Patons Top Down Vintage Cardigans to Knit

Approx = Approximate(ly) Pat = Pattern
Beg = Begin(ing) PM = Place marker
To fit chest measurement
C4B = Slip next 2 stitches onto cable Psso = Pass slipped stitch over.
needle and leave at back of work. K2, then Rep = Repeat
3 mos 16 [40 cm]
K2 from cable needle. Rnd(s) = Round(s)
6 mos 17 [43 cm]
C4F = Slip next 2 stitches onto cable RS = Right side
12 mos 18 [45.5 cm]
needle and leave at front of work. K2, then Sl1= Slip next stitch knitwise
18 mos 19 [48 cm]
K2 from cable needle. Ssk = Slip next 2 stitches knitwise one
Cont = Continue(ity) at a time. Pass them back onto left-hand
Dec = Decrease(ing) needle, then knit through back loops
Finished measurement
Inc1 = Increase 1 stitch by knitting into together.
3 mos 18 [45.5 cm]
front and back of next stitch. St(s) = Stitch(es)
6 mos 20 [51 cm]
K = Knit WS = Wrong side
12 mos 23 [58.5 cm]
K2tog = Knit next 2 stitches together Yo = Yarn over
P = Purl
18 mos 25 [63.5 cm]
Panel Pat (worked over 8 sts).
1st row: P1. K2. C4F. P1.
Patons® Beehive Baby Sport"! (100 g/3.5 oz; 328 m/359 yds)
2nd row: K1. P6. K1.
Girl Version:
3rd row: P1. C4B. K2. P1.
Sizes 3 6 12 18
4th row: As 2nd row.
Precious Pink (09420) 1 1 2 2 ball(s)
These 4 rows form Panel Pat.
Boy Version:
Sizes 3 6 12 18
Note: Sweater is worked from the neck down.
Bonnet Blue (09143) 1 1 2 2 ball(s)
Cast on 28 (32-36-40) sts.
Set of four size 3.75 mm (U.S. 5) double-pointed knitting
1st row: (RS). K2. PM. K3 (3-4-4). PM. K18 (22-24-28). PM. K3 (3-4-4). PM. K2.
needles. Sizes 3.25 mm (U.S. 3) and 3.75 mm (U.S. 5) circular
2nd row: Purl.
knitting needles 16 [40.5 cm] long or size needed to obtain
3rd row: Inc1 in each of first 2 sts. Slip marker. *Inc1 in next st. Knit to 1 st before
tension. Cable needle. 4 stitch markers. 6 buttons.
marker. Inc1 in next st. Slip marker. Rep from * to last 2 sts. Inc1 in each of last 2 sts.
38 (42-46-50) sts.
4th row: As 2nd row.
24 sts and 32 rows = 4 [10 cm] in stocking stitch.
5th row: Inc1 in first st. *Knit to 1 st before next marker. Inc1 in next st.
Slip marker. Inc1 in next st. Rep from * 3 times more. Knit to last st. Inc1 in last st.
Rep last 2 rows 2 (2-3-4) times more. 68 (72-86-100) sts.
Next row: (WS). Cast on 3 (5-7-6) sts. Purl to end of row. Cast on 3 (5-7-6) sts.
74 (82-100-112) sts.
P.O. Box 40, Listowel ON N4W 3H3 TOP DOWN VINTAGE CARDIGANS 1 of 2
Next row: K1. Work 1st row of Panel Pat. *Knit to 1 st before marker.
Inc 1 in next st. Slip marker. Inc1 in next st. Rep from * 3 times more. Knit
to last 9 sts. Work 1st row of Panel Pat. K1. 82 (90-108-120) sts.
Next row: P1. Work 2nd row of Panel Pat. Purl to last 9 sts. Work 2nd row
of Panel Pat. P1.
Panel Pat is now in position.
Keeping cont of Panel Pat as placed, rep last 2 rows 13 (15-16-17) times
more. 186 (210-236-256) sts.
Neckband: With smaller circular needle and RS facing, pick up and knit
Divide for armholes: Next row: Pat to first st marker. Slip next 39 (43- 42 (44-52-56) sts along neck edge. Do not join. Knit 2 rows. Cast off
48-52) sts onto length of yarn (left sleeve). K54 (62-68-76). Slip next
39 (43-48-52) sts onto length of yarn (right sleeve). Pat to end of row.
108 (124-140-152) sts.
Buttonhole band: With RS facing of Right Front for Girl Version or Left
Next row: Pat across first 9 sts. Purl to last 9 sts. Pat across last 9 sts.
Front for Boy Version and smaller circular needle, pick up and knit 58 (68-
Next row: Pat across first 9 sts. Knit to last 9 sts. Pat across last 9 sts.
73-88) sts along front edge. Do not join.
Keeping cont of pat at each side edge, cont even work from division for
1st row: (WS). Knit.
Sleeves measures approx 4 (6-6½-7) [10 (15-16.5-18) cm], ending on
2nd row: K3. *Cast off 2 sts. K8 (10-11-14), including st on needle after
a 3rd row of Cable Panel.
cast off. Rep from * to last 5 sts. Cast off 2 sts. K3.
3rd row: Knit, casting on 2 sts over cast off sts.
Girl Version only: Next row: (WS). Pat across first 9 sts. Dec 0 (4-2-2) sts
4th row: Knit
evenly across to last 9 sts. Pat across last 9 sts. 108 (120-138-150) sts.
Cast off loosely.
Border: 1st row: Pat across first 9 sts. *yo. K1. Sl1. K2tog. psso. K1. yo. K1.
Button band: With RS of work facing and smaller circular needle, pick up
Rep from * to last 9 sts. Pat across last 9 sts.
and knit 58 (68-73-88) sts along Left Front for Girl version and Right Front
2nd row: Pat across first 9 sts. Purl to last 9 sts. Pat across last 9 sts.
for Boy version. Do not join.
Rep last 2 rows until Border measures 1 [2.5 cm]. Cast off loosely.
Work as given for Buttonhole band, omitting references to buttonholes.
Boy Version only: Next row: (WS). Pat across first 9 sts. Inc 6 (6-6-10)
Sew buttons to correspond to buttonholes.
sts evenly across row to last 9 sts. 114 (130-146-162) sts.
Border: 1st row: K1. *P1. K2. C4F. P1. Rep from * to last st. K1. BODY
2nd row: P1. *K1. P6. K1. Rep from * to last st. P1.
3 - 3½ - 4 - 4½
3rd row: K1. *P1. C4B. K2. P1. Rep from * to last st. K1.
4th row: As 2nd row.
Rep last 4 rows once more. Cast off loosely. 4¾

Divide 39 (43-48-52) sts onto 3 double-pointed needles. Join in rnd,
placing marker on first st.
Knit 5 (3-3-3) rnds even.
Next rnd: (Dec rnd). ssk. Knit to last 2 sts. K2tog.
Rep last 6 (4-4-4) rnds 3 (3-4-4) times more. 31 (35-38-42) sts.
Knit even in rnds until Sleeve measures 3½ (4-5-5½) [9 (10-12.5-14) 6½
cm] from dividing row. 7
Next rnd: Purl.
Next rnd: Knit.
Next rnd: Purl.
9 - 10 - 11½ - 12½
Cast off knitwise.
P.O. Box 40, Listowel ON N4W 3H3
