SHSpec 085 6111C28 Havingness

6111C28 SHSpec-85 Havingness

Havingness doesn't have to go with confront. If you are running a
subjective process on a PC, that is the "confront" part. Havingness is an
adjunct to any subjective process. It goes out about every six months and
comes in again six months or so later.

Why does the meter get stuck? One reason is that ARC breaks get so
furious that nothing reads. Everything has gone out. He's in a games
condition and won't let anything have any command over him. No one else is
permitted to have anything. You can fix it by running havingness. The two
hundred lie detector operators who can make it operate do so because they can
get into ARC with the person on the lie detector. The E-meter likewise won't
register in the presence of an operator who has no faintest command value over
the person on the meter.

You can err by thinking that if it doesn't read on the meter, it doesn't
exist. This can make one invalidate the meter. At that moment, you must be
able to obnose the PC and see whether he has an ARC break. The ARC broken PC
won't confront the auditor, looks glum, gives short answers, gets no TA or a
rising TA that sticks. The latter indicator is not diagnostic in itself. The
TA stays up because the meter is inoperative. So you must look at the PC and
see his indicators.

An auditor can make another error. A lot of people have the idea they
can tell better than the E-meter what a person's terminal is, because there is
something they can know better than the E-meter. That's because they do know
that the PC is not with the session, have asked the PC for an ARC break, and
have gotten no read. That is the situation where they know more than the
meter. This doesn't mean they know better which is the PC's terminal. So be
relaxed but not careless.

What could stand between you and a rapid assessment is an ARC broken PC
who is not registering on the meter. Someone who is nattering about how
scientology is a fraud, etc, etc. can be shut off by asking them, "Why can't
you talk to anyone about your difficulties?" A new rudiments question, then,
is, "Could you talk to me about your case?", which combines the elements of
in-session-ness. If he's got an ARC break, he won't answer it positively.
Then you've got another series of questions to get him in session. [See HCOB
30Nov61 "ARC Process 1961"]

The ARC break process is the best Havingness chewer-upper there is, next
to Routine 3D. Hence the importance of havingness. In the first place, the
thetan doesn't want this mass he has, but it is mass, and a thetan's motto is,
"Anything is better than nothing." But this mass is an introversion mass, and
the more you run the mass, the less he's got the physical universe, so even if
the mass didn't increase, it is introverting him, and the more a PC
introverts, the less universe he has, so he would get the feeling of losing
havingness just by contacting some introverting thing. Something that
introverted him badly would give him the feeling of no havingness. It has
always been there. Whenever he has gotten sick, this mass you are running out
caved in on him.

Don't be amazed to find the PC running a fever while running 3D. Just keep on
smoothly handling him.

The formula for getting rid of havingness is, whatever the person's
attention is on, put it on something else. For everything he has at the
moment, tell him he's got to have something else. This is more effective than
brainwashing. It's the suddenness of the shift that is unsettling.

When you are running a person's ARC break and he's out of ARC with you,
he wants to go out of the session. He starts by feeling he's not getting
auditing, then, that he should be thinking about something else, then that he
will physically leave the session. Catch him one step back, run havingness.
You will get command value as he's looking around the room and you will heal
the ARC break. Almost any PC, run long enough on havingness, will get all his
rudiments in. The earliest rudiments process was, "Is it all right to be
audited in this room? Is it all right for me to audit you?" We're just about
back there.

Havingness is that activity which is run when needed, and when it will
not violently deflect the PC's attention. Don't underrun it, once started.
Of all processes, the right havingness process is the safest process to run on
anyone at any time. It cannot be overrun.

If the PC comes into session with bounteous PTP's, ARC breaks, ruds
wildly out and you are going to straighten them all out, wouldn't it be nice
to get them all out of the road? Ask the room question first, consult your
humanness and decide whether he is in any kind of shape to be audited. If
not, start by running havingness. This will start to extrovert him and make
it easier for him to run ruds and to audit him on what you want to run. Don't
collide with the PTP at all. The terminal is wrong.

Havingness isn't run against a can squeeze. It's run against the PC's
ability to have large objects in the room . It's tested on a can squeeze.
You always run havingness until the PC can have large objects in the room.
The old rules of havingness applied to running it paired with confront. The
can squeeze check needn't be done more than two or three times a week, and the
test of "enough" havingness is when he can have large objects in the room.
The havingness/confront system ran large sections of case, but havingness
isn't residual in this system; it was loaned to it. A PC with reduced
havingness is picky and choosey [about room objects]; he's cautious. With
havingness up, the PC is relaxed and unconcerned. He is bangy. If havingness
is working, the TA goes up and blows down.

Havingness runs the bank, if you run very much of it. The reason you
don't run a lot of havingness along with confront is that the confront runs
the bank faster. The havingness was to keep the PC's attention flexible.
Havingness processes from the thirty-six presessions are run by themselves.
You don't need confront when running sec checks, terminals, 3D, etc. The
depth of reach of the processing is accompanied by reduction of havingness in
the extreme. So run a lot of havingness. Don't be upset when the PC goes
into and out of PT. That's the havingness running the bank. It's signalized
by the PC apparently doping off, but he isn't, actually. The PC can see but
not look. Don't stop the process when he has gone blah. Run the process
until he is back amongst us. That's the second rule, along with the large
objects rule. Keep giving him the command at the same rate even though he's
all blah. He's still doing the command, no matter what he is doing with his
eyeballs. The PC does not have to tell you that he has executed the auditing

The PC can get into trouble with havingness by having things he can't see
with his eyes. If he looks too much without looking, he could be having bank,
in which case his havingness goes down instead of up. Become wary; pcs do
this. A person can be going around in life his whole lifetime without ever
having seen any part of the physical universe. It's a shock to get reality on
it. The PC puts up a picture of the shelf and looks at that. He sometimes
discovers, while running havingness, that he is doing this.

The reason you have different havingness processes is that people have
different degrees of perception. Someone with poor sight ability would do
better on some other perceptic. If there are thirty-six havingness processes,
you can be sure that there are more. Even thirty-six is more than is usually
needed, however.

You can run a havingness process five times, test it, then, if it
loosened the needle, run it twelve commands, test again to be sure. If the
needle is looser, OK. If not, look for another one. If the needle was
tighter, don't put in any randomity. Go immediately to another process.
Don't look dismayed if the needle does tighten. In the interest of having a
standard posture from which to do the can squeeze, get the PC to put his hands
in his lap.

Having found the PC's havingness process, start the session. Run
havingness to the large object rule, especially if you had trouble finding the
havingness process. Now run ruds. You'll have minimized the number of ARC
breaks you will get. The PC is in a games condition with you because his
havingness is down. Get his havingness up and the games condition will vanish
and his ruds will tend to be in and can easily be checked, because your meter
registers better. If necessary now, you can run the ARC process. It eats
havingness, so when he cycles into PT or has a good cognition, acknowledge the
hell out of it and run havingness. You'll get a BD of that tight TA and can
go on and run the ARC process better and longer and faster.

Running havingness helps the PC give up his old havingness of old
pictures. You are getting him to realize that there is other havingness. The
common denominator of all goals terminals is games, and the common denominator
of all games is can't have. Keep it remedied, or you will get a games


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