Nokia 500 Edition Readme

MioPocket 2.0 Release 32 Nokia 500 Edition v0.1


MioPocket 2.0 Release 32 optimized for use on the Nokia 500. If you have a device other than the Nokia 500, or wish to learn more about MioPocket then you should visit the official MioPocket site:

This package mainly adds support files that are missing on the Nokia necessary for some applications to work, removes/replaces MioMap specific shortcuts with Nokia equivalents, and adds Nokia 500 specific functionality such as the ability to easily access the original Nokia shell and easily return back to MioPocket (just power cycle!). Check the changelog for details.

Discussion and latest news of this package can be found here:


- An unlocked Nokia 500, refer to the first post here on how to unlock the device:
- At least 180MB free space on the device's SD card (\SDMMC)
- At least 1MB free space on the device's \MyFlashDisk partition


Before installing, I recommend starting form a clean system that's been recently hard reset.

1.) If you have any of the following installed on your device, uninstall/remove them first:
- Existing version of MioPocket
- Shinco Player (Make sure the corresponding "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MediaPlayer" registry tree is also deleted)
- HPC Media Player
- GAPI for HPCs

2.) Uncompress this package onto the root of your SD Card (this should create "MioAutoRun" and "Media" on the SD Card)

3.) Turn on the Nokia device and double tap the "My Device" icon on the desktop.

4.) Double tap "SDMMC".

5.) Double tap "MioAutoRun.exe" to start the installation, that's it!

The Nokia "Hard Reset"

When the Nokia battery completely drains, or when toggling the power on/off switch (under the volume down button on the Nokia) a "hard reset" is preformed.

Traditionally, a hard reset, on a Windows CE/Mobile device, means that the device's ROM (meaning all files and registry settings) are reset to the last flashed ROM image.

In the case of the Nokia 500 a "partial" hard reset is performed. The file system is reverted to factory defaults (for example, all files added to the \Windows folder will be gone), but the registry's "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" branch is kept at its last "saved" state.

Simply changing the registry does not cause the HKLM branch to survive between hard resets, keeping the device on for many hours does not cause it to get saved. The only action that I've observed that saves the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" branch between hard resets is installing/reinstalling an application (I've used the GpsGate installation .CAB for this purpose).

Because of this behavior I've had to change the way MioPocket via the "\MyFlashDisk\MioAutoRun\Scripts\init.mscr" and "\MioAutoRun.mscr" scripts detect if MioPocket is installed. After a Nokia partial hard reset, necessary files for the proper functioning of MioPocket are missing (such as dependencies that need to copied to the \Windows folder, and start menu shortcuts). However MioPocket can think it's still installed because it checks a HKLM key to see if it's properly installed, which could possibly still exist after a hard reset. My version checks for the existence of "\Windows\Programs\Navigation\Nokia Mobile Navigator.lnk", and if it doesn't exist initiates a MioPocket reinstallation.

Using this known behavior, after you have your HKLM branch in a state you wish to save, you should install/reinstall an application to cause it to be "saved".


v0.1 (12/07/2008)

- Initial release based on MioPocket Release 32
- Removed SDFree installation support files (The Nokia 500 doesn't have enough storage space to support this type of installation)
- Tweaked/modified MioPocket.ini, registry imports, and application shortcuts to point to the \SDMMC storage card path.
- Added Shinco media player application and a link to it to the Multimedia tab (This is a great finger friendly media player prehacked to support the Nokia 500 storage paths)
- Added Fortuna media player application and a link to it to the Multimedia tab (Another great finger friendly media player)
- Angus's versions of "comime.exe" and "MainPage.exe" are copied to the \Windows folder on installation. Both files have been modified to no longer modify the "init" registry branch, in effect undoing the software unlock. They have both been diverted to "anit" (a do nothing branch), both exe files should be safe to run and should always let you return to the explorer desktop on a power cycle.
- Added Nokia 500 Navigator (MainPage.exe) link to the Navigation tab. This links starts the original Nokia shell, to return back to MioPocket simply power cycle the device.
- Upgraded GAPI for HPCs to v4.03, which adds Nokia 500 support. On installation GAPI gets preconfigure for the Nokia 500 (including enabling the frame buffer).
- Added zlib.dll to the \MioAutoRun\System\CE5 folder, this fixes a dependency requirement for Patiences, GameBox, Peg Solitaire, and 1-Calc.
- Removed Miomap specific application shortcuts from the start menu.
- Added Nokia folder group to the start menu with Nokia related application shortcuts.
- Added start menu shortcuts for the Shinco & Fortuna players.
- Modified \MioAutoRun\Scripts\TomTomLauncher2.mscr so it doesn't perform an unnecessary screen rotate.
- Modified \MioAutoRun\Scripts\init.mscr and \MioAutoRun.mscr to detect a the "Nokia 500" version of a hard reset (refer to above section titled "Hard Reset") and reinstall/repair MioPocket on a hard reset.
- Added \ReInstall MioPocket.mscr script, running this script will rerun the MioPocket installation

-Vista Ultimate Skin Changes:
- On the Navigation tab removed application links to MioMap, MioMap Manager, Mobile Navigator, Destinator & Ozi Explorer.
- On the Navigation tab added an application link to iGuidance.
- Replaced Mio Audio with Nokia Audio (Nokia's Aplayer.exe audio player) application on the Multimedia Tab
- Removed links to Mio Menu & Mio Settings on the Settings tab
- Added Bluetooth & FM Transmitter applications to the Settings tab (not currently working correctly)
- Added skin icon files for FM Transmitter, Garmin, Nokia 500 Navigator, Fortuna Player & Shinco Player.

Known Bug List:

- .NET Framework 3.5 currently does not work (v1.0 & v2.0 can't be installed either). This means any applications based on the .NET framework also do not work, such as the game Rubik, and the applications Pocket Picture, Keep Recordin & Expenses (MoneyGoesAway.exe). I've spent 5+ hours trying to get the .NET framework working with no success. My current best guess is that there's some fundamentally missing core platform support needed that doesn't exist on the Nokia 500. If anyone solves this problem please let me know!

- Java Midlet HQ doesn't currently work. I haven't looked into why yet.

- Even though the Bluetooth & FM Transmitter applications on the Settings tab open, they don't actually successfully control the Bluetooth & FM Transmitter. If you would like to access these features you must access them via the Nokia 500 Navigator application available on the Navigation tab.

- The USB Mode application on the Settings tab doesn't work. If you would like to place the device into USB Storage mode simply start the Nokia shell via the "Nokia 500 Navigator" link on the Navigation tab


rickgtx for his work on unlocking and documenting a method to unlock the Nokia 500.
Angus for his hacked versions of updated "comime.exe" and "MainPage.exe".
Osprey and the rest of the MioPocket contributors for creating and maintaining an awesome application package.


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