2 2.1 False
Matura Practice Test 1
2.2 True
2.3 True
2.4 False
Egzamin ustny s. 228
2.5 False
1 Zadanie otwarte.
Zapis nagrania
2 Zadanie otwarte.
Welcome to the fabulous island of Rhodes! My name s
Martin Featherstone, and I m your Dobson Holidays rep.
Egzamin pisemny
We ve a fantastic programme organised for you, and either
me or Hayley here will be in your hotel foyer every second
morning to sign you up for the excursions and parties or
1 1.1 C 1.4 F
to help you with things like car hire.
1.2 D 1.5 A
1.3 E
We ve got great beach-parties, game-shows, quizzes and
walking tours, not to mention fabulous boat trips, which
Zapis nagrania
are all part of the package. For full-day excursions and
Speaker 1
water-sports we charge only a reasonable fee.
I ve never cheated at tests. I realize it s wrong, but most of
all I d be frightened of being caught. And then you d look
Our guided walks along the old donkey paths will take you
a right idiot in front of your friends who spent days and
through beautiful scenery, but you ll need to be up at the
nights revising for a test. Sometimes I ve copied a book
crack of dawn, as we start at seven to avoid the midday
review or something off the internet, and changed a few
words and handed it in, but that s not really the same.
If you like history, your holiday won t be complete without
Speaker 2
a visit to Rhodes City and Lindos, both UNESCO World
My sister s ever so good at tests. And so is my cousin. They
Heritage Sites. We do two whole-day excursions on
always come out with top marks. Mum and Dad are always
Tuesdays and Fridays. They cost Ź 40 for adults and half
telling me to work as hard as them. They put so much
price for children, including a delicious lunch. You could
pressure on me to succeed that cheating seems to be the
simply relax by the pool, but do take at least one day to
only way out. Sometimes I write some answers like foreign
explore Rhodes rich history.
vocabulary on my wrist, especially in French tests, or I put
bits of paper up my sleeve, just to remind me.
Finally, an important tip. If you wander down to the
Speaker 3 harbour for a coffee, instant will cost you a small fortune,
Cheating is definitely tempting, especially when you see but a Greek coffee won t. Note, Greek, not Turkish. The
that teachers don t stop students from cheating and locals are very sensitive about this.
pretend not to see the problem. It s normal for my friends
to cheat on homework or tests and I feel disappointed. Above all, have an unforgettable time on the island of
I study all night whereas other lazy students rewrite my roses!
answers and get good grades. Perhaps I shouldn t let them
3 3.1 B
do it but then they would turn their backs on me.
3.2 C
Speaker 4 3.3 A
I ve only ever cheated once, when I didn t have time 3.4 C
to revise for my biology test. I felt really embarrassed 3.5 B
afterwards, because I came out top, and the teacher
praised me in front of the other kids for working hard. 2.36
Zapis nagrania
And I knew that they knew I didn t deserve it. It was sick-
Well, I think I got off to a good start. I felt extremely
making. I cheated the teacher, other students and myself. I
nervous, full of butterflies, but when I came to the
would have felt much better if I had got the worst grade in
manager s office, there was another new girl, so I didn t feel
class. I ll never be tempted again.
so alone.
Speaker 5
First, we tried the uniforms  not at all attractive, not
Well, I do cheat sometimes. What of it? The first time,
much better than school uniforms. I chose the skirt, which
I thought the teacher had spotted me, but he hadn t. I
was a mistake, as I had to wear proper shoes. How my feet
watch the teacher from under my fringe and if he doesn t
pay attention when his back s turned I look at my crib.
I often cheat at other things too  especially when I m
What was the hardest thing? There s a lot to learn about
playing games with my brothers. I like winning. And
the cash desk  scanners, bar codes, handling cash and
they re too young to notice.
card payments, not to mention refunds, gift packs and
promotions. It wasn t so difficult in the training room but
Matura Practice Test 2
when there s a customer looking at her watch it s quite
different. I didn t make any terrible mistakes, but someone
was at my shoulder the entire time making sure. And I had Egzamin ustny s. 234
an embarrassing badge on my shirt saying  Sales Assistant
1 Zadanie otwarte.
in Training .
2 Zadanie otwarte.
But what I found most challenging were the difficult
customers. One wanted a yellow dress which we didn t
Egzamin pisemny
have, so I said,  Pink s very fashionable this season,  and
took one off the rail to show her. She hissed,  I do not wear
 gendered clothes , I wear colours which suit me no matter
what the stereotypes are! , and left the shop filled with
1. 1.1 C
anger. I felt awful. Why was she so furious?
1.2 F
1.3 E
My manager was cool, and said there were some
1.4 G
customers you just couldn t please, and she was sorry I d
1.5 B
met one on my first day. She explained about  gendered
clothes , blue for boys, pink for girls, which I d never heard
Zapis nagrania
of. Gary, another assistant, tried to comfort me and said
Speaker 1
difficult customers always make you feel bad, but after a
If you asked any of the kids in my class what their dream
while you get used to them.
job was, they d say pop singer. But I really want to do it
professionally, and these days, with the internet, it s not so
Best part of the job? The thirty per cent staff discount!
difficult to get launched. I already have my own MySpace
No! The best part is that everyone has been incredibly
page, and I get loads of hits. I m hoping to get spotted by
welcoming. And what I ve learned is the value of money 
an agent.
so easy to spend yet so difficult to earn!
Speaker 2
I ve always lived in the country and I m not ever going to
leave it. But being a farmer like my dad and grandpa is
4 4.1 E
not what I d like to do in the future. I dream of running
4.2 C
a big clinic where I could treat farm animals like horses
4.3 B
and cows as well as take care of pets, including those
4.4 D
abandoned by city dwellers on country roads. If I earn
4.5 E
enough money, I ll set up an animal shelter.
4.6 A
4.7 B
Speaker 3
4.8 C
I ve already started my dream job  at weekends. My
mates have always said how much I look like Madonna.
5 5.1 D
And if you ve got a famous face, why not use it? Lookalike
5.2 F
work s sporadic, but it pays well and you get to travel.
5.3 A
I ve recently joined an agency, so last weekend I opened a
5.4 G
village fete  but I could also open shops, meet and greet
5.5 B
people at a ball, anything really.
5.6 False
5.7 False
Speaker 4
I ve always wanted to create trendy clothes  ever since I
6. 6.1 B
saw Paul Smith interviewed on a chat show. Up till then, I
6.2 C
thought English men didn t do that sort of thing, but now
6.3 A
there s loads of role models, like Alexander McQueen and
6.4 D
John Galliano. I m hoping to go to the London College of
6.5 B
Style in September, if I pass my diploma.
Speaker 5
7 Zadanie otwarte. I ve always enjoyed being outdoors, but being a towny I ve
never had any experience in animal care. I don t even have
8 Zadanie otwarte.
a pet. Then, one day we went on a school outing to the
country, and I had a chance to feed a calf. I loved it. And
it s so wonderful to live close to nature and watch crops
grow. I even wouldn t mind getting up early or working in
the fields in bad weather.
2 2.1 True Most planes scheduled for departure after sixteen hundred
2.2 False hours will be cancelled. No further passengers will be
2.3 False checked in. Passengers on intercontinental flights and
2.4 True European flights should contact their airline information
2.5 True desks, where staff will make arrangements for overnight
hotel accommodation. The Met Office is warning that
these severe weather conditions may continue, and it is
Zapis nagrania
likely that the flights will be further disrupted tomorrow.
I ve never thought I d live to be a hundred, and to have a
wonderful birthday party like this. Am I really going to be
Underground trains, Heathrow Express and buses are
on local radio? You want me to tell you what the Isle of
currently still operating according to the timetable.
Wight was like when I was a girl?
However, conditions on the roads are likely to cause some
delays in bus services.
Well, the Island  that s what we called it  was real
countryside, no roads much, very few cars. I was born in
The Airport Authority apologizes for the inconvenience
Parkhurst as the youngest of fourteen children. Parkhurst
this will cause passengers, but weather conditions are
was near the sea, and the prison. I can barely remember
not within its control. Please remain patient and we will
my mother  I mostly remember being looked after by my
do our best to keep you as well informed as possible via
older sisters.
ground staff, information boards, information desks and
announcements. Please wait in the departures and arrivals
The thing I remember most vividly was the prison. My
halls for further information.
greatest fear when I was little was that prison. It was
a huge, dark, threatening building which I had to pass
every day on my way to school. It was built there in
the nineteenth century because Parkhurst had a deep
4 4.1 C
water harbour which was perfect for the ships to stop
4.2 B
and collect the prisoners who were transported to
4.3 E
Australia. I had a vivid imagination, and I could picture the
4.4 C
transportation ships coming in the middle of the night
4.5 D
and sailing away with me to the other side of the world.
4.6 A
4.7 B
But even more scary than that were the prisoners  we
4.8 A
would run past the gates on our way to school as fast
5. 1.1 C
as we could, but I was always last as I was the youngest.
1.2 A
And then, one day a prisoner escaped and chased me.
1.3 E
You don t believe me? I sometimes wonder whether my
1.4 D
imagination made it all up, but I don t think so.
1.5 G
3 3.1 B
6 6.1 A
3.2 C
6.2 C
3.3 B
6.3 D
3.4 A
6.4 B
3.5 C
6.5 D
Zapis nagrania
This is an urgent announcement for departing passengers,
7 Zadanie otwarte.
and those meeting incoming passengers. At fourteen
hundred hours, the Met Office issued a warning of severe
8 Zadanie otwarte.
weather conditions which may affect London Heathrow.
Very strong winds are expected to bring snowstorms,
which will hit the area in about sixty minutes. This may
lead to the closure of at least one runway. Passengers are
warned to expect long delays and some disruption at the
All flights due to arrive after sixteen hundred hours will
be redirected to airports outside the London area. People
meeting incoming passengers are advised to watch the
arrivals board, which will show the airport to which the
plane has been redirected This could be Manchester
Airport or John Lennon Airport in Liverpool.


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