
Prepositions of place
Przyimki określające miejsce
The lamp is above the table.
The lorry is in front of the car.
The meat is on the table.
The cat is under the table.
The car is behind the lorry.
Kim is
next to/beside Sam.
The bird is in/inside The temperature Sam is between
the cage. is below zero. Tom and Kim.
Tom is opposite Kim. The house is among the trees. The girl is leaning against the wall.
Oxford Wordpower słownik angielsko-polski
© Oxford University Press
Prepositions of place
Prepositions of movement
Przyimki określające ruch
up the ladder along the pole
down the slide
into the pool
across the pool
out of the pool
towards the finish
through the tunnel
over the wall
around the track
st the wall.
Oxford Wordpower słownik angielsko-polski
© Oxford University Press
Prepositions of movement
