{7/7/95, Updated for Catalyst v2.20 per Fanuc 6M M001.10 Format, DWB} {7/18/95, Added IF NOT LastFeat? at CkCRC sub, DWB}
{1/17/96, Updated .85 to .86 version, MPK}
{3/22/96, Tested ZOnlyRepAutoCycle, Changed version # to .89, MPK}
{ Format: BP EZ-Trak Mxxx.12 5/7/96 Created new post based on sample ouptut from customer This post currently does not support multiple parts TH}
{ Format: BP EZ-Trak M025.12.1 5/21/96 Removed sequence numbers from comment lines Added semi-colon to EOB Removed StarPos line from G92Sub Set Arc Centers to Absolute Changed drill points to be rapid moves Added ToolDiameter# to G105 sub calls Reversed TC1 and TC2 for CRC TH}
{ Format: BP EZ-Trak M025.12.2 5/29/96 Changed Arcs to stop on quads TH}
{7/9/96 Initial: BP EZ-Trak M025.12.3 Created: BP EZ-Trak M025.12.4 Added CloseMPa sub to Correctly output Tool# in last operation, formatted PartShiftX# and PartShiftY# to format#4, changed RapidFeat to be identical to LineFeat, but with a FeedRate of 99.9, added support for tool changes at home, MPK}
{8/8/96 Initial: BP EZ-Trak M025.12.4 Created: BP EZ-Trak M025.12.5 Modified RapidFeat to not output when OptCyc1 is true (customer needs this feature for engraving) Added TrackXNO# andd TrackYNO# to Rapidfeat in order to output proper start pos Added OptCyc1F to PSInit Changed DoCR to output CR- when OptCyc1? is true and the next feature is a Rapid. MPK}
{2/26/97, Initial: BP EZ-Trak M025.12.5 Created: BP EZ-Trak M025.12.6 For: Packard-Hughes Added move to home position at end of program, Added IF XMove OR YMove? condition to ArcFeat to prevent output of zero length moves, restuctured handling of autocycles, the repeat command (G105) takes a X and Y parameter that is the incremental distance from the first contour to the next contour. Modified the output of the first contour to be in absolute, then output the inc X and Y distance for the G105 repeats, added missing END command in DoCR, MPK}
{3/31/97, Initial: BP EZ-Trak M025.12.6 Created: BP EZ-Trak M025.12.7 For: Packard-Hughes Added IF ArcFeat? at DoCR. TRUE tests IF LastQuadrant?. TRUE outputs ' CR-'. FALSE outputs ' CR0'. FALSE outputs ' CR0'. Changed SUB# Var(3) SPX# to SUB# SPX# Var(3) at ToolPath PointFeat AutoCycle. Changed SUB# Var(4) SPY# to SUB# SPY# Var(4) at ToolPath PointFeat AutoCycle. Added IF AutoCycle? AND FirstFeat? at ToolPath RapidFeat. TRUE outputs Absolute DoStartX DoStartY SetInc DoEndX DoEndY. FALSE outputs SetInc DoStartX DoStartY DoEndX DoEndY. Added IF AutoCycle? AND FirstFeat? at ToolPath LineFeat. TRUE outputs Absolute DoStartX DoStartY SetInc DoEndX DoEndY. FALSE outputs SetInc DoStartX DoStartY DoEndX DoEndY. Changed SetAbs to AbsOrInc at AutoCycCutSub2. MPK}
{7/25/97 Updated & Modified: BP EZ-Trak M025.12.7 Created: BP EZ-Trak M025.15 For: Packard Hughes Versions: Catalyst v3.35C/ComPost2 MSL 68K Changes made per Mike Quinter of Packard Hughes, phone call, sample printouts and faxes. Updated for Catalyst v3.35C per NoNest IncSubs M001.12. Complete rewrite. Some problems were resolved by observing certain rules: 4 place decimals must end in either a 5 or 0. Trailing zero suppression causes a 4 place decimal ending in 0 to be output as a 3 place decimal. Full Arcs are broken up into two Half Arcs. Post does not stop on Quadrants. Previous versions tested for NEXT RapidFeat during EachQuad/NextQuad Loop. This broke a basic rule and caused CWArc to be CCWArc and zeroed out ArcIJ values. FIRST, NEXT and LAST modifiers can be used only IF LastQuadrant? returns TRUE. Non AutoCycle Subs are output in Absolute. This is because SubCalls are controlled by an Incremental Origin Shift. Flag(1) is used for outputting Absolute Coordinate of AutoCycle StrtPos. Flag(2) is used for handling Engraving Retract Moves. Flag(3) is used for control of CONRAD during FullArc. Vars(4) and (5) are used for SubRoutine#s. Vars(6) and (7) are used for AutoCycle SetPass2 StrtPos during Flag(1). Vars(8), (9), (10) and (11) are used for FullArc routines. DWB}
{8/9/97 Updated & Modified: BP EZ-Trak M025.15 Created: BP EZ-Trak M025.15.1 For: Packard Hughes Versions: Catalyst v3.35C/ComPost2 MSL 68K Updated for Catalyst v3.35C per NoNest IncSubs M001.12. Changes made per Mike Quinter of Packard Hughes, phone calls. Customer reported that Incremental Arc Centers is calculated distance from EndPoint to CenterPoint. According to pages 22 and 32 of manual, Incremental X Center dimension is from X END and Incremental Y Center dimension is from Y END. Added IncValue Condition for ArcIJ at FormatMove. Added FORMAT of SUB# at FormatFullArc1. Moved TrackXYNO# from FormatFullArc1 to ArcFeat. Deleted FORMAT of ArcIJ# at FormatFullArc2. Deleted FORMAT of ArcIJ# at ArcFeat. DWB}
{12Feb99 Original: BP EZ-Trak M025.15.1 Created: BP EZ-Trak M025.15.2 For: Packard Hughes Changes made per: Mike Quinter Develop: Catalyst 5.03/ComPost2 1.7b15 Added Post Header Comment at the top of Prog. Updated to handle v5.0 Utility FeedRate Markers. Changed ' F' ContourFeed2# to FeedRate in ToolPath at LineFeat and ArcFeat. Post was only outputting the Contour FeedRate. Added support for the post to output a rapid move connecting the exit move of a milling operation, to the start position of the next operation. ( NOTE: This post does not support Z-moves ) Linked operations must both be Milling Operations. Repeats and Autocycles are not suported. Uses OptCyc1, Flag('9') and Variables 21 thru 26. The LinkMove Sub checks to ensure that both operations are performed at the same Z-depth. Modified CONRAD and ToolPath subs. Added endMillPos, startMillPos, doLinkMove subs Added SetFlagF('9') in ProgStart. Added Utility Data Instructions at InitProg. Charles Winston}
FormatMove: IF PointFeat? IF AutoCycle? IF Repeats? AND NOT ZShiftOnly? ' XO' SUB# SPX# Recall# Num#('6') ' YO' SUB# SPY# Recall# Num#('7') ELSE ' XO' ADD# CurOriginPosX# SUB# SPX# Recall# Num#('6') ' YO' ADD# CurOriginPosY# SUB# SPY# Recall# Num#('7') END ELSE ' X' SPX# AorI ' Y' SPY# AorI END ELSE IF Flag?('1') { FIRST AutoCycle XYMove } SetFlagF('1') SetAbs ' XB' Recall# Num#('6') AorI ' YB' Recall# Num#('7') AorI TrackXNO# SPX# TrackYNO# SPY# SetInc ELSE IF Flag?('3') { First Half of FullArc } ' XB' Recall# Num#('8') AorI ' YB' Recall# Num#('9') AorI ELSE ' XB' SPX# AorI ' YB' SPY# AorI END END IF Flag?('3') { First Half of FullArc } ' XE' Recall# Num#('10') AorI ' YE' Recall# Num#('11') AorI ELSE ' XE' EPX# AorI ' YE' EPY# AorI END IF ArcFeat? IF AbsValue? ' XC' ArcI# AorI ' YC' ArcJ# AorI ELSE SetAbs ' XC' SUB# ArcI# EPX# 'I YC' SUB# ArcJ# EPY# 'I' SetInc END END END RETURN
CONRAD: { Corner Radius } IF Flag?('3') { First Half of FullArc } ' CR0' ELSE IF LastFeat? IF OptCyc1? NOT LastOp? AND NEXT Milling? AND NOT AutoCycle? AND NOT Repeats? ' CR0' ELSE ' CR-' END ELSE IF NotEqual? NEXT SPZ# NEXT EPZ# IF Equal? NEXT SPX# NEXT EPX# IF Equal? NEXT SPY# NEXT EPY# IF NEXT NOT ArcFeat? { FullHelixArc } SetFlag('2') END END END END IF Flag?('2') { NextFeat Tool Retract } ' CR-' ELSE ' CR0' END END END RETURN
ToolDia: ' D' ToolDiameter# RETURN
LineRep: FORMAT(Recall#,5) ' FEÅ‚' IF Milling? Recall# Num#('4') ELSE IF CallMasterOp? '10' CallMasterNum# ELSE IF MasterOp? '10' Tag# ELSE Recall# Num#('4') END END END ' LE²' IF Milling? Recall# Num#('4') ELSE IF CallMasterOp? '10' CallMasterNum# ELSE IF MasterOp? '10' Tag# ELSE Recall# Num#('4') END END END FORMAT(Recall#,4) RETURN
RestoreScale: IF Metric? {CAM file is in Metric, tools and tool path} SetScale('.03937007874') { change to English, this is an English post} END RETURN
WFONum: { Not Supported } RETURN
WFOStuff: { Not Supported } RETURN
ResetWFO: { Not Supported } RETURN
DoPartCycleComment: IF MultipleParts? AND EquallySpacedOffsets? AND UseComments? AND SubComment? '( PART NO. ' PartNum# ' )' EOL END RETURN
DoSubComment: { Not Supported } RETURN
DoOpComments: IF UseComments? SetScale('1') IF OperationIDComment? '( OPERATION ' Operation# ': ' OperationType$ ' )' EOL END IF OperationComment? '( ' OperationComment$ ' )' EOL END IF WorkGroupComment? '( ' WorkGroupComment$ ' )' EOL END IF ToolTypeComment? '( TOOL ' Tool# ': ' ToolDiameter# ' ' ToolType$ ' )' EOL END IF ToolComment? '( ' ToolComment$ ' )' EOL END RestoreScale END RETURN
ExitMove: IF FirstPart? IF NOT AutoCycle? AbsOrInc END END RETURN
ExitMove2: { Not Supported } RETURN
StartSub: FORMAT(Recall#,5) '>' IF Milling? Recall# Num#('4') ELSE IF CallMasterOp? '10' CallMasterNum# ELSE IF MasterOp? '10' Tag# ELSE Recall# Num#('4') END END END EOL FORMAT(Recall#,4) RETURN
SubWarning: { Not Supported } RETURN
FinishSub: FORMAT(Recall#,5) '<' IF Milling? Recall# Num#('4') ELSE IF CallMasterOp? '10' CallMasterNum# ELSE IF MasterOp? '10' Tag# ELSE Recall# Num#('4') END END END EOL FORMAT(Recall#,4) RETURN
ckCRC: IF CutterRadiusCompensation? IF CutterLeft? ' TC2' ELSE IF CutterCenter? ' TC0' ELSE { CutterRight } ' TC1' END END ELSE ' TC0' END RETURN
endMillPos: IF OptCyc1? NOT LastOp? AND NEXT Milling? AND NOT AutoCycle? AND NOT Repeats? SetFlag('9') IF AbsValue? Save# Num#('21') EPX# Save# Num#('22') EPY# Save# Num#('23') EPZ# ELSE SetAbs Save# Num#('21') EPX# Save# Num#('22') EPY# Save# Num#('23') EPZ# SetInc END END RETURN
startMillPos: IF Flag?('9') AND NOT AutoCycle? AND NOT Repeats? IF AbsValue? Save# Num#('24') SPX# Save# Num#('25') SPY# Save# Num#('26') SPZ# ELSE SetAbs Save# Num#('24') SPX# Save# Num#('25') SPY# Save# Num#('26') SPZ# SetInc END IF Equal? Recall# Num#('23') Recall# Num#('26') LinkMove END SetFlagF('9') END RETURN
ToolPath: EACHFeat IF PointFeat? IF AutoCycle? IF FirstPart? AND FirstFeat? ELSE IF Repeats? AND ZShiftOnly? EachCycle CallAC NextCycle ELSE CallAC END END TrackXNO# SPX# TrackYNO# SPY# CalcACSRXY {calc tool position after sub call, CalcAutoCycleStatusRecordXY} ELSE SeqLab Rapid FormatMove OpToolID EOL END ELSE IF RapidFeat? IF XMove? OR YMove? IF NOT Flag?('2') { Tool Retract followed by XY Position } SeqLab Feed FormatMove ckCRC RapidF ToolDia CONRAD OpToolID EOL END END ELSE IF FirstFeat? startMillPos END IF LineFeat? IF XMove? OR YMove? IF Flag?('2') { XY Position Move Following Tool Retract } SetFlagF('2') IF AbsValue? TrackXNO# EPX# TrackYNO# EPY# ELSE SetAbs TrackXNO# EPX# TrackYNO# EPY# SetInc END ELSE SeqLab Feed FormatMove ckCRC FeedRate ToolDia CONRAD OpToolID EOL END END ELSE IF ArcFeat? IF XMove? OR YMove? SeqLab FormatArc FormatMove ckCRC FeedRate ToolDia CONRAD OpToolID EOL ELSE { FullArc } SetFlag('3') { First Half of FullArc CONRAD = CR0 } FormatFullArc1 SeqLab FormatArc FormatMove ckCRC FeedRate ToolDia CONRAD OpToolID EOL FormatFullArc2 SeqLab FormatArc FormatMove ckCRC FeedRate ToolDia SetFlagF('3') CONRAD OpToolID EOL END IF AbsValue? TrackXNO# EPX# TrackYNO# EPY# ELSE SetAbs TrackXNO# EPX# TrackYNO# EPY# SetInc END END END END IF LastFeat? endMillPos END END NEXTFeat RETURN
AutoCycCutSub2: {part 2} StartSub ToolPath {call after TagInc for correct sub calls} FinishSub SetAbs SetSRSubXY {restore SR to 1st position value} SetSRSubMove RETURN
AutoCycPat: SetPass2 {position pattern} ToolPath {call after TagInc for correct sub calls} SetPass1 {reset} RETURN
Milling: IF FirstPart? IF AutoCycle? AutoCycCutSub1 AutoCycCutSub2 AutoCycPat ELSE IF MultipleParts? OR Repeats? StartSub ToolPath FinishSub ELSE ToolPath END END ELSE IF AutoCycle? AutoCycPat ELSE EachFeat IF LastFeat? TrackXNO# EPX# TrackYNO# EPY# END NextFeat END END RETURN
GetNewProg: IF FirstOperation? Save# Num#('4') Recall# Num#('5') ELSE IF MultipleParts? AND EquallySpacedOffsets? AND OneToolAllParts? AND NewTool? Save# Num#('4') Recall# Num#('5') END END Save# Num#('4') ADD# Recall# Num#('4') Num#('1') IF Drilling? AND MasterOp? NewMasterTag END RETURN
MPNoRepOp: GetNewProg Milling IF NOT FirstPart? CallProg END RETURN
XYZRep: GetNewProg EachRep IF FirstPart? IF FirstCycle? Milling IF ZShiftOnly? SeqLab ' G105' LineRep ' XO' CurOriginPosX# ' YO' CurOriginPosY# ' RE' RepsLess1# ToolDia OpToolID EOL END ELSE IF NOT ZShiftOnly? CallProg END END ELSE CallProg END NextRep RETURN
NoRepAutoCycle: GetNewProg Milling RETURN
XYZRepAutoCycle: GetNewProg Milling SetPass2 EachRep IF NOT FirstCycle? EACHFeat CallAC NEXTFeat END NextRep RETURN
CheckPass: SetFlagF('1') { FIRST AutoCycle XYMove } IF AutoCycle? {use the correct StrtPos} IF FirstPart? SetFlag('1') END SetPass2 Save# Num#('6') StartPosX# Save# Num#('7') StartPosY# IF Repeats? AND NOT ZShiftOnly? Save# Num#('6') SUB# StartPosX# CurOriginPosX# Save# Num#('7') SUB# StartPosY# CurOriginPosY# END ELSE SetPass1 END TrackXNO# StartPosX# TrackYNO# StartPosY# RETURN
ProgStart: InitProg TagInit SetAbs SkipZ ReverseXZArcs SetFlood SetMaxRPM('10000') IF Metric? SetMaxFeed('12700') ELSE SetMaxFeed('500') END Save# Num#('1') Num#('0') { MultipleParts Current Tool FirstOp# } Save# Num#('2') Num#('0') { MultipleParts ToolOp# Counter } Save# Num#('3') Num#('0') { LongHand PeckCycle } Save# Num#('4') Num#('0') { SubRoutine#s } Save# Num#('5') Num#('0') { SubRoutine#s } Save# Num#('6') Num#('0') { AutoCycle SetPass2 SPX# } Save# Num#('7') Num#('0') { AutoCycle SetPass2 SPY# } Save# Num#('8') Num#('0') { FullArc SPX# } Save# Num#('9') Num#('0') { FullArc SPY# } Save# Num#('10') Num#('0') { FullArc EPX# } Save# Num#('11') Num#('0') { FullArc EPY# } SetFlagF('1') { FIRST AutoCycle XYMove } SetFlagF('2') { Engraving Tool Position Moves } SetFlagF('3') { First Half of FullArc CONRAD = CR0 } SetFlagF('9') { ToolPath and LinkMove Sub } IF PSComment? AND UseComments? 'PostScript:' EOL ' Literals: put between single or double quotes.' EOL ' Separate commands and literals with at least one space.' EOL ' A CR ( RETURN key ) will start a new line.' EOL ' Commands: may be capital and/or lower case letters. Separate commands with a space.' EOL ' EndOP -' EOL ' all literals and commands before an ENDOP command' EOL ' will appear at the beginning of the operation. All ' EOL ' literals and commands after an ENDOP command will appear' EOL ' at the end of the operation. ' EOL ' ' EOL ' The OPTCYC1 command can be entered in the Utility Data At Op Start BOX.' EOL ' This will cause the Post to output a rapid move to the start position of the next milling operation' EOL END RETURN
SkipToLastFeat: EachFeat IF LastFeat? TrackXNO# SPX# TrackYNO# SPY# END NextFeat RETURN
SetDrillEndOpZ: { Not Supported } RETURN
OpGuts: IF Milling? IF AutoCycle? IF Repeats? IF ZShiftOnly? ZonlyRepAutoCycle ELSE XYZRepAutoCycle END ELSE NoRepAutoCycle END SetPass1 ELSE { NOT AutoCycle } IF Repeats? XYZRep ELSE IF MultipleParts? MPNoRepOp ELSE Milling END END END ELSE IF Drilling? IF CallMasterOp? OR MasterOp? OR Repeats? OR MultipleParts? GetNewProg END IF FirstPart? IF CallMasterOp? CallDrillCycle ELSE IF MasterOp? OR Repeats? OR MultipleParts? StartSub ToolPath FinishSub IF Repeats? EachRep IF NOT FirstCycle? CallDrillCycle END NextRep END ELSE ToolPath END END ELSE IF CallMasterOp? OR MasterOp? CallDrillCycle ELSE IF Repeats? EachRep CallDrillCycle NextRep ELSE CallDrillCycle END END END END END RETURN
InitOp: 'PN' Program# ' G20' EOL EachOp IF FirstOperation? IF ToolChangeAtHome? SetHome END END NextOp IF UseComments? IF ProgramNameComment? '( PROGRAM: ' ProgramName$ ' )' EOL END IF ProgramComment? '( ' ProgramComment$ ' )' EOL END IF FormatNameComment? '( FORMAT: ' FormatName$ ' )' EOL END IF TimeComment? '( ' Date$ ' AT ' Time$ ' )' EOL END IF MovesComment? '( OUTPUT IN ABSOLUTE INCHES )' EOL END IF PartsComment? '( PARTS PROGRAMMED: ' Parts# ' )' EOL END IF StartToolComment? '( FIRST TOOL NOT IN SPINDLE )' EOL END END RestoreScale RETURN
FirstOp1: Plane { No Output } DoPartCycleComment DoOpComments DoPostScript RETURN
FirstOp2: CheckPass RETURN
FirstOp3: RETURN
NewToolOp1: RETURN
NewToolOp2: DoEndOpPS IF ToolChangeAtHome? SetAbs LoadFeat SUB# HomeX# CurOriginPosX# SUB# HomeY# CurOriginPosY# Num#('0') { Dummy Z } SeqLab Rapid ' X' EPX# AorI ' Y' EPY# AorI LAST OpToolID EOL END RETURN
NewToolOp3: {Start new Operation} PlaneC { No Output } DoPartCycleComment DoOpComments DoPostScript RETURN
NewToolOp4: CheckPass RETURN
NewToolOp5: RETURN
SameToolOp1: DoEndOpPS RETURN
SameToolOp2: {Start new Operation} DoPartCycleComment DoOpComments DoPostScript CheckPass RETURN
SameToolOp3: {Start new Operation} PlaneC { No Output } RETURN
End2: DoEndOpPS IF FIRST ToolChangeAtHome? {.71.2 added FIRST modifier} SetAbs LoadFeat SUB# FIRST HomeX# CurOriginPosX# SUB# FIRST HomeY# CurOriginPosY# Num#('0') { Dummy Z } SeqLab Rapid ' X' EPX# AorI ' Y' EPY# AorI OpToolID EOL END RETURN
End3: EOR EOL Close ReTag IF UseComments? SetScale('1') {restore scale for comments} Reopen IF FileBytesComment? '( FILE LENGTH: ' FileBytes# ' CHARACTERS )' EOL END IF FileFeetComment? '( FILE LENGTH: ' FileFeet# ' FEET )' EOL END IF FileMetersComment? '( FILE LENGTH: ' FileMeters# ' METERS )' EOL END Close END RETURN
MPallTools1P: {Multiple Parts, All Tools 1 Part} IF FirstOperation? FirstOp1 FirstOp2 FirstOp3 ELSE IF NewTool? NewToolOp1 NewToolOp2 NewToolOp3 NewToolOp4 NewToolOp5 ELSE {implied SameTool?} SameToolOp1 SameToolOp2 SameToolOp3 END END OpGuts RETURN
MP1ToollAllPfu: {Multiple Parts, 1 Tool all Parts, full up} IF FirstOperation? IF FirstPart? FirstOp1 FirstOp2 FirstOp3 END ELSE IF NewTool? IF FirstPart? NewToolOp1 NewToolOp2 NewToolOp3 NewToolOp4 NewToolOp5 END ELSE {implied SameTool?} SameToolOp1 SameToolOp2 SameToolOp3 END END OpGuts RETURN
MP1ToollAllPXcp: {Multiple Parts, 1 Tool all Parts, exit Clearance plane} IF FirstOperation? IF FirstPart? FirstOp1 FirstOp2 FirstOp3 END ELSE IF NewTool? IF FirstPart? NewToolOp1 NewToolOp2 NewToolOp3 NewToolOp4 NewToolOp5 END ELSE {implied SameTool?} SameToolOp1 SameToolOp2 SameToolOp3 END END OpGuts RETURN
NoMPs: {no multiple parts} IF FirstOperation? FirstOp1 FirstOp2 FirstOp3 ELSE IF NewTool? NewToolOp1 NewToolOp2 NewToolOp3 NewToolOp4 NewToolOp5 ELSE {implied SameTool?} SameToolOp1 SameToolOp2 SameToolOp3 END END OpGuts RETURN
MasterSub: IF MultipleParts? IF AllToolsOnePart? MPallTools1P ELSE {implied OneToolAllParts?} IF FullUp? MP1ToollAllPfu ELSE {implied ExitClearancePlane?} MP1ToollAllPXcp END END ELSE NoMPs END RETURN
EndPartSub: {End of program ************************************************************}
{finish last operation} End1 End2 RETURN
{Finish off last Part}
{Start new Part}
SameToolOp2 PlaneC { No Output } RETURN
MPLoop: { EquallySpacedOffsets } Save# Num#('2') Recall# Num#('1') IF WorkFixtureOffsets? { Not Supported } ELSE EachPart END IF AllToolsOnePart? Save# Num#('5') Num#('0') EachOp MasterSub NextOp EndPartSub ELSE { OneToolAllParts } EachOp IF Equal? Operation# Recall# Num#('2') { Tool First Op } IF FirstOperation? OR NewTool? IF FirstPart? IF FirstOperation? Save# Num#('5') Num#('0') ELSE Save# Num#('5') Recall# Num#('4') END ELSE DoNewPart END END MasterSub IF LastOp? IF LastPart? Save# Num#('1') Num#('0') END Save# Num#('2') Recall# Num#('1') ELSE IF NEXT SameTool? Save# Num#('2') NEXT Operation# ELSE IF LastPart? Save# Num#('1') NEXT Operation# Save# Num#('2') Num#('0') ELSE Save# Num#('2') Recall# Num#('1') END END END END NextOp END IF WorkFixtureOffsets? { Not Supported } ELSE NextPart END RETURN
{Start of executable Prog, Top Level ****}
ProgStart {setup and initializations} InitOp
IF MultipleParts? IF WorkFixtureOffsets? 'NOTE: This Post Processor does not support Work Fixture Offsets for Multiple Parts.' EOL 'It is recommended that you change your selection to Equally Spaced Offsets.' EOL EachOp NoMPs NextOp EndPartSub ELSE IF AllToolsOnePart? MPLoop ELSE EachOp IF FirstOperation? Save# Num#('1') Operation# END NextOp MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop MPLoop EndPartSub END END ELSE EachOp MasterSub NextOp EndPartSub END End3