after using photorec

After Using PhotoRec - CGSecurity /**/ var skin = "monobook"; var stylepath = "/mw/skins"; var wgArticlePath = "/wiki/$1"; var wgScriptPath = "/mw"; var wgServer = ""; var wgCanonicalNamespace = ""; var wgNamespaceNumber = 0; var wgPageName = "After_Using_PhotoRec"; var wgTitle = "After Using PhotoRec"; var wgArticleId = 1407; var wgIsArticle = true; var wgUserName = null; var wgUserLanguage = "en"; var wgContentLanguage = "en"; /**/ After Using PhotoRec From CGSecurity Jump to: navigation, search It may be hard to sort the file recovered by PhotoRec. You can find here some ideas to help you in this process. JPEG file sorting using EXIF meta-data. Under Linux, md5sum can used to find duplicate file, maybe just md5'ing only the first x bytes Under Linux (or with perl and 'sum'), you can find duplicates in a hierarchy using find_dup Under Linux, for file extensions that ImageMagick can handle, you can run something like for file in recup_dir*/*; do convert $file $file; done Under Linux (or with perl and 'convert'), you can automate the above 'for' loop and do many other batch image processing with fix_img To read broken Office document (doc/xls/ppt/...) that MS Office failed to read, you can try OpenOffice. is a multiplatform and multilingual office suite and an open-source project. Compatible with all other major office suites, the product is free to download, use, and distribute. To recover broken Outlook PST file, try Microsoft Scanpst Canon PowerShot models store their image sequence numbers in the EXIF data, so using a program that can dump EXIF data to text like jhead, and the following Perl script, you can essentially restore all the JPG files to their original names. --Vees 01:59, 8 January 2007 (CET) $working_dir = '.'; $jhead_bin = '/usr/local/bin/jhead'; @recovered_files = `ls $working_dir`; foreach $file (@recovered_files) { chomp $file; @exif = `$jhead_bin -v $working_dir/$file`; foreach $line (@exif) { if ($line =~ /Canon maker tag 0008 Value = 100(\d{1,8})$/) { system("mv $working_dir/$file $working_dir/IMG_$1.JPG"); print "IMG_$1.JPG from $file\n"; last; } } } Category: Data Recovery if (window.isMSIE55) fixalpha(); Data Recovery TestDisk PhotoRec download This page was last modified 00:59, 8 January 2007. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2. if (window.runOnloadHook) runOnloadHook();


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