been told he must hate and destroy yet know that she was his mother. She walked over to them to give them some help. She felt strange too. She was now helping to bury someone she had feared and hated. She understood why Jason wanted to do this so she helped. She had already decided she would follow in his path no matter what choices or decisions he made.When they had completed the mound, they huddled together as they looked around. This once beautiful city, had been haunted by demons and evil, yet now it seemed like there was a new sense of freedom granted upon the land. The spirits that plagued the lost city would remain until The Lord of Darkness was destroyed, but now there was no one controlling any evil operations in the North.â€Ĺ›I’ve freed her.” Jason said as he stood between his friends â€Ĺ›I’m ready for whatever challenges are directed towards me.”Emily hugged him tight. She had watched a boy grow into a hero.They had one last look around the place where they had fought a very important battle. Breathing in the air of victory they felt the reassurance that they had saved the day. Sherbit was no where to be seen.Chapter Fifteen: The Return HomeThe journey home, as Jason now called it, was much more serene than their journey to the dark temple. This time Jason really had the opportunity to gaze out onto the far stretching plains of Hasparia. He could observe the new and mysterious creatures that inhabited the plains and the Elderine Forest. Most importantly Jason could stroll in these new lands, breathing in all that was fresh without having to worry about what he must do next. He had defeated the evil in the Dark Lady and freed his mother at the same time. He had grown stronger in such a short time. Jason was now truly feeling that he could command his own life no matter what was thrown at him.The friends walked happily together, their minds now at rest, and their hearts filled with a new sense of joy and accomplishment. Each member of the group had played an important role in the past events and each could finally say that their task was now complete. They knew that they had stopped the Dark Lady in her quest to release the Lord of Darkness from his glassy prison, and as a result saved many from horrible fates.Jason’s mother had been freed, although her time with her son was short, she gave him a treasure that he would hold onto forever. He now held onto memories and knowledge that someone loved him unconditionally. Jason had been without this feeling for such a long time. It gave him a new strength, and ambition to move on in this new world. As for the evil that corrupted the Dark Lady, its presence evaporated into the ground of the lost ruins, never to torment the lands of Hasparia again.Many truths were uncovered. However, one thing still puzzled the friends. Sherbit, an imp who had travelled with them through the lands on their quest to destroy the Dark Lady had disappeared, leaving many questions in his trail.The friends were still unaware if he was truly a servant of the Dark Lady or perhaps she had cast a possession spell on the poor creature. His mind which would not have been his own had led him to carry out the things that he wouldn’t normally have done. However the friends could not cast from their heads the question that Sherbit maybe voluntarily decided to work for the Dark Lady, tricking them into a false friendship so that he could lead them to their deaths. Either way he was gone, leaving the friends to rejoice in their victory.Emily, although blissful that Jason had fulfilled his destiny, and accepted it, was a bit apprehensive about returning to Haspar. She knew they would be deemed heroes by the royal family, the New Order and of course the citizens of the lands of Hasparia, but she couldn’t help but remember that time in her grandfather’s study. The thoughts polluted her head, and for a moment she had to stop as the images of the skulls, bones, and that strange object with the icy surface crossed her mind. The secrets that her grandfather hid deep within his underground layer would soon be unearthed, shattering the reality that she and her family had lived in. She had matured much, during their quest, not physically, but mentally. She was no longer the over excited young wizard with little experience that left her family home with her grandfather a while ago. She had learnt much about herself, and the world around her. Having to help Jason come to terms with his future had aided her in gaining her own strengths, she had him to thank for this, but she had a feeling he knew. They had grown considerably close, a friendship that sparked from the very beginning, she knew it would be one that would last, and for every moment she thought about him, she hoped that she could be there beside him no matter what the situation, so that she could help him through.Time seemed to pass by with much haste, the plains passed by, followed by the farming land which seemed to pass by with the same swift fashion. It wasn’t long before the towers of the great city of Haspar were in sight. They each thought whether or not its inhabitants would be carrying on with their daily lives, still yet unaware of what they had achieved. Surely the friends would be granted a warm welcome by the royal courts, especially with Devon in their presence. Jason’s mind was still solely focused on what had passed by, he had been through a lot from the time that he arrived in these lands, an encounter with a terrifying beast that had full intentions on tearing his limbs off, the elves and their majestic city, then starting an adventure that would show that he was not only destined to be here, but destined to be this prophesised hero and that his mother was the Dark Lady.His mind switched waves and he started to wonder what things would have been like if he had been given the opportunity to spend more time with his mother. Or what if his mother had managed to escape the corruption she encountered when she first entered these lands. How different would things have been? He supposed that all things happened for a reason, and that he would just have to live with the history that had passed him by. For a brief moment he wondered what would come next, would he gain this warm welcome that the rest of his friends were expecting, after all Devon was supposedly the favoured hero figure by the New Order and most likely the Royal family. Although Jason thought that it was best not to consider what was about to happen, he observed the others. None of his worries seemed to matter to them. They were still captive to their glee, looking forward to their welcome.The large gate of the city lay open with its customary guards standing upright either side, protecting the innards from lesser good-natured folk. Along side the guards stood a rather familiar figure, long slim and striking, smooth in complexion yet with a certain amount of passing age. The figure was none other than Lord Elindril, a somewhat unexpected person to meet at the gates of the large city without his elven sentinels. He smiled as they approached, expressing what had to be the most welcoming smile the friends had seen in quite a while.â€Ĺ›So the prophecies came true, young ones? Jason really was the chosen one, which is rather interesting. I believe the New Order will have to answer some questions, sooner or later.”â€Ĺ›How do you know?” Emily asked aloud before turning to her friends before continuing almost secretively to them â€Ĺ›Does he know that we had vanquished the Dark Lady?”â€Ĺ›Miss Emily, do not be surprised, much like some others I too have my way of uncovering the most secretive of information, or rather the whereabouts of certain wanderers. To be more informative I have been watching the work of quite an interesting researcher into the Stones of Averin, let us say we had been following your path closely”Without a pause for thought Emily understood exactly what Elindril was talking about â€Ĺ›A seeing stone” Emily said to herself, not intending anyone on hearing.â€Ĺ›You are quite correct.” The old elf said with smile, â€Ĺ›You are all expected, in the courts. The king and queen are most anguish to meet you all.” Before turning to leave, Elindril beckoned Emily over. â€Ĺ›Miss Talathin, I have some disturbing news for you. You must not inform the others or anyone else for that matter.”â€Ĺ›What is it Lord Elindril?” Emily asked with a worried expression.â€Ĺ›It is concerning your Grandfather” He paused before he continued. Feeling that the other members in the group had picked up their ears to listen to what he was about to say. â€Ĺ›Perhaps now, is not the best of times?” Stepping back, he continued to the whole group â€Ĺ›I shall see you all at the royal courts, when you arrive. Please be hasty you are expected heroes after all”Elindril turned and proceeded to walk into the city, leaving the group and Emily with unanswered questions.â€Ĺ›Is everything okay Emily?” Jason asked as he walked over to the young wizard.â€Ĺ›Yes everything is quite alright, just some news about my family, nothing to worry about at this time.” Emily said with false reassurance. â€Ĺ›In fact we better get a move on, aren’t we expected after all.”â€Ĺ›Yes we better make our way there, this city is a maze in itself, we can’t keep the royal family waiting, even if we do have a member along with us” Jason said followed by a playful laugh.This time the maze like city of Haspar was a lot simpler to navigate and the friends soon found themselves at the steps of the Royal Palace. They would have to admit, that they did attract some rather encouraging attention as they passed through the busy streets of Haspar. Perhaps the city folk did know of their success, or perhaps it was due to the young prince walking alongside them, either way, they all felt rather smug with themselves.The large marble palace was draped in flowers with dark green ivy hanging from the many terraces, ornate statues lined the outer walkways, and every so often the royal guards in their fancy green and brown outfits could be spotted amongst the large marble columns. The guards didn’t stop the friends, probably as Devon was amongst them, instead they stood smartly to attention as the young prince and his friends walked passed.The doors to the palace opened smoothly without a noise, gliding back into place revealing a long corridor decorated smartly and most extravagantly with lush flowers, ostentatious oil paintings and wall hangings many of which displayed past historic events of Haspar or portraits of royalty from years gone by. A red carpet lined the floor leaving a smart smooth edge either side to show the white marble floor tiles beneath. The corridor seemed so extraordinarily calm, yet more importantly very welcoming.A butler stepped around the corner to address them,â€Ĺ›Ah I see that our expected guests have arrived. The King and Queen are most eager to meet with you.” Noticing the young prince amongst the assembly the butler continued, â€Ĺ›Your highness, it is most splendid that you have returned in these most favourable times. Please allow me to lead you to the royal greeting room. We have prepared quite a banquet to celebrate your victory!”Jason shuffled his way up to Emily, after the butler had proceeded to lead the group at quite a slow pace along the lavishly decorated corridor.â€Ĺ›You don’t think, he meant Devon’s victory?”Emily gave a short outburst of laughter attracting a rather unpleasant and sharp look from the grey haired butler. She quickly regained control of herself.â€Ĺ›Jason, we all know it was your victory, we could not have succeeded if it wasn’t for you, and Devon knows that, besides you heard Lord Elindril, he knows and I am more than sure he kept the King well informed”â€Ĺ›You are right, as usual Emily. I am over reacting and becoming paranoidâ€Ĺšâ€ťCutting in before Jason even had the breath to finish Emily proclaimed with much explanation â€Ĺ›Listen to you, you have fairly filled those boots of the prophesised one, but just you make sure you don’t jump right out of them and into those of the King!” Emily began to giggle again, but luckily this time the butler was more concerned with greeting and introducing the group to the concierge at the entrance of the Royal greeting room.With a silent nod, the concierge pulled on a long red woven cord, a bell jingled musically and the grand brown oak doors slowly opened.The room that lay ahead was yet again majestically dressed as would be expected in all the royal chambers of the palace. Wooden tables were plotted throughout the room, and a long red carpet tracked a straight path from the door through the tables to a long table at the top clothed with white linens and the royal crest, a lion with a crystal at its front paws. The room until fairly recently was bustling with chatter from the many guests, but suddenly grew still as the young friends entered.A tall figure, who was sitting in the foremost middle seat of the long table, rose, to welcome his young guests. Jason had never seen the King of Hasparia, but he was quite sure, the man before him was most certainly one of royal blood. Though his wavy blonde hair and fair complex stood him out as an older version of Devon, an almost certain give away. The queen as Jason took it, sat beside her husband smiling down at the young friends, a sense of familiarity crossed Jason’s mind as he returned a quick smile back at her before focusing once again on the King.â€Ĺ›My most welcomed guests! There is not a decent soul in all of Haspar that could not hold your names in glory. Please, come and join with me at my table, the feast has only begun.” The king turned to the court â€Ĺ›These, my fellows friends are our heroes, the heroes that have destroyed the Dark Lady and brought peace back to our lands, welcome them.”Each and every guest and royal family member with the exception of one person clapped as the friends walked the red carpet to the long table at the head of the room, that one person was none other than Master Talathin, who sat to the left of the king. His face burnt with what looked like anger, though when he noticed he had attracted a questionable look from some, he forced a brief smile and a weak clap. His mind however was not fixed on the rejoicing of the welcoming party, and he eagerly sought for the festivities to end so that he could continue with his business, and urgent it was at that. All he had to do was sit through this measly feast, and attend the royal speeches afterwards, and then he could begin.The feast progressed rather slowly, four lavish starting courses, that would be enough to fill any stomach, two main dishes and then finally to top it off the choice of a rather large selection of desserts. Emily and Jason both expressed the same remarks that this would be the ideal heaven for Sherbit. When the final spoon had scrapped clean the last dropping for dessert the king clapped his hands and once again the white oak doors opened, all turned to watch as a cortege of entertainers entered the room, dancers, singers, entertainers carrying small musical instruments and a few rather strangely dressed clowns. The friends were not granted the opportunity to witness the magnificent entertainment that would be on display for the rest of the night, instead the king whispered for them to follow as he laid the way out of the room by means of a secret passage that was covered by a large wall tapestry. The arrival of the entertainment gave them enough time to sneak out unnoticed, hopefully.The group of friends followed the king as they walked down a small and narrow corridor, which was by no means fit for a king. The corridor eventually led to a room which looked filled with books and strange objects. It was carpeted in a lavish red carpet. Each wall was covered in bookcases filled to the brim of books old and new. The friends gathered around the king as he sat on the edge of the study table rather casually.â€Ĺ›I suppose you are wondering why I have brought you here?” the king said as he looked at each friend individually not paying anymore attention to his son than he did to any other.â€Ĺ›Emily you may haveâ€Ĺšâ€ť Suddenly there was a creak, and each head spun in the direction of the secret door that they had entered from. There was another creaked and the door shifted forward slightly, someone was breathing quite heavily and rapidly, but no one turned in the slightest away from the door. The door swung open revealing a shadow in the dimly light passage.Thoughts ran through Jason’s head, his paranoia setting in. Now that he was a hero, perhaps he had many more enemies that he didn’t know about yet. An assassin perhaps, sent by followers of the Dark Lady, sent by Sherbit? There was another creak as the shadowy figure stepped forward into the light, each member breathed a sigh of relieve when they noticed who it was.â€Ĺ›Ah Lord Elindril, you gave us all quite a fright, I should have expected that the entertainment would not have been to your liking.”The elf chuckled as he walked up to the rest of the group â€Ĺ›I suppose you are in the process of telling the young ones the situation.”â€Ĺ›Yes I was Just about to mention to Emily, about herâ€Ĺšâ€ťElindril cut in before the King could finish â€Ĺ›Perhaps we should ask the young wizard if she would like to hear the news in private first, before we reveal to the rest of the group.”â€Ĺ›No, it is quite alright, we are all friends now and anything I should hear, we should all hear. We have been through a lot together, I am not going to let some news get in the way of separating us now.” Emily stated with much determination.â€Ĺ›Quite the speaker young one, you would make a fine position on the courts someday.” The king said with a heart felt laugh â€Ĺ›Very well if it is your wish for all to hear at once, then that should be so. Lord Elindril please, will you tell them the news.”The elf gave a nod as he clasped his hands together before he began.â€Ĺ›Emily, you as much as anyone else knows that your grandfather has been a predominant leader of the New Order, he has worked many wonders into creation and we should all be thankful for his well doing.”Elindril paused for a moment to prepare his next choice of word carefully, giving enough time for the young friends to come to the conclusion that what ever Elindril was about to say was not going to be pleasant.Noticing that the friends had a look of anxious expectation on their faces he continued â€Ĺ›Mm yes, as you can quite imagine, there is some bad news and very sad news it is at that. Oh how we wish that it was not true.” the elf paused before looking at Devon’s father then back at the young friends, and sharply continued to inform them , like ripping a plaster off in one go â€Ĺ›We believe that Master Talathin may have been using the guise of the New Order for alternative purposes. We have a strong belief that he is working in conjunction with darker bodies, possibly even leading them, in a hope to free The Lord of Darkness.”Each of the friends gasped in shock. That was everyone except Emily, who stood silently. She slowly arched her head towards the ground as if hanging in a shame that was not her own but that of her entire family.â€Ĺ›Emily, I can know that this is terrible news for you to hear, especially after your joyous victory. I know you must feel crushed, we all know how much he was your luminary.” The elf continued.â€Ĺ›No it is alright. Strangely in a way I knew.”â€Ĺ›What do you mean Emily?” The king asked.â€Ĺ›Before we destroyed the Dark Lady, we rested at my home for a while. I thought we would need some things for the journey and perhaps some magical aid would be of a great benefit. I thought that perhaps I could find something useful in my Grandfathers study, something that would help us defeat that beast in the north. I found nothing but a life of lies”â€Ĺ›Emily I know that it hurts, but what was it that you found? It is of great importance.” The King asked as he slid of the table to kneel in front of the young wizard.â€Ĺ›The room was filled with bones, and skulls. I was afraid, but I felt that there must be a valid reason for my grandfather to have such things, and then I saw it, sitting on his desk. It was strange I felt that it was calling to me.”Lord Elindril nudged forward urging Emily to continue,â€Ĺ›At first I thought it was a decorative mirror, probably something my family had uncovered in the past, but when I picked it up it had no reflection, I could not see myself. As I stirred into the murkiness of the mirror I felt fear, but still I felt an attraction to it. I felt called to look at it, and to never stop looking. I was going to touch, but Jason knocked on the door. It broke contact with me, and I left it.â€Ĺ›Thank goodness for that.” Elindril said, â€Ĺ›You are a very lucky young girl, very lucky indeed. At least now we can confirm our suspicions about your grandfather.”â€Ĺ›Indeed.” The king said â€Ĺ›You must excuse me, I have and urgent matter to attend to, Please Elindril explain to the young ones” smiling once again to the newly established heroes, the king took his leave this time through a more formal door that lead to a main corridor.â€Ĺ›Well that leaves me little choice but to explain the origins of this mirror. We all know the story of Caleb and his beautiful sister Averin, well maybe not you Jason. So I shall have to make do with the much shortened version, after all we have little time as it is.”â€Ĺ›Please don’t go out of your way on my part, I am sure I can find out anything I am missing afterwards.” Jason said trying to seem helpfulâ€Ĺ›Your spirit is eager to help young one, but one can not help, unless they know how to, and at the time I do advise you to pay as much attention as possible. Now as I was saying, Caleb and Averin were sent to our world to bring the races closer to their creators. They were brother and sister, much alike in many ways but in others so very different. Caleb killed his sister out of anger and jealousy resulting in his people and of course himself being cursed for all eternity. His people became those that hunt the Lost City and Caleb the Lord of Darkness entrapped within the Elderine Stone. Averin as a last means of hope for her people cried a single tear creating the magical stones in our world, but Caleb did not leave this world without leaving his mark, or rather, a means of communicating with his followers who may have escaped their doomed fate. The Mirror of Connection. Caleb’s channel of communication to the world.”â€Ĺ›Are you saying my grandfather is communicating with the Lord of Darkness?” Emily listened almost in tears.â€Ĺ›It is hard to believe but I must say it is true. The king at this very moment is summoning for his arrest, and we can not have someone who may be communicating with the enemy in such a central position within the Order.”Suddenly the king burst in through the doors, several fully armoured guards following in after him.â€Ĺ›He has gone! The guards are searching the entire palace right this moment, but I don’t suspect we shall find him. We should prepare for the worst. I am deeply sorry Emily that you should have to witness this horrible turn of events unravel before your eyes. Your Grandfather was a great and most trusted friend, and I am sorry to say that he has been working against us for who knows how long”â€Ĺ›But he only had the mirror. That doesn’t mean that he was using it?” Emily questioned trying to fight a hopeless cause for her grandfather’s innocence.â€Ĺ›We had thought that too, but when we considered past events we had no other option but to believe his work was against the good of Hasparia, Your parents had to leave urgently as we feared they too would be the next victims from RIER to vanish.” The King continuedâ€Ĺ›Vanish?” Jason questioned.â€Ĺ›And most surprisingly so.” Elindril answered, â€Ĺ›Miriwena Smudgels, a very notable researcher in RIER, disappeared first. Luckily she had expected it to happen and had made plans with myself if such an event should happen. We quickly traced her and now she is hidden conducting very important research. A group researching near Del Rosa vanished a month ago, leaving no explanation. Then recently we had a suspicion that Emily your parents would be the next targets, when we heard they were requested by the Order to research a mysterious but unnamed event in the Elderine Forest.”â€Ĺ›My parents? Are theyâ€Ĺšâ€ť Emily jumped in with fear for her parents’ safetyâ€Ĺ›Oh they are quite alright and fully up-to-date on the situation. We had quickly stepped in and moved them into hiding along with Miriwena.”The exchange was soon closed when a rather flushed looking guard ran into the room.â€Ĺ›Your highness, we have searched the entirety of the palace and its grounds”â€Ĺ›And?” asked the kingâ€Ĺ›There was no sign of Master Talathin” With this, the guard stood to attention turned and walked out of the room.â€Ĺ›This is most worrying. We can only expect that Talathin is aware of the situation, and aware of our position. It seems that the Dark Lady was only a cover up, a guise for the real operations of the Lord of Darkness” Elindril pondered for a moment as he passed over each thought before continuing. â€Ĺ›We must find him before he finds a way to release Caleb, and soon”â€Ĺ›We should speak with the RIER researchers, and more importantly Miriwena. Perhaps they can shed some more light on the situation.” the King stated. He walked over to the study table before sitting down, rubbing his hands as he looked over at the friends, who were each expressing varying emotions across the canvas’s of their faces. This was not the welcome they had expected, to be made heroes for a moment then thrown deeper into the mysteries of the Elderine Stone. â€Ĺ›I would ask of you a favour, and it is most important that you keep this promise.” The king looked at each of them individually, silently questioning if they wished to stay to confirm the promise. Finally when he felt that he had the full attention of the group he continued. â€Ĺ›The news of Talathin’s betrayal must not leave these walls, he has the power to influence and corrupt others, so that they too will follow him. We must be swift in our actions, so that we can find and apprehend him, before he enacts his intentions. You are all more than welcome to stay in the palace, especially you Jason you are more than welcome. My home is your home anytime. I must speak with my advisors concerning this most alarming situation, please excuse me again” The kings voice was almost beginning to give way as he finished what he had to say before he left the room. The four friends were now once again left with Lord Elindril. The room was once again silent, and for a moment their thoughts swirled.For the first time in a long while the young ones wanted to be told what they should do next. They wanted someone to direct them or at least show them the path they should take. Although this was not to happen, and they all knew that no one was going to give them any clear message as to what they should be doing or could be doing in the future. However there was a familiar sensation, a feeling of knowing lingering on the air. They all knew that something lay before them, something that involved them, and something that they were now very much a part of. THE ENDâ€ĹšÂ Table of ContentsTitle PageChapter One: A Hut in the WoodsChapter Two: The ProphecyChapter Three: Into the WoodsChapter Four: The Slave TradersChapter Five: To HasparChapter Six: Devon DrakeChapter Seven: The Great LibraryChapter Eight: A hooded FigureChapter Nine: The Talathin TreeChapter Ten: A note on the tableChapter Eleven: The Hardyhan BridgeChapter Twelve: The Elderine ForestChapter Thirteen: The Mingus MountainsChapter Fourteen: The Dark LadyChapter Fifteen: The Return Home
