
OpticalSensor \ Learning \ Wiring ALPHA 1.0 Search wiring.org.co: Language (A-Z) \ Libraries \ Environment \ Learning \ Hardware Examples: Basics, Library, Topics \ Compare Blink Digital read Serial Analog read Serial Switch Photoresistor Fade Statements and comments Setup and Loop Loop Functions Variables Integers and floats True/False Characters and Strings Character classification Datatype conversion Variable scope Arrays Vectors Split a string and convert it to numbers Bidimensional arrays Passing an array to a function Add strings together Appending to Strings Change the case of a string Characters and Strings Compare strings Create strings from other data types Evaluate, look for, and replace characters in a String length() in a String length() and trim() in a String Replace characters or substrings of a string startsWith() and endsWith() in a String Substring in a String Iteration Iterate through digital outputs Iterate through digital inputs Conditionals Logical operators Increment/Decrement Operator precedence Modulo Sine and Cosine Random LED blink LED blink sequence LED swing 7 Segment led numerical LED display Optocoupler: 4N35 Relay 120-240 VAC Light bulb: TRIAC MOSFET: IRLD024 LED Port Tone keyboard Tone melody Tone multiple Tone pitch follower Switch (button) Multiple switches Hall effect sensor distance (proximity) sensor: Parallax ping Transmissive optical sensor Shift Register: 74LS595 Ultrasonic ranger: SFR04/SFR05 Magnetic field sensor: micromag 3-axis Humidity & Temperature: Sparkfun SHT15 Humidity & Temperature: Parallax SHT11 RGB LED matrix: Sparkfun RGB LED backpack Potentiometer Photoresistor Sensor calibration Smooth sensor readings Force Resistor Air quality sensor: MQ135 Infrared ranger (distance/presence): SHARP GP2D12/120 PiezoFilm (touch/vibration): MSIUSA piezo film Phototransistor Microphone (sound sensor) Electret Microphone: Sparkfun Ambient light sensor: Sparkfun TEMT6000 ADXL335 Accelerometer: Sparkfun ADXRS610 Gyroscope: Sparkfun IDG500 Gyroscope: Sparkfun IDG1215 Gyroscope: Sparkfun IXZ500 Gyroscope: Sparkfun LISY300AL Gyroscope: Sparkfun Air pressure: Motorola Infrared ranger & LEDs Potentiometer & LED Low current sensor: Sparkfun ACS712 Current sensor: Sparkfun ACS712 RGB LED Motor speed Stretch sensor & LEDs Light sensor & LED Attending external interrupts Timer LED blink w/timer This example is for Wiring version 0027+. If you have a previous version, use the examples included with your software. If you see any errors or have comments, please let us know. Transmissive optical sensor without aperture Vishay TCST1000/TCST2000 by Diana Fernandez Demonstrates how to use a transmisive optical sensor. This sensor is used in mechanisms to detect when the gap in the top is blocked by an object. When the sensor detects an interruption the Wiring onboard LED is turned on. int sensorSwitch = 1; // digital pin to attach the switch int sensorLED = 0; // sensor LED int boardLED = 48; // Wiring onboard LED void setup() { pinMode(sensorSwitch, INPUT); // sets digital pin 1 as input pinMode(sensorLED, OUTPUT); // sets digital pin 0 as output pinMode(boardLED, OUTPUT); // sets digital pin 48 as output digitalWrite(sensorLED, HIGH); // turns ON the sensor LED } void loop() { // make the onboard LED to show the sensor status digitalWrite(boardLED, digitalRead(sensorSwitch)); } Wiring is an open project initiated by Hernando Barragán. It is developed by a small team of volunteers. © Info, Processing © Info


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