Written assignments

WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS (between 120-150 words)
1 You are attending a summer language course in Nottingham and you are staying with a host family. Your
room-mate is a student from France. Write an email to your cousin from Canada about your new friend.
(Unit 1)
2 You are on a trekking holiday in the mountains. Write a postcard to your Scottish friend telling him/her
where you are, giving details about what you are doing there. (Unit 2)
3 Imagine that you have a younger brother/sister who started going to school last week. It is the same school
that you used to attend.You were there with him/her on the first day of school. Write an email to your
friend in the USA, telling him/her about that special day and describing the feelings you had when you
visited your old school. (Unit 3)
4 During a Science lesson your teacher talked about the lives of famous inventors. After school you come
back home and write an email to your English-speaking friend in which you tell him/her about what you
found out during the lesson. (Unit 4)
5 Last weekend you went to a Science Museum to see the exhibition about houses of the future. Write a letter
to your cousin from Australia in which you tell him/her where you went and how the modern houses are
going to be different from the ones in which we live at present. (Unit 5)
6 Last week a group from your partner school came to visit your country. On the first day of their stay your
class prepared a meal to welcome them to your school. Your English teacher asked you to prepare a
description of the welcome party for the school website in English. (Unit 6)
7 Imagine that last month there was a presidential election in your country. Write a letter to your friend from
the UK about your hopes for the future. (Unit 7)
8 Imagine that you went to the USA to take part in a holiday work programme. Write an email to your friend
from Ireland telling him/her what kind of job you are doing. (Unit 8)
9 Your older brother/sister has told your family that he/she is getting married next month. Everyone is
shocked because they think it is happening too quickly. Write a letter to your friend from Edinburgh telling
him about the wedding, the reasons why it is so shocking and about the preparations that your
brother/sister has already made. (Unit 9)
10 A magazine for learners of English is asking its readers to send their opinions on what to make it more
interesting for young people. You decide to write a letter to the Editor, suggesting a few ideas. (Unit 10)
11 Write a letter to your friend in Malta telling him/her about a recent unpleasant incident that has happened to
you. (Unit 11)
12 Your English teacher is planning to organise a Film Club with the help of your class. Write an
announcement inviting all students from your school in which you advertise the activities of the Film Club.
(Unit 12)
13 Last weekend together with your family you participated in an arts festival. Write an email to your cousin in
Bath, telling him/her about the event and giving some details about different reactions of your family to the
things you saw. (Unit 13)
14 A journalist from an online international magazine is preparing an article on the countries that have recently
become members of the European Union. She is asking readers to send in their opinions on the changes
that have taken place in their countries since joining the EU. (Unit 14)


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