popup window 005

Pop-Up Window 005

function openpopup(){
var popurl="weekly news letter.htm"

A:hover {color: #FF0000; font-family: Arial}


Pop-Up Window 005


Sign up for Weekly Newsletter

This script opens a Pop-up window and displays another
webpage.  In this example the link invites the visitor to sign up for
a weekly newsletter, however  it could easily be change to invite the
visitor to stay apprised of specials.  Another little trick is to
place a close function in the
submit button so the Pop-up will close when the visitor submits the
form.  Want another little trick... 
You can use a PHP Email Script to handle the submissions.

Place script between the <HEAD></HEAD> tags.


function openpopup(){
var popurl="weekly news


Place where needed in the body of the HTML

<a href="javascript:openpopup()">Sign up
for Weekly Newsletter</a>

Place script between the <HEAD></HEAD> tags.

function openpopup(){
var popurl="weekly news letter.htm"

Paste script where needed in the body of the HTML Document.

Sign up for Weekly Newsletter

© Copyright 2003 Ultimatephp


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