Shara Jones Tall, Dark and Daddy

Tall, Dark and Daddy

Tall, Dark, and Daddy

Shara Jones

All characters and events are purely fictional. Any resemblance to actual people or events is purely coincidental.


"Tell me that you love me."

Angelyn Winters lifted her tousled head a few scant inches from her pillow and tried to focus bleary eyes on the digital numbers on her bedside clock. Six o'clock in the morning seemed a bit too early for passionate declarations.

"I'm going to kill you, Angelyn rasped in the phone receiver in response. Rolling over onto her back, she brushed a cloud of soft, brown hair from her face and rested her hand across her forehead.

"Not when you find out that your very best friend and, need I remind you, employer has solved all of your problems this morning."

A feeling akin to dread skittered over the surface of Angelyn's skin and settled in her stomach region. "Cissy - what did you do?"

Cissy Rosen, best friend to Angelyn, happened to be a very astute business woman, not to mention tall, auburn-haired and drop-dead gorgeous. She also had a knack for shaking up one's world. Today it seemed she had gotten an earlier than usual start and Angelyn would be the victim.

"I found you a job and a new place to live all in one fell swoop this morning."

Wide awake now, she brought her hand up quickly from where she'd rested it on her forehead to boost herself into an upright position, scattering pillows and causing her blankets to slip towards the floor.

"So early? With whom and where? Angelyn wished she had a cup of coffee with which to chase down this news. She knew Cissy meant every word she said. She listened to Cissy rattle off the statistics like the life insurance agent Angelyn had been dealing with for the past year.

"Well, he actually called last night and left an urgent message. It seems his housekeeper was called away late last night for a family emergency. I met with him a moment ago, Cissy explained. "Now, here we go. His name is Rick Lawson. He's a businessman who works for Century Design s. He's lived here in southern, sunny Spring, Texas for most of his life. He's a widower looking for a temporary live-in housekeeper and nanny for his son."

Who held interviews at six o'clock in the morning? Her sleep-deprived eyes were nearly ready to glaze over when the mention of the son snapped her back to attention.

"How old is he? she breathed into the receiver. Her voice strained into a whisper.

"I'd say he's early thirties, tall, with dark brown hair and green eyes, Cissy said in a matter-of-fact voice.

"I didn't mean the father - I meant his son! Angelyn said with exasperated lift of her lips.

"Oh, well you don't have to be so snippy. I can tell you haven't had your coffee yet. Cissy said. "It was a perfectly logical answer to your question. You weren't specific. Cissy's voice paused.

Angelyn heard the soft shuffling of papers through the phone lines.

"He's four. Cory Lawson. Cissy said and became silent.

Angelyn's heart pounded quickly in her chest. Memories swept over her and she unconsciously placed her hand over her flat abdomen.

"H-how did the mother die? Angelyn asked.

Cissy didn't answer right away. Finally with obvious reluctance she said, "She died in a car crash a year ago."

Angelyn drew in a ragged breath. She dropped her chin towards her chest, willing the pain in her heart and the memories in her head to stop.

"Don't Angelyn. Let the past go. This is your chance for a fresh start. This is only for a few weeks and then you'll be moving in with me. Cissy said.

"I know, Angelyn sighed. She lifted her head and stared with unseeing eyes for a minute before dragging in a deep breath and squaring her shoulders.

She knew Cissy was right. Hadn't she been working so hard this year to put the horrible past behind her and make a new beginning? Finding a new job and selling the house, which was the last tie to her past, were the remaining two obstacles she had to conquer.

And conquer them she would.

"So, tell me more about tall, dark and daddy."
* * * *

Taking the short walk up to the front door, Angelyn reveled in silent appreciation of the large Victorian gingerbread house with its soft blue siding and wide, white-painted front porch that ran the entire front of the house. A quaint porch swing and oversized matching rocking chairs graced the right side of the porch; bright pink bougainvillea shrubs nestled against the porch siding with a vivid splash of color. The effect was cheerful and inviting and the whole place exuded an air of hominess and comfort, like hand-cranked ice cream and apple pie.

Smiling a little at her whimsical thoughts, she gave a wistful sigh. She'd always dreamed of living in just such a house. If she closed her eyes, she could envision the grassy backyard complete with a jungle gym and barbecue grill just waiting for a family to enjoy.

She knew if today's interview went well, she'd be a little closer to achieving her dream. Well, part of it anyway. Once she finally sold her house, she could really begin building her future and shedding her past; a future that didn't include a controlling, overbearing man; not a husband; not her father.

Standing before the front door of her perspective employer's house, Angelyn hesitated before ringing the bell. Running her hands down the sides of her dark colored jeans, she exhaled a breath and tried not to let her hopes carry her away. She really wanted this job.

Just think. This beautiful home and a sweet little boy to care for - Bliss, sheer bliss.Dealing with the father will be less bliss, but you take the good with the bad, she thought.

A large grin lifted the corners of her mouth and she rocked up on her toes and tried to compress her lips to still her obvious excitement.

"I presume you are my morning interview."

Angelyn spun around and her blue eyes locked with a pair of eyes so green, she immediately thought of Ireland. The man standing in front of her certainly had the look of an Irishman with his shock of dark, lustrous hair and piercing eyes. The lightweight beige knit shirt he wore molded to his broad shoulders and chest to reveal his athletic build.

Wow. Did the term tall, dark and handsome ever apply to him!

Rick Lawson stood lightly tapping the morning newspaper against his thigh apparently clueless to the thoughts running through her head.

His eyes narrowed as she struggled to put an appropriately professional smile on her face and say something affirmative to his statement.

Clearing her throat, she managed to say, "Yes, I'm Angelyn Winters and I'm here about the job."

"Well let's get started. Coming in? Rick swept a flourishing wave with the morning paper to send her into the house.

Before she could even formulate a reply, he reached around her, swung the front door open and gave her a little nudge to propel her inside.

Resisting the nearly overwhelming urge to squeeze her eyes closed to shut out the first glimpse of what had to be an upside down bachelor establishment, she was pleasantly surprised to see things more neat and orderly than she would have expected after several days without his usual hired help.

"Hired a cleaning service? she said, with a tinge of admiration in her voice.

"Nope. Just me. Hey, tiger! Come and say hello to Mrs. Winters! Rick bent down to scoop a pajama-covered Cory into his arms. "Do you remember that we're going to find someone to take care of us while Maria is away? Rick pulled back slightly to look into his son's face.

Nodding vigorously, Cory replied, "I sure do ęmember! Are you gonna make blueberry panny-cakes? I like panny-cakes. Cory regarded her with his big brown eyes and artless smile.

"Blueberry pancakes, huh? Well, I like blueberry pancakes, too, but first I have to talk with your daddy about the job. I'm sure whomever he hires will make you those pancakes though, ok? She reached up and lightly tousled his already sleep-tossed hair.

"Today? he asked hopefully.

"We'll have cereal today and talk about pancakes tomorrow, Rick lifted his son higher into the air playfully before setting his feet back onto the floor. "Now skedaddle back into the living room for a bit while I talk with Mrs. Winters."

"You'll talk to my daddy ębout the panny cakes, right? Cory wiggled in his pajamas, unable to keep still while waiting for her answer.

"Yes, I will. Angelyn felt a tug deep in her heart as she stood bartering with the sweet little boy. She would have to be careful that she didn't lose her heart to this small Lawson man.

"Let's head towards my office, Rick indicated the general direction before gently instructing Cory to turn the TV volume down low, before trailing in her wake.

Mentally crossing her fingers, she entered into his home office and sent up a silent prayer that her wishes would come true. For one brief second, the old admonition of "be careful of what you wish for as you might just get it flashed through her brain.

Brushing the thought aside, she settled into the guest chair pulled up in front of Rick's desk and waited for the interview to begin.
* * * *

Rick leaned back in his desk chair and regarded the petite woman sitting across his desk from him. She reminded him of a tiny angel. Her hair, a soft shade of chocolate brown, framed her face and fell down her back in a soft wave. Dark brown eyes regarded him solemnly and politely, but he could see the good-natured humor lurking there.

She'd impressed him with her light teasing with Cory. Playful, but firm, she hadn't tried to ingratiate herself into the job position by gushing and fawning.

He'd gotten a full and complete job background on this woman, along with some references from local business people from Cissy Rosen. It answered the questions he'd had regarding whether Angelyn Winters was qualified for the job.

What it didn't answer was the question of why a married woman would want to seek employment as a live-in nanny. Plus, he couldn't imagine that too many families would be jumping to hire a woman that was bound to make wives nervous.

Cissy had told him that any other information he required in reference to Angelyn would need to come from Angelyn, herself.

"I can appreciate that you have been told that this position is strictly temporary until my regular nanny and housekeeper returns from her family emergency. What I'm frankly curious about is why you would choose to become a nanny and housekeeper for a living."

He watched her chin rise in a militant tilt. Any earlier impression he'd had about her resembling an angel abruptly dispelled.

"I don't see why my career choice is really relevant, Mr. Lawson. Suffice to say, it is my choice for now and I'm sure Cissy Rosen provided suitable background information and proper references to assure my qualifications. My reasons are my own. She fisted her hands against her jean-clad legs and sat a bit further forward in her chair. She almost looked resigned of having blown the job interview judging by the bleak expression in her eyes, but determined to hold her ground.

"I'm sure you can appreciate that I am entrusting my son and my home to a virtual stranger and I have to right to know a bit about the person I'm considering hiring. Rick laced his entwined fingers around the knee he had crossed over his leg. "At this point in time, I know the basic facts regarding your education, qualifications and character, but what I don't know is about you as a person. It's more than curiosity."

She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "I'm sorry. That's a fair question. What would you like to know? her fisted hands stilled their movements and instead she clenched them tightly together.

She hadn't run away yet. But he needed to know more before he turned her loose in his and his son's life. He hated to turn the screws, especially when her shoulders looked too delicate to bear the brunt of his suspicion, but he had a responsibility.

"Start at the beginning and I'll stop you when I've heard enough. Rick quirked an eyebrow and waited for the fireworks. He couldn't say why he wanted to rile Mrs. Winters other than the fact that he thought her last name was at odds with the fire he could see simmering just below her surface.

"Is that all? she asked with a tart edge in her quiet voice, but little heat to add force to her words.

"For now. Please, he waved a negligent hand to indicate his readiness to hear what she had to relate.

Her lips compressed together for a minute and he thought she might be considering bolting.

"There's little enough to tell. I'm a native Texan and have lived in Spring all my life. I attended the local college and I got my liberal arts degree in Home economics. I've worked for Cissy Rosen's Nurturing Nannies for nearly a year, hiring out in the capacity of nanny and housekeeper. Your position would be my first live-in assignment, but I am highly qualified for the job and prepared to undertake the assignment for its duration. And that's about all. Her voice trailed off and she meet his eyes with a steady and hopeful gaze that seemed to ask that he be satisfied with her safe and homogeneous answer.

He wasn't. Not by a long shot.

"That's not all. I believe I was told you are Mrs. Winters. Ms. Rosen didn't elaborate on your marital status and I have to wonder why your husband would agree to your accepting this live-in position. Rick didn't raise his voice, but his tone made it clear that he wanted an answer.

"I'm a widow, Mr. Lawson, so there is no man I need consult or ask whether it's agreeable for me to accept this position."

She said this so quietly and with such finality, he almost felt ashamed for what he was beginning to feel was badgering on his part, but he had an obligation to his son.

"I'm sorry. But surely you have a home of your own that will need to be taken care of. I don't want to hire someone only to not be able to count on that person to be available when I require."

"My house will be going up on the market tomorrow, Mr. Lawson. I have an appointment this afternoon with a realtor. I really wouldn't be here if I were unable to accept this position, she pointed out softly.

Well, she'd answered his questions, but he still felt unsatisfied. He suspected that after witnessing Denise's behavior before her death, it was only natural for him to be suspicious. In his experience, some women were simple opportunists looking to feather their nests with the most material possessions without giving anything of substance in exchange.

He had to wonder whether an attractive woman like Angelyn Winters was another opportunistic, avaricious female looking to get her hooks into a ready-made family and home.

What better way than from the inside?

"Mr. Lawson, I can appreciate your need to ensure the person you hired to care for your son and your home is a reliable and trustworthy person. I-I'm trying to be as honest as I can be. She leaned forward griping the arms of her chair either in restraint or in anger. He couldn't tell just yet.

"M-my husband is gone and I have only my parents now. They live here in Spring as well. I can understand your reluctance to hire someone with my limited practical experience, but I can only point to my educational background and references to assure you that I have to ability to provide a safe and healthy environment for your son and to care for your home. She gave him a considering look before continuing.

"Tell me, what are your future plans?"

"My future plans. Angelyn looked at the man sitting in front of her and wondered if he had any idea how shaky her future really was. "Well, short term goals are to continue working assignments for Cissy Rosen and to sell my house. Long term goals - Angelyn paused to contemplate her long terms goals.

"I presume you have an idea of where you'd like to be in the future, Rick prompted. His voice was firm but had an underlying curiosity he didn't quite conceal.

"My long term goal is to open a day care center. Angelyn's lips firmed and she felt her chin rise in defiance. She held her breath waiting for any sign of scorn or laughter from Rick. Why should he be any different? Her own father had laughed himself into a coughing spasm while pounding her husband on his back in pointed, hurtful mirth.

She would never forget the small curl of Corbett's lip or the expression in his hooded bloodshot eyes as he listened to his father-in-law bray over her announcement.

She squelched a small shiver at the memory of her late husband's initial reaction, and the aftermath.

"A day care center? The town already has two fine day care centers, Rick said with steepled fingers under his chin.

Angelyn felt a wash of disappointment flow over her. It certainly wasn't as if she'd expected a different reaction from Rick Lawson, but deep down she knew she wanted better from him. Her chin dipped and her posture slipped a tiny bit as she absorbed the verbal arrow.

"The problem is, that the two centers are located across town and not exactly convenient to the expanding business district right here on the North side. I presume that your center would be opened in the area to capitalize on the growing need here in this community? Rick stated.

Angelyn felt her breath whoosh from her lungs, unable to believe that Rick appeared to take her plan seriously. Her mouth gaped slightly and her clenched fists unfurled in her lap, half lifting in shock before resting once more on her denim-covered thighs. "I-I ... yes. Yes, that was - is my plan, she managed to find her voice and make a coherent reply.

"You don't need to stare at me as if I don't have a brain in my head, you know. Rick cocked a sardonic half grin at her.

"I'm sorry. Angelyn opened and closed her mouth several times before shrugging helplessly.


"I didn't expect your answer. Angelyn said simply. She met Rick's eyes and allowed him a small, grateful smile.

Rick moved his broad shoulders under his shirt in a small shrug. "As long as you do your homework, know your customer base and provide a quality service at a competitive price, it makes good sense."

Angelyn nodded her head. She'd spent many, many longs hours researching every single detail for Child's Play Daycare. She just needed to sell the house and she'd have the operating capital to get started.

"If you don't mind me asking, once you sell your house, where will you live?"

Angelyn relaxed in her chair. This question was easy to answer. "I'll be living temporarily with Cissy until I find just the right place for my day care."

"And then? Rick prompted.

She wondered at his tenacious questioning, but she would do the same if she were considering a potential employee.

"Then whatever location I choose for the center will also need to have a separate living space. I'll live there."

"Won't it be a bit noisy? It'll be hard to get away from the kids if you're living on site, Rick pointed out.

Angelyn pressed a hand tightly on her abdomen. Pain flickered behind her eyes. Noisy? Yes. But she didn't want to get away from it. She would have a constant stream of happy children in her care. Lively voices to keep her company and to take away the wrenching ache deep inside at facing her life without ever knowing the ultimate contentment of motherhood.

"I'll manage, she said with a tender smile.

"Well, I suppose when you remarry one day, your husband will have a larger home to move you into, he said.

Angelyn tilted her head and regarded him closely. His words seemed noncommittal enough on the surface, but she detected a definite biting edge behind his words.

"What does that mean, Mr. Lawson?"

He shrugged. "It means that most women would take advantage of the increased income and demand housing appropriate to the finances. Or more, he said, giving her a challenging look as if he expected her to rise to his bait.

Stung, she sat straighter in her chair and met his gaze directly.

"It sounds as if you are projecting, Mr. Lawson. I didn't marry my husband for a larger home, she stated clearly without a single note of indignation in her voice.

She had the satisfaction of seeing a flush rise up his neck. He had the grace to bow his head in apology.

"Still, its something to consider for the future, he murmured.

"It's not a consideration for me. I don't plan to remarry, Mr. Lawson. Never."

A long silence fell as her quietly spoken words hung in the air between them.

"You know what they say, never is a long time."

"In my case, it's not nearly long enough."

Rick nodded and chewed over her words for a minute. She seemed to be exactly as she represented herself and Cissy Rosen had a reputation for being a reliable source.

Rick still felt there was more to Angelyn Winters than met the eyes, but he was satisfied that whatever plans she had for her life didn't include causing any problems in his.

"I promise that if you will give me a chance, I will be an excellent replacement until your regular help returns."

"Can you start tomorrow?"


Cory, fed, bathed and read to, had finally settled his dark head down to sleep. Rick didn't know how long he'd stood gazing down at his son who was a near mirror image of himself. By the time he shook himself from his reverie, Cory's breathing had become deep and rhythmic.

Rick prowled through the house before he eased his tall frame into his favorite brown leather chair and set his iced tea on the side table beside him. The clink of the ice cubes against the side of the glass sounded loud in the quiet stillness of the house.

"Can you start tomorrow?"

Rick leaned his head against the soft leather cushion and contemplated the woman he secretly dubbed, ęPetite Angel'.

Her references and qualifications were excellent and she and Cory had established a rapport straight away. There were no barriers to prevent her from starting work tomorrow, which made life much easier for him.

All in all, the day had been a success. He picked up his glass but paused before it ever reached his lips.

Angelyn Winters.

She mystified him. On the surface, she appeared to be everything he could want in a temporary nanny for his son but something about her niggled him.

He'd sensed that she'd expected him to laugh and disabuse her notion of opening a daycare center.


Her body language had tensed as if she were preparing for a lethal strike.

Again, why?

The thought of someone causing pain to the delicate person of Angelyn Winters caused a muscle in his jaw to twitch.

He had seen pain and uncertainty lurking in her eyes, but beneath her fragile exterior, he sensed a good bit of steely determination.

One thing seemed sure; she didn't appear to be harboring any plans for latching on to his son, his home or even his own self.

* * * *

The next morning Angelyn pulled into the driveway at Rick's house, drew in a deep breath, and contemplated the extent of the lunacy she had committed herself to.

Get outta the car, Angelyn!She drew in another shaky, but determined breath and checked her watch. Exactly, two minutes to seven am.

"Coming in? Rick inquired from outside of the driver's side window, giving the glass a light tap with his knuckle.

Angelyn gave a yelp, her keys flew out of her hand and landed between the gear shift console and the passenger seat.

"Oooh! You scared me to death, Mr. Lawson! Angelyn's heart raced, in equal parts fear and anticipation. She glared through the driver's side window at her employer's grinning face while she fumbled with the door handle.

Wrenching open the door, she stumbled out nearly falling into his arms. Silently cursing, she pulled herself upright and strove to retain whatever dignity she had left with her oh so graceful performance.

Still grinning, Rick stood waiting for her to gather her belongings and accompany him into the house.

"My name is Rick, by the way. I don't stand on ceremony here."

Rolling her eyes upward in a plea for mental strength, she had to lean over the driver's side seat and dig for her car keys. She was glad that she had opted to wear comfy jeans and t-shirt for her first day on the job.

"Ah-ha! she crowed as she successfully extracted her keys from their hiding place, wiggled a bit to gain her balance, snatched up her purse and turned to face her new employer with a flushed but triumphant look on her face.

Sometimes, she thought, it's the little things.

Smiling a little at her thoughts, she tossed over her shoulder to Rick, "Your home is beautiful. You and your wife certainly created a home with a lot of curb appeal, she said, with a wistful note in her voice as she thought about the home she formerly shared with her husband. Not one feature to differentiate her house from all of the other executive styled homes on the block.

"I bought this house after my wife died, was his clipped answer as he led the way into his house.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know, she apologized stepping inside and closing the front door behind her.

"It's okay. You couldn't have known. Hey, tiger, Rick jostled his son in what seemed to be their usual roughhousing. "Say good morning to Mrs. Winters, he prompted his son.

"Actually I prefer to just be called Angelyn, if that's alright, she smiled down at the small replica of his father.

"Are you making blueberry panny-cakes today? he asked hopefully.

"Well, today I need to check the kitchen supplies and get settled in first. How about I promise to make blueberry pancakes tomorrow? Angelyn felt another tug on her heartstring and knew that she would have to be very careful to not let undue emotions rule the day.

"And chicken booze monty for Daddy? It's his fav'rite. Right, Daddy? Cory peered up at his father with a proud grin.

Angelyn blinked quickly and tried to wipe the small furrow of confusion from her face.

"That's right son. Now scamper up to your room and I'll be up to help with your clothes in just a minute. Rick gave his son's bottom a tap to send him on his way. " Chicken Spumonte, made with a light champagne sauce, Rick clarified with a grin.

Angelyn smiled back sharing the small joke between them for a minute. Remembering her resolve to keep things on a light, easy note, she asked nonchalantly, "Where's the kitchen? This way?"

Easing open the swinging door, she was gratified that she had guessed correctly. The large, airy kitchen looked like a cook's dream. Don't hurry back Maria, she thought with a grin, for a variety of reasons, but notwithstanding this great kitchen. With a happy sigh, she set her purse and other belongings on the countertop and began rummaging through the various cabinets and drawers, acquainting herself with her surroundings and being more than a little envious of the really great gadgets she would love to own.

"Right. So, if you will finish showing me around, I'll get to work on some breakfast and then we can run through a few things before you leave for work, if that's alright with you? Angelyn slid her hands in her back jeans pockets and waited expectantly for Rick to acquiesce to her plan.

"Actually, I'm not going into work today. I thought I would work from here today so that I could help you find your feet around here, so to speak. Rick leaned against the countertop and gave her a challenging look.

"That's really not necessary, although I appreciate it, she began.

"It's necessary. I want Cory to get the chance to get comfortable with you first and to make sure that you know where everything is before I leave you on your own. Rick stated with in a no-nonsense voice, leaving her no illusions that he was hanging around just to enjoy her company.

Fine by her, she thought with only a little sting to her pride. It's not as if I expected to have to fend off his advances or anything.

Giving him a little shrug of her shoulders as if to indicate it was of no consequence whether he stayed or not, she grabbed her stuff off the counter and headed towards a small room directly off the kitchen.

Maria's room, she thought, giving a quick look around at the small, but pleasantly furnished room and private bathroom.

Mine, for the duration.

She dumped her things on a chair placed near the bedroom door and headed back into the kitchen. Smiling her acceptance of Rick's plan, she followed him dutifully around the house, listening and taking note of the storage locations and of the way he liked certain things done. No problem. Surprisingly, he was more than willing to turn things over to her and let her run the house as she saw fit.

Good plan, she thought with a little smugness.
* * * *

Loading the lunch dishes into the automatic dishwasher, Angelyn took stock of the day and decided that it had so far been relatively smooth and had contained no big surprises; other than finding out Rick had planned to hang around for the day.

Cory settled in for a nap after a rousing game of ęhorsy-backł riding on Rick's back throughout the living room, which found Angelyn joining in by balancing Cory as Rick pretended to gently buck off the little boy. Amid the gales of laughter, Angelyn felt a rush of longing that threatened to bring tears to her eyes.

I wanted a home and family like this, she thought, tears stinging her eyelids.

It wasn't meant to be.
* * * *

At Rick's insistence, Angelyn took a short break and after pouring a fresh mug of coffee, she settled into a kitchen chair to rest her tired feet.

"So, shall we tell each other the long, sad tale that is our lives or shall we just skip to the good parts? Rick inquired from his framed position in the kitchen doorway.

Thinking this conversation was dipping into dangerous territory, she nonetheless decided to throw caution to the wind and live dangerously, albeit for just a brief minute.

"Oh. I really don't have any interesting ęgood parts'. So, you first."

"No? I hardly believe that. A woman such as yourself - "

"Uh, never mind. Let's see... She tilted her head considering. "Ah. Tell me about working for Century Design . Are you a designer, work in sales or do you handle the financial end? Satisfied that she had headed off an uncomfortable conversation, she relaxed to hear his answer.

"I would much rather talk about your good parts. I still don't know enough about you. Holding his hand up in mock surrender, he moved forward to get his own mug of coffee, waving her back into her chair. Leaning against the counter, he regarded her under half-hooded lids, giving him a sleepy look.

Sleepy! Yeah, right. This man is about as sleepy as a waking panther, she thought with a touch of cynicism. Tall, and muscular, the man exuded confidence and arrogance. Realizing that she was alone with a man she didn't really know, Angelyn was unable to suppress a little shiver.

"I realize that for whatever reason, you don't want to talk about your past, Rick stood, seeming to weigh and measure his words carefully before speaking. "But I'll admit to being curious."

Angelyn felt the electricity hum between them and she began to get a jittery, tingly feeling that seemed to sizzle along her nerve endings.

"You intrigue me. Tell me more about you. Rick coaxed.

Angelyn's face suffused with color, as his words washed over her.

"Can't we agree just to work together and forget everything else? Otherwise, I don't see this working between us. Angelyn pleaded.

"Just tell me a bit more. Rick prompted.

Angelyn swirled the dregs of her coffee around in her cup. She sought safe territory. She really didn't want to admit she'd been a failure as a wife and that she was the reason her husband died in the car accident that changed her life forever.

Be careful of what you wish for...

"Fine. I want to be independent. I want to build a life based on my abilities and to answer to no one for my choices. Angelyn felt her heart begin to thud as she hoped to see Rick drop the subject. Talking about her past made her unhappy and uncomfortable. She didn't need to be reminded of her foolishness or her pain.

"That's fair. So I hear you telling me that you've been less than independent in your life and held to task for your choices by someone."

Angelyn could have kicked herself for not being cagier with her answers. She had revealed a lot more than she intended. Now he knew that she had no spine and made poor choices. Men tended to sense her limited life experiences and browbeat her into accepting decisions about her life she didn't want. Things that were supposed to be for her own good rarely turned out to be the case in the end.

"Why is this so important to you? You obviously were satisfied with my qualifications and references or I wouldn't be here now. Angelyn frowned in puzzlement. "Are you always this curious about everyone, or I am just the lucky recipient?"

"I've invited a stranger to come into my home and to care for my son. You've got to admit that if the situation were reversed you'd be asking plenty of questions too."

"I thought I'd answered them, Angelyn said coolly. "Don't you think there should be a limit on the personal questions? I am in the home of a strange man, and yet I don't feel the need to pump you for information regarding your deceased wife or your life together."

Rick closed his eyes for a minute, before heaving a heavy sigh. He gave her a smile that seemed contrite.

"I'm sorry. I'm trying to force a confidence and it's not my place. I've admitted I'm curious, but I won't pressure you anymore."

Surprised, Angelyn could only murmur, "Thank you."

He reached out for her hand. "Let's seal the deal. Rick smiled down into Angelyn's eyes.

She felt a curl of warmth in the pit of her stomach. The scent of his aftershave wafted beneath her nose. Her hand looked so small captured in his.

Time spun slowly as she looked into his eyes. Awareness of him rose to the surface of her consciousness.

"We will consider the deal sealed, so to speak. Rick gave her fingers a warm squeeze then abruptly dropped her hand. "I'm keeping you from your break. Are you finding everything you need?"

"Everything is fine. I'm going to throw something together for dinner. Angelyn was proud that her voice was even and casual sounding. "I'm afraid that it won't be fancy, but it will be filling."

"Can I help? Rick offered.

She looked at him in surprise. "Oh, no it's my job. Of course I'll take care of it. With that, Angelyn put her rinsed cup into the dishwasher and hurried to the utility room leaving Rick alone with his thoughts.
* * * *

Rick couldn't explain why he had taken her hand. He only knew that his need to touch her had been almost overwhelming, but that warning voice that he held deep inside had intervened to keep it from going any further. For once, he wasn't sure if he was grateful or not.

He snorted and placed his own rinsed cup beside hers in the dishwasher.

Why the mystery? He had a right to know, didn't he? He picked up a folded dish towel and slapped it against the countertop in frustration. Just what he didn't need in his life was another high maintenance, drama-prone female.

That wasn't fair.

Angelyn's presence in the house hadn't provided drama so far even though he tended to strike sparks with her after just a few minutes in her company.

She fascinated him. Her fragile angel mystique which lay over the subtle fire he felt just under her surface made him curious.

He told himself that Angelyn Winters and her secrets were her own problem. His concerns were to ensure that Cory remained well-cared for and his home didn't fall apart while Maria was gone.

He'd just have to watch her like a hawk and be on guard for both Cory and his own sakes. He'd tolerate no more Denises in his or his son's life; even in a package as delectable and angelic as his temporary nanny.


Angelyn pulled a shopping cart from the line of empty, waiting baskets and extracted her shopping list from her purse. She loved this part of the job. She strolled through the produce department and selected the food items on her list and smiled as she chose a pint of blueberries and placed it in her cart.

Her first day had gone very well, and as she feared, she was falling hard for that Lawson man. It never failed. Apparently she just had a weakness for dark-haired little boys with a fondness for blueberry pancakes.

Angelyn gave a heartfelt sigh as she contemplated the other Lawson man. Boy, he just didn't know when to give up. She knew that he needed to be sure of her, but for some reason, his probing for information struck her as more personal curiosity than any real need to know for Cory's sake.

Well, if he's concerned that I'll try to sink my wicked widow hooks into him, he's got another thing coming, she mentally sniffed in indignation. Men can be so conceited. Especially tall, dark and devastatingly handsome men with precious little boys that needed a nanny.

She stood contemplating several different champagne labels and wished Maria had been a bit more explicit on her recipe card regarding a particular brand. Shrugging, she decided to go with a slightly more expensive brand. She mentally adjusted her grocery budget to absorb the additional cost. She pushed her cart along absently as she calculated the pricing.

"Well, hey there, Angelyn! Cissy's voice rang out from the end of the finer foods aisle. "How'd it go today?"

"Well, hey yourself, Cissy! And what are you doing here at this time of night? Angelyn guided her shopping cart closer to her friend.

"Just picking up a few things for the house. Single girls have to eat too, you know. That doesn't look like grocery shopping for one. For the family? Cissy asked smugly, looking very pleased.

"I am buying supplies for the Lawson's, yes. Its part of my job, as if you didn't know - and there's no use going on with that smug little look of yours ... this is strictly business. I have to keep the little boy fed. Angelyn said, although just a little wistfully.

"Oh. Business. Wow, look at all the goodies. Fresh mushrooms, shallots, fettuccini pasta ... is that champagne? The little boy is partial to champagne?"

"No! It's for a recipe. Chicken Spumonte , she said defensively. "I hope. She'd found some of Maria's recipe cards and a notation on this recipe that it was indeed, Mr. Rick's favorite.

"I see. So, once again, how did it go? Is he an indifferent ogre? Does he ignore and emotionally stunt his son? Or just get him drunk? Make lewd and impossible demands upon your person? Cissy sighed dramatically.

"Stop it, Angelyn admonished with a short laugh and with only the slightest bit of heat warming her face. "And no. He is a devoted father and that's that. Angelyn pretended to be studying the nutritional ingredients of guava paste. What exactly was guava paste? she wondered. Replacing the jar on the shelf, Angelyn opened her mouth to change the subject uncomfortably aware that Cissy still studied her.

"Angelyn, is everything okay? Are you going to be okay moving in there?"

"I'm going to be just fine. Cory is a darling little boy, Angelyn said, smiling.

"Cory is darling ... but what about dear ole dad? Is he darling, too? Cissy teased.

"Rick Lawson is less darling, but nothing I can't handle. Angelyn firmed her jaw and sent a prayer heavenward that she hadn't just lied to her best friend.

"Oh, my gosh! Did he make a pass at you or something? Cissył eyes were sparkling as if she was rather hoping that he had, when Angelyn felt that she should have been outraged instead.

"No! What could you have possibly construed as him having made a pass at me? We shook hands and made a sort of pact."

"Shook hands? Pact? A pact for what? Against making passes? Cissy narrowed her gaze and demanded, "Spill it, Angelyn!"

"Cissy I don't want to get into this here in the middle of the grocery store, besides your milk is probably starting to get on the warm side. Angelyn began sidling down the aisle past her friend and her nosy questions. Well, it's not really any of her business anyway, she thought with a mutinous tilt of her chin.

"Don't even think of not explaining this, Ange! Ange, are you listening to me? I want to know what sort of arrangement you made with Rick Lawson!"

"Shhhhh! Cissy! Keep your voice down. Angelyn was scandalized and fearful that Cissy's brand of brazenness would get her into trouble. This is how rumors get started!

"Well, well! This ought to make things very entertaining when you move into his house. Cissy gurgled with amusement and glee.

"I'm not moving into his house! I will be staying there - , she was interrupted before she could finish her statement by Cissy.

"Okay, sure. This has been a very interesting conversation and if I didn't have to get this stuff home, I'd be coming over to your house to get to the bottom of this, Cissy said with a twinkle in her eyes which suddenly turned into a hard-eyed glaze. "Well, hello, Delphine. Get everything you were after? Cissy's voice took on a near arctic coldness.

Angelyn swiveled her head to see an overdressed caricature of a society dame standing oddly close behind her.

"Cissy. The older woman nodded haughtily, and made not even the slightest pretense of her obvious interest in Angelyn and Cissy's conversation.

"Is there anything in particular that we need to repeat for you? Cissy inquired smoothly and most insultingly.

"I think not, the woman in the ridiculous floral dress, pearls and garden hat responded tartly, not in the least chagrined that she had been caught eavesdropping. Wheeling her cart down the aisle with her nose in the air as if she had just caught a whiff of something foul-smelling, she disappeared around the corner.

"Who was that, Cissy? Angelyn asked with an uncomfortable feeling that she'd just missed something important although she didn't know why. "Why would she be interested in what we were saying?"

"Forget her Angelyn. She's nobody that won't get sorted out in time. Now I've got to scoot, but I'll be calling you later. With a flashing wave of her brightly lacquered fingernails, Cissy was gone and Angelyn stood puzzling over what had just transpired.

With a shrug, Angelyn continued her shopping, reveling in selecting items with a family in mind, not the food-for-one that was her usual purchase.

Try as she might, she couldn't help pretending to be shopping for her own husband and son.

Why, oh why, did everything have to turn out so badly with Corbett? In those first early days, she had felt loved and protected and worthy, damn it! And then, soon after the wedding vows had been spoken, things had suddenly changed. She'd no longer felt the same warmth and support she had come to rely on. Instead it felt as if Corbett, her once loving fiancé had been replaced with a total stranger.

With a sigh, she tried to shrug off memories which reminded her of all she had lost; and sadness for what she would never have. Or rather, what she would never give to a relationship. She sighed again.

It was really a moot point. It wouldn't matter unless she found someone worthy to be in a relationship with. If she could find a man that she could trust.
* * * *

The fragrant smell of blueberry pancakes still scented the air as Angelyn tidied up the kitchen from breakfast. Day two at the Lawson's home and Angelyn felt she had things under control. Cory's voice drifted in from the living room, mingling with the singing character's voices on the current educational children's program. His attention would be occupied for the next half hour leaving her time to attend to the morning's household chores.

She flipped the switch on the dishwasher and listened to the swish of the water inside the machine. Satisfied that the kitchen was in order, she checked on Cory before settling at the kitchen table with her notebook. The house duties were under control for a bit and she decided to look over her business plan for a quick minute. She took a small sip from her coffee mug before opening to the running list she kept on the details for her Child's Play daycare center.

"Such a lot to do, she mused aloud. "I'm going to need a helper to get all of this done. She sat with her shoulders bowed thinking back to last year when she'd first had the idea to open the center. Why in the world had she ever thought that Corbett would want to be involved or even agree in the first place? In the first blush of the idea, she'd spent happy hours imagining operating a successful center and regaining the warm regard that Corbett had once shown her.

Warm regard.

Not love. Just a watered down emotion mimicking and mocking everything she ever wanted in her life and hoped she found in Corbett. What a fool she'd been. Even her father warned her against Corbett.

Well, it didn't matter anymore. She had managed to survive. She was well on her way to creating a life worth living and she would do it on her own. Never again would she be dependent on a man to run her life or make her decisions, or to make her happy.

She got up to check on Cory's activities. He sat cross-legged in front of the television singing his ABC's in an endearing off-key warble.

Angelyn set her empty coffee mug by the still warm coffeemaker and headed off to the laundry room to switch a load of towels into the dryer and to retrieve some items from the walk-in pantry to begin lunch preparations.

Her thoughts drifted to Rick. She knew so little about him and yet she'd already decided that he was a different sort of man than she'd ever known. A better man.

Yet, other than he was a widower, a doting father to his son and a responsible businessman she had nothing to base her decision on other than his kindness and sense of fair play.

Although he seemed extremely curious about her and her private affair, she felt safe with him. That in itself was a peculiar sensation. And yet, she did feel safe. She remembered when she'd shared her dream with him and he hadn't laughed, but rather had been respectful and encouraging. His wife had been a very lucky woman.

"Enough! she gave her head a shake and filled her hands with several cans of tuna, a loaf of stone-ground wheat bread and headed back into the kitchen. She'd found a wonderful circular cutting gadget that she couldn't wait to try out on the sandwiches.

She stopped dead in her tracks.

Rick sat in her place at the table, reading her notebook. She hadn't even heard him come home. He must have slipped in through the back door.

She felt a tingling on her scalp and her heart plummeted to her feet. He was reading her notes! All of her business plans. She hurried over to the counter and dropped the cans and bread with a clatter before making her way unsteadily over to Rick and her journal.

"Wh-what are you doing? she stammered.

Rick paused in his reading marking his place with a fingertip and gave her a distracted smile. "I left some papers here that I need this afternoon. I thought I'd come home for lunch, if that's alright."

Angelyn gaped as he returned to reading her notes as if it were the most normal occurrence for him.

"I meant, what are you doing reading my book? she demanded, more flabbergasted at his gall than really angry.

"This monitoring system is interesting. We have something similar we're working on at Century Design , Rick said, frowning a bit in concentration.

Angelyn was stunned. She stood torn between wanting to rail at him for invading her privacy or to encourage more of his opinions. She was definitely in the market for a premium child monitoring system and more than a little in the dark over the technological aspects. She wavered between snatching her book away and asking for more details.

Before she could decide, he reached for her hand and pulled her closer to the table. Pointing down to her flowing writing, he stabbed a finger at a pencil drawing and shot her an inquiring look. "Is this section to be filled with shelving? he demanded.

"Er ... yes. Angelyn leaned a bit closer to get a better view to the area of the rough sketch in question. "That is shelving units."

"Have you considered plastic modules instead?"

Angelyn opened her mouth to reply when it struck her that she was discussing her plans with her employer. She felt a deep flush heat her cheeks. How unprofessional of her.

"May I have my book, please? She held out her hand which quivered and shook despite her best efforts to still the movement.

"Ange, I was only trying to help. I wasn't trying to tell you what to do, Rick said with a hint of frustration.

Only her closest friends called her Ange. Her parents and Corbett never would. But Rick wasn't her friend - he was her employer and her plans had nothing to do with the job he'd hired her to do.

She tamped down the internal voice that chided her that she was just afraid to let Rick get too close. Shaken, she lashed out.

"No, you certainly won't tell me what to do, not with my business anyway. This doesn't concern you. What could you possibly care about my plans anyway, she gave a brittle laugh. Her legs were shaking as she turned to put away the notebook with the rest of her personal things in Maria's room.

"I can appreciate that you want to do this on your own. That's it, isn't it? You want to accomplish this and show the world you can do it? Rick said as he surmised the situation. "That's all fine, Ange, but everybody needs a little help now and then. That's what friends are for."

"Are we friends, Rick? Angelyn asked quietly.

"I'd like us to be, he said, rumpling his hair with one hand until the strands stood on end making him the picture of his tousled haired son.

"Why? Why can't we just be what we are? Employer and employee. Why do you have to make this more?"

"I don't know. Maybe, to prove to myself that not all females are like my late wife. Maybe, because I'm tired of being surrounded by suspicion, and animosity, and negativity."

His blunt words surprised her. She hadn't expected him to reveal something so personal as that there had been cracks in his marriage. She suspected that his last comments referred more to his past than his present situation.

"Friends, she murmured, seeming to consider the word at length. She crossed her arms over her waist in an instinctive gesture of protection.

"Well, I don't know about being friends with you just yet, Rick. I don't know a single thing about you. She waved his words away when he opened his mouth to presumably protest. "I will accept you as a more than casual acquaintance and we'll see about the friends part. I've never had a male acquaintanceship that ever worked out well for me, so I'll withhold true friendship til we see how things progress. Will you accept that?"

"I'll accept that. For now, he said with a raise eyebrow and a tone in his voice that let her know he planned to pursue the issue. The sound of pattering feet caught their attention. "Hey, son! How's my boy? Rick swung Cory into his arms, giving the little boy his full attention.

"I'll get started on lunch. Angelyn gave Cory a smile and avoided Rick's eyes while she turned to retrieve her hastily deposited lunch items from the counter.

Her stomach felt a bit queasy due her recent conversation with Rick.

She'd been under the impression that his marriage had been a solid and happy one. His words stated otherwise. She wondered just what kind of woman his wife had been. She wondered if he might not be a kindred spirit.
* * * *

Rick took a long swig of his iced tea and pushed back from the table to cross his left ankle over his right knee. He watched as Angelyn wiped his son's mouth and fingers free from crumbs and set him on his feet. Cory flashed a quick grin before speeding off to play with his army men. Angelyn returned the smile and settled back into her seat to relax a minute more before clearing the lunch dishes.

The simple lunch of homemade tomato soup, tuna sandwiches and casual conversation had made for the most pleasurable meal he'd experienced since his youth. He was glad he'd insisted on having lunch with her and Cory in the kitchen, instead of the more formal dining room.

Rick tried to remember the last time such a blanket of harmony had settled over his household. Before Denise left, tensions in the house stayed at peak levels and since the accident, even with Maria's help, the house hadn't felt peaceful and homey. It always seemed to lack a certain something.

Rick wondered if that certain something was Angelyn.

A soft sigh escaped her and caught his attention.

"Something wrong?"

"Oh, no. I have my appointment this evening with the realtor to finish my house listing. I'm just dreading it a bit, Angelyn said with a wan smile. She began piling the lunch dishes together and brushing the scattered crumbs from the tabletop onto her plate.

"Ah, yes. I remember you mentioning the appointment. Are you reluctant to sell the house? Rick had a million questions he wanted to ask, but tried to contain his curiosity.

"No. The money made from selling the house will be used to further fund my daycare along with a small business loan and the insurance money."

"Then why the sigh? Rick prompted.

"For several reasons, she said quietly as she fiddled with her napkin.

He noticed that she slanted a glance at him as if gauging whether his interest was sincere.

"Can you tell me or is that prying?"

She flashed a wry smile acknowledging his attempt to be social without being overly inquisitive.

"To tell the truth, the house contains few good memories and is a painful reminder that I failed in my marriage. Secondly, I have to meet with my father and that is yet another painful appointment that I'd just as soon avoid. Angelyn tossed her twisted paper napkin down on her placement and met his gaze head on. "Too much information? Too much sharing?"

"No, but of course it just brings up more questions, but I will refrain from asking them, Rick grinned and puffed out his chest in mock pride.

"You are showing remarkable restraint in curbing your questions. Thank you, Angelyn flashed a teasing smile.

"Well, if it's any help, just think of the end result that you'll be out from under a house that you don't want and on your way to realizing a dream."

"Very true. I'll keep my focus on the end result. Now, I'd better get to these dishes. She stood and grabbed a stack of used dinnerware and headed towards the dishwasher.

Rick felt a kick of pleasure that Angelyn had actually shared personal information with relatively little prompting. He glanced at his watch and felt a twinge of disappointment. Time to return to the office. He wished he could stay, sipping iced tea and sharing confidences with Angelyn, but he had a full day of meetings and end of month business to deal with back at the office.

"Thank you for lunch. I'll be home in time for you to leave for your appointment. Rick strode to the sink and set his glass on the drain board.

"You're welcome and thank you. I'll be back this evening to drop off a few of my things and I'll bring the rest in the morning to tide me over for the next few weeks. Angelyn said over her shoulder as she placed the last bit of silverware into the dishwasher.

Rick frowned without saying anything for a minute. "I have a better idea. Cory's grandparents would like to spend the day with him tomorrow. I can drop him off tonight, we can grab a quick bite and we can just pick up all your stuff in one trip this evening in my truck."

"Oh, you don't need to do that, Angelyn demurred.

"I don't mind. It will save you from the extra driving and having to make excess trips. This way, you'll be able to settle in tonight and be here in the morning since I have an early meeting."

"Oh. Well, that will be fine, I guess."

Rick knew that she was reluctant to accept his offer but she didn't have a valid reason to reject it.

"Why don't I meet you after your appointment? If you give me the address to your house, I can swing by and pick you up or you can follow me to Vino's Italian Restaurant and we can get a bite there before picking up your stuff. Alright? Great. Rick gave her a crooked grin and fumbled in his shirt pocket for paper and pen to get her address. Angelyn glided forward and brushed carefully by him to write the information down for him. Feeling somewhat steamrollered by the preceding conversation, she tried to unravel what had happened and exactly what part she had played to get them where they were right now.

"Right. Well, I'll meet you there around seven. Will that give you enough time? Good. Rick nodded and headed off to say his goodbye's to Cory before heading back to the office.


"Well, it's done! Angelyn announced to Cissy as she enteredNurturing Nannies' front office a little after 6pm. "It's officially listed on the market."

She stood with her back to Cissy, surveying the parking lot from the front office window. She stared with unseeing eyes trying to focus internally on how she really felt about listing the house she and Corbett had shared. There were four years of memories tied up in that house; so few of those happy.

Her father had even tried to warn her away from getting involved with Corbett. How sad that her father - the century's most un-enlightened man could see who and what Corbett Lyle Winters was, but Angelyn couldn't. Until it was too late.

"I thought this is what you wanted to do, Angelyn. Are you having second thoughts? Cissy plopped into one of the two elegant guest chairs that were situated in front of her cluttered desk. "I'm kinda looking forward to having you move in while you wait for the house to sell. You are still moving in with me, aren't you?"

"Oh, yes. I am. And thank you again for letting me stay until I find somewhere to live. Angelyn turned and gave Cissy a heartfelt smile. "Daddy will be happy that I'm selling the house. At least I'll get one thing right in his eyes since I've ruined his and Mom's life ... again...! she said with a deep sigh.

"Now, Angelyn I know that they didn't want you to marry Corbett, but how did that change anything for them? Cissy asked with a shrug.

"You know that Daddy wanted me to marry someone who could run the business, she said. "A ęman's man', she said, dropping her voice into a deeper imitation of her father's. "Corbett definitely didn't fall into that category, according to my father. Too clean and polished, she said with a sigh. "For once, I should have listened to my father ... did you ever think to hear me say that ? she said with a bitter laugh and a shake of her head

"Ange, I am convinced that no matter what you do, it will never be the right thing to do according to Hayden Reese! Cissy humphed.

Angelyn laughed. She couldn't take offense to Cissy's verbal attack on Angelyn's father - Cissy had caught the rough side of Hayden's tongue as well when he point-blank asked her if she were a ęfunny girlł since she was twenty six and had never been married. Cissy had just laughed in his face and told him that since he was already taken, why bother looking for anyone else? Hayden had marched away from her, his ears a bright red; muttering imprecations about "sassy-mouthed Missy's! Angelyn wished she could find the courage to do the same when he said hurtful things to her, but somehow she never had.

She hugged Cissy with a promise to call first thing in the morning and headed towards her Volkswagen Beetle, the car that had irked her late husband to no end. With an unrepentant grin, she remembered the day that she driven it home. It was the first major purchase she had ever made in her adult life and she had asked no one for assistance. She was smugly proud that she had driven a hard bargain in negotiating the vehicle's purchase price and even Corbett couldn't find fault with the deal; only with the fact that she should have gotten a sedan as befitting her position as his up-and-coming executive's wife.

Her smile faded as she forced back the flow of memories. She had enough to handle with right now; she wasn't ready to deal with the past. Meeting with her father would take whatever remaining mental strength she had left after her encounter with the realtor.

"Angelyn! Do you think I've got all night? Hayden Reese stood by the mailbox at the end of her front drive, his bellicose voice rattling her from her reverie.

Angelyn hurried to park and jumped from her car. "Good heavens, Daddy! I could hear you with my windows rolled up! I got here as soon as I could. She made her way towards the front door with her father's heavy step plodding right behind her. Stepping in front of her and seizing the key from her hand, Hayden fumbled with the unfamiliar lock, his actions effectively conveying to her that she was too incompetent to even manage to open her own front door.

"Damned women will leave a man standing on the porch all day trying to figure how to open the lock. Hayden continued to fiddle with the key and lock, while Angelyn stood clenching her teeth together until her temples throbbed.

It would serve no purpose to try to interfere and remind him that it was her door and she had been opening it just fine for over four years. It seemed her father went out of his way to show her that she was born unworthy and she would always be unworthy. Her shoulders sagged under that knowledge.

Please, Lord. Just let me make it through this evening. I'll never ask for anything more!

After showing her father the hot water heater and having him determine that there was no need to replace it before the house sold, she glanced down at her watch to see that the time was getting close to seven pm. Realizing that Rick would be arriving soon, she broke into a light panic at the thought of Hayden meeting Rick. The thought of what he might say to her employer about her was a panic-inducing thought to say the least.

Trying to steer her father away from his survey of the washer and dryer connections proved to be a near impossible feat.

"Really Daddy, I'm not concerned with those connections. I plan to sell the washer and dryer with the house. Um, but thanks for checking. Well, it's getting late so... she said trying to smile while inching her way towards to front door.

"What's all this rushinł about, eh Missy? You couldn't be bothered to get here on time, and now you're all fired up to leave. Hayden planted his big fists on each side of his hips and stood his ground. "What? You gotta a hot date or somethin? Your husband is barely in the ground a year and here you are - "

"No! Daddy ... I don't have a ęhot date'. I am meeting with someone, but - "

"I knew it! Well, why'd ya make me come over here for then? To rub another hot shot good-for-nothing in my face?? Hayden advanced on Angelyn and she flinched and took a half step back. Her reasonable mind told her that although he had never liked her, he had never, ever struck her in her entire life; but still the self-preservation instinct was sharply honed after four years of living with Corbett. By the end of their final night together, she'd discovered that Corbett had no such compunction about striking her if it served his purpose or his mood.

"Good evening, Angelyn. Am I interrupting? Rick stepped into the open front door, his bulk filling the frame and blocking the fading sunlight that filtered in around him. Wearing snug blue jeans and a casual polo knit shirt, Angelyn thought he looked even more like a predatory panther. She could feel the underlying tensions emanating from him and she worried about how much he had overheard.

"Who are you? Hayden turned his sharp stare on Rick. Obviously noticing that Rick was quite a bit taller, Hayden drew himself up to his full height and widened his stance as if bracing for a brawl.

Rick eased his bulk from the doorway and stepped further into the entryway; his presence made the room feel more enclosed than before but to Angelyn it felt oddly comforting. Safe.

"Rick Lawson. I presume you're Angelyn's father. She told me that you were helping her with a home issue. It's a pleasure to meet you, sir. Rick extended his hand and received what looked to be a punishing grip from her father.

"This is my father, Hayden Reese. Daddy, this is my emp - ."

"I heard him, alright. Hayden jerked his hand back from Rick's strong grip, wearing a mulish expression on his dour face.

"Are you finished, Angelyn? Rick asked, his voice bland, revealing nothing in his manner or expression that would indicate that he had been the victor in this battle of wills.

Angelyn faced her father and said, "Thank you for your help Daddy. I'll tell the realtor to proceed with showing the house. Give mother my love and tell her that I'll call her tomorrow. Angelyn tried to get the stiff muscles in her face to form a smile, but was unable to.

"Dismissing me are you? Well, well. Just as I thought ... another no-account to fill your bed. You make it hard to claim you as a daughter, and that's a fact. Well, welcome to her, boy! With that, Hayden stomped from the house and marched to his pickup.

Angelyn stood rooted in her tracks. Stunned and humiliated, she only vaguely registered the sound of her father's truck engine as it picked up speed as it left her driveway and he headed home.

"Are you ready to go? Rick asked as if he hadn't heard the base insults that Hayden had just hurled at them both.

"No! No ... just - I'm sorry! she managed to croak, her throat tight and her eyes filling with tears. "Please ... just go. I-I can't Angelyn spun away from him

"Angelyn, ignore him. He doesn't bother me and you shouldn't let him bother you, do you understand? If you let him hurt you, he wins. Trust me, I understand parental hurt. Rick reached out, turning her to face him and put a warm palm against her cheek. It was a startling intimate gesture, but one that was comforting and a balm to her ravaged spirit.

For a brief instance, Angelyn just wanted to press her cheek against his warm hand and absorb his strength; to wrap it around her like a protective cloak to shield her self from the deep hurts inflicted upon her by the people that were supposed to love her best. A deep shuddering sigh shook her frame and for just an instant she stood silent, her eyes half-lidded and let his intimate touch warm her soul. Surprise caused a gasp to escape her parted lips and her eyes flew open when she registered that his touch had become a gentle pat; one that might be given to comfort a child. She stared at him with startled eyes and a deepening blush burning her cheeks where his hand had rested.

"Let's go, Ange."
* * * *

Settled across from Angelyn, Rick watched her face for signs that her natural calm was returning. Her face was still too pale against her soft brown hair, which gave her a fragile, haunted look.

Rick had insisted that she ride over to Vino's with him, rather than following in her car. He could tell that although the situation with her father wasn't a new one, it had a devastating effect on her.

Rick observed her as unobtrusively as possible while he tried to reconcile all of the scattered information and impressions of the Angelyn Winters he had been introduced to so far, with the new facets he had so painfully gathered tonight. He kept up a steady stream of inconsequential small talk that didn't require much more from her than an occasional nod or murmur. He felt her pain and distress as palpably as he had ever felt his own.

He sensed a kindred spirit and with a sickening lurch in his stomach, he realized that he cared. He didn't want to care about this woman seated across from him. He just wanted a temporary housekeeper and nanny for his son; someone who was capable and responsible and compassionate. He didn't want a wounded dove to care about - he didn't have the time or the inclination. He had known all of his life that he had no willingness or intention of falling in love.


Not that he planned to fall in love with Angelyn or with anyone else. He'd watched his parents indulge in a love that had already become a devouring, gobbling monster. It had totally consumed them leaving no room for anyone or anything else. Not even a scared, lonely kid. Ah, well. What to do about Angelyn?

Glancing over the top of his menu, Rick studied Angelyn's face for a brief second. Her brow was furrowed, not from the earlier scene, but from considering the food items on the menu. He gave a sigh of relief that she had a healthy appetite and wasn't about to fall victim to a case of the ęvaporsł or a huge dramatic scene. Shades of Denise!

"May I take your order?"

Rick shook himself from his reverie and realized that both Angelyn and the waiter were looking at him expectantly. He felt his face flush warmly as he realized that he hadn't been attentive enough to Angelyn to know which entrée she wanted. Trying to cover his gaff, he waved expansively to indicate that she should order first. Cringing when he heard exactly what she ordered, he tried to ignore the slight clench in his stomach and proceeded to order his favorite dish. His stomach gave a little anticipatory growl of appreciation and he took a small sip of wine to abate the monster's demands.

Easing back in his chair, Rick took a deep breath and wondered why he felt a little nervous about this dinner. Because that's what this evening was - a dinner. Just a quick bite before they picked up her belongings.

Period. Not a date.

Frowning now, he noted that Angelyn's eyebrows nearly disappeared into her hairline as she registered his internal conflict.

"Rick? You know, it wasn't my idea to come to dinner, so if you're regretting it now, it's not too late to call for the check and forget the whole thing. Angelyn's voice seemed to take on more strength until Rick held up his hand to stop the stream of words.

"No, Angelyn. I'm not regretting this. I set this evening up specifically to help you, if you'll remember. I was merely lost in my thoughts. Rick seized the conversational reins firmly in his grasp. He had the odd sense that this woman seated across from him could push him into emotional depths that he was highly reluctant to explore. Strange, that she should have such a demure and docile aura, but it was just an illusory cover for the fiery passions that he sensed just under the placid face she showed to the world.

Angelyn turned her expressive green eyes on his face; a look of skepticism flitted across before she lowered her gaze and appeared to study the tablecloth with undue interest. Her vulnerability was a living, breathing entity and he was well aware that he would need to use a bit of finesse in the situation. He didn't want to stop and consider why he was allowing himself to become so emotionally involved.

"So, how much packing will I need to do when we get to your house?

He realized how presumptuous he sounded as the words left his mouth. Her flashing eyes told the story. He was about to get lashed and it would probably have more to do with the episode with her father rather than anything he said.

She leaned forward, her pale cheeks now stained with a flush of anger. Her green eyes snapped with her offended sense of pride. "What is it about me that makes every man just assume that I'm somehow ... what? Incompetent? Ineffectual? A pea-brained pygmy with not enough sense to pour rain out of a boot? What? she demanded. Her voice took on a desperate tone; it was as if she was repeating a lifetime of hurled insults and abuses. Her breathing was accelerated and she looked anguished. "I know how to pack a few things, you know."

"Ange, I didn't mean that and you know it, he reasoned. "If I thought that, you certainly wouldn't get anywhere near my son. I just wondered if there was much packing to be done."

"I told you earlier that I wouldn't need to bring very much. I just need my clothes and some of my important papers. The intense fire lessened slightly, but she still appeared keyed up and wary.

"So, we didn't need to bring my truck? Rick felt a bit foolish like he'd been a little insistent and over-anxious to be in her company.

"Actually, yes it will make it easier. The boxes are a bit bulky, she said softly. "I'm sorry... her voice trailed off and she gave an unhappy shrug. "I'm really so sorry about the scene with my father."

"Don't even think about it. I was prepared to handle things."

"Handle things? she asked faintly.

"Offer you protection, Rick stated succinctly.

"Protection...? What do you mean? Angelyn's breathing became labored; the high spots of color staining her cheeks swept downward and suffused her chest with a rosy hue. She sat bolt upright in her chair.

She looked magnificent; all flashing eyes and crackling energy. Like something out of a movie, except this was for real. She was really agitated.

"Well? she demanded again, this time sounding more perplexed than angry.

"You look like a woman that needs a protector."

Rick wished the words back into his mouth the instance they left; as if the conversation weren't already fraught with tension and anger, he had to go and use a word that she would surely misconstrue. Determined to steer the conversation back into less controversial waters, Rick held up both hands in surrender and shook his head, a rueful smile quirked up one corner of his mouth.

She stared at him as if she had been pole axed.

Shrinking back into her chair, she continued to stare at him, her mouth agape, trying to formulate words that would not come. Anguish was now clearly visible in her eyes, replacing the sparkling anger from just a moment ago.

"Why would you say that? A ęprotector'? Is this because of what my father said - ?"

"No! Rick smacked his wine glass down on the table, the ruby liquid splashing and beading on the red plastic tablecloth, unheeded by him as his ire rose to match hers.

"It's not because of your father, who was wrong by the way. I meant protector in the sense of preventing your father from browbeating and haranguing you."

Angelyn sat as still as a statue, not moving and seeming to barely breath, but at least listening and not making any immediate moves to leave.

The waiter chose that time to place their food orders in front of them and after checking for any last minutes requests, turned away oblivious to any by-play between them.

"Rick... she began.

"Let's just drop it, Angelyn. I meant no harm, so let's just enjoy the meal before we go get your things and go home."

She flashed him a startled look and he could have bitten his tongue again. He'd meant his home - they'd go to his home. Desperate, he tugged his steaming plate a bit closer and flashed a lop-sided grin.

"Great! I'm starved and Vino's makes the best Chicken Spumonte around. I think Maria even tried to bribe the owner for the recipe. Rick tried to inject a bit of lightness into the conversation while averting his eyes from Angelyn's dinner order. His stomach gave a little lurch in protest, which he gamely chose to ignore.

She must have noticed the look he'd directed at her entrée because Angelyn glanced down to see what caused his reaction. "Would you like some? Angelyn asked before she sank her teeth into a slice of oozing, drippy pizza with the Ä™worksÅ‚ imbedded on top.

"Ah, no! Rick bit back a grimace and vainly tried to concentrate on his meal.

"It's really good. Are you alright? she said with a quick look of concern on her face. "You look pale."

"I'm fine. Rick reached a hand out for his wine glass and threw back a large gulp. The red wine settled warmly in his stomach and left a satisfying glow, which went a long way towards easing his queasiness.

"Is it the pizza? You don't like it? she questioned with a puzzled frown. "Who doesn't like pizza?"

"Anyone who'd existed on it five or more times a week. Sometimes twice a day. For years. Me. Rick tossed back the dregs that remained in the bottom of his glass and splashed in another liberal amount.

"Good lord! I love pizza, but that's ridiculous! Why so much pizza? Shaking her head, she wondered aloud, "Where were your parents to let you eat so much pizza? Or was it from college?"

Although the question was rhetorical, she didn't realize that she had touched a sore subject. He tried to modify his expression before she glanced up from her pizza and noted his fierce glare.

"Rick? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to criticize your parents, she began before he slashed his hand in the air cutting off her next words.

"We don't want to discuss my parents. Just promise that you won't ever serve me pizza for any meal for any reason. He struggled to clear the frown from his face and force his demons into the background again. "Deal? he added when he realized how harshly he had spoken to her. The smile he gave her probably looked as forced as it felt and spoke volumes even though he didn't.

"Oh. Why didn't you say something when I ordered? How do you stand it when Cory eats it? Angelyn asked with a curious note in her voice, while she swiped a dribble of pizza sauce from her mouth.

"He has never eaten pizza around me, because I've never ordered it. And never will."


"Now. Back to where we left off."

Angelyn drew in a shaky breath, took a sip of her water and gave a barely perceptible nod.

"I will not, under any circumstances let the things that we discussed here affect our working relationship."

"I don't want it to affect our working relationship, either. I feel I still owe you a big apology for tonight, Rick, Angelyn began.

"No. No more apologies from you. I know what its like to have a poor relationship with your parents. I'm trying to be a better parent to my son for much the same reason. I don't want him to feel slighted or neglected or even extraneous."

"Extraneous? she questioned.

"My parents were so involved with each other that there wasn't any room in their lives for anyone else, Angelyn. Including me, Rick stated flatly.

"That's terrible, Rick. I've been extraneous and inconvenient not only to my parents, but to my husband as well. At least you had your marriage to set a good example to show Cory how love should work."

Ricks grip tightened around the stem of his wine glass. He couldn't bring himself to tell her that he and Cory had been the extraneous ones in the marriage. Denise had never cared much for either her husband or her son.

"Not so much as you might think. Marriage is done for me. I tried it and it didn't work. If I get involved with anyone, it will be an informal relationship."

"Not for me. I've lived my entire life without love. If ever I decide to remarry, I need the whole ęCinderellał package. I need to triumph over the wicked people and get my happy ever after."

"Do you really believe that's possible? Rick asked.

"I don't know. But until that happens, I'm not interested in anything except opening Child's Play . Angelyn stated firmly.

"I hope you get everything you want out of life, Ange. If ever anyone ever deserved it, I think you probably do. Rick's voice deepened with sincerity and he reached across the red-checkered tablecloth to grasp her hand in his for a gentle squeeze. He wanted to lean over the table and capture her lips in a kiss that he knew would be soul-searing.

Angelyn sat very still across from him; her eyes wide and her breath coming shallowly from between her parted lips.

"Angelyn. Her name slipped out in a hoarse murmur before he could stop himself. He hoped she hadn't heard.

His heart nearly stopped when she looked at him steadily while her lips silently mouthed the words, "I know."

Rick's world tilted on its axis and made a mockery of the words he said to her earlier in the evening.

He didn't just want to protect her; he wanted to possess her. What he didn't want was to love her.

He was afraid that he already did.
* * * *

Angelyn stood in front of Maria's bedroom vanity brushing her hair and contemplating everything that had happened this evening. As she pulled the brush through her hair with long strokes, she tried to sort out her feelings; how she felt about working temporarily for Rick Lawson, how she felt about spending so much one-on-one time with his son that she already had a soft spot for, and lastly, just exactly how she felt about the man himself.

Well, that last wasn't too difficult to figure out. Her body's reaction was absolutely unquestionable. Her entire being felt electrified; his deep voice resonated inside her, sparking such strong, sensual longings that it frightened her. It scared her really badly, because in all the years with Corbett, she had never experienced such nerve-shattering emotions.

The question was how to deal with these foreign, pent-up emotions while she was working with Rick?

With a sigh, she sank into the vanity chair, propped her face between her palms, and stared at her reflection in the mirror.

You're in big trouble, Angelyn Winters and that's no joke. Just keep it friendly.

Walking over to her bed she slipped out of the lightweight robe she wore over her thin cotton gown, and kept repeating the phrase like a mantra.

Just keep it friendly.


"Good morning. Rick stood framed in the kitchen doorway in his usual pose.

Angelyn's stomach clenched in reaction at the sight of him. Did he have to look so good? Sternly, she reminded herself to keep things light and friendly. "Good morning. Coffee?"

"Sure. Something smells good. Rick glanced at the covered skillet on the stove. She saw a look of anticipation on his face when she lifted the skillet lid allowing the aromas to escape into the air.

"Scrambled egg casserole. What time will Cory be home?"

"I expect his grandmother will have him home about the time I get home from work this evening. She wanted to keep him for a large part of the day. Would you mind adding some extra shredded cheese? he asked hopefully.

"Sure, about that much? That's very nice for Cory. I'm sure he loves being with his grandparents. Angelyn smiled wistfully.

"Yes, he does, Rick said, giving an agreeable nod.

"Well, that will give me lots of time to get a few extra things done around here."

"Like bake cookies? Rick cajoled, looking more like his son.

"Like bake cookies. Angelyn gave a half-smile. "I'm guessing the favorite would be chocolate chip?"

"How'd you ever guess?"

She chuckled. "I'm just smart that way."

"Have you heard anything on your house? Rick placed his filled to heaping plate on the table before returning to fill a plate for her.

Angelyn busied herself pouring two fresh cups of coffee. "There are been quite a few interested parties looking, and one couple has made a return visit so I'm hopeful. The realtor also has several locations for me to look at on Saturday as possibilities for my center, so I thought I'd ask Cissy to go with me to check them out if that's convenient for you. She handed him a freshly pressed linen napkin while he passed the salt.

"Sure, take your time. I'll be home all day. By the way, I drove through the Timber Creek area yesterday and saw a nice location that might be something to look at, if you'd be interested. Rick offered.

Surprised but pleased, Angelyn nodded her head and took a quick sip from her cup. "Oh, Rick. I appreciate it. Yes, I'd be interested."

Breakfast passed in leisurely conversation before Rick glanced at his watch with a grimace.

"Where'd the time go? he said with a grin reaching over to grab their empty plates.

Angelyn placed her hand on his to restrain his movements. "Leave it. You'd better get going before you're late."

"Okay, I'll call you later. I might stop in for lunch."

"I'll have something ready in case you do, Angelyn said with a nod. She drew in a sudden intake of air when she felt Rick drop a casual kiss on the crown of her head. Looking up at him with wide eyes, he just grinned and gave her a jaunty salute.

"I couldn't resist. We've been sitting here like we've been doing this routine for years. It just seemed a natural progression, he said with a wicked gleam in his eyes.

"Shame on you. No teasing or fraternizing with the hired help, she admonished, still feeling shocked even though she knew he was only joking. "Go to work or no cookies for you."

All she got for her pains was a hearty laugh.

Angelyn couldn't have said how long she sat there, still able to feel the press of his lips in her hair.
* * * *

"I brought the address and the realtor's information from that building in Timber Creek. I thought you might like to give them a call, Rick said waving a slip of paper from his place in kitchen doorway. "Sorry I wasn't able to get away for lunch."

He thought he detected a slight blush on Angelyn's face along with a shy smile.

Possibly thinking about the little kiss her gave her earlier?

"I understand although you did miss out on freshly baked cookies. And thank you for getting the address, Rick. That was very nice of you, she murmured. "Er ... is Cory with you?"

"No, I expect his grandmother will be bringing him shortly. That leaves us all alone for a bit longer. He gave her an exaggerated hopeful look.

"Honestly, Rick. I thought I told you not to tease the hired help, she said, giving a breathless laugh and shaking her head. "Sit down and eat your cookies, She said in a mock-stern voice.

Yes, she definitely had a blush sweeping across her cheekbones and luckily, she still had a shy smile on her face.

He wondered what she'd say if he told her he'd rather chase her around the kitchen. He wondered what she'd do if she knew how much he'd like to gather her up in his arms and burn a trail of kisses across her heated skin. He took an involuntary step forward. Her eyes widened as he got closer and a predatory growl started in his throat before he realized that she was staring past him towards the doorway.

"Oh! Is this your little babysitter, Rick? Delphine cooed in the most patronizing of voices. "Well, run along with Cory dear. I'm sure that's what you are being paid for, of course. Run along, run along! Delphine Everett fluttered her fingers vaguely in Angelyn's direction before turning the full weight of her stare on her former son-in-law's face.

Rick made a late attempt grab at Angelyn's arm but she breezed away from his grasp like a wisp of smoke. Keeping his temper in check while he dealt with his son's maternal grandmother was going to take all of his attention. He would deal with Angelyn Winters next. Once Delphine took the bit between her teeth, it took a mighty effort to rein her in; however, he was more than up to the task.

"Now, Rick. I couldn't believe my ears when I heard that you were actually thinking of moving that little gold-digger into Denise's house! That woman is scheming to take Denise's place! Well, if you must have someone with which to amuse yourself, I can understand, but to bring her into Denise's home, well I just won't stand for it! Delphine dramatically clutched the front of her dress, carefully, of course, to not wrinkle the front, but with enough of what she obviously thought was passion to give her words the proper weight and effect.

Any minute she's going to succumb to a fit of the vapors, Rick thought with a cynical twist to his lips. Did she know she looked overblown and ridiculous?

"The last time I looked, Delphine, this was my house. Denise was already gone before I bought this house. Rick said softly. "Do not even think of saying another word to defame Angelyn or make aspersions on her character, do I make myself clear? Rick let his gaze harden as he regarded his former wife's now gaping mother with something approaching antipathy.

"But Rick, I heard her with my own ears. She and that Rosen woman were in the grocery store making plans for her to move in with you. She said that you and she had an agreement or some such. What happened to Maria?"

"We do have an agreement, Delphine. Do you think Cory is lonely as an only child?"

Delphine's ludicrous gaping took on humorous undertones as she struggled for words. Her lips came together making a comical smacking noise that nearly undid him. Clamping down on his urge to grin unrepentantly at his erstwhile mother-in-law, Rick grasped her firmly around the fleshy upper part of her arm and steered her in a decisive path toward to front door.

"That woman could never be Denise! Delphine wailed plaintively.

"That's a fact. Now, give my best regards to Roger, will you? And tell him I'll be calling him later. Rick continued Delphine's forced march all the way the driver's side door of her Cadillac sedan. Settling her in, Rick firmly closed her door and waited for her gather her senses enough to start the motor.

Probably just now realizing that she had been derailed in her mission to bring her son-in-law to heel, he was sure that Delphine would begin to realize the repercussions of her actions. Her husband, Roger Everett would be less than pleased by her meddling intrusion into Rick and his grandchild's life. Rick respected his former father-in-law for having no pretensions where his wife and his late daughter were concerned. Rick waited as Delphine's motor skills caught up with her inner reflections and she roared out of his driveway in a cloud of dust.

One down, one to go, Rick thought as he turned his steps toward his own front door.

Before he could take more than a dozen steps, Angelyn flew out of the doorway, purse in hand - a veritable blur moving at an exceptional rate of speed towards her car. However, he wasn't in the mood to let her escape as she surely seemed to be trying to do. Catching her around the waist as she reached out towards her car door, her fingertips barely grazing the door handle, he halted her headlong flight and spun her around to face him.

"Going somewhere? he inquired, the soft timbre of his voice not masking his rising anger. "But we were having such an interesting conversation until we were so rudely interrupted. Rick ignored the fact that Angelyn was trying to wiggle out of his grasp. Quickly moving his hand from her waist to capture her wrists stilled her movements just long enough to allow him to gently press her against the side of the car, effectively pinning her in place while he got to the bottom of her flight.

"Let me go, Rick! her voice warned menacingly. "I just want to go home, now."

"No. I want to know why you'd let anything that my former mother-in-law say upset you? You don't honestly think I'd believe her, do you? Rick gathered both her wrists in one of his hands, and tilted her face up to see her eyes with his free hand.

"What makes you think that I'm upset by what she said? What did you do to me?"

Angelyn tried to jerk her chin from his grasp, but he was pressed against her so tightly that she had no room to maneuver.

"What do you mean? Spill, Rick demanded, and to his surprise, she did just that.

Tears began streaming down her face, misery evident in the crumpled lines of her pulled-down mouth. Her beautiful green eyes shimmered as she finally met his gaze. Her body shook under the onslaught of her unhappiness.

Dropping her wrists, Rick gathered her to his chest, wrapping her in his embrace the way he would comfort his child. Only Angelyn wasn't a child - her soft, womanly curves reminded him that he was cradling a full grown woman with a wounded soul and she could strike out at him in an instance if her ęfight or flightł instincts surfaced. Nevertheless, he held her and let her sob against his shirtfront, until she began to quiet long minutes later.

Still sniffling and as if suddenly realizing the embrace she was currently trapped in, Angelyn pushed against the solid wall of his chest. For some reason, that he wasn't ready to examine, he was not ready to release her. His refusal to do so must have communicated itself to her and she stood stiffly in his arms; not struggling, but no longer pressing against him either.

"I'm not Denise. He thought he heard her say from the muffled depths of his tear-soaked shirt. Nonplussed, he stood frowning above her head, trying to fathom where she was going with her cryptic statement.

"Noooo. You are definitely not Denise! he ventured, before she started struggling to be free of him. Tightening his arms around her until she realized that it was an act of futility on her part, Rick waited to see what other extraordinary statements the tiny little angel captured in his arms would make.

"I know that! she snapped. "I will never be Denise!"

Apparently, she heard his muffled, "That's the truth! because she began to struggle again.

"For God's sake, Ange! Would you just stop this and tell me what the hell is going on with you? Rick relinquished his tight hold just enough to ease back to see her face. Her face was heated and flushed from her exertions and her eyes still shimmering with unshed tears. She pinned him with an unwavering glare.

Huffing a sigh that quivered with suppressed emotion, Angelyn pushed gently against his chest in a silent request for release. Rick dropped his arms away and stepped back; alert and waiting.

"Just listen without interrupting, ok? Angelyn brushed her hair away from her face, and leaned back against her car door.

"I'm not a gold-digger. I'm not after your son or your money or-or-you. I-I've been married. I've had a husband and I didn't make a good wife. Or a good anything else, she said with a touch of bitterness. "I'm not looking for what anyone else can give me. I just want to make it on my own. I won't get rich unless caring for happy children qualifies, she continued. Her lips quirked up a one corner in an attempt to smile. "I'm just trying to be happy."

Rick watched her tangle her fingers together before brushing her hands down the sides of her jeans, a sure sign of her agitation. Rick's chest tightened to think that he knew her silent gestures so well. At a loss to explain why that idea was so important to him, one that he wanted to set aside - unsure if he wanted to examine it more closely later or not, he attempted to redirect his attention to the petite woman standing in front of him.

"Angelyn, I apologize for Delphine. She is an infuriating woman at the best of times and today wasn't one of her better times, Rick said, with a half-grin. "But, you can't think for a minute that I'd believe anything she had to say."

"I don't know wh-what you think, Rick. But I do know what my f-father thinks. And the ladies of the Auxiliary and three-quarters of the rest of the community will think, Angelyn spat the words at him, before slumping against the car door.

"None of those people matter, Angelyn. I know better."

"It does matter, Rick. It matters to me. And you certainly didn't help with the terrible thing you told her, she said accusingly. "You made it sound as if we were having an affair. To make Cory a sibling, no less. I deserved better."

"You're right. I used you and your good name to score off of my former mother-in-law and I'm sorry. I'll set things right. I'll make sure that everyone realizes it was just Delphine being Delphine. Rick felt like he had just pulled the delicate feathered wings off of a butterfly. He felt like a jerk.

"Well, you'd better, she countered. She turned with a stiffened spine and slowly retraced her steps into the house.

Rick prowled along behind wondering how he could make it up to her and why it was so important that he try.
* * * *

"It was awful, Cissy, Angelyn moaned the next day while they sat in Rick's kitchen for a quick mid-morning break. "And why didn't you tell me that Delphine Everett was Rick's mother-in-law? She settled in at the kitchen table and pushed a plate of cookies toward her friend.

"Would it have mattered? She's a horrible woman and everybody in town knows it. If her husband didn't keep her in check, she'd be a real nightmare. Roger Everett is a really nice man and Lord knows he deserved better than that woman."

"I don't know anything about her husband, but I know that she is a real piece of work. Angelyn took a sip of her hot tea. "And on top of the nightmare of her, Daddy is still haranguing me on a daily basis to go out with Gordy Munger."

Cissy gave a pretend shudder. "Ugh. There are no other words for Gordy Munger besides ęugh'."

"I know. Angelyn sighed. "But he's still hoping I'll marry Gordy so the business will stay in the family when he's gone."

"He's not going to give up on that, huh? He should just sell the business to Gordy and be done with it."

"That's not likely to happen."

"So, any news on selling the house? Cissy took a delicate nibble of a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie and closed her eyes in rapture.

"I have a few people interested. I wanted to set the selling price a bit lower than expected hoping it would entice a quick buyer but my realtor wouldn't agree. Angelyn tossed a paper napkin to Cissy who was currently dabbing melted chocolate from her fingertips.

"Thanks. Any leads on buildings for the center?"

"I have an appointment tomorrow to see a couple of possibilities, Angelyn smiled and bunched her shoulders with barely suppressed excitement. "Including one that Rick spotted."

"Great. How about I go with you to see these places and then we can go check out that new teacher's supply store over in Mid-Vale shopping center? I could use a few things for work and you can start getting ideas for your center."

"That would be great. I was going to ask if you'd go with me. Shall I pick you up?"

They finished making arrangements while they drank their tea.

Angelyn cleared away the dishes after Cissy left and gave a quick stir to the sour cream and mushroom sauce simmering on the stovetop. She took a peek at the chicken in the oven before heading into the living room where Cory lay on his stomach drawing.

"Angelyn, are you going to stay with us forever? Cory peered up as she walked into the room. He paused in his coloring to wait on her answer.

"No, Cory. You remember that I'm only here until Maria returns from her sister's house. Angelyn took a seat on a low ottoman and crossed her arms over her knees to get a better look at his handiwork.

"I ęmember. But what if Maria don't want to come back? Cory asked.

"Doesn't, she corrected gently. "And she will be coming back very soon, Cory. And then I'll be working really hard to open my daycare center."

"But what if she don't ... doesn't come back. Will you stay, then? he persisted.

"No, sweetheart. I'd only be able to stay until your daddy found someone else."

"But why do you have to leave? You could marry my daddy and stay here with me. Cory gnawed at his lower lip in agitation.

Marry his daddy? Oh, good Lord.

Angelyn mentally scrambled for the right words.

"No, honey. I can't marry your daddy. I have to open my daycare for the children that need someplace to stay while their parents work."

"Don't you like my daddy? was his ingenuous question.

"Eh ... yes, I like your daddy, but - ,"

"Don't you like me? Cory asked, pinning her with an unwavering stare.

Her breath squeezed from her lungs and tears started in her eyes, "Oh, yes sweetheart. I like you very much, but-,"

"Then you can marry him and live here with us forever, he said, picking up his crayon as if the matter had been settle to his satisfaction.

Angelyn opened her mouth, but shut it again. She squeezed her eyes shut against the unwitting longing his innocent words stirred to life.

Marriage to Rick. Her heart clenched and her breath caught in her throat. She imagined listening to his butter-warm deep voice; talking and laughing and even, loving. Heat rose in her face. She tilted her head back slightly as her imaginings deepened. She could almost feel his warm breath against her cheek; his strong muscled arms wrapped around her pulling her deep in his embrace, pressing her against the length of him. Vivid thoughts and feelings streaked through her as her thoughts became wishes and her wishes became her ultimate desire.

"Angelyn ... why is your face so red? Do you got a fever? Cory's innocent face scrunched into a frown as he surveyed her face.

A fever? Oh, yes. She definitely had a fever and Rick was the man that set her on fire.

What was she thinking? Her and Rick? Her and anybody for that matter. Maria couldn't get back soon enough!

"Daddy! I think Angelyn is sick."

Angelyn's head swiveled around as Cory bounced to his feet and launched himself at his father's form currently propped in the doorway to the living room.

How much had he overheard?

"Is that so? Why do you think she's sick? Rick hoisted his son more firmly on his hip, while smiling in Angelyn's direction.

"I'm fine. It's just a bit warm in here. I'll go check on dinner, she babbled.

"I asked her to marry us and her face got all red and she got a weird look on her face, Cory confided to his father. "Are you gonna throw up, Angelyn?"

"Are you? Rick inquired with a quirk of his eyebrow.

Angelyn fled the room but not before Cory's words floated back to her.

"Do you wanna marry Angelyn too, Daddy?"

She wondered if it would be possible to die from embarrassment. At this moment, she could actually believe it could happen.
* * * *

Dinner was a quiet affair. Rick insisted that Angelyn join him and Cory at the dinner table and she spent the entire meal looking anywhere but at him.

She addressed her answers to her plate, or responded in Cory's direction, but never looked directly at him. Her answers were short and quietly spoken.

She seemed to keep a delicate flush on her cheeks too.

The only thing he could figure was that the marriage conversation with his son had her more agitated than what he would have expected under the circumstances.

A small niggling thought wormed across his thoughts. Why would the conversation have her so worked up unless she was actually considering the prospect?

Could she be? And what did he think of that? He remembered thinking accusingly that she might try to worm her way into a new life and a new ready-made family. An instant later, he scoffed at himself. He already knew Angelyn well enough to know that she wouldn't be planning any underhanded dealings like that. She had to feel the undercurrent of electricity they generated when they touched. It was a mystery to him why it happened and he thought it had to be confusing to her as well.

Barely an hour later, Cory was bathed and tucked snugly into his bed. While he'd accomplished that task Angelyn had cleaned away the dinner traces and retreated into her room. Leaving Rick with a glass of iced tea and a brain full of disturbing thoughts.

Things around the house were different now that Angelyn managed their home. It wasn't that Maria didn't take care of things; it was just that Angelyn brought a certain something to the house that made it feel more like a home.

Rick realized how smoothly the house ran and how pleasant it felt to be at home. It never felt this way before and he knew it was all due to Angelyn.

How would it be when Maria returned? Sure, the house would be clean and meals would be made and served on time and Cory looked after, but the atmosphere would be different.


Rick frowned down at his glass and brooded silently.

First thing in the morning, he planned to call Maria to see how quickly she'd be returning. His brain was beginning to think along weird paths and he planned to put a stop to it now before things between him and Angelyn got really mucked up.

That would set everything to rights and he could stop worrying about Angelyn.

He could stop wondering about Angelyn.

He could stop wanting Angelyn.


The next day things still felt off-kilter in his head. Feeling restless and unsettled, Rick prowled the living room, stopping to look at various family mementos and photos that were scattered across the surface of the casual sofa table. He kept these things on display, not for any sentimental purposes on his part, but as a reminder for Cory of his mother. His heart hardened as he reflected at the debacle his married life had turned into before Denise had finally bolted for good.

He looked at pictures of Denise, happy and smiling, posed with her parents at a marina, boats of every description showing in the background of the photo. Rick was drawn by their beaming smiles and pride in their daughter which shone clearly from the photos. Their pride though, had been replaced by hurt and confusion when Denise ditched not only her marriage, but her role as parent to her young son.

Settling down on the sofa with a hefty photo album, Rick slowly turned the pages. A gap-toothed six year old Denise; a perky, smiling teenaged cheerleader, a high school graduate; Rick moved through the years of Denise's life. Clearly a close and loving family, Rick could only feel remorse and a sense of failure that such happiness for Denise ended shortly after her marriage to him.

He felt defective and was glad that he planned to keep his distance from Angelyn. Well, not glad exactly, but determined to resist as long as humanly possible. But considering the electricity generated whenever they got too close to each other, he had his work cut out for him.

Rick was never one to shirk or shy away from a challenge, but this was one challenge he wouldn't mind losing. But, he had given his word and all things considered, it was for the best. He was obviously not suited for happy relationships.
* * * *

Angelyn padded quietly into the living room from the kitchen. Her steps stuttered to a stop as she discovered Rick settled into his sofa, feet sans shoes propped on the coffee table, flipping through a photo album. The expression on his face was one of fierce concentration, as if he were searching for the mysteries of life to be explained in the pages before him. She hesitated just a split second before she thought to retreat from the room.

As if sensing her presence, Rick slowly raised his eyes to meet hers and captured her in his measuring gaze.

"Do you believe in happy marriages? Or is that an oxymoron? Rick asked, in a sardonic voice.

His strange question caught her off guard. She saw him wave her over to look at something in the photo album spread across his lap.

"Well, I've heard some people claim to have such a thing, but I've never experienced it myself. Angelyn ventured lightly as she continued to his side, settling her rump on the arm of the sofa, sliding her right hand along the back cushion and locking her elbow for balance. So poised, she glanced down to see what photograph had him looking so thoughtful.

She felt her brow wrinkle into a frown and a small gasp escaped her as she noted the snapshot that seemed so intriguing to him. A beautiful bride who must be Denise was dressed in an expensive, ethereally beautiful wedding gown with a handsome, tuxedoed Rick posing for the photographer's camera beside her. Angelyn vaguely registered the fact that Denise's smile didn't quite reach her eyes and Rick's expression was stoic as he stared back at the camera lens capturing a more revealing picture of his marriage than he knew. Angelyn felt like an intruder in an intensely private moment. She gathered her balance and prepared to move off the sofa arm where she was perched.

A warm jolt of electricity shot up her arm and pulsating warmth invaded her body as Rick's hand encircled her wrist and lightly restrained her flight.

He kept a gentle grasp on her slender wrist, his thumb stroking ever so slowly, back and forth over her pulse point. She knew he could feel the jump of her pulse and knew that her reaction had less to do with her agitation with him and more to do with her attraction.

"I'm sorry. You must miss her. It looks like it was a beautiful wedding. Angelyn felt her face infuse with heat as she mumbled her sympathy. "At least you have memories of that."

A short bark of laughter surprised her and she reared back a little, before remembering that he still held her wrist. Focusing meaningfully on the strong hand that gripped her, she silently asked to be released. With obvious reluctance and a gentle squeeze, he let her go.

"How can you miss something that was never really there? And most people that attend weddings are usually hoping to witness some sort of a scandal rather than to wish the couple well. Damned miserable, is what it is."

"I'm sorry that you feel that way. It's meant to be a happy occasion for both family and friends."

Rick gave a sharp hiss of disbelief. "If you believe that , princess, then you'll believe anything! I have some prime water front real estate - ."

"Yeah, in Arizona. I've heard the song. Angelyn broke in, interrupting. "And I do believe that. I'd like to think that my friends and family wished me well at my wedding, she said. She felt a niggling in her heart because she had to wonder just how many people actually had wished her well with her marriage to Corbett.

"True friends might wish that, but from family? I didn't get the impression that your husband or even your parents were exactly the loving and supportive type. Don't you wish someone had talked you out of marrying? he asked softly.

Her face paled with his words, but she stood her ground. "Pardon me? Yes, it's true that my marriage didn't turn out well and its no secret how my father feels about me. He wanted a son and my mother was raised to believe that a wife must back her husband, even if he's wrong. She tried to mediate, but she was rarely successful. I can't understand my father's attitude, but I do realize that none of it was my fault."

"Angelyn, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said - Rick tried to interject, but Angelyn waved his apology off.

"My husband, as it turns out, wanted a wife of convenience - a presentable, quiet wife to keep his house and to trot out for certain social occasions. Not a wife to love. Turns out he had a girlfriend for that, she continued with asperity lacing her words. "No, I realize that my relationships have been less than satisfactory, and I'm a bit soured by my experiences that I'm not in any hurry to try again, but I'd like to think that if love actually did come to me, I'd be intelligent enough to seize the moment. And that my friends and family would support me in my decision. But it wouldn't matter to me whether they did or not in the end."

"So, you don't regret marrying? Rick questioned.

"I regret a lot of things. But honestly, no I don't regret marrying. I learned quite a bit about life and what I want out of it because of my marriage. I do regret the way it ended, though and not a day goes by that I wouldn't change it if I could."

"And yet you still believe in love? he demanded in what seemed to be disbelief.

She felt confused by the conversation and wondered what was in back of it. He seemed to want a certain answer from her, but she didn't know what it could be.

"Yes, I believe in love, she said, stunned by his question. "And maybe someday it will find me."

"And in the meantime? Do you deny yourself the chance for happiness while you wait to see if true love comes to find you? Rick stood facing her.

"By happiness do you mean an affair? Her upper body strained forward from the waist towards him as she emphasized her words. "I don't plan to have an affair. I don't plan to short-change myself or lull myself into believing that a short-termed relationship is what I either need or want. She never raised her voice, but her derision sounded in every word from her mouth.

"It could be what you need because when you get right down to it, that's the only real emotion that can be trusted. I've seen love in action and let me tell you - that's a miserable emotion if ever one existed between two people. A relationship based on mutual need and desire makes much more sense. Rick's lips twisted as he spoke his sentiments.

"I can't believe that you actually believe what you're saying, Angelyn said with a look on her face that she knew had to register her complete disbelief.

"Excuse me if I am honest enough to admit that I don't believe in love."

She stood regarding him for a long minute, taking in the hard edges around his eyes and the pinched look around his mouth. She got the strong feeling that he'd said those words to himself so many times in an effort to protect his heart from more hurt, but she wasn't so sure he really believed them. She feared she was only setting himself up for even more hurt and disappointment. Love wasn't a thing you controlled.

"You are redeemed only by the fact that I know how much you do love your son. The rest of what you say doesn't hold true as the rule. And I am afraid that if you don't change your attitude, you will allow your experiences to affect your child's attitudes about love. And that would be beyond sad. It would be criminal. Angelyn dropped her combative stance and watched as a muscle worked in Rick's jaw, indicating to her very clearly his displeasure with her opinions of his beliefs.

"I'll tell you what's criminal. What's criminal is that fact that my darling wife left for another man, not only me, but her son as well. Some married man whose poor deluded wife couldn't keep up with him. And if I ever discover who the bastard was, I'll kill him. Rick nearly spat the bitter words out.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't know there were such problems between you and your wife. I just thought she was killed in a car accident. Like my husband. Angelyn said softly.

"The night she died, she had just told me she was leaving me for another man who could give her more than I could. Denise wanted it all. This life, our home ... hell, this family wasn't ever going to be enough for her. She wanted to be a trophy wife, Rick drove his hand through his hair. "I let her go."

Feeling that the entire conversation had dipped into dangerous territory and unkind things had been said on both sides, Angelyn made an attempt to placate the very angry man with tightly clenched teeth standing before her.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything. It's not my place to lecture you on how to raise your son. She gave a apologetic smile and a quick squeeze to his arm. She felt as if she had tried to squeeze steel, so unyielding were his tensed muscles.

"No, it's not your place and my son will be just fine. He ground out, his stubborn jaw barely moving as he spoke. "Better for him to walk forward in this life with his eyes wide open and understand the score, than to be blindsided by some fleeting emotion that won't last until the sheets cool down."

Angelyn gave a little stunned gasp, as his words finally penetrated her brain! My God! What kind of life had he lived to be so bitter and unrelenting in his views?

"Again, I apologize. We each have our own bears to wrestle and apparently, we will never agree on some things, so let's just agree to keep our personal lives to ourselves and leave it at that. Angelyn gave him a little smile and squared her shoulders, a sad sort of sigh escaped her but she ignored it and hoped that he would too.

Rick settled the photo album onto the corner of the coffee table and gave her an indecipherable look. "I apologize. I don't know what got into me. He jammed his hands roughly through his hair and paced a few feet away from her. He stopped and faced her again.

"I haven't told another living soul where Denise had been going on that night. It makes me angry to think about it because Cory was the one that was ultimately hurt by the mess Denise and I made of our marriage."

"I'm so sorry, Rick. I don't know there is any way to change the way a person feels for another. You've seen it from both ends of the spectrum, but you can't let that make you bitter or let it color Cory's perceptions of love and marriage. He has every hope to expect that his experience will result in happiness, she said softly.

"I hear the words you're saying and I'd like to believe them, but I don't. What I can do is to try to keep my opinions from hurting Cory though. You're right about that. Rick said with obvious effort. "I'm sorry. You didn't deserve any of this tonight. Can you accept my apology and let's just forget about all of this?"

She gave him what she hoped was a reassuring smile and nodded her head. "No apology necessary. Now I'm going to set the table and serve up dinner. Would you bring Cory in to dinner? Angelyn tossed the words over her shoulder as she made her way back into the kitchen.

Even in his anger, she had the ability to arouse his senses. Watching the seductive sway of her hips, Rick's mouth was definitely watering, but it wasn't for the tempting aroma of cooking that was wafting in from the kitchen.

He went to bring Cory in from his playroom. As he held his son coaxing him gently into his booster seat, he also watched Angelyn carry in the dinner items.

"I want you to stay and eat in here with me and Cory, please."

"I'm not a guest, I'm the hired help and I need to retain the proper distance for professional reasons."

"Please. I promise to behave. I really would like your company for dinner."

"It really isn't proper, Rick. Angelyn said in a no-nonsense voice.

"Please, it will be nice to have you to talk to."

She breathed a heavy sigh and gave him a measuring look.

"Just for tonight, then."
* * * *

Settling three bowls and a heaping serving plate onto the table, Angelyn indicated that Rick should sit and she settled in across from where Cory sat in his booster chair.

Steaming bowls of homemade beef stew and thick chunks of freshly baked cornbread with melting butter made for a satisfying meal. Eyeing her slender build with even greater appreciation, Rick wondered at a woman who could consume such hearty fare and not worry about the repercussions. Rick was so used to the women in his world obsessing over every calorie and fat gram, that it was a relief to see what appeared to be a normal, healthy appetite.

"I'm sorry for staring; it's just that you don't seem to obsess over your food. Rick commented with a lift of his brow.

Angelyn glanced at him and gave a shrug. "I stay busy. I don't worry about the food that I eat. I get regular exercise. I save my stress and worry for other things. Angelyn took another bite of the fragrant stew and gave a sigh.

He winced because he probably fell into the category of other things she had to worry about. He disliked being the cause of worry for her. To steer the conversation into what he hoped were safer waters, and requested, "Tell me more about Angelyn."

With a quick glance at his face to see if he was joking, Angelyn was surprised to see that he appeared to be serious in his request and she countered with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Back to this again? she asked, bristling slightly.

"Uh-uh. Don'tł go there again. Tell me why you decided to open a daycare."

"I'm an only child, so I supposed that's one reason why I wanted to surround myself with children. I want what I never had as a child. I've never talked about this with anyone, she told him.

"Maybe it will help if you do. It can't be good to keep it bottled up, he coaxed.

Taking a deep breath Angelyn laid aside her spoon and contemplated his question. Looking down as her hands grasped the edge of the table, she retreated into the past and didn't notice when Rick placed his hand over hers as if to give her strength to tell what appeared to be a difficult tale.

"You don't have to tell me. Forget it, Rick said.

"I want to, if you don't mind, she told him.

He nodded for her to continue.

"I want to ensure that the children in my daycare feel cared for and welcome. That I provide a happy, nurturing place in the event that their home life isn't such a place, she explained.

"I can't understand why your father feels so much animosity towards you, Rick said gruffly.

"My grandfather wanted him to marry a family friend instead of my mother. He turned my father out of the house when he refused to marry the girl and never spoke to him again. After my parents married, my father scraped together enough money to start his machine shop. He wanted to show my grandfather he could make it on his own and he planned for his son to learn the business from the ground up and eventually inherit. She took a slow sip from her glass and pursed her lips together for a second as if to contain her emotions. "Daddy put his heart and soul into the business, so you can imagine how disappointed he was when I was born. It was made even worse when my mother couldn't have any more children. His dream of passing down his business - of creating a legacy - would never be realized. To lose that, well - he has disliked me every since. Angelyn's voice trailed off as she stared off into space, lost in the sad memories.

Rick gave her hand a squeeze, intending to change the subject that was so obviously painful to her. Before he could open his mouth to speak, Angelyn turned her face to his and locking her gaze onto his, she drew a shaky breath and continued.

"Daddy hated Corbett on sight. He wanted me to marry his foreman, Gordy Munger, so the business would at least stay in the family. Yet another crushing disappointment in his life. He still wants me to marry Gordy. Reaching for her iced tea, Angelyn took another small fortifying sip and let the memories recede. "Hence, the reason he was so rude to you when you met. Gordy is my second chance at redemption."

"Well, far be it for me to stand in the way of your redemption. I would hate for you to be disowned on my account. Rick tried for a teasing tone, but didn't quite manage it as well as he would have liked.

"Since he already handed me over to you in the most spectacularly embarrassing way imaginable, I would have to presume that I have already blown my chance at redemption, she said tartly.

"I had forgotten! Well, since he has already given me permission to have my way with you.... "He said softly while watching her squirm uncomfortably at his teasing.

"Oh! Terrible man. That would only be on the off chance I might have a son he could still leave the business to! she lowered her voice to a whisper.

"Now, don't mind assisting you in that endeavor if need be. Rick watched the color rush to her face as she gasped aloud at his words.

"Y-you didn't just say that. she sputtered in her chagrin.

"I did. I just thought - Rick's words were abruptly cut short as Angelyn tossed her wadded up napkin in his face.

"I think I know what you were thinking. And you should ... re-think it! Angelyn declared stoutly, determined to bring and end to their definitely inappropriate conversational course.

Rethink it! Now, that was definitely not a good idea. Rick's mind was already steering a course down a dangerous path. Thinking it was best to put some distance between his thoughts and Angelyn, Rick moved across the room toward the front windows. On the one hand, he was hopeful to see Angelyn gather up and head to her own room and allow him to put some distance between them; on the other hand, he wasn't quite ready for Angelyn Winters to leave.

Luck was either with him or against him, depending on which way he wanted to look at it - she was still here.

Turning, he prowled back towards the table to help clear the dishes. Just more of his luck, Angelyn had her back to him as she reached across the table, gathering the used dinnerware and drinking glasses.

Straightening, she faced him squarely and gave him a tight-lipped smile. "If you'll set Cory down, I'll just get the dishes washed and the kitchen cleaned before I turn in."

Sweeping past him as she rounded the table on her way to the kitchen, he caught a whiff of her perfume. Groaning inwardly, he drew in a deeper breath, savoring the feminine scent that inflamed his senses. He wondered at his mood tonight. He must be losing his mind.

Cory sat looking at a picture book, blithely unaware of the undercurrents between the adults. Rick prowled the perimeters of the living room feeling restless. In his mind's eye, he could see Angelyn's deft movements in the kitchen as she cleaned and brought things back to order.

Angelyn moved with an unconscious sensual grace. Her green cotton blouse accentuated the dark green color of her eyes, while her blue jeans hugged her curves in the most enticing way.

He stood for a minute more with her visual imprint swirling in his brain, wondering what he had done so right in life that a veritable angel now inhabited his home. And hoping like the devil that his fevered mind would get back on course.

"Alright. If there's nothing else, I'll be turning in, Angelyn said as she stood in the living room doorway.

His wicked mind wanted to say there was plenty else but he forced himself to mouth conventional lines.

"Thanks for everything, Angelyn. I think Cory is adjusting to this situation just fine."

"Great. Well, I'll see you in the morning, then. At seven. Angelyn headed down the hallway towards her bedroom. Rick's eyes followed her progress. She hesitated as if feeling his scrutiny before turning to face him. She lifted her hand to wave good-night.

It suddenly hit him that she would be leaving when Maria returned and he wouldn't be seeing her again. He felt like a fist just punched him in his stomach.

That wasn't a good sign. Not at all.

He turned abruptly away from her, but not before seeing her hand drop in surprise at his behavior.


Angelyn rubbed fingers across her tired eyelids. She hadn't slept well after replaying the disturbing evening with Rick. How peculiar he was acting. She couldn't tell if her presence was the reason for his mood, or it just happened to be one of those days that seemed to be part of grieving process. The need to search for answers or reasons that would likely never be known caused a person to flounder in emotional upheaval. Angelyn was familiar with the routine; she'd been beating herself up mentally for nearly a year now. There weren't any answers - at least not on this planet.

He had run so hot and cold, she couldn't be sure she ever got the real gist of the conversation yesterday. The one thing she gleaned was that he seemed to be having issues with his late wife, the way their marriage ended and how it still affected him. And he even chastised her at one point for still believing in love and for being foolish for not embarking on affairs.

She shook her head tiredly. There was too much emotion between them. Whether it was caused by the eerily similar marriage woes they'd experienced or the lack of parental love and support, she couldn't be sure. They seemed to have a bond and yet to strike sparks because of it. She had to distance herself from Rick and Cory and keep her focus on her daycare and her future.

In the long run, it would probably be best for Rick and Cory as well. Maria would be back soon from her family emergency and things for the Lawson men would revert to normal. She would become nothing more than a distant memory.

Her heart clenched at her ruthless dismissal for the possibility for more between them, but she ignored the pain.

She had decided in the wee, pre-dawn hours this morning to regain a more professional footing and begin putting distance between them.

Angelyn expertly flipped blueberry pancakes and kept a watchful eye on the blueberry syrup simmering on the stovetop.

She took a sip from her coffee mug and mentally ran down the chores she needed to complete before she left to meet Cissy. Lost in thought, she didn't hear Rick come into the kitchen and stand behind her.

"Good morning, Ange. You'll be Cory's heroine once he smells those pancakes. So, I guess you'll be leaving for the realtor's office soon? His deep voice rippled and flowed over her nerve endings and made her knees quiver.

Remembering her resolve, she struggled frantically to adopt a cool, but professional manner and close the doors on any personal subjects.

"Yes. I'll be back this afternoon, she said blandly, neatly sidestepping his friendly overtures.

"Have you thought anymore about checking out Century's monitoring equipment? Besides the fact that I can personally vouch for our product, I believe that I can swing you a really good deal and might help your budget."

"I-I ... well, no. I hadn't thought anymore about it. But, thank you for your interest. Angelyn turned her back to him, gripping the edge of the counter for support.

"Why are you shutting me out, Ange? I'm not trying to take over. I'm just trying to help."

She took a deep breath and turned to face him. "I ... well, I'm not really sure of what I'm doing and it's hard for me to open this up for discussion. I've probably made so many glaring errors, and it would be so hurtful to have all my mistakes pointed out."

"Your ideas for the daycare are excellent. You've really thought everything out. Rick stated unequivocally.

Angelyn fidgeted uncomfortably. She tilted her hear and pursed her lips with an expression of resignation on her face.

"I really mean this, Ange. Rick said earnestly.

"You aren't used to accepting compliments, are you?"

"No. Angelyn replied. "But you're pretty good at giving them, aren't you? she said, returning the rejoinder.

"No, actually I'm not. I'm fairly surprised to hear myself doling them out to you on a regular basis. I haven't met many women that really deserved a real compliment, he said.

She regarded him with suspicion, before huffing out a breath. "How sad. No, I guess you haven't."

"I really do want to help you if I can. As a friend, Rick cajoled. "We did make a pact to be friends, didn't we?"

"I said I'd try. She reminded him, a bit of warmth crept across her cheeks. What she felt for him was so much more than friendship. She didn't want him to get too involved in her business plans because once Maria came back she doubted very much whether she would ever see Rick and Cory Lawson again. It wouldn't do to have lingering ghosts of what would haunt her new life. It would be better to just let him think she didn't want his involvement.

"But, you really don't want my friendship, is that it Angelyn? his voice hardened with anger. "Are you so darned unwilling to trust me?"

"I haven't had cause to trust any man, Rick. I hardly know you. Why should you be any different? You say you want friendship but just last night you were talking about affairs, she said lightly, her heart thudding as her true thoughts slipped from her lips. She could feel the air between them become chilled and could swear she could hear the rift growing between them.

"I'm not asking you to have an affair, Ange. I just asked for friendship, but maybe you're afraid that it might turn into more, he challenged.

"I don't have time for either, Rick. I have a business to get off the ground, she countered reasonably. She didn't want to examine why she felt a bit ill.

"Fine. I came in to tell you that I talked with Maria this morning. She'll be coming back at the end of next week. It won't be long now and you can go build your dream life. I hope you'll be very happy. Cory and I will be leaving for the park."

"But, what about breakfast? Angelyn stood holding her spatula clutched against her midsection as if to protect from pain.

"I'll buy him breakfast on the way. Rick strode from the kitchen, giving the doorframe a buffet as he passed through. A minute later, she heard the front door slam.

Microseconds later, her tears began.
* * * *

"What is wrong with you, Angelyn? It sounds to me like Rick is trying really hard to be something more than friends and you won't unbend and give him a chance. Why? Cissy pushed her sunglasses to the top of her head and plastered a frown on her face.

"I can't, Cissy. I'm so close to realizing my dream. To accomplishing something for myself all on my own. If I get involved with Rick and Cory, well, I'll want to devote my time exclusively to them and then when things fall apart, I'll be back where I started. Nowhere. Angelyn rubbed her hands down the sides of her jeans.

"Listen to yourself, Ange. You're not even willing to give this the benefit of the doubt. You've already made up your mind that it won't work. Don't do this to yourself. Cissy said with exasperation.

"I'm not doing anything to myself. If anything, I'm being realistic and avoiding a situation that will only end badly. Angelyn declared.

"Why does it have to end badly?"

"For a lot of reasons. And Rick wants to have more children. I heard him telling Delphine, Angelyn said flatly.

"Oh, Angelyn - , Cissy began.

"Don't! Angelyn put up her hands in a defensive position. "This is for the best. I've already started pulling away and Maria will be back on Friday. This is over, Cissy, she declared with finality.

Inside, her heart felt as if it might stop beating any second.

Later that afternoon, Angelyn returned to Rick's house to find him sitting on the front porch. Her heart began thudding painfully in her chest. She couldn't explain why, but it seemed as if a showdown of some sort, or an ultimatum were about to be handed down to her.

She gathered her purse and notebook and glanced quickly around for a sight of Cory's dark head, but she didn't see him anywhere.

Slowly she eased from her car and made her way to the bottom of the front porch stairs. Without making a motion to climb the stairs, she looked at Rick thoughtfully and waited for him to speak.

"He's playing next door with Leonard's son, Austin, Rick said in answer to her unasked question. Austin and Cory had become inseparable friends over the last few days.

She nodded and wet her suddenly dry lips.

"Angelyn, we need to hash things out. Rick said bluntly.

"Why? What is there to hash out? Angelyn asked.

"We need to hash out this thing between us. I feel it and you feel it too. I know it and you know it. I'll admit that this is different than what I've ever felt with someone before and it feels good. It's changed things."

"Nothing has changed, she hedged.

"You lie, Ange. And you know it. Rick contradicted her.

Angelyn slowly climbed the stairs to sit on the white porch railing across from Rick's chair.

She noticed that Rick looked tired and tense. The muscle in his jaw twitched to reveal his agitation.

"I signed papers today to lease a building for Child's Play daycare. Angelyn said, quietly changing the subject. "It was the place you recommended in Timber Creek. It's perfect."

Rick nodded. "That's fantastic, Ange. I'm happy for you."

Angelyn heard the sincerity in his voice and her heart gave a leap of joy before reality singed it to ashes. She had suspected such a reaction from him in her heart, but her head warned her otherwise.

"So that's that, she said with a heavy sigh and rose from her place on the railing as if the unspoken issues between them had been settled.

"So, that's nothing. That doesn't change a thing, Rick told her. He took a long drink from the iced tea glass that was on the small white wicker table beside him.

"Not for you, but it does for me, Rick. For you, Maria will be back in less than a week and your life will return to what it was before she left. She pointed out reasonably. "But my life will be completely changing. I'll have a new home, new business; an entirely new life."

"I want you to stay here. With me. With Cory. I can take care of you. Rick said slowly as if the words cost him dearly to say.

"No. I don't want to be taken care of Rick. I don't want someone else to hold all the cards in my life. I want to have a say in how my future will be. Besides, you don't need me. Maria will be back and I'll just be in the way. Her voice caught in her throat.

"We do need you, Ange. Things have been different since you've been here. It's been more like a family. Rick said in a low voice.

"That's nice to hear, Rick, she said in a choked voice. "Good for you, but what about for me?"

"This could be good for you too. I know you want a family and a home and we have an attraction between us. You can't deny that. Rick leaned forward, clasping his hands between his knees.

"No, I can't deny that, Angelyn said while moving past him towards the front door. Stepping inside, she said to him over her shoulder, "But it isn't enough."

She took four steps across the living room before she heard the door open behind her and felt Rick's warm fingers slide around her upper arm. Her steps stilled and she felt a leap of awareness radiate inside her. Slowly, he pulled her back against him until she could feel the warmth of his body meld with hers.

Her head slowly lolled backwards against his shoulder, her eyelids fluttered closed. Her heart nearly rocketed from her chest as she felt his lips against her hair, slowly blazing a trail from the crown of her head, down the side of her face to the sensitive indention of her collarbone.

Ever so slowly, he turned her in his arms until their mingled body heat enveloped them, and his lips whispered softly over hers.

How long they stood heart to heart, she couldn't have said. How much longer it might have continued she didn't know. It was only when the salt of her silent tears touched their joined lips did Rick reluctantly raise his head.


"I can't."

"I won't give up."

"I won't give in."
* * * *

Angelyn patted her face dry and stared into the mirror expecting to see the effects of her afternoon evident on her face. In a way, it did show. The dark, puffy circles under her eyes that no amount of make-up would cover revealed the depths of her unhappiness. Sweeping her hair back from her face, she bundled it into a low ponytail.

She moved slowly into her bedroom and sank onto the bed. Curling onto her side, she clutched a pillow against her chest and wondered what had happened the last few days to once again set her world in disarray.

It seemed so simple; spend a few weeks as a live-in nanny, sell her house and put her plans for her daycare into motion. Nowhere in all of her plans did falling in love with her employer come into play.

Nowhere in all of her painstaking planning did it include once again becoming just a convenient person in a man's life. She'd been through that with Corbett and now Rick offered her the same.

She put her hand on the phone receiver to call Cissy then stopped herself. She just wasn't up to a lecture or a push into a life she'd already lived with disastrous results.

Rolling onto her back, she stared at the ceiling. Why did things have to become so complicated? And how best to handle things without leaving as Rick's enemy? Maybe it was even too late for that; maybe Rick would be more than ready to see the last of her for rebuffing his offer.

Angelyn pushed herself up and swung her legs off the bed. No time to ponder any further. She still had obligations for another week and that included preparing dinner. She stood and began readjusting her clothes when the distinct aroma of food wafted into her awareness.

Had he decided to relinquish her services already?

A soft rap on her bedroom door jerked her head up.

"Yes, I'm coming, she said with resignation as she opened her door to find Rick standing there.

"Hey, better come and get it while it's hot, Rick said with a boyish grin and a sweeping flourish of his arm.

Angelyn's mouth dropped open and she stood speechless. She couldn't tell what surprised her more; Rick's apparent good humor and the fact that he acted as if nothing had ever happened between them; or the fact that she suddenly wanted to open up and share her ideas and plans with him.

"Rick, I planned to fix dinner. Why did you do this? Angelyn asked nonplused.

"You shouldn't have to fix your own celebratory dinner. Of course, since I did the ordering I went with my favorite meal rather than yours, Rick chuckled and scrunched his face into a pretend grimace.

Taking her cue from his cheerful demeanor, Angelyn joked in return, "Seem like you could have been a bigger man and ordered my favorite, just this once."

"It would take a bigger event to ever get me to order that, Rick returned making his never-ending dislike of pizza plain.

Together like a well rehearsed team, they moved swiftly and smoothly setting the table and serving the meal just as if they had been performing the routine for years, rather than mere days.

Soon, they settled into their places and tucked into the sumptuous feast delivered piping hot from Vino's complete with a chilled bottle of white wine.

"To your assured success with Child's Play Day Care , Rick said as he lifted his wine glass in toast.

Blushing, Angelyn gently tapped her glass against Rick's before taking a refreshing sip. The crisp wine slid down her throat doing much to settle her fluttering nerves. "Thank you, Rick. Taking a deep breath, she set down her glass and said casually, "I wondered if sometime soon, I might discuss that monitoring system with you."

Only a slight hesitation on Rick's part indicated his surprise, but to his credit he recovered and responded just as casually. "Sure, I believe I might even have some brochures in my office showing several different systems."

Angelyn released a pent-up breath, relief causing her shoulders to sag in response. It appeared that they had reached a real truce and a bit of common ground to rest on for the time being.

Several hours later, Angelyn climbed into bed, tired but sorely relieved and just a little off-balanced by Rick's abrupt change in attitude. She spent a few nervous minutes in his company waiting for him to launch another attempt to convince her to stay, but the evening passed pleasantly, if uneventfully.

If things continued this way until Maria's return on Friday, she and Rick just might be able to part as friends at the very least.

Her heart gave a lurch as her mind lingered over the bland word of "friend."

On the surface and to the rest of the world they would see and accept their relationship as friends, but Angelyn would forever recognize it as unrequited love.

She swiped away a sudden rush of tears and ruthlessly reached up to extinguish the bedside light.

Squeezing her eyes closed, she forced herself to blot out the new and painful feelings that she would never, ever give rein to.

I'll never give in.
* * * *

Two days later, Rick jumped from his Ford Expedition, gave his keys a quick juggle and grinned. He opened the SUV's back door and extracted several boxes with the Century Design logo emblazoned on the sides.

He glanced next door, not really expecting to see his son who was again spending the day with Leonard's son, but as a parental reassurance that all was well.

Angelyn would be returning from the market soon and Rick wanted to be ready when she arrived. She'd offered to take him to her new leased space for a walk-through to get an idea on which monitoring systems would best suit her needs. Rick would take any excuse he could get to spend time with her.

Since their confrontation Saturday and their subsequent kissing session, Rick was more convinced than ever that he would be the world's biggest fool to let Angelyn Winters walk out of his life. He was prepared to go to extreme lengths to show her that he was sincere and totally dedicated to building a relationship with her for the three of them.

Well, three of them to begin with until Angelyn carried a baby they made together. Rick wanted Cory to have a brother or sister to grow up with and the new life would help draw them together more firmly as a family. His best chance for expanding his family was through Angelyn. It was a bonus that Angelyn's affect on him was earth-shaking and if yesterday's response was anything to go by, he affected her the same way.

Even though she'd said that she would never live without love again, he felt sure that at least in this relationship, she could count on a deep warm regard and the knowledge that he would be faithful to her and rather than this being a temporary relationship, he'd planned on it being more permanent. They would marry before the relationship went much further.

As long as she didn't require a declaration of love, he could guarantee her a safe and secure life. He would also be in the position to protect her against the verbal abuse from her father.

A whispered refrain sounded in his brain; what if she wants more? What if she really does want the total package complete with professions of true love? What then?

He could give her so much; he would willingly give her as much as was humanly possible but he couldn't give her love. He wouldn't allow the emotion to cloud the solid relationship he wanted to build with her. He'd seen what love could do to a person. His wife had loved - someone else to the exclusion of himself and their son. Love was an exclusionary emotion that was more hurtful and harmful than emotionally satisfying. What he could give her would be better.

Their relationship would be built on friendship and mutual respect with a healthy dollop of attraction.

It would be enough.

It would have to be enough.
* * * *

"This is Angelyn Winters, returning your phone call. I can be reached on my cell phone or at the home of Rick Lawson, she said leaving a voice mail on her realtor's answering machine.

"I wonder if this is about an offer on my house? she murmured under her breath.

With a sigh she disconnected from the call and wheeled into Rick's driveway. He was standing in the yard watching her.

Did he have to look so good?

The slight breeze gently ruffled his hair, sweeping a lock across his forehead giving him a young, boyish appeal. But the nicely fitting jeans and knit shirt that molded to his broad chest and shoulders was anything but boyish. How amazing that the man of her dreams, complete with the most precious little boy and the house she's always longed to own should be completely out of her grasp. What a cruel, cruel twist of fate.

She felt a warming tingle begin in her middle and radiate throughout her body. Just the sight of him could start her senses tingling. She remembered yesterday and knew that she could cause an intense reaction in him too.

He would never love her though. For her, it was too late. She could freely admit to herself that she loved Rick Lawson. She would never admit that to another living soul; she knew better than anyone else Rick's feelings regarding "love". There would never be enough reasoning with him or any show of feelings on her part that would convince him that love between two people could ever be anything but painful and destructive and a fate to be avoided at all costs.

And she couldn't live through another relationship without love.

Or could she?

Would it be so bad to live with Rick and Cory as a family? To have a husband that she knew would be honorable and true and a beautiful boy to love and help raise as if he were her own?

How long could she hide her love from Rick? How long before the entire world saw her love for a man that would never return those feelings?

Mentally, she shook her head. No. She couldn't do it. It wouldn't be fair. To any of them.

But what she could do for the next week was revel in what she did have. She still had until Friday morning to love Rick as deeply as she dared and to care for Cory until she had to let go. It would be her secret. On the surface they would be friends. She would soon be able to pour her feelings into her business and lavish love on the children entrusted to her on a daily basis. She pasted a smile on her face and grasped the car door handle to push it open.

It would be enough.

It had to be enough.


"Hiya, what are you grinning about?" she asked with a bit of trepidation as she opened her car door. The warm breeze swirled into the car, lifting strands of hair across her face, temporarily obscuring Rick from her view. Impatiently, she swiped the cloud of hair from her face. She startled, finding Rick leaning into her car; their faces so close together she could see the faint trace of stubble on his cheeks. She felt herself lean forward to touch the rough surface with her own smooth skin. She forced herself back before she could continue her momentum and embarrass the both of them.

Rick reached out and slid his hand down her arm to grasp her elbow. "I've got something to show you, Rick said, tugging her from the car and wrapping his arm loosely around her shoulders. "I'm making you an offer you can't refuse."

Angelyn glanced up and sure enough his eyebrows were in a full mischievous waggle. She laughed up at him and wrapped her arm across his waist for a reciprocal hug. She knew she shouldn't indulge her secret desires, but it was only for another day or two. Maria would be returning and these memories would be all she'd have left. She'd be damned if she'd let them go so soon.

"Dare I ask? she teased.

"No need to ask. Just take a look. I talked the daycare opening up around the office and you can't believe how many of the parents in the office were practically salivating to have a daycare center within a convenient distance. Rick said with a huge grin on his face.

Angelyn's pace slowed and she turned with a stunned look on her face.

He'd talked about her daycare plans?

His grin faded just a bit and a worried frown creased his brow. "The president heard about it too and when I mentioned that you were in the market for monitoring devices, he not only recommended two of our best units, he waived the charges as an offer of goodwill. Rick peered more closely at Angelyn's face. "Are you alright?"

"Am I alright? You did this? she demanded. "You told people about my daycare?"

"Ange. I was only trying to help, not take over - ."

The rest of his words were lost as Angelyn leaped into his arms and sealed her lips over his in a quick kiss before crushing his ribs in a tight bear hug.

"Oh, Rick! I could kiss you again! And your company president! And just everybody, she said with a rapturous smile.

"Well, I don't know about you kissing my company president, but I'll take my kiss right now. Rick made a grab at her, barely missing as she danced away from his reach.

A breathless laugh of sheer happiness escaped her lips. Her eyes sparkled and her cheeks glowed.

"You're not mad? Rick said as he slowly stalked her across his front yard and around a tree.

Dancing backwards, she giggled. "Nope, I'm not mad. I'm thrilled and ecstatic and I'm so very, very glad for your interest and help, she admitted, looking him square in the eye to convey her sincerity.

She thought she saw the tension drain from his shoulders.

"Then why don't you stand still and thank me properly, he suggested with a perceptible leer.

"You want me to shake your hand? she inquired batting her eyelashes.

"Nooo, he drawled, never stopping his relentless prowling step. "I was thinking of a more demonstrative form of gratitude."

She bounced lightly on her toes around the slender tree trunk trying to stay out of his grasp. A breathless giggle escaped her. Her eyes grew larger in surprise at the giggle. Being with Rick had loosened the tightness inside her; a coiled spring of wariness that she'd encase her heart in for protection.

"Ah, are you thinking about that second kiss? If you'd just stand still for a minute, he said in a wheedling tone.

"I don't think so. The neighbors would be scandalized. And besides, I'm a respectable business woman now. I have a reputation to protect, she affected a pompous attitude for his amusement, though she kept a wary distance. Rick, still stalking her and not showing signs of relenting in his pursuit, made a sudden quick movement in her direction.

With a startled yelp, she made a dash towards the safety of the front porch.

Laughing like children, Rick set off after her, his long legs gaining ground on her rapidly.

Flinging herself into the porch swing, she huddled into one corner and raised her hands in a defensive posture.

Rick launched himself beside her and scooped her into his arms and to her surprise, into his lap. Laughing and breathing hard from the run, they looked into each others eyes. Slowly the mood changed from hilarity to something more heated and sultry.

Rick laced his hand through her hair tugging her face closer to his own. She could feel the warmth of him on the backs of her thighs as she sat cradled in his lap. She slowly raised her hand to caress his cheek and feel the coarseness of his beard against the soft skin of her palm.

"Angelyn, marry me. Stay, Rick whispered against the silk of her lips.

Her heart shook in her chest. "You don't love me, she murmured.

"I care for you, Angelyn. I can offer you something more tangible than love. I can offer you truth and fidelity."

"Rick, I can't. I don't want to be settled for anymore. I want it all. I want someone to love me as much and as deeply as I love - him, she said, soberly. The words cost her so much.

"I can't say what you want to hear, Ange, but I can give you so much."

"And I want what you won't give."

"Its not that I won't give you what you need, Angelyn - I just can't say the words that you want is all. But I can give you a home, security. Children. Rick argued.

She sucked in her breath. Pain strangled the words in her throat.

Children. Oh, my goodness.

"I can't have... the unfinished sentence caught in her throat. She began to ease from his embrace only to realize that they weren't alone on the porch anymore.

"Rick... she said nodding her head to direct his attention to the visitor. She disentangled herself from his embrace and stood moving toward the front door. She gave a nod and a small smile, embarrassment coloring her skin. Looking back, Rick's gaze drilled into her, assuring her silently that their conversation was far from over.

The ringing of the telephone drew her into the house.
* * * *

"Well, not a moment too soon I see. But don't you worry about it. I took care of everything. Delphine said, as she bobbed her head and tried to smooth her floral dress down over her over-generous hips.

"I beg your pardon? Rick asked wearily. The last thing he needed right now was drama from his former mother-in-law. She reminded him of his late wife and that wasn't a good thing. Especially now. "What did you take care of?"

"Now, Rick. I know how soft-hearted you are. You'd just let this - this woman take advantage of your good nature, so I took care of it. She said with a flutter in her voice, preening and simpering.

"You took care of what , Delphine? Rick ground out between gritted teeth. Inside the house he heard the ringing sound of the telephone and Angelyn's voice in answer.

"I spoke with a few of my friends and we went to speak with that girl's father, she informed him, as though she'd just accomplished his heart's desire.

"You did what? Tell me, that you didn't do anything so foolish as to butt into my affairs, Delphine. He said in a low, dangerous tone.

Delphine held up her pudgy hand to stall his objections. "You might be interested to know that not only did that woman's father agree that she was nothing better than a gold-digger, seems that her dead husband wasn't exactly enthralled with her either. He planned to leave her. So she killed him and their baby. Her hard eyes glittered maliciously.

Rick's head snapped back in shock. A low growl escaped his throat and he saw the first inking of fear in Delphine's eyes.

Loathing made Rick's anger level jump up to maximum and a muscle twitched in his jaw as he fought to keep a hot outpouring of words between his teeth.

"Don't ever repeat that filthy garbage to me or anyone else again, he growled. "I can't believe you went so far as to get her father embroiled in your malicious scheme."

"I did it to protect my grandson. A-and you."

"It's not me that need protecting right now."

"Whatever you think, it's done. He should be calling her any minute with an offer she can't refuse, Delphine announced, but a bit more hesitantly than just minutes before.

Rick's ears burned as he heard his innocent phrase turned sinister on his former mother-in-law's lips.

"An offer she can't refuse? Delphine, if you have hurt Angelyn in any way I will ensure that you regret your interference. Do I make myself clear? Rick bore down on his former mother-in-law, emphasizing his whip-like words without ever raising his voice.

"You should be thanking me, Rick. Why that girl's own father agreed that she was nothing more than on the prowl for a man to take care of her. And from the display I just saw, she seems to be succeeding. Delphine took another step up onto the porch, when Rick wheeled her around and began hustling her down the stairs towards her car.

"Let me make myself perfectly clear, Delphine. You do not have the right to interfere in my life in any way. Your only tie to my life is as Cory's grandmother. I trust you would like to continue in that capacity, he said putting emphasis on each word.

"Rick! You can't mean that. I only want what's best for you and Cory."

"I mean each and every word. I also mean for you to call that gaggle of hens you call friends and tell them that you made a huge mistake about Angelyn."

"I will do no such thing, Delphine huffed with difficulty, though a tiny frisson of fear could be heard in her voice.

"I'll assure you that you can and you will. I'll be paying Roger a visit this evening to ensure that you do and to discuss this matter further if need be. Do I make myself clear?"

Delphine gave a gasp and knew that she had gone too far.

Rick stood watching Delphine retreat in defeat for what he hoped would be the final confrontation. He heard the front screen door open and close behind him.

Angelyn stood on the porch with her arms wrapped protectively across her middle. Her face wore a pale, pinched look and her shoulders were bowed.

Rick felt an instance of fear.

"Who was on the phone? Rick asked quietly.

"My father. He called to ask me just when I'd decided to prostitute myself out to you. To sell my services to get your house and family. Delphine filled his ears with rumor and innuendo and in return, he filled hers with his own brand of truth, she said bitingly. "Apparently, Delphine has a building for lease that she's prepared to bribe me with to get me out of your house and out of your life. Angelyn said in a bone-weary voice.

Rick winced at the dullness of her voice and the heavy thud of the ugly words that fell between them.

"I presume she told you that my husband was leaving me and that I killed him and our baby, she stated softly.

"Angelyn, don't. I have never paid a bit of attention to her and I don't plan to start now, Rick practically spat the words.

"You should know what she said is true, Rick. That's exactly what happened. She hugged herself more tightly and swayed slightly back in forth as if cradling herself from pain.

"I don't believe that for a second, Rick said stubbornly.

"Its true, nonetheless, she said tonelessly, looking past him with unseeing, dead eyes.

"I will take care of this Angelyn. I'm so sorry that Delphine has caused this sort of trouble and injured you. He took a step towards her before she slid away from his touch and headed towards her car.

"I'm leaving, Rick. Cissy will send a replacement for me tomorrow, or she'll stand in herself until Maria returns. I'll be by for my things later. Goodbye, Rick. Angelyn wrenched her car door open and slid into the seat.

"I don't think so, Angelyn. I never figured you for a coward, Rick reached down and snaffled her car keys from her trembling hand.

"I'm not a coward, Rick. I'm tired of living under the shadow of my life with Corbett. I'm tired of defending my actions, his actions. I'm tired, Rick. But I have to think of my reputation. I can't afford such ugly stories being spread about me. I won't have any children at my daycare if the parents believe those rumors, Angelyn said.

"If you leave, it will only confirm their nasty thoughts. You got caught, turned tail and ran. If you stay, we will be able to show them their suspicious were wrong."

"How will my staying prove that? Angelyn scoffed.

"Together, we'll prove them all wrong. Just don't leave like this, Ange. Cory doesn't need yet another abrupt departure from his life, Rick said playing his trump card. It wasn't exactly a classy move on his part, but he had to use whatever tactics were at his disposal.

Angelyn rested her forehead against the steering wheel in defeat. "That was a low shot, Lawson."

Rick drew in a tense breath and extended his hand to her. He felt overwhelming relief when her small hand slipped into his. Giving it a quick squeeze, he tugged her from the car and swiveled her slight body towards the front door.

"We'll fix this Angelyn. Just leave it to me. Now, I want to show you the monitoring systems and then we'll go look at the daycare. And just for tonight I'll cook dinner. Do you like Chinese food? he asked, thoughtfully.

"Rick... she began.

"I'll take that as a ęyes'. Do you happen to have the phone number for the nearest Chinese take-out restaurant?"

She flicked a wan smile at his flip remark and trudged into the house ahead of him.

He was going to kill Delphine. As sure as he desired Angelyn on a million different levels, he was going to kill Delphine Everett.
* * * *

Angelyn sank down on the bed, her Child's Play notebook resting beside her. She could put a check mark beside her notation: get security monitoring system . She felt too beaten and disturbed to do even that.

Rick left shortly after they'd consumed their Chinese take-out meal. With a quick check next door at Leonard's house to say good-night to Cory, Rick headed off to Roger and Delphine's house. True to his word, he planned to salvage her reputation and put an end to Delphine's hurtful and misdirected intrusions once and for all.

The relentless ticking of her bedside clock seemed to mock her solitude. She sorely missed Rick and Cory's presences.

She hadn't realized how used she'd grown to Cory's sunny little personality and artless remarks. She missed their daily routine of shared mealtimes, his evening bath and the nightly tuck-in. She had tried to steel herself from becoming too attached to him, but her heart had other ideas. Both father and son were so deeply entrenched in her heart that she knew she would never be free from the memories. Life could be so cruel, sometimes. It seems her second chance for happiness came at another huge price.

She would have to try again to move things back onto an even keel between her and Rick. She needed to convince him that it would be best to just leave things as friends between them.

Or, she could just tell him how much she loved him. How her entire being strained towards him when she sensed his presence.

She could tell him the truth; and the truth would send him running in the opposite direction.

She sighed and moved restlessly against the pillows. Her ears were tuned to listen for his arrival.

She glanced for the millionth time at the clock. It was only nine-thirty pm, but it seemed that the evening just dragged on.

She should be repacking her few belongings rather than just lying here chasing useless wishes and dreams around in her head. Dreams and wishes that would never be fulfilled unless she decided to give in to Rick's wishes.

I'll never give in.

Maria would be home Friday and she'd be free to concentrate solely on the opening of her daycare center then. Free from the temptations that Rick's offer presented her.

She'd also be free from seeing Rick.

Only three more days.

The ringing of the telephone interrupted her musings.

"Lawson's residence, she spoke into the receiver.

"This is Bridget Madison. Am I speaking to Angelyn Winters?"

"Yes, this is she, Angelyn said. Bridget Madison was her realtor. Angelyn crossed her fingers that this call heralded good news.

"We have an offer on your house. A substantial offer, I might add, and the prospective buyers would like to close immediately. They are paying cash."

Angelyn could practically hear the greed in the realtor's voice. She leaned back weakly against her nest of bed pillows, trying to grasp the implications of the situation.

"Angelyn? Are you there? Bridget's voice revealed her anxiety. "You're not having second thoughts are you?"

Angelyn gave a short coughing choke of laughter. "No, no. No second thoughts. How quickly could we close?"

"Well, I'd need you to come in tomorrow and sign a few papers, but I think that we could close within a matter of days since all partiesł paperwork is in order, Bridget said hurriedly.

Angelyn knew that the commission would be substantial for the realtor, but she didn't care. All she cared about was finally being rid of the house and its memories and being in possession of the funds that would give her new life its wings.

"I'll have to check with my employer before I can agree to a time to come in tomorrow. May I give you a call tomorrow morning?"

Angelyn and the realtor talked for a few minutes more before they ended the phone call.

It was nearly done. She would soon lay the final remaining ghost of her previous life to rest.

She closed her eyes in exhaustion.

She would make arrangements with Rick for a time to go sign the papers.

She wouldn't dwell any longer on the past.

She wouldn't dwell any longer on an impossible life with Rick.

She wouldn't kiss Rick.

She would will her heart to fall out of love with Rick.

She would stop lying to herself about falling out of love with Rick.

She rolled over and let the blinding tears stain her pillow.

I'll never give in.


Angelyn escorted Cory across the lawn after his big sleepover with Leonard's son, Austin. Cory bubbled with tales of yesterday's glorious army man battles; a popcorn and adventure movie afternoon; and consented to be led home only for the lure of blueberry pancakes for breakfast.

Angelyn strolled along beside him, listening with amusement to his breathlessly imparted adventures.

"You shoulda been there. It was great, he enthused with a decisive wave of his small hand.

Angelyn tried to smother her delighted grin and maintain her air of rapt interest. He marched along, swinging his arms and talking a mile a minute looking the very picture of his father.

She felt a swift invisible punch in her soft underbelly at the thought of leaving him and his father.

"So, you think I would have enjoyed it, do you? she inquired as seriously as she was able.

A concentrated frown creased his small brow as he reconsidered his statement. "No, you're a girl. You belong at home with my Daddy, he said before suddenly pelting the remaining distance to his porch into his waiting father's arms.

"From the mouths of babes, Rick murmured as he swung his son into his arms.

Angelyn stood awkwardly easing her weight from one foot to the other with Cory's overnight backpack dangling loosely in her grip.

"Rick... her voice admonished.

"I told you I wouldn't give up, he reminded her giving his son a final tickle before releasing him.

Over Cory's high pitched giggles, Angelyn murmured "And I told you I wouldn't give in."

Rick raised one eyebrow in challenge and a cool, half-lidded look slid over his face.

Cory ran onto the porch to play with his small cars, leaving the adults to their own devices.

Rick snagged Cory's bag from her lifeless fingers and took her arm to escort her into the house.

"My realtor called last night while you were out. Angelyn told Rick.

"Good news, I hope? Rick said, prowling along by her side.

"Yes, actually. The buyers didn't bat an eyelash. They met my price and want to close as soon as possible. My realtor wants me to come in today to sign some final papers, she admitted shyly.

"Just tell me what time and I'll arrange to be home to take care of Cory so that you can go."

"Thank you, Rick. But I can get Cissy to send over someone for an hour or so to watch Cory, if that's alright, she said, smoothing her hands down the sides of her jeans.

Rick caught up her hands to still her familiar nervous gesture. "It's actually great. If you get the appointment for mid-morning, I can meet you downtown for lunch after. If there's time, maybe you can take me on that tour of your daycare facility that you promised me."

Angelyn opened her mouth in surprise. "Why would you want to do that? she blurted, flustered and embarrassed by her bald question.

"Its all part of my diabolical plot, he breathed into her ear.

She shot a sharp look at his face expecting to see the teasing expression she's grown used to, but instead he looked deadly serious.

Before she could formulate a crushing reply, Cory bounced between them demanding his blueberry pancakes.

"I'm heading into the office early this morning to clear the way for this afternoon. Call when you know the appointment time, Rick said, before bending down for a hug and kiss for his son.

"Why don't you kiss Angelyn, bye Daddy?"

Heat flamed across her cheekbones as she shot Rick a quelling look to forestall any such thing from happening.

"That's a fine idea, son, Rick said with a devilish grin.

Angelyn spun around on her heel and darted up the front porch stairs out of reach from Rick. "I'll speak to you later, she said pointedly.

"Please don't doubt that for a minute, my dear, his low, rumbling voice carried across the porch to her hearing seconds before she entered the front door with Cory in tow.

A delicious shiver shook her frame as his words wafted over her, settling on her skin like a heated kiss. His words sounded like a sensual promise.

Cory's "Don't forget my pannycakes, broke the spell and sent her moving towards the kitchen with a sigh.

She wasn't certain whether she was actually looking forward to today's luncheon date with Rick, or dreading the prospect of an intimate conversation without Cory's chatter to mediate.

The ringing of the phone and subsequent conversation with her realtor put paid to her dilemma; the signing of the papers would need to be delayed for another day to sorts out a few legalities.

The day suddenly seemed anticlimactic and she realized that the sensation she now felt was more akin to desolation than dread.

Darn Rick and his teasing, anyway.

She left a message on his office phone for him to receive when he arrived at work and placed another call to Cissy. She needed a friend to talk to; even a friend that would try to push her into giving in to Rick's proposal.

A whispering voice nudged her.

You know you want to.

And she really did want to.
* * * *

Rick strode into his office with deliberation to clear his schedule as quickly as possible. He didn't mean to pass up the opportunity to spend the day with Angelyn; especially since she seemed more willing to accept him into her life and in her future plans.

He set his briefcase on his credenza and noticed the blinking message light on his phone. He punched to button to listen to the message and officially begin his work day.

Settling into his chair with a steaming mug of coffee, he inhaled the rich aroma of his favorite brand of French roasted coffee beans and waited for his voicemail to begin.

The soft, hesitant sound of Angelyn's voice canceling their plans to meet caught him off guard and caused a serious frown between his eyes.

"Darnit, he growled. He swiveled in his chair and stared out his window, unseeing for some minutes.

He turned and reached for the telephone to call Angelyn for more details when he noticed the message light was still flashing to indicate he had more messages. He started to ignore the message for the moment in his hurry to call Angelyn, but remembered that he'd been expecting a phone call about some sale numbers he needed for the project he'd planned to wrap up today.

He stabbed the message button again only to be thrown off balance by the disembodied voice of Maria.

"Mister Lawson? This is Maria Lopez. I'm coming to home tomorrow. Early. I see you then."

"Darnit, he growled again. He'd counted on having Angelyn stay with him for two more days. It was like getting a breath-stealing gut punch to know that she would be leaving his house and if she had her way, his life even sooner than he'd expected.

How the heck could he convince her to stay with him and Cory? To become a family?

Why did she insist on his giving what he'd never given to anyone else? It wasn't just giving her his heart; it was turning his soul over into her keeping.

There had to be something that would convince. He'd made it work with Denise without the destructive emotion of love entering into their relationship. Things had been fine between them at first. They both knew what the other was willing to give. Denise had been well aware of his relationship with his parents and aware that while he would take care of her and keep her in a comfortable lifestyle, he'd never be able to give her his heart or his love.

Denise knew the score and had been quite happy as long as the nice furniture, clothes, cars and whatever else took her fancy kept coming her way.

Rick rumpled his hair and slung him self back into his chair. Who was he trying to kid?

Angelyn wasn't Denise.

And in the end, the loveless marriage hadn't been enough for Denise either or she wouldn't have been fleeing to meet her lover the night she died.

A sour feeling boiled in Rick's stomach, churning as Rick remembered the acid words Denise flung in his face as she swept from their house and out of his and her son's lives forever.

"You can keep all of this stuff, Rick. I don't need it, Any of it! I've found a man that can give me more and he can give me love - he's not a cold fish like you!"

Ricks hands balled into tight fists. "What about Cory, Denise? Are you just going to leave him too? Just walk away?"

Her face softened for a second before she tossed back her hair and yanked open the front door of their house, "You were always a better mother than I could ever be. You keep him."

It was only two hours later that Rick got the phone call from the State Police informing that his wife had been killed in a car accident.

Rick had tried to keep from following in his parents footsteps with their all-consuming self-absorbed obsession for each other; tried to protect himself from the pain. In the end, his loveless marriage to Denise hadn't been the answer either.

He rubbed his fingers across his tired eyelids.

He had to convince Angelyn that the passion they felt for each other and the feelings of genuine warmth they held for each and the love he knew she already felt for Cory would be enough.

He would give her passion on a level that she had never known; he'd give her unconditional encouragement and support; he'd give her children of her own. He'd let her lavish all that love she contained on his son; he'd share him unselfishly with her.

He'd give her the world, if she'd let him keep his soul.

It would be enough for them.

Liar, liar, whispered his brain.
* * * *

"Well, I think I have everything ready to go, Angelyn announced to Rick as she entered the kitchen from her temporary bedroom.

Rick stood leaning against the kitchen counter staring into his coffee mug. He raised his head and nodded slowly without speaking.

Angelyn filled the sudden awkwardness between them with chatter. "I suspect Maria will be here soon. I don't suppose she'd mind if I prepare breakfast one last time before I go, do you think? She rattled around in the cabinet, searching for a pan in which to cook Cory's favorite breakfast.

Rick pinned her with a steady gaze. She met his look straight on for a minute though she nervously rubbed her hands down the sides of her jeans. She watched in fascination as the muscle in his jaw worked in the telltale sign that he was highly agitated.

"Did I tell you that my realtor called again? I have an appointment to sign those papers this afternoon. Very soon, I'll be rid of that house for good, she prattled on.

"I'll go with you to see the realtor, he said in a low voice.

"Oh, you needn't bother. It's just a quick signature and it will all be over until the official closing, she said bluntly.

"It won't be a bother."

"Well, I know you're busy and will probably need to spend some time with Maria, she said, wishing she didn't feel so awkward with Rick. She prayed that he couldn't hear the sobbing behind her words. The sound was so unmistakable in her head she wondered that he couldn't hear it.

Why did she have to fall in love with this man? Why? Why couldn't she have just come in, done her job and left just like she had with all the other assignments she'd been on.

"I'm coming with you, Angelyn, he stated unequivocally. "Are you in such a hurry to get away that you can't spend a bit more time in my company?"

"N-no, Rick. I just thought - , she began.

"I won't get in your way, if that's what's worrying you."

Angelyn felt like a heel. All Rick had ever done is be supportive and she must sound so ungrateful.

"I'll meet you at your office at 3pm, she said firmly. She smiled to convey her appreciation for his interest and company.
* * * *

"Thank you for coming with me to the realty office, Rick, Angelyn said, the smile on her face shone with confidence and appreciation of the fact that while she was glad for his company, she didn't need his assistance. Nope, she could manage on her own. It was a heady feeling.

"No problem. Uh, is this the realty company you're using? Rick's pace slowed as he craned his neck to read the overhead sign over the doorway. A slight frown puckered his brow and Angelyn didn't think it was from the heat. A tingle of misgiving stirred in her stomach. A new tension emanated from Rick, and a feeling of dread sucked away most of her earlier exuberance.

"Pinnacle Realty. We originally purchased the house from them ... why? What's wrong, Rick? Angelyn drew him to a halt, trying to peer into his eyes, but from her angle the sun's glare prevented it.

"Nothing. Let's go in. He gave her a smile that had more in common with a grimace of pain than an expression of joy.

Stepping up to the deserted receptionist area, Angelyn looked around for a warm body to lend some assistance. With a resigned sigh, she steeled herself to a wait that she hope wouldn't be extended. Rick had taken up a position at the opposite end of the room by a window overlooking the frontage, his face hidden by shadows caused by the subdued overhead lighting.

Bringing her attention back to matters at hand, she searched the desktop for a bell to signal her presence when she heard muffled voices coming from the other side of the wall. Opening her mouth to get the unknown persons attention, she was stopped when she heard not only her name mentioned, but Rick's as well. Surprise snapped her mouth shut as a flow of gut-wrenching words wafted into her hearing.

"Yeah, she's coming in today to sign the papers. Can you believe it? It's sorta ironic don't you think? She's selling the house that Corbett bought with Denise in mind and she's actually working for Denise's husband and is babysitting Denise's kid! the cruel voice jeered.

A second voice joined the first, her venom-laced barbs unwittingly hitting their mark.

"What a fool she is! Denise always said that Corbett's wife was just a doormat and that she ought to've married Rick instead of her ... that she and Rick were both a couple of cold fish and deserved each other! The second voice sputtered with laughter with the other malicious ęvoiceł chiming in. "He doesn't seem cold to me. Now, that Corbett, brrr."

Blood rushed to Angelyn's head as the tears began streaming down her face, her body wracked with pain with each barbed word hit their mark. Their shrill laughter caused her tightly gritted teeth to grate together until she thought they would grind into dust.

Unaware that her anguished sobs had been overheard by the two gossiping women, who now rounded the corner and faced the very people whose lives they had been so callously discussing, Angelyn was only dimly aware of Rick laying a large hand on her shoulder.

As the full impact of the women's words penetrated the fog in her brain, Angelyn could only stare white-faced at Rick's tightly drawn features, now mottled with a pain and rage that struck down to Angelyn's core.

Corbett and Denise were lovers! Her husband was the nameless man that had destroyed Rick's marriage. Her husband that had told her that fateful night that he was leaving her; that he didn't want the brat she was carrying.

Waves of anguish washed over her, the memories of that night came to her as fresh as the night they had happened.

The fight ... The jeering laughter and the hard slap across her face that had caused her to jerk the steering wheel; which caused the crash that not only took Corbett's life, but the life of her unborn child as well. The painful memories all came crashing back to her.

With a cry she wrenched away from Rick's grasp and stumbled towards the door. She was only vaguely aware of someone calling her name, a harsh voice filled with anger demanding that she stop.

Heedlessly she ran blindly in the direction of where she parked her car, the tears blinding her, her harsh wrenching sobs drowning out any other sound.

Oh God! How could she face Rick again? She hadn't known! She had always believed that she and her unborn baby had been the only victims in this tragedy, but Rick and Cory were victims as well. And it was all her fault! If she hadn't married Corbett - if she hadn't confronted him with her suspicions; if she hadn't told him about the baby. None of this would have ever happened.

But it had.

Angelyn fell against the side of her car, unable to focus her mind enough to fit the key into the slot and unlock the door. She slowly slid her hands down the side of the driver's side door, her body sagging to the ground, boneless; unable to bear up under the weight of the revelations she had just heard.

So enmeshed in the nightmarish despair of these new revelations, she never heard Rick's pounding feet slid to a halt beside her.

"Angelyn! Angelyn. Get up. Rick's voice had a tense sound; she didn't expected him to be forgiving that that he knew the name of the person responsible for wrecking his marriage and taking his son's mother away.

She couldn't will her body to respond, a guttural moan was the only response she made.

With a florid curse, Rick reached down and gently hauled her to her feet and held her firmly against the side of her car with his strong around her waist. So held she stood unmoving, her vision so blurred by her still falling tears that she couldn't see him reach for her keys.

She was surprised when he grasped her upper arm and led her around to the passenger side and bundled her into the seat with a minimum of fuss.

Sliding into the driver's seat, he paused only long enough to reach across her to gently pull her seatbelt across her body and snick it into the buckle before clicking his and firing up the car engine.

Before she knew it, they were leaving the realty office parking lot, but where they were heading, she couldn't have said. In her misery, she wasn't certain that she even cared.

"I didn't know. I-I didn't know, she whispered through numb lips. Oh, dear God. How much this news must be hurting Rick.

"How could you know?"

"It was all my fault, she said in a strained whisper.

Rick bit off a torrent of angry words.


Rick wheeled onto the quiet country road that led toward the lake. The last thing he wanted at this particularly miserable moment in time was to have to converse with another human being. A sharp sniffle from the passenger seat caused him to amend his thought; another human being unless it was Angelyn.

His brain felt too cramped for his head. He knew he should offer Angelyn comfort but he felt too bruised and bitter to help her at the moment.

How bitterly ironic to have hired the wife of his wife's illicit lover to care for the son his wife had never wanted. He wanted to howl in frustration for having such a convoluted mess land in his lap.

He glanced over at her. Her shoulders shook and her head was bowed until her chin nearly touched her chest. Misery held her in its tight grip. He knew she had to be mentally abusing herself over her husband's infidelity and the repercussions that stemmed from his actions.

He felt a spurt of anger with her. Could she actually blame herself for her lousy husband's actions?

"It was all my fault."Just what had she mean by that?

"Tell me, Angelyn. Just how was this miserable situation your fault? Rick ground out after reflecting back on her cryptic words.

He heard a heavy, shuddering sigh and silence. He waited as he sensed that Angelyn wasn't ignoring his question, but pondering her response.

"I told you once before that my father didn't want me to marry Corbett. He said I had no business with a man like Corbett. He'd get bored with me and move on, she said flatly. Her face, blotched from crying, seemed several shades more pale than was natural. She listlessly moved a heavy fall of hair from her face and stared out the passenger window in silence.

Rick pulled the car off the road and rolled to a stop under the shade of a tree along the side of the lake. He watched a gaggle of white feathered ducks take to the water and glide away. He rested his hands on his blue-jean covered thighs and waited for her to continue.

"He changed after we married. At first he showed me support and even occasionally defended me against my father. But after just a few weeks, he became like a stranger to me. There was no self-pity in her voice; just a flat statement of the facts as she saw them.

"He only wanted me for the times when his work demanded my presence at a social function. He said it enhanced his position with the company by portraying him as a stable, married man and therefore, executive material. He trotted me out for those occasions like a well-mannered show pony. And afterwards, he would critique me and criticize me if he thought I'd not performed well. He could never admit that the reason that he didn't advance within the company might have something to do with his performance and his drinking."

"I still don't see how this is your fault that he cheated on you with my wife, he said flatly. He knew he should be gentler with her, but it irked him to hear her take the onus onto herself like some spiritless martyr.

"I should have stood up to him from the beginning. I should have seen through him and saved myself before I ever got into the situation, but I didn't. Until it was too late."

"Angelyn, from everything I've heard, he was just a rotten man. A self-absorbed, materialistic, egotistical no-good man - which is exactly the type of man that would appeal to Denise. She would appreciate someone with the same qualities that she herself possessed. In abundance. He remarked wryly and with a touch of cynical bitterness as well.

"He said I was clingy and needy and just so willing to be someone's doormat. I never could please him. I tried, though, she said, her sad misty eyes seemed to beg him to believe her.

"He was a dishonorable man. I wish he were here now. I'd cheerfully dispatch his sorry self."

"Sorry, I beat you to it."

"What does that mean? Am I supposed to believe that you killed your husband? On purpose? Rick asked derisively. He watched as her hands began their tell-tale rubbing against the sides of her jeans. "Delphine said as much, but I didn't believe her and I don't believe you, either. It was an accident. Pure and simple, he stated emphatically.

"It's true. I did kill my husband. And I killed our baby. She clenched her hands in her lap to keep them still. "It doesn't matter about the why's or the how's. The simple fact is that I was driving the car that night and now they're both gone. She said in a dull, lifeless voice.

"I'm sorry, Ange. I'm really sorry for your loss. But it was an accident. I'm sure you didn't mean for it to happen. I know you. It's not in you to do anything so deliberate. Rick said. He reached over and took Angelyn's small, cold hand in his. He thought he could almost feel her pain radiating in waves. She really believed she was at fault.

"How did it happen, Angelyn, he coaxed her gently. He felt her fingers convulse in his. He tightened his fingers around hers trying to impart a bit of his warmth and strength into her.

Slowly she began to mentally relive the details of the accident.

"What're you tryinł to pull, Angelyn? Corbett twisted in the passenger's seat and tried to focus drink-blurred eyes on her face. "I've told you before ... no kids! Not now! Gotta conshentrate on ęm career."

"I didn't plan this Corbett, but it's happened. We are going to have a baby and there's nothing more to be said - ! she broke off when Corbett slammed his fist against the car's dashboard and made a wild grab for her arm.

"Corbett, no! I'm trying to drive. You'll get us killed! Angelyn's heart clenched in fear as she registered that drink had robbed Corbett of his better senses.

"Tryinł to drive us into the poor house! This'll ruin me ... ruin me at work! Can't have a kid shlowinł me down. Corbett's words were becoming more slurred due, not only to the large amount of alcohol he had indulged in, but also due to his extreme agitation. Things hadn't gone as well at the company party as he liked to believe.

The executive officers of Weston, Ford and Brueton certainly hadn't been impressed by his fawning remarks or by his steadily increasing alcoholic intake.

"Perhaps, Mrs. Winters, it would be best if you could get Corbett to leave. He is upsetting the other guests. Can we call for a taxi for you? Lloyd Brueton, senior executive Vice President placed a comforting hand on her arm, but let her know that her husband's behavior had brought him notice; unfortunately, not the positive kind.

"N-no, thank you. We brought our car. If someone could just help me get him in - ? she said, biting her lip and wondering how this was going to turn out to be her fault.

"I thought we were goinł a be so good together ... Angelyn. Your father tried to warn me that you were only good for cookinł ęn cleanin', but I thought ... I could make somethinł of you."

"Corbett, why do you say such things? You never used to be this way. When we were dating and even after we were first married, things were good between us. But you've changed. Angelyn gripped the steering wheel more tightly in her hands, gritting her teeth against the fruitless words that wouldn't begin to penetrate his drunken fog.

"But, noo ... you had to get pregnant and ruin everything! I didn't want to have a baby with you! You were jesł s'posed to take care a the house and be mł hostess. He waggled his finger in her face to emphasize his point. "But you couldn't even do that!"

An overwhelming sadness and hurt settled over her like a dark cloud as each of his words struck home. It was as if she had never left her father's house. She instinctively placed a hand over her still flat abdomen in a protective gesture. She mentally spoke to her unborn baby, "I won't let the cycle continue! I'll protect you. I will never let you feel unloved or unwanted!"

"And now, you wrecked everythinł with mł boss! Corbett sat and glowered at her from his corner of the car.

"Corbett, I'm sure that nothing is wrecked - , she said, as calmly as possible. Having had to proceed gingerly around her father for her entire life had prepared her on how to deal with the recalcitrant Corbett.

"Shuddup! Why else do you think we were asked to leave! Whad you do, Angelyn?"

With a sigh, Angelyn realized that there would be no reasoning with Corbett in his present mood, but she felt a spark of indignity at his unjust accusations, "I didn't do anything, Corbett. Mr. Brueton just thought it might be better if ... we ... left."

"He wouldna thought that if you hadn't done somethin'."

Trying to keep her attention on her driving, she was caught completely unawares when he suddenly yelled and made a lunge at her.

"Whad you do, you career wrecking ... witch! were the last words she heard before her world exploded into a sickening screech of car brakes, shattered glass, crumpled metal and the sound of her own echoing screams.

Angelyn told Rick everything that happened that terrible night. Her cheeks burned bright with humiliation against her pale, wan skin. But she didn't leave out a thing.

She told of him reaching across and striking her in the face when she told him of the child they were expecting. The force of the blow from Corbett's hand caused her to jerk the wheel and caused the car to veer off the rain slicked road.

When she finally came to in the hospital, it was to find out from her father that not only was she a widow, but she'd lost her child as well. Hayden railed at her until the nursing staff threatened to call security.

Angelyn wound up her story and stared straight ahead, reliving the memories again. Her grip on his fingers slackened as she sat there woodenly and unmoving.

Rick felt there was something else she wasn't telling him, but he decided not to press any further for now.

"Is this the reason you won't marry me?"
* * * *

Angelyn turned a stunned face towards Rick. Didn't he just hear what she'd said? "Wh-what? How can you talk about marriage now?"

"Why shouldn't I?"

"Well, for one, we just found out that our spouses were cheating on us with one another. And I'm the reason why my husband and child are ... gone, she said slowly as if she were explaining to a child.

"Angelyn, this is horribly tragic. But you're not at fault. I can almost promise you, if Denise and Corbett hadn't found each other, they would have found someone else. The result would still be the same. It's all water under the bridge. It happened more than a year ago. Neither of our marriages was happy. We didn't force them to cheat on us. They chose that for themselves. You didn't kill either of them. He did and his actions nearly killed you as well, Rick said in a reasonable tone.

Angelyn silently cursed the fates.

She'd come to a momentous decision earlier in the day. After a long discussion with Cissy and some heavy soul-searching, she'd decided to accept Rick's proposal. She'd planned to tell him tonight after the visit to the realtor and while they were touring her future daycare building.

Those plans were shattered and in retrospect, she thought it was for the best.

Once news got out that Corbett was responsible for the break-up of Rick's marriage and the reason why Cory no longer had his mother, she knew that she couldn't let Rick and Cory be dragged through the mudslinging that they would soon be subjected to by certain narrow-minded people in the community.

She thanked the heavens that she'd not spoken to him about her change of heart prior to this debacle.

She knew that she shouldn't even have considered marrying Rick under false pretenses.

She loved him. She loved him with every fiber of her being. Her skin shivered at his touch and her senses reeled with the warm seductive taste of his lips on hers. She could drown in the sensual sensations that he created in her. She loved his humor and his forthright love he had for his son. She loved that he championed her against her detractors and that he'd supported her in her quest to open her own business.

She loved him completely and fully and that was the very last thing that Rick wanted. Her love.

Rick wanted a complacent, capable woman to care for his house and help raise his son. And he'd decided that Angelyn fit that bill. She could only imagine what his attitude would be if he found out that the feelings she had for him went way beyond mere passion.


She shivered.

She began to mentally build a barrier around her heart; a defensive layer to protect her heart from shattering while she got through the next few hours in his presence and in his life.

She knew the only way her heart could survive is to make a clean break.

Sending of a silent prayer for strength, she turned to Rick and lied.

"I don't want to talk about marriage, Rick. My answer is the same as it's always been; no. she could practically hear her heart splintering into tiny shards. She willed herself to continue before she lost her nerve. "I will be leaving tonight to move in with Cissy. I'll be very busy over the next few weeks getting Child's Play opened. I have to distance myself from this whole situation for the sake of my reputation and my business, she said pausing for the slightest second. She saw the pulse begin to jump in Rick's jaw and she hurriedly added a truth. "But mainly, I need to leave to spare Cory and you the pain and hurt that this ugly situation is sure to bring. People are going to talk and I don't want to give them anything else to talk about, she added in all sincerity. She crossed her fingers that Rick would accept her decision and allow them to at least part on friendly terms.

"That's the biggest load of horse manure, Angelyn and you and I both know it, Rick ground out.

She could feel the waves of anger pouring from him. It seemed to almost steam from his pores. She mentally shrank from it, but outwardly, she maintained her poise.

She had to.

"I'm a big boy and you're mostly definitely a big girl. Don't try to kid me that you're doing this to protect me and Cory. You're determined to martyr yourself on the pyre of your worthless husband."

She bit her lip at Rick's mistaken assessment, but remained quiet.

"I won't ask you again to marry me Angelyn. You're throwing away a chance for happiness; real happiness not just for you but for Cory and my self as well. We're good together Angelyn and we could make things even better. Rick leaned closer to her. His breath stirred her hair and her heart strings as well. Mesmerized, she swayed towards him, her body giving lie to her words from earlier. She'd give anything to allow herself to accept his proposal and melt into his arms, finally having the sweet promise of fulfillment and happiness she'd always dreamed of.

She jerked away from his touch and turned her head from listening to anymore of his seductive words.

She closed her eyes and heard Rick swear softly under his breath. She felt him shift back into the driver's seat.

"Fine. Have it your way Angelyn. I'll never ask you again."

Tears slipped down her cheeks and she felt the tiny shards of her broken heart crumble into glittering dust in her chest.
* * * *

"Why are you leaving Angelyn? Don't you like us any more? Cory peered up at her.

"Of course I like you very much. I'm leaving because I'm going to open my daycare business. Maria is back and then things will be back to normal for you. Remember? Angelyn smoothed his damp from the bath hair from his face and inhaled the clean, soapy scent of him as she bundled him into fresh pajamas.

Lord, how she would miss this ritual! Tears gathered in her eyes and she blinked hard.

"But my Daddy wants you to stay wif us. You could be my new mommy, Cory persisted.

"Oh, Cory. She sighed heavily. She gathered him into her arms and buried her face in the dark, wet strands of his hair. "Let me be your friend, okay?"

"But I want you to be my mommy, he said stubbornly.

She wondered why she couldn't hear the sound of her heart breaking.

"Look, I'll tell you what. Next week after I get a few things settled with my daycare, I'll come get you and we'll go on a picnic and feed the ducks at the park. Would you like that?"

"No! No! I don't wanna picnic. I want you , Angelyn! Cory wailed, sniffing and sliding his pajama covered arm across his tear-dampened eyes.

"Oh, Cory, Angelyn breathed.

"I'll take over, Angelyn, Rick said from the doorframe of Cory's bedroom.

Angelyn turned stricken eyes on him. She watched him stride across the room and crouch on one knee in front of his sobbing son.

"Rick, I - , she started to say; but what she meant to say she didn't know. She turned her gaze back to the little boy heaving sobs into his father's broad shirtfront.

"Go on, Angelyn. It will be fine, Rick's deep voice rumbled across her shattered nerves. "It's time for me to take over."

Angelyn felt a cold shiver skitter across her skin. She couldn't explain it, but Rick's words spoke of finality.

He wouldn't ask again. She'd given him his answer.

I won't give up.

I won't give in.

She'd won the battle.

And lost the biggest reward she could have ever wished for.

The last thing she saw before rivulets of scalding hot tears ran down her face was of Rick cradling his son in his arms, soothing him in his deep, mesmeric voice.

Consoling him over the lost of a mother.

* * * *

Rick heard the front door click over his son's quiet sobbing.

Angelyn was gone.

A cold, hard lump of misery lodged in the pit of his stomach. He wanted to pour a hefty amount of single malt whiskey into a glass and knock it back to melt his frozen insides.

Unfortunately, besides the fact that he didn't really drink, he knew that drinking wouldn't melt the pain he had inside.

Cory's sobs were slowly subsiding and his eyes were beginning to flutter closed. Rick stood with Cory and moved around to pull his blankets back to lay him down. Pulling his covers under his chin and settling Cocoa the bear in his arms, Rick leaned down and brushed a quick kiss on his son's forehead.

Rick moved towards the door and switched off the lights, when Cory's small voice piped up from his small bed.


"Yes, son? I thought you were asleep."

"No, I'm not. Daddy?"


"Did she leave ęcause of me?"


"I said - ,"

"I heard you. No, she didn't. She likes you very much."

"Did she leave ęcause of you?"

A long pause and a heavy sigh splintered the dark, quiet of the bedroom.

"She left because it was time, Cory."


"Yes, son?"

"Will she come back?"

"I don't know. Go to sleep, Cory. Everything will be fine. We'll be fine."

Rick resettled his son's blankets and made his way through the darkened room towards the living room.

He eased his frame into his favorite chair.

Darn her beautiful, stubborn self. Rick rubbed a tired hand across his stubbled chin. He couldn't believe that Angelyn was gone. How had this turned into such a mess in less than two weeks? How did one tiny little woman get so far under his skin?

And better yet, what was he going to do about it?


He smacked a clenched fist into the overstuffed arm of his chair.

Nothing - for now , he silently amended.

Just let it go, Rick,he mentally commanded.

I can't.
* * * *

Angelyn heaved a final box onto a shelf in the daycare kitchen. She pressed her hands into the small of her back to ease the knots and tension Left there. Wild tendrils of her hair freed from the confines of her hair clip brushed her face. With an impatient wave, she swept the irritating strands away and wished that she could just wave her hand and sweep away the painful memories that had nestled into her heart.

It had been one week since she'd left Rick and Cory and moved in with Cissy. One week since she'd shut herself away in Cissy's guest room and cried until she had no more tears to shed.

One week since she'd ruthlessly turned her back on her heart's desire and thrown herself into proceeding with her plans for opening her daycare.

And she'd learned a lot about herself in the past week.

She'd learned that she had the makings of a good business woman as she negotiated with several construction companies in a bidding process; various vendors, and was even learning to handle her father in a more positive and less demoralizing way.

She could thank her experiences with Rick for helping her to find the inner strength and self-confidence to be able to stand alone.


She sighed.

She moved towards the back area of the daycare facility that would soon become her home. Separated from the business part of the center by a long hallway with doors at either end, she would have all the privacy she could want and the distance she might sometimes need on her time off.

Right now, she didn't want distance. She'd immersed herself in the opening preparations often working 16 or more hours a day. The opening was scheduled in six weeks time. Plenty of time to get all the necessary work done just working regular hours, but she needed the distraction to keep her mind off of Rick and Cory.

Her heart squeezed in response to her even thinking their names.

She entered into the living area of her future home. The workers were gone for the day and she noted their progress. Warm, butterscotch yellow paint graced the walls and white glossy paint trimmed around the window frames and doors. The effect was inviting and soothing against the polished oak flooring.

She moved further into the space. A slow sweeping ceiling fan that hung at the center point of the room gave an almost tropical flair to the room. The corner fireplace of ivory-colored brick would add welcome warmth in the winter.

She would be comfortable here.

But will you be happy here?her inner voice asked.

The overwhelming rush of loneliness nearly crushed her and with a sudden straightening of her shoulders and a bracing intake of air, she made a decision.

Turning on her heel, she snagged her purse and keys from the counter and headed for her car.

She'd promised that once she got things settled, she'd take Cory on a picnic. Tomorrow was forecasted to be a warm, sunny day and just right for a picnic in the park and an opportunity to feed the ducks.

Just her and Cory, she told herself. Not to see Rick. He'll be at work.

That's what she told herself anyway.


A bright trickle of sunshine filtered through the filmy ice blue sheers that hung from Cissy's guest room window.

Angelyn felt a sudden fluttering in her stomach as she remembered her plans for the day. She stretched and luxuriated under the velvety softness of her duvet and ran her mind over the picnic supplies she'd picked up yesterday.

She'd been sure to choose Cory's favorite finger foods, and the gooey, sticky chocolate brownies that he and his father both favored. She hoped the picnic basket would be sufficiently big enough to handle the food stuffs and the large thermos of cinnamon iced tea. She shifted a bit restlessly as she thought about the quantities of food she'd purchased for the picnic.

It's just in case Rick might want to go, she told herself. It would be rude not to show up with enough food, she reasoned.

She sat up, flinging back the covers and swung her legs over the side of the bed. She padded towards the window to assure herself that the brilliant sunshine would be hanging around for the better part of the day. She pulled aside the sheers to scan the skyline. A deep blue, cloudless sky greeted her eyes and it felt like a promising omen. As she stood at the window, her gaze lowered and fastened on a dark SUV which looked very similar to Rick's driving down the block. Her breath caught and a prickle of gooseflesh danced across her skin. She spun from the window and her short cotton nightgown swung around her thighs and increased the chill on her skin.

It wasn't Rick,she chastised herself.

She shook back her hair and tried to put him from her mind. This day was all about spending time with Cory. And that's it.

Liar, liar.

A half an hour later, she bounded down the stairs and headed toward the kitchen in search of a cup of freshly brewed coffee with Cissy before they parted for the start of their day.

She felt as fresh as the proverbial daisy wearing a lighter than air, soft lavender colored sweater and off-white Capri pants. A pair of lavender and pink strappy flat-heeled sandals completed her outfit. She'd bundled her long hair up in a soft top-knot and secured it. Stray tendrils still managed to escape their bounds.

A soft smile lit the corners of her mouth and she fought the urge to giggle in anticipation. As much as she looked forward to spending a day of happy frolicking with Cory, a part of her secretly wished to have Rick join them.

Fat chance, Winters,she reminded herself. The man has a job and no time to just fritter away.

Still, she wandered over to the beach bag lying by the picnic basket and added a butterfly net and bug catcher to the pile, and sent up a little prayer though she knew the odds were against Rick even being at home at this time of the day.

"Don't you look perky this morning? I take it that you won't be drudging in the daycare this morning? Cissy strolled into the kitchen looking cool and sophisticated as usual. Dressed in a champagne-colored pantsuit with her deep auburn hair styled into a French twist, Cissy's good nature and wicked sense of humor kept her from being thought as unapproachable as beautiful woman can sometimes seem.

Only Angelyn knew the reason for Cissy's carefully constructed appearance. She hoped for a special person to enter Cissy's life someday and pierce her orchestrated façade.

"You look beautiful, Cissy. As usual. Angelyn smiled at her friend and took a small sip from her cup. The aroma of the rich brewed coffee mingled with the fragrant flavor of the hazelnut creamer she favored. "And no, I'm not drudging in the center today, thank you very much. I'm actually planning to take Cory on a promised picnic today. Angelyn felt a tell-tale blush sweep across her cheeks. She hoped Cissy wouldn't notice.

"Ange ... do you think that's a good idea, hon? A frown creased her smooth brow.

"It's a picnic, Cissy. Just Cory and me. I promised, she said, trying to keep her voice from betraying her and echoing her friend's doubts.

"I know, I know. It's just that the way you parted, I'm worried that Cory will get his hopes up that you're coming back, Cissy pointed out.

Angelyn bit her lip. She didn't want to give the little boy any false hopes.

"Or are you planning to go back? Are you thinking of accepting Rick's proposal after all?"

"No. You know that I haven't seen Rick since I left over a week ago."

"What are you doing, Angelyn? I'm afraid that you're setting yourself up for hurt or will wind up hurting others."

Angelyn squared her chin. "It's a picnic, Cissy. I don't plan to hurt anyone. I just want to fulfill the promise I made to Cory. I'll make sure that he understands that this doesn't change anything between his father and me."

"I hope you're right, Angelyn, Cissy said, doubt clearly evident in her voice. "Of course, you could just put yourself and Rick out of your miseries and just say "yes"."

"Cissy, Angelyn's voice warned. "You know that I can't do that. Angelyn rinsed her cup and put it into the dishwasher. She reached down to her picnic pile and began shouldering the load to trek out to her car.

She thought she heard Cissy murmuring under her breath. It took her a minute to realize what she's actually heard.

"I don't know anything Angelyn, my friend. And I don't think you do either."

An hour later, Angelyn pulled away from Child's Play after checking on a few details and now headed towards Rick's home. The weather was glorious, the sun shone brightly and Angelyn rolled down her windows to take advantage of the fresh breeze.

It also helped to cool her flushed cheeks. As often as she cautioned herself to let the past few weeks go, to forget about Rick and Cory, to get on with her life and to forget about what would never be, her mind still clung to hope.

She sighed heavily. Her mind still continually ran in circles around the situation. She loved Rick. Whole-heartedly. But as much as she loved him, she couldn't accept his proposal. She didn't want to be - couldn't let herself be - just another convenient wife.

Rick didn't want a wife to love. He wanted a woman to care for his son; his home; but not for his heart.

She shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She had nearly accepted Rick's proposal last week just before they'd discovered Corbett and Denise's secrets. She told herself that she was grateful that she hadn't told Rick of her change of mind. She couldn't call it a change of heart because her heart would never change. She'd also been grateful that she'd finally been able to share with Rick the complete story of what had happened on the last night of Corbett's life.

But it wasn't the complete story, was it?

She knew that Rick sensed there was more to the story than she'd revealed. She just couldn't bring herself to tell him her final secret. Cissy hadn't thought it would matter to Rick, but Angelyn knew he wanted more children.

He wouldn't be having them with her.


His house loomed into view. Angelyn swung into the driveway and cut the car engine. Rick's SUV was nowhere in sight and she tried to ignore the flash of disappointment that settled into her middle. She'd known he was unlikely to be there, but hope springs eternal to a foolish heart.

Just as her feet moved from the driveway onto the sidewalk that led up to the front steps, her attention was caught by the furry black dog that lived next door.

"Well, hello Raggs. Do Leonard and Billy know you're outside? Angelyn bent to pat the dog's head and scratch behind his woolly ear. As she stood, she was shocked to suddenly be swung by her upper arm to peer into the strained and stern face of Rick.

"What are you doing here, Angelyn? Has Cory seen you? Rick asked harshly.

"No, no. I just got here. What's wrong, Rick? she managed to ask between stiff lips. Her mind rushed in a dozen different directions as she tried to grasp the situation.

"What are you doing here? If you forgot something in your haste to leave, I'll send it to you, The bitterness in his voice shocked and surprised her.

"I didn't forget anything, Rick. I-I promised to take Cory on a picnic when I got a few things settled so here I am. She tried to smile reassuringly, though the hard, narrow-eyed gaze that Rick had pinned on her made it difficult to do.

"Just like that huh? Did you ever once stop to think what your appearance here would do to Cory? He's not ready to see you, Angelyn. He had his hopes pinned on you, he said not loosening his grip on her arm. She could feel the anger and something else, vibrating from him. It was the indefinable something else that bothered her the most.

"Rick, I-I didn't think of it like that. I promised him a picnic and didn't want to disappoint him. I miss him, she said honestly. She searched Rick's face for any signs of his relenting.

Those hopes were dashed as he helped her retrace her steps to her car.

"He's already disappointed, Angelyn. He misses you too. That's why you need to go. He needs to learn to do without you and let things get back to normal. He needs to be able to work and function without thoughts of you intruding."

"Rick, if I could just explain to him - , she began before she replayed his last words. Were they still talking about Cory?

"Explain what? Why you couldn't marry me? Why you can't be his mother? Rick dropped his grip from her arm as if the touch of her burnt his fingers. "I've explained that to him. At least as much of it as I understand."

"Rick, you know why I can't. You're not being fair. This has as much to do with your reasons as mine."

"I know that Angelyn. I know that. Rick growled angrily, jamming his hands into his back jeans pocket.

They stood beside her car, facing each other; measuring each other for signs of weakening resolves. The moments stretched and with a heartfelt sigh, Angelyn opened her car door and slid behind the wheel. She took one last look at Rick before turning the engine over.

"What are we doing, Rick? How much hurt do we have to endure? How lost and alone do we have to become before things change? Her words hung in the air between them, unanswered and unfathomable.

She reversed from his driveway and the last thing she saw as she sped away seemed to be of Rick rubbing his hand across his face standing as if in defeat.

Her shoulders bowed and the tears sped down her face. Cissy had been so right this morning.

On so many different levels.

That evening when the early afternoon light outside had faded into a soft purple twilight, Angelyn sat up and scattered crumpled tissues. She'd managed to drive home and hole herself up in her borrowed room before the next wave of body-wracking tears commenced.

She gathered the used tissues and stuffed them into the wastebasket and moved into the guest bathroom to wash her tear-streaked face and regain some semblance of calm.

She remembered her last words to Rick.

"What are we doing, Rick? How much hurt do we have to endure? How lost and alone do we have to become before things change?"

How lost and alone, indeed.

How sad the situation between her and Rick was. How stalemated and unresolved. But had she done everything she could to resolve things between them? Had she been completely honest with him? Had she laid all her cards on the table; all her hopes and fears and trusted him to be gentle with them as he'd been with her dreams for her daycare?

No. She hadn't. She'd held back her true feelings. She'd allowed him to hold back his feelings, his fears and let him withhold his trust from her.

If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.

How often her mother had quoted that homily to her without her really understanding what it truly meant.

She'd gotten so good at hiding her true feelings to protect her heart from hurt; so good at not revealing her dreams, hopes and fears. All for fear of rebuffs or ridicule. So good in fact, that she was letting the best thing in her life to slip between her fingers without a fight.

Whatdo you want Angelyn?

I want Rick. I want Cory. I want a life with them. I want to have my daycare. I want love. I want it all.

Would she want a life with Rick and Cory on any terms rather than live her life alone with unrequited love? Her head screamed ęyesł but her heart said a sad and resigned ęno'. She deserved more and Rick deserved more as well. By proceeding with a one-sided marriage, neither of them would grow and prosper and Cory wouldn't either in the long run.

What would happen if she faced Rick and told him that she loved him? Loved him with every fiber of her being and that she loved his son as dearly as if he were her very own. What if she told him her deepest, darkest secret and he didn't turn away from her? What would happen then?

Her heart constricted as she pondered the possibilities; her breath quickened and her palms became damp.

What if it didn't change a thing?

What if it changed everything?

What if.
* * * *

Rick swung open his front door. The overwhelming loneliness that washed over him since Angelyn left never ceased to grab him. It didn't compare to Denise's tragic departure. She'd spent more time away from home so that her leaving left little mark in his life. Which was a sad statement. Denise had never been vested into the marriage or even motherhood for that matter. Rick had hoped that Denise's maternal instincts would temper her behavior and allow her to conform to a more acceptable lifestyle. It hadn't been the case. Denise continued to blow in and out of his and Cory's life like a force of nature.

After awhile, Rick even came to somewhat welcome her absences since he was able to maintain a suitable and proper schedule for Cory and develop a stable routine for the little boy.

Angelyn, however, had come into his and Cory's life like a calm sea washing gently over a storm-ravaged coastline. At least, it had seemed so at first.

How had such a angelic faced small woman created such an irreparable hole in the fabric of their lives?

He dropped heavily into his leather armchair and leaned his head against the cool leather. His eyes closed and he sat unmoving.

Thank God he'd had the car repair shop deliver him home while they performed maintenance work on his SUV. His jaw tightened as he contemplated the upheaval had Cory seen Angelyn. It was too soon. He hated that his son had been hurt by his and Angelyn's abrupt parting.

What did she think she was doing, coming here like that today? Did she really think she could just sweep in and out of their lives without consequence?

Why couldn't they make this relationship work? Rick reluctantly admitted to himself that Angelyn had fit. She'd fitted into his and Cory's life so easily. She'd fitted into his arms so easily. She'd fitted into his heart so easily.

He smacked a clenched fist against the leather armrest.

His heart. A dry, humorless laugh rumbled in his chest.

He didn't have a heart.

He had no room in his heart for love for anyone other than his son. Hadn't he seen firsthand how destructive love between two people could be?

Haven't you seen how destructivenot having love between two people can be?

There hadn't been any love between him and Denise. There had been warmth and companionship initially, but as time had marched on, that warmth had cooled and any companionship he'd experienced had switched from Denise to his son. Her actions had caused it to be that way.

According to Angelyn, there certainly hadn't been any love in her marriage, either. At least not from her husband. Rick couldn't see Angelyn marrying anyone that she didn't love.

The thought smacked him between the eyes. She didn't love him. That's why she wouldn't marry him.

Or is it that she won't marry without love again?He recalled vividly, her saying that she'd never remarry without love.

Slowly, he forced himself to rethink his and Angelyn's time together. He thought of all their discussions about love and marriage. She'd made it perfectly clear that she had no plans to remarry and especially without love.

He'd made it equally clear that he would never remarry for love.

What a damnable situation.

So here they were. Two people so right for each other, both who loved his son so well and yet were separated by not just the distance of mileage, but on so basic and primal of emotions.

He rubbed his hand across his chest, slowly and rhythmically over his heart as if trying to soothe to pain that had settled in there.

A sound from above caught his attention. He'd just come home from a late night at work and dropped into his chair. He hadn't even sought out Cory. He knew that Maria had already fed and bathed his son, and he was already tucked into his bed. A frown creased his brow as the sound slowly registered as crying.

Bolting from his leather armchair, Rick took the stairs two at a time in his haste to reach his son.

"Cory? Son? What's wrong? Rick asked softly as he entered Cory's room.

The sound of muffled sniffling came from Cory's small form, lying beneath a mound of crumpled bedding.

Rick gently eased the covers back and pulled his son into his arms. He breathed in the little boy scent of his hair and his clothes, closing his eyes and savoring the sensation. All too soon the years would roll by and he wouldn't be able to take his son in his arms and ease his fears. Ricks chest constricted in pain at the thought. Cory would grow into adulthood and away from needing his father's embrace. The yawning expanse of solitude and loneliness became that much sharper.

Curse his parents.

Curse Angelyn.

Curse it all, anyway.

"Daddy, why did you make Angelyn leave today? Don't you want her to be my friend anymore? Cory said, gulping air between his words as he tried to question his father.

"No, son. It's not that. I thought it would make you sad for her to visit and then leave again."

"Why did she come visit?"

"She wanted to take you on a picnic. It seems she promised you."

"She did, Daddy, he said, nodding vigorously and swiping at his wet eyes. "But I told her I didn't want to picnic, I wanted her to stay wif us. Why didn't she stay wif us, Daddy?"

"I guess she wanted something different for her life, Rick said, wracking his tired brain for words to placate his son.

"Did you tell her that you loved her Daddy? You gotta tell girls that you love them so they know. Then she'll marry us and stay wif us, Cory explained. "Did you tell her Daddy?"

"Cory. Son. Rick gulped in a deep breath and choked back a wave of emotion. "We're doing alright, aren'tł we? We were getting along just fine before she came, right? We had Maria and she took care of us just fine. We're fine. Rick clutched his small son and rocked him against his chest, his arms encircling him in protection. Rick couldn't be sure exactly whom he was protecting more against hurt; Cory or himself.

It struck him hard that he was denying his son the one thing he needed; the love of both a father and a mother. Cory loved Angelyn as much as Rick did and she loved Cory as much in return. It wasn't fair to keep them separated because of his fears and selfish emotional issues.

A feeling akin to a gut-punched stole his breath and squeezed his eyes closed to the pain. He replayed his thoughts over again and came up with the most startling and razor-sharp revelation.

Cory loved Angelyn as much as he did.

Rick loved Angelyn.

He looked down at his son, drooping now with exhaustion and over-wrought emotions, and came to fully understand the saying, ęout of the mouths of babes'.

It was so simple; so clear. He'd just admitted that he loved Angelyn and the world hadn't fallen to pieces. Not one trace of love had left his heart for his son. He loved his son with his every waking breath. He could love Angelyn just as much and the world wouldn't end.

"Daddy, you're sqwuzzing me too tight."

Rick instantly loosened his hold on his son and planted a kiss on his forehead. Settling the little boy back amongst his pillows, Rick straightened the sheets and blankets and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Go to sleep, son. Everything will be fine. Rick told his son with a wry lift of his lips.

"What are you gonna do, Daddy?"

"You'll see. Just go to sleep and trust me."

"I love you Daddy. Cory's sleepy voice floated from his nest among his pillows and Cocoa the bear.

"I love you too, son."

"Are you going to get Angelyn, Daddy?"

"Soon, son. Very soon."


Angelyn listlessly brushed her hair and noted that the normally burnished brown strands seemed as flat and dull as she felt.

She picked up a soft green and yellow silky scarf to tie back her hair and stared dully at her reflection in the mirror. The serene colors of the scarf seemed to mock her mood. She dragged the chiffon from her hair and replaced it with plain dark elastic band.

She turned to the clothes she'd laid out on the bed earlier, slipped off her robe, and pulled on dark slacks and a dark forest green lightweight knit top. The effect seemed to highlight the dark circles under her eyes. She couldn't muster the will to care how she looked this morning.

She'd spent another sleepless night chasing solutions to the mess she and Rick had made of their relationship.

After convincing herself that the smartest thing to do would be to confront Rick and lay her feelings open, she knew in her heart that she could never do that. It didn't seem fair to burden Rick with her feelings if he couldn't reciprocate. And it was obvious that he didn't. He might appreciate her abilities with his son and his home; he might have feelings of chivalry and protectiveness that most men would feel for someone smaller and more defenseless than themselves; and he most definitely felt a lust or passion for her, but not love. Love couldn't be forced and she wasn't brave enough to see if it developed later in a marriage.

She just couldn't allow history to repeat itself. She'd watched her mother wear her convenient wife role like a miserable hair shirt, cowed by her overbearing and domineering husband. She, herself, had watched the man she married morph into a persona so foreign and so distant from the man she thought she'd married, until she realized one day that she was well on her way to becoming her mother. Corbett had guided and bullied her every move until she no longer seemed to have any thoughts or personality of her own. No, she could never let that happen again.

Not that Rick would ever become what her father or husband had been; no, it wouldn't be anything so horrendous. It would be a more invidious change; a more negligent and passive change until she and her feelings collapsed under the weight of his dispassion. And he began to feel smothered or resentful under the burden of her feelings that he couldn't return. She wanted love. Love that she could freely give and receive.

The problem was now how to exorcise Rick and Cory from her heart.

She moved across the bedroom and snapped the overhead light off. If only it were that easy to extinguish all the feelings she held for the two Lawson men from her life and her heart.

Cissy turned around as she entered the kitchen and quietly swept an all-encompassing glance over Angelyn. Her pursed lips and lifted eyebrow asked the question as loudly as any spoken words.

"I can't do it, Cissy. You were right. I shouldn't have gone over there and disrupted their lives. It's too soon. Or it's too over. It's too something and I don't think any of us can bear any more. Angelyn moved slowly towards the coffeemaker for her usual cup of coffee that got her going in the mornings. This morning it would surely take more than a jolt of caffeine.

"Angelyn, believe me when I say this with all the love in my heart, Cissy said in a solemn, concerned voice. "But you two need the biggest boot in the behind! Why can't you just talk? Just tell him how you feel and have him tell you in return? Why?"

"Cissy, we have talked. I want love and he doesn't. It's that simple. He doesn't love me and I can't go back to that life again. He would be unhappy, I would be unhappy and Cory would be unhappy and be caught in the middle. We all deserve better, don't you think? It's just over. Angelyn took a sip of her coffee, grimaced and poured it down the sink. It tasted of bitterness and acid. "It's just as well. I have to concentrate on opening the daycare and time is ticking away. I don't have time for a relationship right now. The entire thing was an exercise in foolishness and its best that it ended when it did."

She turned to gather her purse and keys from the counter and waved half-heartedly to Cissy and tossed in a wan smile. "I'd better get moving. I have lots of things to do today. See you this evening?"

Cissy returned the wave and gave a hard, speculative look. She dropped her gaze and shook her head sadly at her best friend.

"Yes, but I wish that I wouldn't see you. I wish you'd go home to Rick instead."

"Leave it alone, Cissy. It's over and I'll assure you that Rick is just as glad. He made it very clear that he didn't want to see me or for me to see Cory, Angelyn's voice caught and she swallowed hard before she continued. "He's out of my life and I won't be seeing him again."
* * * *

Rick swiveled aimlessly in his office chair, staring out the window that overlooked the garden area of the office complex. The newly blooming flowers surrounding the bubbling fountain should have lightened his mood, but instead it kept his mind focused on Angelyn instead. He could picture her in perched on the edge of the fountain with a background of soft, pale yellow daffodils and the deeper green of the wide leaves on the flower stems. She would look fresh and glowing.

Which was in direct contrast with the way he'd last seen her only yesterday; standing beside her car in his driveway, sad eyed and questioning.

His fingers drummed absently against the black leather armrest of his office chair.

He loved Angelyn. He'd mulled and tossed that thought around in his mind endlessly since he realized it and openly admitted it to himself last night.

In the cold light of day, he waited for the repercussions to set in; all the fears and reprisals for allowing such a dread emotion to creep unawares into his heart and consciousness.

All he could focus on was how he could bring Angelyn back to him without having to reveal the depth of his feelings. If he could give her just enough insight so that she would marry him happily and not have to completely lie bare the whole of his feelings. He couldn't do that. He felt too raw inside. Too vulnerable. It seemed a fragile balance of emotions and he felt a bit out of control. He had never felt this way before about a woman. This was the same way he felt when Cory had been born. A deep, searing slash of love and protectiveness permanently marked on his soul. There wasn't anything he wouldn't do for his son. It was a terrible and beautiful feeling and now he had that same overwhelming wash of feeling for Angelyn; the tiny, tenacious angel of a woman who had overturned his life and scared him more than he wanted to admit.

How could he control the situation? He couldn't let her know how deeply she affected him. He wasn't emotionally ready to just give over completely. He just needed to let her know he cared for her, enough to remove her objections to their marrying, but not enough to leave him exposed.

Love was a scary and dangerous business. But having Angelyn to love him and his son was worth dancing on the razor's edge.

His restless movements stilled.

She did love him, didn't she? His stomach clenched as he let his mind wrap around the question. His hands clamped on the chair's arms and the muscles cramped in his gut.

How would that be for a destroying bit of irony? For him to finally find a woman he could love, only to discover that she had found a man that she could have without the messy business of love?

You jackass.

She'd practically tattooed her position on her forehead; no love, no marriage.

He breathed easier and drew in a shaky breath. A humorless chuckle rumbled in his chest. He was becoming an emotional wreck.

What he needed was a plan.

Actually, the ringing of his telephone snapped him back to reality. What he needed for now was to concentrate on his work. No woman would welcome marrying an unemployed man with a dependent child. He needed to focus on his work and let all the problems with Angelyn receded to the background for a bit to simmer. Later, when he came to better terms with this new turning point in his life, he would be able to formulate the perfect plan for winning Angelyn without sacrificing too much of his soul.

He swiveled in his chair and punched the message button on his phone to retrieve his latest message from the phone call he's just missed.

"Mr. Lawson? A woman just delivered a box she wanted returned to Mr. Ottwell. I thought you might like to see it first, the voice of the office receptionist filtered through the phone receiver.

Rick shot from his chair and stalked towards the reception area. This would provide just the excuse he needed to see Angelyn Winters again. He grinned at his lucky break.
* * * *

Angelyn meandered through the daycare center, silently noting the progress being made by the construction company she'd hired. Everything appeared to be quiet. She glanced down at her watch and noted it was already the lunch hour. The workers would be gone for at least another half hour or more.

Everything seemed to be falling into place so far, as promised. Her grand opening in five weeks would happen right on schedule. Already she received phone calls on a daily basis requesting information on her center. Parents on this side of town were truly ecstatic at the thought of having a daycare center conveniently located nears their homes and workplaces, just as Rick had said they would be.

She glanced into the glass-fronted space that she planned to have as her business office and noted the flashing message light on her newly installed phone.

Probably more potential customers, she thought with a touch of apathy. She should be over the moon, but this just wasn't the day for it. This had been a day for endings, not beginnings. She sat behind her desk and noted the empty spot where her monitoring system had been stored until the time for installation rolled around.

She felt a spurt of unjustified and peevish anger that things hadn't worked out with Rick and Cory and that the resulting heartache dimmed her excitement over seeing her dream for her own business come to fruition.

It was better to have loved and lost than never have loved at all.

She growled deep in her throat and smacked the arms of her desk chair. What a ridiculous saying. It certainly didn't feel better.

Tired of feeling sorry for herself she reached out to push the button that would begin her voice message tape, but she hesitated.

It'll still be there tomorrow, she decided. Or maybe I'll feel more up to it later today.

She looked out the front window and just sat watching the soft white clouds roll by. The sky behind the clouds was so blue, she felt betrayed by the weather.

With her mood, the skies should be gray and overcast, not a tempting, teasing golden sunny day. She felt a childish desire to stick her tongue out.

She gave a mirthless chuckle and rolled her eyes. Just as well she was opening a center for children since apparently she was going to be the biggest baby on the premises.

"Well, aren't you going to throw your arms around me and greet me ecstatically? What does it take to get some appreciation for being the lunch wagon around here?"

Angelyn nearly jumped out of her chair at the sound of the feminine voice at her doorway.

"It would take a heckuva lot more than some Chinese take-out for me to administer that sort of greeting, Angelyn muttered, resolutely hauling herself to her feet. "What are you doing here this time of day, Cissy?"

"Worrying about you, of course. Cissy strolled into Angelyn's office and deposited a large paper bag emblazoned with the name of Angelyn's favorite restaurant on the desk. "And it's not Chinese. For a major life screw-up, only the finest of Japanese food will do. So. How are you holding up?"

Angelyn promptly burst into tears.

Cissy gathered her into her arms, smoothing back her friend's hair and remarking quietly under her breath, "You've held up so well until now. Just let it out. It's time."

A half an hour later, eyes dried and breathing returned to normal, Angelyn and Cissy began to unpack the take-out lunches and settled into her future living room area at the back of the daycare center.

"Thank you, Cissy. Angelyn said quietly. "It means everything to me to have your friendship to lean on right now. I'm feeling like such an emotion wreck."

"With our history, I'd say that it's more that past time I returned the favor. Cissy said with a downward turn to her lips and a thoughtful expression on her face.

"Cissy... Angelyn said softly, reaching out to place a comforting hand on her friend's silken covered arm.

"I'm fine, Cissy said staunchly. "No worries. Besides, this pity party is for you."

Angelyn gasped at Cissy pseudo-deprecating remarks and gave a short laugh. "Why don't you tell me what you really think, Cissy?"

In response, Cissy grinned and gave a mock salute with her chopsticks.

As Cissy drove away an hour later, Angelyn noted the construction crews work trucks were parked at the front of the daycare center. She wandered back into her private residence entrance and began to clear away the lunch debris.

She started in surprise when she heard a sharp rap at her front door. She glanced around the living room area to see if Cissy might be returning to retrieve a forgotten article, but she couldn't see anything out of place.

She passed a quick split-second glance out the front window on her way to the door and registered what she thought was Cissy's dark colored vehicle parked in her driveway.

"I didn't see anything you might have forgotten. Except maybe a good-bye kiss, Angelyn teased as she wrenched open the front door.

And stood staring into Rick Lawson's stunned and ferociously frowning face.

"Just who would be forgetting to kiss you? he ground out between tightly clenched teeth. His face turned from a whiter than white to a deep red flush as he stood glaring at her.

"I-I was talking to Cissy. What are you doing here? she stammered, just as stunned to see Rick standing in her doorway.

"You generally kiss your female friend's good-bye? You have hidden depths that I wasn't aware of. He grated rudely.

"It was a joke. And I asked what you're doing here, Rick."

It was then she noticed he carried a picnic basket in one white-knuckled hand and had a familiar cardboard box tucked under his other arm.

"What's this? she asked with a unsettling flutter beginning in her stomach. She began to wish she hadn't eaten that Japanese food - for a variety of reasons. She place one hand over her stomach and waited for his response.

"This - , he said indicating the picnic basket. "Was intended to be our lunch, which would have been delivered on time had it not been for this, he said indicating the box tucked under his arm.

She gulped but held her ground. It had been the right thing to do and she was prepared to defend her actions.

"Under the circumstances Rick, it seemed only right to return the monitoring system, she said in what she'd hoped was a firm voice, but the waver at the end ruined the effect.

"Right, how? The monitoring system had nothing to do with you or me as a couple, Ange. It was a gift from the owner of Century Design as a good-will token to another business owner. It didn't have anything to do with us."

Angelyn hadn't thought of it from that aspect and felt small with her actions. She owed Jason Ottwell, President of Century Design an apology.

"Yes, I can see where my actions were wrong, but I wasn't trying to be petty, only fair and above-board. I apologize to you and I'll make my apologies to Mr. Ottwell, too. She said with all the dignity she could muster.

"Ottwell doesn't know you returned his gift. My assistant brought the box straight to me instead. No real harm done, Rick said equably. "Which brings me to the other reason that I'm here. May I come in?"

Angelyn gripped the door and looked at him with eyes she knew must be heavy with sadness.

"What do you want, Rick?

"What was I supposed to do? I ruined your last picnic so I thought I would take you on one now."

"No. You were right for yesterday. I shouldn't have come. No more picnics. No more nothing. We can't change how we feel. Just let it be."

"I can't let it be. I want you in our lives."

"I can't be, Rick. I can't be what you want me to be."

"I'm sorry. You will have to be what we want you to be, because we need you. Cory needs a mother and I need a wife. We took a poll and it's unanimous. All of the Lawson men want you."

She stood shaking her head. Tears streamed down her face, her heart breaking with each word spoke. Words that on the surface should have brought such joy, but the underlying message was clear - we want you because it would be convenient.

"Convenient, she murmured brokenly. "You want me because it would be convenient. Well, I don't want to be convenient, Rick. Never, ever again! she cried, willing him to understand.

"Oh, I don't think you have to worry about that Angelyn, he said with a wry smile. "Because you are definitely not convenient. You've upset and overturned our lives. You've made me rethink an entire life's worth of ideas and notions and strict resolves. You've got me ditching my job in the middle of the day and packing useless picnic lunches when you've clearly already eaten."

"Wh-what are you saying, Rick? She could scarcely breathe. The punch line had to be delivered soon. Her nerves were stretched so tautly, she felt as if she would snap in to.

Stepping closer, he tilted her chin up to gaze into her eyes ignoring the rivulets of tears streaming down her face and he continued.

"We are in love with you. Lord knows it will be inconvenient to have you wrapped around our hearts. Inconvenient to love you so much that we can't breathe at the thought of losing you. Inconvenient to wake up each day, look into your beautiful eyes, and see all our love reflected back to us. I love you, my beautiful, inconvenient Angel. And you are going to marry us, Rick said, his voice winding down to a broken whisper. He gathered her into his arms, rocking her back and forth letting her tears and emotions wash away her pain and hopefully allow happiness to flow in.

"Oh Rick. You don't mean it. You don't mean it, she moaned brokenly.

"Oh, Angelyn, I do mean it. I do, he gently corrected her.

She could only stare up at him, her eyes fastened on his searching for the truth. She looked and looked and her eyes widened because she felt like she could read the sincerity of his words in his eyes.

"You do love me? she breathed.

"I wasn't going to tell you. I planned more to show you how I felt, just enough to get you to say yes, he admitted reluctantly.

"W-what? her heart plummeted into her stomach. She'd misunderstood him.

"Angelyn, you know how I felt. I just couldn't let love detract from the love I have for my son. But when I heard you mention a good-bye kiss, I think I just about died inside. I knew it wouldn't be enough. You deserved to know how much I care. I had to tell you the truth, he said, holding her more closely, his consoling gestures beginning to take on a more seductive sway. "But I don't know if you love me, yet. You haven't said."

She heard the teasing note in his voice, but she also heard the deep insecurity and fear and it nearly broke her heart. She wanted to cry for the little boy he'd been, deprived of his parent's love due to their overwhelming obsession for each other. She wanted to hold him so close, to love him so hard and erase the vulnerability she heard and saw in this tall, dark man she stood cradling in her arms.


"I love you so much I feel like my heart could burst with it. I love Cory and I want so much to be a happy family. To be able to begin and end each day securely wrapped in your love would be the ultimate desire in my life."

She could feel him stiffen in her arms and begin to pull away from her.

"I hear a ębutł in your words, don't I? Rick said in a strained, raspy voice. His face paled behind the dark stubble that already shadowed his face.

She reached up and cupped his face and gave him a long, loving kiss, unhampered by the secret of her feelings and the insecurity of his. She put her soul into that kiss and she felt his taking all that she gave him and reciprocating with a desperation.

"Rick, I didn't tell you everything about the night of the accident. You might change your mind about me and a-a-about wanting me when I tell you. I-I'll understand. It's the reason I never meant to fall in love or remarry. But I owe it to you to tell you."

"I don't care, Ange. I only care about you, he said before she could rest her fingers against his firm lips.

"Please, Rick. Sit down and let me tell you while I'm still brave enough to tell you, she pleaded quietly.

Rick settled into a corner of her sofa, his large hands dangling between his blue-jean covered knees and he leaned forward. His eyes never leaving hers, he waited.

Oh, how she loved looking at him, drinking in the sight of the man that embodied her most heart-felt dreams and wishes for a man to love her. His tall, dark masculine form filled the corner of her sofa and seemed to dwarf the overstuffed cushions. His hair was rumpled from her fingers, giving him a boyish, vulnerable look, but the firm set of his lips and piercing look reminded her that he'd put his heart on the line and she owed his an explanation.

"I told you everything about that night except for one detail. When I regained consciousness after the accident, my father was there to tell me that Corbett and our baby had died, she paused gathering strength to finish her story.

"I know that Ange."

"I know you do, but what you don't know is that - , she wet her suddenly dry lips and let the familiar pain crest inside her chest and begin to ebb before she continued. "I can't have anymore children. She tried to blink back the rush of tears but two lone teardrops wet her cheeks.

Rick exhaled a deep breath and dropped his chin onto his chest.

Angelyn's heart constricted and she felt a deep dread rush over her. He couldn't accept it. She'd known it in her heart that it would be nearly impossible for him to accept. Other than her love, what else could she bring to the marriage? Rick was still young and vital and shouldn't be cheated out of having more children and playmates for Cory.

"I'm so sorry, Rick. I should have told you sooner. I-I never expected you to love me. I'm so sorry I've hurt you, she sank onto the floor in front of him, willing him to believe her and forgive her for withholding such vital information.

"Angelyn, I don't care that you can't have any more children. I'm of course so very, very sorry that you can't, but only on your behalf because I know how much you love children. I'd always figured on Cory being an only child. If more children had been in the cards, that would have been great, but it doesn't change a thing between us. Do you understand? Rick reached forward and pulled her into his arms.

He let her spend her tears against his shirt and neck before he pulled her in front of him to look into her face.

"Now. Tell me that you're going to make me and my son very happy men and marry us."

"Rick... she breathed.

"Say it. Cory told me that you have to tell girls you love them so they'll marry you. I told you, now play fair. Say yes. He commanded in a firm voice but with a hint of uncertainty lingering in his eyes.

"Yes, Rick. I'll marry you. I'll marry the both of you. I love you with all my heart. I'll treat you so well you'll never want to let me go.

"I love you so much, Angel that I never will let you go, Rick growled seconds before searing her lips and her heart with a mind-melting kiss.

Several hours later, Rick and Angelyn walked hand in hand toward his SUV. As he helped her into the passenger seat, he snicked her seat belt into place and planted another lingering kiss on her lips which she returned.

Rick eased himself into the driver's seat and turned toward her while he started the engine.

"Well, are you ready to make my son a very happy boy and tell him you're going to be his new mother? Rick teased with a shine of pride in his eyes.

"Oh, my gosh, Rick. I'm going to be a mother! she breathed as the realization struck her. She beamed and blinked tears from her eyes.

It was the realization of a life-long dream.

"Let's go home, my tall, dark and handsome daddy."

Home. It had a beautiful ring to it.


Angelyn drifted into the kitchen, the sight of her husband of six months in his t-shirt and flannel pajama bottoms greeted her eyes as she entered the homey kitchen. A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth as he stood, barefooted and rumpled haired, bartering with her step-son on the merits of having cereal rather than blueberry pancakes for breakfast this morning.

As soon as she cleared the kitchen doorway, Cory rounded on her. "Mommie, can I have blueberry panny-cakes for breakfast? he asked as he launched himself against her legs and grabbed her in his chubby-armed embrace.

Angelyn knelt down on his level and returned his warm hug and smoothed back his hair to plant a tender kiss on his forehead.

"I'm sorry, son, but I'm not feeling very well this morning. Can I promise you blueberry pancakes for tomorrow?"

"Um, ok, he decided with a cheerful shrug.

Angelyn smiled and rumpled his dark hair as she moved towards the pantry to fetch a very much needed teabag to settle her stomach.

"Still not feeling well, Ange?"

She smiled as she felt Rick's strong arm gently encircle her waist as he moved quietly to stand behind her. She rested the back of her head against his warm, broad chest and reveled in the strong, caring feel of his arms around her.

After six months of marriage, she still couldn't get enough of this man she'd married. Everyday it seemed as if their love built and strengthened to an unshakeable rock solid thing.

Cory had gleefully accepted her into his life as his father's new wife and his new mother. A role that she gloried in.

Her business, Child's Play daycare had opened on schedule nearly five months ago and was a resounding success. She'd taken her place as a respectable and welcomed businesswoman in the community.

Life only grew sweeter with each passing day. The only fly in the ointment at the moment, was her health. For the past few weeks, she'd been feeling unwell and was experiencing unusual aches and pulling in her abdominal area.

The fear that on the heels of her realizing her ultimate dream and winning the two greatest loves of her life that some catastrophic illness could snatch it away, held her in a terrorized gripe.

"Ange? Rick turned her in his arms to be able to look into her face. Concern was etched into his face and she reached up to smooth away the frown lines.

"I'm fine, Rick. She said, mentally crossing her fingers. She expected a call from her doctor's office this morning and she'd hoped to be alone when she got the results in case the news should not be good. She'd taken a battery of blood tests and ultrasounds to determine any possible problems.

Right on cue the phone rang, shooting her heart down to her toes. A creeping, cold tingle swept across her skin and she knew fear.

She stepped away from Rick and moved to answer the phone.


"Yes, Doctor? Wha? No, no I'm not alone. My husband is here, she said faintly, groping for support for her suddenly weak legs and finding her husband's strong arms to hold her up.

"Ange. My God, Ange, What is it? Rick's voice shook with fear.

She shook her head and returned her concentration to the doctor's voice. "Yes, I'm listening. Please, just tell me. Her voice was strained with fear. She listened as the doctor gave her the results of her tests.

"Are you positive, Dr. Brandt? she asked in a faint voice.

Her legs grew weak at his diagnosis. She could only stare wordlessly at Rick as the phone began to slip from her nerveless fingers.

"Oh, dear Lord, she breathed, as Rick hurriedly settled her into a chair and plucked the phone from her hand.

"Doctor, tell me. He nearly shouted into the phone receiver.

A long, unbroken silence settled over the kitchen as the doctor repeated the results of her tests.

Rick hung up the phone and gathered her into his arms, rocking her and mingling his tears with hers.

"Oh, Rick. Oh, Rick, was the only words it seemed she could form.

"Congratulations, Mommy. And you said it couldn't be done."
* * * *

Eight months later, Taryn Elizabeth and Adam Bryce Lawson made their appearances into the world, much to big brother Cory's gap-toothed and grinning amazement.

Excellence in eBooks

By Grace Publishing

Copyright ©2005 by Shara Jones

NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.

Tall, Dark,
A novel by
Shara Jones
Published by By Grace Publishing

Shara has been scribbling stories since taking Creative Writing in the 4th grade. She has been published with several short stories in national magazines and is currently finishing her second novel.

She is a member of the national organization, Romance Writers of America and belongs to her local chapter, Northwest Houston Romance Writers of America.

Shara lives just north of Houston with her husband, daughter and a black Toy Poodle who doesn't realize he is a d-o-g.

To Sheila Holloway, my critique partner who first reached out her hand to pull me more firmly into this crazy world of writing and who has become so much more - my editor, my publisher but mostly, my friend. A special thank you to Angie P. and to the Bat Cave denizens.

Lastly to my husband, Ray for his encouragement and pride in my achievements; to my children, Jason, Ray Jr. and Lindsey - and to my mother, my first best fan.

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Learning to Love Again

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In 1874, a young woman returns home from school only to find her entire family has been killed in a raging house fire. With nothing left save for the clothes on her back, Sarah Jamison has nowhere else to turn but to Paradise, Texas, a town that desperately needs a schoolteacher for their children.

Derek Comstock, a widower with a young son, takes it upon himself to pick up the new schoolteacher from the train station and bring her back to Paradise. How can he be feeling this sudden ache in the new school teacher's presence?

As their attraction for each other begins to grow, will Derek learn that it's all right to love again? And will they be able to hold on to each other despite the will of a madman who threatens to take it all away?

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Visit for information on additional titles by this and other authors.


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