Unit Test 9 A

A Tests
Name: _________________________________________________
Unit 9
Score: ____________________ /50 points
5 I _____________________ wash the car. (')
6 I _____________________ walk the dog. (')
1 Uzupełnij brakujące litery.
1 Have you got a new m o b i l e?
3 Dopisz pytania do podanych odpowiedzi.
2 You don t have to turn off your l _ p _ _ p.
3 My h _ _ d _ h _ n _ _ aren t working. 1 Where do you have to go on Saturdays?
4 Please use the m _ c _ _ p _ o _ _ to speak. I have to go to my grandmother s on Saturdays.
5 I m going to buy a new MP3 p _ _ _ _ _. 2 What ___________________________ to school?
/4 Paul has to wear a white shirt and grey trousers.
3 ___________________________ at weekends?
2 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki.
No, I don t. I only have to go to school from
Monday to Friday.
wireless log on surf online password
4 What time ___________________________ up?
My dad has to get up at 6 a.m.
1 Do you often surf the Internet?
5 What homework ___________________________?
2 When do you usually go __________________?
I have to do maths and French homework.
3 I can t __________________ this site.
6 ___________________________ at night?
4 Don t tell anyone your __________________.
Yes, she does. My mum has to work from 10 p.m.
5 Have you got a __________________ connection?
to 6 a.m.
7 ___________________________ do homework?
My sister? No, she doesn t. She s only six.
1 Napisz zdania, używając podanych wyrazów
oraz have to w odpowiedniej formie.
4 Wpisz w luki mustn t lub don t/doesn t have to.
1 I / go / school / eight o clock.
1 You mustn t play football. You re ill.
I have to go to school at eight o clock.
2 You ______________ eat everything if you don t
2 My dad / wear / a jacket / to work. want.
3 You ______________ say anything. It s a secret.
3 We / not / do / any homework / tonight.
4 He ______________ get up early. He s on holiday.
5 You ______________ scream. I can hear you!
4 They / pay for / their food.
6 We ______________ wear jeans to school. There s
a school uniform.
5 My sister / not / help / my mum.
6 We / see / the doctor / today.
1 Dopasuj odpowiedzi do zdań.
1 I passed my test. ____
2 Uzupełnij zdania dotyczące ostatniego
2 I forgot to call my sister. ____
weekendu, używając have to w czasie
3 We missed the bus yesterday. ____
Past simple.
4 Oh, no! We ve got a test tomorrow. ____
1 I had to tidy my room. (')
5 Hey. You broke my pen. ____
2 I _____________________ do the washing-up. (')
6 I ve got a bad cold. ____
3 I _____________________ help my dad. (')
A Bad luck! D Well done.
4 I _____________________ get up at 6 a.m. (')
B Get well soon. E Sorry about that.
C Never mind. F Don t panic!
