The files LABOUR2 contain 569 observations on Belgian firms for 1996.

Variable list:
capital labor output wage

Variable labels:

capital: total fixed assets, end of 1995 (in 1000000 euro)
labor: number of workers (employment)
output: value added (in 1000000 euro)
wage: wage costs per worker (in 1000 euro)

Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
capital | 569 11.51545 80.51885 .002231 1786.899
labor | 569 201.0808 611.9959 1 10661
output | 569 14.71923 62.72948 .0262763 1279.372
wage | 569 38.63288 14.44325 11.73374 188.4251


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