angielski test gram 2 odp

[ J. angielski - Testy ]
- odpowiedzi -
1. & & & & & cheese in your fridge isn t fresh.
a/ a b/ these c/ the d/ any
Good luck!
2. At the moment she & & & & & her sandwich.
a/ eats b/ has c/ is eating d/ eat
3.  I m looking & & & & & my glasses. Do you know where they are?
a/ at b/ - c/ for d/ behind
4. At school I never & & & & & notes lower than 4.
a/ don t get b/ get c/ am not getting d/ doesn t get
5. My dog likes & & & & & after cats.
a/ running b/ run c/ runs d/ to running
6. Bob is as tall & & & & & Martin, both are shorter than me.
a/ not b/ as c/ than d/ such
7. There are two & & & & & standing at the bus stop.
a/ woman b/ women c/ womans d/ womens
8.  Is there any sugar in the sugar bowl?  No, & & & & & .
a/ it s not b/ not many c/ there is d/ there isn t
9. This pencil doesn t belong to her, it s & & & & &
a/ my b/ belongs to me c/ me d/ mine
10. Tłumaczenie zdania:  Nie muszę iść. brzmi:
a/ I don t must go b/ I don t have to go
c/ I mustn t go d/ I must not go


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