
Savage Kingdom

The darkness in his soul could
claim her loveor her life.


Freygard, a world where women rule and men are slaves, would
seem to be a female Nirvana. Not for the warrior Nerya. So far her required
visits to the coupling chambers have been awkward and embarrassing. Until
Jaden. Despite his chains, the defiant slavełs expert pleasuring satisfies her
bodyand sparks a determination to defend him from her cruel queen.

Jaden couldnłt be in a worse position. Nerya has not only
claimed his prized white stallion, shełs somehow managed to abscond with his
ability to resist her sexual appeal. His escape attempt is disastrous, until
Nerya intervenes with an unheard-of deal. In exchange for guiding her to an
unmapped kingdom to find the sister she never knew she had, she will free both
him and his men.

On the journey, Neryałs determination to resist her powerful
attraction to Jaden melts away in the heat of his desire. Leaving her wondering
just who is in controland what it is about him that bothers her. When they are
forced to face a soul-stealing mage, his secret is revealed.

He is warrior of the feared DaiłShi-en, legendary for the
dark magic that fuels their violenceand their lust.


Warning: Contains hot, sweaty warrior sex, sex in chains and
sex in a tent.

eBooks are not

They cannot be sold, shared or
given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work.


This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places,
and incidents are products of the writerłs imagination or have been used
fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons,
living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely


Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

577 Mulberry Street, Suite 1520

Macon GA 31201


Savage Kingdom

Copyright © 2010 by Deanna Ashford

ISBN: 978-1-60928-167-0

Edited by Linda Ingmanson

Cover by Kanaxa


All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used
or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in
the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic
publication: August 2010

Savage Kingdom




Deanna Ashford


To Steve, Kate and James for their love and encouragement.

Chapter One

The last golden rays of the setting sun dipped below the
high crenellated stone walls of the huge fortress, leaving the bailey of the
castle bathed in the gloom of approaching night. This was usually Neryałs
favorite part of the day. Often she would just stand here and look up at the
glorious sunset, watching the play of light and colors across the sky, but she
had no time to admire the beauty of nature this evening. She barely noticed the
flock of small birds flying low across the bailey and soaring high above the
walls, making their way toward the thick forest which snaked along the western
borders of Freygard. Neryałs mind was focused on more troubling matters as she
walked toward the squat stone building attached to the slave quarters.

She was no innocent. Nerya had been to the coupling chambers
on two previous occasions. Both times shełd found it an awkward and rather
embarrassing experience. Nevertheless, duty came before personal feelings. All
the women of Freygard, on reaching the age of maturity, were required to visit
the coupling chambers on a regular basis until theyłd conceived at least one
child. It was just the way of things, she reminded herself. The custom had
continued for centuries, and no doubt it would continue for many centuries

Bracing herself, Nerya pushed open the door and stepped

“There you are." The slave mistress Murana spoke rather

Nerya pulled the door shut behind her. “IÅ‚m not late."

“You have been late before." Murana frowned.

“I was busy," Nerya replied. Murana was unpopular with all
the warriors as she was an ill-tempered woman who overreached her authority
whenever she could. “Just like everyone else, I have other duties to perform."

“No doubt you have, Captain Nerya. After all, youÅ‚re one of
our most renowned warriors. I shouldnłt forget that, now, should I?"

Ignoring the sarcasm tinting Muranałs words, Nerya withdrew
her sword and dagger and laid them on a wooden table. “IÅ‚m certain you do not
forget who I am for one moment."

Murana picked up the weapons and placed them in a sturdy
cupboard. “I have a special surprise for you this evening." She smiled rather
too smugly as she locked the cupboard door and tucked the key in a leather
pouch fixed to her belt.

“Surprise?" NeryaÅ‚s heart sank.

“Yes, fresh meat."

Murana must have allocated her one of the new captives.
Nerya managed to display no concern, even though Muranałs words unsettled her.
Queen Danara had recently decreed they were to use these recently captured
warriors in the coupling chambers, even before theyłd been properly broken into
slavery. The men of Freygard had been slaves for many generations and were by
nature obedient and compliant. Freygardłs future could well depend on breeding
stronger and more determined warriors to help defend the kingdom. The queen was
convinced the seed of these captives would improve and strengthen their

Their borders had been closed to outsiders for many
generations. It was a policy that had helped their race and their customs
survive. In the past theyłd been untroubled by the lands surrounding Freygard,
but in the last year or so therełd been a worrying number of incursions into
their territories by bands of heavily armed raiders. They appeared to bear no
allegiance to any particular country, but Queen Danara suspected one of their
neighbors might have some involvement in these incursions. They had to be
prepared, just in case.

“IÅ‚m no expert at breaking captives."

“HeÅ‚s disobedient." Murana shrugged her skinny shoulders.
“And he has a lot to learn about being a slave, so IÅ‚ve had him chained. IÅ‚m
certain an acclaimed warrior such as you, Nerya, will be able to handle him
with little difficulty."

Nerya undid the leather straps holding her chased metal
breastplate together. “I have no doubt I will," she replied, tartness
concealing her unease. After placing the breastplate on the table, she removed
her short leather skirt. Nerya had just spent a couple of hours in the practice
arena instructing the young warrior recruits. Perspiration molded the thin
linen undertunic to her body, and most likely she didnłt smell so sweet. Why
should she worry? The man Murana had chosen might be a new captive but he was
still a slave and they didnłt dare complain. Slaves just did as they were told.

“IÅ‚ve left wine in the room for you." Narrowing her eyes,
Murana stared at Nerya. “As you know, some of our visitors choose to give a
little to the new slaves, to relax them. Remember, not too much, though. It can
stop them getting an erection."

“We wouldnÅ‚t want him to be unable to perform, now would
we?" She managed to hide her true feelings, although it wasnłt easy. She would
not display weakness in front of Murana. It was, after all, her duty to do
thisa duty she of all people could not avoid. “Which room? I cannot remain
here for long. I have a number of reports to write."

“In there." Murana pointed toward the last door on the

Nerya strode forward, slid back the bolt and pushed open the
door. Her previous two experiences had been awkward and not at all enjoyable.
Coupling with male slaves was not meant to be enjoyed. It was just one of those
strange anomalies of nature that one needed male seed to become pregnant. Some of
her warrior comrades claimed the act could be quite pleasant, even physically
satisfying on occasion. Nerya couldnłt bring herself to believe them. All the
women of Freygard had been taught from early childhood that sexual congress
between females was where the true pleasure lay.

Nerya pushed the door shut and glanced toward the bed. By
the gods! Shełd expected a warrior, but not this. Chained to the bed was the
most threateningly masculine creature shełd ever laid eyes on in her entire

She stepped over to the table and poured herself a large
goblet of wine. After drinking it down in a couple of swallows, Nerya pulled
herself together and turned to examine him again. The slave lounged against the
pillows, seeming untroubled by his plight. He was totally naked apart from a
blue linen tunic draped across his groin, and his obsidian eyes stared at her
in a disdainful, almost predatory manner that angered her and yet oddly enough
stimulated her at the same time.

This one would be a challengethere was no doubt about that.

Nerya never underestimated her opponents in battle, and she
had no intention of underestimating this slave. He was dangerous. She wanted to
face a man like this fully armored and with a sword in her hand, not in the
coupling chamber skimpily clad in only a thin linen tunic.

It was difficult to gauge his height when he was sitting on
the bed, legs outstretched, but he appeared to be at least a head or so taller
than her. His skin had a dusky tint, looking even darker compared to the
pristine whiteness of the linen sheet. She supposed if she were to consider him
objectively, he was in fact a fine specimen. His body was a mass of corded
muscle, with a wide, well-defined chest, narrow waist and lean hips. She had to
admit she was somewhat relieved to see his arms were held fast above his head
by chains.

She took another sip of wine, trying to ignore the fact he
was curiously examining her as she examined him. She felt an unwanted warmth
color her cheeks. Why was she letting this situation trouble her so much? The
slavełs appearance had no bearing on this coupling. All she should be concerned
about was that he had a good physique and was most likely a formidable warrior;
therefore his seed should be powerful.

Yet he had the gall to lounge there staring insolently at
her, displaying none of the expected demeanor of a slave, and her cheeks became
even warmer as she realized he stared intently at her breasts. The damp linen
tunic stuck to her full curves and, under the thin covering, her nipples hardened
into firm peaks. “DonÅ‚t stare at me, slave," she snapped.

Oddly enough, for a man he was remarkably pleasing to the
eye. His features were strong and symmetrical, his cheekbones high and
well-defined, while his nose was straight and aquiline. His mouth was maybe a
little too wide, but not girlishly full, and his long, raven-black hair fell in
a silky mass around his shoulders. It was his eyes that troubled her most as he
stared at her with such insolence it almost took her breath away.

He was bold and appeared unafraid, something she wasnłt
accustomed to in a slave. Nerya was suddenly tempted to run her fingers over
his dusky skin and gauge the strength of his muscles that appeared to be carved
from something far harder than living flesh. Shełd never seen a slave as
magnificent as this creature and now, for some inexplicable reason, the blood
began to sing wildly through her veins.

He smiled at her: a bold expression of wry amusement that
irritated her intensely. “I told you not to look at me like that. Do you
understand what I say?"

“Of course," he replied in a deep voice. He glanced at the
goblet she held. “Is there any wine for me?"

“Wine for you?" She took another long, very deliberate
swallow as she paused a pace or so from the bed. “Should there be?"

“I heard you feed your slaves nothing but bread and water."
He shrugged. “Perhaps thatÅ‚s true. Most of the slaves IÅ‚ve seen here so far
have been pitiful creatures."

“They are well fed. We donÅ‚t starve slaves." Nerya stalked
back to the table and slopped more wine into her goblet. Ignoring the puddle
shełd spilt on the table, she took a couple more fortifying gulps of the rich
red liquid. Shełd had little to do with new prisoners before. Nerya had
captured a number of intruders, but once they were brought back to the castle,
they were handed over to Murana, who dealt with them as she thought fit. It was
part of the slave mistressłs duties to teach them to be compliant slaves.

“In that case, do I get offered wine?"

She saw no harm in allowing him a little. “You may try
some." Nerya stepped closer to the bed.

“I cannot take the goblet from you with my arms fastened
above my head like this. Perhaps you would unchain me?"

“I would not be so foolish." Nerya held the goblet to his
lips. “Drink." Tipping it, she allowed him to take a couple of long gulps.

“Not bad," he admitted with a wry smile. “But IÅ‚ve tasted
finer in Percheron."

Percheron was a land to the southwest of Freygard. Judging
by his dusky skin, shełd thought he came from somewhere much farther south. But
what did it matter to her where this man came from? She had a task to perform,
and she had to carry it out. “Have more." She pressed the goblet to his lips

His arrogance unsettled her, and the thought of having to
couple with him troubled her more than she cared to admit. Perhaps, if he drank
enough, he might become incapable of completing his task. Then she could retire
without losing face.

“No." He eased his head back a shade. “I think it wiser to
keep my wits about me in the circumstances."

“Wits?" She straightened. “IÅ‚ve found that most males are
stupid compared to women." It struck her that his eyelashes were far too long
and luxuriant for a man. And the spicy masculine odor that exuded from his warm
flesh attracted her. This man was an inferior being. What was wrong with her?
She shouldnłt find him so appealing.

“If IÅ‚m as stupid as you say I am, then should I not ask why
IÅ‚m here?"

“Were you not told?"

“No. Should I have been?" His expression was troublingly
innocent. “IÅ‚ve been kept in isolation ever since I was captured. An ugly,
skinny female had her slaves bring me here, and it struck me they were all
terrified of her." He shrugged. “I donÅ‚t recall her giving me any

Had Murana not even bothered to explain what was expected of
him? That was her job. What was the woman thinking? “The slaves were right to
be terrified," Nerya said. “We hold the power of life and death over all men in
Freygard, slave."

“Jaden," he said. “My name is Jaden."

“Names of slaves do not concern me."

“Then it must be very difficult when you issue commands and
there is more than one slave around." He grinned.

“Flippancy will not make me more lenient with you." She
frowned. “You deserve a whipping for your insolence." It was a threat she would
not carry out. Shełd never been a supporter of such extreme punishments, and
she thought it a pity to even consider despoiling such pleasing looks. “I
should warn you we do not ransom prisoners in Freygard." Jadenłs arrogance led
her to believe she was dealing with no common bandit here, but a man of some
importance. “Even those of noble blood."

“DonÅ‚t you think that rather foolish?"

“Queen Danara refuses to ransom prisoners. It has never been
our custom to do so. The moment you crossed into our land, you became a slave."

“But I did not cross your border. My men and I were in
territory belonging to Percheron when we were attacked."

“I didnÅ‚t come here for a discussion on why or where you
were captured." His attitude frustrated her, making her feel she was not fully
in control of this situation, when she knew she should be.

“Then why did you come?"

Neryałs stomach tightened, forming a knot deep in her groin,
and her breasts tingled while, to her consternation, her nipples stiffened even
more. She swallowed, her mouth gone dry. “If you do what is required of you,
then your situation could become more comfortable," Nerya said, having no wish
to explain this to him in exact detail.

Those compelling dark eyes fastened on her breasts again.
“And what exactly is required of me?"

She repressed a slight shiver as she found her gaze
instinctively sliding down over his imposing chest to his belly and the
crumpled blue linen covering his groin. Were his sexual organs half as
impressive as his body? It was said that a goodly sized organ guaranteed even
more fertile seed. Shełd come here fully expecting to be given a submissive
slave who would carry out his duties by coupling with her briefly and
efficiently, and now she was faced with this conundrum!

“You are here in the coupling" She faltered as he gave a
throaty chuckle.

“IÅ‚m not that uninformed. You force your male slaves to
copulate with you in order to provide your race with offspring? If you give
birth to a boy child, you send him off almost at once to be raised apart from
his mother. Eventually he will become a slave just like his father. What I
cannot understand is how you women can be so heartless as to reject and then
enslave your own offspring."

“Our customs are not your concern."

“It is barbaric. Yet you call us barbarians."

“All men outside Freygard are barbarians."

“Yet you also couple with these so-called barbarians and are
happy enough to let them provide the seed you need to father your children."

“If you want to survive for long here, I suggest you watch
your tongue." In a strange way, she respected him for not appearing
subservient. If she were in his place, she would do the same. She wasnłt in his
place, she reminded herself. By now she should have ordered some sort of
punishment for his continued insolence. She was being unnecessarily weak in her
dealings with him, but she couldnłt seem to help herself. There was something
about Jaden that fascinated her.

Nerya had never had the opportunity to speak with a captive
for any length of time before. Even though it was frowned upon, shełd always
been curious about the world beyond the borders of Freygard. She hoped one day
she might even get the chance to see these other lands for herself. Although
she knew it was highly unlikely that Queen Danara would ever allow her to leave
Freygard. “We only use barbarians because it is said the seed of a warrior is
stronger, and our men are not warriors."

“They could be, if you let them. Could they not?"

“Be silent!" SheÅ‚d had enough of this useless banter. He was
no fool; he had an answer for everything she said. Shełd never come across a
man like him before and, in a strange way, she found his arrogant nature

Nerya sat on a three-legged stool and pulled off her long
boots. She might as well get on with the coupling. There was no chance of
finding a way to avoid this unpleasant experience. She stood with her back to
him and lifted the front of her thigh-length tunic to discreetly remove her

As she turned toward him again, Jaden pulled against the
chains that held his arms stretched tight above his head. “It wonÅ‚t be so easy
to have sex with me confined."

“Why not? It simplifies matters to keep you shackled,
especially as you fail to act submissively as a slave should."

“Better dead than a submissive slave." His eyes narrowed. “I
do believe that you, one of the famed warriors of Freygard, are scared of me.
While Iłm chained, you know I canłt wrap my hands round your throat in the
throes of lust and strangle you." He shook his head, and his long dark hair
fell in disarray over his broad shoulders, while his eyes darkened into black,
unfathomable pools of mystery.

“IÅ‚m not scared of you." The thought of having part of that
unsettling creaturełs body penetrating hers made her knees go weak, while her
sex had begun to feel warm and uncommonly moist. “Neither am I foolish enough
to even think of releasing you from your chains."

The two other slaves shełd coupled with had prepared
themselves by rubbing their male organs until they hardened. Then, before
theyłd entered her, theyłd anointed their shafts with oil. If she recalled
correctly, their appendages hadnłt been very large; thus the experience had not
been entirely uncomfortable. It had been so unmemorable she couldnłt even
recall what the two slaves had looked like. She might well have seen them in
the castle since then, but she wouldnłt have recognized them; however, she had
the uneasy feeling Jaden would prove to be much harder to forget. What did she
do now? Jaden couldnłt touch himself, but his shaft needed to be hard to slide
smoothly inside her.

“You know a man has to feel sexual desire to penetrate a
woman." His deep voice intruded on her troubled thoughts. “He has to be aroused
in order to carry out the act."

She glared at him. “IÅ‚m not an idiot. I do know what coupling

“It would be better if you removed your tunic. Men are
aroused by the sight of a womanłs naked body." She hadnłt removed all her
clothes before, but both of the other slaves had been so timid and subservient,
she doubted they would have dared to ask it of her. What did it matter if Jaden
saw her nude? He was only a lowly slave. Nerya wrenched off the garment,
tossed it on the floor and stared at him, trying to appear unconcerned. His
gaze traveled over her high, full breasts, flat belly and the dark pelt
covering her sex. “You are a beautiful woman."

He examined her body again in a far too intimate fashion,
and his attention unsettled her. The odd sensation she was experiencing
increased, and she couldnłt deny it was some kind of carnal need. Shełd slept
with enough females to recognize desire, but this was different. It was far
more powerful than the emotions other women had aroused in her. Neryałs skin
felt taut and prickly, and her breasts ached, while her female parts seemed to
throb in eager anticipation.

“Now let down your hair."

“My hair?" She touched the strip of leather that fastened
her long hair in a low ponytail at her nape. Feeling exasperated yet oddly
excited, Nerya found herself unfastening the leather with trembling fingers,
and her dark chestnut locks fell around her shoulders.

“ThatÅ‚s better, although" He wrinkled his nose. “You smell
a little pungent at present."

“It is the odor of good honest sweat. I was at the training
ground. No doubt after your battle to evade capture, you didnłt smell so sweet
yourself," she retorted. “ThatÅ‚s if you put up a fight, of course."

“What do you think?"

“No doubt you fought with great courage. After all, no man
would want to be captured by us. Those who live in the lands surrounding ours
fear the warriors of Freygard."

She suspected he was a fine warrior, and she didnłt doubt
hełd fought hard to prevent being captured. Yet his skin was smooth and
unblemished. That was strange. Shełd never seen a warrior of any race without
battle scars before.

“I donÅ‚t fear anyone," he countered, his gaze roaming her
body in such a seductive manner that it almost felt like a sensual caressa sensation akin to the gentle feel of thistledown brushing
her bare flesh. “YouÅ‚ve yet to tell me your name, lady."

“My name?" Nerya exclaimed. “Why do you have need of that?"

“What harm is there in telling me?" His voice was lower now,
and softly seductive.

How could this man, who was in truth a lesser being, be such
an enigma to her? Yet the fact she couldnłt understand why her body responded
to him so powerfully drew her to him even more. Once again he perused her naked
form with insolence that unsettled her yet sent the blood tumbling wildly
through her veins.

“You may address me as Captain Nerya." Losing her patience
with him completely, she grabbed hold of the blue tunic and jerked it away from
his groin. “Oh!" she gasped.

He glanced down at his partially aroused organ. “Something
wrong? It seems quite normal to me."

“From now on, you remain silent," she ordered, trying to
ignore the troubling size of the appendage, which appeared huge in comparison
to those of the other two slaves sheÅ‚d coupled with before. “And concentrate on
the task at hand."

“I pity you, Nerya," he said as she forced herself to climb
onto the bed and crouch, rather awkwardly, astride his legs.


“You donÅ‚t seem to know how enjoyable sex with a man can

“Enjoyable! That is not the point of this exercise." She
found herself unable to meet his gaze, let alone look at his male organ, so she
compromised by keeping her eyes focused on the smooth skin of his muscular
chest. “We enjoy sex with one another, not with male slaves."

“Ah," he sighed. “Then you do not know what pleasures you
are missing."

“Coupling with men is an unpleasant necessity for the women
of Freygard."

Nerya tensed as she realized he was staring at the juncture
between her thighs. “I can see the rosy pink slit of your sex peeping out from
your dark pelt." His voice was smoother still now, like dark velvet. “ItÅ‚s a
tempting sight. In Percheron, women remove all their body hair, even from their
mounds. Many men like to be able to see every inch of a womanłs quim, but I
think your chestnut fleece is enchanting."

Nerya glanced down at Jadenłs penis, certain it had grown
bigger. That didnłt help her retain her composure. The aching pressure in her
groin increased as her open thighs pressed with shocking intimacy against the
warm skin of his muscular legs. “You will need to become far more subservient,
Jaden," she warned. “And keep such comments to yourself in future."

“The sight of your naked flesh arouses me, but you still
need to touch my cock." Damn the man, he was challenging her. She resisted the
temptation to check again, although she feared his cock might be even larger
now. Realizing how little she knew about how the male body worked, she kept her
attention focused on his face. “It wonÅ‚t bite," he said. “And if you want it
inside you, it needs to be a shade harder."

She would show him she wasnłt scared of anything. Nerya
curved her fingers around its bulk and slid her hand up and down the shaft in
an awkward, rather jerky, fashion. From under her lashes, she glanced at his
face. Judging by his sudden change of expression, he was finding this simple
movement pleasurable. Not quite sure how to proceed, she milked him much like
one would milk a cow, employing long, smooth strokes.

She was rewarded by his soft groan of pleasure as the organ
stiffened even more beneath her fingertips. She pumped faster until the skin on
the shaft turned a deeper shade as it hardened into a rigid rod, tipped by a
large plum-like head. She had to admit it wasnłt at all attractive, but still
she found it compellingly fascinating. It affected her in the oddest way as she
felt its pulsing strength in the palm of her hand.

Jaden caught her by surprise when he suddenly jerked his
head forward and clamped his lips around one of her nipples, drawing it deep
into his mouth. She tensed as his tongue flicked against the erect teat, while
he pulled more of her breast into the warm depths of his mouth. The wrenching
pressure was intense. Feeling an answering tug deep within her groin, Nerya
gave an unconscious gasp. The strange sensation of his lips touching hers was
so delicious that for a moment she couldnłt force herself to pull away. The
heat rose even more demandingly between her thighs, which was troubling enough
in itself.

Realizing how weak and vulnerable her response to him was
making her appear, Nerya forced herself to pull back. His teeth grazed the
sensitive skin of her nipple as it slid from his mouth. “How dare you."

“Oh, I dare," he said softly. “And if you unfasten my
chains, I can show you how much more pleasurable this experience could be for
us both."

“Your continued arrogance irritates me, slave." Breathless
and confused, Nerya faced an overpowering need for this barbarian that she
couldnÅ‚t quite understand. “You will behave yourself from now on so I can get
this unpleasant exercise over and done with as soon as possible."

“Unpleasant?" He chuckled. “Have it your way, Nerya." He
leaned back against his pillows, running the tip of his tongue sensually across
his lower lip. “Your flesh tastes surprisingly sweet for one so ill-tempered."
His rock-hard organ reared proudly away from his groin. She took a deep breath.
She had to do this. “IÅ‚m ready." His dark eyes challenged her. “If you want my
seed, perhaps you should mount me now."

“First I need oil for lubrication." She murmured the words,
half under her breath. It appeared Murana had forgotten to have the usual vial
of oil left by the bed.

“No, you donÅ‚t," he replied. “I wager by now youÅ‚re probably
near moist enough already. Check. Youłll see Iłm right." He bent his head to
one side. “Do what you do in the privacy of your room at night. No doubt the
women of Freygard are much like other females and pleasure themselves at

Touching herself in front of him would prove to be even more
humiliating for her than this situation was already. Nerya tensed. She could
just imagine Murana outside, her pinched face creased into a sly smile as she
pressed her ear to the door, trying to find out what was going on in here.

“I do not speak about such personal matters to a slave."

“Free me. IÅ‚ll be only too happy to do it for you."

Nerya shuddered, imagining what it would feel like to have
his fingers invade her sex, caressing her moist folds and wriggling their way
inside her. She should be disgusted, but she found the thought intoxicating.
For one brief, foolish moment, she was almost tempted to release him. Her body
ached for the feel of a firm hand stroking and caressing her, but Jaden wasnłt
just a slave; he was a dangerous and devious warrior.

Casting her foolish thoughts aside, and trying to pretend he
wasnłt even present, she slipped her fingers into her crack. Her interior flesh
was already moist and slippery, maybe even ready to take his appendage inside
her without the need of lubricating oil, but she couldnłt be absolutely sure,
as his organ was frighteningly large. Perhaps if shełd been more experienced in
the coupling chambers, she would have known. Because of her unique position in
the castle, shełd managed to avoid coming here far longer than most, even
though shełd reached the age of maturity over two years ago.

Feeling somewhat confused and unsure quite how to proceed,
she pulled her hand away from her sex.

“Rub the moisture on your fingertips over my cockhead."
Jadenłs voice sounded tight and urgent as his shaft twitched and reared away
from his belly.

Without thinking, she obeyed his command, anointing the engorged
glans with the dew of her body. As her fingers moved across the domed head, a
small bead of moisture oozed from the narrow opening at its tip. It was clear
he was ready, and it was her duty, after all, not to waste any of his seed.

She had to do this whether she wanted to or not. Bracing
herself for what was to come, Nerya rose to her knees and edged forward until
she was poised above the engorged shaft. She took hold of his organ and guided
it toward her open sex. She concentrated hard on what she was doing, yet she
still heard Jaden draw in his breath as his swollen glans pressed against the
soft ring of sensitive flesh surrounding the entrance to her feminine sheath.
Ignoring him as best she could, Nerya took control of her nerves and with delicate
precision eased her hips downward, relieved and somewhat surprised to feel the
huge shaft slide inside her with little or no difficulty.

Still apprehensive, she pushed her pelvis downward even
farther. The rigid organ felt as if it was stretching her body, filling her
completely, and yet, when she glanced down, she saw there was even more to
come. By the gods, she couldnłt take that as well!

“Harder," Jaden grunted. Straining his arms, he somehow
managed to jerk his hips upward, thrusting the entire length of his shaft deep
inside her.

Nerya gasped. The sensation of all-encompassing fullness was
like nothing shełd ever felt before. Her quim pressed against his hard,
muscular belly, and she allowed her body to follow his as Jaden gradually let
his buttocks sink back upon the mattress. This was so deliciously different
from having sex with another woman. She hadnłt felt like this when shełd
coupled with the slaves before, and she couldnłt understand why coupling with
Jaden should be so different. Shełd not been looking forward to this moment at
all, but the feel of his penis buried inside her was highly pleasurable and
made her crave more. Copulating with him was proving to be enjoyable, and this
knowledge was an oddly uncomfortable burden for one such as her to bear.

She crouched there, conjoined with him, her open sex pressed
to his hard form, having no real idea what to do next. Her body seemed to know
what she did not, and she began to move her hips, rocking her pelvis against

“That feels good, doesnÅ‚t it?" Jaden sighed.

She wanted to reply yes, but she clenched her lips together
as she focused all her attention on the coupling. It was almost as if shełd
been waiting for this moment all her life, as if nature was trying to tell her
something contrary to all shełd been taught to believe. She moved in an
instinctive age-old rhythm, her body working smoothly with his, drawing him
seductively inwards, then letting his shaft half slide out of her again. The
sensations were amazingutterly indescribable. Without a conscious thought,
Nerya moved faster, thrusting up and down with such urgency that her breath
came in small agitated gasps.

“Yes. Oh yes." His muscles straining, Jaden gripped his
chains so he could lift his hips higher, thrusting his groin against hers as
the movement of her hips became faster.

Nerya responded, her skin now slick with sweat as she
vigorously pumped herself up and down on his shaft. The pleasure built inside
her, growing stronger until, without warning, it reached a peak. A sensation as
powerful as a wild storm on a summer night engulfed Nerya, overwhelming her
with its intensity. As her spasms surged and slowly died, she slumped forward,
grabbing hold of Jadenłs chest to steady herself.

It seemed the most natural thing in the world for him to
take possession of her lips. Jadenłs tongue thrust its way into her mouth as he
kissed her with an intimacy that broke all the boundaries between mistress and
slave. Then, deep inside her, she felt his cock pulse as he too came.

Chapter Two

What an amazingly beautiful day it was. Nerya took a deep
breath, finding the early morning chill on this perfect morning highly
invigorating. Shełd never woken up before feeling so contented and yet also
elated. Last night her slumber had been disturbed by the most bizarre and
nonsensical dreams. She couldnłt remember them in any detail, but she was
certain most of them had contained images of the slave Jaden.

The familiar sounds of the castle surrounded her: a sergeant
shouting orders, the jingle of harnesses and the clatter of horsesł hooves on
the cobblestones as a troop of warriors prepared to leave for the first patrol
of the day. Nerya heard the distant clash of weapons coming from the practice
arena, a cock crowing, the cackle of chickens and the deep barking of a couple
of the castle hounds.

She walked across the bailey, aware shełd behaved rather
foolishly after shełd left the coupling chamber last night. Shełd told Murana
she felt it wiser if the new captive was assigned only to seasoned warriors who
would be able to handle his volatile and disobedient nature, and not to any of
the other women in the castle. Nerya worked out the daily schedules of the
garrison and none of the other warriors were due to visit the coupling chambers
in the next few days. Jaden, therefore, would not be required to service anyone
else at present.

Shełd then informed Murana she would visit the slave again
that evening. Most women did not choose to return to the coupling chambers
quite so soon, but Nerya didnłt care if the slave mistress thought her request
rather unusual. Oddly enough, Murana had been very accommodating. Shełd told
Nerya that Jaden would be cleansed and prepared to await her arrival the
following evening. She knew it was rather foolish to see him again, but she couldnłt
seem to help herself. Why should that be? Nerya wondered as she walked toward
the keep. As she went to ascend the steps that led into the large building, her
friend Lorenna hurried toward her.

“There you are." Lorenna sounded out of breath. “IÅ‚ve been
searching for you everywhere." Grimacing, she put a hand to her back.

Nerya looked down at her friendÅ‚s bulging stomach. “Are you
all right?"

Lorenna was seven months into her pregnancy. Shełd been
assigned light duties of late, yet even these less demanding tasks seemed to be
proving difficult for her.

“ItÅ‚s only backache. IÅ‚m getting it all the time." Lorenna
sighed. “Less than two months now, thank goodness." She arched her back, then
grimaced as she clutched at her stomach. “The baby is kicking again."

Nerya had witnessed Lorennałs rising discomfort over the
last few weeks, and she hoped she wouldnłt get pregnant just yet. It wasnłt a
very dutiful thought, but it appeared to her that bearing a child was an
uncomfortable and debilitating experience. “What did you want me for?"

“The queen wishes to see you. Straightaway, in her private

“Do me a favor, Lorenna," Nerya said. “Go to your room and
lie down. Iłll tell Queen Danara youłre unwell and Iłll ask her to have your
duties reduced from now on."

“YouÅ‚re a good friend." Lorenna gave a weary smile. “I
really do need to put my feet up. I feel exhausted."

“I hope I always will be a good friend." Nerya patted
Lorennałs arm and then hurried up the wide stone steps of the keep. She strode
through the great hall. The sun streamed through the high arched windows,
making variegated patterns on the cream-and-brown marble floor. Brightly
colored tapestries and silk banners, taken as booty from captured soldiers,
decorated the stone walls. Most of the warriors took their meals in here, and a
number of slaves were busy clearing the long tables.

Nerya walked briskly through the hall, turned left into a
corridor and made her way into the royal anti-chamber. Sunlight also filled
this room, the bright golden rays illuminating the ornate carved ceiling and
polished wood floors. The furnishings, what there was of them, were sumptuous,
but it was decorated rather sparsely considering it was the room where Queen
Danara conducted a large amount of royal business. Nerya couldnłt have timed it
better. At the exact moment she walked into the room, Queen Danara strode
majestically out of her private quarters. “There you are, Nerya."

“Mother," Nerya acknowledged, neither expecting nor
receiving a smile, let alone a warm embrace. Their relationship had never been
affectionate, but then Danara kept herself regally apart from everyone, except,
of course, her lovers, and these days none of them stayed around for very long.

“I need to talk to you very seriously, Nerya." Danara,
simply clad in a plain cream leather doublet and white silk breeches, pointed
toward a pair of carved armchairs set close to the fireplace. “LetÅ‚s sit."

“Talk? What about?" Nerya noted that her usually confident
mother appeared uneasy.

“Wine?" Danara picked up a jug and filled two engraved
silver goblets.

“Not for me, thanks. ItÅ‚s too early in the day." Nerya took
a seat and watched her mother sink elegantly into the other chair. For a time,
Danara sipped her wine in quiet contemplation while Nerya waited, filled with

“Did you wish to talk to me about something in particular,

“This isnÅ‚t easy for me." Danara turned the goblet in her
hand, tracing the lines of engraving with a fingertip. “IÅ‚m not sure how youÅ‚ll
take this." She stared into Neryałs eyes, which were the exact same green as
her own. “I should have told you this a long time ago, but I feared to do so."
Danara took a deep breath. “You are not the child of my body, Nerya."

Nerya felt as though shełd been hit in the chest with a
thunderbolt. “If you are not my mother, then who is?" she asked in a
strained voice.

“Your birth motherÅ‚s name is Kitara. We are close kin,
cousinsmy mother and hers were sisters."

“Her name is Kitara?" Nerya interjected. “So sheÅ‚s
still alive?"

“Yes, sheÅ‚s still alive." Danara nodded. “She resides in
Harn. Kitara is the wife of Gerek, the Protector of Harn."

“Married! To a man?" Nerya gasped. “Yet she wasisfrom

“Indeed she is."

“Then if my mother is in Harn, why am I here? Did she not
want me?"

“ItÅ‚s complicated." Danara put down her goblet. Leaning
toward Nerya, Danara took hold of her hand. It was an unusual gesture on her
part. She and her mother had little physical contact. She couldnłt even
remember the last time Danara had hugged her. “I need you to know that I care
for you deeply, even though IÅ‚ve not always shown it. You have to be hard and
strong to be queen. IÅ‚ve tried to impress that upon you by deliberately being
cold and distant at times. You are, and will always be, my daughter. Please
remember that." She cleared her throat. “Many years ago, Kitara left Freygard.
She was on a secret mission for me at the time. I donłt know what happened to
her after she left our land. All I do know is that she met Gerek, became
pregnant by him and, for some inexplicable reason, agreed to marry him."

“So this man Gerek is my father?"

“I have no idea if heÅ‚s your father or not." DanaraÅ‚s tone
tightened. “The marriage happened long before you were born. The girl child
Kitara had then was named Rianna."

“I have a sister?"

“Yes, you have a sister," Danara confirmed, almost as if she
were loath to speak of it. “As time passed, I came to believe Kitara was lost
to us forever. Ten years went by and we heard nothing from her. Then, quite
unexpectedly, one of our patrols found her badly wounded in the forest not far
from the castle. They brought her back here and I cared for her. In time, she
recovered, but shełd lost her memory and had no idea who she was or what had
happened to her. She was in the early stages of pregnancy when we found her.
After your birth, she was still too weak and confused to care for her child, so
I cared for you myself. As the months went by, her memory slowly started to
return, and when you were about a year old she decided to leave us and go back
to Harn and her husband Gerek."

“Leaving me behind." NeryaÅ‚s voice broke on her words. “How
could she have done that?"

“She thought it best. She knew you would be well cared for.
IÅ‚d never been able to conceive a child, so it seemed the best option was for
me to continue to raise you as my own and make you my heir." Danara paused and
looked thoughtfully at her. “If Kitara had taken you back to Harn, you would
have been brought up in a society where women are considered of little
importance, while here you are someone of note, a princess who will one day
rule Freygard."



A long, hard ride would help clear her head, Nerya decided
as she reached the stables. Shełd avoided talking to anyone as she strode
across the bailey. She needed to be alone with her thoughts. There was still so
much she wanted to know. She had to accept that her mother hadnłt wanted her.
But what about her sister? Did Rianna even know she had a younger sibling?

“Slave." She called out to the only person she could see in
the stables at present, a skinny boy who was feeding the horses. “Where are all
the grooms? There should be at least two on duty."

He put down the bucket of feed and hurried toward her. “My
lady?" he said, his voice shaking with fear. “They are out exercising the

“ThatÅ‚s not good enough," she snapped. “Saddle me a horse.
The sorrel over there."

“At once, Princess." He scurried toward the tack hung on the
wall. His hands trembled as he picked up a bridle.

As the boy stepped toward the sorrel she often rode, Nerya
happened to glance at the adjoining stall. “Wait! Where did that magnificent
white stallion come from?"

“I believe it belonged to the leader of a band of soldiers
who were apprehended a couple of days ago," the boy stuttered.

“Saddle him instead."

She did not conceal her impatience as the boy hastened to
the other stall and slipped the bridle onto the stallion. The horse stayed
still as the boy heaved the saddle onto its back, but, as he went to tighten
the girth, the animal pricked back its ears and tried to back away, snorting
and pawing at the ground. The boy appeared unruffled. He stroked the horsełs
muzzle then pressed his face close to the stallionłs neck and whispered in its
ear. To Neryałs amazement, the creaturełs agitation ceased almost at once.

The boy finished preparing the mount and handed her the
reins. “HeÅ‚s a little frisky, my lady."

“Then a long, hard gallop will do him good." She smiled at
him. “YouÅ‚ve a good way with horses. Do you work here all the time?"

“No. I just fill in when needed." He kept his eyes lowered,
not even daring to look at her.

“Would you like to work in the stables full time?"

“Oh yes." Glancing up, he smiled tremulously. “Would that be

“It would if I arrange it."

“Thank you, my lady," he stuttered. “Thank you so much."

Nerya had never thought much about slaves having feelings
before. She did now, and she felt heartened by the childłs response. Perhaps
the short time shełd spent with Jaden had affected her even more than shełd
thought. She led the horse outside. As she put her hand on the saddle and
prepared to mount, the boy hurried after her. “Forgive me if I speak out of
turn, but this horse doesnłt appear to like being ridden by anyone other than
its former master. He has thrown both the warriors who tried to ride him."

“DonÅ‚t be concerned. IÅ‚ll handle him." Nerya swung herself
into the saddle. Hauling back hard on the reins to keep the mount in check, she
kept her legs pressed against his flanks as she urged him into a fast trot.

After riding out of the castle gates, Nerya turned onto the
narrow road that led down into the valley before allowing the horse to break
into a slow canter. When at last they reached the floor of the valley, she
turned, not toward the forest and the borders of Freygard, but onto the road
leading to the small town of Gisor only a couple of leagues away.

So the horse had thrown both warriors who tried to ride him?
They canłt have been very skilled riders. There was nothing wrong with the
beast. Perhaps shełd stop in Gisor and take a cup of wine in the tavern. It was
wise to get to know her future subjects and it would help take her mind off her

She spurred the stallion onwards. All of a sudden, he
stopped dead in his tracks, then reared up on two back legs and almost managed
to unseat her. Nerya clung on with grim determination. Shełd show him who was
in command. When he failed to dislodge her, he bucked and reared again. She was
a good horsewoman and as resolved not to let him throw her as he was to toss
her from his back. Pulling on the reins until the bit dug into his mouth, she
forced him to turn and kicked him hard, urging him into a gallop. The horse
surged forward and, ears laid back, ran as fast as he could, thundering across
the countryside. She wasnłt quite in full control of him, but she didnłt care.
It was an exhilarating experience. The air sang in her ears, and stray strands
of hair from her ponytail whipped against her face as the horse moved faster
and faster, galloping with wild abandon through the peaceful countryside.

When they reached the first signs of habitation, she pulled
him back a little, and this time the stallion did not make any protest. Shełd
not trust him; the animal wasnłt totally subdued as yet, but he was a fine
piece of horseflesh. She would keep him for herself. She smiled. Being Danarałs
daughter did have some advantages.

Fields of golden corn, ripe and ready for harvesting, lay
each side of the dirt road. Farther on, closer to the town, she passed large
areas planted with vegetables where the field slaves, dressed in their
regulation rusty brown tunics, toiled in the warm sunshine. Soon the road
started to straighten as she rode through the orchards laden with fruit and
into Gisor itself. The slave barracks were, for conveniencełs sake, on this
side of town close to the most fruitful growing land. As she rode past the
metal-barred pens where the new captives were housed, Nerya noticed a dozen or
so men confined in one pen.

“My lady," one of the men called as she rode past. Pressing
his face to the bars, he stretched out his hands. “Can you answer a question
for me, my lady?"

She pulled her mount to a halt. The man was young, barely
out of his teens, with a chubby face, innocent features and a thatch of
straw-colored hair. He seemed very frightened and, for the very first time in
her life, she experienced a brief surge of pity for these captives.

From what Jaden had told her, she knew this man was not a
bandit. He was a soldier in the service of Lord Sarin of Percheron. Jaden had
claimed they were not even over the border when they were attacked. She wasnłt
sure if that was true, but it was a possibilityeven
though shełd never have admitted it to Jaden. There were a few captains who
tended to be a shade overzealous in their duties, especially now that Danara
had offered her warriors a generous bounty for each raider they captured.

“What question?" she asked the man.

“Your horse, noble lady. It belongs to someone I know. The
nobleman who was traveling with us," he gabbled. “Do you know if he survived?
The last time I saw him, he was surrounded by your warriors and fighting for
his life."

“Describe him."

“Tall, broad-shouldered and handsome, with long, black hair.
He was wearing brown leather breeches and a studded leather doublet, and he
carried a magnificent sword with a dragonłs head carved in the pommel."

It must be Jaden. Her thoughts flew back to the last time
shełd seen him, stark naked and chained to the bed. Her nipples stiffened
beneath her leather doublet, and the sudden pulling sensation in the pit of her
stomach made the pressure of the saddle between her thighs grow stronger. Her
arousal increased as the seductive image in her head became even more powerful.
This was insane. What was happening to her? It was foolish to be plagued by obsessive
thoughts about a mere slave.

“I know of a captive," she said. “I think his name was

“That is he." The young man sounded relieved. “Is he well?"

“He is well," she confirmed with an arrogant nod.

“Thank the gods. I am obliged to you, my lady." The young
manÅ‚s fingers tightened on the bars. “Can you tell me, if it pleases you, what
will happen to us?"

“Be assured we do not harm our prisoners." She was unable to
find the words to tell him he was now a slave and would be for the rest of his
natural life.



“I see youÅ‚ve made an effort tonight," Murana commented as
Nerya entered the anteroom which led to the coupling chambers.

“Effort?" Nerya queried.

“The dressit suits you." Murana sniffed. “And perfume as

Surely Murana didnłt think shełd dressed like this for the
benefit of a slave. “For your information, IÅ‚m dining with my mother tonight."

The gown of cream wild silk had been a gift from Danara. Not
that she expected Nerya to dress so elegantly when they ate together, but after
what had occurred between them earlier, shełd thought it would please her
mother tonight if she wore it. Lorenna had been a little too free with the rose
oil in her bath, and the sweet scent of it clung to her skin, surrounding her
like a cloud of blossoming flowers. When she was out of uniform, she wore
breeches. Nerya didnłt like such feminine clothing and couldnłt understand why
some of the women chose to wear dresses.

“Of course. I did not mean to offend," Murana replied with
an obsequious smile.

“No doubt you did not. I take no offense, but I cannot
linger here long this evening. My mother is expecting me."

“The slave is prepared." Murana frowned. “I confess I was
surprised you decided to come here again so soon. Perhaps you found this new
slave pleasing?"

“Pleasing? Why should I be concerned about that? I have a
task to perform."

“No doubt Her Majesty wants you to provide her with an heir
to ensure the stability of the kingdom. I can understand your eagerness in the
circumstances," Murana said. “Yet I am surprised you specifically chose to see
this particular slave again."

Murana was like a dog nipping at her heels. Damn the woman.
“One slave is much like another," Nerya said curtly. “However, this creature is
the most impressive captive Iłve ever laid eyes on. Itłs my hope his seed will
prove to be equally potent."

“Let us hope, then, Nerya, that your visit reaps a
successful harvest."

“Indeed." She couldnÅ‚t even imagine bearing a child, let
alone JadenÅ‚s offspring. “Which room, Murana?"

“The same as before."

Nerya opened the door and entered the room. Her gaze was
immediately drawn toward Jaden. She was barely conscious of Murana shutting the
door behind her and the bolt squeaking into place. Jaden wore a simple blue
tunic, and the color complemented his dusky complexion. He was handsome, there
was no doubt about that. Handsome! What was wrong with her? She shouldnłt be
thinking about a mere slave in such a way.

“Nerya!" He seemed surprised and yet pleased to see her

She was foolish to come here. Warriors did not form
attachments to slaves. It went against everything shełd been taught. Yet, as
soon as she saw Jaden again, her heart began to beat a little faster. Now her
nipples tingled, and an aching warmth gathered in the pit of her stomach.

Nerya took a firm hold on herself. Be strong, be
determined. She couldnłt let him know for a moment how vulnerable he made
her feel. “The slave mistress tells me youÅ‚ve behaved yourself since we last
met, and that pleases me."

“Pleases you. Why?"

“It means youÅ‚ve come to accept youÅ‚re now a slave."

“Accept?" He gave a harsh laugh. “IÅ‚ll never accept that. It
just seemed rather foolish for me to rail against the position I find myself in
at present. IÅ‚m just biding my time," he said with supreme confidence.

Murana had taken no chances. Jaden was still manacled, but
his chains had been lengthened so he could at least lower his arms to the bed.
Yet he was now under the foolish misapprehension hełd find a way to escape. It
was impossible, but it might make him more amenable for the time being if she
at least let him believe there was a chance he could do so.

“I gather youÅ‚ve been made aware of your duties?"

“I have. That ugly, skinny woman you call the slave mistress
informed me IÅ‚m to couple with any woman she sends to me." He grinned. “Not
that unpleasant a task for a red-blooded male. I have one question, however.
Are all the warriors as beautiful as you?"

Her heart leapthe thought she was beautiful. What was wrong
with her? He was a captive, nothing more. She had to keep calm and in control.
She should not let the words of a mere slave affect her so strongly. “You
couple with them as ordered, regardless of what they look like. No doubt the
slave mistress will punish you if you cannot perform."

“No doubt she will." Jaden seemed unconcerned by the threat.
“By the way, IÅ‚m flattered you took so much trouble over your appearance."

“I did not wear this for you."

“How foolish of me. Of course you didnÅ‚t." She frowned,
detecting a hint of sarcasm in his voice. “I should tell you that I enjoyed our
encounter last night. But this time it would be far more satisfying for both of
us if youłd free my hands before the coupling."

“ItÅ‚s a duty. Enjoyment doesnÅ‚t come into it."

He gave a harsh laugh of derision. “Believe that if you
want. But your response to me last night belies those words."

Shełd tried to forget how good it felt when his cock was
buried deep inside her, but she could not. Lust surged through her loins, and
her breasts ached. By the gods, she wanted to couple with him again, to feel
his thick shaft thrusting inside her and experience another earth-shatteringly
powerful orgasm.

Her desire for him wasnłt natural. Perhaps hełd somehow cast
a spell over her senses? There was a land somewhere to the east of Freygard,
over a nearly impassable mountain range. No one knew much about Acheron other
than that it was said to be ruled by powerful mage lords who were masters in
the art of dark magic. Was he using such magic on her now? That would explain
her foolishness. “Where do you come from, slave? What land?"

“I thought you came here to couple with me, not question

He studied her with half-closed eyes, then his gaze raked
her body with a slow insolence that took her breath away. His expression became
bolder and more sensual, as if he somehow knew she desired him. Perhaps he was
indeed from Acheron. He certainly had some power over her senses, and his air
of masculine authority prevented her from feeling superior to him, even though
she knew full well that women were the superior race.

“Do you serve Lord Sarin of Percheron, or perchance another

“I was on a mission for Lord Sarin. Why else would I have
had his men under my command? As I told you last night, we didnłt venture into
Freygard. Your warriors came over the border to attack us." He paused for a
moment, then added, “The soldiers who accompanied me, do you know of their

It would do no harm to be truthful with him. She pulled a
low stool close to the bed and perched on it. “TheyÅ‚re held in a nearby town.
IÅ‚ve seen them."

“Did they all survive? One of them, Warin, was the son of a
friend of mine, and I feel responsible for his safety."

“I donÅ‚t know if any of them were killed." Jaden appeared
very concerned for their welfare, and this was a weakness she could exploit. “I
could find out for you ifif you in turn are prepared to tell me about the
mission you were on. Did it concern Freygard?"

“I had no intention of straying onto your land." Jaden
sighed. “IÅ‚m not a fool. I knew what would happen if we did so. I was on my way
to Kabra to see King Tarn, and my mission had nothing to do with your people."

“Everything that happens close to our borders is of concern
to us."

“Then open up a dialogue with the rulers of the lands that
border Freygard. Why keep yourselves so isolated from the rest of the world?"

“Our queen deems it necessary." SheÅ‚d wondered herself if it
might be wise to have at least some contact with their neighbors, but Danara
refused to even discuss the matter.

“Necessary, yes. Because life here goes against all the laws
of nature. Itłs wrong to keep all the men in your kingdom as slaves."

“And you have no right to judge us."

“I do in the circumstances." He pulled pointedly at his
chains. “Now that I find myself enslaved."

“Women are the superior race."

“If you truly believe that, then prove it to me. Unchain me
and show me how superior you are."

Shełd made a mistake sitting so close to him because, moving
more swiftly than she could ever have expected, Jaden grabbed her and pulled
her toward him. Keeping her imprisoned in his strong arms, he took possession
of her lips, kissing her with unrestrained passion, thrusting his tongue into
her mouth. She should fight him, try to get away, yet she couldnłt find the
strength. Her body responded to his sensual demands, and her tongue darted
between his lips, eager to explore the hot, moist interior of his mouth. Raw
unrestrained lust flooded through her as the kiss deepened and continued until
she was boneless and trembling with desire.

As Jaden let go of her, Nerya shakily straightened. She
rubbed a hand against her face, but that wouldnłt wipe away the blush that
tainted her cheeks. How could she have allowed herself to get so carried away
with lust for a mere man? She was a warrior. She must act like one. Yet still part
of her longed for him to touch her again. “How dare you! I could have you
whipped for such disrespectful behavior."

“You stare at me with disdain and call me slave. Yet I have
only to touch you and you melt in my arms."

“You deceive yourself."

“Your attraction for me terrifies you, doesnÅ‚t it?"

“The women of Freygard do not feel desire for slaves."

“DonÅ‚t try to deny it. Your expression tells me all I want
to know." He continued to stare at her with eyes so black she could lose her
soul in them. “Leave now, then. Find some other man to couple with, if all you
want is fertile seed."

What sort of warrior would she be if she fled from this
challenge? Nerya couldnłt tear her gaze from the face of this demon who tempted
her to deny all shełd been taught. Shełd bedded a number of women, but shełd
never experienced the pleasure shełd felt when shełd coupled with Jaden. Deep
down she had to admit she was desperate to experience that exquisite pleasure
again. Her entire body ached with desire for him.

“Men are put on this earth to serve women, and if I order
it, you will serve me right now."

“Yes. IÅ‚ll serve you." He slid his long legs off the bed,
and Nerya sprang to her feet, the stool clattering to the floor as she took a
step back, out of his reach. “But not in the way your queen demands it. Unchain
me and let me show you what true pleasure can be." As she stepped back another
pace, he added, “YouÅ‚ve no need to fear me. I wonÅ‚t harm you."

“I donÅ‚t fear you. IÅ‚m a warrior. I fear nothing."

“Except your own desire." His voice was lower pitched now
and caressingly smooth. “IÅ‚ll not harm you or even attempt to escape."

“This is insane."

“Sex wouldnÅ‚t be quite such a humiliating experience if I
was unfettered," he replied, his arm muscles flexing as he pulled against his
chains. “Surely you donÅ‚t keep all the slaves who serve in these chambers

“Of course we donÅ‚t."

“Perhaps I should feel honored, then, that you all fear me
so much. Youłre curious about me and my mission, are you not? If you release
me, IÅ‚ll tell you all you wish to know."

“All I wish to know?"

“Everything, Nerya. In fact, there are things you should
know that may well eventually concern the fate of your land as well as mine."

Was he telling the truth? Did he have such information? It
might be wise to take advantage of this situation and learn all she could. Even
if she released him from his chains, there was no way he could escape. He had
no weapon, and she was perfectly capable of defending herself if the need

“If you are lying to me"

“IÅ‚m not lying." He put his hand to his heart. “I swear on
my honor as a nobleman that IÅ‚m not."

Nerya walked to the table, flipped open the small wooden box
and removed the key to his manacles. Not at all certain why she was acting so
rashly, she returned to Jaden and slid the cylindrical iron key into the lock.
With a quick twist, the locking pin released and the heavy manacle fell open.
Jaden gave a sigh of relief, flexing his arm while she opened the other

Jaden sprang from the bed and grabbed her, reacting far too
swiftly for her to even attempt to resist him as he pulled her back against his
muscular chest. Yet she was certain hełd no intention of harming her as one of
his hands reached for her breasts, while the other slid across her stomach. He
eased her closer. Her bottom pressed against his groin, and the rigid line of
his cock dug seductively into her buttocks.

“Relax," he whispered in a low, hypnotic voice as his warm
breath brushed her earlobe. “IÅ‚m not going to hurt you. I just want to give you

He kissed her neck, then tipped her forward a little so he
could unfasten the back laces of her gown. Pulling them apart, he eased the
neck open wider and slid the garment from her shoulders and down her arms. The
silky fabric crumpled around her waist, and Nerya shivered as one of his large
hands clasped her left breast. He kneaded the firm mound until she gave a soft,
pleading moan. Then his fingers brushed against her nipples. Arching her back,
she ground her buttocks against his cock as Jaden rolled the tiny teats between
fingers and thumbs, pulling on them until they stiffened and elongated into
hard cones.

“Jaden." She gasped as he twisted her around and eased the
white silk from her hips. The dress slithered downwards, landing in a crumpled
pool at her feet.

He towered over her, and she was faced with a broad,
muscular chest still hidden beneath the linen tunic. She lifted her hands,
caressed his dusky skin and threaded her fingers through his black, silky
locks. Jadenłs mouth covered hers, and he kissed her long and deeply, sensually
exploring her mouth with his tongue. Her fingers reached for the ties that held
his tunic together at the shoulders. She wanted him nakedshe needed to feel
his warm flesh pressed close to hers. Neryałs fingers, normally so agile,
fumbled with the knots. Her insides twisted with desire and her limbs felt
weak, while his kiss made her breathless with lust.

“Let me." He pulled at the ties, ripping them away. The
tunic fell to the floor. Jaden kicked it aside, scooped her into his arms and
carried her to the bed.

Before Nerya knew what was happening, she lay on the
mattress and Jaden crouched astride her legs. As he leaned over her, the ends
of his hair brushed erotically against the skin of her stomach, and she
shivered with pleasure. He caressed the firm curves of her breasts, then kissed
the soft flesh. Taking one aching nipple between his lips, he sucked on it
until a starburst of pleasurable sensations surged through her body, flooding
her veins with desire. Pulling the nipple deeper into his mouth, Jaden grazed
it with his teeth as one of his large hands slid down over her midriff. His
sword-roughened fingers explored her body, his hand molding itself to the swell
of her hips, moving seductively over the flat plain of her stomach.

Trembling, she lay there, too weak to do anything as he
splayed his fingers over her lower belly, then threaded them through the
springy curls covering her pubis. Her heart leapt as his hand crept between her
thighs. Never had she dreamed she could feel need like this.

Nerya shuddered as his long fingers eased their way between
her sex lips, sliding deeper into the soft folds. They moved with tantalizing
slowness along the narrow pink valley until they reached her clitoris. At once
the pleasure grew and expanded, unfurling like the petals of an early
blossoming rose. Nerya gave a keening gasp as he circled the sensitive spot,
rubbing it with his fingertips. Moaning with bliss, she allowed her thighs to
roll fully open as he slipped his fingers inside her. Moisture flowed, making
his movements more fluid as he began to thrust into her with a seductive
rhythm, while the pad of his thumb teased her pleasure nub. This was like no
sexual encounter shełd experienced in the past. Nerya closed her eyes and gave
herself up to the erotic delight.

Then, to her surprise, he pulled away from her. He slid down
her body and replaced his fingers with his mouth. Easing her sex lips open
wider with his thumbs, he ran the tip of his tongue along the smooth channel
and brushed it against the throbbing knot of nerve endings.

Nerya blushed. Never had the most intimate parts of her body
been more open and exposed, yet never had the sensations been more delicious.
Her body arched off the bed as Jadenłs tongue brushed her clitoris, caressing
the sensitive nub with short feathery strokeslicking her and teasing her
almost beyond endurance.

Reaching down, she meshed her fingers into his silken locks,
pressing his face closer to her sex. To her delight, two of his fingers eased
their way inside her. Jaden was clearly very experienced in lovemaking. He
pleasured her with great finesse, his digits working their magic inside
hertwisting and stroking, pumping hard, then moving gently again, while his
bent knuckles pressed against a sensitive spot on her internal walls. Glowing
curls of bliss suffused her, expanding like glorious tendrils of delight
through her body, and the sensations built, layer upon layer, until she reached
her climax.

Nerya writhed helplessly beneath Jaden until her shuddering
spasms died, leaving her weak and too overcome for a moment to do anything but
lie there taking soft, panting breaths.

Jaden moved, crouching over her again, his obsidian gaze
focused on her face. “I told you so, did I not, Nerya?" he murmured.

He was right. No other lovemaking shełd experienced had ever
been as perfect as this. Capitulation was not easy for her, but she nodded
mutely. In response, he smiled and caught hold of her legs, lifting them and
spreading them even wider.

She tensed in anticipation, then gave a soft, submissive
sigh as he slid his engorged cock inside her, entering her with delicate
precision. Once he was partway, he thrust hard and deep until it felt as if
hełd reached the ends of the earth and she was filled with his flesh.

Totally in control now, Jaden rode her, moving his hips
harder and faster, and it felt as if he was penetrating her to the very core of
her existence. The pounding force increased in intensity, coiling up her spine,
buffeting her like a whirlwind as the pleasure grew and expanded. Eventually,
it exploded in a force so powerful it consumed her in a blaze of momentous

Darkness almost overcame her as she climaxed, then the
blissful sensations gradually retreated, leaving her breathless, replete and
barely aware Jaden had achieved his own release.

She lay there, his body almost crushing hers with his
weight, their skin melded together by perspiration, savoring the feeling of
closeness it gave her for a long, extended moment. Then he withdrew and lay
limply beside her, breathing heavily. Yet, when she went to move away from him,
he coiled his arm around her and pulled her into his powerful embrace, and she
knew she would never be quite so sure of anything ever again.

Chapter Three

Aurora, the queenłs most trusted advisor, rose to her feet
and bowed to Danara. “If youÅ‚ll excuse me, IÅ‚ll retire. These old bones of mine
grow weary much too quickly these days."

“Of course." Danara nodded amicably at the grey-haired,
stooping woman.

“Good night, Nerya," Aurora said, smiling with warm
affection at her. “IÅ‚ve had a most pleasant evening with you both."

“As have I," Nerya agreed.

“Rest easy, Aurora," Danara added.

Nerya once again tried to discreetly smooth her crumpled
skirt. Shełd left her dress in a heap by the bed while shełd had passionate sex
with Jaden. Not once, mind, but twice. She hadnłt realized how creased it was
until shełd arrived at Danarałs chambers. Luckily her mother hadnłt seemed to
notice the sorry state of the garment.

Aurora walked slowly from the room, her movements stiff with
age. Once the door had shut, Danara addressed Nerya. “Aurora worries me. SheÅ‚s
a remarkable and determined woman. Itłs a pity her health is failing so fast.
Iłve relied on her sage advice for all of my reign. I donłt know what Iłd do
without her."

“She seems determined not to give in," Nerya replied. When
she was young, it had been Aurora shełd run to when she was hurt or upset.
Shełd provided the affection Danara seemed incapable of showing most of the
time. “I should go too." Nerya rose. “I have an early patrol in the morning."

She was tired, and her mind was still too full of what had
happened earlier. She couldnłt get Jaden out of her thoughts. Even though she
found it difficult to comprehend, shełd been forced to admit to herself she
felt strong sexual desire for hima mere man.

“No. DonÅ‚t leave." Danara reached out and put her hand on
NeryaÅ‚s arm. “ThereÅ‚s something we need to discuss."

“Really?" She had no wish to discuss anything, but she sat
again to please her mother. “I came here with a number of questions I wanted
answered about my real mother, but I got the impression you asked Aurora here so we wouldnłt be able to talk about such matters tonight."

“You think me that devious, Nerya?"

“Maybe I do," Nerya said. “But it doesnÅ‚t really matter. My
questions will wait."

“This matter will not. I need to talk to you about the
discussions we had during dinner."

“You mean the constant incursions into our territory? I
understand why you and Aurora are so concerned, as am I, Mother. But what help
can I be?"

“We may keep ourselves segregated from the countries that
surround us, but IÅ‚m no fool." Danara drummed her fingers on the arm of her
chair. “Only Aurora and I know this, and you must keep it to yourselfI have
spies in the kingdoms surrounding Freygard. They report there are troubling
signs in these lands. It appears they may be preparing for war."

“Do they intend to attack us?"

Jaden had told her hełd been traveling to Kabra on behalf of
Lord Sarin of Percheron, in an effort to arrange a treaty of mutual military
co-operation between the two lands. She needed to learn more before discussing
it with her mother. To be honest, theyłd not had much time for talking.

“I donÅ‚t know." Danara sighed. “If I do as Aurora suggests
and send our warriors into any of the countries bordering Freygard, such a move
might well precipitate a violent response. We need to know more, and the only
people who really know the truth of the matter are the rulers of these lands
and their closest advisors." She paused and stared penetratingly at Nerya. “If
you were to travel to Gerekłs court in Harn, purely in an attempt to make
yourself known to your sister, no one would question your reasons for being

“So while I make myself known to my sister, and perhaps my
mother, I also act as a spy for Freygard?"

“You wish to meet your family, do you not? And this way you
have the opportunity to do something for the good of your kingdom at the same
time. I warn you, itÅ‚ll be dangerous." She sounded very serious. “YouÅ‚ll have
to travel in disguise for the first part of your journey. You cannot reveal
your true identity until you reach the safety of Gerekłs court."

Nerya didnÅ‚t even pause to consider the matter. “IÅ‚ll go,"
she replied.

“You should not travel alone, perhaps with just a couple of
warriors as escorts. IÅ‚ll leave you to choose who you wish to accompany you."



Jaden lay on the bunk in his cell dozing, the rough blankets
pulled up to his neck as protection against the chill morning air. His warrior
instincts had kept him alive all these years and, even though he appeared
half-asleep, he was still alert to the slightest sign of danger. His cell door
always creaked slightly when opening. As he heard the faint but unmistakable
sound, he threw aside the blankets and sprang to his feet.

Jaden found himself confronted by two burly female warriors.
They had none of the wild beauty Nerya possessed. They were rough and brutish
in appearance, and had clearly been picked for their size and strength. He
could easily overpower both of them. At present there was little point in such
useless gestures of resistance. He forced himself not to struggle as they
grabbed his arms.

Theyłd taken away his clothing when they locked him in here.
Did they think that would somehow prevent him from trying to escape? If the
opportunity arose, he would fight his way out of this castle stark naked if
need be.

The skinny woman, who he now knew was the slave mistress
Murana, stepped into his cell. She stared at him as she slapped the short cane
she carried against her scrawny, leather-clad thigh. Jaden narrowed his eyes.
There were others behind her in the doorway: two more female warriors and a
couple of muscular male slaves. He should be flattered. It was obvious they
feared him; theyłd provided him with such a generous escort.

Were they intending to take him to coupling chambers again?
His heart leapt and his cock stiffened at the mere thought of fucking Nerya
once more. She was beautiful, amazingly passionate and, despite this bizarre
situation he found himself in, Jaden was attracted to her. She was raised to be
a warrior, but he sensed a softness and vulnerability within her that she
struggled to keep hidden.

“Have you been touching yourself, slave?" The slave mistress
rapped his cock-head with the tip of her cane. “YouÅ‚re not permitted to waste
your seed." Grinning, she slashed the cane against the side of his shaft, and
he was hard-pressed not to flinch. The temptation to grab the cane, break it in
two and shove it down her throat, or some other convenient orifice, was so
strong he had to grit his teeth and force himself not to respond. One of the
male slaves stepped forward and threw a blue tunic down by his feet. “Put it
on," Murana ordered.

At a nod from her, the two warriors released their hold on
him. The guards in the doorway brandished their swords in a threatening manner,
so Jaden was careful not to act in any way that would arouse their suspicion as
he bent and retrieved the garment. He slipped it on, relieved that his cock was
now out of Muranałs sight. He was expecting the manacles. Theyłd chained him
before when hełd been taken from his cell, so he made no move to resist as the
warriors pulled his arms behind his back and clipped the heavy iron bracelets
around his wrists.

One of the warriors swept aside his hair to buckle a wide
leather collar tightly around his neck. Secured to it was a long chain. It was
just another vain attempt to humiliate him. Such crude efforts would not work.
In the past, hełd survived far, far worse.

Grabbing hold of his arms again, the two ill-favored female
warriors led him out of his cell, along a narrow corridor, through a heavily
barred door and into the bailey. After the dimness of his cell, the bright
sunlight blinded him for a brief moment. Yet in those split seconds his other
senses told him much. He could feel the cool cobblestones beneath his bare feet
and hear the familiar sounds of a heavily occupied military fortress: the
clatter of horsesł hooves and the clash of weapons in the distance from the
training ground, the clucking sound from penned birds somewhere close by and
the idle chatter of the castle occupants as they went about their daily
business. The place smelt surprisingly sweet, with no lingering unpleasant
odors from the uncleared midden, the livestock or the castle stables.

The massive stone keep within the crenellated walls was a
fortress in itself. The breeze caught his hair, lifting it away from his face
as Jaden scrutinized the outer walls. They were high, almost unscalable, and
most probably constantly guarded by regular patrols, but somewhere there would
be at least one postern gate. Hełd never known a castle without one. That might
well prove to be his easiest way out.

A group of young warriors, clad in their sexually
provocative uniforms which consisted of skimpy brown leather tops and matching
short leather skirts, walked past him. He couldnłt resist flashing them a
cheeky grin. Judging by their surprised expressions, theyłd never experienced a
man acting anything less than submissively toward them before. He wished that
he and his soldiers could have had the opportunity to show them how real men
behaved. This land was an abomination. Men were designed to be in charge, not
women. He turned his head away and ignored them as he was led across the bailey
and up the steps into the keep.

The great hall was large, but rather plain and unimpressive
compared to the magnificent and luxurious palaces in his land. Determined to
find a way to escape, he kept his mind focused, mentally mapping out the layout
of the building as he was taken through the hall. They walked along a wide
passageway and turned left into a large chamber with an ornately carved ceiling
and a polished wood floor. His eyes were immediately drawn to the striking
woman sitting on a high-backed chair at the far end of the room. So this was
Queen Danara.

They dragged him forward until he stood directly in front of

“Kneel," Murana ordered, slashing her cane across the backs
of his knees. Ignoring her, Jaden stared at the woman who ruled this strange
land. She must be a good decade or so older than him, maybe more. Her dark
auburn hair was streaked with grey, but her face was relatively unlined, and
she was still very attractive. “Obey, slave." Murana whacked him hard across
the buttocks.

Damn her. Damn them all.

One of the guards yanked back the chain attached to the
collar around his neck with such ferocity that the leather dug deep into his
throat, constricting his breathing. Many hands grabbed hold of Jaden and forced
him to his knees. After a moment or so, they released the pressure on the
collar, and Jaden gave a strangled cough of discomfort.

“He has no concept of obedience, Majesty," the slave
mistress apologized.

“You may leave, Murana, but the guards will stay." DanaraÅ‚s
voice was husky and melodious. Her violet gown was made of a filmy fabric that
barely concealed the lines of her slim body. Jaden forced his attention away
from her womanly curves. Hełd not expected her to be this attractive, and hełd
thought she would be wearing amour, or at least masculine clothing, certainly
not these alluring feminine garments. Yet hełd discovered that in life things
rarely turned out to be what one expected. When hełd set out on his mission, hełd
certainly never expected to find himself a prisoner of Queen Danara in

Danara leaned forward and grabbed hold of his chin. He
stared into her green eyes, revealing not a flicker of concern. In her hand,
Danara held a small, silver dagger which had an ornate hilt set with rubies and
diamonds. Lord Sarin had given it to him before he left on his mission.

“A pretty trinket for a mere captain." She pressed the flat
of the blade against his cheek.

“What led you to believe I was a captain?"

“When you were captured, you were in charge of a contingent
of Lord Sarinłs troops, were you not?"

“Indeed I was."

“The sword you carried is extraordinary. IÅ‚ve never seen the
like," Danara commented as she stared thoughtfully at him. “It must be worth a
great deal, must it not?"

The silver pommel of the sword was carved in the shape of a
dragonłs head. It had a gold inlaid hilt, and the blade was finely crafted and
stronger than any weapon heÅ‚d ever come across. “IÅ‚ve no idea of its worth.
Such matters are irrelevant."

“Did you steal it?" The point of the dagger now rested only
a fingerłs breadth from the outside corner of his right eye.

“No, I did not steal it."

“Then itÅ‚s yours?" She dug the point into his skin until
bright beads of blood appeared. Jaden could have shaken off the warriors still
holding him down and pulled away, but it wouldnłt do him any good. There were a
number of armed guards by the entrance to the room, and he wasnłt prepared to
lose an eye, let alone perish in a useless gesture of resistance.

“ItÅ‚s mine," he confirmed as the warm blood trickled down
the side of his face.

“What is your name? Judging by your weapons and clothing,
you must be of noble blood."

“My name is Jaden."

“Only Jaden, nothing more?" She removed the blade and tucked
it into the embroidered girdle wrapped around her slim waist.

“What other name does a slave need?" he asked with a cynical
twist of his lips.

“When you were captured, you were wearing a ring of black
onyx, with a crest carved in the stone."

“Not onyxobsidian." His former love, Eridea, had given it
to him many years ago. Shełd said the stone reminded her of his eyes.

“And the crest is yours, no doubt?" She leaned forward a
little more and ran her fingers across his wide shoulders. He felt the coolness
of her skin as they brushed against the top of the leather collar fastened
around his throat. “So, Jaden, what would a nobleman want in my kingdom?"

“Freygard does not interest me, and the true cause of my
mission is none of your concern, Queen Danara," he replied. Why hadnłt Nerya
told Danara what little hełd told her? He would have preferred not to have told
Nerya anything at all, but hełd wanted her to unchain him, and information was
the only thing he could think of to tempt her to do so.

“I donÅ‚t care if it concerns me or not," she snapped. “You
are my prisoner, and you will tell me all I wish to know."

“I think not." It would be wiser to keep silent. He could
always tell her what hełd told Nerya, but Danara would never be happy with just
that, and he wasnÅ‚t at liberty to reveal more. “I did not enter your lands,
Queen Danara. We were captured in Percheron, and youłve no right to hold me
here. Nevertheless, IÅ‚m prepared to remain in Freygard as your hostage while
you negotiate with Lord Sarin, but in exchange you will release at least some
of my men and allow them to return home to Percheron."

She gave a cold laugh. “You have the temerity to try to
bargain with me, slave, when you have nothing to bargain with." Her expression
tightened. “Get up!"

He was happy to obey. As he stood, Danara also rose to her
feet. Her filmy skirts swirled Å‚round her legs as she stepped behind him and
grabbed hold of the chain attached to his leather collar. She wrapped the links
around her hand and jerked it hard. The stiff leather cut into his throat,
forcing Jaden to arch his neck in order to relieve the pressure on his

“You arrogant swine," she hissed in his ear. She grabbed
hold of his hair and yanked his head to the left. “Do you see that table

“Yes," Jaden croaked, fighting the urge to at least display
some kind of resistance, even if it was a pointless exercise at present.

It was an oddly shaped table made of dark polished wood with
leather-padded edges and thick brass rings set in the wood at regular

“In the past, IÅ‚ve chained prisoners to it and punished them
in the most uniquely subtle ways, and every time IÅ‚ve enjoyed it immensely.
Perhaps youłd like to try those punishments yourself?" As she relaxed her hold
on the chain and let go of his hair, Jaden straightened his head and swallowed.
“You havenÅ‚t answered my question, slave," Danara prompted, moving Å‚round to
face him.

“Nor shall I." He narrowed his eyes, glaring at her. “My
mission did not concern Freygard."

“You will, in time, tell me all I wish to know. IÅ‚ve not
failed yet. IÅ‚ve found that every man, even the most stubborn warrior, has a
breaking point. Who knows, maybe you may even come to enjoy the pain and the
humiliation IÅ‚ll force you to endure."

“IÅ‚ve no doubt youÅ‚re most inventive," Jaden said with a
sarcastic twist of his lips.

“Come!" She beckoned to the guards. “Bring him."

They followed her, dragging Jaden into the adjoining room.
He noticed the huge brocade-draped, four-poster bed at once. Why bring him to
her bedchamber? What was this bitch planning?

She issued no further commands, yet the warriors padlocked
his collar chain to another chain affixed to one of the posts at the foot of
the bed. It was clear shełd had captives confined in here before.

“Remove his tunic," Danara ordered the guards. “Then leave."

The two warriorsł faces were expressionless as they
unfastened the shoulder ties and his tunic slid down to his feet.

“Move," one snapped. He stepped out of the tunic, and she
bent to pick it up.

The two women departed, leaving Jaden naked and alone with
Danara. He waited, his expression not revealing any of his confused emotions.
He would not even allow himself to think of what might happen next. Hełd been
tortured in the past and knew the fear of what was to come could destroy a manłs
determination and resistance often far faster than pain.

“Now, where were we?" She tossed the silver dagger onto her
bed and unfastened her girdle, letting it drop to the floor. “You were going to
tell me all about your mission. Youłre a nobleman, Jaden, Iłve no doubt of
that, and I have a feeling you may not even hail from Percheron. Tell me, what
land are you from? Why were you working with Lord Sarin, and what was the aim
of your mission?"

“I was charged by Lord Sarin to travel to Kabra. ThatÅ‚s all
I can say."

She examined him without revealing any emotion, almost as if
she was wondering what she might do with him. Although, no doubt she knew damn
well what she was going to do next. Jaden had no intention of underestimating
this bitch as he steeled himself for what was to come. Yet his muscles did
tense a shade as her gaze came to rest on his cock. For a moment, he felt
vulnerable. Hełd been tortured only by men before. Jaden had faced many dangers
in the past, but he had to admit this devious creature made him feel more than
a trace uneasy.

“Of course you have no intention of telling me anything, willingly,"
she said with a chilling smile that might have made the bravest manłs blood run
cold. “Not that IÅ‚m at all disappointed. IÅ‚m pleased, as it happens. I intend
to savor every moment of your interrogation. I find subjugating slaves such an
enjoyable experience."

She unfastened the neck of her loose gown and let the soft
fabric drift to her feet. Beneath it, she was naked. Jaden tensed in surprise.
Delicately wrought clamps imprisoned both her nipples. Attached to them were
gold chains decorated with tiny sparkling diamonds. Any red-blooded man would
have found the sight of them tantalizing.

Watching her as he would his prey when hunting, he tried to
gauge her next move. His senses on alert, he heard her every breath, took
notice of every subtle movement of her eyes and limbs as she picked up a
leatherbound switch and advanced toward him. He tried to concentrate on the
fact she was his enemy, nothing more, but he was still a man and Danarałs full
breasts jiggled enticingly, the tiny diamonds on the chains sparkling as they
caught the sunlight. To his surprise, her body was smooth and devoid of bodily
hair which, as far as he knew, wasnłt the custom in Freygard, although it was
common enough in Percheron.

He had no wish to be, but Jaden felt aroused by her
nakedness, and the sight of her hard teats encircled by those tiny clamps was
very titillating.

Smiling with cruel menace, she moved closer. “Are you scared
of me, slave?"

Jaden took one step back. “No." He shook his head. “I just
donłt find you attractive."

She threw back her head and laughed. Jaden stared at her
exposed throat, longing to wrap his hands around it, crush her windpipe with
his bare hands and squeeze the life from her body. Pain he could deal with, but
that wasnłt quite what was on Danarałs mind. He suspected sexual perversities
and abject sexual humiliation were her choicest forms of punishment.

“Whether you find me attractive or not makes no difference
to me." She kept her gaze fastened on his cock, which, despite his best
efforts, was already hardening and stubbornly refusing to obey the commands of
his mind. “I have a number of harnesses in that chest over there. Attached to
them are fake phalluses which are far bigger than your paltry male organ. My
women use them on me when I desire it, but I far prefer the idea of slipping
one on and using it on your virginal ass."

He swallowed, aroused and yet horrified at the same time.
Hełd not let this bitch fuck him.

“Perhaps youÅ‚ll come to enjoy itgiven time." She slapped
the leather switch against the shaft of his phallus. “Today, however, IÅ‚m
feeling magnanimous and, if you do as youłre told, Iłm prepared to leave that
exquisite experience for another occasion. Now kneel and pleasure me with your

Her words confused him. Nerya had told him the women of
Freygard considered sexual congress with men an unpleasant necessity. Danara
didnłt believe that, it appeared. He stared in fascination at the chains on the
nipple clamps as they brushed against the voluptuous curves of her breasts.
“No," he grated.

“You will do as you are ordered. Otherwise IÅ‚ll have you
tied down and IÅ‚ll use the largest phallus I have on you. Unprepared as you
are, it will most likely split you in two!"

“IÅ‚d sooner put my face in a viperÅ‚s nest than near your

As she advanced, Jaden backed away. Just as hełd hoped, most
of the chain confining him now coiled on the floor at his feet. “Barbarian
swine," she hissed, lashing out with her switch, leaving a painful red wheal on
his chest.

Lowering his head, Jaden charged, hitting her in the middle
of her solar plexus with a bone-crunching thump. Thrust backward by the force
of the blow, Danara gave a loud gasp and crumpled to the ground, while Jaden
was brought to a painful halt by the leather collar cutting deep into his
throat as the chain stretched to its fullest extent.

Taking a step back to relieve the tension, Jaden dropped to
his knees and rolled onto his back. Lifting his legs and bending them, he
slipped the chain holding his manacles together under the soles of his feet and
up in front of him. Fortunately for him, Danara was badly winded, and she
remained on the floor, gasping for breath as he sprang upright. He unbuckled the
heavy leather collar from his neck. By the time he tossed it aside, she was
struggling to her feet.

“IÅ‚ll kill you," she threatened.

“Try it." Jaden jumped onto the mattress. In one smooth
movement, he grabbed the dagger, rolled across the bed and landed on the other

Danara, still struggling to draw breath, staggered to a
chest, flipped open the lid and pulled out Jadenłs huge broadsword. Clutching
the weapon in a two-handed grip, she advanced, waving it in a threatening

“ItÅ‚s too heavy for you," he challenged with an insolent

“Damn you, barbarian!" she croaked, launching herself at

Her first awkward ill-timed slash was easy to avoid as he
backed away from her. Many more frantic blows followed, one after another. Each
time he deftly managed to avoid them, and Danarałs mouth twisted in an angry
snarl. She might be strong for a female but, fortunately for him, his sword was
far too heavy for her to wield with any true accuracy.

The door to her chambers would be guarded and the windows
were protected by elaborate iron bars not even wide enough apart for a small
child to squeeze through. He had to get out of here. But how? He might be far
stronger than Danara, but his wrists were chained and his dagger was no match
for a broadsword.

He continued to dodge her furious blows. The situation was
getting desperate. He had to escape, and soon. Danara was fighting ever more
erratically, slashing at him again and again, but as yet not one of her blows
had met their mark. No doubt one soon would. She took deep, gasping breaths,
but he had no time to wear her down. Before then, it was likely her guards
would burst in, and any chance of his survival, let alone escape, would be

“IÅ‚ll kill you," she snarled.

She lunged at him, and this time her blade brushed a small
table, sending it toppling, spilling a jug of red wine across the polished wood
floor. The noise was enough to wake the dead, but still no guards materialized.
He didnłt care what was keeping them away, because every moment that passed
gave him even more time to find a way to disarm her, grab his sword and get the
hell out of there.

Danara swung her weapon, appearing even clumsier in her
movements now as she hacked at him yet again. This time, as he twisted to avoid
the flashing blade, the tip grazed his forearm. The cut wasnłt deep, but it
bled profusely. Jaden backed away. His foot slid on the wine-soaked
floorboards, putting him off-balance. This time he only just managed to avoid
the lethal edge of her blade.

He couldnłt let this fight go on much longer. He had to do
something. Jaden chanced glancing back. Behind him stood a wall half-covered by
a large tapestry. He refocused on Danara as stalked him, her lips curved in a
menacing smile. “Say your prayers, barbarian."

“IÅ‚ve no need of prayers." Trying not to reveal his
intentions, he edged toward the wall. Hełd use the thick fabric of the tapestry
to help protect his arm as he made a grab for the sword. Twisting Å‚round, Jaden
wrenched the tapestry from its hangings, revealing a narrow door. The gods were
on his side after all. If his calculations were correct, the door would lead
into the great hall.

“No!" Danara screamed, slashing at him again. “YouÅ‚ll not
get away!"

Backed up against the wall, he did the only thing he could
do in the circumstances. With the tapestry partially protecting his forearm, he
used the tiny dagger to parry the blow. It was a foolhardy and dangerous move,
but something or someone was protecting him. The lethal blade slithered off the
dagger and hit the chain holding his manacles together with such force that the
steel blade severed one of the iron rings. Carried on by the power of the blow,
the blade continued downward, the tip embedding itself in the wooden floor at
her feet. He shoved Danara aside, grabbed the hilt, wrenched the sword free and
turned toward the doorway.

Danara went to follow him, but Jaden spun Å‚round and kicked
her hard in the gut. Grunting in pain, she staggered back a few paces, then
crumpled to the ground. Jaden pushed the door open and swept aside the tapestry
to run into the great hall. It was empty apart from a pretty, heavily pregnant
young woman. As Jaden, naked and bloodied, advanced toward her, she gasped in
terror. She put a hand to her bulging stomach and, with a strangled moan,
slumped to the floor in a dead faint.

Jaden sprinted toward the entrance of the keep. He had to
find somewhere to hide. Once the initial furor had died down, hełd find a way
to escape this damn fortress and make his way home.



Nerya had been in charge of the last patrol of the day, and
it had proceeded without incident. She smiled to herself as she led her weary
troop through the gates. Maybe she would visit Jaden again tonight.

The bailey appeared much quieter than usual, which was
strange. What was wrong? It was never this empty at this time of day. She
spotted a large group of people standing close to the low stone building
housing the coupling chambers. Dismounting, she tossed the reins of her horse
to a waiting slave. “WhatÅ‚s happening?"

“A whipping, my lady. A slave is being punished," he
answered in a tense, troubled tone.

There hadnłt been a public whipping for at least a couple of
years, so the slave, whoever he was, must have done something terrible to
deserve this. “Take my horse to the stables," she ordered.

Nerya strode toward the crowd. Most of the castle slaves
were well-behaved, and usually the few minor infractions were dealt with by the
slave mistress in any way she thought fit. Unsurprisingly, this unusual event
had drawn a huge crowd.

Nerya noticed her friend Lorenna standing at the back,
straining to see over the heads of the mass of people. “Lorenna," Nerya said.
“WhoÅ‚s being punished?"

“A slave. He attacked the queen. HeÅ‚s being given thirty

The sickening crack of the knotted leather lash hitting bare
flesh reverberated around the bailey. “Attacked Mother?" Nerya couldnÅ‚t believe
a slave could be so foolish. “Is she hurt?"

“Queen Danara is fine, so IÅ‚ve been told. Not surprisingly,
shełs very angry." Lorenna stood on tip-toe, but she was too short and had no
chance of seeing anything. Nerya, being taller, could just see the tops of the
slavełs arms and his hands tied to the crossbeam of the punishment stand.
“TheyÅ‚ve even brought in the overseer to carry out the punishment."

“The overseer?" Nerya frowned. He was an ugly, brutish
individual in charge of the field slaves here and in Gisor. His position
allowed him some luxuries not normally permitted to male slaves, and he was
well-known for gaining pleasure from the punishments he inflicted on those who
dared to rebel against him.

Nerya disagreed with Danara about such savage forms of
punishment. Shełd often argued with her mother, pointing out that whipping
slaves was an unnecessary evil and achieved nothing. Lorenna had said Danara
had suffered no lasting harm from the attack. The slave clearly had to be
disciplined for his crimes, but surely not like this. In the past slaves had
sometimes died after such whippings, and that was a waste. Why kill a man who
could be of use to their society? Punish him by all means but not in this
barbaric fashion. When she was queen, she vowed all this would change.

“Thirty lashes, you say?" Thirty lashes was far too much,
almost a death sentence. The next ominous crack of the lash was followed by a muffled
grunt of pain. “How many has the slave endured so far?"

“Eleven or twelve. I lost count. After the first few, the
overseer stopped for a moment. Iłve no idea why, as I couldnłt see what was

“Do you know which slave is being punished?" It was stupid
to be concerned. Jaden was safely locked up and would never have been in the
position to attack her mother.

Lorenna frowned. “What does that matter to you?"

“It just does." Why did this uneasy concern niggle at the
back of her mind? It couldnłt possibly be Jaden who was being punished.

“You wouldnÅ‚t know him. I think heÅ‚s new." Lorenna leaned
toward Nerya. “I was in the great hall, and he came running in via the queenÅ‚s
private doorway. You can imagine how terrified I was to be confronted by a stark
naked, long-haired barbarian, covered in blood and brandishing a broadsword.
The blood, I hasten to add, was his, not your motherÅ‚s." She shivered. “It was
pure luck, Nerya, that a group of warriors had just entered the keep. They
pursued him and eventually managed to overpower him. Itłs said he fought like a
man possessed."

Neryałs heart seemed to rise in her throat, and her chest

“Long-haired barbarian, you say?"


“It couldnÅ‚t be." Nerya winced as the ugly crack of
the whip assailed her ears again. “Wait here, Lorenna."

Nerya shouldered her way through the crowd, listening all
the time for the ominous sounds of leather hitting flesh. She could almost see
evil strands caressing the poor slavełs bloodied back as she fought her way
forward. Fear consumed her. Lorennałs description sounded just like Jaden. If
it was him being flogged, then shełd put an end to this terrible punishment.
How had this happened? Hełd been safely locked away. Danara must have sent for
him and questioned him, but that still didnłt explain why hełd attacked her.
Nothing made any sense. The whip cracked again, this time accompanied by a
loud, anguished grunt. Gritting her teeth, Nerya pushed harder, shoving women
aside, hardly able to believe some of them appeared to be enjoying this
terrible spectacle.

Someone muttered her name. The crowd in front parted for
her. She shuddered. Oh, no, not Jaden! He was naked and tied to the frame of
the punishment blockhis arms and legs splayed, his back covered in blood. The
overseer, his huge belly wobbling, applied the next cruel blow, and the
blood-soaked strands of the whip cut across Jadenłs muscular back and buttocks.
He trembled, yet she did not hear him cry out. Neryałs heart pounded. Was he
already insensible? White-hot fury consumed her as she stared in horror at his
beautiful body. Ugly red wheals crisscrossed his dusky skin, and the flesh hung
open in many places. Blood coated his back and dripped down his muscular legs,
slickly staining the wooden podium at his feet.

“Stop this now!" Nerya sprang onto the dais and grabbed the
overseerłs arm.

The ugly man, his features contorted by a long, puckered
scar on the left side of his face, turned in surprise. “My lady?"

“No!" Murana, who stood on the edge of the podium observing
the punishment, shouted. “DonÅ‚t stop."

Nerya caught a stomach-churning whiff of stale sweat and a
multitude of other foul odors as the overseer leaned toward her. “Mistress?" He
peered in confusion at Nerya, then flashed a questioning glance at Murana. “What
do I do, I"

“I give the orders here," Nerya insisted with a regal toss
of her head. She stepped closer to Jaden, trying to keep her gaze away from the
ragged ribbons of blood-soaked flesh marring his beautiful body. “Jaden," Nerya
murmured. “This punishment is finished." He turned his head, his dark eyes
staring at her in bewilderment.

“Resume!" Murana screamed at the overseer. “Queen Danara has
ordered thirty lashes, and thirty lashes it will be."

Stumbling around Nerya, the overseer raised the whip again.
Shełd kill the bastard if he touched Jaden again. Nerya drew her sword and dug
the tip of the blade in the overseerłs flabby belly where it bulged over the
top of his ill-fitting breeches. “Try it and IÅ‚ll spill your guts all over this

Lowering his whip, he backed away from her. “Please"

Murana strode to Nerya and grabbed her sword arm. “Are you
insane? This punishment was ordered by the queen. No one, not even you, has the
right to stop it."

“I am Princess of Freygard," Nerya retorted. “How dare you
countermand my direct orders?" Pushing Murana away, Nerya turned and addressed
the assembled onlookers. “This is finished," she shouted. “You are dismissed.
Return to your duties." Most of the onlookers obeyed her immediately. A few
women remained where they were, probably curious to see what happened next. No
one had ever dared countermand the orders of the queen before, regardless of
their status. “Now!" Nerya yelled in a tone that brooked no disobedience.

“Are you insane? You do all this for a mere slave?" Murana
said as the rest of the crowd started to move away.

“Open your mouth again, Murana, and IÅ‚ll have you thrown in
a cell." Nerya glared at her. “Or would you prefer a taste of the lash

MuranaÅ‚s face turned ashen. “Have it your way." She stepped
off the dais and stomped off across the bailey.

It wouldnłt be appropriate for her to cut Jaden down. She
had to avoid any more unseemly public displays of compassion toward him.
“Here." She beckoned to a couple of nervous slaves who hovered close by.

They hurried toward her, bowing as they reached her.
“Princess," one said.

“Cut him down." She handed him her dagger. “Then take the
slave to the infirmary and tell them to treat and dress his wounds

The overseer stood to one side. His expression was sullen as
he cleaned the blood-soaked strands of his whip with a grubby cloth. As the
slaves departed to do her bidding, she turned to the repulsive man.

“My lady," he acknowledged obsequiously.

“Return to your duties."

He frowned. “I was promised"


“Yes, my lady." He turned and lumbered away.

The slaves had cut Jaden down, and he was conscious. He
hadnłt uttered a sound, despite the fact he must be in terrible pain. His arms
flopped at his sides, but he managed to stand on his own two feet. Nerya
watched the slaves gently supporting Jaden as they helped him toward the
infirmary. She would talk to him later, but there was something she had to do

Sheathing her sword, Nerya jumped from the dais. Lorenna
hurried toward her. “Nerya, wasnÅ‚t that rather foolish?" she asked, her blue
eyes full of puzzled surprise.

“Foolish? You think so?"

“YouÅ‚ll be in so much trouble. The queen will be so angry,
and you know what a temper she has."

“I have a feeling she wonÅ‚t countermand my orders." Whatever
happened, she would find a way to protect Jaden and stop her mother from
hurting him again. “There will be no more punishments for this particular

Maybe one day Lorenna would understand why shełd done this.
Now she had her mother to deal with. Nerya strode toward the keep.

Chapter Four

“Have you quite finished, Mother?" Nerya had endured the
torrent of abuse, but she couldnłt bear to stay silent a moment longer.

Nerya appeared icily calm, although she feared it would not
be long before her fury broke through her rigid self-control. One of the royal
guards had, after much probing on her part, told her theyłd been ordered to
leave Jaden naked and chained to a bedpost in her motherłs bedchamber. Nerya
couldnłt allow herself to think of what might have happened to him there before
hełd attempted to escape. She was no fool. She was well aware of all the
unpleasant rumors circulating the castle concerning Danarałs strange behavior
toward certain male slaves.

“Me, finished?" Danara snapped, her face white with anger.
“You dare speak to me so insolently. I may only be your adopted mother, but I
should remind you IÅ‚m also Queen Danara of Freygard."

“Yes, I dare," Nerya said. “I am not immune to your
failings, Mother. You cannot carry on like this any longer. No one dares to say
anything, but itłs common knowledge that you get some kind of perverse pleasure
from abusing slaves. Some even believe you force them to perform intimate acts
for your own sexual gratification."

Two high spots of color appeared on Danarałs pale cheeks.
“ThatÅ‚s a lie."

“I think not." Nerya gave a bitter laugh. “I find it even
more troubling because you, of all people, should not be acting in this
outrageous fashion."

“Think what you like, Nerya." Danara arrogantly tossed her
head. “I rule Freygard, and I do as I choose. No one can question my behavior."

“Maybe not, but as queen, should you not set a good example
for your subjects?" She stared at Danara, filled with disgust. “I think it
would be wiser if you forgot about any further punishments for that particular

“You think it wiser! Why, may I ask, have you taken
such an interest in this barbarian?" Danara frowned. “How can you even think of
being so magnanimous toward him by stopping his punishment? He might well have
killed me if I hadnłt done all I could to protect myself."

“IÅ‚d do the same for any slave in the circumstances. Now,
IÅ‚ve no intention of discussing this further. I just wanted"

“No!" Danara held up her hand. “You are my heir, and will
remain so, but that doesnłt entitle you to address me so disrespectfully.
However, I will overlook this insane behavior of yoursjust this once. But you
will never countermand my orders in public again. Is that agreed?"

“ItÅ‚s agreed." It might be wiser now to let the matter drop.
She didnłt want Danara to look further into why shełd been so desperate to save
Jaden. Murana was a blabbermouth. If Danara questioned her, Murana wouldnłt
keep quiet about NeryaÅ‚s visits to Jaden in the coupling chambers. “Perhaps, in
the circumstances, it might be best if I were to depart for Harn as soon as

“A wise move," Danara agreed. “Let us hope your mission is a
success, and whatever youłre able to learn will help protect Freygard."

She had to move as swiftly as possible. She didnłt trust her
mother, and she very much doubted her interest in Jaden would wane for very
long. “Do you have the document?"

“I do." Danara picked up a parchment from a table piled high
with official documents. Affixed to it was DanaraÅ‚s personal seal. “Here." She
thrust it into NeryaÅ‚s hand. “This will allow you and your escort to leave
Freygard unhindered."



Nerya strode into the infirmary, carrying the letter of safe
passage. No one could leave Freygard without Danarałs permission, so this
document was a necessity. However, when Danara learned what Nerya planned to
do, it might well turn out not to be worth the parchment it was written on.

The infirmary was run by Bethia, a kind woman who treated
all alike, whatever their status or position in the castle. Nerya entered the
small, sparsely furnished chamber to which Bethia had directed her and found
Jaden sitting up in bed, his torso swathed in linen bandages. To her surprised
relief, he appeared better than shełd expected, although no doubt he was in
considerable pain.

“Did you give him tincture of poppy seed to dull the pain?"
she asked the slave who was busy piling blood-soaked linen strips into a
leather bucket.

“ItÅ‚s there by the bed, my lady. HeÅ‚s refused to drink it as

“I need to keep my wits about me, do I not, Princess?"
Jaden sneered. “Forgive me, Highness. I forget my manners." He went to rise.

“No. Stay where you are. You need to rest." Nerya turned to
address the young slave. “Go now. I wish to speak to this captive in private."

He picked up the bucket and hurried toward the door, pulling
it shut behind him.

“I am honored, it appears," Jaden said in a cutting tone.

“Jaden, IÅ‚m still the Nerya I always was to you." She
grabbed a wooden stool, dragged it to the side of the bed and sat on it.

“Why didnÅ‚t you tell me who you were?"

“Would it have made a difference?" What was wrong with this
man? Shełd just saved him from a whipping. She might even have saved his life.
Why did he sound so belligerent? He should be grateful. After all, shełd just
risked much to save him. Men were strange creatures, there was no doubt about

“Difference?" He shrugged, wincing visibly. “Who knows?"

“Take the poppy seed. It will blunt the pain."

“No. I donÅ‚t want it." Jaden sighed. “IÅ‚m being churlish.
IÅ‚m not ungrateful for what you did, Nerya. You saved me, and IÅ‚m indebted to
you, but Queen Danara is your mother."

“SheÅ‚s not my mother. My true mother and she were cousins,
but after I was born, Danara took care of me. When my mother deserted me,
Danara made me her heir." She couldnÅ‚t even look at him as she added, “I donÅ‚t
know what she did to you. I donłt even think I want to know. Iłve heard rumors
about her bizarre behavior toward slaves in the privacy of her chambers. I
would never approve of such perversities. You have to know that, Jaden."

“I cannot blame you for her shortcomings." Jaden reached for
her hand. “I confess youÅ‚re somewhat of an enigma to me, Princess."

“Just as you are to me."

“You must have put yourself at odds with Queen Danara by
saving me." He stroked her palm with his thumb, and she found the gesture
pleasing, even a little erotic.

“She was angry with me, but it was worth it. I could never
have let you suffer like that." She paused and leaned a little closer to him.
“I came here because I have a proposition to put to you."

He raised his eyebrows. “Proposition?"



Nerya strode across the bailey. It was just after first
light and the sun had barely risen in the sky. Danara had left last night on
one of her regular monthly visits to other parts of her kingdom. While she was
away, the fortress always seemed unnaturally quiet as everyone relaxed a
little. Danara allowed no such slacking when she was in residence. The only
people around were a few sleepy slaves scurrying across the bailey, busy
completing their early morning tasks.

Jaden had recovered from the flogging far more quickly than
Nerya had ever expected. After three days hełd claimed he was well enough to
leave the infirmary, but Nerya wanted to keep him well out of harmłs way and far
away from Danara. As a favor to her, Bethia had insisted Jaden stay in the
infirmary a couple of days longer, until Queen Danara had ridden out of the
castle on her way to review the military defenses in the northern provinces of

She hadnłt really wanted to involve anyone else, but Nerya
had been forced to ask for Aurorałs aid in order to put all her plans into
place. Although she didnłt fully approve, Aurora had agreed to help. It was she
whołd arranged to have Jadenłs men shipped to one of her private estates in a
remote part of Freygard. There they would be safe, and in exchange for their
continued well-being, Jaden had agreed to accompany Nerya on her mission to
Harn. She knew enough about Harn and Percheron now to know it would be safer and
appear far less suspicious if she traveled with a male companion. Life in the
surrounding lands was very different from life in Freygard.

Jaden had been somewhat surprised when shełd told him of her
plans, but he wasnłt foolish enough to refuse to go along with them. Shełd
promised him that once they returned safely from Harn, she would arrange to
have Jaden and his men smuggled out of Freygard, far from Danarałs reach.

She entered the stables to find Jaden already there, as was Aurora. Nerya had never seen Jaden clothed in his own garments before. She paused for a
moment, overcome by the sight of the nobleman she now knew him to be. Shełd
learned a little more about him in the last few days. As a rich, influential
and trusted confidant of Lord Sarin of Percheron, hełd been traveling to Kabra
to negotiate the finer points of the military treaty with King Tarn when he and
his men had been apprehended.

With his hair tied neatly back at his nape, he appeared even
more commandingly handsome. The severity of the style drew attention to his
fine bone structure. Jaden wore a brown shirt, a rust-colored leather doublet
and skin-tight brown leather breeches that clung to his muscular thighs and
molded quite indecently to the large bulge at his groin. Nerya tried to keep
her gaze away from the riveting sight. Shełd already decided there would be no
sexual contact between them on their journey. It would weaken her position if
she gave in to her foolish desires, and he must be made to understand she was
in charge at all times.

“Nerya." Aurora smiled. “All is prepared for your
departure." Aurora glanced at Jaden, who had just finished tightening the girth
on the sturdy roan Nerya had chosen for him to ride. “I hope your trust in this
man is not misplaced."

“It is not, I assure you," Jaden said as he scrutinized the
two women, totally failing to act as a slave should. “I swear on my honor IÅ‚ll
protect Nerya and make sure she returns to you safely. After all, the life of
my friend Warin and the lives of my men depend on my doing so."

“So they do," Aurora agreed. “In return, IÅ‚ll ensure theyÅ‚re
well cared for until you return. IÅ‚m told the two who were wounded are well on
their way to recovery."

“IÅ‚m obliged to you, my lady."

“We should depart." Now the time was upon her, Nerya felt
more than a little apprehensive. She was putting her trust in someone she
barely knew, and worst of all, he was a man. Nerya had always been taught they
were inferior, untrustworthy beings. She glanced over at the stallionłs stall.
He was saddled and ready for her. The young slave, whom shełd promoted to a
stable hand a few days ago, had done as shełd ordered.

“Be careful." Aurora embraced Nerya. “And return safe and
unharmed." She lowered her voice. “The items you asked for are on the packhorse
along with all the supplies."

“Thank you." Nerya kissed AuroraÅ‚s wrinkled cheek, then
strode to the stall and took the white stallionłs reins.

Jaden stiffened. “YouÅ‚re taking him?"

“Is something wrong?" Nerya challenged. “The queen gave the
stallion to me."

JadenÅ‚s mouth tightened. “No," he grated. Taking the reins
of his mount and the packhorse, he turned, then led the horses from the



It was late afternoon and, to Neryałs relief, there had been
no sign of anyone following them. The guards at the castle gates hadnłt
appeared suspicious as theyłd left the castle, although theyłd been curious
about Jaden accompanying her. It wasnłt usual for a warrior to travel with a
slave, let alone one dressed in such inappropriate garments.

Theyłd traveled due west all day, stopping for a brief time
to feed and water the horses. She couldnłt be totally certain, but Nerya
reckoned they must be well into Percheron by now. The trees in this part of the
forest crowded together. It was warm and a little humid under the thick canopy
of green, and also unnaturally gloomy, as only faint traces of sunlight
filtered through the leafy branches above their heads. A dense carpet of moss
and piles of damp, rotting vegetation covered the ground, and the forest was
silent. There wasnłt even the sound of birdsong.

She glanced back at Jaden, who rode a short distance behind
her. She couldnłt read his expression and wondered what he was thinking. Hełd
barely spoken to her since theyłd left the castle. Had she been foolish? Could
she really place her trust in him?

Nerya noticed that just ahead the trees were less closely
packed together. Between them, in the distance, she caught a glimpse of what
appeared to be open countryside. She pulled the map out of her doublet and
traced their route with her fingertip. According to the map, once they were
clear of the forest the land sloped down into a narrow, grassy valley with a
river at its heart. The river was wide and quite shallow at this point. With
any luck, they should be able to cross it with relative ease. She glanced at
the sky, just able to see it through the branches above her head. By her
estimation, they should have ample time to reach the river before darkness


“Yes?" She pulled back on the reins and slowed her pace so
Jaden could ride up beside her. “What is it?"

“ThereÅ‚s a clearing just ahead. That would be a good place
to make camp for the night." He narrowed his eyes. “The trees will provide

“According to the map, thereÅ‚s a river at the bottom of the
valley. It isnłt far. Wełll camp there. Itłll be easier to water the horses."
Shełd been thinking she might even take a swim to cool her down.

“We have enough water for tonight," he pointed out. “And we
can replenish our supplies tomorrow when we cross the river."

“We do as I say and carry on to the river."

“I think not." He sounded very insistent. “You donÅ‚t know
this terrain. Therełve been reports of bandits in this area. Here we have some
cover, but out in the open, wełll be too vulnerable."

She didnÅ‚t like his tone. “Jaden, IÅ‚m in charge on this
mission. You know that."

“The trees will also provide some cover from the approaching

“Rain? What rain? Look up. You can see the sky is clear."

“ItÅ‚ll be safer here under cover, believe me. And it will
rain." He sounded convinced. “Nerya, please do as I say. Indulge me just this



Nerya had never liked sleeping under canvas. She preferred
sleeping out in the open, not inside this small stuffy tent. At least in here
she had some privacy, and she could keep some distance between her and Jaden.
Shełd no intention of letting her resolve falter for a moment. Shełd no wish to
feel this way, but she still found him compellingly attractive.

Clad only in her thigh-length linen shirt, she lay in her
tent trying not to think of Jaden sleeping only a short distance away. She
hadnłt wanted to, but shełd given in to his insistent demands and agreed to
make camp in this forest clearing, in the unlikely case he was correct and
there were bandits in the area. Nevertheless, she still wasnłt convinced he was

A slight breeze had begun to whisper through the trees after
theyłd set up camp. Now it grew stronger, howling eerily around her small tent.
Shełd not yet turned out her tiny oil lamp, and the flame flickered, forming
strange, sinister shadows on the canvas above her head. She wouldnłt sleep. Her
mind was full of too many troubling thoughts. Would she feel safer if Jaden was
here in the tent with her, holding her securely in his arms? Of course not.
That was ridiculous, but she couldnłt deny her body ached for his passionate

Nerya shuffled about on her blanket, doing her best to get
more comfortable on the hard ground. She tried to relax, but her attempts to
rest were disturbed by a sudden, faint pattering on the roof of the tent. Jaden
had been right. It was raining. Damn the man. No doubt he would be very smug
when he saw her in the morning.

The slow patter turned into an insistent drumming. Before
she even had time to think of pulling aside the tent flap and inviting him
inside until the rain had passed, a tall figure barged into her small refuge.
Her tent was tiny. There was barely room for one, let alone two, and she tensed
as Jaden sank to his knees beside her.

“Told you it would rain." His hair hung in damp strands
around his face, and his sodden shirt clung to his body.

“It appears you were right. But I should remind you, Jaden,
that this is my tent." Sitting up, she rummaged in her saddlebag, which
sheÅ‚d been using as a pillow, and threw a linen towel toward him. “Here."

Jaden pulled off his wet shirt and wiped his face and arms,
then rubbed his hair vigorously until it stopped dripping water onto his bare
shoulders. “IÅ‚d bedded down under the shelter of a tree, but the downpour is
heavier than even I expected. If you think IÅ‚m going to stay outside in this,
youłre sadly mistaken."

Sitting beside her, he started to peel off his wet leather
breeches. “Jaden!" Nerya gasped.

“DonÅ‚t be ridiculous. YouÅ‚ve seen me naked before." He flung
the breeches in the corner of the tent and moved closer to her. “IÅ‚m cold, and
my bedroll is soaked. Wełll have to share."

It would be churlish of her to complain in the
circumstances. She didnÅ‚t want him becoming unwell. “Your bandages are wet.
Should you not remove them as well?"

“TheyÅ‚ll dry soon enough."

“YouÅ‚re not sharing my bedroll until you remove them. Your
wounds must be at least partially healed by now. Bethia said once the scabs
formed that you should take off the bandages and let some air get to the wounds
to dry them up. The damp may cause them harm."

“If you insist." He turned off the lamp. “No need to use up
precious resources."

Jaden was just a dark outline in the dim light as he unwound
the wet bandages. Once he was finished, he tossed them aside and lay beside
her. Why had she agreed to this foolishness? He was far too close. Nerya edged
away, trying to put as much distance between them as she could, but in the
tight confines of this tent, it was impossible. The fresh masculine odor of
Jadenłs damp flesh drifted toward her. He smelt so tempting, and she so wanted
to reach out and touch him.

She thrust a corner of her thick blanket toward him. “YouÅ‚ll
get a chill if you donłt warm up." She tried to forget he was naked, but it
wasnÅ‚t easy in the circumstances. “You may stay if you promise to behave
yourself," she added in a small voice, trying to resist the urge to snuggle up
to him.

“Behave myself? Why should I?" He reached out and coiled his
arms around her waist to trap her against his firm chest. “Do you really want me
to behave, Nerya?" he whispered in her ear.

“Yes, of course." She didnÅ‚t sound that convincing. How
could she when his lips nuzzled seductively at her earlobe? Her thin linen
shirt had somehow ridden up almost to her midriff, and his muscular legs wedged
against hers. Her belly was far too close to his rigid stomach, and every time
he drew breath, the hairs of his pubes tickled her sensitive female parts.

Nerya shivered, unable to ignore the size of his erection.
How had he become aroused so quickly? A surge of desire lanced through her
body, and her sex grew wet with need. Shełd vowed not to let this happen, but
now she feared the inevitable would occur and there seemed to be no way she
could prevent it. All her determination to resist his charms was fast

“IÅ‚ve made your shirt damp. Would it not be better to take
it off?" he softly urged as he began to ease it up her body. “Skin-to-skin
contact will keep us warmer."

“You think it wise for me to remove it?"

“Only sensible in the circumstances. You donÅ‚t want to catch
a chill."

Somehow he managed to maneuver it up over her head and,
before she knew it, her naked body pressed against his damp flesh. He ran his
hands down her back, drawing her even closer so that her breasts crushed
against his muscular chest and her belly molded so provocatively to his that
his hard shaft dug deep into her stomach.

Jadenłs fingers cupped her buttock cheeks, preventing her
from moving. She didnłt protest. It felt good to be close to him, yet she
tensed in anticipation as one hand slid seductively between her thighs and his
fingers invaded the warm slit of her sex.

“YouÅ‚re wet already," he groaned. JadenÅ‚s seeking fingers
explored further, sliding deeper inside her and she couldnłt contain her
whimper of delight. “That feels good doesnÅ‚t it?" he asked in a husky voice.

Carnal desire coursed through her body as his fingers inched
deeper into the soft channel of her sex. He moved them seductively, arousing
her senses to fever pitch. All she wanted was to feel his thick cock thrusting
deep inside her, but she couldnłt bring herself to voice such outrageous
thoughts aloud.

Unable to think clearly, let alone rationally, she wound her
arms around his waist as her last vestiges of resistance ebbed away. Filled
with eagerness to couple with him, she dug her fingers into the hard globes of
his buttocks.

“Please," she suddenly found herself saying.

“So impatient, my sweet?" His confidence disturbed her, but
her lust for him was just too strong to ignore, and she didnłt protest as he
rolled her onto her back and eased his knee between her thighs. They opened,
desperate to welcome him inside her. Jaden positioned himself, and his massive
shaft slid slowly inside her until her body was filled to the brim with his
hot, hard flesh.

She couldnłt see his expression in the gloom, but she knew
he wanted her just as she wanted him. Her fingers clutched his buttocks as he
began to move his hips. He thrust in and out of her, and it felt so utterly
delicious that Neryałs universe contracted into one pinpoint of pleasure
containing just her and Jadenłs thick shaft powering deep inside her.

Her pleasure rose all too swiftly, far more quickly than
shełd ever expected. She surrendered herself to her desire as the glorious
sensations he aroused in her started to blossom. As she surmounted the summit,
her inner flesh contracted and her climax came in a sudden overpowering rush of
sinful bliss. Nerya screamed as the powerful orgasm tore through her, more
devastating than the storm wreaking havoc outside the small tent. At the
selfsame moment, Jaden climaxed, his cock pulsing deep inside her.

“Nerya, my sweet," he murmured, nuzzling her cheek as she
lay melded to him enmeshed in a haze of bliss. She couldnłt answer him. There
was no way she could bring herself to whisper words of endearment to a slave.
Yet she made no attempt to pull away. She stayed there savoring the sweet
sensation of closeness. “Sleep now," he whispered as he rolled onto his side,
pulling her with him. His shaft was still buried deep inside her. It was almost
as if he intended for them to remain conjoined this way forever.

To be truthful, Nerya didnłt want to move. Overwhelmed by a
sensation of total contentment, she felt safe, here in Jadenłs armsher body
pressed close to his. She didnłt think about the menacing forest that
surrounded them, and she barely heard the raindrops hitting the canvas above
her head, or the wind howling around the trees as she drifted off to sleep.



Nerya awoke thinking she must still be dreaming. Strong arms
encircled her, trapping her against a warm, hard body. The truth of it didnłt
strike her for a moment, until she opened her eyes. What had she done?
Everything came back to her at once. She turned her head and tensed, a hot
blush rushing to stain her cheeks. Jaden was awake, lying there staring at her.
The dim morning light seeped through the canvas roof of her tent, and it was
deathly quiet outside. The storm must have died some time ago.

“Have you been awake for long?" she murmured, unsure what
she should do now. If hełd already left the tent, she could have acted as if
this had never happened and tried to forget about it. She couldnłt do that when
she was still clasped in his arms.

“Not long." He kissed her cheek. “You looked so sweet and
innocent lying there. I didnłt have the heart to wake you."

She couldnłt ignore the fact she was naked and her body
pressed embarrassingly close to his. She had to get up and get as far away from
him as she could. She needed some time to pull herself together and try to think
rationally. Such intimacies must not occur again. Copulating with him was bad
enough, but sleeping like this, clasped in his arms, was a foolish indulgence.

“I should get up."

“Not yet." JadenÅ‚s arms tightened, crushing her bosom even
harder against his chest, welding his flat belly to her stomach. She couldnłt
ignore the bulky hardness of his erection digging into her groin.

Shełd no desire to give in to the demands of her own body,
yet she was suddenly filled with the unaccountable need to feel him thrusting
deep inside her again.

“Did you sleep well?" she asked, not knowing what else to

Her mind was full of so many conflicting emotions. What was
wrong with her? The sensual desires of the flesh had overwhelmed all her logic
and reason and made her vulnerable to Jadenłs seductive charms.

“Very well, as it happens." He slid his hands over the
curves of her buttocks. “I must thank you for letting me share your tent,

“We should be on our way soonshould we not?" Her voice
sounded breathless and shaky to her.

“So we should." He nuzzled her ear, his lips fastening
around the lobe. He sucked on it gently, and desire surged through her loins
again. She was undone. Jaden had only to touch her like this and all was lost.

“We canÅ‚t," she protested. “Not again."

“Is there a law against coupling too often?"

His hand moved down between their bodies and eased its way
into the valley of her sex. Nerya gave a soft moan as those erotic digits slid
inside her, thrusting her hips forward to allow his fingers to burrow deeper.
Yet, to her frustrated surprise, he pulled away from her and propped himself on
one elbow.

“Tell me, Nerya. Now that weÅ‚re on our waywhy exactly are
we going to Harn?"

“I told you when I asked you to accompany me. Queen Danara
needs to know more about whatłs happening in the land surrounding ours. Aurora has had troubling reports of unrest in these kingdoms. You were traveling to Kabra
to negotiate a treaty. Such a strong military alliance could threaten the
welfare of Freygard, could it not?"

Because Freygard was kept deliberately isolated from its
neighbors, Nerya knew little of the surrounding countries, only what Aurora had told her over the last few days. Apparently, peace existed between Percheron and
Kabra, but their monarchs were far from being friends. Many years ago, Lord
Sarin had invaded Kabra, and hełd ruled the land for a decade or more. After
his father had died, Tarn had led a rebellion which had driven out the forces
of Percheron and regained him his throne.

“Aurora thinks it strange Kabra and Percheron might even
consider signing such a treaty, considering the unsettled relationship between
King Tarn and Lord Sarin of Percheron."

“SheÅ‚s right," Jaden agreed. “TheyÅ‚ve been at odds with one
another for decades. Now they need to work together as they face a far greater

“A greater threat. What might that be?" Nerya wished she
knew far more than she did. Knowledge was power. If she was eventually to rule
Freygard, she needed to learn much more about the outside world.

“The threat is Acheron."

“Acheron?" SheÅ‚d expected it to be Marquab. Aurora had told
her that the ruler of this vast empire in the far south, across the Sea of Marmara, was very powerful and had a massive army. Aurora had never mentioned
Acheron at all. “IÅ‚ve heard that the rulers of Acheron have knowledge of magic.
Is that true?"

“Unfortunately, yes, and itÅ‚s rumored that the Dragon Lords
of Acheron are marshalling their forces. For what reason, we donłt yet know.
But if theyłre considering an invasion of the Western Kingdoms, then wełll all
have to work together to even have a chance of survival."

“Freygard could be in danger as well, could it not?" The
fear of the unknown was far more difficult to contend with, and the mere
thought of magic terrified her. Human weapons would surely be no protection
against wizardry.

“It could," Jaden agreed, “and because of the policy of your
queen, youłll have no allies to stand with you to repel an attack." He brushed
a stray strand of hair away from her face in a far too intimate gesture.
Whatever he was to her now, he was no longer her slave. She supposed she would
have to accept that. “Your people have kept themselves apart from others for
centuries. What makes you think that Gerek of Harn will even agree to speak to

“He will speak to me," she insisted, “because I believe
Gerek of Harn to be my father."

“Your father?"

“His wife Kitara is from Freygard. I told you when you were
in the infirmary that my real mother had deserted me. What I didnłt say was
that my mother is Kitara. IÅ‚ve no idea why she never acknowledged me, but I
know now I have a sister, and I want to make myself known to her."

“So Rianna is your sister?"

He knew of Rianna? It appeared he knew more about her family
than she did. “Yes. Danara told me all this only a short time ago."

Jaden frowned. “If you wish to see Rianna first, we need to
go to Kabra, not Harn."


“DidnÅ‚t Danara tell you Rianna is married to King Tarn of
Kabra? Perhaps if you speak to Rianna, shełll agree to approach Kitara on your
behalf. Gerek and Kitara will soon be traveling to Kabra to discuss the treaty.
As you know, I was on my way there, to aid in the negotiations of the final

“Kabra?" Surely he wouldnÅ‚t be lying to her purely for his
own end? Shełd no way of knowing if he spoke the truth or not, especially as
hełd never mentioned before that Harn was involved in these negotiations.

“I know how your mind works, Nerya. IÅ‚m not lying to you. I
swear on the lives of my men that I speak the truth." She shivered as his hand
kneaded her breasts. His fingertips circled the aureole of one nipple, and
desire for him flooded her senses again. “You must believe me. I promise on my
honor that if you go to Kabra, your sister will be there."

Lowering his head, Jaden brushed his lips against her right
nipple and pulled it into his mouth. Nerya sighed with pleasure as he sucked on
the tiny teat, while he rolled the other pert cone between thumb and
forefinger. He pulled at it gently while his mouth continued to suckle her
other breast. It was as if her bosom and her feminine parts were joined by an
invisible cord, and each tug of his lips tugged at her senses, making her sex
grow wetter and wetter, until she ached to once again feel his cock buried
between her thighs.

“Then I have to accept your word. Do I not?"

She meshed her fingers in his hair, rubbing her body against
his. She wanted him to couple with her, but she dare not tell him that. It
would be far too humiliating to admit how much she hungered for him.

To her infinite relief, she didnłt have to beg him for
anything. Jaden reached down with his other hand and stroked her stomach, then
eased his way between her legs and into the slit of her sex. His fingers delved
deeper, inching their way inside her. Nerya gasped with pleasure and thrust her
hips hard against his invading hand.

Jaden pulled his lips from her breast. “Do you want me?"

“Yes," she murmured. “You know I do."

He smiled. It was a satisfied expression of masculine
dominance that at any other time might well have irritated her. At present she
was far too desperate for him to care. As Jaden rolled onto his back, he pulled
her astride his hips.

“Last time we were like this, I was chained and yours to

“And I enjoyed commanding you," she said with a teasing
smile as she straddled his thighs. Taking hold of his shaft, she stroked it,
feeling it twitch against her palm as she ran her hand up and down its
magnificent length.

“I prefer it like this. When I was chained, I couldnÅ‚t
return the pleasure you gave me." She caressed the organ, and it lengthened and
grew even harder. “It was so frustrating not being able to reach out and touch
you." Jaden brushed his fingers against the curls that guarded her sex, and she
grew desperate for them to delve inside her.

“Yet IÅ‚m still in control of your pleasure," she teased as
she tightened her hold on his cock and caressed it with long, smooth strokes.

“Not if you want me to climax inside you, my lady." He
gasped as she ran her fingers over the bulging tip, smearing the pre-come that
seeped from its tiny mouth over the entire head. “A few more tantalizing
seconds and IÅ‚ll climax in your hand."

“IÅ‚ll not let you, Jaden." Nerya lifted herself onto her
knees and edged forward, guiding his shaft toward the opening of her sex. She
wasnłt apprehensive now as she had been on the first occasion. This time she
desperately wanted him inside her. She pressed her hips down with slow
precision, and his cock slid smoothly into her until the entire magnificent
length of it was buried deep inside her body. The fullness was delicious.

Nerya moved, lifting herself, letting his shaft slide
partway out of her and then pressing down againgrinding her open sex against
his groin. Her movements were deliberately slow and measured. She wanted to
extend her pleasure, draw it out as long as she could and prevent herself from
peaking too quickly.

“I canÅ‚t wait," Jaden growled. He grabbed her hips, trying
to force her to thrust harder and faster.

“I want to take my time, Jaden."

She stopped moving at all and crouched motionless above him,
while he lay submissively beneath her. The first time shełd coupled with him,
hełd been chained and at her mercy. The erotic image invaded her thoughts,
increasing her desire for him even more.

“Nerya!" With a gasp of frustration, Jaden clasped her
shoulders and pulled her toward him, capturing her lips with his. Kissing her
with unrestrained passion, he thrust his tongue into her mouth.

Nerya gave herself up to the kiss, not fighting him at all
as he wrapped his strong arms around her. He rolled onto his side, and she
twined her legs around his lean hips, melding her body to his. Jaden dug his
fingers into her buttocks as he ground his hips against hers, forcing his huge
cock as deep as he could.

A second or so later, Nerya found herself lying flat on her
back on the blanket with Jaden towering above her, his shaft still buried in
her soft depths. He began to thrust hard and with a brutal fervor that aroused
her even more. The pressure inside her increased, the pleasure growing stronger,
expanding until she reached a climax that almost took her breath away.

Chapter Five

Once again, Nerya wiped the sweat from her brow with the
back of her hand. Theyłd been traveling for a good few hours now across this
flat, near-endless plain. The sky was a clear azure blue and the sun beat down
on them unrelentingly. She screwed up her eyes in a vain effort to protect them
from the glare. It was so bright at times the countryside around her seemed to
shimmer in the intense heat. Shełd never known weather like this. Oddly enough,
even though Freygard was farther south, it had a far more temperate climate.

Theyłd forded the river soon after dawn and left the valley.
Ever since then, theyłd been riding toward the distant range of mountains. She
knew it must be an illusion, but they seemed to be as far away from them now as
they were when they set out. Jaden had told her they had to skirt those
mountains before they reached the boundary between Percheron and Kabra.

Jaden rode in front of her, so she could see only his back,
but he appeared quite at ease, while she certainly was not. The irritating,
arrogant bastard wanted to be in control of everything. Were all men outside
Freygard like him? She hoped not. What she couldnłt understand was that,
regardless of his attitude, she was still drawn to him, and it was a weakness
she must conquer. She shifted awkwardly in her saddle, but it wasnłt physical
discomfort she experienced. She was unable to forget what had happened this
morning. After theyłd had sex, shełd been very unsure about allowing their
liaison to continue, but she didnłt know if she could stop, even if she wanted
to. Jaden had only to lay a hand on her and she was lost.

Their sexual dalliance had delayed them far longer than
theyłd intended, so theyłd decided to be on their way as soon as possible.
While Jaden watered and saddled the horses, Nerya had cut some bread and spread
it thickly with the gooseberry conserve shełd found in their supplies. Aurora, bless her, knowing it was Neryałs favorite, had slipped a pot of the conserve in
her saddlebags.

Nerya had been in a reasonably good mood until shełd tried
to mount the white stallion. To her frustration, hełd shied away from her.
Shełd attempted to mount the beast again, but this time hełd tossed his head,
reared up on two legs and ripped the reins from her hands. Jaden had been
standing there all the time, watching her. Hełd not said a word, but, by the
way his lips twitched, shełd known he was amused. Trying to hide her angry
frustration, shełd made another grab for the stallionłs reins, and the creature
had jerked away from her. Shełd stumbled and almost lost her balance while the
horse had trotted over to Jaden and nuzzled his arm. Having no intention of
making a further spectacle of herself, shełd told Jaden she didnłt care; the
stallion was a useless, untrained creature, and hełd better ride the beast in

Now here she was stuck with the good-tempered, sturdy roan
and, if that wasnłt bad enough, shełd been forced to let Jaden take the lead
from now on. Aurora had given her a map to guide them to Harn. It showed only
Freygard, Harn and the small portion of Percheron they had to travel through.
Shełd no idea how to get to Kabra. Of course Jaden did, because hełd been
traveling to Kabra when hełd been captured. It stuck in her throat that he now
had to ride ahead, while she trailed along behind him, leading their packhorse
as if he were the master and she the slave.

Theyłd been traveling for a few hours, but hełd not pushed
the horses. It was a wise decision. If they rode them too hard, the poor
creatures would never survive in this heat. She glanced around her, preferring
not to look at Jaden and be reminded of her humiliating encounter with that
damnable stallion. There was little to see here, just patches of thick scrub,
the odd, stunted tree now and then, and grass burned brown in the intense heat.
It wasnłt surprising there was no sign of habitation. Who would want to live in
a place like this? Just ahead, she noticed a group of tumbledown buildingsperhaps the remains of a small settlement. They must have
been deserted some time ago, as the ruins had all but been swallowed by the
land and sparse vegetation.

“Most of the peasants left these plains years ago," Jaden
said as he pulled back on the reins so her horse could catch up with his.

“Was the land too difficult to cultivate? It doesnÅ‚t appear
to be good farm land, and therełs no sign of any water."

“ItÅ‚s barren, but in the past it was reasonably fertile.
Iłve been told you donłt have to dig very deep to find water. I find it hard to
believe, but some say therełs a huge lake fed by underground streams only about
twenty feet or so below us. The inhabitants left mainly because they no longer
felt safe here. Bandits have been the scourge of this part of Percheron for
almost a decade. Most of the people fled deeper into Percheron, gravitating
toward the large, walled town where they knew theyłd be protected by Lord
Sarinłs soldiers."

“ItÅ‚s sad they had to leave their homes." Perspiration
dripped down her forehead and stung her eyes. It was so hot, sweat now welded
her clothing to her body.

“About this morning," Jaden said with an uneasy smile.
“DonÅ‚t be angry about Barsan. I raised him from a foal and I trained him to
obey only me. I could have made him throw you the moment you first mounted him,
but I didnłt want to cause you any untoward embarrassment."

“Then I should be grateful," she said, still filled with
resentment. He could have at least warned her earlier about the horse.

There was something else worrying her. Something she
couldnłt talk about to him just yet. When they were having sex this morning,
her hands had strayed from his buttocks to his damaged back. Shełd been very
gentle, as she hadnłt wanted to cause him any discomfort because of his wounds.
The odd thing was that her fingertips hadnłt detected any sign of damaged
flesh. Shełd expected rough scabs, or at least raised, half-healed scars. Yet
Jadenłs skin had felt smooth and unblemished, and that had confused her. Of
course shełd been enmeshed in the throes of sexual passion at the time, but she
was certain shełd not been mistaken.

Shełd intended to try to get a glimpse of his back before
hełd dressed, but to her annoyance Jaden had pulled on his shirt before shełd
been able to do so.

“I know you were angry and probably rather embarrassed,"
Jaden continued. “But I canÅ‚t help the fact that my horse is loyal to me."

“I suppose you canÅ‚t." It wasnÅ‚t as if he could explain the
situation to the animal, she supposed. However, if it was as well trained as he
claimed, then he could have let her ride the stallion and ensured it did as she
said. Yet if shełd been in his position, she too would have wanted to take
possession of her own horse again.

Nerya unhooked her canteen from the saddle and took a couple
of swallows. She grimaced at the warm, unappetizing taste of the water.

“In Freygard, you live a very isolated existence," Jaden
said. “Did you not learn anything about the lands bordering yours?"

“Such knowledge is forbidden to us. ItÅ‚s not considered
necessary for us to know about other cultures and customs."

He frowned. “No doubt your queen fears if you discover how
different life is elsewhere, you may begin to question your own ways."

“I donÅ‚t see why that should be." Nerya leaned forward to
pat her mountłs neck. Shełd always been fond of the roan and might well have
chosen to ride him on this journey, if she hadnłt laid eyes on Jadenłs
stallion. “But I should like to know more about Kabra, as weÅ‚re on our way

“You may find it strange at first."

“Because the men there consider themselves superior to

Jaden gave a soft chuckle. “At least they donÅ‚t treat them
as slaves. They love and revere women. In most ways, theyłre considered equals.
Men and women live together, have children and bring them up in a loving
homejust as it happens in nature. Do you know of any other creatures on this
earth that reject their own offspring just because theyłre the wrong sex? They
donłt send them off to be despised and treated as lesser beings."

“IÅ‚m not going to let this conversation descend into a
disagreement about our respective ways of life." She glared at him. “You were
going to tell me about Kabra. If you donłt want to, then this conversation is
at an end."

“Nerya, IÅ‚m sorry." He sounded as if he meant it, but she
didnÅ‚t know him well enough to be certain of anything about Jaden. “IÅ‚ll tell
you as much as I can about Kabra. Itłll give you an idea of what to expect when
we reach King Tarnłs court."



Jaden whistled a happy tune as he skinned and gutted the fat
rabbit hełd just caught. Theyłd been traveling for five days now, and they were
only about two hours away from Ruberoc, the capital city of Kabra.

Just over three days ago, theyłd come upon a small
settlement and, along with some supplies, Jaden had purchased a simple bow and
a quiver of arrows. With these hełd been able to hunt for game, and he was
feeling far better fed now than he had when theyłd first set out.

He grinned, still amused by Neryałs appalled expression when
shełd first seen the women in the local settlements in their long, brightly
colored, feminine gowns. All the females in Kabra wore similar garments, and
this morning hełd told her she couldnłt appear at King Tarnłs court dressed
inappropriately in breeches. Now shełd gone into the nearby village to purchase
a dress to wear, even though the idea of having to put one on didnłt please her
at all. Hełd offered to go and buy a dress for her, but, unsurprisingly, shełd
refused, convinced he would come back with something much too frilly and
feminine. She was right, but hełd no intention of ever telling her that.

Jaden shoved a stick through the rabbit and hung it on a
trivet hełd constructed above the blazing campfire. He cleaned his bloody knife
and hands on a hank of grass and then tucked the dagger in his belt. His
relationship with Nerya was confusing and sometimes strained. Hełd not
complained, even though hełd thought it a little foolish, when shełd not even
given him a weapon to carry once theyłd left Freygard. Shełd even been somewhat
reluctant when hełd first suggested purchasing the bow so he could hunt game
and supplement their meager supplies. Theyłd been traveling together, and
theyłd shared a bedroll every night, but she still didnłt appear to trust him.
Letting him carry a weapon wouldnłt have compromised her safety in any way. He
could easily overpower her in a moment if he chose to do so. Nerya didnłt
appear to realize that, or maybe she didnłt want to admit it, even to herself.

The morning after hełd first got the bow, hełd shot a
partridge. Before shełd even woken, hełd plucked it and used her knife to gut
the bird. It had been roasting over their campfire when Nerya had first
scrambled out of their tent. Shełd never said a word about him helping himself
to her knife. Nor had she commented when hełd not returned it to her.

Jaden didnłt understand her. At night, she was always more
than willing when he coupled with her, yet in the day she often acted as though
their intimate relationship never existed. Even so, he found their strange
association fulfilling. However, there was one thing that did concern him: he
was becoming a little too fond of Nerya. Hełd never allowed himself to care for
a woman. Not since He shook his head. It was better not to even think of the past.

He could do with drinking something other than water this
evening. He should have asked Nerya to bring back some wine. On the other hand
He walked over to their small stash of supplies. He hadnłt looked before, but Aurora had left the gooseberry conserve as a treat for Nerya, so it was possible shełd
included some wine as well.

Jaden kneeled and rummaged through the small pile of stuff
hełd taken off the packhorse. He found a leather bottle, pulled out the stopper
and sniffed the contents. The wine smelt fine, not at all tainted or vinegary.
He took a long swig of the rich red wine, which was good, far better than hełd
expected. The smell of roasted rabbit drifted toward him, making him hungry,
but it wouldnłt be cooked for a while yet. Hełd just enjoy the wine and wait
for Neryałs return.

As he was about to get up, he spotted an item at the bottom
of the pile hełd not paid much attention to before. It was an odd shapevery
long, quite narrow and neatly wrapped in oiled fabric. It wasnłt food, so what else
would Nerya have brought with her on this journey? He set down the bottle,
unfastened the string and pulled off the fabric to reveal a long wooden box.
Prising open the lid, he saw, nestled among the straw packing, his sword in its
ornate leather sheath. His first emotion was relief at seeing it again; the
second, anger that Nerya had hidden it from him all this time.

He removed the sword from the box, brushed aside the straw
that stuck to it and stood to buckle the sword belt around his waist. By the gods,
it felt good to be wearing it again. Jaden touched the dragonłs head on the
hilt, relishing the familiar smoothness of the metal beneath his fingertips.

There was something else in the box. He picked up the canvas
bag and tipped the contents into his hand. Glittering in the sunlight were the
heavy gold wristlets hełd been wearing when captured, and his obsidian ring.

Jaden had often wondered if Nerya had noticed the strange
mark on the inside of his left wrist. It hadnłt been that obvious when they were
in Freygard, but over the last few days, to his consternation, the mark had
become much more pronounced. It was a relief to clip the elaborate gold band
set with emeralds around his left wrist. It covered the mark completely. Jaden
put on the other bracelet and slid the ring on the third finger of his right

He was just about to pick up the wine bottle and take
another drink when he heard a distant sound. Jaden turned to see a rider
advancing through the trees toward the clearing. It appeared Nerya had returned
earlier than hełd expected.

As she got closer, his mouth dropped open. The low-cut pale
blue gown clung to her curves, and her chestnut hair hung in loose waves around
her shoulders. Hełd always thought her beautiful, but he far preferred her dressed
like a woman, not a warrior. If he hadnłt felt so angry and frustrated with
her, he would have rushed over to help her from the horse and perhaps tell her
how lovely she looked. Instead, he stood and watched her approach.

Nerya dismounted, sniffing appreciatively as she caught a
whiff of the roasting meat. “That smells" She tensed as she saw the sword at
his waist and the gold bands around his wrists. “How dare you go through my

“Mine, not yours," he reminded her as she strode toward him.
“And donÅ‚t give me any rubbish about owning them because you think you own me,
when you know damn well you donłt."

“ThatÅ‚s not the point, Jaden. You shouldnÅ‚t have touched the
box without my permission."

“Without your permission," he repeated in a scathing tone.

“I intended to return them." She met his furious gaze, her
green eyes glittering angrily. “At an opportune moment."

“You still donÅ‚t trust me, do you? If you did, you wouldÅ‚ve
returned my belongings to me."

“As it happens, I donÅ‚t." She put her hands on her hips and
glared at him. “Why should I? Since that first night in my tent, when you
removed your wet bandages, youłve barely taken your shirt off, and never in
front of me. It strikes me you have something to hide."

Since hełd removed the bandages, hełd kept his torso
covered, even at night. He knew it was likely to raise too many awkward
questions if she saw his back. Questions he didnłt want to answer at this time.
“I donÅ‚t know what youÅ‚re inferring."

“Why donÅ‚t you just admit the damage caused by the whipping
barely shows at all now? I havenłt seen your back, but Iłve felt it when wełve
had sex." She colored when she spoke the word sex aloud. “It feels suspiciously
smooth and unmarked to me."

“It must be the potion Bethia used on me. She said it would
work miracles."

“YouÅ‚re lying."

“IÅ‚m a fast healer."

“No one heals that fast. Show me your back. Prove to me IÅ‚m

“IÅ‚ve had enough of your suspicions, Nerya. IÅ‚ve done
everything you asked of me, and I deserve your trust."

“You do not," she shouted, backing away from him.

Picking up her skirts, she ran toward her horse. Hełd no
idea what she intended until she reached for her sword in the scabbard attached
to her saddle. Jaden sprinted forward, grabbed her, dragged her away from the
horse and slammed her against the trunk of a nearby tree.

How dare she hide his things from him? He wasnłt her slave.
He wasnłt anyonełs slave, and she had to be shown that. Ignoring her futile
attempts to get away from him, and her flailing hands, he pulled her close.
“IÅ‚ll show you whoÅ‚s in charge here." Jaden took possession of her mouth. He
kissed her roughly at first, grinding his lips against hers. Nerya tried to
punch his chest, but he wasnłt about to let her get away. Coiling his arms
around her, he held her tighter as the kiss became deeper and more passionate.

After a time her mouth softened and some of the tenseness
left her limbs. Of course she wanted him. She always did. Women, even women
like Nerya, were predictable at times. Her anger might be waning, but his was
not, and he intended to make his position of dominance very clear. Jaden
deepened the kiss, twining his tongue around hers as he bunched up the side of
her skirt and ran his hand seductively up her bare leg. He caressed the velvety
skin of her inner thigh before he possessively cupped her pubic mound.

Nerya wrenched her lips from his. “Leave me be."

“No. YouÅ‚re mine," he growled, his lust igniting as he
stared down at her creamy curves, spilling out of her low-cut bodice.

“IÅ‚m not yours, slave," she snapped, glaring at him. “Get
away from me."

“IÅ‚m not done with you yet." He had no intention of backing
away now.

Employing the full weight of his upper body to keep her
pinned against the tree, he slid his hand between her trembling thighs and pulled
away the narrow breechclout she wore as an undergarment. Her sex was moist, and
she gave a faint moan as he eased his bunched fingers into her soft sheath. She
tried to resist, her fingers raking at his arms and chest, but that only served
to arouse him even more.

“Bastard," she muttered, baring her teeth. Nevertheless, the
lust reflected in her green eyes betrayed her true feelings as his fingers slid
deeper inside her.

Juices seeped from her sex, running down his hand as Jaden
roughly rubbed his thumb against her clitoris. She shuddered, the foulest of
curses spilling from her sweet lips. Jaden didnłt care as he stifled her angry
words with his lips, kissing her with unrestrained passion as he thrust his
fingers into her, moving them sensually as he penetrated her as deeply as he

When at last he pulled his lips from hers, Neryałs breathing
came fast and ragged. She made no attempt to pull away as Jaden unfastened his
breeches. He pulled at the laces, ripping the fabric apart to free his aching
cock. Using his leg to force her thighs apart, he bent his knees and thrust
into her with such force that the branches above his head shook. Neryałs hands
gripped his shoulders, her nails cutting into his upper back muscles as he
entered her. He fucked her hard and fast, inflamed by furious lust.

Lost in his own lascivious desires, Jaden was close to
climaxing, but he didnłt want thatnot yet. Withdrawing from her, he twisted
Å‚round and forced her to the ground. She lay on her back on the soft grass, her
crumpled skirts spread around her splayed legs, staring up at him. “Well," she
sneered. “Have you finished?"

“No." Jaden sank to his knees and rolled her onto her belly,
ignoring her vain attempts to fight him.

“How dare you," she yelled as he flipped her skirts up
around her slim waist. She scrabbled onto her hands and knees, trying to stand.

“Stay still." He slapped her bottom hard, and she gave a
loud squeal of fury. “IÅ‚m not your slave now, Nerya. Not now. Not ever!"

Jadenłs rigid cock stood lewdly out from the slit of his
breechesthe flesh on the shaft shining slickly with the dew of her body. Soon
it would be inside her, and then she wouldnłt protest. He held her down and ran
his hands over the creamy curves of her buttocks as all the anger and resentment
hełd felt during his imprisonment in Freygard rose to the surface again.

Nerya turned her head to look back at him, making not the
slightest attempt to pull away. “Is this how you take your women? Like rutting
beasts?" Her words belied her feelings. Her eyes brimmed with desire. She
wanted him as much as he wanted her.

“Only when they misbehave." He eased his shaft into the
moist recesses of her sweet pink sheath. Lust overtook him again, and he
grabbed her hips and thrust deep inside her. Jaden ground his pelvis against
her firm buttocks. She gave a soft moan and arched her back, pressed her body
against him, forcing his invading shaft even deeper.

He began to power into her, pumping as hard and fast as he
could. Sweat beaded his brow as he kept up the fierce, angry pace, while he
reached around her to run his hand over her trembling stomach. His fingers
brushed her pubes and slid into the slit of her sex to rub her clitoris.

“Oh yes," she gasped as he stroked the tiny nub while he
continued to power into her soft and all-too-willing body.

His pleasure grew and magnified to amazing proportions. Sex
with his other conquests had never felt quite like this. There was a bond
between him and this woman that he couldnłt understand or explain. His emotions
unnerved and yet aroused him at the same time. Was it possible Nerya might be
able to mend the scar Eridea had made on his heart?

All of a sudden the walls of her vagina contracted around
his cock shaft and, as she climaxed, his own orgasm tore through him with earth-shattering
intensity. Breathing heavily, Jaden affectionately brushed his lips against her
cheek, but she kept her head turned away from him, while her body stiffened
once again in his embrace.


“Go away, leave me be," she moaned.



“Eat." Jaden thrust a wooden bowl containing the choicest
portions of the roasted rabbit toward Nerya.

Pursing her lips, she glared at him, refusing to take the
bowl. Giving a frustrated shake of his head, Jaden placed the bowl in front of
her and walked away. He knew she was hungry, but she wasnłt about to let him
forget what had happened between them.

After their mutual climax, hełd been tempted to hold her,
try to reassure her and tell her he was sorry hełd been so rough; however, her
initial rebuttal had angered him. Maybe hełd been foolish not to persist.
Instead, hełd stood, straightened his clothing and walked to the fire to finish
preparing their meal. Nerya, meanwhile, had pulled down her skirts, but shełd
made no attempt to readjust the gaping neckline of her crumpled gown or push
back her tangled hair. She simply sat and stared at him in icy silence.

It was finished. There was nothing he could do about it now.
Hełd talk to her later, when her mood had improved. Jaden crouched by the fire
and started to eat his portion of the rabbit. If Nerya didnłt bother to eat
what hełd given her, it was her loss. It wouldnłt hurt her to go hungry.

However rough and brutal their lovemaking had been, hełd
still enjoyed it. So had Nerya; he was certain of that. Nevertheless, he feared
what had just happened had cast a nasty stain on their burgeoning relationship.

Ignoring her, Jaden concentrated on finishing his meal,
washing it down with long swallows of the red wine. After hełd eaten his fill,
he glanced surreptitiously back at her. It was obvious she didnłt think he was
watching, because she was wolfing down the meat with great relish. He was
relieved she was coming to her senses at last. He frowned. Should he make an
effort to appease her? Maybe it would be better to leave it until later, when
they could discuss what happened between them in a rational manner. Judging by
her grumpy expression, she wasnłt in a good mood. Shełd probably bite his head
off if he tried to talk to her now.

Jaden tossed the remaining rabbit bones onto the fire,
licked his fingers clean and twisted łround to look at her. It wouldnłt hurt to
placate her a little. “ThereÅ‚s wine. Do you want some?" He held out the
half-empty leather bottle.

“Jaden," she gasped. “Look out!"

He sprang to his feet and swung around, his hand reaching
for his sword as he spotted a number of soldiers advancing toward him.

“DonÅ‚t even try it," a male voice called from somewhere
behind him. “Not if you want your woman to live."

Chapter Six

Heavy blue brocade drapes hung at the windows. Matching
curtains decorated the four-poster bed, and huge wolf skin rugs covered a fair
portion of the floor. Two carved oak chests sat in one corner, and a padded
settle stood close to the fire. There was even a tall cupboard to store
clothes. Nerya didnłt care whether her surroundings were pleasant or not as she
restlessly paced the chamber. All her concerned thoughts focused on Jadenłs
fate. Shełd no idea what had happened to him after theyłd reached the castle,
because shełd been hustled straight inside the building and confined in this

The attack in the woods had been unexpected. They were deep
inside Kabran territory, where theyłd presumed they would be safe. When the
leader of the band of soldiers had held a knife to her throat and threatened to
kill her, Jaden had been forced to put down his weapon and surrender. Theyłd
bound his hands behind his back and hauled him onto his horse. Hełd tried to
tell them who he was and had demanded to be taken to see King Tarn, but theyłd
ignored him. Nerya had been made to ride pillion behind a hulking brute whołd
stunk most unpleasantly of stale sweat. Shełd tried to tell him and anyone
close enough that Jaden was a special envoy from Lord Sarin of Percheron, but
theyłd taken no notice of her.

Maybe everything would turn out all right. After all, she
hadnłt been confined in the dungeons, and shełd been treated well. A few
minutes after shełd been brought here, a huge tub had been dragged in the room.
After it had been filled with hot water, two serving women had appeared to help
her bathe. Shełd sent them away, telling them she was quite able to wash
herself. At least she felt clean now, and her freshly washed hair hung in damp
strands around her shoulders. Shełd dried it with a towel as best she could, although
she was too tense to sit by the fire and spend ages combing it dry.

Theyłd taken away all her clothing. She was pleased to be
rid of that stupid blue dress, but she wouldłve liked something a little more
sensible to wear instead of this white silk, loose-fitting garment which opened
right down the front and had no fastenings apart from the tie at her waist.
When she moved, she was forced to hold it together to stop the front of it
gaping open.

As the door opened, Nerya spun Å‚round, not knowing what to
expect. Jaden stood there looking well, quite unharmed and as composed and
handsome as ever.

“Jaden, youÅ‚re safe!" She quelled the sudden foolish urge to
rush into his arms and hug him. “IÅ‚m relieved to see youÅ‚re fine." It wasnÅ‚t
easy, but she did her best to sound somewhat uninterested.

He kicked the door shut and stepped toward her. “The
lieutenant in charge of my captors realized his mistake as soon as we reached
the castle. No doubt hełll get into trouble for his lack of respect toward an
honored guest of King Tarn, especially as my arrival was expected." Jaden
paused. “YouÅ‚ve bathed, I see."

“So I have." Nerya clutched at the front of her white robe
as she backed away from him, all too aware of the desire clouding his dark
eyes. “It isnÅ‚t seemly, Jaden, for you to be in my bedchamber."

She might be relieved he was fine, but that didnłt mean she
was prepared to be pleasant to him. She still desired him as much as ever, but
shełd not forgotten, or forgiven, his brutal behavior earlier today.

“I canÅ‚t believe this." He grinned. “YouÅ‚re acting like a
coy virgin, and it doesnłt suit you at all. As it happens, youłre in my

“Then best you find somewhere else for me to lay my head.
IÅ‚m not going to stay here with you." She glared at him. “IÅ‚ll sleep in the
servantsł quarters if needs be."

“King Tarn considers Queen Danara an enemy. Since youÅ‚re
heir to her throne, hełs naturally a little suspicious of your intentions." He
shrugged off his doublet and tossed it on one of the chests. “YouÅ‚ll stay in
the castle as befits your status as a princess, but I have to take
responsibility for your good conduct. Tarn has requested I ensure you remain
close to me at all times."

“How very convenient." She sneered. “If he doesnÅ‚t trust me,
then perhaps he should house me in his dungeon?"

“Nerya." Jaden bent to pull off his boots. “Have you ever
been confined in a dungeon? I assure you, itłs far from comfortable, and the
guardswell, many of them take terrible liberties with female prisoners."

“DonÅ‚t try to frighten me. It wonÅ‚t work. I know you too

“Perhaps not well enough." To her consternation, he started
to unlace his breeches. “Not only do I expect you to share this room with me, I
expect you to share my bed as well."

“IÅ‚ll tell Rianna IÅ‚m her sister."

“Of course you must do so, when you find the right
opportunity. But youłve no idea how shełll react. She may not even know she has
a sister." He frowned. “Would it not be better to get to know her a little

“Of course I would wait until the time was right, if I
wasnłt forced to share a chamber, let alone a bed, with you. The idea repels

“You arenÅ‚t a good liar, Nerya." He smiled and started to
peel off his leather breeches. “YouÅ‚ve never appeared at all repelled by me

She might not have forgiven him for his brutality toward
her, but she had to accept that in a perverse way shełd been aroused by his
roughness. There was no way shełd admit that to him. Nerya sniffed and wrinkled
her nose, trying to pretend she was unmoved by the sight of his naked body.
“You stink. The water in the tub will only be lukewarm, but it will have to do.
I wonłt share a bed with you until youłve at least bathed."

“If I recall" he said as he walked toward her, “you didnÅ‚t
smell so sweet yourself during our first encounter. I had no choice. Why should

“Circumstances were different then."

Jaden was far bigger and stronger than her. Without a
weapon, she couldnłt defeat him; she had to accept that. Hełd already shown her
in the forest how forceful he could be when her actions annoyed him. Would it
not be wiser to tread a little cautiously with him? At least until shełd made
herself known to Rianna and consolidated her position in the castle. She
sighed. Maybe for the time being she should just force herself to give in and
share a chamber with him.

Now that her decision was more or less made, it was hard to
keep her gaze from straying toward his manhood. By the gods, he was already
aroused! She knew that as soon as he touched her, shełd give in to her
desiresshe just couldnłt resist him. Part of her wanted to run, despite the
fact she still lusted after him. Whether it was Jaden she wanted to run from or
her own confused feelings, Nerya wasnłt entirely sure.

“You look troubled." Jaden stepped closer to her. Instead of
grabbing her, as shełd expected, he lifted his hand and, with surprising
tenderness, brushed a lock of damp hair away from her face. “Do I frighten

“Frighten me?" She gave a brittle laugh. “Why should I be
scared of you?"

“After what happened earlier today. I do regr"

“I donÅ‚t know what youÅ‚re going on about." She turned away
from him.

“Nerya." He grabbed her arm and pulled her toward him,
reaching down to wrench open the waist tie of her flimsy gown. His hand brushed
her shoulders and, almost as if it had a life of its own, the fabric slithered
down her body and landed in a heap at her feet.

Wrapping his arms around her, Jaden held her tight against
him. Neryałs skin melded to his as he ran his hand down her back. Lust flew
uninvited through her veins, making her heart beat faster and setting her
senses alight. When he drew her to the bed, she didnłt even attempt to resist
him, and they fell together on the mattress in a tangle of arms and legs.

“YouÅ‚re beautiful," Jaden murmured in her ear as his lips
nuzzled her neck, then slid down over her collarbone to her breasts. He pulled
one of her nipples into his mouth and sucked on it hard. Tantalizing shivers of
delight traveled down through her breasts and slid into her sex. His hands
followed the trail of those exquisite sensations, and her legs rolled apart of
their own accord, her body silently pleading with him to thrust his cock deep
inside her.

Nerya gave up her useless attempts to fight her need for him
as Jadenłs lips slid downward and paused to kiss her trembling stomach before
moving toward her pubis. He buried his head between her thighs, his mouth
exploring the valley of her sex with delicate tenderness. Nerya shivered with
delight as his moist tongue trailed over her sensitive flesh and brushed
against her clitoris.

Any remnants of resistance fled as he lapped at the tiny nub
of nerve endings. She uttered a soft groan of pleasure as he pulled it into his
mouth. She arched her back, pressing her pelvis closer to his face. Nerya
expected Jadenłs fingers to follow the same path as his lips, but instead, a
hot, moist tongue wriggled its way inside her. Shełd felt nothing like it
before. It moved inside her like a tiny pleasure snake, sensuously stimulating
her internal walls.

“Yes," she gasped, clutching at the bedclothes as the sweet
sensations grew stronger.

Jaden lifted his head. A lock of hair had slipped from the
tie and brushed against his cheek. There was something about this man she
couldnłt resist. Why did he move her so much?

“You want me, Nerya," he said in a soft, seductive tone.
“DonÅ‚t deny it."

Not waiting for her reply, he changed position and plunged
his shaft deep inside her. His hard, male flesh filled her completely, the
sensation almost too delicious to bear. His mouth slowly descended on hers, and
she knew she was lost. Her mind might be confused over her true feelings but
her body was not. Needing him as desperately as he needed her, she returned his
kiss with unrestrained passion. There was something between them, something special
she couldnłt explain, let alone understand.

She adored the feeling of his shaft buried deep inside her.
Men and women were designed to fit together like this, she realized in a haze
of honeyed desire. Nerya grabbed Jadenłs shoulders, her fingers digging into
his flesh. As he moved faster, employing a smooth seductive rhythm, she twined
her legs around his haunches, rotating her hips in an accompanying beat. Sex
with Jaden was so sweet so precious, transcending anything shełd felt before.
Yet it wasnłt just physical, something inexplicable drew her to this man, and
made her want to be by his sideto share his bed and his life. She had no idea
what it was, but she was desperate for these cherished moments to continue. Her
heart swelled with a multitude of conflicting emotions as every compelling
movement of his hips, every captivating thrust, caressed the sensitive walls of
her feminine sheath. Her pleasure rose as she climbed towards the summit, then
it erupted in a surge of euphoria.



If she hadnłt been clutching Jadenłs arm, Nerya might have
been tempted to turn and run. Shełd never felt quite this apprehensive before,
but she held her head high, trying not to show how nervous she was as he led
her into the great hall of King Tarnłs castle.

She found the sight of so many finely dressed people
overwhelming for a moment. There had never been a celebration of this magnitude
in Freygard. A plethora of tall, wax candles illuminated the magnificent hall,
making it nearly as bright as day. Judging by the number of richly dressed
people and the copious amounts of food, they were having a special feast. Maybe
it was always like thisshe didnłt know. Tarn must be a wealthy monarch. The
huge castle, furnished with an opulent splendor shełd never seen before, impressed
Nerya. Panels of honey-colored oak covered the walls of the great hall, and
elegant brocade drapes framed the tall arched windows. A cornucopia of
elaborate dishes crowded the long tables, and so many delicious smells filled
the chamber that her mouth would be watering if she wasnłt feeling quite so
apprehensive and totally out of her depth.

Queen Rianna, knowing theyłd traveled light, had sent Nerya
a dress to wear this evening. Made of dark green silk, it fit tightly around
her bust and waist, then flared around her hips. The full skirt was so long it
brushed the floor, hiding her matching slippers. The heavy gown was made even
weightier by the rich gold embroidery around the low neckline, the edges of the
long sleeves and even the hem. Shełd never worn anything so elaborate. Nerya
was forced to move at a slow elegant pace just to stop herself from tripping
over the mass of fabric draped around her legs.

“You look lovely. Hold your head high, Princess," Jaden

He must be well aware of how disconcerted she felt. Shełd
never seen so many males gathered in one place before, and not one of them was
a slave.

“You look quite presentable also." Nerya did her best to
sound lighthearted as she clung onto Jadenłs arm. Her remark was deliberately
understated. To be truthful, she thought he looked magnificent in his
form-fitting black leather breeches, a white shirt of the finest lawn and a
black velvet doublet decorated with silver thread.

The king and a number of courtiers, all clad in elaborate
garments, sat at a table set on a low dais as the far end of the hall. All
conversation ceased and the hall fell silent as she and Jaden walked forward.
Everyone stared at them. Her legs trembled beneath her gown, and she had no
idea why. She was a warrior; she didnłt feel fear.

King Tarn, a well-built, remarkably handsome, blond man, sat
next to the most beautiful woman Nerya had ever seen. This must be Rianna. Her
skin was as pale as alabaster and her hair the color of the sky at sunseta
glorious reddish gold. Jaden had briefly met Rianna earlier today and hełd told
Nerya her sister had green eyes the exact same shade as her own.

To Neryałs relief, King Tarnłs smile of welcome appeared
genuine. As they stopped in front of the dais, Jaden executed an elegant bow, and
Nerya, just as Jaden had instructed, managed a shy, rather clumsy curtsey.

“Welcome to Kabra, Lord Jaden." TarnÅ‚s deep, commanding
voice reverberated around the hall. “The queen and I have been expecting you."
Hełd already spoken at length to Jaden, so she presumed these warm words of
welcome were for the benefit of his courtiers.

“Your Majesty," Jaden acknowledged. “May I present my
companion, Lady Nerya."

Tarn had decided it was wiser not to reveal Neryałs true
identity to the court, as most citizens considered Freygard an enemy of Kabra.
“Lady Nerya, you are welcome. Will you both join us?"

“We would be honored." Jaden guided Nerya onto the dais and
led her toward King Tarn.

There was a spare seat by Tarnłs left side, and it appeared
that was where she was expected to sit. Nerya knew she should be flattered as
she perched on the delicate, carved chair, while Jaden sat next to the queen.
He was only a short distance away from her, but Nerya would have preferred to
be closer. These unfamiliar surroundings were overwhelming without him by her

A page in dark blue livery hurried forward to pour wine into
her silver goblet while a servant placed a fresh platter of food in front of
her. Shełd been a little hungry a moment ago, but now her appetite had deserted

Tarn leaned toward her and spoke in a soft tone so only she
could hear. “Princess, itÅ‚s not often we have a famed warrior from Freygard as
a guest."

“As you may be aware, Majesty, weÅ‚re rarely allowed to
travel to other lands. Our queen forbids it. I wager that never before have you
had a warrior from Freygard as your guest."

“Then you lose your wager." Tarn grinned. “My mother-in-law
is from Freygard and she visits us often. You may know of her?"

“Danara spoke of her, but I know little about the Lady

“YouÅ‚ll meet her soon, no doubt." TarnÅ‚s expression was
thoughtful. “I confess, Nerya, I found Freygard a somewhat disconcerting

“You have visited Freygard?"

“I have indeed," he confirmed with a wry twist of his lips.
“Rianna and I were forced to take refuge there a long time ago, before I
regained control of my kingdom. Perhaps, if the occasion arises, IÅ‚ll tell you
about it one day."

He glanced over at Jaden, who appeared quite at ease as he
conversed with Rianna. “ThereÅ‚s a matter we should discuss after the meal,

Jaden paused midsentence. “Majesty?"

“We depart early tomorrow morning to meet up with the other
monarchs of the Western Kingdoms, and we expect you and your lady to accompany

Accompany them? She supposed she shouldnłt be surprised.
Jaden had been involved in the treaty negotiations. It seemed logical for him
to be present at the meeting. Tarn had said we. Did that mean Rianna
would be going as well? If so, it might well give her the perfect opportunity
to get to know her sister better. Also, she could do her part for Freygard and
discover exactly what this treaty involved, and what it meant for the safety of
her own kingdom.



King Tarn and Queen Rianna traveled with a huge retinue,
which consisted of a large contingent of soldiers, a fair number of servants
and four fully loaded wagons of supplies. Nerya wandered around the busy
encampment, unable to locate Jaden. Shełd no idea where he was, but she
presumed he was off somewhere talking with King Tarn once again.

Shełd not seen Jaden after the feast last night. Hełd
disappeared with the king and his advisors to discuss the impending treaty, so
shełd been obliged to retire to their chamber alone. Despite her words to the
contrary, she was relieved to be sharing a bed with him. Everything was
confusing and very different here, and Jadenłs presence made her feel much more

Jaden had been in bed beside her when shełd woken this
morning, but theyłd had no time for even a brief conversation, as theyłd had to
set out from Ruberoc soon after dawn. During the days on the road while they
were traveling to Kabra, shełd found Jaden was never one for talking overmuch,
but hełd been even quieter than usual today. Most of the time hełd appeared to
be deep in thought. Nerya hadnłt wanted to trouble him, so shełd passed the
time watching her sister and Tarn, who rode together at the head of the column,
only a short way in front of them. Shełd heard theyłd brought their
nine-year-old son Brion with them on this trip, but Nerya hadnłt caught sight
of him yet.

Shełd expected them to keep moving at least until nightfall,
but theyłd stopped a short time ago and there were still at least two hours
until dusk. Rianna had been a little pale, so maybe King Tarn had decided to
call a halt because of his concern for his wifełs welfare. Nerya had heard one
of the servants talking. Apparently Rianna was pregnant with her second child.

Nerya couldnłt help being impressed by this camp. Shełd not
expected life to work so efficiently without slavery. The tents were already
erected, fires lit and preparations underway for the evening meal. No one in
Freygard traveled in such luxury. When on the road, Danara slept on the ground
and shared the hardships along with her warriors.


She swung round, recognizing Riannałs voice. Nerya scanned
her sisterłs face, looking for a resemblance to herself, but apart from the
green eyes she could see none. Riannałs shiny red-gold hair flowed down over
her shoulders, framing her delicate features and creamy skin to perfection. She
was almost too beautiful to be real. “Your Highness?" Nerya tensed, unsure
whether she was expected to curtsey or not.

“The men are off discussing the treaty again, so I thought
you might like to join me in my tent. My maid Regan makes a wonderfully
soothing and delicious tisane of herbs you might like to try." Rianna smiled at

“I am obliged to you, Your Highness," Nerya murmured. This
woman, her sister, lived such a different life than hers. A life she didnłt
understand at all.

“Come," Rianna said.

Nerya had no choice but to do as she asked. She walked
behind Rianna, her footsteps a trace leaden. Shełd not thought shełd so easily
have the opportunity to speak to her sister in private, and she wasnłt quite
sure what she should say.

A number of heavily armed guards surrounded the huge royal
tent. They saluted the queen as Nerya followed her inside. A blond-haired child
who could only be Brion sat on a rug playing with some carved wooden soldiers.
Nerya tried not to pay too much attention to him, but her curiosity was
aroused. Shełd never been this close to a boy child before. All the male
children in Freygard were taken from their mothers soon after birth and raised
in special training camps where they learned to be good, obedient slaves.

“This is Lord JadenÅ‚s friend Nerya," Rianna said to Brion as
she sank onto a cushioned chair. It must be quite early on in her pregnancy.
Rianna had no sign of a bulging stomach as yet. “Brion, say hello to Nerya."

“Hello, Nerya." The childÅ‚s innocent smile touched NeryaÅ‚s
heart. “Do you like playing soldiers?"

“IÅ‚ve never had the opportunity to do so." Brion resembled Tarn rather than Rianna, and he had the same clear blue eyes as his father. “We start
training to be warriors when wełre very young. We have little time for play,"
Nerya said as she sat on the nearest chair.

“Life in NeryaÅ‚s homeland is very different from ours,"
Rianna told him. “Now Nerya and I wish to talk, so why donÅ‚t you go and find
Jana? I am sure shełll be able to find you one of your favorite honey cakes, if
you ask her nicely."

“Yes, Mother." Brion gathered up his soldiers, piled them
into a wooden box and shut the lid. “Goodbye, Nerya." He jumped to his feet.
“IÅ‚ll play with you sometime if you like."

“IÅ‚d like that," Nerya told the child. Were her people cruel
to deny male offspring the presence of their mothers at such a young age?
Although surely, if they remained together for long, it was likely the mothers
would grow fond of the boys and they might resent them being enslaved. In many
ways it appeared life here was simpler, but very strange.

“Jana is his nursemaid. SheÅ‚s a sweet young woman," Rianna
explained as Brion trotted off. “It appears we are kin, Nerya. Your mother and
mine were cousins. So it would please me if you would just call me Rianna in

“Of course." Nerya wanted to tell her they were far closer
kin than cousins. Was this the right time to raise the subject?

Rianna picked up a steaming silver pot and poured fragrant
liquid into two goblets. “Here." She handed a goblet to Nerya. “You must find
life here strange in contrast to your homeland."

“Very strange," Nerya replied. “I suppose IÅ‚ll become
accustomed to it over time." She took a cautious sip of the tisane, finding it
quite sweet and surprisingly pleasant.

“I visited Freygard once. I spent only a short time there,
but the place made me feel uneasy. Itłs so different from the world I was
raised in." Rianna sighed. “Yet being in Freygard did help me to understand my
mother a little more easily."

“I know of Kitara," Nerya said. “IÅ‚m sad to say I never met

“She left Harn when I was only nine years old and returned
to Freygard. Itłs something we rarely talk about, as we were apart for such a
large portion of my childhood. Deep down I fear I still resent the fact she
left me for so long." Rianna smiled sadly. “We were not reunited until Tarn and I briefly took refuge in Queen DanaraÅ‚s castle just over ten years ago. IÅ‚m
surprised in all those intervening years you never met her. Perhaps you just donłt
remember? You must have been quite a young child at the time. How old are you
now, Nerya?"

“Twenty summers." NeryaÅ‚s voice shook a shade. This story
was so at odds with what Danara had told her. According to her sister, Kitara
had lived in Freygard for many years after she was born. Yet Danara had told
her Kitara had left while she was still a baby. This was all so confusing. “IÅ‚m
sorry I never met her. I would have liked to have done so," she forced herself
to say.

“ItÅ‚s oddI almost feel as if I know you. Yet I do not.
Thatłs very strange. Is it not?"

“Not so strange, as it happens." Nerya took a deep, unsteady
breath. Her sister deserved to know the truth as she knew it. Whether she would
accept it or not was a different matter.


It had become a habit during their journey to Kabra to rise
at first light, and Nerya woke, as usual, just after dawn. There were no sounds
of movement outside their tent and she saw no reason to get up as yet. The low,
cushioned pallet the servants had laid out for them was very comfortable and
far more pleasant than lying on a bedroll on the hard ground.

Jaden lay by her side, fast asleep. He looked so much
younger and more approachable with his features in repose. Should she wake him?
Shełd had no opportunity to talk to him in private since shełd spoken to
Rianna. Since arriving in Kabra, Jaden seemed to have spent almost all his time
having endless discussions with King Tarn and his advisors. Once again Jaden
had sent word to her last night, apologizing for his absence. Shełd dined alone
in her tent and afterwards it had taken her ages to get to sleep as so many
confused thoughts had filled her head. Shełd wanted to talk to Jaden about her
conversation with Rianna. He was the only person she could confide in. She
frowned in irritation. Usually he got up before her. Goodness knows what time
hełd come to bed. It must have been very late.

Rianna had been amazed by all Nerya had told her. Rianna
hadnłt been aware her mother had given birth to another child and that she had
a sister. Was it possible Danara had lied, just to get her to come to the
Western Kingdoms and spy for her? On the other hand, if what Danara said was
true and Kitara was her mother, why had she never even met her when Kitara had
remained in Freygard for ten years after her birth? Nothing made sense. The
only person who would be able to tell her the truth was Kitara. She supposed
she would just have to be patient for the time being, until she was able to
talk to this woman herself.

She glanced again at the sleeping man by her side. Jaden and
Tarn were, in many ways, opposite sides of the spectrum. Tarn seemed to be
very warm and approachable, while Jaden had a dark, rather mysterious and far
more dangerous air about him that fascinated her. Yet there were so many things
about him that troubled her. Shełd seen his back clearly for the first time
this morning, when hełd been dressing. Just as shełd suspected, therełd not
been even the slightest sign of any whip marks marring his smooth flesh. No one
came away from such a terrible flogging without being scarred. When shełd
raised the subject in the woods, hełd refused to discuss it with her and she
hadnłt dared speak of it again. Jaden was hiding things from her, and she
wondered once more if it was wise to place so much trust in him.

Jaden was so very different from the males shełd known. It
appeared that in the Western Kingdoms men aspired to be the dominant partners
in relationships. Nerya frowned. Could her involvement with Jaden even be
classed as a relationship? Shełd seen how tender and loving Tarn was with
Rianna, and shełd felt a little jealous. Yet did she really want Jaden to treat
her like a helpless female? She was a warrior. She shouldnłt forget that. No
matter how much she might desire him, it was impossible for their involvement
to last. She had to return to her land, and he to his. All she did know for
sure was that she found coupling with Jaden a glorious and sensual experience.
She didnłt want to give it up, at least not for the time being. The future, she
supposed, would just have to take care of itself.

His body tempted her, and shełd never had the opportunity to
examine it in any detail before. If he wasnłt going to wake, then why not
satisfy her curiosity? She eased the sheet downward. His male organ didnłt look
quite so massive now as it rested atop the sac of his balls. When his cock
wasnłt erect, the skin on his shaft remained wrinkled, with a parchment-like
texture. Only the bulbous tip gave a hint of the impressive size it could
achieve when he was aroused.

Males were so differently constructed from women. She
reached out and ran the tips of her fingers up and down the flaccid organ. To
her fascination, it immediately began to stiffen. Nerya smiled as she curled
her fingers around it and caressed the shaft. Jaden had put his mouth to her
sex and explored her feminine folds with his tongue. Hełd even pushed it inside
her. It had felt delicious, and he seemed to have enjoyed the experience. Would
she find it pleasing to do the same to him?

She leaned forward and touched his shaft with the tip of her
tongue, running it up the side of the stem. It had no taste of any consequence,
so she licked the bulging head. There was a musky saltiness to his flesh here
that she couldnłt quite describe, but it was certainly far from unpleasant.

“Nerya," he murmured.

She tensed, embarrassed hełd awoken at a time such as this.
Nerya forced herself to meet his gaze. “I was just"

“I thought I was dreaming." His voice sounded husky and a
little strained. “It felt so good."

“Jaden, I"

“Please," he said. “Use your mouth on me."

It was unusual for him to ask her to do anything. Where sex
was concerned, he always took control. Trying to ignore his compelling gaze,
she slid her lips over the bulbous head of his penis, gradually easing them
downward, pulling more of it into her mouth. Acting on pure instinct, she began
to suck on it, doing her best to be as gentle as possible.

He gave a soft moan of pleasure. She pulled a little more of
the thick column into the warm recesses of her mouth and ran her tongue over
the tightly stretched skin. Fearing she might choke if she tried to accommodate
any more of its impressive length, Nerya curved her fingers around the bottom
part of the shaft. She stroked the sensitive skin with her fingertips as she
stimulated the upper portion with her mouth.

Jaden breathed heavily, his hands bunched into fists at his
side. Her tentative efforts must be pleasing him. She slid her lips up the
shaft to encircle the head, then slid them down again, simulating the movements
Jaden made when he was thrusting deep inside her. His penis stiffened even more
against her palm, the skin stretched glossily tight. She paused, uncertain how
to proceed, not knowing enough about the male sex to be certain of his responses.
Should she continue until he climaxed? Usually at this point his shaft would
have been inside her and it wouldnłt have taken him long to reach orgasm. Just
the thought of him fucking her had made her sex grow wet, and she pressed her
legs together, trying to contain her desperate desires.

“ThatÅ‚s so good," Jaden suddenly gasped. “DonÅ‚t stop."

She strengthened her hold on the bottom part of the stem and
rubbed it in time to the movements of her lips, while, with her other hand, she
caressed the sac of his balls. Jaden pushed his hips up towards her and gave a
soft groan. Presuming she must be doing this right, she sucked harder, drawing
his cock even deeper until it almost hit the back of her throat. Quite
unexpectedly, his cock pulsed, and a jet of creamy liquid surged into her
mouth. Shełd no choice but to swallow or choke.

He sighed deeply as she pulled away from him and rubbed her
hand across her mouth. His seed tasted thick and salty but she hadnłt found it

“You surprised me, Nerya," Jaden suddenly said, reaching out
and pulling her to him. He fastened his lips on hers, kissing her long and
deeply until she was breathless with need for him. Yet he made no move to
caress her, or touch her sex which throbbed with unfulfilled urgency. Surely it
was her turn for pleasure now that his desires had been met.

“I thought I often surprised you, Jaden," she murmured
trying to recall all that Murana had said about male slaves. Wasnłt there
something about not being able to get an erection too soon after theyłd spilt
their seed? She remembered. Murana had told her it was impossible for even the
strongest slave to become hard again straight after hełd climaxed. She might
want him to couple with her, but it appeared shełd have to be patient for a
while until hełd recovered his strength. Shełd no idea how long that took, and
she had no intention of demeaning herself by asking him.

“Yes, you often surprise me, just not in this precise way."
He smiled and kissed her again, with tenderness rather than the passion she

Soldiers moved past their tent, talking in loud, cheerful
voices. No doubt Jaden would soon want to be up and on his way. If he wasnłt
going to pleasure her, then maybe she should take this opportunity to tell him
about her discussions with Rianna. “Jaden, I"

“We should get up," he said, giving her a gentle peck on the
cheek. “Tarn told me he wanted to make an early start this morning. WeÅ‚re
meeting Sarin at Sharmal, which is almost a dayłs march away."

“If you say so." Trying to hide her frustration, she tossed
aside the bedcover and went to rise.

“Not yet." Jaden grabbed her and pulled her back. “Would you
like me to pleasure you now, Nerya?"

She gave a feigned indifferent shrug. “It matters not."

Jaden chuckled and slipped his hand between her thighs.
“YouÅ‚re sopping wet, my sweet, and desperate for your release."

She couldnłt even reply. She was too transfixed by erotic
pleasure as he slid his fingers smoothly inside her, filling the aching void.
Nerya sighed and relaxed, surrendering herself to the intense delight as he
worked delicious magic with his fingers. Her pleasure grew, her release moving
closer as the honeyed delights overwhelmed her.

“My lord." The voice came from behind the curtain that
divided their sleeping quarters from the rest of the tent. It could only be one
of the servants Tarn had assigned to them. “IÅ‚ve brought hot water and food for
you and your lady. The king will be departing shortly, so IÅ‚ve been informed."

Jaden pulled away from her and sat up. “Leave it outside for
now." Hitching the sheet up to cover herself, Nerya moved to the side of their
pallet. “Not so fast." Jaden slid his arm around her waist. “Tarn will have to
wait. I have other important matters to attend to at present."

“YouÅ‚d keep King Tarn waiting?"

Jerking the sheet away from her body, Jaden bent over her.
“Why not? He isnÅ‚t that important, my sweet."

Parting her thighs, Jaden ran the tip of his tongue along
the slit of her sex. Nerya gave a soft, submissive sigh, followed by a gasp of
pleasure as his lips closed around her clitoris. He began to use his mouth and
tongue expertly. Within a few minutes, she was thrashing about on the bed,
achingly close to her climax.

Jaden was atop her before she even realized it. He eased his
cock inside her and began to move his hips in a sensual, captivating rhythm. He
fucked her harder and faster, arousing her to fever pitch. An abundance of
exquisite sensations flooded Neryałs senses. They combined and expanded until a
powerful climax tore through her trembling body, thrusting all other thoughts
and concerns from her mind.

Chapter Seven

The path ahead meandered through a thickly wooded area, and
the only sounds were the thud of horsesł hooves on the hard-packed ground, the
jingle of harness and odd muted conversations now and then. Tarn and Rianna led
the long column, protected at both front and rear by a small band of royal
guards. Jaden had been speaking with Tarn, but a few moments ago hełd made his
excuses and pulled back to ride beside Nerya for a while. So far shełd not even
acknowledged his presence, and she appeared doleful and deep in thought.

Jaden knew she must be troubled. Theyłd barely been able to
exchange more than a few hurried words since shełd briefly told him, while they
were breaking their fast this morning, what had happened between her and

“WhatÅ‚s wrong, Jaden?" she asked, at last turning her head
to look at him.

“Just thought youÅ‚d like some company. ThereÅ‚s nothing wrong
with me, but every time Iłve laid eyes on you today, youłve appeared troubled,"
he said. “You shouldnÅ‚t dwell too much on what happened with Rianna. It must
have been a shock for her to learn all this. Give her some time."

“She was very sweet to me, but IÅ‚m not convinced she
believes Iłm her sister." Nerya gnawed at her lip. Hełd learned to read her
now. She never did that unless she was distressed. No doubt dwelling on her
conversation with Rianna was making her feel even more confused and unsure than
shełd been this morning.

“IÅ‚m sorry we havenÅ‚t had much time to talk, but we will
later," he replied. “Tarn keeps raising matters regarding the treaty that we
need to get sorted out. Also wełve just been told by the scouts that Sarin is
already at the meeting place. IÅ‚m eager to see him, even more so now I know
what hełs been up to."

“Up to?"

“Tarn received a message this morning that he should have
received many days ago, before we left Ruberoc, if the messenger hadnłt had an
unfortunate accident and been delayed en-route. Apparently, Sarin took it upon
himself to travel to Vestfold, to see if he could persuade Ragnor, the
Lawspeaker of Vestfold, to join the alliance."

“Vestfold?" She frowned. “IÅ‚ve not heard of it."

“Vestfold is a country to the far north of Kabra. ItÅ‚s
covered with ice and snow nigh on half the year. IÅ‚ve never been there, but IÅ‚m
told itłs a hard and brutal place," Jaden explained, knowing Nerya was
ill-informed and ignorant about life outside her own land. “Ragnor has only
recently united all the warring tribes and brought them under his rule. Because
of the constant tribal battles, the majority of the men in Vestfold are
hardened warriors, and their fighting abilities are legendary. The alliance
will be even stronger if Ragnor can be persuaded to join as well."

“That pleases you, no doubt." Her rather strained smile
didnłt deceive Jaden. She was clearly still very troubled about her
conversation with Rianna.

“I think at least some of what Danara said was true." He
examined every sweet curve of her delicate features, the straight line of her
nose and the fullness of her kissable lips. “I know youÅ‚re beginning to doubt
Danara, but I saw little physical resemblance between you and your adopted
mother. Yet when I first laid eyes on Rianna, I thought how alike you were."

“But Rianna is beautiful."

“As are you, Nerya, although you donÅ‚t seem aware of it."
Jaden reached out and patted her hand. “In the meantime, all IÅ‚ll say is that
you canłt let this consume your thoughts. You wonłt discover the truth until
you get the opportunity to speak to Kitara herself."

She shook her head and sighed. “Maybe I should just forget
what Danara told me. IÅ‚m beginning to wonder if I even want to know. Rianna
already considers me kin and she wants us to be friends. Perhaps I should just
be content with that."

“ItÅ‚s your choice." Jaden knew she was in pain. He wanted to
pull her into his arms and comfort her, but he doubted shełd appreciate such a
public gesture. She was stubborn and irritating at times, but he still
regretted he hadnłt been able to be with her last night, after shełd spoken to
Rianna. For once, sheÅ‚d needed him, and he hadnÅ‚t been around. “Gerek is due to
arrive at the meeting place in the next few days, and no doubt Kitara will be
with him. You can make up your mind whether to speak to her then. In the
meantime, why not ride ahead with me? Sarinłs camp is less than half a league
from here. I can introduce you to my friend."

“Sometimes I donÅ‚t understand you, Jaden. You have a strange
manner with those you should surely consider your betters. Already a casual
familiarity has grown up between you and King Tarn, and you speak of Sarin as a
friend. Yet I thought he was your monarch."

“He can be both monarch and friend." Jaden had no wish to
discuss his relationship with Sarin as yet. There were a number of things he
had to tell Nerya, before she learned them from another. “Come. LetÅ‚s go."

Jaden spurred his horse forward, and Nerya followed him.
They rode in silence along the side of the long column. As they reached the
grassy plain, they urged their mounts into a gallop. She looked a little more
relaxed as they pounded across the flat meadowland together. Perhaps this might
take her mind off her own concerns, he thought as they slowed their horses to a
trot when they reached Sarinłs camp. It was quite small. Sarin must have only
taken a few soldiers with him on his trip to Vestfold. Usually he traveled with
a much larger retinue. Jaden presumed he must have feared Ragnorłs suspicions
might be roused if hełd arrived in Vestfold with too many men.

The guards acknowledged Jaden, stepping aside to let him and
Nerya through the boundary. He spotted Sarin immediately, standing talking to a
couple of his men, close to a blazing campfire.

“Sarin," Jaden called out.

“Jaden." Sarin swung round and strode towards them. “ItÅ‚s
good to see you."

“ItÅ‚s good to see you too, old friend," Jaden said as he

Jaden supposed women might think Sarin attractive, with his
dark hair and goatee, but there was hardness to his hawk-like features that
made him appear rather fierce and forbidding at times. His build was somewhat
slighter than Jadenłs, but he was said to be an impressive swordsman and a good
man to have beside you in a fight. Jaden would far prefer to be on Sarinłs side
than against him.

“You did not come alone." SarinÅ‚s attention focused on
Nerya. Hełd always had an eye for a pretty face and flirted outrageously with
most females whenever the opportunity arose. Sarin was lucky; his beautiful
wife Zene endured these shortcomings with amazing patience. Shełd told Jaden
shełd been born in Freygard, although, as far as he knew, her antecedence had
been kept from the people of Percheron. Zene had refused to say any more, and
hełd no idea how she and Sarin might have met. Jaden had always been surprised
that a woman such as Zene had allowed Sarin to keep his harem, even after they
were married. Hełd been even more amazed when hełd discovered her true origins.
He couldnłt imagine Nerya ever being so understanding.

Jaden grinned. “I thought youÅ‚d be interested to meet her."

Sarin embraced Jaden with a warmth hełd never displayed
before. It had taken quite some time for them to become friends. When Jaden had
first set foot in Percheron, Sarin had been suspicious of him and not prepared
to trust him.

“IÅ‚m pleased to find you safe and well," Sarin said.

“Yes." What would Sarin make of his adventures in Freygard?
Knowing Sarin as he did, no doubt the tale would amuse him, although Jaden
hadnłt found it amusing at the time. He decided it might be circumspect to keep
it to himself for the time being.

Sarin turned to Nerya. “How came you by this beauty, Jaden?"

Nerya wore the feminine traveling apparel Rianna had given
her, and not her old shirt and breeches.

“ItÅ‚s a long story. IÅ‚ll tell it to you one day." Jaden held
out his hand to Nerya, intending to help her from her horse. Ignoring him, she
jumped down from her mount in a quite unladylike manner.

“A feisty one, it seems." Sarin chuckled. “IÅ‚ve always
enjoyed a challenge."

Jaden knew he was joking, but, judging by Neryałs
expression, she didnÅ‚t take the comment lightly. “May I introduce Nerya?" Jaden
said before she could respond with an inappropriate comment. He slid an arm
around her waist and pulled her close. “Nerya, meet Lord Sarin, the ruler of

“Just Nerya?" Sarin asked, clearly aware Jaden was marking
his territory. “DoesnÅ‚t this delicious creature have another name?"

“Just Nerya, Lord Sarin. ThatÅ‚s the only name I need," Nerya
said, smiling at him with sweet innocence.

“I am honored, lovely lady." Sarin took NeryaÅ‚s hand and
kissed it, his lips lingering just a little longer than necessary on her skin,
which, funnily enough, irritated Jaden no end.

“IÅ‚m honored to meet you, my lord," she said. “Jaden has
told me all about you," she added, continuing to smile sweetly at Sarin.

“Has he?" Sarin raised one dark eyebrow.

“Only whatÅ‚s right and proper for a young lady like Nerya to
know," Jaden assured him. Hełd never spoken of the licentious excesses of
Sarinłs court. With her scant knowledge of the world, Nerya would be horrified
to hear of them. Although hełd been told by many it had been far more
scandalous before Sarin had married Zene.

“How did the negotiations with Ragnor go?" Jaden enquired.

“YouÅ‚ll be pleased to know Ragnor will be arriving in a day
or so to attend our meeting. Of course, in the circumstance, he wishes to meet
you first, Jaden, and have your total assurance that we can depend on your
promises of friendship and mutual co-operation. I have every confidence in you,
but it may take a little persuasion to get Ragnor to feel the same."

No doubt Sarinłs words were confusing Nerya. Once they were
alone, later tonight, hełd tell her as much of the truth as he could. There
were things he hadnłt told her that she really should know before she
accidentally learned them from Tarn or Sarin.



Ragnor of Vestfold arrived at the camp not long after
darkness fell. Nerya had expected Jaden to be sequestered with the three
leaders all night, but instead King Tarn had decided to hold a banquet in their
honor. Nerya, much to her irritation, had found herself sitting with the other
women, including her sister, while the men sat at another table together. Shełd
wanted to listen in to their conversation in the hope shełd learn something of
use to Freygard. Instead, so far, shełd endured an evening of facile female
conversation. She hadnłt been able to speak to Rianna in confidence, and all
this talk of dresses and suchlike was so boring. Rianna had retired a few
moments ago, using her pregnancy as an excuse, but Nerya had decided to stay in
the hope shełd learn more about the treaty. If only this stupid woman to her
left, the wife of some general or another, would shut up.

She suppressed a yawn. All of a sudden, Jaden, who up to now
had been deep in conversation with the three monarchs, rose to his feet.
Perhaps she might learn something of interest.

“Ragnor, I know youÅ‚re suspicious. So were Tarn and Sarin,
at first," Jaden said in a loud voice as if wanting to impress his point to the
leader of Vestfold. “But if the huge Empire of Marquab fears the Dragon Lords
of Acheron, then so should you all." He looked around at the small assembled
company, which included all the monarchsÅ‚ senior military advisors. “I, Jaden,
Lord of Iberim, have the full trust of the emperor. As Suzerain Commander of
the forces of Marquab, I pledge that you can call upon the entire might of our
armies if the Dragon Lords invade your lands. Ally yourselves with us, and your
safety is assured."

Nerya nearly choked on her wine, hardly able to believe what
she was hearing. Jaden had been deceiving her all this time. He didnłt serve
Sarin at all. He was Suzerain Commander of the Marquabian Empire and Lord of
Iberim. Shełd trusted him, even begun to care for him, and yet it appeared she
didnłt know this man at all. Just about everything hełd said to her had been a

“Ragnor." Sarin rose and addressed the Speaker of Vestfold.
“I know that the rulers of the Western Kingdoms have always considered Marquab
a threat. In the past, the Emperor of Marquab has expanded his empire by conquering
much of the territory surrounding his own lands. Yet may I remind you that
never once have his forces ventured over the Sea of Marmara toward our
kingdoms. Now he offers us this alliance." Sarin inclined his head at Jaden. “I
trust the word of this man, Jaden of Iberim. I consider him a friend. What he
proposes will be good for us all. Especially now we know what a terrible threat
Acheron could well turn out to be."

“Is something wrong?" the stupid woman to her left hissed.
“Are you unwell?"

Sarin sat and spoke quietly to Jaden. It appeared no more
public announcements would be forthcoming as Tarn leaned forward to join in the
two menłs conversation.

“I need some air." Nerya couldnÅ‚t bear to stay in this
stuffy tent a moment longer and make trite conversation with these stupid
females when she was seething with anger. “DonÅ‚t worry." She pushed the womanÅ‚s
hand away from her arm. “IÅ‚ll be fine."

Nerya slid from her chair and crept out of the tent. She
stood for a moment and took a deep breath of the cool night air, trying to make
some sense of all this. It wasnłt easy. Her mind was in total turmoil. All she
knew was she needed some time away from Jaden. She doubted he would even have
noticed her leaving, so she was safe for the time being. Perhaps she could take
refuge in Riannałs tent; but then she would have to offer some explanation as
to why. Shełd no wish to admit to Rianna, let alone anyone else, that she
hadnłt known Jadenłs true identity. Shełd just have to try to find a spare
bedroll and sleep under the stars. At least that would be better than having to
share a tent with the Suzerain Commander of the Marquabian Empire.

“Nerya." She stiffened as she heard him call her name.
Swinging Å‚round, she saw Jaden exit the tent and stride toward her. “There you
are. I saw you leave and"

“Why bother with me, Lord Iberim? IÅ‚m sure youÅ‚ve much to
discuss with your fellow monarchs." Her voice was icy cold with derision. “Is
everything youłve said to me a lie?"

“No. Not everything." He shrugged. “IÅ‚m sorry. I never got
the opportunity to tell you, Nerya. I really did intend"

“I donÅ‚t want to hear anything you have to say."

“DonÅ‚t be so stubborn." He reached out to her.

“No." She stepped back, slapping his hand away. “DonÅ‚t touch

“Touch you?" He sounded irritated. “IÅ‚ll do more than touch
you." Jaden grabbed her and swung her into his arms, then turned in the
direction of their tent.

“Let go of me, you brute." She thumped him on the chest and
wriggled, trying to slide out of his arms. He just tightened his hold, his
mouth set in a grim line.

“WeÅ‚ll discuss this once we reach the privacy of our tent."

“Our tent?" Why hadnÅ‚t he felt he could confide in
her? Why had he let her continue to believe he was merely a nobleman of Lord
Sarinłs court? Jaden had been foolish not to reveal his identity to her from
the start. If Danara had known what a powerful man Jaden was, it was possible
even she might have acted differently. Surely she would have thought twice
about incurring the wrath of the huge Marquabian Empire. “It wonÅ‚t be our
tent for long, Jaden of Iberim."

He gave a soft, menacing chuckle. “Do you really think you
can defy me?"

At that moment, Ragnor, accompanied by two of his warriors
carrying flaming torches, left the tent. Spotting Jaden, he hurried toward him.
“Lord Iberim. We need to talk."

When Nerya had first laid eyes on the Lawspeaker of
Vestfold, shełd thought he bore a faint resemblance to Tarn, but up close his
features were coarser, his complexion roughened by exposure to the cold
northern climate. Tarn was clean-shaven, while a long ragged blond moustache
decorated Ragnorłs top lip.

“Lawspeakerhow can I help you?" Jaden swung Å‚round to face
him, acting as though it was quite usual for him to be carrying her around like

“I hate to intrude on your pleasures," Ragnor said with a
knowing grin.

“My pleasure can wait." Jaden set her down. Nerya tried to
pull away from him and failed. She had no intention of trying to fight to get
away. SheÅ‚d not embarrass herself in front of Ragnor. “Needless to say, I enjoy
her even more when shełs angry. The fire in her belly incites her lust."

Neryałs disgust for him magnified, but she was even more
troubled by the licentious way Ragnor stared at her breasts. It made her skin
crawl as though it were covered by a thousand creeping insects.

“I envy you, Lord Jaden. IÅ‚d like her for myself." With
slow, deliberate sensuality, Ragnor licked his lower lip. “Would you be willing
to share this treasure?"

Neryałs stomach lurched. He was repulsive. The lawspeakerłs
long hair was plaited at the sides and held in place with tiny skulls carved
out of bone. The light from the torches caught his pale, chillingly cold blue
eyes. Shełd called Jaden a barbarian, but Ragnor was a barbarian in every sense
of the word.

Jaden frowned, digging his fingers into the flesh of her
arm. “SheÅ‚s not for sharing."

Nerya glared at Jaden, resenting the way he spoke about her.
Yet she was equally glad he held on to her at present. She didnłt like the
predatory look in Ragnorłs eyes.

“A pity." Ragnor shook his head, and the tiny skulls binding
his hair brushed against his cheeks. “We need to talk. My men will escort this
little firebrand safely back to your tent."

“No, Nerya," Jaden hissed under his breath, well aware she
was ready with a cutting retort. “I thank you, Ragnor. Nerya will be fine. The
girl is quite capable of looking after herself."

“Indeed I am." Jaden at last let go of her. With an angry
toss of her head, Nerya shoved him aside and stalked off toward their tent.



Neryałs eyes flew open. It was pitch black and she couldnłt
see a thing, but she was certain someone was in her tent. She reached for her
sword. Shełd left it on the ground beside the bed so she could grab it at a
momentłs notice. Jaden kicked it away before she could reach it and slipped
into bed beside her. Winding his arm around her, he pulled her close. Shełd
been so angry with him, shełd demolished almost a jug of wine before she
retired. She rarely drank that much. Now she felt a little fuzzy-headed and yet
also sleepy. If she hadnłt felt quite so languorous, she might have resisted
Jaden, but she couldnłt seem to raise the energy to do so. She couldnłt even
raise the energy to say all the things she wanted to say to him as his hand
stroked her breasts, then ran over her belly and pulled up the thin shift that
had been rucked around her thighs. His fingers brushed against her mons.

“We need to talk," she managed to murmur.

“I know we do." Jaden kissed her earlobe in the tantalizing
way that always turned her limbs to water. “IÅ‚m sorry, Nerya. I intended to
speak to you before the meal. It was unforgivable of me. I promise IÅ‚ll tell
you everything, but not now."

“Tomorrow" she murmured, closing her eyes as his hand
caressed the valley of her sex. It felt delicious as his fingers moved slickly
along her soft pink flesh toward her clitoris. The tight bundle of nerve
endings ached for his touch and, as he fingered the small nub, the fiery warmth
of desire flooded her body.

His lips covered hers, and he kissed her with unrestrained passion.
She was so enmeshed in her own lustful desire that she was barely aware of
anything outside their cocoon of pleasure. Vaguely, almost as if it were a
dream, she heard a sharp, anguished scream, followed by loud shouts and the
clash of weapons.

“WhatÅ‚s that?" Jaden pulled away from her and sprang to his
feet. He grabbed his linen shirt and flung it on, then picked up his sword and
ran barefoot from the tent.

The fog in her brain lifted immediately. Nerya jumped out of
bed and reached for her own weapon, scrabbling across the floor to find it.
Once it was in her hand, she rushed after Jaden, not caring she was clad only
in a flimsy shift. He was some way ahead of her as he sprinted through the
camp. She followed him, struggling to keep him in sight as he headed toward the
source of the disturbance.

In the flickering light of torches, Tarnłs men-at-arms
battled with a multitude of masked, black-clad intruders. Jaden charged at a
couple of them whołd just butchered one of Tarnłs men-at-arms. Nerya ran to the
aid of another soldier vainly battling two bandits at once. All the bandits
wore black breastplates. Not knowing how strong his armor was, she aimed for
the manłs legs. Her sword cut through the flesh and bone of his thigh. Uttering
a strangled scream, he fell to the ground. The other bandit, having easily
dispatched the man-at-arms, turned to attack Nerya. He was a good swordsman,
and at first she could do nothing but fend off his angry blows. Then, when she
saw an opening, she went on the attack. As he backed away from her fierce sword
thrusts, he slammed into one of Ragnorłs followers. The towering, furious
Northman grabbed hold of the bandit, swung him away from Nerya and decapitated
him with one blow of his heavy battleaxe.

More men-at-arms from Percheron and Vestfold joined in the
fray. The invaders were totally outnumbered. Their cause was lost, but they
didnłt turn and flee. They stayed on the attack, protecting two of their own
who started to dispatch every one of their wounded who werenłt able enough to
get away. Eventually, the few survivors turned and fled, while the last two
felled men, before Tarnłs soldiers could stop them, plunged daggers into their
own breasts. None of them intended to remain alive to be interrogated.

Some of the soldiers set off in angry pursuit. Nerya had no
desire to join them. Sighing with relief, she lowered her blade. Dead bandits
littered the ground. There were more than shełd initially thought. At least
theyłd come off the worst in the encounter. She stiffened as a hand touched her
shoulder, until she realized it was Tarn solicitously draping a cloak around
her. “Thank you, my lord."

“YouÅ‚re a formidable warrior, Nerya," Tarn said.

“IÅ‚m flattered you think so." She found herself blushing
like some crass maiden. Tarn was a magnificent specimen of manhood and even
more attractive with his muscular chest bare and his golden hair loose around
his shoulders. He wore only skintight breeches.

He smiled warmly at Nerya, then turned toward the royal
tent, appearing to have eyes for no one but his beloved wife. Rianna, beautiful
and every inch a queen, stood at the entrance, clad in a thin, white silk

“Rianna, you shouldÅ‚ve stayed inside." Tarn joined her and
placed a protective arm around her shoulders. “ItÅ‚s cold out here, my love."

“IÅ‚m fine," she assured him.

He hugged her for a moment. “Return to your bed. ItÅ‚s over
now. The bandits have been driven off, and theyłll not dare attack again."

“Just make sure all is well first," she replied.

Tarn nodded and stepped over to Jaden, who stood, bloodied
sword in hand, surveying the carnage the brief attack had wrought.

“We shouldÅ‚ve posted more guards," Jaden muttered. “The
attack was a complete surprise."

“I never expected such a bold move this far inside the
borders of Kabra." Tarn sounded weary.

“I admit, neither did I." Jaden seemed to be blissfully
unaware that he looked a little strange clad only in a linen shirt which barely
covered his buttocks and left his muscular legs bare. Nerya smiled. He would
have been wiser to slip on a pair of breeches like Tarn.

A Kabran captain hurried forward. “Majesty, at least five of
my men are dead and another six wounded. IÅ‚ve yet to count how many of these
bandit scum have been killed."

Nerya suspected the toll might well grow higher. She was
certain shełd also heard sounds of a battle over Sarinłs side of the camp.

“Go to Prince BrionÅ‚s tent and bring him here to join his
mother," Tarn ordered. “HeÅ‚s well-guarded, but we would prefer him to remain
with us at all times from now on."

As the captain hurried off, Jaden knelt by one of the dead
bandits, running his hand over the strange, matte black armor. Nerya had no
idea what it was made of. It didnłt look like metal or toughened leather.
Something about Jadenłs expression made her suspect he recognized these
bandits. Frowning, Jaden pulled aside the dead manłs mask to reveal flat
features, slanted eyes and strange blue markings on his cheeks. As Jaden bent
forward, his shirt rode up slightly at the back, and Neryałs gaze was drawn to
a tantalizing glimpse of her loverłs naked buttocks.

“Who are they?" Tarn asked.

Jaden rose to his feet and took the cloak one of TarnÅ‚s servants offered him. “Mercenaries in the service of the Dragon Lords of Acheron,"
he said grimly as he swung the blue cloak around his shoulders.

“Then they knew we were expected here."

“That, or they followed us."

Tarn frowned. “So itÅ‚s possible we might have a spy within
our ranks?"

“If we have, it would be nigh on impossible to ferret him

“Then the Dragon Lords know of our planned alliance." Tarn ran his fingers through his hair. “Most probably they attacked in an effort to prevent
the treaty being signed."

“They clearly wanted to slaughter as many of us as
possible," Ragnor said in his gruff voice as he appeared from behind one of the
tents and strode toward them. He wore only a pair of breeches, and his massive,
hairy chest appeared deathly white in comparison to his weather-beaten arms and
face. The huge battle axe he carried dripped with blood.

“If they wanted to cause such disruption, why did they send
such a small force of men?" Jaden asked. “It doesnÅ‚t make sense."

“Nothing makes sense to me," Ragnor growled. “I prefer to
face my enemy on the battlefield, not sneaking Å‚round in the dead of night."

Nerya tensed as she heard an anguished shout. “Majesty!" The
captain Tarn had dispatched to collect his son ran toward them. “Prince Brion
is not in his tent," the man gasped. “HeÅ‚s nowhere to be found. His guards are
slaughtered and his nursemaid is missing. IÅ‚ve dispatched soldiers to search
for him."

“Tarn." Rianna ran anxiously toward her husband. “Brion may
be hurt or"

“No," Tarn interjected, prevented her from voicing aloud the
suspicion that shot through all their minds. He pulled her into his arms. “HeÅ‚s
safe. You know how nervous Jana is. She probably dragged Brion off to hide
somewhere as soon as she heard the first sounds of the attack."

“Here." Jaden removed his cloak and placed it around
RiannaÅ‚s shivering form. “Take this. YouÅ‚re frozen, my lady."

“Send more men out to look for the prince," Tarn ordered, the tightness of his tone betraying his concern as Rianna clung desperately
to him.

One of Ragnorłs tall Northmen suddenly appeared from between
the tents carrying the lifeless form of a woman in his arms. Her dark blonde
hair spilled almost to the ground, and blood spattered the skirt of her gown.
As the man knelt to lay his burden at Tarnłs feet, the womanłs head fell back.
Rianna gave a gasp of horror. The womanłs throat had been cut from ear to ear,
and blood had turned the bodice of her pale grey gown a deep scarlet.

“Jana!" Rianna trembled as she gazed with anguished eyes at
the slaughtered girl. “Brionwhere is he?"

“I found this girl close to the edge of the camp," the
Northman said.

TarnÅ‚s face had turned deathly white. “Jana must have given
her life to protect our son." Even his commanding voice shook with emotion.

Tears poured down Riannałs pale cheeks. Nerya sympathized
with her sister, but shełd never had a child and she couldnłt even begin to imagine
how devastated Rianna must feel.

“We have to find him. Brion will be scared," Rianna sobbed.

“Search the camp even more thoroughly for Prince Brion," Tarn ordered. “My son must be hiding somewheretoo terrified to reveal himself."

“I fear not, Majesty." A stooping, overweight servant with
straggly grey hair stumbled toward the king and knelt before him. “I saw it
with my own eyes." The man spoke haltingly. “They dragged Prince Brion from
Janałs arms before they slit her throat. But they didnłt harm the prince. They
took him with them when they fled."

Tarn appeared speechless with anguish for a moment as Jaden
asked the man, “In which direction did they flee?"

“Due east," the man replied, shaking his head sadly.

“Toward Acheron," Jaden said, gripping the pommel of his
sword until his knuckles turned white.



Therełd been little rest for anyone in the camp during the
long night. A faint mist hung like fine threads of silk in the chill morning
air as the sun started to rise. It was still quite dark, as grey clouds covered
most of the sky and reflected the mood of the encampment this morning. Jaden
sat on his white stallion waiting for the others to join him. Nerya was already
mounted, her horse standing beside his. They would have to ride hard and fast
if they wanted to catch up with the men whołd kidnapped Prince Brion, so they
carried only the most basic supplies.

Jaden didnłt know for sure why theyłd taken Tarnłs son hostage. He suspected they intended to use the child as bait to lure Tarn, and anyone else who accompanied him on his rescue attempt, into a trap. Despite that,
he knew Tarn couldnłt just abandon his son to his fate.

A grim-faced Tarn strode from his tent, Rianna at his side.
Her beautiful eyes were swollen and her face wet with tears. Jaden considered
himself quite hardhearted as a rule, but even he was moved by her painful

“Ready?" Sarin, dressed all in black and mounted on a black
stallion, rode up beside Jaden. Tarn had protested, but hełd insisted on
accompanying them.

“As ready as IÅ‚ll ever be," Jaden said. Probably more than
most he dreaded entering Acheron, but he could see no other choice.

Ragnor appeared, striding forward, accompanied by two of his
men. Hełd offered to go with them. He hadnłt seemed at all disappointed when Tarn had asked him to stay and protect Rianna, at least until her father arrived. It had
been agreed that once Gerek reached the meeting place, they would all repair to
Ruberoc and await Tarnłs safe return. If they didnłt come back, Tarn had told Rianna she was not to send anyone after him. Jaden doubted she would do as Tarn ordered. Rianna, hełd learned from Tarn, could be as headstrong as Nerya at times.

At Tarnłs insistence, three of his most trusted men and
three of Lord Sarinłs soldiers would travel with them. Jaden wouldłve preferred
not to take them. The smaller their party, the easier it was to keep hidden,
especially if this was indeed a trap and was not just some attempt to extract a
large ransom from Tarn. However, one of Sarinłs men was an expert tracker
which, coupled with Jadenłs expertise, should help them to trace the path the
mercenaries had taken. Also, two heads often proved better than one. Jaden
hoped that, with the manłs help, it might be easier for them to avoid any traps
the mercenaries might have laid for them.

Jaden watched, hiding his impatience as Tarn gave Rianna a
loving hug. Turning from his distraught wife, Tarn mounted his horse. “Ready?"

Glancing behind him, Jaden saw the six soldiers had now
joined them. He waved them forward as he spurred his stallion into a slow
canter. Once theyłd left the confines of the camp, he urged his mount into a
gallop. With Nerya riding beside him, he turned, heading due east across the
plain toward the distant line of trees and the mountains beyond.

As the sun rose a little higher in the sky, shafts of
sunlight penetrated the dark clouds, turning the snow-covered peaks of the
mountains deep reddish gold. The impassable range of mountains separating Kabra
from Acheron had protected Tarnłs kingdom from invasion for many centuries.
They were not as impassable as most believed them to be. There were a few
hidden trails that traversed these mountains and eventually led into the
western forests of Acheron.

Behind him beat the steady thudding of his companionsł
horses. As he gazed at the lower, heavily forested slopes of the tall peaks,
Jaden had the uneasy feeling his past was rising menacingly to greet him. It
was a part of his life he didnłt even like to think of now, but when he entered
Acheron, hełd have to face it again. For the first time in many years, a
shudder of sheer, unadulterated terror slid up his spine.

Chapter Eight

Nerya tried to hide her apprehension, having no wish to
reveal such failings to her companions. Sheer rock faces lined either side of
the narrow pass through the mountains, and the path was so narrow here that the
trail was little more than a deep fissure in the rocks that divided two massive
peaks. Jaden had warned them before they entered that the slopes were unstable
and any loud noise might set off a rock fall. She glanced up at the sheer rock
faces either side of her. Even the noises of the horsesł hooves on the rocky
ground sounded loud to her. She was no coward, but she could see no chance of
any of them surviving if an avalanche of boulders rained down on them.

Dark clouds had covered the sky most of yesterday as theyłd
raced toward the mountains. When daylight had started to fade, the sky had
become clearer, enabling them to travel far into the night. Eventually,
exhaustion had forced them to stop and rest. Nerya had woken just before dawn
feeling refreshed, although most of her companions had still appeared weary to
her as theyłd set out at first light. Theyłd ridden through the thick pine
forest at the base of the mountains. As theyłd climbed higher, the slopes had
become steeper and harder for the horses. The land had leveled out a little
when theyłd reached a wide band of barren land littered with large patches of
rock and shale. Here the mercenariesł tracks had become very difficult to
follow. Theyłd disappeared where the ground was covered with jagged rocks
surrounded by large pebbles and thick layers of shale. However, Jaden had
appeared to know where he was going and, much to everyonełs amazement, hełd
guided them straight into the hidden pass.

Would this valley never end? She tightened her hands on her
reins as they turned a sharp bend which seemed to almost double back on itself.
Her nerves on edge, she tensed as the roanłs hoofs dislodged a shower of
stones. Donłt be so stupid. There was no obvious rumbling coming from
above her head. Jaden, who rode just ahead of her, broke into a trot as he
guided his horse around another bend. She realized why as the narrow pass
opened out in front of her and she saw the mysterious land of Acheron for the first time. Filled with relief, she faced an impenetrable barrier of green. The
massive forest girdled the bases of the mountains and appeared to carry on
endlessly in both directions.

There was no way around the forest as far as she could see,
but the trees were crammed so tightly together she didnłt know how theyłd ride
through it. None of the vegetation appeared familiar. Glossy, dark green,
spoon-shaped leaves nearly concealed the distorted branches of the tall trees,
while the twisted trunks looked as if someone had grabbed them and wrung them
out like freshly washed sheets. Other, shorter trees grew between them, their
growth all but choked by deep purple, rather ugly vines. Large bushes with
dense spine-like leaves and huge scarlet, trumpet-shaped flowers filled every
available gap, adding a welcome dash of color to the relentless greenery. The
valley had been warm, but it had grown hotter now, and a strange dampness hung
in the still air, accompanied by a vile odor that reminded her uncomfortably of
rotting flesh.

“ItÅ‚s the flowers." Jaden slowed his mount so he could ride
beside her as they got closer to the trees. “They exude sweet, sticky nectar
that attracts insects and small rodents. When they enter the bloom, the flowers
close and the plant devours them."

She grimaced. “The smell is disgusting."

“Get used to it," he said. “They grow all over this forest."

“How can you know this? Surely no one truly knows anything
about Acheron. Itłs said those who venture into this land never return."

“I make it my business to know things." He shrugged. “And
IÅ‚ve met many travelers in my time. Not all such wild tales are true, Nerya.
Wełll return, never fear."

“This forest is so dense, how will we ever be able to make
our way through it?"

“We take that trail over there." He pointed to a spot a
short distance away, oddly enough not even bothering to check for tracks.
“ThereÅ‚s no other way the mercenaries couldÅ‚ve gone."

Nerya frowned. All she could see was the mass of densely
packed trees.“Where? I canÅ‚t see any trail."

“YouÅ‚ll see." As they got closer, she was at last able to
make out a small gap between the trees, barely wide enough for a horse and

When they reached the entrance to the narrow track, they
were forced to ride single file again, and Jaden moved to the front of the
column once more. It was very warm, but Nerya shivered as they rode into the
forest. This place had a sinister air about it, as if it were the entrance to
the underworld where evil beasts lurked, ready to tear their victims to shreds.
She shook her head, unwilling to let her foolish imagination run away with her.
A warrior such as her should never scare this easily. Her horse neighed and
pranced sideways, its ears laid back. Nerya glanced behind her. She wasnłt alone.
All her companionsł mounts appeared skittish, apart from Jadenłs stallion,
Barsan. She couldnłt blame the horses; she felt much the same.

The dense vegetation made it impossible to see into the
forest at all as they rode in single file along the narrow pathway. The tree
branches wove tightly together, forming an arch of green above their heads,
nearly blocking out the sunlight. In the murky gloom, the oppressive warmth
bore down on Nerya like a heavy, moist blanket. Even the air thickened, making
it difficult to breathe. Beneath her doublet, perspiration welded her linen
shirt to her skin, while her breeches clung slickly to her thighs.

Sinister sounds emanated from the depths of the forestweird
screeches, eerie wails, guttural grunts and the odd roaring sounds that
appeared to belong to something incredibly large. In this strange and
unfamiliar environment, no doubt the creatures that inhabited it would be
equally alien. She shuddered as something brushed against her face, but it was
only the wispy fronds of a plant which hung down in long strands from the
branches. Around one branch above her head coiled a lizard-like creature with
creamy white, almost translucent, flesh.

Barsan whinnied and reared away from something. Jaden hauled
back on his reins. Nerya kept a tight check on her roan as a massive red and
black snake, its body as thick as Jadenłs muscular thigh and at least twice the
length of a full grown man, slithered past Barsanłs hooves and disappeared into
the undergrowth. Nerya shuddered. This forest might be filled with thousands of
these massive snakes. Shełd never liked snakes, not even the small non-venomous
ones that inhabited Freygard.

As they rode deeper into the strange, primeval jungle, the
unsettling noises emanating from the forest became even louder. She couldnłt
help thinking of the terrors they might face. Theyłd encountered no more
serpents, but it was possible many more terrible creatures stalked them from
the cover of the trees.

Soon they entered a small clearing and, to Neryałs relief,
she at last saw the sky once again. It felt a little less hot and humid here.
She took a deep breath, trying to ignore the foul smell of the carnivorous
plants that still tainted the air. Three separate paths fanned out in different
directions. She frowned. They needed to ensure they took the right one, but the
bare soil was churned by any number of hoofprints. Jaden jumped from his horse
and scanned the ground. “Come here." He beckoned to SarinÅ‚s tracker. “Look at

The man dismounted and bent to examine the trampled ground.
“There are at least four or five sets of tracks here, my lord."

“A couple of sets look fresher than the rest. I think we
should go that way." Jaden pointed to his right. “The horses were traveling
fast, and one bore a heavier burden than the others."

“One of them may have been carrying the child," the soldier
replied. “Or maybe it was just a much heavier rider."

“We have to be sure weÅ‚re following the men who took Brion,"
Tarn said, his voice tight with concern.

“Wait!" Jaden stepped forward and examined the ground close
to the entrance of one narrow track. Digging in the dirt with his fingers,
Jaden pulled out a small object covered in faded paint. “Look."

“One of BrionÅ‚s toy soldiers," Tarn exclaimed.

Had the child dropped it deliberately in the hope that
someone followed him? Brion was very young. Nerya wasnłt sure he would have
been able to think that clearly. Especially if he was as terrified as she
presumed he must be.

“Here." Jaden strode over to Tarn and handed him the
soldier. Tarn stared at it for a moment, and then tucked the grimy toy inside
his doublet.

“Listen!" Sarin exclaimed. “Can any of you hear running

“It seems to be coming from the same direction the
mercenaries took." Jaden sprang into his saddle. “LetÅ‚s find out," he said,
guiding his stallion toward the path where hełd found Brionłs toy soldier.

Finding water would be a wonderful relief. Nerya had only a
little left in her water skin, and in this heat they couldnłt expect the horses
to go on without an adequate supply. She spurred her roan forward, following
Jaden. Within a few minutes, they entered a much larger clearing which had a
lake at its centre. The air was even clearer here, and far less oppressive. The
terrible, sickening smell which had permeated the forest thankfully faded. She
sighed. The tempting water glittered in the bright sunshine. At the far end
stood a tall rocky outcrop. Water poured down the rocks and streamed into the

“We should rest for a short time and replenish our water
supplies," Sarin said as he dismounted.

“At once, my lord." One of his soldiers sprang from his
horse and strode to the lake. Bending down, he dipped his hand in the water.

“Wait!" Jaden shouted.

The still water foamed and exploded with a splash, followed
by a loud snap. The soldier jumped back, blood dripping from his fingers.

“Ye gods," Sarin gasped. “What was that?"

“Who knows? There are many strange creatures in Acheron,"
Jaden said with a wry grimace. “Are you badly hurt?" he asked the soldier.

“No, Lord Jaden." He took a piece of grubby cloth from his
pocket and wrapped it around his bleeding fingers. “Thanks to your timely

“WeÅ‚d best collect our water from the rocks." Jaden guided
Barsan around the edge of the lake, toward the rocky outcrop, ensuring he kept
well away from the water.

“Definitely far wiser," Sarin agreed as he remounted.
“Goodness knows what terrible things are lurking in that lake." He spurred his
horse to catch up with Jaden. “How come you appear to know so much about Acheron?"

“I donÅ‚t. Not really," Jaden said with a shake of his head.
Sarin glanced back at Tarn, who just shrugged.

The rest of the men followed Jaden and Sarin, making sure
they too kept well away from the lake. Oddly enough, the horses seemed to sense
the danger and not one tried to pull toward the water, even though they must
all have been very thirsty. Nerya glanced at the lake, convinced menacing dark
shapes glided just below the surface, ready to attack if anything ventured too
close to the waterłs edge.

“I pray to the gods we leave this accursed forest soon," she
heard one of the soldiers behind her mutter as they reached the rocky outcrop.

She dismounted and unhooked her waterskin from her saddle,
intending to fill it herself. “My lady, you rest here a while." SarinÅ‚s tracker
smiled and held out his hand. “IÅ‚ll climb the rocks and fill that for you."

“Thanks." Nerya stood and watched her male companions. They
underestimated females, apart from Jaden, of course. He was learning, albeit
slowly. Nevertheless, if they wanted to help her, it seemed crass not to let

It was good to be off her horse. Even she was a little stiff
after that hard ride, despite the long days shełd spent in the saddle during
their journey to Kabra.

“ThereÅ‚s a small pool just the other side of the rocks,"
Sarin said as he joined her. “The waterÅ‚s quite clear, and weÅ‚ve ascertained
itÅ‚s safe, so we can water the horses there." He smiled warmly at her. “IÅ‚ll
get one of my men to see to your horse, Nerya. Here!" He beckoned to one of his
soldiers. The man stepped forward, took the reins of her mount and led the
animal away.

To her relief, Sarin moved to join the other men. He was
very charming, but for some foolish reason he often made her feel a little
uneasy. Nerya stretched her arms. How good it was to be away from that
foul-smelling forest, even for a short while. She wandered over to a small
group of rocks and plonked herself down on one, brushing a small, buzzing
insect away from her face. Behind her, to her right, was an area filled with
tall grass-like plants, some with large, white, filmy heads. Dotted here and
there were clusters of pale lilac, poppy-like flowers. Circling above each
flower head were multitudes of miniscule white butterflies. Keeping half an eye
out for any snakes slithering from the cover of the long grass, Nerya slipped
off her doublet and pulled the sweaty linen shirt away from her body. With
luck, the breeze would help dry it off.

Jaden and Tarn were deep in discussion. Goodness knows what
those two men found to talk about all the time. All of a sudden, Jaden turned
and smiled at her. Neryałs heart did a tiny somersault. He had the strange
ability to unsettle her with just one seductive look.

As Jaden turned and strolled toward her, it struck her that
he seemed to become even more attractive as every day passed. Nerya sighed. She
had to accept he was an addiction she could not resist, and she wanted to be
with him, despite the fact hełd told her so many lies. Hełd not been happy
about her accompanying him on this rescue attempt, but shełd insisted. She
would rather take her chances in Acheron with Jaden than remain safe at the
camp without him. Shełd made him promise to tell her the truth from now on, but
a small part of her wondered if Jaden ever told the entire truth to anyone.

Jaden stopped dead in his tracks. “Nerya," he said in a low
voice. “DonÅ‚t move. Stay perfectly still."

She tensed. The lightness of the moment died in an instant.
Her warrior senses told her danger approached. Then she heard the low menacing
growl and got a whiff of a musky, feral odor. The hairs on the back of her neck
prickled, and her blood ran cold. How close was the creature? She stared with
anguished eyes at Jaden, who stealthily drew his sword. Damnation. She should
have her sword with her, but shełd left her blade in the sheath attached to her

The odor became more pronounced, and the dry grass rustled
as the creature moved even closer to her. Neryałs arm slid slowly down her
side, her fingers reaching for the dagger affixed to her upper thigh.

“To your left. Now!" Jaden yelled, sprinting toward her.

Throwing herself to the left, she hit the ground, rolled and
sprang to her feet, her dagger in her hand. She was just in time to see a flash
of rusty brown fur as the creature sprang at Jaden. His blade slid deep into
the creaturełs chest while it was still in midair. It collapsed to the ground
with barely a sound, Jadenłs huge sword lodged between its massive ribs.

The beast had the shape of a mountain lion, but it was far larger.
With its massive back legs and shorter, smaller front legs, it had an oddly
misshapen appearance. Its pointed ears stuck out from a broad forehead, while a
mass of thick whiskers decorated its elongated snout. The matted and
moth-eaten, rusty-brown-and-black-striped pelt smelt of rotting corpses. In the
last throes of death the mouth of the creature fell open to reveal long,
yellowish fangs almost half the length of her dagger blade.

Jaden placed his foot on the beastłs body and tried to pull
out his sword. The creature had twisted as it had fallen, and the blade seemed
to be lodged between its ribs. That had been close for them both. Much too
close for comfort. She owed her life to Jaden. Thank the gods hełd survived
without injury. The sooner they left this damnable forest the better. Her heart
pounded. “We should leave." She spoke with obvious urgency. “LetÅ‚s get out of
here. It doesnłt feel safe."

“I agree," Jaden muttered, pulling even harder at his sword.
“Just as soon as I can free this damn blade."

The grass behind Jaden moved and a long, rusty brown snout
and cruel yellow eyes emerged. “Behind you," Nerya screamed.

It was too late. The cat pounced on Jaden. This one was so
big that Jaden all but disappeared beneath the huge, shaggy creature as it
slammed him into the ground. With a bloodcurdling roar, it sank its teeth deep
into Jadenłs shoulder.

She would have run forward to help him if she hadnłt heard
the low, feral growls coming from just behind her. Not more! Neryałs hand
tightened on her dagger as she swung Å‚round. Two slightly smaller members of
the same species loped toward her. They didnłt launch themselves at her.
Instead, they circled her with menacing intent. She backed away from them,
holding the dagger out in front of her, even though the tiny weapon would be of
little use if they sprang at her. A loud scream of agony from Jaden made her
blood run cold. Her gut twisted in fear and distress. May the gods protect him.
Her breath came fast and anxious. Fear gripped her in its relentless embrace
for a moment. No! She had to survive. She needed to help Jaden. Visions of him
lying dead and covered in blood flashed through her mind as sweat beaded her
brow and dripped into her eyes.

Growling, one of the creatures bared its teeth and crouched,
ready to pounce.

“Nerya." Tarn grabbed her and shoved her protectively behind

In a daze, she watched Sarin attack one creature and Tarn the other. The cats snarled and tried to get away as the two men stabbed at them,
inflicting a number of deadly wounds. Nerya didnłt wait to see them die. She
had to help Jaden. Swinging Å‚round, she lunged toward him.

“Stop!" a voice yelled. “Duck, Nerya."

She slithered to a halt and crouched as half a dozen
crossbow bolts skimmed the top of her head. They met their target, thudding
into the creature attacking Jaden. The bolts stuck out of the creaturełs back
at crazy angles like distorted spines. The beast didnłt give up, it gave a low
growl and sank its teeth in its victim again. Jaden gave a faint groan of agony
as Nerya lunged toward him.

“Jaden," Tarn shouted. Shoving her aside, he attacked the
beast slaughtering his friend. He grabbed its head, heedless of the snapping
jaws, and thrust his sword deep in its throat. The animal thrashed about, then
gave a strangled gurgle, its life blood pouring onto Jaden as it collapsed atop

Nerya froze, watching in wide-eyed horror as Tarn and Sarin seized hold of the beast. It took their combined strength to drag the
weighty corpse off Jaden.

“Oh! No," Nerya gasped when she at last saw him clearly.
Jaden lay semi-conscious and covered in blood. The creaturełs claws had rent
his clothing, and long, raking gashes covered his arms and chest.

She was barely aware of the soldiers firing more bolts into
the long grass, where the other members of the pack still lurked, gradually
driving them back into the forest again. All she could see was Jaden lying
half-dead on the ground.

She crouched beside him, horrified by the depth and extent
of his wounds. Even through his clothing she could see huge jagged rents in his
chest, exposing bloody flesh and sinew. There was so much blood, she didnłt
know what had belonged to the beast and what was his.

Sarin shook his head as he stared at Jaden. “Nerya, I doubt
hełll surv"

“DonÅ‚t say it," she pleaded.

To her astonishment, Jaden gave a loud groan and tried to
sit up.

“No." Tarn gently pushed him back. “DonÅ‚t move, Jaden.
Youłve lost too much blood already."

One of the soldiers, crossbow at the ready, placed a blanket
on the ground. Trying to be as careful as possible, Sarin and Tarn lifted Jaden
upon it. He gave a faint groan and appeared to lose consciousness as Nerya,
with shaking fingers, eased aside his leather doublet. Using her dagger to cut
open his shirt, she examined his chest, terrified by the size and extent of the
great gashes in his flesh, some so deep she could see the whites of his ribs in
places. Horrible teeth marks gouged his shoulders and arms.

“Here." Someone handed her a bag containing their small
cache of medical supplies.

There was nothing inside but some strange-smelling ointment,
a bottle of fluid to cleanse wounds, some pads of clean fabric and rolls of
bandages. They were so ill-prepared there wasnłt even a needle and gut to sew
the wounds together. Jadenłs injuries were so bad she doubted she could have
sewn him up anyway. He needed a qualified surgeon to attend him.

Neryałs fingers trembled as she tried to clean the terrible
wounds. “Just do your best for him," Tarn said.

Sarin, his brow creased in a concerned frown, stared down at
JadenÅ‚s prone body. “We could build a fire," he suggested, “and try to
cauterize the wounds with the blade of a knife."

“Many of the wounds are so huge, it may not be possible,"
she said with rising anxiety.

“No." Jaden opened his eyes, his voice far stronger than
sheÅ‚d ever expected. “Just bandage me up and letÅ‚s get out of here. We need to
find Brion."

“YouÅ‚re not fit to travel," Nerya insisted.

“Like to bet on it?" Jaden muttered through gritted teeth,
wincing in agony as he hauled himself into a sitting position.



Jaden lay on a blanket staring into the darkness of the
night. Only a short distance away, his traveling companions sat around the
campfire. The worst had passed. He was in pain, but it was an agony he could
easily bear. There was still great discomfort and a strange tightness in his
chest, but the fiery, almost unbearable, lancing pains diminished as the hours

How hełd got on his horse and ridden away from that
clearing, hełd never know. Let alone how hełd managed to stay upright in the
saddle until they stopped for the night. Copious amounts of blood had seeped
through his hastily applied bandages, turning the shirt he wore over them a
bright scarlet.

Tarn had to lift him down from his horse, and almost as soon
as he touched the ground hełd fallen asleep, or maybe hełd just passed out.
Hełd come to only a few minutes ago to discover his bandages had been changed
and he wore a clean shirt. They were out of the forest and camped on a large
plain. Here, they were safe. The most dangerous creatures never ventured out of
the jungle onto these wide plains; there wasnłt enough food for them here.

Delicious smells drifted toward him. Someone had been
hunting. He must be recovering, as the smell of roasting meat made him hungry.
Even though it was dark, as soon as a figure moved away from the campfire he
knew it was Nerya coming to check on him.

“YouÅ‚re awake." There was immense relief in her voice,
making him even more aware of how close to death he must have been. “How are
you feeling?"

“Hungry." He let his head fall back on the rolled-up blanket
which served as a pillow as she sat beside him.

“I should check your bandages." She placed the lantern she
carried on the ground beside him and brushed his hair tenderly back from his
face. She leaned forward to kiss his forehead. “I feared youÅ‚d not survive when
I first saw your terrible wounds."

He grinned. “It takes more than that to kill me." Sliding
his arm around her waist, he tried to pull her toward him.

“Jaden, donÅ‚t," she protested, just managing to stop herself
falling against his chest. “YouÅ‚ll hurt yourself."

“I said I was hungry, but I didnÅ‚t say I was hungry for

“Just one kiss then." She pressed her lips to his, but when
he thrust his tongue into the warm moist depths of her mouth, she pulled away
from him. “ThatÅ‚s enough. YouÅ‚re badly wounded and youÅ‚ve lost a huge amount of

“IÅ‚m feeling much better." His desire for her was still
strong in his mind, but he knew she was right; he was being foolish. He didnłt
have the strength to make love to her, even if he wanted to, yet he was
heartened by her obvious concern. Hełd come to accept that not only did he
desire her, he cared for her as well. It appeared she also cared for him a
little, regardless of her efforts to hide her true feelings from him up to now.

“Jaden. I was so scared." She sniffed, almost as if she was
holding back tears. That wasnłt at all like the Nerya he knew.

“So was I, as it happens," he admitted with a wry grin. “I
thought I was going to die when that thing leapt on me."

“DonÅ‚t look so damn pleased when you speak about dying." She
frowned, but her expression reflected concern. “ItÅ‚s nothing to make light of,

“Perhaps not," he conceded as he brushed his fingertips
against the back of her hand.

“IÅ‚ll sleep beside you tonight. Just in case you need me."
She stroked his cheek in the selfsame way his mother had when he was a small
child. It was a strange and rather moving gesture from a warrior such as her.
“But only sleep, mind. I donÅ‚t want to awake in the night finding you entering
me," she said with a smile.

“ThatÅ‚s a joke, I presume?" he teased. “DidnÅ‚t know you were
capable of them."

“ThereÅ‚s lots you donÅ‚t know about me, Jaden of Iberim."

“It appears weÅ‚ve both hidden things from one another," he
said as she lay beside him.

“Then letÅ‚s hide nothing more," she murmured, snuggling
closer, being careful not to touch his damaged chest.

Easier said than done. Jaden didnłt voice his thoughts aloud
as he moved the blanket to cover her as well and closed his eyes.



Nerya awoke to find sunlight filtering through the branches
above her head. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she sat up. Theyłd placed
their bedrolls beneath this massive oak tree, some distance from the rest of
their traveling companions, to afford themselves a measure of privacy. Therełd
been little opportunity for her to be alone with Jaden for more than a few
moments over the last four days. Fortune had smiled on them to a degree after
Jadenłs horrific encounter with the big cat, and their journey had proceeded
without incident. They were now deep inside Acheron. Much to Neryałs
consternation, the morning after hełd been wounded Jaden had insisted he was
fit to travel. Hełd still been very weak, and Tarn had to all but lift him onto
his horse, but as the days had passed, hełd grown stronger and stronger.

Last night theyłd camped in this wide green valley
surrounded by rolling hills. Just over the hills to her right stood a walled
city with a large fortress at its centre. Their scout had followed the
mercenariesł tracks, which led directly into the city. At least now they might
have a chance of rescuing Brion, although Nerya doubted that would be easy. If
Brion was in the city, it was logical to presume he would be held in the
heavily fortified citadel.

Jaden had already got up and he stood a short distance away
staring thoughtfully into the distance. He turned and, without glancing back at
her, walked down the slope toward a small copse. He might only be planning to
relieve himself, but as it happened, Nerya was curious about his intentions. By
rights, he should still be very weak and in pain, but Jaden displayed no
visible discomfort at all. So far his recovery from the attack had been nothing
short of miraculous. He almost seemed back to his old self again, even though
that should be impossible in such a short space of time.

Jaden, sensing his companionsł suspicions, had told them he
kept his pain at bay with a strong tincture of poppy seeds, but he lied. Nerya
had surreptitiously tasted the liquid in the small vial hełd shown them and
discovered it contained only water. Jaden wasnłt using it to mask his pain,
because she was convinced he experienced no pain.

The morning after hełd been wounded, shełd wanted to change
his bandages again, but hełd claimed it would be too painful for him and hełd
asked her to leave them until later. From then on hełd insisted on tending his
wounds himself, which shełd found strange, and hełd not allowed her, or anyone
else, to examine them.

Nerya sprang to her feet and ran across the dew-covered
grass. Jaden had already vanished from sight. When she reached the copse, she
crept through the trees and concealed herself behind a large tree trunk a short
distance away from him. Jaden was busy unwinding the bandages from around his
upper torso. As he dropped them on the ground, he turned in her direction, and
she saw his chest for the first time since the attack. Nerya clapped a hand
over her mouth to stifle her gasp of amazement. Because of how swiftly hełd
recovered from the whipping, shełd expected him to heal fast. But not this!
Surely she was seeing things. Not only was his body fully healed, his skin was
totally unblemished. Just like his back, there wasnłt even the single sign of a
scar on his body.

Nerya stayed hidden, staring in disbelief as Jaden kicked
the soiled bandages into a small hollow in the ground and covered them with
some leaves. The ornate gold bracelets lay on the ground at his feet. Since the
day hełd put them on, shełd never seen him without them.

As he picked up his shirt, she spotted a strange mark on the
inside of his left wrist. On the first few days of their journey to Kabra,
shełd noticed a faint bruise in the same spot, which she thought had been
caused by his manacles. The mark was far more obvious now and appeared to form
a pattern of some kind, but she wasnłt close enough to see it in any detail.
Jaden slid the shirt over his head, and a shaft of sunlight caught his hand for
a moment, making the weird mark appear to glow with an unearthly silvery blue

It must be a trick of the light. She backed away, then
turned and ran up the slope before he could catch her spying on him. Catching
her breath, she sat on her bedroll, her mind in turmoil. Jaden still wasnłt
being truthful with her but she had to pull herself together and appear as
normal as possible when he returned. This wasnłt the time to confront him and
force him to tell her everything. In less than an hour, she and Jaden would
accompany Tarn and Sarin into the walled city while, as agreed, the soldiers
would remain in the hills to await their return.

Chapter Nine

People packed the large square in front of the walled
citadel. It appeared to be market day, as stalls selling all kinds of good
crowded the area. Most of the merchandise was familiar enough, but one stall
displayed bizarre, multi-colored fish with bulging eyes, and strange creatures,
a cross between lizard and snake, hung from poles at the sides. Nerya grimaced
as she saw one twitch. They looked disgusting. The towns in Freygard were all
small, as were the markets, and Nerya found this place fascinating. The
citizens here appeared prosperous, while closer to the city gates theyłd ridden
through narrow, dirty streets lined with run-down houses and ramshackle
buildings. There the scrawny inhabitants, clad in little more than rags,
scurried around as if fearful to be away from the safety of their homes.

The soldiers at the gates hadnłt challenged them as they
entered the city, and no one paid any mind to them as they rode through the
busy square. The men all wore breeches and doublets made of fine wool and
velvets, but the vast majority of the females were swathed from head to foot in
all-enveloping black garments. Some even had the lower parts of their faces
covered as well, as if they were ashamed to be seen.

“WeÅ‚ll try in there." Jaden pointed to one of the buildings
lining the square. Despite the fact it was constructed from stone, it seemed
far from safe. The masonry was cracked and scored in places and the wooden
shutters had seen better days, hanging haphazardly from the sides of the grubby
windows. Judging by the noise emanating from inside, it was a tavern of sorts.
The bulky man guarding the door vetted everyone who tried to enter. Once they
were close to the building, Jaden stopped, dismounted and fixed Barsanłs reins
to the long hitching post.

“I wonder what the aleÅ‚s like." Tarn joined him as Nerya and
Sarin also dismounted and tied up their horses.

Nerya glanced at the door of the tavern, just in time to see
the guard refuse to let in a man dressed in grubby, well-worn garments. She
hoped they wouldnłt have any trouble gaining admittance as Jaden took her arm
and led her up the short flight of stone steps toward the entrance, Tarn and Sarin following close behind them.

“No females in here." The doorman moved to bar their way.
“ItÅ‚s forbidden."

Oddly enough, she understood him, although the dialect he
spoke was a little different from hers. It appeared all the people of the
Western Kingdoms, even those in Acheron, shared the same language.

“My apologies. WeÅ‚re newcomers to this city." Jaden drew
Nerya to one side of the doorway. “IÅ‚m sorry, youÅ‚ll have to wait outside."

“IÅ‚ll stay with her," Sarin offered.

“No," Nerya insisted. “Really, IÅ‚ll be fine. IÅ‚m not a weak
and helpless female."

“WeÅ‚re well aware of that." Jaden still seemed troubled.
“But I donÅ‚t like leaving you out here."

“You need to go into the tavern if you want to find someone
to help get into the citadel. There are so many people. IÅ‚ll be safe enough in
such a crowd."

“DonÅ‚t stray far. And donÅ‚t talk to anyone."

She understood his concern, but she still resented it. He
often forgot she too was a warrior. Nerya slipped the hood of her dark cloak
over her head and made sure it was pulled together at the front. She didnłt
want to look any different from the other women in the square. “Jaden, IÅ‚ll be
careful. I promise."

“We shouldnÅ‚t be long." He squeezed her arm affectionately.

“You worry too much. IÅ‚ll be fine." She lifted her hand to
touch his cheek, then realized this might not be the time or the place to show
that, despite everything, shełd fallen for him. It hadnłt been easy to admit,
even to herself, that she cared for a member of the male sex and a former
slave. Also, Jaden needed to be more open with her first, tell her everything
about himself before she dared reveal how she felt.

Nerya watched Jaden, flanked by Tarn and Sarin, disappear
inside the tavern. She descended the steps and walked toward the stalls, far
preferring to explore this fascinating market than sit in a stinking tavern
trying to ferret out the more disreputable elements in the city. Not wanting to
stand out in any way, she wandered around as if she planned to buy something.
Nerya soon learned to be careful not to linger too long in any one place. Any
sign of interest immediately prompted the stall holders to step forward and
make an overzealous attempt to sell their wares. To one side of the square
stood a statue of a man on horseback, and a stone bench sat at the base of the
plinth. A little weary of the overenthusiastic traders, she decided to rest
there for a while and survey her surroundings.

As she walked toward the bench, a small dark-haired boy
moved to bar her way. “Noble lady, you must look at what my sister has for

She shook her head. “I donÅ‚t think so."

“Please. She gets into trouble with the man who owns the
stall if she doesnłt attract a fair number of customers." He grabbed her cloak
and tugged at it. “You donÅ‚t have to buy, just look."

Even standing here with him was getting her some unwanted
attention. “Very well." She allowed him to lead her toward a jewelry stall
tended by a petite, very pretty young woman.

“My lady, you might like to look at my merchandise. We have
necklaces, bracelets, earrings, anything you could want." The girl smiled at

“TheyÅ‚re all very reasonably priced," interjected her

“Are they?" Nerya picked up a particularly stunning necklace
made of filigree silver and decorated with pale blue stones. “This is lovely.
Such fine workmanship."

“Moonstones," the young woman explained. “They protect the
wearer. You should try it on. You can come behind the stall and step into my
booth." She pointed to the cloth tent, which was tall enough to stand in, but
would hold two people at most. “There you can remove your cloak and try the
necklace on."

“Sorry, itÅ‚s much too expensive for me." Putting down the
necklace, she glanced over at the empty bench.

“I see youÅ‚re looking at the statue of the great mage, Lord
Naga," the young woman said before Nerya could turn to leave.

“Lord Naga?"

“You must be a stranger to these parts. By the grace of the
Dragon Lords, Lord Naga rules this town and the surrounding countryside." She
opened a plain wooden box, her gaze never leaving Nerya. “This is much
cheaper." She pulled out a delicate silver necklace set with tiny green stones.
“It only just arrived, and it matches the color of your eyes, lady."

It seemed rude not to at least look at it. As Nerya picked
up the necklace, a stabbing pain lanced her thumb. A piece of sharp metal
protruding from the clasp had pierced her skin. It was little more than a
pinprick, and only a few beads of blood seeped from the tiny wound.

“IÅ‚m so sorry." The young woman took the necklace from Nerya
and slipped it back in its box.

“ItÅ‚s nothing," Nerya said, all of a sudden feeling weary.
The womanłs face started to swim before her eyes.



Jaden picked up the foaming mug of ale and took a cautious
sip. It wasnłt as bad as hełd expected. He tried to pick out any likely
subjects from the tavern crowd. Every man had his price, and Tarn had enough
gold with him for a very generous bribe if they found someone who could be
persuaded to help them find a way into the citadel unseen.

A servant placed a plate of dark brown bread and hunks of
meat of unknown origins on the table in front of them. As the servant went to
step away, Tarn grabbed his wrist. “Tell me, how can a man find work round

“You donÅ‚t look like you could do an honest dayÅ‚s labour,
judging by those hands," the servant sneered. His were grubby, his nails torn
and ragged, while Tarnłs hands were clean, his nails well-tended.

“Who said we wanted honest labour?" Jaden growled.

“I donÅ‚t want to get involved." The servant managed to
wrench his hand away. “I keep my hands clean, I do."

“Ye gods." Jaden grimaced as the servant hurried away.
“Those hands havenÅ‚t seen soap and water for months."

“YouÅ‚re going about this the wrong way." Sarin reached out
and grabbed a half-naked girl who just happened to be sauntering past the
table. There were a fair number of whores in here servicing customers. The girl
smiled as Sarin pulled her onto his lap and fondled her small, naked breasts.

“DonÅ‚t you think" Jaden started to say.

“ItÅ‚s been an age since I had a woman." Sarin threw him a
warning look. “This pretty wench is exactly what I need." He caressed her
breasts and kissed her as he squeezed her nipples. “YouÅ‚re so sweet," he purred
as he slid his hand under her filmy skirt. A second or so later, she gave a
soft moan of pleasure. “Let me ask you" Sarin continued pressing his lips
close to her ear, so his companions could not hear what he said.

Tarn took a large swig of his ale and glanced at Jaden, as
if asking, “What the hell is he up to?" Jaden shrugged and shook his head.

The girl giggled softly as Sarin said, “Could you do that?"

She bent forward and whispered in Sarinłs ear while his hand
continued its seductive movements beneath her gown. “Would that please you,

“It would," Sarin replied. “But it would have to be
somewhere more discreet."

“IÅ‚ll arrange it." She gave a satisfied moan and arched her
back, reaching a fast and mercifully quiet climax.

Sarin tipped her from his lap. “You know what to do with
those hands of yours, my lord," she said, pulling down her skirts. “Most of my
customers are clumsy and useless at pleasuring a woman."

“HeÅ‚s had lots of practice." Tarn grunted as Sarin produced
two gold coins and handed them to the girl.

“Two more if you do as you promised," he said as she bit on
one of the coins.

Apparently satisfied they were real, she nodded at Sarin.
“Behind the tavern, at dusk," she said. “And donÅ‚t be late." She swung her hips
as she wandered off across the tavern, ignoring any customers who tried to get
her attention.

Tarn cast a scathing glance at Sarin. “IÅ‚m pleased you found
time to arrange an assignation."

“Depends who IÅ‚m meeting, doesnÅ‚t it?" Sarin wiped his
soiled fingers on the hem of his cloak. “If you think IÅ‚d dip my cock in that
cesspool, youłre sadly mistaken. I may be feeling a little horny, but I wouldnłt
stoop that low."

Jaden leaned forward and asked in a low voice, “So you were
furthering our cause, were you, Sarin?"

“You could say that," Sarin agreed. “That whore knew just
about everything that was going on in this place, and she proved to be very
helpful. We meet her contact behind the tavern at dusk."



“By the gods, itÅ‚s good to get a lungful of clean air,"
Jaden said.

The tavern had stunk of grubby bodies, stale ale, sex and a
multitude of other unpleasant odors. Dusk was almost upon them, so they hadnłt
much time. They had to meet the contact soon. Where was Nerya? The square was
far emptier now and most of the stall holders were packing up. There were still
people about but he couldnłt see Nerya. All the women were dressed much the
same, in all-enveloping, dark garments. It wasnłt easy to make out which one
might be her. He hoped shełd soon notice the three of them standing outside the
tavern and come to join them.

“You look a little concerned," Tarn said. “IÅ‚m sure sheÅ‚s

"I shouldnÅ‚t be concerned." Jaden scanned the square. “SheÅ‚s
well able to look after herself, but where on earth is she?" It came to him
with a jolt. He was worried because somehow Nerya had wormed her way deep into
his heart.

“I donÅ‚t understand why you never mentioned that while I was
in Vestfold, you were held captive in Freygard, and Nerya helped you to
escape," Sarin said. “Tarn told me her mother is that bitch, Danara."

“Danara isnÅ‚t her mother." Jaden turned to face Sarin.
“SheÅ‚s adopted, and sheÅ‚s nothing like Danara, believe me."

“Sir." A young boy hurried toward them. “There was a lady in
the market earlier." He stared enquiringly at Sarin and Tarn. “I think you
might have been traveling with her." He pointed at Barsan. The white stallion
stood out among the brown and black horses. “One of the men with her was riding
that horse."

“What about the lady?" Jaden snarled, grabbing the boyÅ‚s

“She was taken away by Lord NagaÅ‚s guards." The boy glanced
up in terror. “By the grace of the Dragon Lords, Lord Naga is the great mage
who rules this city."

“Are you certain, boy?" Tarn asked. “They definitely took

“Yes, sir," the boy answered. As Jaden released him, the boy
held out his hand. “IÅ‚ve no doubt youÅ‚ll reward me for telling you."

Jaden let go of his arm and thrust two pieces of silver in
his open palm. “Where would they have taken her? Into the citadel?"

“Yes." The boy nodded. “ItÅ‚s said Lord Naga has many
concubines. The lady was beautiful, so no doubt shełll end up in his seraglio.
Be assured shełll lead a good life there. Far better than life in this accursed

“Concubine!" Jaden knew he should have never left her alone.

“Be off now, child," Sarin said, glaring at Jaden, perhaps
fearing hełd say something he shouldnłt in front of the boy.

“Yes, sir." The boy trotted off.

Tarn put a restraining hand on JadenÅ‚s arm. “Keep calm. We
have to think this through." He dug his fingers into JadenÅ‚s taut muscles. “We
canłt just draw our swords and fight our way into the citadel. You know that."

“WeÅ‚ll find her once we get inside." Sarin glanced at the
large citadel looming over the square. “I donÅ‚t think itÅ‚s wrong to presume
Lord Naga is the reason the women here walk around shrouded in so much
clothing. His guards carry off any attractive women to serve in his seraglio."

“Your conclusions seem highly likely," Tarn agreed. “And if
Neryałs in the seraglio, shełll be relatively safe for the time being."

“Safe!" Jaden exclaimed. “Nerya knows nothing of that kind
of life, and shełll object most strongly to becoming a concubine. I just pray
she doesnłt do anything stupid and has the sense to lie low and wait to be
rescued. She must know wełll not desert her."

“SheÅ‚s well able to look after herself," Sarin assured him.
“I remember what Zene was like when we first met. The warriors of Freygard are
resourceful women."

“I suppose youÅ‚re right." Jaden found he couldnÅ‚t think
objectively where Nerya was concerned. That was a weakness he must conquer.

“Look, the sun is setting." Sarin glanced at the sky. “LetÅ‚s
hope these men the whore promised to find will turn up at the agreed time. Once
they lead us into the citadel, we can rescue Nerya and find Brion at the same



Nerya, aware of movements around her, struggled to full
consciousness. As she opened her eyes, everything swam sickeningly for a
moment. Her mind in a fog, she frowned, unable to recall what had happened.
There appeared to be a white, carved ceiling above her head. The mattress she
lay on felt very soft and as she moved her arm she dislodged a number of satin
pillows. The place smelt sweet, like a garden of roses in the height of summer.

Her head still spinning, she went to sit up. “No, lie
still," said a gentle female voice. “YouÅ‚ll feel dizzy for a moment. The potion
they use is strong."

The woman came into focus. She had dark slanted eyes,
delicate features, coal-black hair and wore a yellow silk gown, which clung to
the curves of her slim body. “Who are you?" Nerya asked her. “And where exactly
am I?"

“In Lord NagaÅ‚s citadel. Where else?" The woman put a goblet
to NeryaÅ‚s lips. “Drink it. It will make you feel better."

It tasted like lemons, only sweeter. Nerya drank the icy
cold liquid, finding it helped to quell the queasiness in her stomach. As the
woman turned away to put down the empty goblet, Nerya forced herself to sit up,
ignoring the swimming sensation in her head. Delicate, carved furniture
decorated with gold leaf filled the airy, marble-floored room. She looked
around in confusion, wanting a more detailed explanation of what had happened
to her.

“Why was I brought here?"

“DonÅ‚t you know anything?" The woman fingered NeryaÅ‚s
doublet. “We must get you out of those unsuitable garments before Lord NagaÅ‚s
servants or any of the other women see you."

“My clothes? WhatÅ‚s wrong with them?"

“Fortunately, you were still wrapped in your cloak when the
soldiers left you here. Women donłt wear breeches, not here in Usaka. Itłs
clear youłre not from these parts." The woman spoke softly, as if not wanting
to be overheard, even though there was no one else around, as far as Nerya
could see. “ItÅ‚s much safer if everyone believes youÅ‚re a citizen of Usaka.
Anyone who arouses suspicion is taken away for questioning, and Iłve heard itłs
far from pleasant. I would not wish that on you."

Nerya had no idea who this woman was, but she was clearly
trying to help her. “WhatÅ‚s your name?"

“Asumi." The woman picked up a deep blue silk garment from
the foot of the bed. “Here." She thrust it at Nerya. “Put this on and be quick
about it."

Nerya flung off her doublet, following it with her shirt and
her boots. She stripped off her breeches and her grubby breechclout before
slipping on the blue satin dress, which was far from comfortable and quite
impractical. Not only was it skintight, the long skirt was slit up to her thigh
on either side, revealing a fair amount of her bare legs.

“ThatÅ‚s better." Asumi lifted the lid of a studded leather
trunk and hid Neryałs discarded garments beneath a pile of silk and satin
dresses. “IÅ‚ve already concealed your weapons. Although what a woman would want
with a sword, IÅ‚ll never know." She examined Nerya and frowned. “WeÅ‚ll have to
do something about that hair, and IÅ‚ll arrange for you to bathe later." She
touched one of NeryaÅ‚s sword-roughened hands. “You really havenÅ‚t cared for
yourself at all, have you?"

Nerya had no interest in what Asumi was talking about. She
didnłt plan to stay here long enough to be bothered about such trivial matters.

“The evening meal will be served soon," Asumi said as female
voices drifted through an arched window close to where Nerya sat. She stood and
glanced through the window. It overlooked a much larger chamber full of pretty
women elaborately dressed in brightly colored garments. “ThereÅ‚s not much to do
in here but eat and talk, or relax and pamper oneself," Asumi continued. “Oh,
and plot against each other, of course. Lord Naga has more or less ignored all
his concubines since Lady Senshu arrived."

Among the women, Nerya spotted the girl from the market
stall, dressed in a tight-fitting, low-cut, scarlet silk gown. “So am I now one
of Lord Nagałs concubines?"

“What else would you be?" Her companion saw who she stared
at. “No doubt she was involved in your capture. She gets rewarded most
generously if she finds someone beautiful enough for Lord Nagałs tastes. Avoid her.
She is a devious bitch. And do your best not to catch Lord Nagałs eye. Lady
Senshu is a vicious woman. She doesnłt like to share him, even with his other

“Which one is she?"

“You wonÅ‚t see her here. She has her own rooms close to Lord
Nagałs quarters. No one knows where she hails from. Shełs a mystery to us all.
But shełs captured our lordłs interest and she pleases him greatly. It is she
who suggested he send out his mercenaries to kidnap the boy."

“Boy?" Nerya asked, trying not to sound too interested.
“What boy might that be?"



Jaden bent his neck even lower to avoid hitting the jagged
rocks above his head. He glanced back. Tarn and Sarin also appeared to be
having problems with the lack of headroom. Not that it mattered to the men whołd
led them here. They were short, scrawny individuals, and Jaden didnłt trust
them. Not one jot. He would never have employed them if hełd had a choice, but
now his need to enter the citadel had become more urgent.

The men had explained that only a few people knew of the
existence of this tunnel. It had been built centuries ago by a mage whołd ruled
this part of Acheron. Hełd planned to use it to escape the citadel if it was
ever attacked, but hełd been slaughtered by a rival before the tunnel was

“The tunnel widens ahead," the shorter of the two men said.
“Here." He handed Jaden a torch. “YouÅ‚d better carry this."

“Thanks." Jaden switched the torch to his left hand so he
could use his sword if the need arose. “YouÅ‚ll get the rest of your money as soon
as we reach the entrance which you claim leads into the lower levels of the

“I donÅ‚t lie." The man frowned. “I happen to want the rest
of the money. Fifty gold pieces, your companion said. Thatłll be more than
enough to get me away from here."

“Fifty pieces. Yes." Jaden splashed through yet another deep
puddle. More water droplets dripped on his head. He raised his torch higher.
Thick green mold coated the tunnel walls and tainted the air with a choking,
musty odor. They passed a barred doorway and his torch flickered unsteadily, as
though it had caught a faint breeze. “Where does that lead?"

“ItÅ‚s a dead end," the man replied. “Parts of the tunnel
were never finished."

Just ahead was a sharp bend in the passage. As they rounded
the corner, Jaden saw what appeared to be a huge chamber. It was difficult to
gauge how large it was as the dim light from their two torches didnłt penetrate
that far.

Jaden tensed as a soft clink came from somewhere in the
darkness. “ItÅ‚s a trap!" He drew his sword.

As their guide and his companion turned to flee, Jaden
grabbed one man and hit him on the head with the heavy pommel of his sword.
Sarin caught the other and pressed a dagger to his throat. “You betrayed us."

“Lord Naga is a powerful mage. We darenÅ‚t go against his
orders," the man managed to gasp before Sarin mercilessly drew the blade across
his neck.

As he crumpled to the ground, his life blood flowing from
the gaping wound, at least a dozen torches flared, lighting up the great
cavern. Jaden raised his sword, ready for battle as he spotted the large troop
of heavily armed soldiers standing there waiting for them.

“No way out behind us," Tarn grated. Jaden glanced back to
see more soldiers moving up the tunnel behind them.

“We fight?" Sarin raised his sword.

“Why not," said Jaden with a cold smile. “The odds arenÅ‚t
that bad, now are they?" As he spoke, a sharp pain bit into his neck. He pulled
a small feathered dart out of his skin. It fell from his nerveless fingers as a
strange coldness invaded his veins. Hełd felt it once before, he vaguely
thought as he blacked out.



The tearing agony in Jadenłs arms and shoulders cruelly
wrenched him into full consciousness. Gasping at the sudden discomfort, Jaden
opened his eyes to find himself in a small, dimly lit chamber. He hung from
chains attached to the manacles around his wrists. Even if he stretched as far
as he could, the tips of his toes wouldnłt reach the flagstones, and he soon
found that stretching served only to increase the intense pressure on his arms.
He reached up, grabbed the chains attached to the manacles and tensed his arm
muscles to relieve the cutting pressure on his wrists.

“It hurts, doesnÅ‚t it?" The female voice came from a dark
corner of his cell.

A blonde woman stepped from the shadow and walked toward
him. Her form-fitting black silk dress clung to her lush curves. The color made
her creamy flesh look even paler in the flickering light of the torches. As she
thoughtfully examined his naked body, her thin lips curved into a smile. In
different circumstances, Jaden might have found her heart-shaped face, fine
features and high cheekbones very attractive, but all he could see was the
spine-chilling coldness in her pale blue eyes.

He had no idea who this female was, but he knew one thing:
the mage Naga was not in the citadel. This close, he would be able to sense
such an entity. Wizards, mages and the like exuded a magical energy
undetectable to most people, but it charged the air like lightning during a
violent storm, and Jaden was able to feel it.

The woman snapped a small whip-like object across his lower
chest. Jaden clenched his teeth as pain surged through his body. He couldnłt
fail to recognize the keitan, a magical instrument forged by the Dragon Lords.
The keitan could induce either intense pain or equally intense pleasure,
whatever the user chose. It was dangerous for the uninitiated to wield such
deadly power. This female clearly knew what she was doing as she casually
flicked it across his flesh again. Jaden was more prepared for the pain this
time as the stinging agony traveled through his belly and raced down his legs
to the tips of his toes.

“You were foolish to come here. You know that." She moved
closer to him and ran her hands caressingly over his stomach. Jaden shuddered,
disliking her touch almost as much as the kiss of the keitan. “I had the Prince
of Kabra abducted and brought here to lure his father into Acheron. Now, thanks
to you, Jaden, I not only have King Tarn, but Lord Sarin of Percheron as well.
I also have you, perhaps the greatest prize of allJaden of Iberim, the
Suzerain Commander of the forces of the great Marquabian Empire and close
friend of the emperor himself."

“YouÅ‚re mistaken. IÅ‚m not who you believe me to be."

She touched him with the keitan again, and this time an
unnatural but equally wonderful sensation of pleasure surged into his groin
and, to his consternation, awoke his flaccid cock.

“Was my informant wrong?"

“He was very wrong," Jaden managed to gasp as the lash
caressed him again and intense sexual pleasure inflamed his veins with an
unwanted lustful fire.

“Why donÅ‚t I believe you?" She pointed to one of his
bracelets lying on a wooden stool. “This clearly belongs to a nobleman of great
wealth." She drew the tip of the keitan across his cock shaft, and the surge of
exquisite bliss almost made him climax at once.

“What you should believe, my lady, is that IÅ‚m a

Once theyłd entered Acheron, hełd tried to block them out.
Through sheer force of will, hełd managed to resist them so far. Now, here in
the citadel, the magical power of the Dragon Lords called to him, and it was a
call he could no longer resist.

“DaiÅ‚Shi-en," she repeated, frowning.

She lashed him again, this time employing pain instead of
pleasure, but bizarrely the stinging agony served only to force even more blood
into his already engorged penis.

“Why do you continue to lie to me, Jaden? ItÅ‚s pointless. I
know enough about the Dragon Lords and their followers to have a healthy
respect for the DaiłShi-en. You really must fear my attentions if you seek to
escape me by invoking their name."

“I donÅ‚t lie." Jaden gritted his teeth, expecting more pain,
but instead she stepped forward and wrapped her fingers around his cock. “IÅ‚m a
DaiłShi-en!" he insisted.

“Call yourself whatever you like. I donÅ‚t care." She smiled
and licked her lips. “After IÅ‚ve tortured you for a while, IÅ‚ve a mind to have
you taken to my chambers and order you chained to my bed. Youłre attractive and
very well endowed. When my lord is away, he doesnłt deny me the simple
pleasures of life. No doubt youłd prefer that to being imprisoned here?"

“YouÅ‚re mistaken. I donÅ‚t desire you, lady." He couldnÅ‚t
deny his erection. “IÅ‚m aroused, but itÅ‚s only the keitan, nothing more." It
had been set on full power, and the powerful sexual stimulation had brought him
achingly close to orgasm. He didnłt want that to happen. It would amuse the
bitch too much.

“The keitan causes a caressing agony, but Lord Naga has
expert torturers who can tear and hack at your flesh until you beg them to let
you die. It would be a pity to destroy a beautiful body like yours." She ran
her hand over his chest, pinching and twisting his nipples. “If you please me
enough, I might even be magnanimous and allow you to become one of my personal
slaves. It would be a far better fate than dying down here in unbearable pain."

She trailed her fingers over his skin as she moved around
Jaden to stand behind him. Her hands slid down his spine and stole between the
crack of his buttock cheeks. He clenched the chains even harder. It wasnłt her
fingers touching him now, but the cold shaft of the keitan. At present it
caused neither pleasure nor pain, but he knew he should be ready for either. He
couldnłt read her well enough to gauge which as yet.

“The agony in such a sensitive part of your anatomy would be
even more intense," she said in a soft, menacing tone as she pushed the tip
inside him.

“Ahh" Jaden gasped as a surge of bliss flew deep inside his
nether regions and up his spine. The sensation was so utterly exquisite, his
balls contracted and sexual pleasure flooded his groin. It took every ounce of
control he could muster to prevent himself climaxing.

“Think what that would be like if that delicious pleasure
turns to unbearable agony, Jaden," she purred. “How would you bear it?"

He braced himself for the worst, determined not to beg. To
his infinite relief, she removed the keitan and stepped round to face him
again. She licked her lips as she brushed her fingers across his rigid cock.
Despite his best efforts to resist responding to the unwanted stimuli, he
couldnłt contain a faint groan.

“You exert a determined control of yourself, IÅ‚ll give you
that. All the better for me when I take you for myself." With exquisite
delicacy, she drew the tips of her long nails across his engorged cock head.

“YouÅ‚ll regret this," Jaden gasped. “YouÅ‚ll invoke the anger
of the Dragon Lords if you disrespect one of their most faithful followers."

“I know how powerful the DaiÅ‚Shi-en are, Jaden, but youÅ‚ll
never be able to convince me youÅ‚re one of them." She gave a cruel laugh. “I
intend to take my time breaking you. In a matter of days, youłll be only too
willing to become my slave. Youłll do anything I order you to do."

“Break me? I think not. Many far stronger than you have

She pressed the keitan into the well of his armpit, first
one, then the other. The searing agony surged up his arm and into his fingers.
He had no control over them at all and, unbidden, they opened, releasing his
hold on the chains. As he jerked downwards, pain surged through his aching
shoulder joints and the heavy iron manacles cut deep into his wrists.

“One more kiss of the keitan on the pleasure setting and
youłll climax. You wonłt be able to help yourself." She brushed her fingers
against his shaft again. “But you donÅ‚t want to do that. You think it would
display weakness on your part."

“DaiÅ‚Shi-en do not display weakness," he grated as he
ignored the lingering agony in his arms and struggled to take hold of the
chains again.

“If you are who you claim to be, then which Dragon Lord do
you serve?"

“If you care to remove my shackles, you can see by the mark
on the inside of my wrist that I serve her Exalted Majesty, the Empress."

“Empress Eridea?" She stared at him in disbelief. “You
cannot possibly expect me to believe that."

A man strode into the small chamber and bowed to her. “Lady

She glared at him. “How dare you intrude."

Judging by his insignia, he was a seneschal, a military man
of some importance, and he held JadenÅ‚s sword. “One of my men has just shown me
this." Jaden detected fear in the manłs voice. The seneschalłs face grew pale
with concern when he saw Jaden hanging there helplessly. His gaze fastened on
the keitan in the womanÅ‚s hands, and he swallowed. “My lady"

“He has a sword," she interjected. “So what?"

“A sword carried only by a DaiÅ‚Shi-en."

“Then this man obviously stole it." She waved her hand,
dismissing him. “Now leave, and do not bother me again."

“I cannot do that, Lady Senshu." He turned to the soldier
who had followed him into the chamber. “Release the prisoner, and be quick
about it."

The soldier grabbed a wooden wheel set in the wall and
turned it, loosening the chains that held Jaden. As his feet touched the floor
and the pressure on his arms and shoulders was at last released, Jaden gave a
sigh of relief. Yet, for some inexplicable reason, his legs refused to hold
him, and he slumped to his knees.

“You will rue the day you crossed me, seneschal," she

“I doubt that, my lady." He undid JadenÅ‚s manacles,
blanching when he saw the mark on the inside of Jadenłs left wrist. In the dim
light, it glowed with an unearthly silver fire. “Forgive me," he said to Jaden.
“Whoever strung you up in here should have noticed this immediately."

“I donÅ‚t blame you," Jaden said, forcing himself to
his feet. He straightened, standing tall, determined not to show weakness in
front of these men.

“Bring the DaiÅ‚Shi-en something to wear and make sure it is
of suitable quality," the Seneschal ordered. “The Lady Senshu has committed a
grave error, DaiłShi-en. One Lord Naga will hear of as soon as he returns."

“If she affords me all suitable respect from now on, I may
decide to overlook this incident." Jaden glared coldly at the lady, who stared
at him as if she could not believe what she was seeing. Taking the keitan from
her limp hand, he bent and whispered in her ear. “Beware, lady. I might decide
to use this on you. I promise if I do, it will give you only the kiss of pain."

It appeared she wouldnłt be easily cowed because she stared
him straight in the eye. “Why, may I ask, is a DaiÅ‚Shi-en sneaking into this
citadel in the company of our enemies, Lord Sarin of Percheron and King Tarn of

“Why else but to lead them directly into the hands of the
Dragon Lords," Jaden replied as a soldier handed him a long, richly decorated
black velvet cloak.

Chapter Ten

“WeÅ‚ll have to be very careful." Asumi eased the hood of her
dark blue silk cloak over her head and fastened the veil across the lower half
of her face, waiting for Nerya to do the same. “Lord Naga allows me to visit
the child because he finds pleasure in my company. But taking you with me is
very foolhardy. I donłt know how I allowed you to persuade me into this."

“I know IÅ‚m putting you in danger, but if weÅ‚re caught, IÅ‚ll
tell them I forced you into it," Nerya said as they left the relative safety of
the seraglio and walked swiftly along a narrow passageway.

“I just hope no one reports this to Lord Naga when he
returns," Asumi said.

She led Nerya up a wide marble staircase and along another,
wider passageway. The servants they passed ignored them. Their only purpose in
life was to obediently follow the instructions of their master. They had no
free will at all. The soulless ones, as Asumi called them, disgusted Nerya. She
hated their blank, expressionless faces and the strange milky texture of their

Nerya had learned how the soulless ones had come about.
Every so often Lord Nagałs soldiers would go into the poorer parts of Usaka and
round up some of the inhabitants. The men had orders not to touch the more
affluent citizens who contributed to the wealth of the city. The captives were
taken back to the citadel where Lord Naga used them for his own nefarious ends,
drawing out their souls and every iota of self will. He used this power to increase
the strength of his own magic and, after he was finished with them, he set them
to work as servants within the citadel. Without their souls, they slowly faded
and eventually died.

“Here we are," Asumi said as they reached a thick oak door.
The guard on duty opened the door and stepped aside to allow them to enter.

Brion sat crosslegged on an ornate carpet playing with a
pair of long-haired, grey kittens. The boy appeared well, which Nerya found
surprising after all that had happened to him. If only she could send a message
to her sister assuring her Brion was fine; but that wasnłt possible, and she
had no knowledge of what the future held for either her or Brion. Jaden and his
companions might find it too difficult to break into the citadel and rescue

The room had a pleasant atmosphere. Bright sunshine streamed
through the arched windows, and to one side was a door that led into a garden.
They were quite high, so Nerya presumed the garden must have been constructed
on top of an adjacent building.

“Asumi!" Brion seemed pleased to see Asumi. He smiled as she
removed her veil and cloak. “Chang said you would be coming this afternoon.
IÅ‚ve set up the board and IÅ‚m going to beat you this time."

Tossing aside her outer garments, Nerya kneeled on the floor
beside Brion. Shełd chanced confiding in Asumi and told her who she truly was.
Nerya was certain her new friend wouldnłt betray her. It was Asumi whołd
persuaded her not to try to escape just yet, this place was so heavily guarded
sheÅ‚d no chance of getting away. “Brion. I was worried about you."

“Worried, why?" He wrinkled his brow as he stared at her.
“Do I know you, lady?"

“DonÅ‚t you remember I met you in your motherÅ‚s tent? You
were playing with your wooden soldiers." She detected no hint of remembrance on
his face, only confusion. “You said youÅ‚d let me play with your soldiers one

“Soldiers." Brion nodded. “I had some once" He pursed his
lips. “But I think I lost them." He picked up one of the kittens and placed it
on her lap. “You can play with him if you like, but you are mistaken. I have no
mother. Maybe she died when I was very young. I donłt remember her at all."

The kitten rubbed itself against Neryałs hand and purred.
“What about your father?" Nerya asked.

Brion shook his head. “Lord Naga is my guardian and he will
always care for me. Hełs all I need."

“Lord Naga, his guardian?" Nerya turned to Asumi.

She shrugged. “Brion truly believed that, Nerya. Lord Naga
cast a spell on the boy, to make him forget. He claims itłs for his own good.
ThereÅ‚s nothing you can do about it." She held out her hand. “Come, Brion,
letłs play."

Brion scrambled to his feet and ran over to a table where a
board and a number of carved wooden pieces had been laid out. “IÅ‚ll beat you
this time, Lady Asumi," Brion insisted. “ChangÅ‚s been teaching me some special

“Perhaps I should be concerned." Asumi spoke teasingly to
Brion. “Chang is good at this game." She kissed BrionÅ‚s cheek. SheÅ‚d told Nerya
she was fond of the boy as he reminded her of her youngest brother. Shełd been
torn from her home by Lord Nagałs guards five years ago and hadnłt seen her
family since that fateful night. “IÅ‚ll try my best not to let you win, little
man." She sat at the table. Brion sat beside her and started aligning the
pieces on the board.

Hearing a slight sound, Nerya turned her head to see a man
step through the door from the garden. She presumed it must be Chang, the man
who cared for Brion, and she hoped hełd not overheard what shełd said. She was
lost if Lord Naga discovered who she truly was. Asumi had warned her about
Changłs rather unusual appearance. Nerya tried not to stare at him, but with
his shaven head, slanted eyes, yellowish skin and strange, gill-like scars
across cheeks, he did look a little odd.

“YouÅ‚ve no reason to be troubled." Chang moved to NeryaÅ‚s
side. “Brion hasnÅ‚t been harmed by the spell, and it could be broken if he were
ever returned to his mother." His expression was inscrutable. Yet as he looked
into her eyes, she had the strangest feeling he knew far more about her than he
should. Almost as if he could read her thoughts. “Although you know that is
very unlikely, donłt you, my lady?"



Sarin prodded the wooden bowl which had been placed at his
feet by one of the guards. “ThatÅ‚s disgusting."

Tarn leaned forward as far as his chains would allow and
picked up the food. He dipped his finger in the grey glutinous mush. “It
doesnÅ‚t taste too bad," he said, licking it off his finger. “Although it needs
more salt. Itłs no worse than the stale bread they gave us last night. I nearly
broke my teeth on that."

“I wish now IÅ‚d eaten something at that inn," Sarin
grumbled. “But the place was so dirty."

“You canÅ‚t afford to be fastidious in here." Using his
fingers, Tarn scooped some of the mush into his mouth.

“Fastidious. Me?" Sarin grinned. “What makes you think that,

Tarn had seen for himself what a luxurious life Sarin led in
Percheron. He lived in a beautiful palace, his servants pandered to his every
whim and, in addition to his wife, he had a harem of beautiful concubines to
pleasure him whenever he wished. If Tarn too hadnłt been in such perilous
position, Sarinłs repugnance might have amused him far more. Even so, he
couldnłt help secretly enjoying the sight of the lord of Percheron chained to a
wall in this stinking dungeon.

Tarn wriggled around on the thin layer of straw that covered
the flagstone, trying to get a little more comfortable. His butt was going
numb. Riding a horse all day was one thing, but sitting on cold flagstones for
hours on end was becoming painful. Their chains werenłt long enough to let them
stand, or even lie down, for that matter. Sighing, he leaned against the cold
stone wall. “You have to eat, to keep up your strength. Force it down."

“Yes, IÅ‚ll keep up my strength just so I can kill these
bastards who imprisoned us."

“Just keep thinking that." Tarn finished off the last
remnants in his small bowl and licked his fingers. He was still hungry, and if
Sarin didnłt eat his meal, he would.

“It isnÅ‚t easy to think positively in here," Sarin grumbled,
staring at his food in disgust. He shook his head. “It isnÅ‚t as if we have any
idea what to expect in this damn place. We know very little about Acheron and
nothing at all about the mage who rules this city."

For many years he and Sarin had been enemies, but as time
had passed and therełd been peace between Percheron and Kabra, theyłd formed a
grudging respect for one another. Tarn had been surprised and grateful when
Sarin had insisted on accompanying him on the mission to rescue Brion. Now it
appeared hełd led him into a trap.

“You know weÅ‚ll get out of here?" he said, trying to sound
confident. He knew it was fear of magic that concerned Sarin. He feared it too.
Neither of them had any defense against it.

“You think we will?" Sarin arched his dark eyebrows. “At
present I donłt see how. Wełre both chained down here in the dungeons. Nerya is
imprisoned in Lord NagaÅ‚s seraglio, and Jaden" He shrugged. “WeÅ‚ve no idea
whatłs happened to him. He may be dead, for all we know."

“He isnÅ‚t."

Theyłd both seen Jaden fall only a heartbeat or so after
that tiny dart struck his neck. Whether it had killed Jaden or just knocked him
out, they couldnłt be certain. But at that moment theyłd both known just the
two of them had no chance of fighting their way out. Reluctantly, he and Sarin
had dropped their swords and surrendered.

Neither of them had been questioned. Theyłd just been
brought to this cell and chained to this damn wall with no idea what fate
awaited them.

“I think IÅ‚d rather starve than eat this muck." Sarin
grimaced as he picked up his bowl. “And thereÅ‚s not even a spoon to eat it
with. I always give my prisoners spoons."

“Sarin, you never cease to amaze me." Tarn smiled. “You
worry about a paltry spoon at a time like this."

“Yes, a spoon." Sarin chuckled. “It does seem a bit
ridiculous, doesnłt it? Worrying about not having a spoon when I might be
facing death or even worse at any moment." He tossed the bowl across the cell,
and it hit the wall with a sharp crack. The gelatinous mess spattered all over
the floor.

A soldier stepped into their cell. “You donÅ‚t like our

“Are you surprised?" Sarin asked.

This was the first time theyłd seen anyone other than their
jailer since theyłd been brought here. Tarn had no idea whether it was day or
night. There were no windows in the cell, and it was illuminated by a small,
smelly oil lamp set in a niche in the stone wall, far out of reach.

“You should eat." A beautiful blonde woman clad in a pale
pink silk gown with a wide, deep pink sash tied around her slim waist, followed
the soldier into the cell. “You both need to keep up your strength for what
lies ahead."

“What does lie ahead, beautiful lady?" Sarin stared at her
with evident admiration. Tarn suppressed a grin. Did he honestly think he could
seduce this woman into releasing them?

She lifted the hem of her dress and stepped over the mess on
the floor. “What do you think your future holds for you?" She surveyed them
both. “You invaded our lands, did you not?"

“For due cause." Tarn glared at her. “Your mercenaries stole
my son."

“Tarn, you really are a fine figure of man." She narrowed
her eyes. “If IÅ‚m honest, the former ruler of Percheron is a little too scrawny
for my tastes."

“Former ruler?" Sarin exclaimed in derision. “Not
while I have one breath left in my body, lady."

“That can be arranged. Many things can be arranged if I wish

“How about one night in your bed before you decide on my
fate?" Sarin purred. “I promise youÅ‚d not be disappointed."

She gave a brittle laugh. “I think not, Sarin." Her gaze
focused on Tarn. “As I said, my tastes run in different directions."

“HeÅ‚s good, but IÅ‚m better," Sarin insisted. “HeÅ‚s not
interested in other women. Hełs deeply in love with his wife."

“So what? Men will do virtually anything to protect their
own children. Brion is here in the citadel, so close and yet so far," she
taunted. “What would you do to ensure his safety, Tarn?"

“BrionÅ‚s safety?" TarnÅ‚s heart beat faster. So Brion was
here. If only theyÅ‚d let him see his son. “As you say, ladyanything." He wouldnÅ‚t
beg her to tell him if Brion was well and unharmed. He saw no mercy in her

“Our companion, Jaden," Sarin enquired. “Is he still alive?"

“Alive?" She glanced toward the door of the cell. “Why not
see for yourself?"

Tarn braced himself for the worst, expecting to see Jaden in
terrible condition after enduring a brutal interrogation. Instead, to his
surprise, Jaden strode into their cell, magnificently dressed in tight black
breeches covered by an ankle-length black velvet robe decorated down the front
with gold thread and precious stones. A heavy gold pendant in the shape of a
dragon hung around his neck.


Tarnłs relief died. There was not a flicker of true
recognition in Jadenłs expression. Perhaps the mage had put some kind of
magical enchantment on Jaden to make him behave in this strange way.

“My lord." To both prisonersÅ‚ confusion, the lady bowed her
head to Jaden as if he were a person of great importance. Most surprising of
all, Tarn could have sworn he detected a flicker of fear cross her features.

Jaden did not bother to acknowledge her as he examined Tarn and Sarin with eyes as cold and dark as the nearly bottomless pit that led to the
underworld. It struck Tarn that, for whatever reason, the man hełd considered a
friend was no longer there. This person was a stranger to him. A shiver of fear
slid up his spine.

“YouÅ‚re looking surprisingly well," Sarin sneered as he
stared with disgust at Jaden.

“So you were not aware your traveling companion was a member
of the DaiłShi-en?" the lady enquired.

“DaiÅ‚Shi-en? IÅ‚ve no idea what youÅ‚re talking about," Tarn replied.

“I serve the empress." JadenÅ‚s tone was harsh.

“Empress Eridea, wife of the Dark Lord, the ruler of Acheron
and leader of the Dragon Lords," the woman explained, glancing a little
nervously at Jaden. “I admit his unexpected and rather strange method of
arrival surprised us all. The DaiłShi-en are the Dragon Lordsł most trusted,
respected and feared followers."

It appeared Jaden of Iberim was far more than hełd ever
claimed to be. Had everything hełd told them been a lie? Yet Tarn had seen
letters from the Emperor of Marquab informing them Jaden was the Suzerain
Commander of his forces. Now this woman claimed he was in the service of the
Dragon Lords and an enemy to them all. Yet something deep inside his mind told Tarn he shouldnłt be so quick to judge what he didnłt understand. He should at least give
Jaden the benefit of the doubt until he was certain hełd betrayed them.

Sarin had no such benevolent thoughts, it appeared. “Traitor,"
he sneered. “You betrayed us. You used us and led us into a trap."

“You may leave now," Jaden told the woman. She tossed her
head in irritation, but she did as he said. Her soldier escort followed her
from the cell.

Tarn waited, hoping for some sign of recognition from Jaden
now they were alone, but his friendłs expression didnłt soften for a moment.

“I did what I had to do." Jaden addressed them both. “To
further my purpose here."

“Your purpose," Sarin muttered. “I canÅ‚t believe I ever let
myself trust you, Jaden of Iberim."

“We all make the wrong choices at times." Jaden went to

“Please," Tarn said. “Brion, have you seen him?"

Jaden turned slowly back. “HeÅ‚s quite safe and well cared
for, I can assure you."

Without another word, he strode from their cell.



Asumi reached for her cloak and veil. “It is getting late.
We should be leaving."

Once shełd recovered from the shock of learning that the
mage had tampered with Brionłs memory, Nerya had made an effort to relax and
entertain the boy. Asumi and Brion had tried to teach her the board game they
played, but it had complex rules and when Nerya got it wrong for the umpteenth
time, Brion had collapsed in a fit of giggles. Maybe it was better at present
that the mage had clouded his mind and stopped him pining for his mother and
father. As long as the spell didnłt last forever, of course.

“You should go now. Brion has to have his evening meal and
go to bed," Chang said.

“Only if you tell me one of your stories, Chang." Brion
seemed surprisingly comfortable with the strange man.

“ItÅ‚s agreed," Chang said, his inscrutable expression
softening into a smile for a second.

Nerya still thought Chang a strange choice to care for a
child, but presumably Lord Naga trusted him. She picked up her cloak and was just
about to slip it around her shoulders when the door opened. Asumi tensed,
clearly fearing Lord Naga had returned sooner than expected.

It was not Lord Naga. The guard who had been on duty outside
entered. “The DaiÅ‚Shi-en is here to see the child," he announced.

“DaiÅ‚Shi-en!" The color left AsumiÅ‚s cheeks, and she fell to
her knees. “Bow down, now," she whispered to Nerya. “If you know whatÅ‚s good
for you."

Nerya did as her friend requested, fearing Asumi was about
to get into terrible trouble. She kept her gaze fixed on the ground as the man,
whoever he was, stopped in front of her. She was scared for Asumi, not for
herself, as she faced a pair of finely crafted black leather boots. When Asumi
had spoken of Lord Naga, it had been with great respect, but she hadnłt
appeared to actually fear him. Who was this man they called DaiłShi-en?

“Lord," Nerya heard Asumi say in a small, anxious voice.

“Acknowledge the DaiÅ‚Shi-en." The guard tapped NeryaÅ‚s
shoulder. “And look up. He wants to examine you."

“Lord." She was supposed to be a concubine, so it might be
better if she pretended to be fearful in this manłs presence. His ornate velvet
robe was split at the front to display a pair of muscular legs in skintight
leather breeches. The sword hanging at his waist had a pommel shaped much like
Jadenłs, and that increased her curiosity. A hand took hold of her chin and
forced her to raise her face. “Jaden!" she gasped.

Relief filled her mind for a moment, but it was soon
extinguished. Something was wrong. Jadenłs expression was cold, his eyes dark
and unfeeling. To her consternation, his features did not soften or display any
relief that she was safe and unharmed.

“This is the woman." Jaden turned to address the guard who
accompanied him. “Have her prepared and taken to my rooms. And make sure they
take her garments. I donłt want her trying to run away."

Perhaps he would behave differently toward her when they
were alone. Around his neck Jaden wore a gold pendant in the shape of a dragon.
The glowing red stones that served as eyes drew her attention. How bizarre.
They appeared almost alive.

“Yes, my lord." The guard took NeryaÅ‚s arm. “Come with me,"
he said, hauling her to her feet.

What had happened to Jaden? They were in a land where magic
existed. Had the mage cast a spell on him? Perhaps Asumi could shed some light
on this.

Nerya couldnłt tear her gaze from Jaden as he stepped away
from her and addressed Brion. “Boy, are you well?" Brion just stared at Jaden
and shivered, shuffling closer to Chang, who placed a protective arm around his
shoulder. “IÅ‚ll not hurt you," Jaden added, his tone a little less harsh.

“HeÅ‚s quite well," Chang replied. “HeÅ‚s understandably
nervous of you, DaiłShi-en."

“Make sure he remains well, then." Jaden spun round and
strode from the room without even a backward glance at her.



This place was strange. Tarn couldnłt understand why so many
vases of flowers lined every corridor. It appeared out of place in a military

“Move faster," muttered the tallest of the three soldiers
dragging him along a wide passageway.

Tarn saw no point in responding. He was chained hand and
foot, and they were grumbling about how slow he was. Damn them. The manacles
around his ankles hampered his every movement, he had to shuffle along.

At least he was out of that damnable dungeon, but hełd like
to know where they were taking him. There was no point in interrogating him. No
doubt Jaden had told Lord Naga all he needed to know about the treaty and
everything else, for that matter.

After a couple of flights of stairs and endless corridors
they ended up in front of an oak door bound in brass. His confusion increased
as they manhandled him into a large, opulently furnished room. The door on the other
side of the chamber opened and the blonde woman whołd visited him and Sarin in
the dungeon appeared. “Lady Senshu," one of the guards acknowledged.

“You may leave, but first unchain the prisonerÅ‚s legs."

“But he"

“His hands are still chained, and IÅ‚m quite capable of
ensuring he behaves himself." She picked up a small object with an elaborately
wrought silver handle that resembled a riding crop. “I have my keitan, do I

“As you wish, my lady." The guards undid the chains
fastening Tarnłs legs together and left the room.

“You may address me as Lady Senshu," she said once they were

“And you may address me as King Tarn."

“Some might punish you for that insolent remark. But I do
enjoy a measure of defiance. The men around here are far too eagerexcept for
one" She sighed in frustration and appeared to lose herself in thought for a
moment. “It matters not." She focused on Tarn again. “Know this, slave. IÅ‚ll
call you whatever I like."

“IÅ‚m no slave," Tarn grated, staring at her tiny whip. “If
you think you can frighten me with that paltry thing, youłre sadly mistaken."

“You underestimate me."

“I donÅ‚t think so," he said with supreme confidence. She
smiled as she flicked the whip against his arm. Red hot iron seared his flesh. Tarn gasped as the pain surged through his shoulder and down his spine.

“I warned you, slave. YouÅ‚ve not seen a keitan before, have

No. He damn well hadnłt. How could this small object cause
such acute pain? Magic must be involved. If she touched him with it again, he
would be far more prepared.

“No. And neither have I heard of the DaiÅ‚Shi-en."

“They are brutal, fanatical warriors who serve the Dragon
Lords. The people of Acheron fear the DaiłShi-en, and they are right to be

“I donÅ‚t understand. How could Jaden of Iberim be one of
these warriors?"

“Clearly you had no idea of your companionÅ‚s true identity.
You should be aware hełs a very dangerous man."

“So even you fear him, Lady Senshu?"

“I would be a fool if I did not. They are utterly loyal to
those they serve. Even the great Lord Naga respects the power and authority of
the DaiłShi-en."

“So my former friend is a powerful man indeed?"

“Here in Acheron, yes." She trailed her finger down his arm.
“Not that this will help you in any way. He serves only the empress, and he
follows her orders."

Tarn so wanted to see Jaden again and try to talk to him,
but he doubted it would do any good. Judging by what this woman said, Jaden was
lost to them now. Although, deep in his heart, he hoped his conclusions were
wrong. Why shouldnłt he hope? After all, Jaden was probably his and Brionłs
only chance of surviving and actually getting out of this place. “It appears
Sarin and I are alone, then?"

“It appears so," she agreed. “Do you know why I brought you

“I can hazard a guess, but my conclusions may well be

“You may indeed be wrong." Soft fingertips brushed his
nipples. “On the other hand, you might well have come to the correct
conclusion. I did ask you in the dungeon what you would be prepared to do to
ensure the safety of your son."

“You knew my answer already. DidnÅ‚t you?"

“Anything. Such a small insignificant word, but so
all-encompassing." She reached inside the top of her sash and withdrew a small
key. “Here." She handed it to him. “Remove your manacles."

“Are you sure I wonÅ‚t harm you?" He fitted the key in the
lock and turned itfreeing one wrist, then the other.

“I have the keitan. But IÅ‚ve no need of it. Have I, Tarn? YouÅ‚ll do anything to keep your son alive."

This woman appeared to be a powerful person in the citadel.
He could take no chances with Brionłs life. Her threat might well be real. Hełd
have to do what she asked. “It seems you have me at a greater disadvantage than
I initially thought." He tossed the manacles on the floor at her feet. “IÅ‚m
yours to command, Lady Senshu."

“Strip. IÅ‚ve a mind to see you naked."

Her order was demeaning, but he no longer cared. He ignored
her presence as he slipped off his grubby shirt, then bent to remove his
breeches. Theyłd taken his boots when theyłd confined him in the dungeon. His
feet were filthy, but why should that worry him? She wasnłt interested in his
feet. He would give her exactly what she wanted and perhaps, if he pleased her
enough, she would allow him to see Brion. He could at least hang on to that
hope and he knew Rianna would forgive him for what he was about to do. She too
would do anything for their son.

Senshułs hungry gaze raked his naked body, then paused to
examine his chest and belly before focusing on his penis once again. She
appeared to like what she saw, yet she still stepped forward and flicked the
tip of the keitan across his left nipple. The agony lanced through his flesh,
but he was prepared for it this time and he clenched his teeth determined not
to make a sound. “Just a taster in case you consider misbehaving," she warned.

She didnłt release her hold on the keitan as she undid the
sash at her waist and parted the pale pink silk gown. It slid to the floor,
leaving her naked. She was curvier than his gorgeous wife; her hips were
fuller, as were her breasts. Pale-skinned women were admired in Kabra, but her
flesh wasnłt a delicious creamy white like Riannałs. It had a rather unhealthy
pallor. His wife was far more beautiful. Nevertheless, she was a voluptuous,
attractive female, and no doubt most men would desire her, but Tarn felt not one iota of sexual desire as he stared at her naked body.

“Your body hasnÅ‚t responded as it should. Sarin said you
were deeply in love with your wife. No doubt you find it rather more difficult
than most to pleasure another womanjust because she commands it. After your
uncomfortable sojourn in the dungeon and, taking into account the position you
now find yourself in, IÅ‚m willing to overlook this shortcoming, and I assure
you it can easily be remedied."

She brushed the tip of the keitan across his belly and, to
his amazement, a surge of pleasure filled his loins. “Ahh" he groaned.

“You seeitÅ‚s quite simple." She smiled. His cock wasnÅ‚t
quite so limp anymore.

“Surprised, slave?"

With slow deliberation, she applied the tip of the keitan to
each of his nipples in turn. Tarn shuddered with delight. Hełd never
experienced such a sudden and powerful sexual response. Even Rianna couldnłt
arouse him this quickly. Lust lodged in his belly and slid seductively into his

“You see, the keitan has the power to bring pleasure as well
as pain," she murmured. “Come." She took his hand and led him into the other

Tarnłs erection nearly died when he saw the wide bed covered
by a blanket of white fur. However, he had to do all he could to pleasure this
woman if he wanted to protect Brion. He thought of his pregnant wife back in
Kabra, and that filled him with the determination to survive and return to her.
But first he had to get through this night.

Acting purely on instinct, he lifted Senshu into his arms
and carried her to the bed. Tarn dropped her onto the mattress and flung
himself down beside her. Senshu could have his body, but his mind and his
affections were Riannałs alone. Senshułs skin felt warm against his chest, and
her cheeks were flushed. She was afire, and she wanted him. He kneaded and
squeezed her full breasts, making no effort to be gentle with her. He nuzzled
the underside of her bosom and trailed his lips seductively over her quivering
belly. As his hand slid lower, her thighs rolled invitingly open.

It struck him that she was a greedy, sensual creature.
Better to make her wait than give her what she so clearly wanted straight away.
Tarn pulled and twisted her nipples, then fastened his lips on one fat teat
and sucked on it hard until she trembled beneath him.

“Please," she gasped. He slid his hand between her full
thighs. The bitch was in heat, wet and ready for intercourse already. She
hungered for it. With roughness he never used on his wife, he shoved his
bunched fingers inside Senshu. “Harder." She pushed her hips up toward his
invading hand, forcing him to thrust even deeper into her soft flesh.

Her blue eyes turned cloudy with desire as he pumped his
digits inside her. If he kept pleasuring her well enough, her attitude toward
him might change. Hełd do anything to be with Brion again. Tarn continued with
his irksome task, trying to remain as impassive as he could, but despite his
best efforts, he too was becoming aroused.

Many terrible things had happened to Tarn in the past. Hełd
even been Sarinłs prisoner for a time while hełd been battling to regain
control of Kabra. Sarin, in his perversities, had not been kind to Tarn and had forced him to endure many cruel indignities, but hełd survived them, just as
hełd survive this.

Pushing aside SenshuÅ‚s tangled blonde hair, Tarn brushed his lips against her neck while his fingers kept thrusting inside her. “Can
you use the keitan on yourself, to give you pleasure?" He could just imagine
her lying alone in her bed at night using the magical instrument to pleasure
herself, and oddly enough that thought aroused him even more.

“It doesnÅ‚t work that way."

“A pity." Tarn ground his fingers inside her and pulled at
her nipples with his mouth, cruelly nipping at them with his teeth. Her legs
started to tremble, and her belly contracted. Her sheath tightened around his
invading fingers, then pulsed as she reached her climax. “But perhaps itÅ‚s
better to have a living, breathing man inside you than an instrument of

She lay gasping for breath, a satisfied smile on her face as
he withdrew his fingers. “The power of the keitan does not permit the
controller to use it on themselves," she told him.

“And would you not let someone use it on you?" He noted she
still clutched the keitan, even in the fading throes of her climax.

“IÅ‚m not that foolish." Senshu stretched and sighed. “That
was most satisfying, but I expect more from you, slave. Far more"

Tarn grasped her wrist and guided the keitan toward his
cock. It was erect, but not quite as hard as he needed it to be. Hełd have to
have another jolt of that magical sexual energy if he was to fuck her as she
wanted him to.

“Also, you should know that the user has to be trained, if
they donłt want to harm themselves when they use the keitan," she warned him.

So there was no chance of grabbing it from her and using it
to try to escape. Damn, that was frustrating. Hełd just have to bide his time
until hełd figured some way out of this appalling situation.

Tarn paused when the tip of the keitan was a whisper away
from his cockhead, unsure now if its touch would give him pleasure or pain.

Senshu gave a soft laugh. “DonÅ‚t worry, I wonÅ‚t hurt you.
Pain might make your erection shrivel. With some men it does, while others"
She licked her thin lips. “Others are aroused by such agonies."

He allowed her to ease her hand forward a shade until the
tip of the keitan just brushed his cock. The torrent of powerful pleasure
astonished him, like blissful lightning surging up his shaft and into his

“You see, I keep my promises," she murmured. “With this I
can keep you going all night."

Before he knew what was happening, she dropped the keitan
onto the mattress and wrapped her fingers around his shaft. She began to milk
him slowly and seductively, and it felt good. Extraordinarily good. The magic
of the keitan seemed to have set every nerve ending in his groin, cock and
balls alight.

“Wait," he commanded and, to his surprise, she obeyed him,
pulling her hand away. Tarn nudged her legs apart with his knees and crouched
between her open thighs. “Now youÅ‚ll get everything you wanted from me," he
growled as he buried his cock deep inside her.

Propping himself up on his arms, Tarn started to move his
hips, fucking her fast and brutally. Senshu responded, twining her legs around
his lean hips while her long fingernails raked their way down his spine.

He thrust harder, losing himself in the lust that flooded
his mind, willing his shaft to go deeper and deeper inside this bitch who
forced him to submit to his own unwanted lecherous desires.

Then, just at the auspicious moment when he knew he was
about to come, she managed to somehow slide the tip of the keitan between his
buttock cheeks. Tarn gasped. The sensation was unbelievable, amazingly intense.
Hełd never reached such heights of wild bliss before. With a loud groan of
pleasure, he spilled his seed inside her, feeling her body tremble beneath his
as Senshu reached her own orgasm at the selfsame time.



Nerya had put up with being bathed and pampered by a number
of the female servants from the seraglio. They rubbed her skin until it glowed,
anointed her body with scented oils and brushed her chestnut hair until it
shone. She endured it all, not really paying much attention to them, frustrated
that she hadnłt even been allowed to speak to Asumi, who might be able to tell
her more. What on earth had happened to Jaden? Asumi had been terrified of him.
Should she too fear him now? He hadnłt been at all like the man she knew. All
shełd seen was chilling darkness in his obsidian eyes.

“One moment." Asumi hurried toward her, pushing aside the
guards whoÅ‚d just arrived to escort her to JadenÅ‚s quarters. “Just make sure
you do all you can to please him," she told Nerya. “The DaiÅ‚Shi-en is a loyal
servant of the empress. He serves only her. Remember, you are honored he has chosen

Nerya sensed Asumi wanted to tell her more, but she dared
not do so in front of the guards. “IÅ‚ll remember," she assured her friend.

Nerya was escorted from the seraglio, a multitude of
unanswered questions still filling her head. The guards led her along a number
of corridors and up a long flight of steps to the far corner of the citadel.
They entered a large room containing a couple of chests, a tall cupboard, three
high-backed chairs and a very large bed. A thick, patterned carpet covered a large
portion of the polished wood floor. There was little to show that anyone
resided here, just a pile of dark garments on a chair and a small silver box on
a table beside the massive bed.

Two of the guards went to leave, but the other held out his
hand. “Your gown, lady."

“Allow me some dignity." She walked over to the bed.

Nerya slid the gown from her body and slipped beneath the
covers, pulling up the sheet to cover her naked breasts. Barely even glancing
at her, the guard picked up the discarded satin robe and followed his comrades
from the room. The door closed and locked with a loud click. There was no
escape for her now, but where would she go if she tried?

When shełd first been imprisoned in the citadel, shełd been
determined to find a way out, but Asumi had kept insisting it was impossible.
She pointed out that even if Nerya managed to get out of the seraglio, shełd be
caught before shełd gone more than a few paces, especially as Nerya had no idea
of the layout of the huge building. After a while shełd given in to Asumiłs
pleading and decided to bide her time in the hope Jaden would break in and
rescue her. It wasnłt an illogical assumption. After all, he intended to try to
rescue Brion. Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined any of this. Perhaps
she shouldnłt have taken any notice of Asumi. It had been easier to surrender
herself to the luxuries of the seraglio, instead of using all her warrior
instincts to find a way out. Yet, if shełd escaped, she would never have known
Brionłs exact location, or even that he was alive and well despite the spell
Lord Naga had put on him.

Jaden was here in the citadel and he was a DaiłShi-en and a
loyal servant of the Empress of Acheron. She didnłt know exactly what a
DaiłShi-en was and shełd no idea how Jaden had managed to convince everyone he
was a member of this strange, frightening sect. It was clearly part of some
clever charade to gain a position of power in the citadel so he could help them
all escape.

Of course, once he came in here and they were alone, he
would again become the Jaden she knew.

Or would he? She shivered and clutched at the bedclothes as
she remembered the strange darkness in his eyes.

Chapter Eleven

Jaden laid his weapons and his sword belt on a low chest and
slipped off his velvet robe. A cool evening breeze drifted through the windows,
ruffling the long drapes. It brought a chill to Jadenłs flesh as he removed his
boots and breeches, but he could still feel the warmth emanating from the
dragon pendant which rested against his upper chest.

Hełd all but ignored Nerya when he entered the room, and yet
he was very conscious of her sitting in his bed, staring at him, clutching the
sheet to her naked breasts as if it was a barrier which would keep him away
from her. Her beauty astounded him, as it always did, and he wanted to reassure
hertell her he would do her no harmbut somehow the words wouldnłt come. At
present he fought an internal struggle to prevent the darkness from taking over
his mind. The constant battle made it difficult for him to even think
rationally at times. Ever since hełd put the dragon pendant around his neck
again, the seductive voices had filled his head with iniquitous thoughts and
sent dark, malevolent visions into his dreams at night.

Hełd never worn the pendant when hełd been away from
Acheron. Hełd kept it concealed in the special box hełd had constructed to help
keep its power at bay. Even so, hełd never been able to bring himself to go
anywhere without it. When hełd left Percheron to travel to Kabra, in order to keep
it safe hełd had the box sewn inside Barsanłs saddle. The day Nerya had
returned the stallion to him, shełd unwittingly reunited him with the pendant
as well.

After his capture, hełd been obliged to reveal he was a
DaiłShi-en, and the loyal warriors of Acheron wore their dragon amulets at all
times. It was a potent symbol of their absolute fealty to their masters. At
Jadenłs personal request, the seneschal had sent soldiers into the city to find
Barsan and recover Jadenłs belongings. Once hełd slipped the pendant around his
neck, it had become one more powerful link in the chain that bound him to
Eridea once more.

“Jaden." Nerya at last spoke. “I donÅ‚t understand." She
sounded confused and even a little nervous.

“I wonÅ‚t harm you." He approached her. The terror heÅ‚d often
seen in others when he was close to them could be a powerful aphrodisiac, but
he had no wish to see such fear in her eyes. Hełd had her removed from the
seraglio to keep her from Naga, and even the mage would not dare challenge him
on this. Nerya was safe, at least for the time being.

“Will you not?" She clutched at the thin sheet as if it
would somehow prevent him from touching her.

“I desire you." Her gaze slid downward, and he heard her
slight indrawn breath as she saw his erection. “I always have."

Jaden ripped the sheet from her grasp and climbed in beside
her. Nerya didnłt pull away as he might have expected, but neither did she lean
closer. She didnłt move a muscle as he slid his arm around her. The tension did
not leave her body when he pulled her to him. Jaden trailed his fingertips down
her spine. Shełd always loved such seductive caresses, but she didnłt react.
She felt stiff and unresponsive in his embrace.

“ItÅ‚s all right, Nerya," he said in a soothing tone. Jaden
brushed his lips across the jasmine-scented skin of her neck, fighting the fire
of lust growing inside him.

“Is it?" she asked, her voice shaking.

To his relief, her body started to soften as he tenderly
stroked the generous curves of her breasts and squeezed her nipples. He leaned
forward and sucked on one sweet teat, pulling at it with his lips. With slow
deliberation, he trailed his hand over her flat stomach toward her sex. She
tensed as his hand slipped between her thighs. Her inner flesh was not as moist
as it usually was. It soon would be. Nerya belonged to him. She was his alone.

He caressed the narrow valley of her sex, then focused on
her small pleasure nodecircling it, stroking it until the tenseness at last
began to leave her body. Nerya gave a faint whimper of pleasure, her flesh
becoming moister beneath the seductive movements of his fingertips.

“Please," she said as he pushed her back against the
pillows. “I need to know who you are."

“I am who IÅ‚ve always been." How could he say any more when
he didnłt even know the answer himself?

“Your face" She shuddered. “When I saw you in BrionÅ‚s room,
your eyes were so black and unfeeling. I thought IÅ‚d lost you."

“YouÅ‚ll never lose me." Jaden eased two fingers inside her,
moving them gently, trying to be as tender as he could, even though the raging
fire in his loins became difficult to suppress.

The blood roared in his ears as his desire grew to fever
pitch. No one would take her from him, and here in the citadel he was the only
protection she had against the menacing forces surrounding them. Jaden eased
her legs apart and kneeled between her thighs, just managing to keep a hold on
the powerful lust that poured through his veins. It was far from easy. The dark
forces swirling inside him were difficult to resist.

“No, Jaden." Nerya tried to push him away. “I canÅ‚t do this.
I need you to explain what happened to you first."

“Nothing has happened to me." Instinct prompted him to
respond to her reluctance by grabbing her wrists and forcing them above her
head. “All is as it should be," he found himself saying as he thrust into her

Nerya gasped, all the breath forced from her body by the
power of his entry. She went limp, making no attempt to fight him now as she
closed her eyes and submitted to his sensual demands.

Jaden let go of her hands, supporting himself on his arms as
he fucked her. All of a sudden the tension inside his head exploded, setting
his veins ablaze with lust. He needed to be closer to her. Sliding his hand
behind her back, he pulled himself onto his knees, lifting her unresponsive
body toward him. Locking her against him, her soft breasts crushed against his
muscular chest, he continued to thrust into her, so aroused all he could think
about was his own release. He kissed her, grinding his lips against hers and
pushing his tongue into her mouth.

A salty liquid trickled over his lips. Was she crying? A
small ray of sanity penetrated the darkness in his mind, and he pulled back his
head to see tears streaming from her eyes. “IÅ‚m sorry, IÅ‚m being far too
brutal," Jaden murmured, filled with contrition. “YouÅ‚re my light in this
endless darkness."

Struggling to keep hold on his all-consuming passion, he
rocked his hips, slowing his pace in order to give her the pleasure he knew she
craved. Focusing on the love he felt for Nerya, he somehow managed to overcome
the savage fire seething inside him. He forced himself to become gentler with
her as a measure of sanity returned to his mind. Tears still stained her pale
cheeks, but he was certain in the last few seconds something had changed.

“Jaden," she whispered as she slid her arms around his neck
and threaded her fingers through his hair. “DonÅ‚t leave me."

“IÅ‚ll never leave you, Nerya," he vowed as his hands splayed
across her supple back. He nuzzled her cheek with his lips. “I care for you too

Jaden slowed his pace even more, his movements now fueled
purely by his desire to satisfy her as well as himself.

The intensity of his passion appeared to arouse her. “I need
you," she murmured, pressing her lips against his shoulder, urging him onwards.
“I want you too," she gasped, twining her legs around him.

Jaden rotated his hips, eager to give her the pleasure she
craved. His climax was all too close as he slipped his fingers between her
buttock cheeks and pressed his thumb against her nether opening. She gave a
soft groan and dug her teeth into the flesh of his shoulder as he pushed a
little harder, invoking a seductive pressure on the small brown ring of muscle.

Her hot breath brushed his cheek, and she bit deep enough to
draw blood. He didnłt care. The pain helped him keep a check on the sinister
forces writhing in his mind as his climax came, incredibly powerful, but sweet
all the same.



Tarn rolled over, scratching at his face as something soft
tickled his cheek. He came fully awake and realized it was only the fur blanket
covering Senshułs bed irritating his skin. How could he ever forget what had
happened last night? Shełd used him, and he loathed her for it. Senshu was
insatiable. Shełd worn him out, and hełd barely gotten more than a couple hours
of rest.

He turned his head, hoping not to wake her, seeing her
sprawled on the mattress beside him. By the gods! She wasnłt asleep. The bitch
had her hand clamped between her thighs and was pleasuring herself. What was
wrong with her? He couldnłt even begin to count how many times theyłd had sex
during the long night, in an endless variety of ways. Every time his strength
had failed him and his cock had refused to accede to her demands, shełd used
the keitan on him, forcing his shaft into full wakefulness again, until shełd
drained his body and hełd fallen asleep from exhaustion.

“So, youÅ‚re awake at last?" She sat up, her hair in
disarray, her lips swollen by his kisses. Here and there he could see bite marks
on her pale flesh. The fact that heÅ‚d made them disgusted him. “ItÅ‚s about
time. IÅ‚ve been waiting ages."

“You seem to be managing well enough by yourself. It appears
you no longer have need of me." As soon as hełd spoken, he realized the tone of
his voice was far more scathing than hełd intended.

“Get out!" she snapped, shoving him away from her. “When I
was finished with you, slave, you should have crawled from my bed and slept on
the floor."

“Willingly." Tarn sprang from the bed. “ItÅ‚s my pleasure." Senshu
reminded him of a tavern whore with her legs spread lewdly open waiting for her
next customer. How could he have let himself be so weak? Hełd submitted himself
to every one of her perverse sexual demands. Not only that, hełd gained a
bizarre kind of pleasure from their couplings. He now had to live with the fact
that on occasions hełd even enjoyed fucking her.

“How dare you be so disrespectful, slave," she blazed.
“Kneel and beg my forgiveness."

TarnÅ‚s suppressed anger raged to the surface again. “Here."
He picked up the keitan and threw it at her. “Use this if you want. This time,
ensure it causes pain. IÅ‚d rather have that than be obliged to fuck you again."

Tarn blanched, at once regretting his furious words. Brionłs
life could well depend on the fanciful whims of this bitch. He was an idiot.
For one stupid moment, hełd let anger overwhelm reason.

Senshułs expression darkened. Tarn knew he should fall to
his knees and beg her forgiveness. Pride prevented him from doing so. He forced
himself to lower his eyes. Consumed by misery, he waited for her fury to
swallow him up and destroy him completely. All he hoped was his foolish loss of
control wouldnłt cause her to harm his precious son.

“I have to admit, I find you quite amusing at times." To his
amazement, she laughed. “Were you serious?" She picked up the keitan. “Do you
want to taste this again?"

“ItÅ‚s your choice. Is it not, my lady?" How his life had
changed. He, a powerful monarch, was now forced to bow down to this despicable

“And absolute power is such a wonderful feeling. You must
know that." She rose, tossing her tangled blonde hair behind her shoulders.
“ThereÅ‚s so much I have to teach you. Under my instruction youÅ‚ll even learn
that pleasure can be gained from pain."

“Pleasure for you, or pleasure for me?" he grated.

“Why both, of course."

Tarn shook his head. “No, I think not. I could never gain
pleasure from pain." He frowned as a thought struck him. “Does Lord Naga,
perchance, enjoy being punished?"

“Tarn, youÅ‚re a slave." She smiled slyly as she stroked the
keitan, and he concluded his wild suspicions might well be correct. “YouÅ‚re not
permitted to ask such impertinent questions."

“But you enjoy inflicting pain?"

“Why not?" She casually brushed the tip of the keitan
against his limp cock, and a surge of unwanted desire filled his loins again. Tarn would have sworn it was impossible for him to get another erection after the many
times shełd abused his manhood last night. His gaze fastened on the keitan. He
longed to wrest it from her hand, use it on Senshu and cause her untold pain.
If only he knew how the damn thing worked.

“Why did you choose me?" he asked. “Why not Sarin?"

“Not that Sarin isnÅ‚t attractive, but as I said in the
dungeon, heÅ‚s a little too scrawny for my tastes." She pursed her thin lips. “I
like big muscular men, but I also have a penchant for variety. After IÅ‚ve
finished with you, maybe IÅ‚ll try fucking Jaden of Iberim. IÅ‚ve heard that
coupling with a DaiłShi-en is a unique experience. Theyłre cruel, powerful
creatures. The brutality of their indoctrination ensures theyłre the finest and
most fanatical warriors in the service of the Dragon Lords."

“Brutality of their indoctrination? Are they somehow forced
into becoming DaiłShi-en?"

“YouÅ‚re curious about Jaden of Iberim." She shook her head.
“DonÅ‚t be. All you must remember is that heÅ‚s no friend to you now. HeÅ‚s your
most formidable enemy." She trailed her fingers over his belly. “Have I drained
you yet, slave? My need for fulfillment can prove taxing at times, even for the
most powerful of men." She circled him, slapping the keitan against her hand.
“You should know it was I who persuaded Lord Naga to kidnap your son."

Tarn had learned his lesson. He didnłt let his anger show
this time around. “Do the Dragon Lords want to use me to somehow gain control
of Kabra?"

“IÅ‚ve no interest in what they want. IÅ‚m only
interested in you." She stood in front of him and smoothed back her disheveled
hair. “Look closer, Tarn."

He frowned. “Why?"

“You donÅ‚t recognize me, do you?"

“Recognize youshould I?"

She walked over to a chest and picked up a cream velvet
robe. “My name wasnÅ‚t always Senshu. Before I came to Acheron, it was Sera,"
she said as she slipped on the robe.

“Sera?" He remembered that, many years ago, when he was but
a child himself, hełd often played with a little blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl
called Sera in the gardens of his fatherÅ‚s castle. “Chancellor RalinÅ‚s

“I am she," Senshu confirmed. “I was ten and you were
thirteen when I last saw you."

“We were friends."

“As much as small children can be friends," she agreed,
picking up a brush and running it through her hair.

“Your father took you back to your country estate." He
remembered her clearly now. Senshu had changed a great deal, from a small
delicate child to this cold bitch of a woman. “A year later Kabra was conquered
and I was taken to Percheron as a hostage to ensure my father did as he was
told." Tarn frowned. “I could never forget the traitor Chancellor Ralin. He
became rich and powerful by siding with the invaders. Not only did he betray my
father, he betrayed all the citizens of Kabra as well. They suffered much under
the rule of the Percheron invaders."

“And when you drove out Lord SarinÅ‚s army and became king of
Kabra, you betrayed my father. You forced him from the land of his birth,
leaving my mother and me destitute and alone." Tossing the brush aside, she
picked up the keitan and advanced toward him.

“Banishment was surely better than the execution he
deserved," he said, recalling it was Rianna who had persuaded him to be so

“When you took all he owned, we were left with nothing. Did
you consider our fate?"

“No," he admitted. “I was far too busy setting his country
to rights. I presumed he and his family would take refuge in Percheron."

“Father died before heÅ‚d a chance to send for us. Mother and
I sent messages to Lord Sarin pleading for his help, but he never responded.
Our friends deserted us. We were left destitute and homeless. We had to beg on
the streets." He heard pain in her voice, but anger as well. “My mother died
within months. I was young and alone. It was terrifying. I was forced to do
terrible, humiliating things in order to survive."

“If youÅ‚d have come to me, I wouldÅ‚ve helped." Tarn regretted the oversight, but it would have been impossible at the time to be concerned
with the fate of all the families of the traitors hełd banished from Kabra. His
spies had told him most of them had settled in Percheron under the protection
of Lord Sarin.

“DonÅ‚t you think I tried?" Her blue eyes flashed with fury.
“Your guards wouldnÅ‚t let me near your palace." Tarn had the uneasy feeling
this anger should trouble him far more than the rage shełd displayed when hełd
spoken to her disrespectfully.

“I had no idea." What could he say to this woman to make
amends? No doubt nothing would satisfy her. Senshu wanted to punish him for his
supposed shortcomings, but it wasnłt his fault her father was a traitor.

“It appears you didnÅ‚t. But you do now."

“So you take your revenge on me by kidnapping my son and
luring me here?"

“You need to suffer for the wrongs you did to me and my

She slapped the keitan hard against his arm. Tarn gasped as the agony seared down his chest and into his legs. This time she kept the
instrument pressed against his body, and the pain became more intense and more
unimaginably terrible every second. Tarn trembled and groaned. His legs gave
way, and he crumpled, senseless, to the ground.



The pale light of dawn illuminated the spacious bedchamber.
Nerya had awoken ages ago. Her slumber had been fitful, her mind racing. Jaden
lay by her side, breathing deeply. She still had no idea what had happened to
him, let alone why hełd changed so much. It unsettled her, not being entirely
sure what, or who, he was anymore. Asumi had said he was a DaiłShi-en, a loyal
servant of the Empress of Acheron. How could that have come about? Not only was
he from Marquab, he was supposedly Suzerain Commander of their forces. Hełd
lied to her in the past, so had he been lying to Tarn and Sarin as well, intent
on leading them into a trap all along? To be honest, she didnłt know.

While his features were in repose, he appeared to be the
Jaden she knew. Yet when he was awake, he changed. Something terrible lurked
inside him and had taken control of his mind, although once or twice last night
shełd seen brief, tantalizing glimpses of the man shełd come to care for so
much. Nerya wanted to help him, but she didnłt know how. She feared what hełd
become, and yet the pain of losing him like this to the darkness inside him
tore her apart.

She tensed as he opened his eyes. Her instincts prompted her
to pull away from him, but he clamped a hand around her wrist.

“Nerya." Tenderly, he brushed his fingers against her cheek.
“Please donÅ‚t look so frightened of me."

“IÅ‚m not frightened. IÅ‚m a warrior." She frowned. “IÅ‚m
unsure, thatłs all. Youłre so different."

“IÅ‚m sorry." He let go of her and sat bolt upright. “HeÅ‚s

“WhoÅ‚s here, Jad?" She paused and shook her head. “I donÅ‚t
even know what to call you, Jaden or DaiłShi-en."

“You may call me whatever you like." He sounded distracted.
“No." He shook his head. “IÅ‚m always Jaden to you, Nerya." He rubbed his
forehead and frowned, as if trying to clear his mind. “I have to go. Lord Naga
has returned to the citadel."

“How can you possibly know that?"

Jaden seemed a little more like his old self now, and she
needed at least some kind of explanation. Was he still Jaden of Iberim, the man
for whom shełd given up all she believed in and, despite his past deceptions,
fallen for? Or was he now just a DaiłShi-en, loyal servant of the empress and a
traitor to his friends? Asumi had told her Tarn and Sarin had been captured and
were both locked in the dungeons. She couldnłt help but wonder if Jaden had
somehow been involved in their capture and incarceration.

“I know Lord Naga has arrived because I can feel his
presence. He exudes a magical energy I can sense. Therełs no better way I can
explain it."

“Magical energy? Is it some kind of magic thatÅ‚s turned you
into a DaiłShi-en? Does this have something to do with why your wounds healed
so quickly? I need to know. Have you been lying to me about everything?"

“You ask so many questions, Nerya, but I canÅ‚t tell you
anything." He began to slide from the bed.

“No. Stay." She put a restraining hand on his arm. “I
havenłt finished. Iłve had enough of acting like some weak and feeble female.
You owe me an explanation. You cannot order me to your bed, make love to me and
then tell me you wonłt harm me, without giving me an adequate explanation about
whatłs going on. Everyone in this citadel appears to fear you, and Tarn and Sarin are prisoners in the dungeons. I demand you tell me the truth right now."

JadenÅ‚s obsidian eyes revealed nothing. “You deserve an
explanation, but Iłm sorry, I canłt give you one." He pulled away from her, and
the light caught the strange mark on the inside of his wrist, making it glow
with an eerie, silvery blue fire.

Nerya brushed her fingers against the mark. “Ow! That hurt.
It feels as if IÅ‚ve been stung by a swamp wasp."

“The discomfort passes quickly," he said with a wry smile.
“You surprise me. It doesnÅ‚t do that to everyone. Only those who have a unique
sensitivity toward"

“Toward what?"

He shrugged. “I suppose you could call it magic, but itÅ‚s
more complicated than that."

“And the mark means you are a DaiÅ‚Shi-en?"

“Yes. It was put there the day after my many months of
indoctrination ended. The day I fell to my knees and swore fealty to the

“The Empress of Acheron?" NeryaÅ‚s heart sank. All her vain
hope was lost. “So you serve her now?"

“The truth can be read in different ways" Jaden brushed his
fingers against the gold dragon that rested on his chest. “Do something for me,
Nerya. Take this amulet from my neck."

“CanÅ‚t you do it yourself?"

“I canÅ‚t find the strength." He picked up the small silver
box. “Take it off and put it in here."

His words didnłt make any sense. He opened the box. The
inside was lined with a strange, almost translucent gold substance. “WhatÅ‚s

“Mirillium. The silver and the mirillium help mask the
unique power lodged within the pendant."

Wondering whether it might sting like the strange mark on
his wrist, she leaned forward and took hold of the amulet. Oddly enough, it
felt very warm and pleasing to touch as she eased the chain attached to it over
his head.

“Does it really have magical powers?" The amulet rested in
her palm, and she found the strange, rather comforting warmth compelling. Her
fingers closed around it. She didnłt want to give it up.

“The box," he urged.

Nerya forced herself to open her hand and slip the pendant
into the box. He snapped the lid shut. She almost resented him telling her to
shut it away as she watched him place the box on the table with trembling
hands. Shełd never seen Jaden display weakness before even when he was injured.

“It felt strange. I wanted to keep it," she murmured as he
slid his arms around her and pulled her close.

“Its magic is powerful," he whispered. “IÅ‚m so sorry if I
hurt you at all last night."

“You didnÅ‚t hurt me." She twined her hands around his neck.
“IÅ‚m so confused."

“No, donÅ‚t look too deeply into my eyes." He lowered his
lids. “I donÅ‚t know what youÅ‚ll see in them anymore."

“Tell me," she urged, brushing her lips against his chest
where the amulet had rested. “Explain to me whatÅ‚s happening to you and why you
have to wear that amulet." She suspected it must be imbued with some strong
magic to affect her as it had. In the brief moments since shełd taken it from
JadenÅ‚s neck, she sensed heÅ‚d somehow changed. “You say it has unique powers.
Powers that alter you in some way when itłs around your neck?"

“It changes me, yes. But now IÅ‚m no longer wearing it, I
still canłt tell you all you want to know. The walls in the citadel have eyes
and ears. Even without the power of the amulet, she might somehow come
to know what IÅ‚m truly thinking."


“Nerya, you just have to trust me."

“You know how difficult that is? YouÅ‚ve lied to me so

“It was necessary." Jaden twined his fingers in her hair and
kissed her deeply. For a few blissful moments, the man she knew and cared for
was back with her again.

This time she was ready to welcome his embrace as he pushed
her back on the pillows. Jaden rolled her away from him, onto her side, and
edged closer to her. His huge erection dug into her buttocks as he eased her
top leg forward. With one smooth movement, his shaft slid inside her, filling
her body. As he began to move his hips, he slid his hand lower, easing his
fingers into the slit of her sex, reaching for the small nub of nerve endings
that gave her so much pleasure. His loving caresses set her senses alight, and
she gave a soft pleading moan, wanting to say so much, but unwilling to dispel
the wonderful feelings that now held him close to her again.

It felt so good, his cock sliding smoothly in and out of her
once more. This was all shełd ever wanted, all she desired. He rolled her
swollen clitoris between his fingertips, and the bliss inside her expanded.
Neryałs desire grew stronger as Jaden thrust his hips hard against her buttocks
and twined one arm around her, stroking her breasts, while his lips caressed
her neck.

Nerya contracted her internal muscles, moving them in time
to the pumping rhythm of his shaft. She had no wish for this to end, yet her
pleasure was rising, her climax coming closer and closer. Jaden gave a soft
groan, his cock pulsing, spilling his seed inside her. As he came, he pressed
his fingers harder against her clit, and a powerful climax swept over her,
erupting in a warm tidal wave of exquisite bliss. Jaden was all she wanted, all
she desired. She never wanted to lose him again. The knowledge swept through
her, powerful and frightening at the same time. She loved this man more than
life itself. She wanted to be his forever.

They lay melded together for a long, perfect moment. Then,
when she least expected it, Jaden pulled away from her. “IÅ‚m sorry, I have to
go. Lord Naga will be expecting me."

Nerya rolled over and clutched him. “Jaden, please donÅ‚t
leave me." As he drew away from her, he reached for the silver box. “DonÅ‚t do
it," she begged. Once he put on the amulet, she would lose him again.

He sighed. “I have to go. ItÅ‚s necessary." He paused for a
moment, his reluctance obvious. Taking a deep breath, Jaden picked up the
amulet. “Just trust me. Believe in me. ThatÅ‚s all I ask."

“I want to help you."

“You canÅ‚t. No one can. Not yet." He slipped the chain over
his head. As the amulet came to rest against his chest, the familiar light died
from his eyes. They became black and soulless again. “I want you to do exactly
as I tell you, Nerya." He brushed his fingers across her full lips. “YouÅ‚re to
stay in my rooms. Here youłll be safe."

His expression was so full of concern, so intense, that she
said, “Yes," immediately. “If you wish it."

“IÅ‚ll arrange for clothing and anything else you may need to
be brought to you, and you can send for the woman you were with in Brionłs
quarters, if it pleases you."


“She can keep you company, but donÅ‚t return to the seraglio.
It may not be safe for you there now that Lord Naga has returned to the
citadel." He slid from the bed and reached for his clothes.

Chapter Twelve

Delicate silver lamps hanging from the ornate plaster
ceiling illuminated the wide marble-floored corridors leading to Lord Nagałs
audience chamber. The place had clearly been designed to impress those who came
here, and display the power and wealth of the mage. However, Jaden didnłt find
it at all impressive as he walked briskly toward the huge black double doors.
This was nothing in comparison to the magnificent palaces belonging to the
emperor of Acheron and his fellow Dragon Lords.

Jaden had witnessed the awesome mystical powers the emperor
possessed and, in comparison, Lord Naga didnłt appear to have great magical
abilities. The mage did control one potent force, however, judging by the
pitiful creatures who served him in the citadel. So where was the source of
that power if it didnłt prove to be within Naga? Jaden was determined to find

As he reached the doors, the magełs guards pulled them open,
and he didnłt even have to pause in his stride as he walked inside. The doors,
sheathed in black iron to help shield Lord Naga from other magicians who might
wish to harm him, banged shut behind him. In Acheron, one fought for power and
then fought again to hold it. This was a dangerous land, and only those in the
service of the Dragon Lords were truly safe, but they existed by the whims of
their respective masters.

The vast audience chamber had a polished, black marble
floor, and the same marble covered the walls. There was little furniture to
speak of in the room. With its high, vaulted ceiling, it reminded Jaden
uncomfortably of a massive tomb, except its two occupants were still very much
alive. The sharp clicking sound his boots made on the smooth floor echoed
eerily around the chamber as he walked toward the mage.

Clad in an ornate robe of silver brocade, Lord Naga sat on a
high-backed, throne-like chair at the far end of the room, and Senshu sat on a
smaller chair beside him. How had a woman like Senshu managed to capture the
interest of the mage and rise to such a position of prominence, especially when
Naga had so many beautiful concubines to service his every need? His hand on
the pommel of his sword, Jaden halted in front of Lord Naga and inclined his
head, just enough to display the briefest measure of respect.

“DaiÅ‚Shi-en." The mageÅ‚s voice was thin and reedy, not
strong and compelling as Jaden had expected it to be. He saw little power in
the manłs face or demeanor, which led him to believe that at least some of the
magic Naga controlled had been stolen from another and did not lie within

“Lord Naga," Jaden acknowledged, his gaze resting briefly on
Senshu. He made no attempt to acknowledge her. The omission was quite
deliberate on his part. Judging by her irritated expression, she knew it.

“You are welcome." Lord NagaÅ‚s smile was patently false.
Jaden knew he resented the presence of a DaiłShi-en in his citadel. Even men
like the mage were easy to read at times. “We are honored by your visit."

“Thank you." Short of stature, thin and spindly, Lord Naga
had a weasel-like face which wasnłt improved by a drooping moustache decorating
his upper lip.

Jaden continued to ignore Senshu as she glared at him,
drumming her long nails on the arm of her chair. Her black silk gown clung to
her voluptuous curves, and the low cut neckline revealed a fair portion of her
large breasts. Around her throat hung a vulgar necklace of huge diamonds.

Few dared conceal anything from a DaiłShi-en, so he knew
that, despite the fact she was Nagałs consort, she still chose lovers from the
soldiers who served in the citadel. Surprisingly the mage was aware of this and
appeared not to object. She was clearly a very sensual woman. Bedding this
scrawny little man must be quite a chore for one such as her.

Lord Naga eventually broke the awkward silence. “I confess I
was surprised to hear of your arrival." He regarded Jaden thoughtfully,
displaying just the faintest hint of suspicion. “And you traveled in such
illustrious company."

“I was in Kabra." He chose not to explain how or why. “There
I heard of King Tarnłs intention to rescue his son. It seemed wiser to
accompany him and Lord Sarin here. Acheron can be a dangerous place for unwary
travelers. I presume you wanted them both alive?"

“Indeed I did."

“The empress congratulates you for capturing the rulers of
both Kabra and Percheron," Jaden said. He knew Eridea well. Shełd be pleased at
such news, but she would also be very suspicious of the mageÅ‚s intentions. “She
wants to know what you plan to do with them." His host was being neglectful by
not offering him a chair. Jaden had no real desire to sit, but it was
unforgivable behavior toward a representative of the empress. Turning his back
on Lord Naga, Jaden beckoned to a servant hełd noticed lurking in the far
corner of the chamber. The man held a tray containing goblets and a flagon of
wine. “Here," Jaden commanded.

The man hurried forward. He wasnłt one of the soulless
beings who served in the citadel, and he appeared terrified as he scurried
toward Jaden and put down his tray. “My lord." The man bowed so low his head
almost touched the ground.

“Chair," Jaden snapped. The servant hurried over to the
nearest chair. He picked it up and carried it back to Jaden. “There." Jaden pointed
to a spot next to Naga.

The servant placed it in position, inclined his head and
backed away. Jaden sat, relaxed back and crossed his long legs. “You did not
answer my question, Lord Naga. What do you plan to do with them?"

“So her Exalted Majesty didnÅ‚t get my message?" Naga asked.
“I set out my entire plan in the letter." He must be aware that the unique bond
between a DaiłShi-en and his mistress would allow Jaden to know such things
without any kind of physical contact.

“She did not." He had no idea if sheÅ‚d received it or not.
He could have learned more by fully opening his mind to Eridea and the Dragon
Lords, but he wasnłt foolish enough to do that at present. Nevertheless, the
bond was strong enough to enable him to sense that, as yet, there were no
DaiÅ‚Shi-en on their way to Usaka to check on Naga. “I should tell you sheÅ‚ll
not be pleased. Once I learn of your true intentions, IÅ‚ll report directly back
to her." He paused. “Or perhaps it might be wiser if I send word directly to
the Dark Lord himself."

Few even dared speak of the Dark Lord, the feared ruler of
Acheron. He controlled powerful magic, much stronger than that of the other
Dragon Lords. Jaden had been in his presence on a couple of occasions and hełd
found the man very unsettling.

“ThereÅ‚s no need to report to the emperor at present," Naga
stuttered. “IÅ‚ll send another message at once to the empress. IÅ‚m certain
shełll be able to deal with this herself."

“Is it possible your intentions might not please the Dark
Lord?" Jaden frowned. “Or are you somehow party to his secret plans for the
invasion of the Western Kingdoms?"

“No, IÅ‚m not." Naga shook his head and his long, drooping
moustache flopped against his damp lips. “But IÅ‚m certain my plan will please
the emperor as well as the other Dragon Lords."

Naga licked his lips for the umpteenth time. He really was a
most disgusting little man. Naga was clearly under the impression that if his
achievements pleased the emperor, his star would rise in Acheron. He didnłt
know the Dark Lord as well as he should. It was a dangerous game he played. The
emperor preferred to make such important decisions himself. He would
occasionally defer to the suggestions of the other Dragon Lords, but he didnłt
like his subjects outmaneuvering him for their own ends.

“Then best you tell me what you intend to do with the

“YouÅ‚ve seen the servants in the citadel, so you must be
aware I have the ability to draw out the souls and the self-will from anyone I
choose." He twisted his scrawny hands in his lap and licked his lips again. “I
intend to use my magic on the rulers of Percheron and Kabra. Once theyłre
wholly under my control, IÅ‚ll send them back to their respective kingdoms. When
the time is right, theyłll order their forces to lay down their arms and surrender
to the armies of Acheron. Once wełve established a base in the Western
Kingdoms, all the other lands will soon be ours as well." Naga narrowed his
eyes and glared at Jaden. “Then we can think of advancing south. I think
perhaps the empress has plans for Marquab?"

The magełs plan was sound enough, but he should never have
attempted it without clearing it with the emperor first. Jaden had no intention
of telling Naga that. At present he was far more interested in the sour
expression on Senshułs face. It was clear shełd not known all of Nagałs plans,
and she appeared none too pleased by what hełd just said.

“Marquab? Yes." Jaden returned his full attention to Naga.
“The Empire of Marquab is indeed of great interest to the Empress. She was born
there, and it would please her greatly if these lands could be brought under
the control of her husband."

“Yet at present they are still a great threat to us. Their
army is huge," Naga pointed out as he fingered the amulet which hung around his
scrawny neck. It was a strange, dark blue stone fixed in an elaborate gold
setting. “But you already know that, do you not, Suzerain Commander?"

Jaden didnłt respond. He lounged in his chair as if Nagałs
words meant nothing to him. Yet his mind seethed with troubling thoughts.
Talking about Eridea brought it all back to him, and hełd no desire to dwell on
such painful past events.

“Why do you think the empress sent me back to Marquab?"
Jaden asked, letting his tone convey slight displeasure. “She knew that in my
youth, before she commanded me, IÅ‚d been close to the emperor of Marquab. It
was easy enough to resume our friendship and persuade him to trust me enough to
make me commander of his army. When the time comes, the forces of Acheron will
be assured of victory, will they not?"

“She must place her absolute trust in you."

“It appears she does. IÅ‚m honored to serve her."

“Do you plan to return there to take up your position as
Suzerain Commander again?"

“If my empress commandsI obey." Jaden frowned. “But thatÅ‚s
not your concern. What should concern you is that your plan has flaws."

“Flaws." Naga drew back his lips in a snarl. “There are no

“Judging by the pathetic soulless creatures in the citadel,
there clearly are," Jaden said. “If Tarn and Sarin were to return to their
kingdoms like that"

“No!" Naga slapped his hand on the arm of his chair. “ThatÅ‚s
not my intention. I can control the level of the magic I use. IÅ‚ll draw out
just enough of them to enable me to control them. IÅ‚ll not destroy them
completely. Theyłll look nothing like the servants in the citadel. Theyłll
appear normal to those around them, but they will, of course, follow my
commands to the letter."

“Are you certain you can do this?" He stared coldly at Naga.
“On behalf of my mistress IÅ‚ll need proof of your claims before you try it on
either of those men."

Naga shuffled about in his seat, squirming under Jadenłs
relentless scrutiny. “IÅ‚ll have proof soon enough. IÅ‚ve sent my soldiers into
the city to find me some test subjects. I just have to experiment a little to
ascertain how much power I must use."

Jaden frowned. Hełd no wish for more people to suffer, but
hełd no control over Nagałs actions at present. He would just have to bide his
time until an opportunity to further his own ends presented itself.



Senshu was so angry with Naga she could barely contain her
rage as she strode along the corridor to her quarters. The slimy creep had
promised she could have Tarn for herself. Shełd been so looking forward to
keeping him as her slave and teasing and torturing him for as long as she
wantedwell and truly paying him back for his injustices toward her family. Now
shełd discovered Lord Naga had planned all along to steal Tarnłs will then send
him back to Kabra to await the arrival of the forces of Acheron.

After the DaiłShi-en had departed and they were alone, Naga
had assured her that once he had finished with Tarn she could have him back and
keep him as her permanent plaything. That didnłt appeal to her at all. There
would be no pleasure in torturing a pitiful creature with no self-will. Shełd
not spent two years pandering to Lord Nagałs perverse demands and doing
everything that disgusting little toad wanted her to do to him just to be
betrayed like this.

She entered her chambers and slammed the door shut. She felt
like tearing all the clothes from her body and screaming in frustration. She
stalked into her bedchamber. Where were her maids? There should be one here
waiting for her. Then she remembered shełd dismissed them all for the night so
she could amuse herself with her new acquisition in private.

She stormed across her room and pulled open the door that
led into the small adjoining chamber. Some months ago shełd had it fitted with
hooks and rings so she could chain those she confined here in a variety of ways.

Clad in a grubby pair of breeches, Tarn sat on the low
pallet, head in hands, apparently deep in thought.

“You forget yourself," she snapped.

He stood. “Lady Senshu."

She strode over to him. “Unfasten this dress for me," she
ordered, turning her back to him. “And be quick about it."

Senshu had left her keitan in her bedchamber, but it didnłt
matter, as one of Tarnłs wrists was chained to the wall. The chain was
relatively short. Just a couple of steps and shełd be out of his reach. Not
that he would try anything. He was too fearful for his sonłs safety.

His warm fingers brushed her skin as he undid the back of
her tight gown. The gentle touch soothed and yet aroused her as he eased the
garment from her shoulders and slid it down her body. As it fell around her
feet, she stepped out of it and turned to face him, naked. The massive diamond
necklace Lord Naga had recently given her sparkled on her breasts, and she knew
shełd never been more beautiful.

Tarnłs expression did not reveal what he was thinking. At
first glance, his blue eyes appeared clear and guileless, but fire simmered in
their depths. Pride had been his downfall, and inside no doubt he must be
struggling to keep control of his angry frustration, resenting the position he
now found himself in. She found that intoxicating. Hełd suffer a very long time
for his crimes against her and her family. How dare Naga think of turning Tarn into an obedient pawn. It would spoil her pleasure if he lost that spark of

Tarnłs hands were grubby, the nails dirty, but she found the
grime oddly inviting, especially after shełd been forced to endure the
fastidious cleanliness of Lord Naga.

“Take off those filthy breeches, slave."

Tarnłs resentment flared in his eyes for a moment, but he
did as he was told, dropping them on the floor at her feet. “Speaking of
filthy." He looked down at his dirt-streaked legs and feet. “IÅ‚m still covered
with the grime of the dungeons."

“If you behave yourself this evening, IÅ‚ll order my bath
prepared. After IÅ‚ve bathed, you can use the water to wash yourself." Of course
he would have to thoroughly wash her first and then, if the mood took her, she
might have him couple with her in the tub. Lust lodged in her belly as Senshu
took his hand and placed it on her breast. “Caress me."

The sight of his grimy hands stroking her bosom aroused her,
and when his dirty nails dug into her flesh, she shivered. Senshułs sex grew
wet as he squeezed and twisted her nipples. His manhood was already stiffening.
By the time shełd finished with Tarn, he would become hard just by her being
kind to him. Shełd learned over time that most men were easy to manipulate if
you played them right.

Maybe she would let him enter her, or maybe she would make
him fall to his knees and pleasure her with his mouth. She was just about to
make a delicious choice when she was interrupted by a loud hammering on her
bedroom door.

“Wait here," she snapped. “And donÅ‚t lose that!" She pointed
at his erection.

On her way out of the chamber, she grabbed her cream velvet
robe and slipped it on before sliding the door-bolt to ensure Tarn was safely
locked out of sight. Who dared enter her quarters unannounced, and then had the
utter gall to hammer noisily on the door of her bedchamber? They would regret
their insolence.

Holding the robe around herself, she walked to the door and
jerked it open. “DaiÅ‚Shi-en!"

His cold, obsidian eyes stared down at her, his expression
so ruthless that a shiver slid down her spine, while the moisture between her
thighs increased. She enjoyed sex with Tarn, but she so wanted to fuck this
man. DaiłShi-en were said to be brutal and lascivious lovers.

“Come in," she stuttered, pulling the door open wide.

He stepped inside and pushed the door shut. “I trust we can
speak in here unheard and unseen?" He paused, twisting his lips derisively. “Or
does Lord Naga like to watch you with the other men you take to your bed?"

The DaiłShi-en would know Lord Naga had spies all over the
citadel. Any self-respecting mage would do so to protect himself. However, it
had been agreed he was never to know what went on in her private rooms. If he
wanted to watch her with her lovers, then shełd take them to Lord Nagałs
quarters so he could also enjoy them if he desired it.

“We can speak in private, DaiÅ‚Shi-enI promise you. Lord
Naga has no way of knowing what goes on in my chambers."

There was something about him that attracted her, and it
wasnłt just his aristocratic features, dark hair or obsidian eyes. She sensed
the darkness in his soul, and that excited her more than handsome looks ever
could. Shełd wanted him in the dungeon when she was torturing him, and she
wanted him even more now she knew he was DaiłShi-en. Senshu always got what she

The DaiłShi-en fingered the gold dragon amulet at his neck,
then brushed his fingers across one of the diamonds sparkling on her breasts.
Her sex grew even moister and her legs felt shaky even though his skin had yet
to make contact with hers.

“In private, if you wish it, you may address me as Jaden.
That is my birth name."

“IÅ‚m honored." How surprising that heÅ‚d been allowed to keep
his own name after his indoctrination. That was most unusual. Shełd been told
it was the custom for the new master or mistress to give these men another name
to celebrate their rebirth as a DaiłShi-en.

“These plans of Lord NagaÅ‚s." He leaned forward, his breath
hot on her cheek. “I get the impression you donÅ‚t approve of them?"

“He can do what he likes with Sarin, but Tarn of Kabra is
mine. He promised him to me."

Jaden regarded her pensively. “As your slave?"

“Yes." As he moved closer, she took a couple of nervous
steps back. There was something very threatening about his demeanor which
scared and aroused her at the same time. “I have my reasons. Very good

“No doubt they are, but that doesnÅ‚t concern me." His gaze
seemed to scorch its way through her flesh. Senshu released her grip on her
robe, letting it gape open.

With slow deliberation, he ran the tip of one finger down
between the valley of her breasts. The touch felt like fire, igniting her
desires, and she gave a soft, pleading whimper. Move your hands lower, she
wanted to beg him, but she didnłt. She was an important person in the citadel,
second only to Lord Naga, and she would not beg him to pleasure her.

“It was I who first suggested to Lord Naga that he send his
mercenaries into Kabra to abduct the prince, purely in order to lure King Tarn
here and use him as a hostage. But he never told me he intended to ruin my
pleasure by turning him into one of those vile, soulless creatures."

“So you have no wish for Lord Naga to change Tarn?"

“It would spoil my pleasure completely," she said with a
petulant pout. “I want to make him suffer, but also enjoy his attentions when
it pleases me to do so."

“So heÅ‚s to be your sex slave as well?"

“Why not? I wish him to rue the day he first laid eyes on
me. Despite that, I find his face and his body pleasing. IÅ‚m a sensual woman,
DaiłShi-en. I have very particular needs, and few men are able to fully satisfy
them" She let the words hang in the air. He must know she wanted him, but
would he do anything about it? She stepped closer to him. As shełd planned, her
robe pulled open even more, exposing most of her body to him. Senshu shivered
as his dark gaze raked her naked breasts. Shełd never wanted a man as much as
she wanted the DaiłShi-en.

His fingers brushed the side of her neck. Senshu trembled
with delight, hardly able to contain her excitement as he eased the velvet robe
from her shoulders. It slid downward, falling in a pool at her feet. “Needs
that few are able to satisfy?" He smiled, making no move to touch her
again, even though her flesh ached for him. “I confess IÅ‚m surprised Lord Naga
did not tell you of his plans."

“What do I care about his stupid plans?" Why didnÅ‚t he get
on with it? She was certain he wanted her and she desired him so much the need
was almost painful. “Why should I bother myself about the Dark LordÅ‚s desires
to conquer Kabra or anywhere else, for that matter? I just want my revenge on Tarn."

He grabbed her breasts, kneading them with an invigorating
roughness. “Some might consider that remark treasonable, Senshu."

“Treason?" He was a loyal servant of the empress. Was it
likely hełd report what shełd said to the emperor? She couldnłt read his
expression; shełd no idea what he was thinking. Senshu licked her dry lips,
horrified sheÅ‚d been so loose-tongued. “I didnÅ‚t"

“Yes, treason." Jaden unfastened his belt, removed his long,
black coat and tossed it aside. Despite her fear, the sight of him clad only in
tight breeches and knee-length boots stunned her. “You deserve punishment, do
you not?"

“Punishment?" Senshu didnÅ‚t enjoy pain as Lord Naga did, but
she enjoyed inflicting it on others. She took another nervous step back, her
eyes growing wide with apprehension as he picked up the keitan shełd left on
her bedside table.

“Did I not promise you in the dungeons that I would punish
you?" he said with a threatening smile that turned her limbs to water.

“Please," she begged. SheÅ‚d heard of the terrible things the
followers of the Dragon Lords did to prisoners to turn them into DaiłShi-en. He
must know just about every method of torture there was, because he would have
endured every one of them himself during his indoctrination. “DonÅ‚t hurt me."

“But you deserve to be hurt." He brushed the tip of the
keitan across her left nipple. It barely made contact with her body, yet the
sharp searing pain traveled down her body to her belly.

Shuddering in distress, Senshu fell back against the side of
her bed. Shełd used the keitan on others, but it had never been used on her.
The pain had been intense, but shełd also experienced just the faintest whisper
of pleasure. How could that be?

“Please, no." He frightened her, yet still she wanted him
more than shełd ever wanted any other man. His breeches clung tight to his
strong thighs, and for a moment she couldnłt tear her gaze from the very
obvious bulge at his groin. She drew in her breath, overcome with lust. She had
to have his massive cock inside her!

“IÅ‚m far more skilled at using the keitan than you, Lady
Senshu." His soft, seductive voice didnÅ‚t fool her. “It is a subtle weapon. You
use it to give either pain or pleasure, but I can apply both at the same time,
in any strength or any way I choose."

She needed to stop him thinking of punishing her and persuade
him to fuck her instead. But how? “I know I misused you in the dungeons." She
lowered her gaze in repentance. “Forgive me. It was a terrible mistake."

“A mistake," he said coldly. “You clearly enjoyed it." He
glanced at the keitan and then back at her. “So should I not also enjoy myself
by punishing you in recompense?"

Jaden flicked the tip against the soft skin of her belly.
Senshu writhed helplessly as the wrenching pain seared its way up through her
breasts, into her sex and even down her legs. The muscles in her thighs
trembled, threatening to give way. Yet her desire for him did not decrease. If
anything, it grew stronger.

“You cannot do this," she cried out. “Lord Naga will"

“Silence," he commanded, pointing the keitan threateningly
at her breasts again, the tip a hairsbreadth from touching her.

She shuddered as he pressed it against her left nipple. The
tip dug into her engorged teat, but this time a sweet pleasure caught her by
surprise. She gave a keening moan. The delicious sensation slid seductively
through her body, and it took her a few moments to recover her composure. She
put a hand on the bedside table to steady herself, wanting far more than this
from him. To her frustration, he just stood staring coldly at her.

Apprehensive and uncertain of his true intentions, she
glanced at the lethal instrument resting in his hand. “My lord." She licked her
lips, her mouth having gone dry.

“You need to place your trust in me." His eyes were dark and
unfeeling as he moved the tip of the keitan toward her trembling stomach. He
brushed it against her belly, and the powerful surge of desire swept deep
inside her feminine sheath and through every vein and artery.

The sensation was so blissfully intense, she nearly climaxed
immediately. Her lust for this brutal, unfeeling warrior magnified as he tossed
the keitan onto the bedside table. He reached for her breasts and Senshu
shuddered in anticipation. His long fingers kneaded the soft globes, then
pinched one nipple, squeezing it gently at first, then harder until she gave a
faint whimper when he hit the knife edge between pleasure and pain.

“I do trust you, lord," she murmured, desperate to please

“Are you sopping yet?" His lips twisted in a scornful smile.
“Do you ache to feel me inside you?"

He was strong. He was powerful. He was a DaiÅ‚Shi-en. “You
know I do, my lord."

“Then beg."

“Please, please, fuck me," she pleaded, her senses aroused
like never before.

He gave her left nipple a painful twist. “Turn around."

Senshułs legs shook so much she was barely able to do as she
was told. She couldnłt see what Jaden was doing as she faced her bed, and part
of her feared he might be picking up the keitan again. To her relief, there was
no searing pain, just a warm, firm hand on her back pushing her forward, forcing
her to bend at the waist until her upper body lay across her coverlet. The
fluffy white fur tickled her face as he shoved her legs apart. How she ached to
feel his massive cock plunging deep inside her. She was certain he was
unfastening his breeches. Senshu shivered, anticipating the blissful sensation
of his hot, hard flesh sliding inside her.

“No," she sobbed as instead she felt the cold tip of the
keitan slide down the crack of her buttocks.

“Do you know what it feels like to have this thing inside

Senshu clutched at the fur coverlet, tensing fearfullytoo
terrified to move a muscle. “Lord Naga has never used it on me," she whimpered.

Shełd used the keitan on Lord Naga a number of times when he
wanted to be hurt but still remain unmarked. No one else in this citadel knew
of his masochistic desires and his need to be controlled. It had been fortunate
shełd discovered this soon after shełd first come to the citadel. Pandering to
Nagałs perverse demands had enabled her to rise to a position of power in no
time at all.

When he pulled the keitan away, Senshu sagged with relief.
He still didnłt enter her. Instead, to her surprise, he slapped her left
buttock. She bit her lip. It was painful and demeaning, but she wouldnłt cry
out. To her consternation, he brutally struck her again and again until the
skin of her buttocks felt as if it was afire. Yet she didnłt dare move or cry
out. She endured the punishment as best she could, although, oddly enough, it
served to ignite her desires even more, until she thought she would die with
disappointment if she wasnłt soon stuffed full of his hard flesh.

“Did that hurt?" he asked.

“No," she lied, then clamped her mouth shut to stop herself
from begging him to desist. The DaiłShi-en didnłt show mercy.

He gave a chilling laugh. “Then perhaps I should continue
the punishment?"

Filled with fear, she waited for him to hit her again.
Unexpectedly, he thrust into her with such incredible force that the bed shook
and the breath gusted from her body. Senshu felt as if shełd been hit by a
thunderbolt of sheer pleasure. His flesh filled her completely, and the
delicious pleasure overwhelmed her. Jaden ground his groin against her
buttocks, pushing deeper, stretching and filling her until she thought she
could take no more. His fingers trailed down the ridge of her spine, and she
gave a pleading moan, desperate for him to fuck her as hard and fast as he
could. “Do you want the kiss of the keitan again?"

“Please, DaiÅ‚Shi-en, no." She pushed her bottom back against
his invading shaft, feeling the heat of his groin press against her abused
flesh and the cool leather of his breeches resting against her buttock cheeks.
“I just want you."

The words werenłt even out of her mouth when he began to
move his hips, pumping into her with long, powerful thrusts. Jaden fucked her
with a ruthless determination, his shaft penetrating deeper and deeper inside
her. By now she could barely breathe. She existed only to give and receive his
brutal pleasure. This was how shełd always wanted ita dangerous, ferocious
coupling. She could almost feel the cold darkness which controlled this man
sliding like an insidious serpent into her own flesh, eating her up from the

How had she managed to live without a lover such as this?
Lust consumed her entire being. Her hands clawed at the mattress, her body
buffeted by a wild, angry storm as Jaden fucked her with the violent
determination and near-inexhaustible strength only a DaiłShi-en could display.

Senshu was close to climaxing when the cold tip of the keitan
slid inside her anus. With each perfect lunge, it slipped deeper. Then the
magic within it ignited, sending a surge of perfect bliss deep inside every
part of her body. When her orgasm exploded, she lost consciousness for a

Her head whirled, her body ached and she was replete, at
least for a while. That wouldnłt last long, but no doubt a man as powerful as a
DaiłShi-en would never disappoint her. He could fuck her again and again
without respite. Jaden withdrew, but she was too overcome to move for a moment,
hardly able to believe how amazing her climax had been.

She vaguely heard Jaden say, “Turn over." Damn him, she was
too exhausted to even follow the orders of a DaiłShi-en. She felt good, and if
she left her legs open, hełd be able to see her swollen sex. In a few moments
heÅ‚d be hard again. “Do you or do you not want me to use this on you once
more?" The keitan brushed her buttocks. “This time it will be far less
pleasant," he threatened.

“Forgive me." His threat sounded real. She rolled onto her
back to see him looming over her, his cock, still hard and erect, standing out
from the opening of his leather breeches, slick with the dew of her body. Hełd
not climaxed. SheÅ‚d been too overcome to know if he had or not. “I did not
please you?"

“Stand." She did as ordered. Her legs trembled, so weak they
could barely support her. Jaden sat on the bed and spread his thighs. “Now
kneel and pleasure me with your mouth."

She smiled and licked her lips as she moved to obey him.

Chapter Thirteen

Nerya awoke just after dawn had broken. Propping herself up
on one elbow, she lay there, staring at Jaden still fast asleep by her side.
Four days had passed since hełd first removed his amulet and become the man she
cared for again. Now, every night when she shared his bed, she took it from his
neck and placed it in the silver box. The cold, almost distant DaiłShi-en
disappeared in an instant, although at times she sensed there was still a
terrible struggle going on in his mind. A struggle she couldnłt even begin to
appreciate, let alone understand. However, at present, she had no choice but to
put her trust in him.

Just as shełd promised, shełd not left his rooms, but Asumi
had visited her often. The first time Asumi had come to see her, shełd
whispered in Neryałs ear that away from the protected confines of the seraglio
they had to be careful what they said. Lord Naga had spies all over the
citadel. Some said there were secret tunnels running through the building so
the occupants could be spied on unseen. Others believed Lord Naga had the power
to read minds.

To please Asumi, Nerya agreed to be cautious, but she knew
that, whatever happened, Jaden would protect her. Yet she wished she had some
idea of his true intentions toward Tarn and Sarin. So far hełd refused to
discuss them with her, but she prayed that eventually hełd find a way to rescue
them both. When he wasnłt with her, Neryałs mind churned with so many thoughts
and plans to get out of this terrible place. She wanted to do something. She
needed to do something. All her instincts told her she should try to find a way
to escape the citadel and help her friends. Sitting back and doing nothing
wasnłt easy or natural for her.

Jaden opened his eyes and smiled. “YouÅ‚re awake early."

“I woke some time ago. I didnÅ‚t want to disturb you." She
snuggled closer, knowing he would soon get up and leave her again. “I do wish
you were able to tell me a little of what troubles you. Over the last few days
youłve spent so much time with Naga, and every time you return your expression
is so grim."

He frowned. “HeÅ‚s carrying out some experiments on a few of
his captivespoor townspeople. Itłs not pleasant, but I canłt stop him."

“People who will become soulless like the servants in the

He nodded. “This isnÅ‚t easy for me, but I still canÅ‚t tell
you any more than that, Nerya. Youłd be in danger if I did, but one day, I
promise IÅ‚ll tell you everything," Jaden said, pulling her into his arms.

“What about Tarn and Sarin?" she persisted.

“What about them?" He gave her the impression he was uneasy
even discussing them.

“Asumi tells me theyÅ‚re still confined in the dungeons, as
far as she can ascertain."

“Then Asumi is playing a dangerous game." He sighed. “DonÅ‚t
press her to enquire about them again. Not if you want your little friend to
remain safe."


“Nerya." He sounded exasperated. “Naga has plans I canÅ‚t
speak of."

“And do they involve Tarn and Sarin?"

“You never give up, do you?"

She brushed her lips across his. “IÅ‚ve remained patient far
too long, and patience is not one of my virtues."

“I want you to be safe and, believe me, I canÅ‚t be assured
of that if you involve yourself in any of whatłs going on at present."

“How can I trust you, if you wonÅ‚t tell me?"

“Relationships involve trust," he countered.

Shełd talk to Asumi again, try to figure something out.
Maybe Asumi could help her find a way to visit Tarn and Sarin. Jaden was hiding
so much from her; things she deserved to know. How could she love a man she
didnłt trust? Hełd asked her to trust him and at first shełd agreed, but there
were so many doubts filling her mind. “Will you do one thing for me?" She slid
her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. Honey attracted bees; vinegar
did not.

“I thought IÅ‚d done enough for you last night?" he teased as
his hands kneaded her buttocks. “Now you want more?"

She smiled as his hand slid between her thighs and eased its
way into the crack of her sex. Gently he eased two fingers inside her, and she
gasped with pleasure. “ThatÅ‚s feels so good, but itÅ‚s not what I want."

“Not what you want?" He thrust his digits smoothly in and
out of her, adjusting his position so he could press his thumb against her
clitoris at the same time. “Are you certain?"

“YouÅ‚re deliberately misinterpreting my words." She
shuddered as her sex grew wetter and the wonderful pressure started to build
inside her. “I just want you to arrange for me to visit Brion again." Asumi
trusted Chang, goodness knew why, but maybe she could learn something from him.
He cared for Brion and he seemed to know a lot of what went on in the citadel.

“DidnÅ‚t Asumi tell you heÅ‚s fine? She visits him often." He
pumped his fingers faster, and the knot of pleasure in her groin grew and

“YesohdonÅ‚t stop," she groaned, trying not to let the
delicious sensations distract her from her goal. “It gets boring being in here
all the time."

“This is boring?" He nibbled at her earlobe, then rolled her
onto her back. “IÅ‚ll have to do something about that."

Tenderly he eased open her thighs and slid the tip of his
tongue along the sensitive inner flesh. Nerya gave up trying to talk to him and
surrendered herself to the pleasure as his mouth worked its magic. He nibbled
at her labia and pulled her clit between his lips to suck on it while his
fingers slipped inside her again.

In no time at all, she was lost in a whirlwind of bliss as
her climax consumed her.



Ignoring the guard at the door, as none would dare challenge
a DaiłShi-en, Jaden guided Nerya into Brionłs quarters and pushed the door shut
behind them. Brion sat on a rug next to Chang, playing with his kittens. He
giggled as the two kittens chased the red satin ribbon he trailed in front of
them. The child glanced up as Jaden took the cloak from Neryałs shoulders.

“Hello, Nerya." He smiled with innocent warmth, but his expression
changed to one of distrust when he saw Jaden.

“Brion," Chang said. “You must not fear the DaiÅ‚Shi-en. HeÅ‚s
only here to ensure that you are happy and well cared for."

“ThatÅ‚s correct." Jaden bent forward and smiled at the boy,
but he could still see a measure of fear in BrionÅ‚s innocent blue eyes. “I want
you to be happy. Thatłs why I brought Nerya to see you."

Chang affectionately ruffled BrionÅ‚s blond hair. “HeÅ‚ll get
used to you."

“No doubt Asumi will be along to see you soon as well,"
Nerya added. “Perhaps you can both try to teach me that game again?"

“You were funny." Brion wrinkled his nose. “You kept getting
it all wrong." He sprang to his feet and trotted over to the table. “IÅ‚ll set
up the board," he said as the kittens scampered after him and wound their way
around his ankles. “Let me show you how to play the game properly, Nerya."
Purring loudly, the kittens rubbed themselves against Brionłs legs as he began
to lay the wooden pieces on the board.

As Nerya moved to join the child, Jaden beckoned to Chang.
“A word in private, if you will." He pointed toward the door leading into the

Chang rose and followed Jaden into the garden. Jadenłs
tension began to ease a little as he walked across the grass and stood beneath
the shade of a lemon tree. The sweet scent of flowers filled the garden and
birds twittered in the trees. It felt as if he was in a totally different
place, far away from Acheron. For a brief moment, he was reminded poignantly of
his home in Iberim.

“You wished to talk?" Chang plucked a large white flower and
sniffed it. “They call this a maidenÅ‚s kiss. It smells beautiful. They grow
only in Acheron." He paused. “How can I help you, DaiÅ‚Shi-en?"

“Promise me you will personally escort Nerya back to my
rooms after shełs spent time with Brion. Can you do that for me?"

Chang nodded. “You fear for her safety." It was more a
statement than a question.

“I would prefer it if Lord Naga did not lay eyes on her,"
Jaden admitted.

“Because you fear what he might do to her?" ChangÅ‚s
expression was inscrutable. “He might try to use her against you if the need
arose. Affection is not a word normally associated with the DaiłShi-en. Yet it
is clear to me you have deep feelings for Nerya."

Jaden tensed. “I care for her well-being. ThatÅ‚s all."

“It is quite safe to speak in confidence here." Chang
surveyed their tranquil surroundings. “As soon as I brought Brion to these
rooms, I checked out this garden. I have ascertained therełs nowhere here we
can be spied upon."

“Safe? Nowhere here is safe," Jaden said bitterly.

“Some claim Lord Naga has the power to read minds. IÅ‚ve been
in the citadel for almost two years and I know that not to be true." He sniffed
the flower again. “ItÅ‚s a story he fosters, as it protects him from those who
might think of moving against him."

“YouÅ‚re certain?" Jaden had heard the rumors, but heÅ‚d
suspected they were wrong. Maybe the Dark Lord had the power to read minds; he
didnłt know. Hełd never heard of any other sorcerer in Acheron who could do so.
Despite that, it was still sensible to be cautious.

“IÅ‚m certain," Chang confirmed. “And there is no point in
denying it to me, Jaden of Iberim. I know the truth." Chang smiled as Jaden
frowned. “Do not look so troubled. Your feelings for Nerya may be obvious to
me, but not to others. Comelet us walk further in this beautiful garden. It
soothes the soul to remain here even for a short time."

As Chang strolled beneath the wide branches of a tamarind
tree, Jaden felt obliged to follow. “My soul needs no soothing at present," he
said. Chang didnłt reply as he reached up to touch a cluster of reddish brown
fruit. “I should leave now," Jaden continued. “I only wanted to ask you that
one thing."

“No. You want more."

“Do I?" Jaden wondered how Chang had come by the terrible
scars on his cheeks.

“I cannot help it." Chang shrugged. “I find I know things
about people, almost as if I can sense their innermost feelings. I was born
with the ability and, to be honest, I find it a troubling burden to bear at
times. My scars?" He smiled enigmatically. “Perhaps I will tell you of them
some time."

Jaden struggled with human emotions he shouldnłt be able to
experience while wearing the powerful dragon amulet. Maybe the remark about the
scars had been a lucky guess, but if Chang was telling the truth, then what
else did the man sense about him? “Chang, I donÅ‚t think"

“IÅ‚ll not betray you," Chang interjected. “Be assured of
that. Many terrible things have happened to you in the past that have changed
you and shaped you into the man you are today. I donłt blame you for that, just
as I donłt blame you for being a DaiłShi-en." He glanced up at a small blue
bird perched on a branch above their heads. It sang as if its life depended on
it. “We have both suffered, it seems. YouÅ‚ve done terrible things to others, as
have I." He focused on Jaden again. “Often I have sought forgiveness from the
gods, but they never answered me. So IÅ‚ve found a way to live with it myself.
Just as you have."

Had he found a way to live with himself? It wasnłt easy to
be certain of anything. He was tiring of the constant warring struggle
consuming his mind. Not that he could admit it to Changa man he knew nothing
about. After all, it was possible Chang was following Nagałs orders and trying
to probe his mind. Jaden knew the mage resented him being here and was
suspicious of his true intentions.

“Life forces us to do things at times," Jaden said

“I know how troubled you are," Chang persisted. “You suspect
my motives and question why IÅ‚m talking to you like this. I could try to reassure
you, but first I think I need to tell you a little about myself." He pointed to
a low stone bench set in a shady spot beneath an almond tree. “Sit a while with

Hełd no wish to do so, and yet Jaden found himself walking
toward the bench and sitting. “I have to see Lord Naga soon."

“IÅ‚ll not keep you long." Chang sat crosslegged on the
ground in front of Jaden, placing the white blossom on his lap. “I came to
Acheron almost eight years ago. I traveled with a woman called Niska. She was
fleeing from her past, and I was fleeing from my future." His eyes filled with
sorrow. “In my youth, I was cursed. ThereÅ‚s no need to explain how or why, but
it prevented me from having a normal, loving relationship with any woman. I
thought in Acheron, a land of magic and mystery, I would find someone who could
lift the curse and make me normal again."

“And did you?" Jaden leaned forward. “Find someone to lift
the curse?"

“There are powerful magicians in Acheron, as you know, but
to them I was unimportant. Not one of them had any interest in helping me. My
life was worthless to them."

“Most peopleÅ‚s lives are of little worth in Acheron."

“Quite so," Chang agreed. “In time, I parted company with
Niska and wandered this mysterious land. I saw many wonderful, strange and
terrifying things. Eventually, when I realized I would never achieve my heartłs
desire, I decided to return to the Western Kingdoms. En route I stopped here in
Usaka to purchase supplies. Lord Naga does not welcome strangers, and his men
captured and interrogated me. Once he discovered I could somehow see into menłs
minds, he offered me a position here in his castle. He wanted me to help him by
probing the minds of those who served him, in order to find out if any of them
intended to betray him. He promised that if I serve him well, he would
eventually lift my curse."

“So did he?"

“No." Chang plucked some of the petals from the flower and
rubbed them between his fingers. “He was unable to do so. Most of the magic he
possesses has been stolen from others. He has few powers of his own. You
suspected that, did you not?"

“Yes." It was dangerous to even admit that to Chang. Despite
what he said, he might still work for Lord Naga. If that were the case, the
ground beneath his feet was shaky enough right now, so what did it matter? “If
Lord Naga could not do as he promised, why do you stay?"

“I had every intention of slipping away when the time was
right. Then Prince Brion was brought to the citadel. I feared for his safety.
Lord Naga planned to place Brion into the care of Lady Senshu. Shełs not a
woman I would trust to look after a child. I offered to take on the task, and
Lord Naga agreed." Chang smiled. “Caring for Brion has become my deliverance. I
found that, despite my curse, IÅ‚m still capable of bearing affection for
another. I feel as much for Brion as I would a son of my loins. I would gladly
give my life to keep him safe."

Jaden believed Chang. “IÅ‚m sure his father would be pleased
to know that," he replied. “Despite the fact Brion no longer remembers his

“The spell is quite weak and only temporary. Lord Naga does
not have the power to keep it in place for much longer."

“And would you"

“do anything it took to ensure BrionÅ‚s safety?" Chang
finished for him. “Yes, I would. Just as I will swear on my life that I will
not betray you or the secrets you carry within you, DaiłShi-en."



Jaden lay on his back stark naked, arms behind his head,
relaxing on Senshułs bed. He couldnłt ignore the woman crouching over his legs.
Her large breasts hung downward, her nipples brushing his thighs as she
caressed his sex. Leaning closer, she took one of his balls into her mouth and
lapped at it teasingly with her tongue. Hełd come to her chamber a number of
times to have sex with her, not because he particularly wanted to, but because
he knew how much she desired him. He intended to use that desire for his own
ends. This was a task he had to perform, nothing more. Although he had to
admit, copulating with her wasnłt exactly a chore. And he found a perverse kind
of delight in making her a slave to his erotic demands.

Jaden needed to learn much more about the mage, and the only
person who might have the answers to his questions was Senshu.

“Is something amiss?" She appeared troubled, his keitan
frightened her and she probably feared she wasnłt pleasing him enough.

“Get on with it, Senshu! Take my cock in your mouth.
Laterif you please me enoughIÅ‚ll fuck you."

Senshu was highly skilled and knew more than most whores.
The greedy, sensual bitch enjoyed him being brutal with her. One thing was
certain: when he was with her, he was a DaiłShi-en, never himself.

“Yes, DaiÅ‚Shi-en." She tenderly lapped at the head of his
penis while milking the shaft with her hand. Her fingers stroked his balls,
squeezing them gently. When she raked her nails over the sensitive skin of his
perineum, Jadenłs lust surfaced at last.

“Not bad." He grabbed a handful of her blonde hair. “But you
could do better." He pressed her head down toward his groin, forcing her to
take more of his shaft into the warm, moist recesses of her mouth.

Once shełd pulled as much of it into her mouth as she could,
Jaden leaned back and watched her fellate him. He didnłt have much time to get
her to tell him all he wanted to know. Lord Naga had sent for him on a number
of occasions over the last few days in order to show him the pathetic subjects
hełd been experimenting upon. Two had turned dangerously insane, another two
had totally lost their minds, turning into gibbering wrecks, but others were
closer to what he wanted to achieve. To Jadenłs consternation, today Naga had
managed to produce two subjects who appeared quite normal, but who dutifully
obeyed his every command.

Lord Naga had worn himself out with all his research. Hełd
told Jaden he needed twenty-four hours to recover before he worked his magic on
Tarn and Sarin. Tomorrow night, he intended to carry out the special ceremony,
and he expected Jaden to be present to witness the auspicious event. Jaden had,
of course, suggested it might be wiser for him to take a little more time to
recover, but Naga had insisted he would be well enough to carry out the
transformation tomorrow, as planned.

He was letting his mind wander and not concentrating on
Senshu, who was still sucking his cock. This evening he didnłt find her arousing
enough, this situation was becoming a chore for him. He wanted to be in bed
with Nerya, not Senshu.

“Am I not pleasing you?" Senshu asked as she glanced at the
keitan hełd placed on her bedside table.

“Do you want its kiss?" He touched the gold-engraved handle.
The last couple of times he had used it on her, hełd set it on mild pain mixed
with pleasure. Shełd found that intoxicating, but also frightening. Shełd
admitted to him shełd never believed she could ever gain pleasure from pain,
but it appeared that, in his hands, she was capable of almost any perversion.

“No. Please, can we not use that again?" she begged. “At
least not yet."

“That depends entirely on you, Senshu." He brushed his
fingers against her denuded sex. Last night, hełd told her he preferred his
women hairless. Not that he cared either way. Itłd just been a test to see if
she would remove her hair to please him. On his arrival, hełd been delighted to
see her naked pussy. He just hoped shełd be as willing to accede to his other

Sitting up, he grabbed her and pulled her forward. “Do you
want me to fuck you?"

“Yes, DaiÅ‚Shi-en." Glancing down at his erection, she licked
her thin lips. “You know I do."

Jaden gritted his teeth, wanting this to be over as quickly
as possible as she crouched above him, her eyes half closed, her lips curved in
a sultry smile. Lifting onto her knees, she guided his manhood into the opening
of her sex. Her hungry flesh swallowed him up as his cock slid inside her as
smoothly as a sword fit its scabbard.

“ThatÅ‚s so good." She pushed her pelvis downwards, grinding
her open sex against his groin. “YouÅ‚re so big."

“Bigger than the mage?"

“At least three times his size. His organ is so pathetic I
can barely feel it inside me." As hełd made no move to touch her, she stroked
her own breasts, roughly squeezing them before pulling and pinching her large

Still touching herself, she began to rock her hips, gently
at first, then increasing her pace. Senshu was a whore. She knew how to satisfy
a man. Her internal muscles tightened around his cock, milking it with smooth
precision. Jadenłs arousal increased as she lifted her hips and slammed her
body down again. Closing his eyes, he focused entirely on his own pleasure and
tried to ignore that it was Senshu fucking him. It worked. His lust multiplied.
In no time at all he no longer cared it was Senshu as the blood surged like
liquid fire through his veins.

The first time hełd coupled with her, Jaden had wondered if
it might be easier for him if he thought of Nerya. Hełd found he couldnłt. It
would have denigrated his feelings for her. He made love to Nerya. He copulated
with Senshu. Picking up his keitan, he trailed the tip across Senshułs belly,
allowing the faintest whisper of pleasure to flow into her flesh. She gasped,
moving her hips even faster, pulling at her nipples until they became more
swollen and turned dark red.

“Please," she begged. “Touch me there. Right now."

Jaden eased the tip of the keitan between their two
straining bodies and slid it into the slit of her sex. As she thrust down hard
against him, it jammed against her clitoris. He let a powerful surge of
pleasure flow out of the keitan and into Senshu. The same thrilling sensation
leaped into his belly and slithered seductively through his cock and balls. The
swirling tide of pleasure surprised him. It should have been nigh on impossible
for him to savor the magic as well. The intensity of it almost overcame his
stoic control.

“Do it again," she pleaded.

“No," he grated, his climax far too close for comfort.

Tossing the keitan aside, he pulled her toward him. In one
smooth movement, he rolled Senshu onto her back. With a hungry laugh, she
twined her legs around his hips, pressing her heels into his buttocks. Jaden
lifted himself onto his arms, plundering her body so hard it felt as if he
would split her in two with the violent movements of his hips.

He much preferred being in control. He moved faster,
buffeting her body with the dark fires of his lust. The bitch suddenly tensed
her sheath around his cock, cradling it so tightly it became an almost
unbearable torment. At the same time, she reached up, pinching and twisting his
left nipple. Pain and pleasure combined, tipping Jaden over the edge, sending
him spiraling down into the deep dark vault of bliss.

It was the first time hełd climaxed inside her. If he had
his way it would also be the last. Panting for breath, he rolled onto his side,
pulling her with him. “You please me, Senshu." His tone was less harsh than he
usually employed with her.

“And you please me so much, DaiÅ‚Shi-en. You always do."

“Does your new slave, Tarn, please you also?" She stiffened
in his embrace. “IÅ‚m aware you had him moved from the dungeons and keep him
confined somewhere close by. Youłre a sensual woman. No doubt you have needs
that have to be fulfilled when IÅ‚m not around."

Any normal woman would keep her desires under control, but
not Senshu. She lived a sybaritic lifestylepleasure was all that interested
her, apart from causing pain to others. Hełd learned that when she wasnłt
pandering to Lord Nagałs perverse demands, she sometimes went to the dungeons
to practice her cruel talents on any male prisoner who attracted her interest.

“I have needs," she admitted. “As you do, DaiÅ‚Shi-en."

“We only have to satisfy the most basic physical demands of
our bodies to ensure our wellbeing."

“So do the DaiÅ‚Shi-en have no emotional feelings for others
at all?"

“We exist only to serve our master, or, in my case,
mistress. Emotions such as love and affection or thoughts for the welfare of
others would only be a distraction. Our indoctrination ensures that we put
aside such inherently human failings."

“It must be strange to be so different."

“ItÅ‚s normal to me."

“Do you ever think back to what you once were?" she asked.

“Sometimes it is necessary. The empress sent me back to
Marquab to resume my old life only a couple of years after I became a
DaiłShi-en. I had to hide what Iłd become from those who knew me well. So she
released some of her control on me, and I was permitted to remember and draw
upon my past experiences. I could not have carried out the charade if I did

Releasing her, Jaden pulled himself into a sitting position
and relaxed back against the pillows.

“It must be strange to be forced to surrender all that you
are." A flicker of compassion in SenshuÅ‚s eyes surprised him. “IÅ‚ve heard how
brutal the indoctrination can be."

No sane person knew how brutal it actually was. Even
allowing himself to remember caused him acute distress. Most of the time he
managed to lock those memories away in the recesses of his mind. Jaden pulled
his thoughts back from the terrors of the past. This conversation was getting
him nowhere. He had to concentrate on the task on hand. “ItÅ‚s necessary."
Threading his hand in her hair, he pulled her toward him. “Our indoctrination
does not destroy our curiosity. How fares the former king of Kabra?"

“He performs the tasks I give him well, and he takes the
punishments I give him stoically, without complaining." She shrugged. “It would
be even more enjoyable if he pleaded and begged, but hełs too stubborn to do
that. Nevertheless, in time"

“Time you do not have."

“What do you mean?"

“Lord Naga has achieved what he wanted. He told me he
intends to carry out the ceremony tomorrow night. He believes he can control
the magic enough now to remove both Tarn and Sarinłs self will, but allow them
to appear unchanged to those around them. Soon both rulers will be his to

“Tomorrow night!" she exclaimed. “HeÅ‚d not told me it would
be so soon."

“Yes, tomorrow. He showed me some of the poor creatures heÅ‚d
practiced on. Once he had finished with Tarn and Sarin, hełs certain theyłll
appear perfectly normal to their friends and family, but they will, of course,
obediently follow his orders."

“Normal?" Her lip curled in disgust. “Without that strong
spark of self-awareness, Tarn will be no use to me anymore. Thatłs not what I

“So you have no desire for this to go ahead?"

“No wish at all." Pulling away from Jaden, she slapped her
hand against a pillow. “Naga, damn the bastard. I canÅ‚t stop him, not if heÅ‚s
intent on doing this."

Jaden took hold of her face, staring deep into her eyes.
“You need to listen to me, Senshu. Lord NagaÅ‚s plans will not sit well with the
empress, and certainly not her husband. The Dark Lord does not like the other
Dragon Lords, let alone his own subjects, doing anything of importance that he
hasnłt personally authorized. If Lord Naga manages to do what he plans and ends
up controlling both monarchs, then he becomes much too powerful for the Dark
Lordłs peace of mind."

“So what might the emperor do, if Lord Naga does as he
intends?" Senshu asked.

“HeÅ‚ll send more DaiÅ‚Shi-en and soldiers, maybe even one of
the Dragon Lords, to Usaka to capture Lord Naga. Hełll be tortured into
submission and forced to give up the control he holds over both Tarn and Sarin, then hełll be killed. Believe me, the emperorłs wrath is terrifying to

“And me?"

Jaden shook his head and sighed. “If the emperor orders it,
then therełs nothing I can do to help you, Senshu. You will die. As will all
the occupants of the citadel."

“Then how do we prevent this from happening?" She paled.
With her face screwed up in fear, she looked almost ugly for a moment. “IÅ‚ve no
wish to suffer the wrath of the Dark Lord for something I do not even want to

For once, Jaden was being entirely truthful with her. He
knew how angry the emperor would be if Lord Naga ended up being the only man in
Acheron able to control two of the most important monarchs in the Western
Kingdoms. That would make him far too powerful for his own good, and the
emperor would destroy him. Jaden had seen what the Dark Lordłs minions could do
if anyone angered him. Usaka would be razed to the ground as if it had never
existed, and those of any importance in the citadel would be subjected to
endless months of suffering before they were eventually allowed the blessed
peace of death.

“With your help, Senshu, itÅ‚s possible we can prevent Lord
Naga from carrying out his plans."

“And if we can deliver Lord NagaÅ‚s captives alive and well
into the Dark Lordłs hands, he will be grateful, no doubt?" She clutched at a
portion of the silk sheet, crumpling it into a ball. “Do you think I might be
allowed to keep Tarn for myself? He would still be a hostage, would he not?"

“If we succeed, Senshu, then I promise you when I stand
before the empress again, she shall hear of your bravery from my own lips.
Shełs extremely generous to those who serve her and her husband well. Shełll
offer you anything you desire. Tarn will be yours for as long as you wish it.
However, first you need to tell me exactly how Lord Nagałs magic works when he
draws out souls."

Chapter Fourteen

Senshułs fingers shook as she slipped on a scarlet gown and
tied a darker red sash around her waist. Jaden knew she was scared, just as he
hoped she would be. It hadnłt taken much to frighten her into agreeing to help
him; just a few well-chosen stories about the terrible things the emperor had
done to those whołd dared to cross him. For once, hełd been able to put the
brutality of the Dragon Lords to good use, and now he had an ally in his
efforts to prevent Naga from carrying out his terrible magic on Tarn and Sarin.

Senshu had told him all she knew about Naga. In his youth,
hełd been apprenticed to a wizard of great strength. Somehow, after gaining his
trust, Naga had managed to kill the man and steal his magical artifacts. What
gave Naga most of his power was the stone he wore around his neck. Naga called
it The Stealer of Souls. Jaden had a distant memory of someone in
Acheron mentioning the stone was a powerful artifact, but it was believed to
have been lost centuries ago. When uncharged, the stone was clear like a
diamond, but at present it was deep blue. Eventually it would turn blacker than
night. Inside the stone were trapped the countless souls of the helpless people
Naga had preyed upon. The power of the stone enabled Naga to perform his magic.
Doubtless, without it he was as vulnerable as any man.

Senshu had once, by accident, touched the stone and shełd
experienced the anguish and agony of those tortured souls trapped within its
crystalline depths. Naga had owned the stone for many years and as far as she
knew was immune to the agony. Either that or he had a way of overcoming it.
Jaden planned to break into Nagałs quarters tonight to steal the stone and kill
the mage. Hełd not bothered to acquaint Senshu with his plans. If he was
unsuccessful tonight, then hełd need her help.

Senshułs hand shook as she patted her hair in place, then
she leaned forward and stared at her reflection in the mirror. “WhatÅ‚s wrong?"
he asked.

“Could I not avoid seeing him?" She twisted round. “Please,
Jaden. I could claim IÅ‚m unwell. Why did he suddenly decide to send for me this

"You have to go, Senshu. Everything must appear normal.
Wełve no wish for him to suspect anything is amiss."

“But heÅ‚ll know somethingÅ‚s wrong." She ran her hand through
her blonde hair. “I wonÅ‚t be able to conceal it from him."

“Senshu." Jaden strode across the room and pulled her
upright. “I told you, he canÅ‚t read minds. He just pretends he can to scare
people, but he doesnłt have the ability."

“How can you be so certain?" Her eyes filled with tears.

“Because IÅ‚m a DaiÅ‚Shi-en." He spoke in a calm, reassuring
voice. “I can sense it," he lied. Jaden was certain Chang was right in his
assumptions. “You told me yourself you sometimes resent what he makes you do to
him. Yet he has no idea you feel like that. Does he?"

“And he would if he could read minds," she concluded in a
shaky voice.


“I know IÅ‚m appearing weak and foolish. ItÅ‚s quite unlike

“You must understand. Fear is our own worst enemy."

She frowned. “I donÅ‚t understand."

“IÅ‚ve learned over the years that fearing whatÅ‚s to come is
always far worse than what actually happens. You just need to pretend this is a
day like any other day. Please him in any way he wants." He stroked her cheek
as if he genuinely cared for her. “Just like you please me."

“It sounds so simple."

“And it is. YouÅ‚re a strong woman. No doubt youÅ‚ve done many
things in the past in order to survive."

“Yes." She sighed, and her gaze slid down his body. Damn! He
should have thought to put on some clothes. He had no wish for her to be
unnecessarily distracted by her desire for him. It appeared insatiable at
times. She needed to go to Naga now so he didnÅ‚t suspect anything. “IÅ‚d prefer
to stay here with you, but you wonłt agree to that, will you?"

“ThereÅ‚s always tomorrow."

“So there is."

“If you do this for me now. Then tomorrow, I promise, IÅ‚ll
do all I can to please you in return." He pulled her closer, running his hand
caressingly down her back. “There are things IÅ‚ve not yet done to you thatÅ‚ll
give you unbelievable pleasure. Would that be a fair reward in exchange for
going to see Lord Naga?"

“It might be." She pursed her lips.

“Then youÅ‚ll go to him?"

“If I must." She trailed her fingers across his chest,
delicately circling one nipple. “IÅ‚d like to try some of those pleasures you
promised later tonight."

“Not tonight," he insisted, unable to face having sex with
her again this evening. “I have other matters to attend to. Tomorrow weÅ‚ll have
far more time."

“So we shall. IÅ‚ll look forward to it." Senshu smiled. “I
have one or two special pleasures in mind."

“You shouldnÅ‚t make him wait any longer," Jaden reminded
her. He had no desire to even think of what sexual perversities she might
demand of him. If he succeeded tonight, hełd never have to couple with her

“DonÅ‚t be concerned. Lord Naga will think IÅ‚m late because
IÅ‚ve been diverting myself with my new slave." Her gaze briefly rested on a
door on the other side of her chamber. “When IÅ‚ve been enjoying myself in that
way, I always make an extra effort to please him."

Jadenłs expression didnłt change. Hełd always thought the
door led to a closet of some kind. Could he be wrong?

“Then you must try to do as he expects."

“Of course," she agreed as she fingered the diamonds she now
wore constantly around her neck. “Maybe heÅ‚ll have another generous reward for

“Who knows?" Jaden guided her toward the door. “You should

“Yes." She paused for a moment. “Jaden, IÅ‚ll be eagerly
looking forward to tomorrow."

“As will I," he lied.

After shełd left, Jaden reached for his breeches. He dressed
swiftly, pulled on his long boots, then buckled on his sword and tucked his
dagger and keitan into his belt.

Hełd learned Tarn was confined somewhere close by, but
hadnłt expected him to be here, in Senshułs quarters. Not at all sure what he
was going to find, Jaden strode over to the wooden door. Taking a deep breath,
he pulled it open.

The room was small and windowless, lit only by a flickering
lantern. Manacles attached to chains hung from the ceiling and there were a
number of rings on the walls, where presumably Senshu could chain her
prisoners. Jaden tensed. The king of Kabra lay on a low pallet, clad only in a
pair of breeches.

As soon as he saw Jaden, Tarn sprang to his feet. “You! What
do you want with me, DaiłShi-en?" he snarled.

“Tarn, I came to see how you fared."

For once, Jaden was grateful for the many painful months
hełd endured while being indoctrinated as a DaiłShi-en. It had taught him to
take control of his emotions and bury them. He needed that control now as he
witnessed for himself Tarnłs humiliation and suffering at Senshułs hands. His
friends had lash marks, cuts and bruises all over his body.

“I donÅ‚t know who or what you are, exactly," Tarn scoffed as he pulled at the chain tethering his left wrist to the wall. “But youÅ‚re no
longer my friend. You betrayed me. You betrayed Sarin. And my son is now
destined to remain in this terrible place forever." Tarn choked on the words.
“How could you do this to meto Rianna?"

“What I am does not matter." Jaden stepped closer to Tarn.

“DonÅ‚t come near me." Tarn stiffened and clenched his fists,
his blue eyes filled with pain.

“Brion has not been harmed, Tarn. HeÅ‚s well cared for."

“My son?" TarnÅ‚s voice wavered slightly, then he recovered.
“Senshu also told me heÅ‚s safe, but I canÅ‚t bring myself to believe her, or
you, for that matter."

“Be assured heÅ‚s well and as safe as he can be in the
circumstances. Lord Naga bears your son no ill will. He was only a pawn to lure
you here." Jaden sighed in frustration, eager to convince Tarn he spoke the
truth. “IÅ‚m not lying. Nerya visits him often. Brion enjoys her company."

“Nerya?" He seemed thrown for a moment. “She sees him?"

“Yes. I had her taken from the seraglio. She resides in my
chambers where shełs safe from Lord Nagałs attentions." Jaden realized he was
absentmindedly fingering his gold amulet again. It was becoming too much of a
habit. Hełd no wish to let its compelling power overwhelm him again. He jerked
his hand away and dropped it to his side.

“Why did you come here?" Tarn pulled at the chain tethering
him to the wall. “Was it to gloat? To rejoice in the fact those you serve now
have me in their power?"

“No. IÅ‚ve come to warn you."

“Warn me!" He pointed to the red welts on his arms and
chest. “Am I not warned enough? Senshu spends her time punishing me in a
variety of very unpleasant ways, because she believes I once did her and her
family a great wrong. She even makes me couple with her, and shełs nearly
insatiable." He glared at Jaden. “I heard that loathsome bitch having very
noisy sex in her bedchamber with someone a short time ago. Was that perchance you?"

“I need you to concentrate on only one thing, Tarn." Jaden had no wish to admit heÅ‚d been coupling with his friendÅ‚s tormentor. “Your
life may well depend on it. If you havenłt heard from me to the contrary, then
tomorrow night youłre to do exactly what Senshu tells you to dohowever strange
it sounds."

“Do what Senshu tells me?" Tarn sneered. “Why should I? I
hate the bitch."

“Tarn! This is important, very important," Jaden insisted.
He couldnÅ‚t tell Tarn the truth while he was still in SenshuÅ‚s hands. “If ever
you believed me to be your friend, then do as I ask."

“Friend?" Tarn repeated. He clenched his fist. Jaden
withdrew his dagger from its sheath. Tarnłs eyes widened as he took a step
back. “Do it," he snarled. “Kill me, you bastard."

“Kill you?" Jaden frowned and shook his head. “Why should I
kill someone I consider a friend? Here." He held the dagger out to Tarn. “Take it. Plunge it into my heart if you have to. Do you truly believe I want you to
be here, confined in this room, a prisoner of that despicable woman? If I do,
then perhaps I deserve to die."

“No." Tarn lifted his free hand in a gesture of submission
and took another step back. “I cannot kill you, Jaden."

“You claim IÅ‚ve betrayed you. Yet still you canÅ‚t bring
yourself to harm me. Perhaps deep down you question your own beliefs?" Jaden
tucked the dagger back in his belt. “Tarn, your life may depend on you doing as
I ask. Do it for Brion, if not for yourself."

“Brioncould I see him?"

“Not yet." Even if he could have arranged the impossible, he
had no wish for Tarn to discover Brion didnłt even know he had a father
anymore. “But if all goes well, I promise youÅ‚ll see him again very soon."

“In this world or the next?" Tarn asked bleakly.

“It all depends on whether you do as I ask and are prepared
to put your trust in me."



The late afternoon sunshine filtered through the branches of
the trees and the leaves rustled in the soft, warm breeze as Jaden strode
across the lush green grass. Birdsong filled the garden, and calm enveloped his
troubled mind for a moment. Brion lay on the grass giggling as Nerya tickled
his toes. The sound of the innocent childish laughter brought a twinge of pain
to Jadenłs heart. What it would feel like to have a wife and a child and to
watch them playing together happily in the garden of his home in Iberim? Jaden
shook his head. Since losing Eridea, hełd discovered such happy illusions never
became reality.

One of the grey kittens bounded toward Jaden and rubbed
itself against his black leather boots, purring loudly. A DaiłShi-en would have
ruthlessly kicked it away, dispatching the little creature without a second
thought. Jaden picked up the kitten and stroked its back, enjoying the purring
and the warmth of its soft body in his hand as he walked over to Brion.

The boy jumped to his feet, still not fully at ease in
JadenÅ‚s presence. “Chang says itÅ‚s time for your pets to be given something to
eat," Jaden said as he handed the kitten to Brion.

“Are you hungry, little one?" Brion murmured, lovingly
cradling the kitten against his chest.

“Here." Nerya picked up the other kitten and gave it to
Brion, ignoring its little mewling complaint. “Go and feed them now,

The child scampered off. Chang waited for him by the
doorway. Putting an arm around Brion, he ushered the child inside. Two days ago
Jaden had chanced trusting Chang enough to ask for his help, and to his relief
the enigmatic man had readily agreed. At least he had one more person on his

“LetÅ‚s walk a while," he said to Nerya. It was such a relief
to be away from Senshu at last. He despised her even more now hełd discovered
what she was doing to Tarn. He also despised himself for having sex with her
when he loved Nerya, but it had been an unfortunate necessity.

Nerya brushed the grass from the skirt of her tight-fitting,
emerald green gown. The color, only a shade deeper than her eyes, suited her.
It brought out the reddish highlights in her chestnut hair, which she wore
loose, spilling in waves down her back. She looked beautiful and he was now unsure
which he preferred, Nerya the warrior or Nerya the woman. If he were honest he
found both sides of her equally compelling.

Now that she was no longer permanently confined to his room,
she looked happier and a little more at ease. Nevertheless, Chang had told
Jaden shełd been asking a lot of questions about the layout of the citadel and
the positioning of the guards. Jaden was a little surprised it had taken her so
long to even think of planning an escape attempt. Nevertheless he had to stop
her even thinking about doing so. It was far too dangerous. Maybe the truth at
last would help placate her and convince her to wait and rely on his judgment.
He was aware she doubted him at times. He was asking too much to have her total
trust without knowing the entire truth.

“I love it here." She tucked her arm in his. “ItÅ‚s so close
and yet it feels so far away from the citadel."

“So it does," he agreed as they strolled across the grass
toward a flowerbed filled with fragrant roses. “Chang assures me we can talk
here in safety without any chance of being overheard." Jaden guided her to the
stone bench where hełd once sat and talked with Chang.

“It is strange to think weÅ‚re so high." Nerya sank onto the
bench and Jaden sat beside her.

He glanced up at the tower which rose another three floors
above Brionłs quarters and housed Lord Nagałs sumptuous private quarters. The
other three towers of the citadel were plain stone, but Nagałs was decorated
with massive carvings of mythical beasts. One of the huge gargoyles stared down
at them, almost as if it could come to life and spring on them at any moment.

Senshułs rooms were close to Nagałs. Jaden had been to the
tower often, but hełd been inside the magełs quarters only on one occasion. At
least that brief visit had given him an idea of the layout of the rooms. Most
times hełd met up with the mage deep within the bowels of the citadel where
Naga conducted his foul, magical experiments.

“Jaden, you wanted to talk," Nerya reminded him. When he
didnÅ‚t answer, she added, “I wandered to the edge of the garden yesterday. I
had to stand on tiptoe to see over the balustrade. Itłs a long way down.
Heights donłt normally worry me, but the drop is frightening."

“No doubt it is," Jaden said. He couldnÅ‚t change his
decision to try to steal the stone tonightit was his last opportunity to do
so. However, he didnłt even want to think about how high they were. This part
of the citadel backed onto a deep ravine, and the windows of Nagałs chambers
didnłt overlook the garden. They overlooked the ravine. Jaden knew he couldnłt
just casually stroll past the guards as he did when he visited Senshu. He had
to find another way to reach Nagałs rooms, a way other than the stairs. He had
no choice but to chance climbing the outside of the tower.

“There are things I need to tell you, Nerya."

He absentmindedly fingered the dragon pendant again. When he
realized what he was doing, he pulled his hand away. The comforting warmth of
the amulet drew his touch. Against his will it was becoming part of him again.
He needed to be rid of it as soon as possible and if the gods were on his side
he would be. Nevertheless, he had enough control over his mind and thoughts at
present to be able to confide in Nerya without putting them both in jeopardy.

“What things, exactly?"

“Those pitiful creatures in the citadel"

“The soulless ones, Asumi calls them."

“Yes." Jaden frowned. “Lord Naga intends to change Tarn and Sarin in a similar way."

“What!" She clutched his arm, her eyes wide with concern.

“It wonÅ‚t be quite so extreme. Not like the servants in the
citadel. Hełll take just their self-will away from them so that he can control
them," Jaden explained. “Then he intends to send them back to their respective

“And use that control, so when the forces of Acheron invade,
theyłll order their armies to submit without a fight," she rightly concluded.

“As I understand it. Yes."

“You surely wonÅ‚t let that happen, Jaden. We have to find a
way to stop him."

“Of course we have to. TheyÅ‚re my friends."

She frowned as if she didnÅ‚t believe him. “IÅ‚ve heard that
DaiłShi-en have no friends."

“I am DaiÅ‚Shi-en, and yet IÅ‚m not. ItÅ‚s complicated, Nerya."
He glanced at the sky, trying to find the right words. “It isnÅ‚t easy to talk
about. The only person IÅ‚ve ever confided in is my friend Nerus, the emperor of

“When you put on the amulet, I see the light go from your
eyes, and you become a DaiłShi-en." Her green eyes shone with love and
compassion. “IÅ‚ve watched you struggle to control the darkness inside you."

“I had no choice but to assume my identity as a DaiÅ‚Shi-en
when we were all captured. Someone in the citadel would eventually have seen
the mark on my wrist and known what I was. It was the only chance I had of
helping you and the others." He sighed deeply. “It wasnÅ‚t easy to let myself be
sucked back into the darkness and fall under the power of the Dragon Lords
again. Ever since we entered Acheron, IÅ‚ve been fighting their sinister
presence and the dark urges that invaded my mind. Itłs difficult to explain,
but when I had to put that damnable amulet around my neck again, I almost lost
myself for a time. It merges the power the Dragon Lords control with the
DaiłShi-en and its seductive magic is hard to resist. Yet I had to wear it. No
DaiłShi-en would appear without it. Those born in Acheron can sense the magical
bond between the DaiłShi-en and their masters. Thatłs why they fear the
DaiłShi-en so much."

“How did this all happen in the first place?" she asked,
taking his hand in hers. “Do you really come from Marquab, or was that a lie?"

“No, it wasnÅ‚t a lie. I am who I say I am, Jaden of Iberim.
Iberim is only a small country and, by necessity, wełve always allied ourselves
with the Marquabian Empire. When I was much younger, I was in love with a
beautiful woman." The muscles in his jaw clenched for a moment. “Life was so
perfect. I never believed I could be so happy. She was on her way to Iberim for
our marriage ceremony when the ship she traveled on was attacked by pirates and
she was taken prisoner. I was devastated when I heard the news, and I vowed I
would find Eridea and rescue her."

“Eridea? She had the same name as the empress of Acheron."

“Just the same," he confirmed. “I was young and foolhardy. I
believed I could achieve the impossible, and I followed her trail into Acheron.
I searched for her for some time. How I ever survived without being captured,
IÅ‚ll never know. Eventually, I discovered a woman of her appearance had been
taken to Antokuthe magical city where the Dark Lord and all the other Dragon
Lords reside. When I reached the city, my constant questions aroused suspicion.
I was betrayed by one of the inhabitants and taken prisoner by the emperorłs
guard. By this time, IÅ‚d learned Eridea now belonged to the Dark Lord, and she
was lost to me. Held in the emperorłs dungeons, I knew I would either be
executed or sent to the mines of Ryujin as a slave. In a way, I almost welcomed
death" His voice trailed off.

“Go on," she pressed.

“I had no idea Eridea had married the Dark Lord and become
his empress. All I was told was that the empress, in her infinite wisdom, had
ordered I wasnłt to be killed or sent to the mines. I was to become a
DaiłShi-en. The indoctrination is long and incredibly painful, and many of
those selected donłt survive. At first when they started torturing me, I tried
to fight them. Then she came to me." Jaden paused and swallowed. “I find it
difficult to talk of this."

“I canÅ‚t imagine how it must hurt you." Her eyes brimmed
with compassion.

“Discovering Eridea was the empress, and it was she
who had done this to me, was the worst betrayal of all. IÅ‚d sacrificed
everything to find her, and she expected me to sacrifice all I was as well.
After that, I gave up hope and surrendered. I didnłt even try to resist. I was
losing myself. I couldnłt find the strength to fight my tormentors. When one of
my torturers told me that, after my indoctrination was finished, I was to serve
the empress, I knew I couldnłt let the woman Iłd once loved more than life
itself destroy me completely. Somehow, in those dark days, I found a way to
lock my true self away deep in the furthermost recesses of my mind. Then I
surrendered my identity and allowed the rest of Jaden of Iberim to become a
dreaded DaiłShi-en. To be truthful, I had no choice. It was the only way I
could survive."

“Was it that terrible, then?" NeryaÅ‚s voice broke on the

“Worse. I canÅ‚t even think of it now. ItÅ‚s too agonizing."
He shook his head as if that would somehow take away the terrible memories that
still haunted his dreams. “Eventually, when my instructors deemed the time was
right, I knelt before the empress and offered my life to her. It was she who
allowed me to keep my own name. That usually doesnłt happen. At their rebirth,
DaiłShi-en are given new names."

“Jaden," Nerya said in a gentle tone. “Have you ever thought
perhaps Eridea ordered you to be made a DaiłShi-en because that was the only
way of saving your life?"

“No." He found himself frowning. “That would be too cruel."

“Would it? Perhaps she preferred to keep part of you alive
rather than lose you completely."

Jaden shook his head. “I canÅ‚t even think like that." It had
never even crossed his mind. It was incomprehensible Eridea might have
subjected him to the unimaginable horror of serving her as a DaiłShi-en just to
save his life.

“Was it Eridea who gave you the power to heal so quickly?"

“Yes, it was her personal wizard who did so. Far away from
Acheron, IÅ‚ve found the effects are not that noticeable. It was only when I got
close to Acheron again that the ability fully manifested itself once more. So
the magical power does have its limitations." He smiled wryly. “IÅ‚m far from

“Do all DaiÅ‚Shi-en have the ability to heal quickly?"

“No. IÅ‚ve not heard of anyone in Acheron who has such
special powers." Jaden had often puzzled as to why he was the only one who had
been given this unique gift. “Perhaps the Dark Lord and the other Dragon Lords
can do so. I honestly donłt know."

“Yet Eridea made you almost invincible. Perhaps because she
couldnłt face the thought of you being harmed in her service?"

“Who knows?" Jaden shrugged, preferring not to consider why
Eridea had acted as she had.

“So how did you eventually manage to overcome your
indoctrination and get back to Marquab?" Nerya leaned forward and kissed his
cheek. Her loving touch made the pain in his heart diminish for a brief moment.

“I served Eridea and the emperor for almost two years, and
in that time I was forced to do terrible thingsatrocities I donłt care to
remember. All the time I struggled, all too aware I wasnłt like other
DaiłShi-en. I knew, deep in my heart, my actions were cruel and brutal, while
they didnłt. Gradually, during the long, painful months of service, I found the
ability to reach into my mind and free my true self again. It took a long time
before I felt I could control the darkness inside me. At night, in the privacy
of my room, I would force myself to take off my amulet and try to become Jaden
of Iberim again.

“Eventually, I knew if I wanted to retain any vestige of my
sanity, I had to get away. I went to Eridea and suggested she send me back to
Marquab as a spy, knowing full well the Dark Lord had long feared the power of
the huge Empire of Marquab. She agreed, albeit reluctantly, and I was permitted
to leave Acheron. Once I was away from her and the dark magic, I gradually
found myself again. But a small part of me still felt different, as if IÅ‚d
never truly be the same." When he turned to look at Nerya, silent tears
trickled down her cheeks. “Please donÅ‚t."

“Jaden, I canÅ‚t help it. I canÅ‚t begin to understand how
youłve suffered. I feel guilty now, because for a time I believed youłd
betrayed your friends. You did this, became a DaiłShi-en, to help us, did you

“I saw no other way, but I can understand why you suspected
me," he said sadly. “I wasnÅ‚t even certain myself I had the strength to control
my own mind once I put that amulet around my neck again."

“The emperor, your friend, Nerus? He must have trusted you
implicitly to make you Suzerain Commander of his forces. Especially after he
learned all that had happened to you."

“He does trust me, and IÅ‚ll never betray that trust. IÅ‚m the
only person in Marquab who knows anything about Acheron and the forces their
leaders command. The Dark Lord plans to invade Marquab, after hełs conquered
the Western Kingdoms. Thatłs why I had to create the alliance. Wełll succeed if
we work together. I know their forces, their fighting tactics, everything, even
their weaknesses."

“Do the Dragon Lords have weaknesses?"

“Everyone has weaknesses, Nerya. When the time comes, weÅ‚ll
use them against them and save both Marquab and the Western Kingdoms. But first we have to save Tarn and Sarin and get out of this citadel."



Neryałs cloak hung heavy around her shoulders. It belonged
to Lady Senshu, Lord Nagałs consort. Scarlet silk lined the rich emerald green
velvet, and thick gold embroidery decorated the edge of the hood and the hem.
The garment reeked of a strong, spicy perfume that made Nerya feel a little

Shełd no idea how Jaden had got hold of the cloak. Hełd just
told her to put it on before they left Brionłs rooms. Her stomach tied in
knots, she glanced over at Jaden as he guided her down a long flight of marble
stairs. He gave her a brief, reassuring smile as they walked onward, down a
seemingly endless corridor. Set at regular intervals along each white wall,
narrow tables bore huge vases full of fresh flowers, just like there were all
over the citadel. Because of his weak stomach, unpleasant smells repulsed the

Jaden took her arm. The strength of his fingers flowed
through the thick velvet as he guided her along one corridor and then another.
He led her toward a large oak door decorated with bands of brass and guarded by
two of Lord Nagałs soldiers.

Just as Jaden had instructed, she kept the hood of her cloak
pulled forward, well over her head, partially concealing her face. It
obstructed her vision, but Jaden wanted the soldiers to think she was Lady

“DaiÅ‚Shi-en, my lady," one of the soldiers acknowledged as
they reached the door. Nerya lowered her eyes and kept her head turned away
from both men as they opened the door for them.

“Come." Jaden drew her through the doorway. It shut with a
loud thud as they began to descend narrow stone steps. They reached the bottom,
and she almost had to run to keep up with Jadenłs long strides as they moved
along a narrow stone corridor lit by spluttering torches.

“Not so fast," Nerya complained. The backless slippers all
the women wore here slowed her pace.

“Sorry," Jaden said, slowing a little.

“This place stinks." She wrinkled her nose in disgust. She
soon found out where the smell came from as they passed a line of doors set
either side of the corridor. Each door had a narrow barred slit near the top,
and behind the bars she could see the pale pleading faces of prisoners.

The smell became even stronger as they rounded a corner and
walked past more cells containing prisoners. She recognized the odor now. It
was a mixture of filthy bodies, stale urine and fecesthe smell of pain and

At the far end of the corridor stood a plain door with no
barred slit like the others, with a guard posted outside. As they approached
the door, Nerya lifted a perfumed kerchief to her nose to cover the lower part
of her face. She inhaled deeply. She might not like the smell of Lady Senshułs
strong perfume, but she was grateful now. It masked the foul air in this

“WeÅ‚re here to question the prisoner." Jaden twisted his
keitan between his fingertips as he addressed the guard.

The man eyed the magical instrument nervously. Only those in
a position of power and influence in the citadel, and a few of Nagałs
mercenaries, were allowed to carry such a powerful weapon. Even those with
magical abilities could be harmed by a keitan. There was no protection against
these deadly instruments of pain and pleasure.

"Yes, DaiłShi-en." The large bolt made a loud rasping sound
as the guard drew it back. He pushed open the door and went to step inside the

“Wait," Jaden commanded. “Stand back for Lady Senshu."

“Lady Senshu, forgive me." The guard bowed. “I just wanted
to enter first to ensure you came to no harm."

Ignoring him, she swept regally past him into the cell. She
stopped short as she saw Sarin sitting on the filthy floor of the small cell.
He was chained to the wall. Grime covered his skin, his lean cheeks were sunken
and his hair lay in greasy ratsł tails around his shoulders. His once neatly
trimmed beard had grown and now covered half his face, but there was still an
air of nobility about him that imprisonment hadnłt managed to extinguish.

When he saw her, he tensed apprehensively, but his eyes lit
up with fury as Jaden moved to stand beside her.

“The Lady Senshu and the DaiÅ‚Shi-en are here to question
you," the guard announced. “YouÅ‚ll answer all their questions, if you know
whatłs good for you."

“And youÅ‚re going to do something about this foul odor, if
you know whatłs good for you," Jaden said in a tone that brooked no
disobedience. “Lady Senshu noticed it even before we entered the dungeons.
Report to the sergeant in charge and tell him this entire place must be cleaned
immediately, every single cell. You know how sensitive Lord Naga is. If youłre
not careful, every one of you who serves in the dungeons will lose his head."

“Yes, my lord." The soldier bowed. “IÅ‚ll do so immediately."
He turned to leave.

“First give me the key to the prisonerÅ‚s chains." Jaden held
out his hand. The soldier hesitated, the key clutched in his fist. “Now," Jaden
growled. Snapping to attention, the man handed him the small, cylindrical key.
“And donÅ‚t forget to take that disgusting slop with you." Jaden pointed to the
full bucket set close to Sarinłs feet.

The soldier picked up the leather bucket, an expression of
disgust on his face. Judging by the amount, Nerya presumed the foul-smelling mixture
of urine and feces must have been in here for days. The man left the cell,
being careful not to slop the odious contents on his feet.

Once hełd departed, Jaden slammed the door shut behind him.

“I am honored, it appears," Sarin sneered.

“Perhaps you are." Nerya removed the kerchief, threw back
her hood and smiled at him. “ItÅ‚s me, Sarin."

“Nerya!" SarinÅ‚s face lit up. “IÅ‚m relieved youÅ‚re all
right." His expression changed and he glowered at Jaden. “At least itÅ‚s a
pleasure to see one of you, Nerya."

“You look terrible, Sarin." She pulled out a packet sheÅ‚d
concealed under her cloak. Crouching, she handed it to him. “Some decent food.
You look as though you need this."

“By the gods, itÅ‚s good to see at least one friendly face."
Sarinłs hand shook as he unwrapped the package containing fresh white bread,
great slabs of meat and a large chunk of cheese.

“I owe my safety to Jaden," Nerya told Sarin.

“The food is delicious." He carefully rewrapped it in the
white cloth. “IÅ‚ll save it for later, if I may."

“Make sure you eat it all. You need to keep up your
strength." Neryałs heart ached for him. Sarin was a proud man brought low.

“Tarn?" Sarin asked, ignoring Jaden. “Is he all right? They
took him from here days ago."

“HeÅ‚s safe," Jaden replied. “I spoke to him earlier today."

“HeÅ‚s confined in a small room close to Lord NagaÅ‚s
chambers," Nerya added. “His quarters are somewhat better than yours, so IÅ‚m

Jaden had assured her Tarn was well, but hełd not said
anything else. However, Asumi had told her of the rumors circulating the
seraglio. Lady Senshu had taken Tarn for her personal plaything and kept him
imprisoned close to her chambers. Asumi had told her how cruel Senshu could be,
even to the women in the seraglio, and Nerya feared for Tarnłs wellbeing.

“How can I believe anything you say, Jaden?" Sarin glared at
him. “You betrayed us all."

“No, he didnÅ‚t," Nerya insisted as Jaden bent and took hold
of Sarinłs left foot. He undid the lock on one manacle and then the other.
Sarin didnłt thank him. He just gave a sigh of relief and straightened his
legs, wincing in discomfort. “IÅ‚m not done yet." Jaden freed SarinÅ‚s wrist from
one manacle, then handed him the key. “You might care to unfasten the other
yourself as you appear not to like me touching you."

Sarin still didnłt deign to speak to Jaden. His hand shook
even more as he tried to fit the key in the lock. In time he managed to remove
the other manacle to reveal raw red patches matching those on his other wrist
and both his ankles where the metal had rubbed his flesh. “That feels good." He
put down the key and stretched his arms. “But I feel so weak. I doubt IÅ‚ll be
able to stand."

“Let me help." Jaden stepped forward and held out his hand.

“No," Sarin snapped, glaring at Jaden. He levered himself up
onto very shaky legs and swayed for a moment as if he might fall. With a deep
sigh, he leaned against the wall to support himself.

“YouÅ‚ll need to recover some of your strength before
tomorrow night," Nerya said.

“Why then?"

“Because if I donÅ‚t succeed in what I plan to do tonight,
thatłs when all hell will be let loose in the citadel," Jaden said with a
twisted smile.

Chapter Fifteen

It was nearly pitch black, with only the sliver of a
crescent moon visible in the star-splattered sky, as Jaden crept along the
narrow stone balcony. He was only one floor above Brionłs rooms, but this
balcony didnłt overlook the garden. It was directly above the ravine. However,
tonight the darkness was his friend as he couldnłt even see the yawning crevice
he knew lay beneath him. He grabbed the stone buttress above his head and
hauled himself up with his arms, his booted feet scrabbling to find purchase on
the stone walls. Heights had never bothered him, but hełd be a fool if he
wasnłt apprehensive about this climbone false move and he would plummet to his

The massive stone carvings decorating the tower had become
roughened and pitted over the years, making it easier for him to find more
handholds and footholds as, moving slowly and very cautiously, Jaden clambered
upward. Once hełd climbed over the huge gargoyle, he paused and glanced up. It
wasnłt far now, almost within reach of a big arched window. Sweat trickled down
his back. His breathing became more labored as he hauled himself up again until
he perched perilously atop the head of the gargoyle. He just managed to grab
the windowsill with his fingertips.

Muscles straining, he heaved himself onto the stone sill and
crouched there peering into the dark antechamber. Naga was close, yet
thankfully Jaden sensed no magical web or barrier to trap unwary intruders. He
couldnłt make out anything in the gloomy interior of the chamber, which was lit
only by a sliver of light seeping under the door leading into the hallway

When Jaden had been here before hełd noted that all the
guards had been stationed outside. Hoping it would be the same tonight, Jaden
pushed aside the brocade drapes and lowered his feet to the floor. One of the
wooden boards creaked slightly as he put his full weight upon it. Not wanting
to betray his presence, he kept close to the walls where the boards were better
supported as he made his way toward the doorway to his right. When he reached
the door, he paused for a moment, listening. He could hear nothing but his own
breathing. Lifting the iron latch, he opened the door just a shade.

The next room was also in darkness, but a light came from
under the door to Lord Nagałs bedchamber. He swore under his breath. It
appeared Naga was still awake. That was a pity. Even a powerful wizard could
quite easily be slain in his sleep. What troubled him even more was that,
judging by the noise emanating from the room, Naga wasnłt alone. Jaden could
hear muted female voices.

He couldnłt give up now. Jaden crossed the room, the thick
carpet muffling his footfalls as he tried to recall exactly how it had appeared
in daylight. There was a fair amount of furniture: plush couches and chairs
upholstered in green velvet, carved tables and a heavily patterned carpet
covering most of the floor. Despite the fact that he more or less knew the
layout of the room, he almost walked into a low table. Just at the last moment,
he spotted it in the gloom and managed to avoid it.

The noise from the bedroom became louder as he reached the
door. Jaden eased it open a crack and peered inside. Naga lay on a massive,
ornately carved bed, surrounded by five naked concubines. Jaden froze. Five
women! He wanted to kill Naga, but not the concubines. Yet if he attacked Naga
and left even one of the women alive, theyłd sound the alarm before hełd
managed to destroy the amulet.

Jadenłs mind raced, trying to find the answer to his
dilemma, as he watched Naga and his women. The man was even more loathsome
undressed than he was clad in his rich robes. His chest was sunken, his belly
rounded, and Senshu had been so right about his cock. Jaden grinned. It was not
even as long as his little finger.

In contrast, the women surrounding Naga were all young and
beautiful. Judging by their giggles and tinkling laughter, theyłd consumed a
great deal of wine. Used goblets stood on the bedside table, along with an
empty jug lying on its side. One concubine held a glass goblet to Nagałs lips.
As he gulped it down, the red wine soaked his moustache and dribbled down his
weak chin onto his chest. Naga leaned back and smiled as another concubine
licked the scarlet trails off his pasty flesh.

One concubine didnłt appear quite as eager as the rest. Slim
and slight, with huge doe-brown eyes, she couldnłt be more than sixteen. As
Naga reached for her, she gave a nervous whimper. Ignoring her obvious fear and
the tears sliding down her pale cheeks, he caressed her naked body. When she
tried to pull away from him, Naga frowned and issued a curt command. The other
concubines grabbed her and forced her flat on the mattress. Each took hold of a
wrist or ankle, spread-eagling the poor girl on the bed so she was defenseless
and vulnerable. Naga raked his nails over the helpless girlłs belly, leaving
angry red wheals on her pale skin. Jaden wanted to do something to help her,
but it was impossible. He had no choice but to stand in silence and watch the
poor girl suffer the unwanted attentions of the mage.

His only chance of success was to stay hidden until Naga
dismissed his concubines, or they fell asleep. Most likely Naga wouldnłt let
them stay all night. He needed to conserve his strength for the ceremony the
following evening. Jaden had his keitan tucked in his boot. If he surprised
Naga, he could use the magical power of the keitan to disable him enough to
take the amulet. Then hełd slit the bastardłs throat.

Still fighting the urge to intervene, he watched Naga
roughly probe between the helpless girlłs legs. She uttered a shrill scream and
tried to struggle, but one of the concubines slapped her face and told her not
to be so foolish, and that she must do as her lord wished.

Unconcerned by her reluctance, Naga cruelly probed her sex.
Her limbs thrashed so hard, one of the women holding her lost her grip. Then
the poor girl screamed again, the noise so loud and piercing it would surely
have woken the dead. It certainly woke Lord Nagałs guards!

The fates were not on his side tonight. Jaden turned to see
three guards burst into the far antechamber. Drawing his dagger, he slipped
away from the door. The guards didnłt spot him as two of the men ran straight
across the room and barged unbidden into Lord Nagałs bedchamber. Jaden pressed
himself against the wall, not moving a muscle, almost certain he couldnłt be
seen in the darkness as the third guard paused at the doorway to the bedchamber
and scanned the room.

Jaden held his breath. The guard looked straight at him,
then moved on. Jaden stayed frozen in the darkness as the soldier prowled the
large chamber. Jaden lost sight of the man in the gloom, but he could hear
heavy breathing and the occasional irritated grunt as the man barged into
various pieces of furniture. Jaden had expected to hear Naga rebuking the
soldiers for their overzealous behavior. He strained his ears, horrified when
he heard the mage order the men to hold down the struggling girl. Pitying the
poor creature, Jaden edged toward the far doorway. He froze again as another
guard, holding a shielded lantern, entered the adjoining anteroom. The man
pulled the shutters of the arched window, then closed and bolted them securelycutting
off his best means of escape.

Behind him in the gloom, he could hear the other soldier
moving closer to him. Then, as the man holding the lantern went to leave, the
light spilling from the lantern must have briefly illuminated Jadenłs dark
outline. The soldier gave a shout of alarm and rushed straight at Jaden.
Sidestepping, Jaden grabbed the soldierłs arm and drew his dagger across the
manłs throat in one smooth, merciless movement. With a faint gurgling sound,
the soldier slumped to the floor, his blood spilling across the carpet.

Jaden sprang through the doorway as the other guard dropped
his lantern and drew his sword. He lunged at Jaden. Jaden twisted to avoid the
blow, but in his haste he misjudged. The guard managed to swing his arm Å‚round
enough for his blade cut into Jadenłs side. Jaden scarcely felt the pain as he
shoved his dagger between the manłs ribs. Blood spurted over his hand as the
soldier fell, not uttering a sound.

Jaden ran to the door that led to the corridor. As he shoved
it open, he sensed rather than saw the guard to his right. Turning, he slammed
the side of his hand hard against the manłs throat. His windpipe crushed, the
guard slid to the floor. Jaden sprinted along the wide corridor toward the
staircase. He rounded a bend in the corridor and skidded to a halt. A group of
guards, swords drawn at the ready, were climbing the staircase. In a moment or
so they wouldnłt fail to see him.

He ran back a few paces and grabbed the handle of the door
leading to Senshułs quarters. Luckily for him it wasnłt locked. He darted
inside and eased it shut behind him. At first glance her quarters appeared
empty, so he crept across the room and peered into her bedchamber. The bed was
rumpled, as if it had been slept in, but she was nowhere to be seen. A faint
breeze drifted in through the window disturbing the filmy curtains. Carried
with it was the scent of jasmine from the garden below. It was a three-story
climb down from here but, hampered by his wounded side, it would be a far safer
descent than if hełd tried to make it down to the balcony again.

The wound didnłt pain him, but there were a few telltale red
drips on the floor by his feet. There was no more blood on the floor as far as
he could see. Hełd no wish to leave a trail for the soldiers to follow. Jaden
grabbed a small linen towel and mopped up the blood, then folded it and stuffed
it over the wound, hoping his doublet would keep it in place.

Senshułs keitan lay on her bedside table. No doubt she often
used that on his friend, so perhaps she wasnłt with Tarn tonight. Where else
would she be? He swung Å‚round. Faint noises came from behind the closed door of
Tarnłs cell. Moans of pain? He gritted his teeth and forced himself to ignore
the sounds, although he would have liked nothing better than to help Tarn and punish Senshu for hurting his friend. One way or another, this torment would be
over for Tarn by the end of tomorrow evening.

He swore under his breath, hearing running feet and agitated
shouts in the corridor outside Senshułs chambers. No doubt the guards would
soon want to search these rooms. He grabbed Senshułs keitan and pushed it down
the front of his leather doublet as he moved to the window. He slid his legs
over the window ledge. A huge statue of a dragon loomed only a short distance
below him. The climb down was relatively easy from there on.



Nerya couldnłt sleep. She sat in bed, ears pricked for the
slightest sound, anxious for Jaden to return. When hełd told her what he
planned to do, shełd thought it was reckless, but what other choice did he
have? Getting Sarin out of the dungeon, freeing Tarn from Senshułs clutches and
then rescuing Brion and fleeing from the citadel all at the same time would be
a virtual impossibility. If Naga was killed, the place would be in chaos. No
one would suspect the DaiłShi-en of such a terrible crime, so they would at
least have a chance of escape.

Jaden had been gone for what seemed like ages. Had he
managed to kill Naga and steal the amulet? For all she knew, Jaden might have
slipped while attempting to climb that wretched tower and his broken, lifeless
body might be lying in the ravine. Or Lord Nagałs guards might have captured or
killed him. Nerya sighed. She was letting her imagination run riot. Jaden would
be fine. “Please donÅ‚t let him die," she still muttered to herself.

When she heard a distant clanging, she jumped from the bed,
ran to the window and pushed open the shutters. On the other side of the
citadel, a bell rang. Was it an alarm?

Chilly, she grabbed the first garment she laid eyes
uponJadenłs long, velvet coat, which hełd left draped across a chair. It was
too big for her, but she slid her arms into the sleeves anyway and pulled it
around her as she hurried to the door and jerked it open. There was no sign of
movement outside. The corridor was empty, filled only with sinister shadows
from the flickering torches affixed to the walls. Retreating to the safety of
her room, she shut the door, picked up Jadenłs sword and sat in the high-backed
chair to await his return.

It seemed like an age, but it was probably only a few
moments. The alarm bell continued clanging, but this part of the citadel
remained deathly silent. Then, all of a sudden, she heard a faint scuffling
sound. She sprang to her feet and held the sword defensively in front of her as
the door opened.

“Jaden!" He stepped into the room and slid the bolt into
place. She ran to him, almost tripping over the velvet bunched round her feet.
“I feared the worst."

“IÅ‚m fine. Careful" He took the sword from her hand and
laid it on a low chest. “If youÅ‚re planning to fight in future, I suggest you
wear something a little more sensible."

“I wasnÅ‚t planning to fight, I just felt safer holding the
sword." The arms of the robe hung over her hands and, as she moved, the front
fell fully open. “I wasnÅ‚t about to put on one of those stupid dresses. You
know I loathe them."

“I think you should consider fighting naked." He grinned as
he sat on the bed and eased off his boots, then set his keitan aside. “It would
definitely distract your opponents."

She wasnÅ‚t in the mood for his teasing. “I heard the bell. I
presume it was an alarm?" He looked fine, as far as she could see. “What

“I didnÅ‚t get the amulet." He frowned. “Let alone find a
chance to kill Naga. He was in bed with five of his concubines. I was still
deciding what to do when one of them, who was new and appeared very unwilling,
screamed when he touched her. Before I knew what was happening, his guards
rushed in."

“Did they see you?"

“Any that might have are dead."

“Then we must give thanks for that."

Jaden pulled off his doublet. Beneath it hełd concealed
another keitan, which he casually tossed on the bedside table.

“YouÅ‚re hurt."

She winced as Jaden peeled the blood-soaked linen pad away
from his skin. “ItÅ‚s nothing, only a slight flesh wound." He was covered in
blood, but there was no sign of a gaping wound. It had closed already, leaving
a thin raised red scab.

Nerya hurried to the washstand and dabbed a cloth in the
water. Trying to be as gentle as possible, she wiped away the blood. It healed
so fast parts of the scab dropped off, leaving just a livid red line. She
blinked. The scar disappeared before her eyes. His unique abilities had
strengthened since hełd entered Usaka.

“So no one knows the intruder was you?"

“No." He smiled grimly as he reached for the fastening of
his breeches. “At least I managed that."

“Let me." She shrugged off the robe and kneeled to undo the
lacing of the tight garment. Jaden stood. She eased the leather down his
powerful thighs, bending to slide the breeches off over his ankles.

He reached for her, pulling her to her feet. “We need to
discuss what happens next."

“I think" She jumped at the sudden loud knocking on the
door of his chamber.

“Damn, I supposed we should have expected this." Jaden grabbed
his robe and slipped it on, while Nerya pushed the blood-soaked cloth under the
bed, along with his damaged doublet. All the time, the relentless banging on
the door continued. Jaden picked up his sword and moved to unbolt the door.
“What," he growled as he wrenched it open.

“DaiÅ‚Shi-en, IÅ‚m sorry to disturb you," someone outside the
door said. “We have instructions to search all the rooms in the citadel."

“WhatÅ‚s wrong?" Jaden asked. “Was that an alarm bell I

“Yes, my lord. An intruder broke into Lord NagaÅ‚s quarters."

“Ye gods!" Jaden pulled the door open wide. “Was he hurt?"

“No, my lord." Jaden hadnÅ‚t bothered to fasten his robe, and
the guards paused in the doorway, seeming somewhat perturbed by the sight of a
virtually naked DaiłShi-en.

“YouÅ‚d better come in."

One guard took a faltering step into the room. His eyes
widened as he spotted Nerya lying on the bed. Shełd arranged herself so that
the thin sheet only partially covered one breast and her groin, leaving the
rest of her body exposed.

“IÅ‚m sorry." The manÅ‚s face reddened. “IÅ‚ve interrupted you,

“Somewhat," Jaden snapped.

“Forgive me." Bowing, the man backed out of the room.

Jaden shut and bolted the door, then glanced over at Nerya.
“A nice move." He put down his sword. “IÅ‚m sure that soldier will have some
interesting dreams tonight."

“I trust heÅ‚ll enjoy them," she replied with a sensual smile
as Jaden returned to the bed. He shrugged off the robe and slid into bed beside
her. “Why two keitans?"

“TheyÅ‚re extremely difficult to get hold of, and I have use
for another." Jaden pulled her toward him and kissed her until she was
breathless with need. “I want you now," he whispered, stroking her breasts.

“Now?" She reached down and caressed JadenÅ‚s cock while one
of his hands stole between her legs.

“Nerya." He gave a soft growl when he felt how wet she was.
“I love you."

I love you? Did she hear him say that? Her heart
leapt. They were the words shełd never expected to hear from him, let alone
while he wore his dragon amulet. “I love you too, Jaden," she replied, finding
it simpler to voice her thoughts aloud than sheÅ‚d expected. “So very much."

“Not an easy thing for a warrior to say," he whispered
against her hair.

“Not easy at all, but I mean it." SheÅ‚d wrestled with her
feelings long and hard. It was difficult for her to ignore what shełd been
taught all her life. Since shełd left Freygard, shełd been forced to face the
truth. Jaden wasnÅ‚t a slave. He never had been. “You were a captive in my land,
but I should never have thought of you as my slave. IÅ‚ve learned that life
isnłt black or white as I once thought, and no land is perfect."

“I am your slave when it comes to my heart."

“As I am to yours," she murmured, filled with so much
emotion for this man, her heart felt as if it might burst. When she returned to
Freygard shełd do all she could to make changes, ensure the situation was
better for all its inhabitants, and in time find a way to make her land work
without slavery. “If only life were different and we were away from this
terrible place."

Jaden kissed her with such passion, it took her breath away.
“We are together, my sweet. ThatÅ‚s all that matters."

Danger surrounded them, but here, with him, she felt safe.

As she surrendered to his sweet kisses, he slipped his knee
between her thighs, nudging them open. She sighed with pleasure as his shaft
slid smoothly inside her. Jaden began to thrust into her, being far gentler
with her than hełd ever been before. It was love that spurred him onward now,
not lust. She twined her legs around his hips, relieved hełd at last vanquished
the dark power of the Dragon Lords which had once threatened to draw him away
from her. He was her Jaden again, even when the amulet encircled his

Nerya kissed him, weaving her tongue sensually around his as
he fucked her with long smooth strokes. Soon his thrusts became harder and
faster and even more frenetic. She dug her fingers into his back, urging him
onwards as the pleasure rose inside, washing away all her fear and
apprehension. Her climax was upon her before she even knew it. She gave a soft
gasp as the powerful sensations flooded her body, while at the exact same time,
Jaden came, his body shuddering atop hers.



Senshu threw two pillows on the floor, tossed her bedclothes
aside and stood. Grimacing at her reflection in the mirror, she ran a hand
through her tangled hair. Shełd slept badly, there were dark smudges under her
eyes and she was in the foulest of moods. Why shouldnłt she be after what had
happened last night? Shełd been enjoying herself with Tarn when shełd heard the
alarm bell. At first she hadnłt bothered to take any notice. Then Lord Nagałs
personal guards had hammered on her door, demanding to be let inside. Theyłd
been scouring the citadel, searching for an intruder whołd broken into Lord
Nagałs private quarters and killed at least two of their comrades. She wanted
to slam the door in their face, but she knew theyłd break down the door if she
did so. Shełd been forced to let them inside.

Shełd refused to let the guards into Tarnłs cell. Theyłd
insolently shoved her aside and stormed into the room. Shełd been clad in only
a thin silk robe and when theyłd caught sight of Tarn hanging there, chained
and helpless, shełd seen the scathing smirks on their faces. Shełd almost felt
embarrassed at being discovered in this position.

Only Lord Naga knew what went on between her and her pets.
It should stay that way, but soldiers gossiped. No doubt soon everyone in the
citadel would know what was going on in her private quarters. That didnłt
please her at all.

Shełd been even more furious when, after theyłd left, shełd
heard them outside her door making crude remarks to their comrades about what
theyłd just witnessed. They might have been enjoying themselves, but not for
much longer, shełd vowed. She would have at least one of them beheaded, and the
others would be whipped and banished from Usaka for their actions. No guard in
the citadel would disrespect her again.

While shełd been tossing and turning all night, a niggling
suspicion had entered her mind. The intruder might well have been Jaden. Who
else could it have been? If she was correct, then she had every right to be
angry with him. Why hadnłt he confided in her and told her what hełd planned?
Shełd thought he trusted her, but it appeared not. Nevertheless, if it was him,
she was relieved he hadnłt been caught.

All too conscious of the first signs of a crippling
headache, Senshu strode from her room, descended the stairs and prowled the
near-empty corridors of the citadel. She needed one of Lord Nagałs disgusting
little spies. She knew the vast majority of the scum by sight. Most thought
they were just servants, but they existed purely to ferret out enemies of Lord
Naga. No corner of the citadel was safe for traitors to the magełs cause.

At last she found one scurrying along a wide corridor, his
head down, his eyes ringed with exhaustion. Lord Naga would have ordered them
to scour the entire citadel, spying on everyone they could in an attempt to
discover who had entered his quarters late last night.

“You!" she snapped, beckoning to the man.

“Me?" He trembled, glancing around in confusion. “You are
addressing me, Lady Senshu?" He was a skinny, rather ugly little man with
weasel-like features who reminded her rather uncomfortably of Lord Naga.

“Yes. I wish to speak to you, in private." She grabbed the
front of his robe and dragged him into a wide window embrasure.

“How can I help you, my lady?" he asked anxiously, bobbing
his head in an irritating fashion.

“I wish to spy on the DaiÅ‚Shi-en. ThereÅ‚s a tunnel hidden
behind his room, is there not?"

The man swallowed nervously. “But he is a DaiÅ‚Shi-en. Lord
Naga forbade me to spy on such an esteemed representative of Empress Eridea. He
feared the DaiłShi-en might sense he was being watched."

“I donÅ‚t want your excuses, I want answers." She glared at
the pathetic little creature. “You have no need to do this. I do!"

“You, my lady?"

“Only to ensure Lord NagaÅ‚s wellbeing, you understand."

“I understand." He nodded so quickly he must be making
himself dizzy. “As you wish, Lady Senshu."

“Now take me there, at once."



Senshu grimaced in disgust. The narrow, secret tunnels
running through many parts of the citadel were filthy. She rubbed her hand
across her face, doing her best not to breathe too deeply. Every step she took
seemed to disturb years of dust and dirt along with other foul things, most
probably including mouse and rat droppings. She shuddered. She hated rats.
Choking dust motes hung in the air, making her cough as the gritty air caught
the back of her throat. How did Nagałs spies bear this?

The repulsive little man had begged her not to make him take
her himself. He was clearly terrified of the DaiłShi-en, believing he possessed
powers far beyond his actual abilities. He was foolish. DaiłShi-en were
dangerous creatures, but they were still, after all, men, not sorcerers or

As it so happened, Senshu preferred to do this alone. She
very much doubted even a DaiłShi-en would know for sure he was being spied
upon. Even if Jaden did suspect such a thing, she could always blame it on the
overzealous actions of the repulsive little man. If he were caught and
punished, hełd be no loss to anyone.

Her long silk skirt brushed against the dusty ground, a
layer of grime now decorating the hem. Once she was in charge, she would order
these tunnels cleaned out. She wasnłt quite sure what would happen to the
soulless ones when Jaden destroyed The Stealer of Souls. They might all
die, which would be rather inconvenient. If so, shełd use some of the other servants
and just have them beheaded after theyłd completed the cleaning to stop them
talking. The few people who knew about these tunnels the better. The secret
passages would be useful to her when she at last ruled Usaka.

According to the spyłs instructions, if she remembered them
correctly, the DaiłShi-enłs chambers should be just around the next corner.
Brushing a large spider web aside, she turned the corner and paused. There was
a small flap of faded red wood at about eye height, just to her left. She pulled
open the flap and peered through the narrow opening.

Senshu sighed when she caught sight of Jaden lying naked on
the bed. She wanted this magnificent creature all for herself. She clenched her
legs together, her sex creaming with desire.

To her consternation, a woman lay beside him. Senshu didnłt
recognize her, but she was extraordinarily beautiful, with flowing chestnut
hair and a near-perfect body. So Jaden had a whore he took to his bed when she
wasnłt around. Someone should have told her. The woman would conveniently
disappear once Senshu was in charge of the citadel. Perhaps, if she felt very
magnanimous, she wouldnłt even kill her. Shełd just give her to the solders of
the citadel to do with as they wished. Although it was doubtful shełd last for
long in their hands.

It was obvious Jaden had just had sex with the female. Hełd
no need to fuck someone else. Wasnłt she enough for him? She shuddered in angry
disgust as Jaden kissed the womanłs cheek. He jumped out of bed and pulled on
his breeches. She watched the play of muscles under his smooth, dusky flesh as
he moved. She so wanted to couple with him again. Her hunger for him never

“DonÅ‚t forget," Jaden said to the woman, “leave here as soon
as Asumi arrives. Youłre to stay there until I send for you. I need to know
youłll be safe."

“I wonÅ‚t forget." The woman stood and twined her arms around
his neck, pulling him closer. “If only I could help. You know IÅ‚m as good with
a sword as any man."

His words confused Senshu. The whore knew of his plans and
he appeared concerned for this bitchłs safety.

“It would be impossible, you know that, Nerya." He smiled at
her and brushed his lips against her cheek.

Senshu bit her lip until she drew blood. She couldnłt
deceive herself. Jaden cared for this woman, but how was that possible?
DaiłShi-en didnłt feel such emotions. Shełd never felt jealous about any man
before, but she did now. She loathed this woman. She needed to burst into the
room and kill her right now. She frowned. This woman spoke of being good with a
sword, but women didnłt bear arms. Only men were warriors. Who exactly was this
creature? Whoever she was, she wouldnłt be with him much longer.

Asumi? Wasnłt that the girl from the seraglio who Lord Naga
allowed to visit Brion? Not only had Jaden hidden his plans for last night, it
appeared he was hiding far more from her than shełd ever believed possible.

Jaden eased away from the woman and bent to slip on his
leather boots.

“Here." The woman handed him a sleeveless, studded leather

“This could be very dangerous," Jaden said, pulling on the
garment. “If I donÅ‚t"

“Not another word." She put her finger to his lips. “Just be
careful, my love."

Senshu clenched her hands until her nails dug in her palms.
She wanted to strangle the bitch. The DaiłShi-en was hers!

“IÅ‚ll be careful." Jaden stepped over to a chest, picked up
his sword belt and fastened it around his waist. “And promise me youÅ‚ll do
exactly as I ask."

He was even more magnificent dressed like this, with his
muscular arms exposed and the doublet open to the waist, revealing a tempting
portion of his well-honed chest. Senshu smiled to herself. She had a better
plan now. Shełd personally put the bitchłs eyes out before she gave her to the
guards. “Do I not always do exactly what you say, Jaden?" the woman asked.

He laughed derisively. “If only."

Senshu had seen more than enough. Her emotions in turmoil,
she flipped the cover shut and swiftly retraced her steps, no longer caring
about the dust and dirt.

She had to do something about Jaden and this woman right

Chapter Sixteen

Nerya pulled the door open at the first hesitant knock.
“There you are." She smiled as Asumi glided into the room in her usual calm,
elegant fashion.

“IÅ‚m so relieved youÅ‚re all right, Nerya." As soon as the
door was shut Asumi clutched her and hugged her tight. “After the chaos of last
night, I feared the worst."

“Apparently, an intruder broke into Lord NagaÅ‚s quarters and
killed some of his guards." Nerya shrugged, a little embarrassed by the obvious
show of affection. Asumi normally wasnÅ‚t so demonstrative. “ThatÅ‚s all I know."

“The intruder also killed poor little Keiko, Lord NagaÅ‚s
newest concubine."

“Are you sure?" Nerya couldnÅ‚t believe what she was hearing.
It hadnłt been Jaden, so it could only have been Naga or one of his guards who
murdered the poor girl. Jaden would feel even guiltier about not being able to
help her. Yet it wouldłve been impossible for him to do anything for Keiko
without putting himself, and their plan, in jeopardy.

“Quite sure," Asumi confirmed with a sigh. “The other
concubines who were with Lord Naga at the time are being kept near his quarters
and closely guarded, purely for their own protection, of course. Itłs said they
saw the intruder and can identify him."

“Identify him?" Jaden had assured her no one had laid eyes
on him apart from the three guards, and heÅ‚d killed them all. “Are you

“Yes. DonÅ‚t look so worried, Nerya. The assassin will have
left by now. Lord Naga believes the man was sent by Commissioner Mikoto from the
next provincethey are sworn enemies."

“Is that so?" Relief flooded through her. Jaden wasnÅ‚t in
any jeopardy. How fortunate that Lord Naga had been eager to presume it was his
enemy instead of thinking it could be someone in the citadel. Nerya picked up
her dark blue silk cloak. “We should be leaving, Asumi," she said, sliding her
feet into her impractical backless slippers. She missed her boots and breeches
and longed to wear her sword again. “Jaden said that today weÅ‚re to go straight
to Brionłs rooms and remain there until he sends for us. If need be, we may
have to stay there until late into the night."

Asumi appeared baffled. “YouÅ‚re sure? It is a strange

“He has his reasons, and we shouldnÅ‚t question his orders,
now should we?"

“No." Asumi bowed. “The DaiÅ‚Shi-en knows whatÅ‚s best."

It was safer for Asumi not to know of Jadenłs plans. Nerya
was troubled about them as it was, but hełd pointed out he had little choice
now if he wanted to save Tarn and Sarin.

There was a soft, hesitant knock on the door. “Who can that
be?" Nerya muttered.

She pulled the door to find one of the female maids who
served the concubines standing outside. None of the soulless ones worked in the
seraglio, as their presence made some of the more sensitive women very uneasy.

“I seek the Lady Asumi," the maid said in a shy, nervous
voice. “Is she here perchance, my lady?"

“I am here." Asumi appeared from behind Nerya. “What do you
want of me?"

“Two of my ladies are unwell," the maid said. “They are
asking for your assistance. They wish you to brew one of your herbal remedies
to lessen their discomfort."

Nerya knew how much the other concubines relied on Asumiłs
skills. None of them seemed to like the male physician who served Lord Naga.

“Which ladies?" Asumi asked.

“The Ladies Makoma and Jamata," the girl said, moving from
one foot to the other as though ill at ease.

“Probably their monthly courses," Asumi told Nerya. “They
both have problems with them." She sighed. “I fear I cannot disappoint them.
They rely on me. Itłll take only a moment for me to attend to their needs."

“IÅ‚ll come with you." Nerya pulled her hood over her hair.
“Then we can make our way to BrionÅ‚s rooms afterwards."

“IÅ‚m obliged." Asumi glanced at Nerya. “We wonÅ‚t be long.
The DaiłShi-en has no need to hear of this." She might have come to trust Jaden
but she was still scared of him. Fear of the DaiłShi-en was inbred in the
people of Acheron. “Let us go," she said to the maid.

“Wait one moment." Nerya hurried to the bed and picked up
the silver box. Shełd take it, just in case they didnłt have a chance to return
to Jadenłs room. Slipping it in the pocket of her cloak, she smiled at Asumi.
“IÅ‚m ready now."

Nerya silently accompanied Asumi and the maid down the wide
staircase and along a number of corridors until they reached the entrance to
the seraglio. The guards on duty didnłt even bother to glance at them as she,
Asumi and the maid entered the harem. Everything here appeared normal to Nerya,
although at first sight the brightly clad women seemed a little subdued. That
wasnłt surprising, considering the sad demise of the newest concubine. What
would they do once Naga was dead? Maybe they would want to return to their
families. After all, few had come here by choice. They could live a normal
lifefind a husband, have children. Thinking about that reminded her of what
Jaden intended to do later today. She tried not to think of the danger he
faced. His actions were born out of desperation, and his plan was foolhardy to
say the least. She feared for his safety, yet she could do nothing to help him.
Hełd refused to even consider her involvement.

“Where are Makoma and Jamata?" Asumi asked the maid.

“They said they would be waiting for you in the retiring
chamber," the girl stuttered as Nerya slipped off her cloak.

Most of the concubines shared their sleeping quarters. Only
the favorites had their own rooms. Because of this, the retiring chamber was
set aside for concubines who were unwell.

Everything appeared normal but Nerya still experienced a
flutter of concern. A small group of concubines chattering happily together
walked past her. One of them held a lute. Lord Naga liked to be entertained by
them, especially when he had important visitors. Nevertheless, she sensed
something wasnłt quite right. Was it just her concern for Jaden that made her
imagine things that werenłt really there?

“We should hurry," Nerya told Asumi. The sooner they got to
the relative safety of Brionłs chambers the better. Also Chang needed them to
keep an eye on the child while he carried out some tasks for Jaden.

“Yes." Asumi glanced at the maid. “Remain here. I may need
you to help me prepare the remedy."

“Yes, my lady." The girl stepped aside so Asumi could enter
the retiring chamber.

Nerya followed Asumi into the large, comfortably furnished
chamber. There were a number of low couches upholstered in rich brocades, and
covered with soft pillows. The slight breeze coming in through the open windows
made the room pleasantly cool. It was an agreeable place to stay if you were
feeling unwell. There was only one problemthe room was empty. There was no
sign of Makoma or Jamata.

Neryałs warrior instinct made her desperate to leave this
place right now. Something was wrong. “Where are these women?"

“I donÅ‚t know," Asumi replied. “IÅ‚ll ask the maid. Perhaps
she got it wrong and theyłre waiting for me in their bedchamber."

“No, letÅ‚s leave. TheyÅ‚ve obviously recovered." Nerya
followed Asumi to the door.

Asumi pulled at the latch. “ThatÅ‚s strange, Nerya. It
appears to be locked."

“Locked?" Nerya tossed her cloak on a couch. “Are you sure?"
The hairs on the back of her neck prickled. Apart from the barred window, there
was no other way out of here. “Let me try."

Before she could reach the door, Asumi tugged at the latch
again. This time the door burst open. Asumi staggered back, stumbling against a
padded couch, only just managing to retain her balance.

Nerya didnłt recognize the blonde-haired voluptuous woman
who stepped into the room, but she recognized the cloying perfume that had
clung to the fabric of the green cloak. Senshu! Why was she here?

“Asumi, there you are." The woman stared at Asumi and then
her cold blue eyes fastened on Nerya. “And you must be Nerya, the DaiÅ‚Shi-enÅ‚s

Venom filled her words. Nerya stepped back a pace, kicking
off the backless slippers, intending to fight her way out of here. Maybe that
wasnłt such a good idea. Behind Senshu stood a number of the same black-clad
mercenaries whołd abducted Brion. Nerya ached for her sword. She was
outnumbered, but at least with a weapon in her hand she could have defended
herself. Dressed in these ridiculous clothes and without her sword, she had no
chance of fighting her way out. “Lady Senshu." Nerya bowed politely. “This is
an honor."

“An honor. Indeed it is," Senshu said as Asumi sank to her
knees in front of her. Nerya, who had not the slightest intention of kneeling,
stared at Senshu. “And you, whore, should be honored I even deign
to talk to you."

Why should her relationship with Jaden concern Senshu?
Thinking it wiser not to antagonize this creature, Nerya said nothing. Why had
Senshu trapped them in here? Her concern increased as four of the mercenaries
followed Senshu inside the room and the door slammed shut.

“What do you wish of us, my lady?" Nerya asked.

Ignoring her, Senshu addressed the mercenaries. “Take them.
But be very careful of the whore," she warned, pointing at Nerya.

Nerya had to grit her teeth to stop herself from resisting.
She needed to know what this woman wanted from her first. Quelling her warrior
instincts, she did nothing to antagonize the men as they grabbed her. Another
man roughly hauled Asumi to her feet and pinned her hands behind her back.

“I rather expected you to resist," Senshu said to Nerya.
“But then that would have brought pain for your little friend Asumi."

“Why hurt Asumi? I donÅ‚t understand, my lady," Nerya said.
“IÅ‚ve done you no wrong."

“No wrong?" Senshu gave a bitter laugh. “YouÅ‚ve bedded the
DaiłShi-en, and that does not please me."

Senshu sounded jealous, but why? Did she have her sights set
on Jaden? Hełd told her hełd persuaded Senshu to help them stop Nagałs plans,
but hełd never told her how hełd got Senshu to side with him instead of the
mage. Her heart missed a beat and suspicion knifed her stomach. So how much
persuasion had it actually taken?

“The DaiÅ‚Shi-en commanded, and I obeyed. I had no choice in
the matter."

“Really?" Senshu turned toward Asumi, who trembled. “This
woman is not from Usaka, is she, Asumi?"

AsumiÅ‚s eyes widened. “She is from Usaka. Lord NagaÅ‚s guards
captured her in the square in front of the citadel."

“That means nothing." Senshu grabbed AsumiÅ‚s chin and stared
into her eyes. “YouÅ‚re her friend. You must know more. Tell me who she truly

“I know nothing more." One perfect tear spilled from AsumiÅ‚s
left eye and slid down her porcelain cheek.

“Do not give me that rubbish, Asumi. IÅ‚m not stupid," Senshu
snapped, gripping AsumiÅ‚s shoulder so tightly that she winced in pain. “All the
concubines spend their time in here chatting inanely, so you must have learned
something about her."

“She knows nothing," Nerya interjected. “IÅ‚ve never spoken
to her of my past. I told her I was from Usaka, and she had no reason not to
believe me. Donłt hurt her. Iłll tell you everything you wish to know."

“Everything? Such as how the DaiÅ‚Shi-en even knew you
existed?" Senshu snarled.

“Asumi took me with her to Prince BrionÅ‚s quarters. The
DaiłShi-en saw me there. He ordered me sent to his room. He may be a
DaiłShi-en, but he is also a man, and men have needs, do they not, Lady

“And is he a brutal and violent lover?" Senshu spat,
stalking over to Nerya.

“I do not questionI just do as he says." Nerya lowered her
eyes. “All I can say is that he showed no displeasure, and I appeared to
satisfy his needs."

Senshu curled her lip in evident disgust. “You will satisfy
his needs no longer, Nerya." Leaning forward, she whispered in Neryałs ear,
“Soon heÅ‚ll be mine completely."

This woman was clearly insane. So why had Jaden ever
involved her in his plans? “IÅ‚m sorry. I was under the impression you were Lord
Nagałs consort. So why do you take such a personal interest in my sexual
relationship with the DaiłShi-en?" she challenged.

“Bitch! How dare you question me?" Senshu slapped NeryaÅ‚s
face. “YouÅ‚re lying about who you truly are. IÅ‚m certain of that." She glanced
over at the man holding Asumi. “Strip her!" Senshu stared deep into NeryaÅ‚s
eyes. “I know you wonÅ‚t be easy to break, but your little friend is a different
matterisnłt she?"

Nerya turned her head away, watching in horror as the man
tore AsumiÅ‚s silk gown from her body. “Please donÅ‚t hurt her," Nerya begged.
“She knows nothing."

“Whether she gets hurt is entirely up to you, Nerya." Senshu
strode over to Asumi and roughly fondled one of her small breasts. “So tiny. So
easily broken." Senshu took Asumiłs left nipple between her finger and thumb
and squeezed it so hard the poor girl whimpered in pain. “Now, do I allow my
guards to take their pleasure with her? Theyłre very brutal, and itłs been a
while since theyłve had any female company."

“I am not from Usaka," Nerya said.

Senshu released Asumiłs breast and swung round to face
Nerya. “Go on. You have my full attention."

The partial truth was often more convincing than an outright
lie. “IÅ‚m from the Western Kingdoms. I came here with Lord Sarin and King

“Really?" Senshu raised her eyebrows. “How did that come

“I was at King TarnÅ‚s court when Jaden of Iberim arrived. We
were attracted to one another and we became lovers." She paused, intending to
appear nervous, although such fury filled her she could have happily
slaughtered Senshu. “We continued our sexual liaison when we traveled with the
king and queen of Kabra to meet up with Lord Sarin."

“And when Prince Brion was abducted and Jaden led Tarn and Sarin here, you accompanied them? Why?" SenshuÅ‚s cold blue eyes glittered. “What
use would you have been to them?"

“King Tarn hoped to rescue the prince. I came so there would
be someone to care for hima woman he knew." She sighed. “ThatÅ‚s why I
persuaded Asumi to let me accompany her when she visited Brion. Not that the
poor child recognized me."

The door suddenly opened and another mercenary appeared. He
carried a bundle of clothing and a sword. They were her clothes and her sword.
“Lady Senshu," the man said. “These were found concealed in AsumiÅ‚s chamber."

He gave them to Senshu, who picked up Neryałs leather
breeches. She wrinkled her nose in disgust as she examined them along with the
rest of the grubby garments Nerya had been wearing when she was captured.
“Yours, I presume?" she asked Nerya.

“Yes. It seemed wiser to wear male garments when traveling."

“That doesnÅ‚t quite explain the sword, does it?" Senshu
brandished the weapon. “Tell me." She pressed its sharp tip against AsumiÅ‚s
trembling stomach.

Her friendłs whimper of terror moved her more than Senshułs
threats ever could. “I carried it for protection."

“Protection?" Senshu dug the tip into AsumiÅ‚s pale flesh
until it drew blood. “ThatÅ‚s all?"

Nerya wasnłt quite sure how much to tell her. She sensed
that Senshu knew more than she was saying. If she gave the wrong answer, Asumi
would suffer. “It was vital on such a dangerous journey."

“But I hear youÅ‚re as good with a sword as any man." Senshu
raised the weapon until it pointed at AsumiÅ‚s left breast. “The heart is about
here, is it not?"

“Yes. IÅ‚m good with a sword," Nerya replied, wondering how
Senshu knew this. She hesitated to tell her more, but Senshu might run Asumi
through if she didnÅ‚t. “IÅ‚m a warrior. Queen RiannaÅ‚s mother is from Freygard

“I know about Freygard," Senshu interrupted. “Are you from

“No. But because of her heritage, the queen likes to have a
female bodyguard," Nerya lied. “It was she who sent me to help look for her

“We get close to the truth at last. A truth I do not care
for." Senshu frowned. “I cannot explain it, but the DaiÅ‚Shi-en seems to care
for you."

“ThatÅ‚s impossible," Nerya insisted. “Men like him have no
such feelings."

“Since I arrived in Acheron, IÅ‚ve learned that nothing is
impossible." Senshu addressed the men holding Nerya. “Bind her hands and take
her to the dungeon. A short time there might loosen her tongue. After that, I
have a little treat in store for her."



“One hundred and ninety-nine," Sarin counted as he paced his
small cell. “Two hundred," he gasped. Pausing for a moment, he leaned against
the cold stone wall, irritably pushing a lock of greasy hair from his face.
Just walking back and forth proved exhausting. It was only eight paces wide,
but every time he walked across it, he hoped his body was gradually growing
stronger again. His muscles had weakened considerably after hełd been chained
in one position for so long, and that, coupled with the lack of decent
sustenance, made everything difficult for him at present. Although, since Jaden
had freed him from his chains, the food they brought him had improved both in
quantity and quality.

Short of breath, he sank onto the floor and examined his
grimy hands. No doubt he stank, but hełd become almost immune to such smells by

How he longed for a hot bath and a change of clothes. He
wondered how his cherished wife Zene was faring. He smiled as he thought of her
and his two sturdy sons. He couldnłt imagine losing them. That was why hełd
offered to help Tarn find Brion. If he hadnłt acted so magnanimously, he
wouldłve been safely home in Percheron by now.

Sarin tensed as he heard the bolt of his cell being drawn
back. Rising to his feet, he watched the cell door open. A man entered, wearing
loose black trousers and a simple white sleeveless top belted around the middle
with a narrow black sash. He had a strangely exotic look about him with his
shaved head, dark, slanted eyes and yellow-tinted skin. Gill-like scars marked
the lean cheeks and strange tattoos of serpents ringed his bare forearms. The
man carried a pile of clean clothing and a bucket of steaming hot water.

“Leave us," the man commanded the guard. As the guard pulled
the door shut, the man put down his burdens. “Lord Sarin." He inclined his
head. “My name is Chang."

The man undid his bundle and withdrew a cake of soap and a
linen towel. He held them out to Sarin.

“Why are you here?" Sarin asked.

“I understand the DaiÅ‚Shi-en spoke to you." When Sarin made
no attempt to take the soap and towel, Chang laid them at his feet. “I come to
tell you that the time is almost upon us."

Sarinłs belly churned. The time when he was destined to lose
his mind. Jaden had told him what Naga intended to do to him. Hełd been
appalled by the news, but had still been unsure about trusting Jaden. Nerya had
insisted Jaden had his best interests at heart, and hełd no reason to question
her judgment.

Jaden had briefly told Sarin how he was forced to become a
DaiłShi-en and why hełd chosen to reassume this identity when he was captured.
Jaden hadnłt told him nearly enough, but in the circumstances, hełd really had
no choice but to believe him. Jaden had also said he planned to assassinate the
mage that very evening. It was now many hours later. It might have been a day
or moreone lost perception of time in here. Jaden had
told Sarin that if he failed to kill Naga, Sarin was to put his trust in the
man who would be sent to him.

“He is well but, he failed in his endeavor," Chang said.
“Fortunately, no one suspected he was the assassin." Chang paused, his
penetrating gaze making Sarin a trace uneasy. “You can trust himJaden is an
honorable man. He will do all he can to save you and King Tarn. It is an almost
impossible task he faces, but I will help him as much as I can."

Sarin frowned, unsettled by this manłs ability to read him
so easily. “You trust him?"

“With my life. I care deeply for young Brion. I will do all
I can to help the child and his father return home to Kabra unharmed. Also your
suspicions of both me and Jaden are entirely misplaced."

Sarin supposed hełd have to accept this man spoke the truth.
He had no wish to lose his mind and become Lord Nagałs pawn. Hełd rather die
while attempting to escape than surrender to that dreadful fate. “So what
happens now?"

“First you wash and change into the fresh clothing IÅ‚ve
brought you," Chang replied. “You should hurry. The guards will become
suspicious if I remain here too long."

“I would prefer to face my fate clean rather than covered in
the dirt of the dungeon," Sarin said with a wry grimace as he slipped off his
filthy shirt. He followed it with his breeches. His undergarment had been
disgustingstiff with grime and sweatso hełd taken it off soon after Jaden had
freed him from his chains. He grabbed the cloth draped over the side of the
bucket, dunked it in the steaming water and covered it liberally with soap.

“There are things you must know," Chang said as Sarin began
to wash. “The guards will chain your hands before youÅ‚re taken to Lord Naga.
The manacles will look normal at first glance, but one of the links of the
chain is made of a much softer metal. It will take some effort, but Jaden tells
me youłll be strong enough to break them when the time comes."

“Go on." Sarin swirled the cloth in the already filthy

“Before the guards come to chain you, Lord Sarin, you must
conceal this on your person." Chang removed a stick-like object from beneath
his shirt.

“What is it?" The stick was sheathed in chased silver at one
end, almost as if it were a handle of some kind. Sarin recalled Jaden carrying
a similar object with a far more elaborate, gold-wrought handle when hełd come
to this cell with Nerya.

“It is a keitan," Chang said. “I cannot go into more details
now, but you must be very cautious when you use it, as it is infused with the
magic of the Dragon Lords."

“Magic? I have no knowledge of magic. What would I do with
such a thing? Why not give me a dagger instead?"

“A dagger is a paltry weapon compared to this. The keitan is
dangerous even to those with magical abilities. Full mastery takes much
training. Nevertheless, I can teach you just enough to enable you to use it to
protect yourself when the time comes."



Jaden returned to his room just before dusk. Thankfully, it
was empty. Nerya and Asumi must be safely sequestered in Brionłs quarters by
now. Hełd no doubt Chang would do all he could to protect Nerya. He had a fair
amount of influence in the citadel, and Brionłs private rooms were off limits
and would not be invaded unless Lord Naga himself commanded it.

Jaden had been obliged to spend some time with Lord Naga,
listening to him going on about the failed assassination attempt and his hatred
of Commander Mikoto. It was irritating, but at least Naga had never thought to
suspect anyone in the citadel, let alone him. As soon as he could get away from
the mage, hełd gone to the stables and instructed the servants to prepare
horses and supplies for him and his escort, as he would be departing for Antoku
to see the empress later tonight. Last but not least, hełd been obliged to
follow up on his promise and visit Senshu.

Jaden hadnłt seen Chang. He hoped his foray to the dungeon
had been carried out without mishap and Sarin was prepared and knew what to do.
Itłd been fortunate that Chang had discovered how much one of the guards in the
dungeon hated Naga. The magełs men had abducted the guardłs sweetheart just
days before they were due to wed, and she was now one of Nagałs concubines.
Hełd been happy to accept a generous bribe and the promise that, when Naga was
vanquished, he would be reunited with his beloved again. He would ensure the
manacles they put on Sarin were those that had been specially made for them.

The silver box was missing. Nerya must have taken it, most
likely hoping they would never have to return to this room again. If the gods
were on their side then soon they would be on their way back to Kabra.

He could not allow himself to failhe had to stop Naga from
harming Tarn and Sarin. If Naga ever gained control of them, all would be lost
for the Western Kingdoms. They would be overrun by the forces of Acheron and
his own land and the Empire of Marquab would be next on the Dark Lordłs agenda.

Jaden had made Chang promise that if the worst happened and
he failed, he would help Nerya and Brion escape. She could warn Rianna, Gerek
and the rest of the leaders of the Western Kingdoms. They would need to be
prepared if Naga did manage to performed his cruel magic on Sarin and Tarn.

Jaden splashed some water on his face and tied back his
hair. After his rash promises last night, hełd had to couple with Senshu once
more. Hełd also been obliged to pander to some of her more perverse demands.
Having sex with her had been even more of a chore than usual. Senshu disgusted
him, and hełd found it even more awkward and uncomfortable now that he knew Tarn was so close. At least now, whatever happened, hełd never have to couple with her

Jaden glanced out the window. It was time! The sun was
setting, and soon Naga would begin. Hełd never felt fear before a battle. It
was a useless emotion. Yet a strange, sinking feeling festered deep in the pit
of his stomach. It wasnłt just his life at stake tonight; it was Neryałs, as
well as Tarnłs and Sarinłs. He tucked a large dagger in his belt, then bent to
conceal a smaller one in his left boot before sliding his keitan securely down
the side of the other boot.

He left his room, knowing it would be the last time he saw
it, regardless of what the future held for him, and descended the wide
staircase. The last dying rays of the sun streamed through a window, turning
the white marble statue of Lord Naga at the bottom of the stairs blood red.
Some might think that an omen, but Jaden had never been superstitiousomens,
prophesies and the like were for gullible fools.

The building seemed unusually silent today, and there were
barely any servants about. Jadenłs footsteps echoed in the quiet corridors as
he crossed the citadel and strode toward the stone steps that led into the
bowels of the castle where Naga carried out his cruel experiments on the poor
citizens of Usaka.

The guards on duty made no attempt to challenge Jaden. He
walked down the steps and into the first of the narrow stone chambers. Chained
to the walls were a number of pathetic creatures, the results of Nagałs most
recent experiments. It sickened him to see them. Why hadnłt the mage put the
poor things out of their misery? One sat in a pool of blood, clawing at his own
flesh; another cried hysterically, while others lunged pleadingly toward Jaden,
trying to speak, but unable to form words as drool dripped from their slack

The pathetic grunting rang in his ears as he walked into the
adjoining chamber. A small group of soldiers stood at the far end of the room,
directly in front of the door which led to the magełs most private chambers.
Hełd been curious about what hełd find inside ever since hełd been forced to
watch the guards drag Nagałs poor, unsuspecting victims into the room.

As any DaiłShi-en would, he totally ignored the soldiers,
but as he went to pass them, a couple of the men stepped in front of him to bar
his way. “How dare you!" His gaze was both cold and threatening. “Get out of my

“We have orders to challenge everyone who enters these
chambers," the lieutenant in charge explained.

“Challenge everyone? That surely does not include me. I am a
DaiłShi-ena personal representative of our esteemed empress."

“Forgive me, my lord." The manÅ‚s insolent manner
disappeared. “I appreciate your anger, I really do, but IÅ‚m only following Lord
Nagałs orders."

Jaden frowned. “I will speak to him about this later. ItÅ‚s
unforgivable of him to order his men to treat me in such a disrespectful

“No weapons, DaiÅ‚Shi-en." The lieutenant pointed to JadenÅ‚s
sword. “IÅ‚m sorry. You must leave both your sword and dagger here."

Choked with anger, Jaden protested. “No one dares to force a
DaiłShi-en to disarm without just cause."

“You will not be allowed to enter unless you surrender your
weapons." The lieutenantłs tone was polite but insistent.

“It appears I have no choice, but my mistress will hear of
this." The lieutenant paled at the threat but continued to hold out his hand.
Jaden withdrew his sword and handed it to the man. “Be careful with the sword.
It was a gift from Empress Eridea."

“We will treat it with great care, my lord." He placed the
sword reverently on a small side table. Jaden slid the dagger from his belt and
set it beside his sword.

“That is all." He didnÅ‚t mean it to be a question as he went
to walk past the men.

“No." The lieutenant dared to put a restraining hand on his
arm. “The assassin who tried to kill Lord Naga was wounded in the side."

“Wounded?" Jaden repeated. Naga hadnÅ‚t mentioned this to

“Before he died of his injuries, one of the soldiers
protecting Lord Naga told his compatriots hełd wounded the assassin. The blood
on his sword confirmed he spoke the truth."

“And so?" Jaden did not hide his impatience.

“We need you to open your doublet, DaiÅ‚Shi-en, and show us
you do not have such a wound."

Jaden drew himself up to his full height, staring imposingly
over the head of the lieutenant, who was much shorter than him. “This is

“Ridiculous or not, it has to be done." The lieutenant gave
a nervous cough. “Every man in the citadel is to be examined. I dare not
disobey Lord Nagałs orders, DaiłShi-en, not if I value my life."

Jaden undid the clasp of his leather doublet and pulled it
open. “Does that satisfy you? I have no wounds on my person."

“One moment." The lieutenant took no chances. He moved the
leather away and peered at Jadenłs unmarked upper torso, examining one side
then the other.

“Perhaps youÅ‚d like me to remove my breeches as well?"
Jadenłs tone dripped with so much fury that the man blanched and stepped back.

“Forgive me." The lieutenant bowed. “Let the DaiÅ‚Shi-en
pass," he ordered.

Chapter Seventeen

Jaden pushed open the plain wooden door leading into Nagałs
torture chambers. Hełd not expected to be forced to give up his weapons. A
DaiłShi-en should have been exempt from all such commands, but Naga hadnłt
thought to exclude him. Did the mage suspect him? It was more likely the failed
attempt on Nagałs life was making him overcautious. At least Jaden had thought
to hide the keitan in his boot instead of tucking it as usual into his sword

He glanced around the stone-walled chamber. Chains hung from
the walls, and from iron rings in the ceiling. Hełd thought there might be far
more sinister apparatus in here and maybe some magical artifacts. Apart from
the chains, the room was relatively bare, with just a couple of plain wooden
chairs set against one wall and a large oak table covered with many
unidentifiable stains set against the other. It was hard to believe this was
where Naga destroyed lives.

He opened the door at the far end and found himself in a
wide passage. They were deep beneath the citadel. This passage was much older
than the building above. It was lit by a number of flaming torches, but oddly
enough it was so gloomy he could barely see anything as he strode toward the
huge arched doorway. The doors were made of a dull black metal that seemed to
have the strange ability to suck most of the light out of the passageway. It
was an unusual phenomenon, something hełd not come across before. He put out
his hand to push them open and flinched in surprise. They were icy cold. As the
doors swung smoothly open and he stepped into chamber beyond, he expected the
interior to be chillingly cold as well, but the air just felt slightly cooler
and a little damp.

Before him, Jaden saw a large cavern which, much like the
passageway, appeared to have been hewn from solid rock. On second thought, it
probably wasnłt manmade at all, just some bizarre freak of nature. The uneven
walls resembled those of any cave, but the surface had been worn smooth over
the ages and had a black, glossy texture of polished granite. Hełd seen
something similar before, where an underground river had once flowed. If this
was the route of a long-dead river, then there should be a passageway at the
other side of the cavern, much like the one hełd walked through. It was so
dark, he couldnłt see that far. Close to him stood a few large boulders, also
worn smooth, but the domed roof, what he could see of it, appeared to be jagged

Coal-black sand crunched beneath his feet. The only light
came from two flaming torches set on elaborate black metal poles. They
illuminated a square, paved area in the middle of the cavern. At the centre of
the square was a huge block of black marblean altar of
some kind.

Naga stood between the two flickering torches, wearing a
magnificent blood-red robe covered in gold symbols that glittered in the
flickering light. At first Jaden thought he and the mage were alone, but then
he heard faint sounds. His warrior training came into play, and he sensed
rather than saw the sinister black-clad mercenaries ranged along the walls of
the cavern. He had the uneasy feeling there was an unsettling number, many more
than hełd ever anticipated. Damn. Life was never easy.

A small, slight man hełd never seen before approached him.
His plain black robes flapped around his legs. “Lord Naga wishes you to stand
over here."

Nagałs minion led Jaden to the far side of the altar, some
distance from the mage but close enough to see what he was doing. Jaden stood
there, all too conscious of the mercenaries only a short distance behind him.
With their dark garments and the bottom halves of their faces covered, he could
barely make any of them out in the gloom. Yet his finely honed instincts told
him they were there as his hand unconsciously reached for his missing sword. He
felt bereft without it. Naga wouldnłt have divested his guards of their
weapons. They would all be heavily armed.

Somewhere in the background Jaden could hear a humming sound
which gradually got louder as Naga lifted his arms with a wide flourish. More
torches he hadnłt been able to see before ignited with a loud whoosh. Jaden
wasnłt impressed. Hełd seen such supposedly mystical illusions before. They
were just tricks any base magician would use. Yet something still made him
blink in disbelief. The walls of the cave and the smooth stones scattered
around the floor now glowed in the flickering light as if they were covered by
thousands upon thousands of yellow and blue stars. It could only be caused by
metals or minerals in the rocks. The sight was impressive and quite beautiful
in a strange, unearthly way.

It was then he noticed that Senshu had followed him into the
chamber. Her deep blue gown was low cut enough to reveal a fair amount of her
generous breasts. The garish diamond necklace hung as usual around her neck.
Behind her stood Tarn, barefoot and clad in plain white trousers and a top. His
arms were manacled behind his back and two more mercenaries escorted him.
Jadenłs eyes met Tarnłs for a moment, and a look of understanding flashed
between them.

He hoped Senshu had given Tarn the key to his manacles and a
dagger to conceal in his clothing. That was what had been agreed. It would no
doubt be difficult for Tarn to unlock them behind his back, but at least he
could do so discreetly without his guards noticing. Initially, Jaden had
planned to obtain two sets of the special manacles. Theyłd been made by a
blacksmith in town, but when Chang had gone back to collect the second set, the
blacksmith had disappeared. Hełd been frustrated, but not overly concerned. It
wasnłt that suspicious. People disappeared all the time in Usaka.

Leaving Tarn on the other side of the cavern, held firmly by
his guards, Senshu moved to stand close to Jaden. He turned to glance
questioningly at her, expecting her to give him some sign that Tarn had been told what to do, but she ignored him and kept her gaze fixed on Naga. He
still could not bring himself to totally trust her, yet trust was all he had to
rely on at present. Sarin, clad in white garments similar to Tarnłs, his arms
also manacled behind his back, was led into the cavern and made to stand close
to the altar.

All of a sudden, an icy chill rushed through the cavern, but
there was no breeze. Jaden suppressed a shiver. Evil permeated the areait seeped from the walls and slithered across the sand. Naga
strode toward a gold platter placed on a small tripod at the end of the marble
altar. He threw a handful of powder on the platter, and it ignited with a loud
crackle, sending a stream of blue fire into the high, domed roof of the cavern.
Jaden heard one of the men behind him gasp in surprise. He remained
unimpressedhełd expected something more dramatic from Naga. Hełd witnessed the
infamous sorcery of the emperor of Acheron, and this was nothing in comparison
to the awesomely powerful magic he controlled.

Naga raised his arms and chanted an incantation. Jaden
frowned. He knew enough about magic to recognize words of power, but these
words meant nothing and were just designed to instill fear in Nagałs subjects
and his helpless victims. The sooner these useless melodramatics were over, the

While the incantations droned on, Jaden glanced behind him,
sizing up the mercenaries closest to him. An evil aura filled the cavern, but
it wasnłt so pervasive now that the other torches were lit and he could see the
mercenaries more clearly. There were too many of Nagałs men in the cavern for
his peace of mind. One closest to him appeared unsettled by Nagałs fake magic.
Fear made men vulnerable. Jaden would take him down first.

Jadenłs mind raced. The odds werenłt good, but as soon as Tarn and Sarin were freed, they would marginally improve. He returned his attention to
Naga, tapping his fingers against his thigh where his sword usually rested. Why
didnłt Naga get on with it instead of indulging in this pointless charade?

Then something happened that Jaden wasnłt expecting. A man
entered the chamber, carrying the limp body of a woman partially wrapped in
white silk. Jaden wouldnłt put it past Naga to be planning a human sacrifice.
The mage unfastened the front of his elaborate robe to reveal his scrawny,
naked body. No, not a sacrifice. He must be intending to use this helpless
woman in some kind of sick sexual ceremony. Would Naga take it to its fullest
extent and slit the poor girlłs throat while he raped her? Such pointless
cruelty would amuse someone like him.

Jaden wanted no more innocent people to suffer here, yet he
had no choice but to stand by and watch. He couldnłt give the signal yet. Chang
wasnłt in the cavern, and Sarin had to be close to or actually on the altar,
ready at a momentłs notice to use the keitan to take down Naga. It was risky to
leave it so late, but if he were honest, the entire plan was risky and born out
of desperation.

The man placed the limp form on the marble slab and removed
the silk covering, revealing the womanłs naked body, yet he left her hair and
most of her face covered. The poor creature was alive, but clearly unconscious.
The fine silk draped across her face fluttered slightly as she breathed.

Naga ran his hands over the girlłs pale flesh, which gleamed
pearly white in the flickering light, while his assistant fastened her wrists
and ankles to the altar with red silk ropes. Nagałs loathsome face twisted into
a sickening smile as he caressed the unconscious girl while muttering another
one of his futile incantations. His assistant handed him a small dagger.
Leaning forward, Naga dug the tip into his victimłs belly, just deep enough to
draw blood, which he used to inscribe magical symbols on the girlłs pale skin.

The ceremony was arousing Naga just as much as it was boring
Jaden. As the mage moved up and down the girlłs body, he pulled back his
weighty gown and Nagałs pathetic little cock stood stiffly out from his groin.
Jaden frowned, despising the mage even more as Naga cut into the womanłs flesh
once more. This time she stirred and gave a faint moan. She was waking, no
doubt just in time to realize what was happening to her as Naga defiled her

Jaden glanced at Senshu. She smiled as if she actually
enjoyed this foul spectacle. Sickened by her response, Jaden looked back at the
altar. The girl was awake now, restlessly moving her head. The silk covering
her face had slipped slightly, and he saw that beneath it she was gagged so she
couldnłt cry out.

When she moved a little more vigorously, the silk covering
slipped from her face and fluttered onto the ground.

Jadenłs heart contracted. No! Not Nerya.

This couldnłt be happening. How had Naga even known of
Neryałs existence? And why had he chosen her for this terrible ceremony? The
woman he loved lay on the altar, and Naga was planning to rape her. There was
no way on earth he would allow her to suffer like this.

Senshu stepped closer to him. “You canÅ‚t stop thisnot yet,"
she hissed, almost as if she knew who Nerya was and what she meant to him.
Jaden seethed with fury as she added, “HeÅ‚ll fuck her, but he wonÅ‚t hurt her.
If you make a move now, Jaden, everything wełve planned will fall apart."

Jaden clenched his fists, convinced now that somehow shełd
had a hand in this, as Naga climbed atop the altar and kneeled between Neryałs
thighs. His gut twisted when Nerya stared up at Naga, pulling at her bonds,
trying frantically to escape. He couldnłt stand this any longer. He had to do
something. He glanced over at Tarn and Sarin. Where was Chang? He was late. Jaden
had to give them the signal to free themselves right now if he was to save
Nerya. Unfortunately neither of them was paying any attention to him. They
stared in horrified fascination at the altar.

Jaden stood there, his mind racing, anguish consuming him.
He had to do something to help her. Nagałs hand reached for the amulet. Acting
purely on instinct, Jaden pulled the keitan from his boot and swung Å‚round,
thrusting the tip into the stomach of the mercenary behind him. Gasping in
agony, the man crumpled to the ground. Jaden grabbed the manłs sword and ran
straight for the altar, filled with so much blind fury that his vision had
contracted into one tiny spot and all he could see was Naga crouching
menacingly over Nerya.

Hearing the unexpected commotion, Naga twisted Å‚round and
spotted Jaden. He tried to scramble off the altar, but in his haste his legs
caught in the wide skirts of his long, red gown. That gave Jaden the time he
needed. Springing forward, Jaden jammed the tip of the keitan into Nagałs neck.
The mage screamed in agony, his body arching back as Jaden wrenched him from
the altar. Naga slammed onto the stone slabs at its base. Jaden dropped the
keitan and reached for the amulet. Nagałs small assistant grabbed his arm, but
he shook the man off and pushed him aside. As Jadenłs fingers closed around the
amulet, a sudden jolt of immense power flowed through him. The agony of the
many hundreds of souls trapped in the stone overwhelmed him, and he faltered
for one fatal, heart-stopping momenta moment that
proved to be his failing. He wrenched the chain from Nagałs neck as a blade
pierced his side. Jaden didnłt feel the pain. Twisting his sword, he used a
sharp backward thrust to run through his attacker.

Mercenaries streamed toward him from all directions now.
Jaden swore. He should have killed Naga before he took the amulet. Now he
didnłt have a chance to rid himself of the mage. Kicking Naga out of his way,
Jaden parried a slashing sword blow and kneed his attacker in the gut as his
blade continued onward, sliding smoothly into another manłs belly. He pulled
back his sword and sliced off the arm of the next mercenary who sprang at him.
The man fell, blood spurting from the severed stump as Jaden swung round,
slashing through the neck of the next man who dared to attack him.

Immune to the pain, Jaden forgot everything else as he lost
himself in a world of killing as only a DaiłShi-en could. Surrounded by a wall
of mercenaries, he cut through them with deadly and merciless intent, all the
time advancing while they backed away. Moving across the coal-black sand, he
swung his sword again and again, slicing through living flesh in all
directions, men falling dead or mortally wounded at his feet.

Yet he was one against many and, as one man fell, another
stepped up to take his place. Jadenłs magnificent display of swordsmanship
could not protect him completely or keep him out of harmłs waythere were just
too many of them, even for him. Hełd killed or fatally wounded any number of
the mercenaries, but even so, a few slashing blades met their mark. Blood
flowed from at least half a dozen wounds, but he fought on with studied,
economic movement, cutting through the swathe of men.

He did feel the piercing agony, however, as a man thrust a
sword in his lower back. The sharp blade grazed his spine and penetrated vital
organs. Jaden staggered for a second, but kept his balance. In that split
second, another man drove a blade deep into Jadenłs chest. The tip lodged
itself in his heart. He uttered a strangled gasp as more swords penetrated his

His weapon was somehow knocked from his hand. Jaden knew he
was falling to his knees. Nerya, his mind screamed. She was lost to him
now. No other thoughts filled his mind as the blackness of death enveloped him.



Sarin struggled, desperate to free himself, muscles
straining with the effort as he pulled at his manacles. Hełd been trying to
break the chains ever since Jaden had attacked Lord Naga, but he was weaker
than hełd anticipated after his sojourn in the dungeons. Hełd just seen Jaden
fall, pierced by countless blades, and he knew his friend was dead. No man,
even one with the strange ability to heal so quickly, could survive that, Sarin
thought in desperation as he felt the chain holding his manacles at last snap

Filled with white-hot fury, he grabbed a dagger from the
belt of a guard to his left and slammed it deep into the manłs stomach. The
mercenaryłs eyes widened for a moment before he fell soundlessly to the ground.
By then Sarin had brought the dagger Å‚round in a swift arc and slashed open the
throat of the guard to his right.

His hand drenched in blood, Sarin swapped the dagger to his
other hand and grabbed the fallen manłs sword. Taking a step backward, he went
to turn toward the advancing mercenaries, but his back slammed into a warm,
incredibly hard body. It all happened in a heartbeat. He didnłt have time to
think, but he knew the man behind him was huge, as a meaty arm snaked around
his neck. The time in the dungeons had slowed his reactions enough to make him
vulnerable. Sarin tried to wriggle from the manłs strong grasp while twisting
his arm for a backward sword thrust. But the pommel of some other manłs sword
smashed against his hand, and his nerveless fingers released the weapon of
their own accord.

He tensed as cold steel pressed menacingly against his

“Drop the dagger," the man holding him grated. The sharp
blade dug into Sarinłs neck just enough to draw blood. The dagger fell from
Sarinłs hand, and his gaze fastened on Nerya. Shełd raised her head and stared
in horror at Jadenłs blood-soaked corpse. Tears of anguish streamed from her

Jadenłs kick had clearly winded Naga, but hełd managed to
struggle to his feet and recover his composure, although his skin was red and
cut in places where the chain had been wrenched from his neck. Sarin forced
himself to glance over at Jadenłs prone form. One of the mercenaries bent to
recover Nagałs precious amulet from the hand of the dead DaiłShi-en. The man
carried the blood-spattered amulet to the mage, holding it by the chain, not
even daring to touch the magical stone. Naga, smiling with obvious relief, took
it from the mercenary and held it up for Nerya to see. He pulled the gag from
her mouth.

“No," she sobbed. “Jadenhe canÅ‚t be dead."

“His corpse is lying there on the sand," Naga snarled. “The
traitorous DaiłShi-en has gone to the underworld. But your soul will not join
him there, Nerya. It is mine to command!"

Sarin could barely breathe, anguish overwhelming him. Naga
pulled the dark blue stone from its setting and slammed it against Neryałs
chest. Sarin stiffened, as did those around him, when he felt the sudden rush
of swirling power emanating from the stone. The air around Naga seemed to
shimmer for a second then turn inky black as the stone worked its evil
magicsucking out every vestige of Neryałs soul. She gave a faint gasp of
agony, and her head fell back on the altar. Naga had destroyed her forever, his
evil stone stealing all that she was, and had ever been.

Theyłd lost, Sarin thought in despair. He glanced over at Tarn, whose arms still appeared to be chained. Why wasnłt he free? This wasnłt what had
been planned. It had all gone horribly wrong the moment the mage had touched
Nerya. Yet he couldnłt blame Jaden for acting so rashly. How could he have just
stood there and watched Naga harm the woman he loved?

Still, Sarin had no intention of letting Naga control the
ruler of Percheron. The guard still pressed the sword blade to his neck. If he
jerked his head forward fast enough, it would sever his windpipe and kill him.

Sarin wasnłt even aware of the slight movement beside him
until he felt the painful bite of the keitan surge through every vein and
artery in his body. With a faint groan, he slumped to the sand, unconscious.



Tarn swore under his breath. Ever since Jaden had attacked
Naga, hełd been trying to get the damn key in the lock, but it didnłt seem to
fit the manacles. Senshu had told him Jaden would lift his hand and touch his
hair, and that would be the signal to free himself, but Sarin was supposed to
be close enough to use the keitan on Naga at the time. Hełd thought he had
plenty of time to free himself until Jaden, quite understandably, had acted to
save Nerya. In his haste to go to Jadenłs aid, hełd become clumsy. Hełd been prepared,
hełd been holding the key in his sweaty hand, but it was tiny, and he hadnłt
been able to fit it in the lock.

As hełd struggled to free himself, hełd been forced to watch
Jaden fight for his life. Tarn had never seen a man fight like that before. It
had been awesome to behold. Yet even a warrior as skilled with the sword as
Jaden couldnłt have survived forever when he was so completely outnumbered.

Tarnłs guts twisted. Jaden was dead. He had to free himself
now and kill as many of Nagałs men as he could. He had no wish to surrender his
soul to the mage. Anger fogged his brain, making his big hands even more
awkward, as he saw Naga take Neryałs soul. Then, to his relief, he at last felt
the key start to slide into the lock. One twist and hełd be free!

At that precise moment, the tip of a keitan brushed the back
of his hand. His muscles froze in agony and the key slipped from his rigid

The mercenary at Tarnłs side bent and picked up the key. He
grinned and shook his head reprovingly as he slipped it in his pocket. “YouÅ‚ll
not escape what Lord Naga has planned for you," he said with soft menace as he
tucked the keitan back in his belt.

Sarin lay motionless on the ground, apparently unconscious.
How this had happened, he had no idea. Filled with unimaginable anguish, Tarn forced himself to glance at Senshu. Why he bothered, he didnłt really know. What could
she do to help him? He hated the woman and certainly didnłt trust her. All her
bravado about destroying Naga had disappeared. Her face crumpled in terror as
she watched the mercenaries Jaden had slaughtered being dragged to the sides of
the cavern and heaped in a pile as if they were nothing more than useless

Jadenłs corpse had already been carried away. There wasnłt
anything left of him now. Even the blood hełd shed wasnłt visible on the
coal-black sand. Nerya was now one of the soulless ones, and it pained Tarn to even look at her naked body lying nearly lifeless on the black marble altar. Soon,
he too could be in the same terrible position: an obedient slave to Lord Nagałs

A man dressed like the other mercenaries, but with strange,
slash-like scars on his cheeks, picked up Nerya and carried her out of the
cavern. Tarnłs heart twisted in pain. Jaden was dead. Nerya was destroyed and,
because of his failures, his beloved Rianna had lost both husband and son.

Tarn wasnłt a man to give up easily, but he could see no way
out. All hope was lost. Helpless distress consumed him as he watched Sarin
being hauled to his feet by two men. He still appeared to be unconscious, and
his body hung limply between two mercenaries as they dragged him toward the
altar. Sarin had no chancehełd be Nagałs next victim. Tarn prayed to the gods
to help him find a way to die rather than surrender all that he was to Naga.

Tarn, consumed by his own misery, was only barely conscious
of the guard on his left letting go of his arm and stepping away from him. The
guard whołd left was replaced by another as the two mercenaries struggled to
lift Sarinłs dead weight onto the altar. Suddenly, Tarn felt a hand brush
against his wrists. His manacles fell open and were pulled away before they
could fall to the ground. Tarn glanced to his left. Beside him stood the
strange man whołd carried Nerya from the cavern a few moments ago. Was this the
person hełd been told would help him when the time was right? If it was, he was
too damned late.

Something pressed into Tarnłs hand. His fingers
instinctively tightened around the leather-bound hilt of a sword.

“Not yet," the man whispered. “YouÅ‚ll know. It will happen

The man spoke in riddleswhat would happen? Theyłd lost.
Nothing could save them now. Jaden was dead, and Sarin lay unconscious on the
altar, about to become Nagałs pawn. Even so, it felt good to have a weapon in
his hands again. A warrior should always die with a sword in his hand. Tarn vowed to kill as many of Nagałs men as he could before he too was cut down like Jaden.
His gut churned. Hełd be deserting Brion. But what other choice did he have? He
couldnłt just surrender to Naga.

“I will take Brion back to Rianna."

Tarn snapped his head Å‚round. Had the scarred man just
spoken again, or had he imagined it? “What?"

The man smiled inscrutably. “Believe me," he replied very
softly. “And rememberstone against stone."

Nothing made sense. How would he know when the time was
right? He was desperate to do something as Nagałs little assistant tied the
silk rope to one of Sarinłs limp wrists. The man went to move to the other side
of the altar to bind Sarinłs other arm, but all of a sudden he froze.

A tall, dark figure had appeared in the centre of the
cavern. Tarn blinked, certain it hadnłt been there a moment ago. Judging by the
awed expressions of the mercenaries close to him, they probably thought this
apparition had been conjured up by the mage. Tarn wasnłt so gullible. It was
just a man in a long, black cloak, the hood pulled forward to conceal his

“Release Lord Sarin," the figure called out to Naga in a
deep, booming voice. “Or you die!"

For a split second, Naga appeared terrified. “Kill the
intruder," he screamed in a high-pitched voice.

A number of mercenaries advanced toward the tall figure,
weapons drawn at the ready. When the cloak was tossed aside, they faltered and
stopped dead in their tracks, staring at the apparition in horrified amazement.
Jaden, bare-chested, blood still covering his face and body, stood with a sword
clasped in each hand.

Tarn knew he wasnłt imagining this. It wasnłt a ghost or
some spirit from the underworldit was a living, breathing man. Jaden had
somehow miraculously risen from the dead. Blood covered him, yet Tarn could see no signs of any wounds on his body. Hope rose within him again. Tarn didnłt care if it was the magic of the DaiłShi-en or even the Dragon Lords. Jaden was

Jaden agilely spun the two swords, the torchlight flickering
menacingly on the deadly blades. None of the mercenaries went to attack him.
They stayed frozen to the spot, staring fearfully at the man who had returned
from the underworld to face them again.

“HeÅ‚s no spirit," Naga screamed. “DonÅ‚t just stand
therekill him!"

No one moved. They were all too afraid of the seemingly
immortal DaiłShi-en. Tarn glanced to his left. The scarred man had disappeared
as silently as hełd come. Taking advantage of the fact that everyonełs
attention was fastened on Jaden, Tarn reached under his top and pulled out the
small dagger Senshu had given him. It would be more useful than his sword in
these close quarters. Stepping back a pace, he thrust the blade deep into the
back of the guard standing closest to him. The man crumpled silently to the

All eyes were still intently focused on Jaden, so Tarn backed away, disappearing into the gloomy shadows at the sides of the cavern. He
almost stumbled over a pile of dead mercenaries. This was just what he neededhis white garments made him stand out in the darkness. The
metallic smell of blood filled his nostrils as he removed a slit-sided garment
from one corpse and slipped it on.

Naga gaped in disbelief at Jaden, the amulet clutched in his
hand as, unchallenged, the DaiłShi-en strode toward him. Naga scrabbled for the
magical powder and threw it. A sheet of blue flame flashed toward Jaden,
splattering on the sand in front of his feet. Jaden didnłt pause or slow his pace.
Naga threw the flame again. This time his aim was truer and the blue fire
seared Jadenłs side. Where it touched, his skin blackened and bubbled. He
slowed for a moment, then moved relentlessly onward, displaying no visible sign
of discomfort. In the blink of an eye, the blackened flesh on Jadenłs body
disappeared and he was whole again.

“HeÅ‚s just a man," Naga screamed, grabbing more powder to
send sheets of searing blue flames across the cavern, eventually forcing Jaden
to stop and dodge sideways to avoid the angry blasts. “Cut off his head and
hełs dead for all time," Naga yelled as Jaden began advancing toward him again.

When he threw the powder again, Nagałs aim went totally
awry, and a searing blue flare engulfed one of his own men. The mercenary screamed
and fell writhing onto the sand as the sickening smell of burned flesh drifted
through the cavern.

“If you donÅ‚t follow orders and attack the DaiÅ‚Shi-en, IÅ‚ll
incinerate you all," Naga yelled in desperation.

Some of the mercenaries, as fearful now of being burned
alive as they were of this DaiłShi-en who had risen from the dead, at last
obeyed their master. As they charged toward Jaden uttering a loud war cry,
other men instinctively followed them. Jaden spun round, both swords raised,
responding without hesitation, no doubt fully aware he was nigh-on invincible

Tarn watched the two swords flash as Jaden moved with an
elegant grace performing a sweeping, slashing dance that brought death to every
man who drew near him. Their screams of pain echoed through the caverns,
bringing fear to every man here who had yet to face the DaiłShi-en.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Tarn crept closer to the back
of the altar, swiftly dispatching the couple of mercenaries who had spotted him
in the gloom and moved to challenge him. Jaden, the harbinger of death, swung
his weapons again and again. No man who got near him had a chance of survival.

“I said cut off his head," Naga screeched. No one could hear
him above the clanging of metal and the howls of agony that filled the cavern.

Naga, his weasely face twisted in terror, glanced toward the
door of the cavern. Tarn could see he had only a few paltry grains of the magic
powder left. Judging by his inaction, Tarn deduced Naga couldnłt produce the
searing blue flames by his magic alone. He needed the powder to somehow ignite
the magic.

Naga had not yet noticed that Sarin, still lying on the
altar, had regained consciousness. Sarinłs hand slid surreptitiously down his
side, reaching for the keitan hełd hidden beneath his clothing. All Nagałs
terrified attention was directed toward Jaden, who ruthlessly cut down every
mercenary who dared move toward him.

Tarn edged closer to the altar, certain the mage wouldnłt
flee before hełd taken Sarinłs soul. He was right. All of a sudden Naga ripped
open Sarinłs shirt and went to slam the amulet against his chest. Tarn lunged forward, but Sarin got there first, thrusting the tip of the keitan against
Nagałs arm. Naga gave one drawn-out high-pitched scream. The stone fell onto
the altar as he crumpled to the ground.

Sarin tugged at the rope binding his other wrist.

“Let me." Tarn slashed through SarinÅ‚s bonds. “Deal with
Naga." He thrust the dagger in SarinÅ‚s hand. “IÅ‚m off to help Jaden."

“Destroy this first." Sarin winced as his fingers closed
around the magical stone. “Heretake it."

As Sarin dropped the stone into his hand, Tarn shuddered,
almost overwhelmed by the sudden rush of anguished power it contained. He
glanced down, seeing a multitude of dark swirling objects trapped in its blue
crystalline depths.

He stepped away from the stone, placed the magical stone on
the ground and hit it as hard as he could, but his blade merely glanced off The
Stealer of Souls and slithered across the paving slabs, only just missing
his bare feet. A fraction closer and it would have sliced off a couple of his
toes. Tarn frowned in frustration. It was a fine blade, but the surface of the
stone wasnłt even scratched. Swearing under his breath, Tarn tried once again,
hitting it with the pommel of the sword, but to no avail. The stone remained
frustratingly unmarked. Then he heard the voice in his head saying “stone
against stone".

Tarn picked up the magical stone and ran across the cavern
toward one of the strange, smooth boulders that sparkled as if covered by a
multitude of tiny lights. Using every bit of strength he possessed, he slammed The
Stealer of Souls against the boulder.

This time he succeeded. The stone shattered into a thousand
pieces. A loud boom, like a massive thunderclap, reverberated around the
cavern. Lightning forked from the pieces of the stone as they scattered across
the coal-black sand, flooding the huge cave with a white hot searing light.

The air around Tarn started to spin, Å‚round and Å‚round like
a whirlwind. He felt as if he stood in the eye of a tornado as gray ghostly
shapes swirled around him. He could actually feel all their fear and their pain
and all the terrible anguish theyłd endured while being trapped inside the
stone as the whirling shapes spun around him in an ever widening stream.

Tarn fell to his knees, gripped by an exquisite surge of
joy. All the poor trapped souls were free at last. Above his head more ghostly
shapes materialized from the darkness, slipping through the roof of the cavern
and sliding through the sides as if stone was no barrier to them at all.

There was another bright flash of light and the air went
still, the cavern turning blacker than night as all the flaming torches were
extinguished. Tarn rose unsteadily to his feet, desperate to know what had
happened to Jaden and Sarin, but it was so dark he could see nothing at all. To
his amazement all the torches reignited of their own accord.

He felt SarinÅ‚s hand on his shoulder. “Thank the gods thatÅ‚s
over, Tarn."

“Is it?" Tarn asked unsteadily.

“It is." Sarin grinned. “I used the keitan on Naga again,
but the poor fool screamed in such agony that I took pity on him and slit his
throat." He pulled at TarnÅ‚s arm. “Get up, you lazy slug. You canÅ‚t kneel there
all day. Wełre not out of danger yet. Jaden has slaughtered all the mercenaries
in hereeither that or theyłve fled. But there are still Nagałs guards in the
citadel to contend with."

“I never thought weÅ‚d do it," Tarn said, his voice shaking
as he stood.

“Neither did I." Surprisingly and quite out of character,
Sarin pulled Tarn into a bear hug. As he stepped back, he gave an awkward,
rather embarrassed laugh. “DonÅ‚t read anything into that."

Tarn grimaced in amusement and shook his head. “I know you
too damn well, Sarin."

Jaden, his expression blank, his arms hanging limply by his
side, stood in the centre of the cavernsurrounded by a multitude of dead
mercenaries. Everyone else had disappeared, including Senshu.

“Jaden." Sarin went to his side and touched his arm. “Are
you all right?"

The swords slid from JadenÅ‚s hands. “SheÅ‚s gone," he said
bleakly as he fell to his knees and put his face in his bloodstained hands.

Chapter Eighteen

The sudden powerful, painful jolt was like nothing shełd
ever experienced. It surprised her. Only a moment ago, shełd been flying high
in a dark, star-spattered sky, filled with an incredible sense of joy. Now that
exquisite sensation had left her, and she was earthbound again. Yet those
brief, moments of euphoria were not all she remembered. Before that, shełd been
trapped in a place of never-ending blackness, surrounded by an agonizing array
of pain and hopelessness too terrible for her to even think of now.

She pushed these feelings aside as she cautiously opened her
eyes. She knew for certain she was no longer free, and she felt almost
disappointed to find herself confined in her mortal body once more.

“Nerya." The dark-haired, pretty woman stroked NeryaÅ‚s face.
“Just relax. YouÅ‚ll be fine in a moment."

“Who are you?" she asked, trying to remember who she was.
The woman had called her Nerya. Was that her name?

“She doesnÅ‚t recognize me." The woman sounded tearful as she
turned to speak to the man standing behind her.

“Give her a moment," he said.

All of a sudden, it came back to her. The most important
person in the world was dead. He was lost to her, and life was no longer worth
living. Why couldnłt she have remained free, flying in the endless ether of
bliss, totally unaware of all shełd lost? All she could see was the terrible
vision of his blood-soaked body lying on the coal-black sand.

“Jaden!" Nerya sat bolt upright. “HeÅ‚s gone." Tears filled
her eyes and spilled down her cheeks. Her heart felt torn in two. “I saw him

“No. HeÅ‚s not dead," the woman said.

“Not dead?" She frowned and clutched at her forehead as the
knowledge of all that she was and ever had been flooded into her mind. For a
moment, it hurt so much that she was convinced there was just too much
information for her brain to contain.

“Jaden is alive," the woman said. Nerya somehow knew her
name was Asumi, and she was her friend. “DonÅ‚t get upset, Nerya, everything
will be fine." Asumi slipped a grey garment over her head. “LetÅ‚s get you

“Jaden is alive?" How could he possibly be alive when sheÅ‚d
seen him die? “I donÅ‚t understand."

As Asumi forced her arms into the garment, Nerya realized
she was naked and Chang was herehe was the man Asumi had been talking to.
Chang had an arm draped protectively around Brion who appeared scared. Another
man stood beside Chang, wearing the uniform of Nagałs prison guards. Blushing
in embarrassment, she pulled the gown down to cover herself. Her mind hadnłt
fully connected with her body, and her movements were still a shade clumsy, as
if her limbs didnłt quite belong to her any more.

“Go." Chang addressed the guard. “Rescue your sweetheart. At
the same time, tell any of the concubines and servants you see that they must
flee. It wonłt be safe for them to remain in the citadel much longer."

“You said that Jaden isnÅ‚t dead?" Nerya asked in confusion
as the guard bowed to Chang and hurried off.

“Yes. HeÅ‚s alive." Chang smiled. “YouÅ‚ll see for yourself,
Nerya." He pulled Brion even closer, patting his shoulder reassuringly. “Jaden
is not far away. IÅ‚ll take you to him, but, as I told the guard, we need to get
out of here as soon as possible."

Nerya sat on a blanket on the stone floor of a narrow
chamber. Chains hung from the ceiling and dangled from the walls. It appeared
to be a torture chamber of some kind. The place had a sinister air about it.
Somewhere far in the distance, she could hear shouting and even the sound of
fighting. She shuddered as she heard a sudden, high-pitched scream. “WhatÅ‚s
happening?" she asked Chang. “And where are we?"

“Deep in the bowels of the citadel," Chang replied. “Lord
Nagałs amulet was destroyed, and all the released souls are taking control of
their bodies again. Those who can find them, of course." Changłs features were
tight with concern. He rarely displayed any emotion, so this must be very bad.
“You have to try to pull yourself together, Nerya. We have to leave. ItÅ‚s
possible the poor creatures will take revenge on anyone they can lay their
hands on. IÅ‚ve no doubt some will have been driven quite mad by their



Jaden crouched on the black sand, his head in his hands, consumed
by abject misery as he forced himself to face the fact hełd lost Nerya. Chang
had told him, when Jaden had miraculously arisen from the dead, that Naga had
taken Neryałs soul. At that moment, Jaden couldnłt think of anything but
revenge, and hełd stormed into the cavern to slay as many as he could. But that
was over now, and he no longer had the will to live. It had died along with all
the mercenaries hełd slaughtered. Their blood-soaked corpses surrounded him,
some with limbs, or even heads, missing, while their blood coated his body and
dripped from his fingertips. Yet he didnłt care. Nothing mattered to him

He flinched when a hand touched his shoulder. “Go away," he
said bleakly. “Leave me be."

“We have to leave, Jaden."

He dropped his hands from his face. He couldnłt believe he
was hearing her voice. “Nerya?"

Jadenłs gaze fastened on the face of the woman he loved. Was
this all some wonderful dream? Maybe they hadnłt defeated Naga. Maybe he was
still dead. He closed his eyes and opened them again, but, to his infinite
relief, she was still there. Her beautiful face streaked with tears, she
pressed her lips to his. He felt the dampness of those precious tears on his
own cheeks as he inhaled the sweet scent of her body. This was no creature from
the underworld. This was his Nerya.

“Get up, Jaden," she insisted, pulling at his arm.

“There are all Lord NagaÅ‚s guards to contend with yet. You
canÅ‚t sit here all day." Sarin smiled down at him. “And youÅ‚re not dreaming.
Nerya is here, and shełs fine. Tarn saved her when he destroyed Nagałs stone."

“All the souls that still had bodies returned to them,"
Nerya explained as Jaden rose shakily to his feet. “The otherswho knows. I
just hope that, whatever happens to them, theyłre finally at peace."

Jaden wasnłt even listening to what she was saying as he
pulled Nerya into his arms and held her close. “My love," he murmured. “I
thought IÅ‚d lost you."

“Well, you havenÅ‚t." She hugged him back and kissed him
tenderly. As she pulled back from him, she wrinkled her nose. “YouÅ‚ve got blood
all over me."

“What?" Red stains streaked the front of her gown. “Sorry."
Without thinking, he reached out to rub the blood smears from her cheek, then
pulled back when he noticed the sorry state of his hands. He was drenched in
the stuff, and if he touched her again, hełd just get more blood on her.

“Here." Tarn pulled off his black surcoat and held it out to
Jaden. “Clean yourself up with this. ThereÅ‚s no time to be fastidious. We need
to get out of here, and fast."

“Chang says we shouldnÅ‚t chance leaving by way of the
citadel," Nerya added, picking up one of the swords hełd dropped, testing its
weight before she shoved it in her belt. “Most of NagaÅ‚s soldiers are no doubt
fleeing for their lives by nowthatłs if theyłve survived,
of course. The poor people whołve just had their souls returned are running
amuck in the citadel, and Chang fears that at least some of them will have
totally lost their sanity. Here." She planted his dragon sword in the sand at
his feet. “We need to go. Judging by what I felt when I was trapped with them,
Iłve no doubt some of them have gone insane. Theyłll be capable of anything."

Jaden rubbed his hands and arms, trying to wipe off as much
blood as he could. To his relief, Chang entered the cavern, holding Brion in
his arms, Asumi walking beside him. “It appears everyone is safe," Jaden
murmured. The gods had been on their side after all. Hełd never expected all
his friends to survive, although hełd prayed they would. Asumi carried a lidded
wicker basket. Judging by the loud mewling emanating from the basket, it
contained two small, rather unhappy kittens.

Jaden tossed aside the soiled cloth, grabbed his sword and
took hold of Neryałs hand. Hełd let her be the warrior she truly was, but hełd
never allow her out of his sight again. No doubt there would be a battle about
that. Tarn had stepped back a few paces when Chang appeared, almost as if he
were fearful of seeing his son again.

“Brion." Chang set the boy down on the sand. “WeÅ‚re safe
now, and therełs someone special here youłll want to see." Chang beckoned Tarn forward.

Tarn, clearly apprehensive, stepped toward Brion. When the
child saw him, he frowned. Jaden feared the spell might still be in place and
Brion might not recognize his father. Tarn would be devastated if that
happened. To Jadenłs relief, Brionłs face suddenly lit up. Smiling, he held out
his arms. “Father, I knew youÅ‚d come for me."

Even Jaden felt moved as Tarn clasped his son to his chest,
tears of joy filling his eyes. So Nagałs spell was broken, just as Chang said
it would be. Knowing Sarin as well as he did, Jaden was certain the mage hadnłt
survived. There was no sign of his body, but no doubt it was somewhere close
by. What had happened to Senshu? Not that he cared a jot for her fate. She
deserved whatever awaited her. His hand tightened on his sword. When hełd come
to and discovered he wasnłt dead, hełd been overwhelmed, hardly able to believe
hełd denied the hand of death itself. Jaden had spent three years in Acheron,
and hełd never heard even a rumor or fanciful tale of any such things happening
before. His innocent love for Eridea had been destroyed during his painful
indoctrination, but he had cause to thank her now. Shełd gifted him with
something quite miraculous.

“We must go that way." Chang pointed to the far side of the
cavern. Jaden was just able to make out a narrow doorway cut into the rock. “It
leads into the passageways under the citadel. Once we reach the city, I know a
place where wełll be able to obtain fresh clothing and horses."

“We should hurry," Sarin said to Jaden. “No doubt the chaos
will soon make its way down here." He held out his hand to Asumi. “Come, little
onedonłt look so fearful. I will protect you."

Jaden smiled. Sarin could never resist a pretty face, even
at a time like this. “In that case" Jaden let go of Nerya and prized a sword
out of a dead mercenaryÅ‚s hand. “YouÅ‚ll need a weapon," he said, handing it to



Nerya smiled at Jaden as he removed the dragon amulet and
placed it securely in the silver box. “IÅ‚m glad itÅ‚s over."

He snapped the lid shut. “Here, you can keep it." Jaden
handed her the box. “I hope IÅ‚ll never have need of it again."

In all the chaos of the last few hours, Nerya hadnłt had the
chance to find out how Asumi had escaped Senshułs clutches. Somehow she had,
and shełd recovered the box and brought it along with her when theyłd fled the

“In time you can purge them from your mind completely," she
said to Jaden as she slipped the box in the pocket of her breeches.

“I canÅ‚t even feel them anymore." Jaden sighed. “Now their
link with me is broken, it will be far more difficult for them to track us." He
glanced over at Tarn and Sarin. They were with the soldiers, whołd been waiting
for them in the hills all this time, getting ready to leave. “We should be on
our way as soon as possible. Before I took off the amulet, I sensed there were
men on their way to Usaka. A detachment of troops and a small contingent of

“Thank goodness Asumi managed to persuade her family to
leave when we did," Nerya said. “IÅ‚d hate to think of her being in Usaka when
the emperorłs troops arrive."

Shełd been sad to say goodbye to her friend, but Asumiłs
life would be quite comfortable from now on. Chang had managed to break into
Nagałs treasury. Hełd brought with him as much of the magełs gold as he could
carry. With the money Chang had given them, Asumiłs family would have more than
enough to settle somewhere else. Jaden had suggested they go to the far north
of Acheron. He knew it was safer there, far from the reach of the Dragon Lords
and their followers.

Jaden smiled. “IÅ‚m sure sheÅ‚ll be fine. Brion is depending
on her to look after his kittens."

Once theyłd reached the relative safety of Usaka, theyłd
purchased new clothes, supplies and fast horses from the trader Chang knew and
trusted. By that time, the disruption had spread from the citadel into the
surrounding streets as the former soulless ones sought their revenge. Of
course, Jaden had wanted to go back to the citadel to find his stallion Barsan,
but it hadnłt been safe to do so. He hadnłt said anything, but Nerya knew hełd
been sad to leave his beloved horse behind.

“Here." Jaden handed Nerya the reins of her horse. It was
not long after dawn, and she felt incredibly weary. The city had been in such
chaos, theyłd been forced to remain hidden in the house to which Chang had
taken them until first light. Theyłd all tried to sleep for a short time, but
with all the horrifying noises outside, it had been impossible. By the time
dawn came, the mayhem had calmed a little, so theyłd left the city and headed
for the hills to meet up with the soldiers. “WeÅ‚ll make straight for the plains
of Sonmara. It will be a long, hard ride, but at least wełll be going home."

“Home, yes." SheÅ‚d no idea where that was anymore. Once they
were safely out of Acheron, she and Jaden would have to talk about the future,
but she had no wish to even think that far ahead at present.

“Ready?" Sarin and Tarn rode up to them as Nerya mounted her

“Of course." Jaden sprang into the saddle of his mount.
“Sarin, thereÅ‚s a troop of soldiers on their way to Usaka right now."

Sarin frowned, but didnÅ‚t question him. “And?"

“If they learn all that happened in the citadel, theyÅ‚ll
send men out to try to hunt us down." Jaden didnłt appear concerned, although
Nerya suspected he was.

“If they learn. ShouldnÅ‚t that be when?" She
frowned. “TheyÅ‚ll use torture, wonÅ‚t they, Jaden?"

“Yes. We must move fast. I donÅ‚t think weÅ‚ll be wholly safe,
even when we reach Kabran territory. Boundaries wonłt trouble them now."

“Then we should find a way to block the ravine so they canÅ‚t
get through the mountains." Tarn pursed his lips thoughtfully. “How, IÅ‚ve no
idea, but we have to do something until I can contact my army and have troops
sent to guard that part of the border."

“Blocking the ravine. ThatÅ‚s easier said than done," Sarin

“Not necessarily." Chang nudged his horse up beside the
three men and pointed to a small white sack attached to his saddlebags. “ItÅ‚s
the same powder Naga used to create the blue fire. He used magic to ignite it
and blast it across the cavern, but it works quite well for the ungifted, if
you know how to use it properly. With this much, I can cause an avalanche of
rocks that will block the ravine, once we are out of it and on Kabran soil."

“Chang," Sarin said, his interest focused on the man. “IÅ‚m
certain I could find a use for you in Percheron, and I pay those who serve me
very well."

“Perhaps." ChangÅ‚s expression softened as he glanced over at
Brion, who sat on TarnÅ‚s horse, held safe in his fatherÅ‚s arms. “We shall see."

“Chang is coming home with me," Brion insisted. “HeÅ‚s my

“My lord." SarinÅ‚s tracker spurred his horse toward them.
“Someone is following us."

“Someone?" Jaden asked, turning toward the distant hill,
behind which was Usaka. “Only one horse, by the look of it," he added, screwing
up his eyes as he concentrated on the small pall of dust rising above a clump
of trees. A white, riderless horse appeared from the cover of the trees and
galloped toward them.

“Is that Barsan?" Nerya asked.

“I believe it is," Jaden said, smiling broadly.



Senshu groaned in agony. How much longer would they leave
her here in the dungeons? Theyłd stripped her naked and chained her just like
shełd chained Jaden. The manacles bit into her wrists, and blood dripped down
her arms as she hung, helpless and so very afraid, unable to even touch the
floor to relieve the pressure, every muscle and sinew strained. In no time at
all her arms would be wrenched from their sockets. Shełd never known agony such
as this. How dare they treat someone of her importance in this terrible

Nothing had worked out as shełd planned. Jaden rushing to
the protection of his whore had surprised her. Shełd made Naga aware of Nerya,
thinking it would be a good way of getting rid of the whore but shełd never
expected Jaden to put their entire plan in jeopardy by making an insane effort
to save the bitch. Hełd fought with amazing skill, but hełd succumbed to the
overwhelming odds and shełd thought all was lost.

His miraculous reappearance had terrified her. He wasnłt
just a DaiłShi-en. He was a far more powerful being, one she didnłt know at
all. Fearful of what Jaden would do to her after Naga had been killed, shełd
fled and taken refuge in her rooms. Shełd been unsure what to do next, but
shełd still hoped to somehow find a way to take control of the citadel.

What she hadnłt counted on was the behavior of the newly
restored soulless ones. Shełd been forced to cower in her room for a day and a
half waiting for the furor to die down. When shełd at last ventured out of her
refuge, shełd discovered the citadel was empty. All shełd seen everywhere were
terribly mutilated bodies and copious amounts of blood. Most of Nagałs men were
dead, and those whołd survived had fled. She too had been preparing to flee
when the emperorłs troops had arrived in Usaka.

At last she heard the cell door opensomeone had come to
release her. Relief flooded through her. Senshułs eyes widened as a tall,
muscular and commanding man walked toward her. His hard, angular features were
not unattractive, and the long, puckered scar that marred the left side of his
face gave him a dangerous, rather alluring air that she found compelling.

As he emerged from the shadows, she spotted the dragon
amulet around his neck. He was DaiłShi-en! Shełd already been planning to offer
herself to him in order to gain her release, so how brutal and passionate would
his lovemaking be? She shuddered as his gaze casually roved her voluptuous,
naked body.

“Please release me," she whimpered. “IÅ‚ve been hanging here
for hours, and it hurts so much."

“Hours?" He gave a cold laugh. “ItÅ‚s been only a short time.
I often leave my prisoners hanging like this for days."

“Days? ThatÅ‚s not possible," she stuttered. Perhaps he was
just trying to frighten her. “IÅ‚d die. Would I not?"

“IÅ‚ll not let you diebe assured of that." He slapped the
keitan he held against his gloved hands. “Not until youÅ‚ve told me all I want
to know. Lord Naga betrayed my master, the emperor. Hełs vowed that the mage
and all those close to him will suffer untold agonies."

“Lord Naga is dead"

“He is indeed." His eyes were dark and frigid, as if there
were no feeling behind them.

“And IÅ‚m just one of his many concubinesI know nothing at
all. I was taken from my family and forced to serve him against my will."

“A concubine who had in her bags, when she was captured, a
kingłs ransom in gold and precious stones?"

“I stole them to help my escape," she stuttered. “And of
course to give to the people in the city whołd suffered under Lord Nagałs
rule." She knew a DaiłShi-en wouldnłt care about the people, but shełd heard
the empress was a kind and magnanimous woman.

There was a sudden loud whimper that didnłt come from
Senshu. A soldier appeared, dragging a terrified girl by her hair. He threw the
bruised and battered creature at the DaiłShi-enłs feet. She was probably just
one of the servants, and of little importance to anyone.

“Well?" the DaiÅ‚Shi-en asked the girl.

“Yes, thatÅ‚s Lady Senshu, Lord NagaÅ‚s consort," the girl
said haltingly, her face tight with fear.

The DaiłShi-en smiled; a smile that turned Senshułs blood to
water. “As promised, you have earned your release."

“The bitch lies," Senshu insisted. “IÅ‚m not Lady Senshu.
IÅ‚ve never seen that girl before in my life." She watched the woman being
dragged from her cell.

“I have other prisoners, many of whom are also able to
identify Lord Nagałs consort. Do you wish me to have them brought in as well?
Or will they all prove to be liars, Lady Senshu?" He raised his dark eyebrows.
“You know nothing. Will you rescind that statement?"

“IÅ‚ll tell you everything you want to know," she gabbled,
well aware hełd give her no respite until shełd told him everything.

“So you will." He casually brushed the tip of the keitan
across her naked belly. The jolt of agony made her legs jerk, increasing the
strain on her aching arms, and she screamed in pain.

“What do you want to know?" she whimpered. “Let me tell you.
I canłt stand this any longer."

“YouÅ‚ll stand it as long as I want you to." Grinning
cruelly, he slipped off one glove and then the other before tucking them into
his belt.



“Are you sure you want me to accompany you?" Jaden asked
Nerya as they walked toward the apartments of the king and queen of Kabra.

“IÅ‚d prefer you were with me." This was a momentous moment
for her and she feared something would go wrong and nothing would live up to
her expectations.

Theyłd been back in Ruberoc for two days now, and everyone
was recovering well from their ordeal. Their journey had been fast but not
unduly hazardous and theyłd easily avoided the soldiers tracking them. Chang
had used the magical powder to cause an explosion which had sent an avalanche
of rocks tumbling down to block the pass through the mountains. For now Kabra
was safe, but for how long? Jaden had said he didnłt know for sure what would
happen in the future.

These last two days theyłd spent sequestered in her rooms,
reaffirming their relationship, and shełd lost count of how many times theyłd
made love in a variety of ways.

“Do you want me to be there in case you donÅ‚t like what you
hear?" Jaden voiced her troubled thought aloud.

“I just need to know the truth once and for all, whatever it

Nerya moved closer to him and slipped her hand in his,
wanting the reassurance of his presence as they stepped into the royal
chambers, which were vast and opulently furnished. However, Nerya didnłt spare
a glance for the furnishings. All her interest focused on the man and woman
standing beside Rianna. The statuesque, red-headed, middle-aged but still
beautiful woman must be Kitara. Nerya had tried to imagine what Gerek would
look like. Shełd expected someone massive and commanding, but this man was
shorter and stocky, with iron-grey hair. She wouldnłt class him as handsome,
although he might well have been in his youth. Nevertheless, he was attractive,
but what drew Neryałs attention was his warm smile and the kindness reflected
in his eyes.

“Mother. Father. This is Nerya," Rianna said, smiling warmly
at Nerya.

As she approached them, Jaden slipped his hand from hers and
moved over to the wide window embrasure to stand next to Tarn.

“IÅ‚m honored to meet you." Nerya instinctively curtsied. She
hadnłt intended to, but it felt right to do so.

She stiffened as she felt a hand on her arm pulling her
upright. “Nerya," said a soft female voice. Nerya could barely bring herself to
meet Kitarałs probing gaze. The woman had green eyes much the same shade as her
own. Nerya found herself in a loving embrace. “Daughter," Kitara said, her
voice sounding a little shaky.

The gesture was so unexpected that Nerya stiffened, overcome
by surprise. When at last Kitara let go of her, she stepped back a pace.
“Daughter," she repeated. “Did I hear that right?"

“Yes," Gerek confirmed. “You are our child, Nerya. The
daughter Danara has kept from us all these years."

This was what she wantedwasnłt it? Yet Nerya could feel
nothing but confusion, and her emotions overwhelmed her for a moment.

“Come." Rianna took her hand. “YouÅ‚ve gone quite pale,
Nerya." Her lips curved into a warm, affectionate smile. “IÅ‚m the one whoÅ‚s
pregnant. IÅ‚m supposed to look as though IÅ‚m about to swoon, not you."

“I didnÅ‚t think it would be quite this simple," Nerya
murmured as Rianna led her to a chair.

“Sit, sister," Rianna insisted.

Nerya sank onto the cushions, and Kitara and Gerek sat
opposite her. NeryaÅ‚s mind whirled, awash with so many questions. “Are you
certain I am who you suppose me to be?"

“Yes." Kitara nodded. “Let me explain. IÅ‚d only just told Gerek
I was pregnant when our lives fell apart." She sighed. “The fault was mine.
Pregnancy made me rather irrational at times. Gerek and I argued over something
foolishI cannot even recall now what it was. I rode off in a huff and, for
some quite insane reason, decided it would be safe for me to cross a river that
had been swollen by the late winter storms. My horse was swept away from under
me. Poor Gerek believed IÅ‚d perished." She glanced over at her husband.

“To this day, Kitara doesnÅ‚t remember what happened after
that," Gerek continued. “Danara told her sheÅ‚d been found by peasants who cared
for her and that a traveling warrior from Freygard recognized her and carried
her back home." He shrugged. “WeÅ‚ve no idea if thatÅ‚s true or not."

“I had a terrible head wound. I was very sick for a great
length of time." Kitara leaned forward and patted NeryaÅ‚s hand. “When I
eventually regained consciousness, I didnłt even know I was pregnant and had no
idea who I was. Danara told me we were cousins, but she never mentioned Gerek
or Rianna, and she led me to believe IÅ‚d never been out of Freygard."

“And when you had your child," Nerya prompted as Kitara
paused in her explanation, appearing to be overcome with emotion.

“The midwife gave me something to mask the pain of labour. I
was barely conscious when you were born. Danara told me the child was born
dead, and I had no reason not to believe her."

“I thought youÅ‚d deserted me," Nerya said. “ThatÅ‚s what my
mother" She hesitated and rephrased her reply. “What Danara led me to

“So we understand." Gerek frowned. “I can only presume
Danara lied to Kitara because she was barren and she was desperate for an

“IÅ‚ll never forgive her for denying me my own child," Kitara
added, her voice filled with anguish.

“Is it true that you remained in Freygard for many years
after my birth?" Nerya asked.

“Quite true," Kitara confirmed. “Yet in all those years,
Danara was careful never to let me see you. After the birth, Danara insisted I
would recover better from the trauma if I retired to my own estates. I did so,
but every time I was invited to court, she gave me some reason her beloved
daughter was missing. Either you were away visiting someone or furthering your
education. I thought it strange, but I never thought to question why IÅ‚d never
met you."

“Freygard keeps itself isolated from the Western Kingdoms,
as you know, Nerya. So when Motherłs memory at last started to return, it was
easy for Danara to twist the truth," Rianna explained. “She convinced Mother
that Gerek no longer wanted her. That hełd set her aside and was planning to
marry another. It was only when Tarn and I were forced to take refuge in
Freygard, many years later, that she learned Father hadnłt deserted her. That
he and I had been mourning her for almost ten years, because we believed she
was dead."

“I still canÅ‚t understand why youÅ‚re both so willing to
accept that I am who I say I am." Nerya couldnłt even bring herself to meet
Kitara and Gerekłs gaze, so she looked down at her hands clenched in her lap.
“How do you know for sure that Danara didnÅ‚t lie to me as well? Perhaps IÅ‚m not
your daughter, and your child truly was stillborn?" Nerya couldnłt accept all
this yet. Part of her feared something would go wrong and she would eventually
be disappointed.

“Aurora confirmed it," Kitara said. Gerek handed his wife a
folded parchment. “I received this letter from her only a short time before we
left Harn. In the letter, Aurora told me Danara had lied and that my daughter
lived. She said I should expect her soon, as she was traveling to Harn to see
me. That was why Gerek and I didnłt turn up on time at the meeting with Lord
Sarin. We lingered in Harn, hoping you would arrive, but you never came." She
glanced at the two men standing some distance away. “Not that I blame Jaden. He
believed we would all be in Kabra." She unfolded the parchment, and Nerya
immediately recognized AuroraÅ‚s elegant handwriting. “Aurora also said that it
was she who had persuaded Danara to at last tell you the truth. Too many people
knew the secret of your birth, and Aurora believed it was better for you to
hear it from Danara and not from some other source. She had no choice but to do
as Aurora suggested."

“So you really are my mother and father?" Nerya felt

“And we are sisters." Rianna grabbed hold of Nerya and
pulled her close. “Sisters with a very special bond, because you helped Tarn and Jaden rescue my precious son." She kissed NeryaÅ‚s cheek. “I can never thank you
enough for that."

“I wonder why you both didnÅ‚t see it when you two first
met," Gerek interjected. “Apart from the color of your hair, youÅ‚re so alike."

“But Rianna is beautiful," Nerya said in confusion.

“As are you, my child." Gerek rose and held out his arms to
her. “Would you allow me to embrace you now, daughter?"



“I told you it would all turn out all right." Jaden pulled
Nerya into his arms. It hadnłt taken much persuasion on his part to lure her
back to their bedchamber.

“I donÅ‚t recall you saying that," she teased as his fingers
reached for the lacing of her gown.

“IÅ‚m certain I did," he murmured. “Just as IÅ‚m certain you
told me you were tired and thatłs why I insisted we retire so early tonight."
Brushing her hair aside, he kissed her ear, nibbling gently at the lobe.

Nerya gave a soft sigh as the familiar warmth of desire
filled her loins. “Do you know what that does to me?"

“Of course I do. Why else would I do it?" he said huskily as
he eased her gown off her shoulders. The soft, pale blue satin slithered down
her arms and upper torso, gathering in folds around her hips. Jaden trailed his
fingers over her full breasts. As he touched her nipples, they stiffened. He
breasts started to ache, and desire flooded her veins.

“I canÅ‚t resist you, Jaden."

“Nor should you." He tugged at the silk, and her dress
landed in a pool around her feet. “YouÅ‚re not wearing any undergarments."

“It didnÅ‚t seem worth it." She smiled seductively. “No
sooner am I dressed than you insist on removing my garments again."

“ThatÅ‚s because I desire you so much." Jaden lifted her into
his arms and carried her to the large comfortable bed that had become their
refuge over the last two days. “Perhaps I should just make you remain naked all
the time and keep you confined in my bed so I can pleasure you whenever I

“Try it and you might regret it," she warned. “My sword is
in the chest over there. Just about within reach."

Jaden stripped off his doublet. How had she ever thought the
female form attractive in comparison to this? She found the play of his
well-developed muscles beneath his smooth dusky skin so fascinating. The feel
of his body fitting so completely inside hers was compellingly delicious. How
had she lived for twenty summers without this? The women in Freygard didnłt
know what they were missing.

Jaden kicked off his boots. When he turned back to her, the
tempting bulge in his tight-fitting breeches drew her fascinated gaze. He had
only to touch her to become aroused. “I love a challenge, you know that,

“How about tomorrow, in the bailey at noon?"

She was desperate now. Hurry, she wanted to urge as
he unlaced his breeches. She drew in her breath as his engorged cock sprang
free of its covering.

“Have I to wait until then?" he teased, his dark gaze raking
her naked body.

“Do you prefer to settle it now?"

“You know I wasnÅ‚t serious about fighting you," he said with
a wry grin as he lay beside her and pulled her into his arms. Gently, he cupped
her breast, his fingers caressing her nipple.

“Why not?" She pressed her body closer to his as desire
surged through her belly. Her sex felt moist already, and she was so hungry for
him she was willing to forgo the pleasure of extended foreplay, if she could
soon feel his engorged shaft sliding inside her. “Do you think youÅ‚d lose?"

“One glance at your beautiful face and IÅ‚d fall to my knees
and surrender to you," said the man whołd killed countless mercenaries because
he thought heÅ‚d lost her forever. “You know IÅ‚m yours, Nerya."

Jaden slid across her body and kneeled between her
outstretched thighs. His eyes were no longer dark and soulless, but warm and
gentle, filled with love. “I love you, Jaden," she whispered as he leaned
forward, supporting his upper body on his strong arms.

“I love you too, Nerya. So what do we do next?" he asked,
making no move to enter her, although she was wet and desperate to welcome him
into her willing body. “I need to know."

“Rianna wants me to stay here, and Mother and Father want me
to go to Harn," she said. “But first we have to go to Freygard and rescue your
men." She smiled at the magnificent man who loomed above her like some
glorious, ancient god. “This time, Jaden of Iberim, Suzerain Commander of the
forces of Marquab, you will enter Freygard with at least a thousand soldiers
under your command."

“Will Danara be impressed?" He sounded very amused.

“More than impressed, no doubt." Nerya gave a soft laugh. “I
think shełll be very concerned. She might even be scared of you, Jaden."

“I confess I would enjoy that." He gave a hungry groan as
she brushed her fingers against his erect cock. “Wait, Nerya, please."

“Wait for what?" She eased her legs wider. “IÅ‚m desperate to
feel that delicious cock fucking me."

“First I need to beg you not to go to Harn, or return here
to Kabra after wełve been to Freygard."


“What do you think, my love?" His expression became very
serious. “Because I want you to come to Iberim with me and be my wife."

“Wife?" she asked, her heart leaping. SheÅ‚d not allowed
herself to even think of what the future had in store for them. Shełd just
concentrated on the here and now.

“ThatÅ‚s if you can bear to marry me. A mere man. Especially
when it goes against all youłve been taught to believe in." For once, she
thought she detected doubt in Jadenłs eyes, as if he were fearful she might not
say yes.

“I think I can bear to be married, Jaden. As long as itÅ‚s to
you. After all, marriage appears to please my mother well enough, does it not?"

“It does indeed. Gerek is a lucky man, but IÅ‚m far luckier."

Nerya gave a soft gasp as he plunged his cock deep inside
her. It felt so delicious, it was almost too much to bear. Only one thought
filled her mind: Jaden was as much a slave to her love as she to his, and this
would last forever.

About the Author

Deanna Ashford lives in England, a country steeped in
history. Her surroundings and her love of the ancient tales of heroism and
romance first stimulated her to put pen to paper. Savage Kingdom is her sixth
novel. She loves to hear from her readers and invites you to visit her website

He stole her heart. Now theyłll have to steal their chance
for love


The Thief and the Desert

© 2009 Bonnie Dee


Chala might be a princess, but as her caravan bears her
toward an arranged marriage, she feels more like a prisoner, robbed of any
chance for true love. When she is kidnapped by a band of nomads, escape is her
first instinct. But as the leader, Kyo, turns his seductive charms on her, she
finds fury and lust inextricably entwined.

Kyo only meant to take the treasures Chala carried, but the
fiery tempered princess draws more than blood when she scores his face. She
ignites a craving in his veins that burns hotter than the desert sands. Impulse
drives him to seduce her until she freely gives him everything he wants.
What he gets is a battle of willsand a new enemy in the form of her jilted
fiancé, who isnÅ‚t about to let a merger between two kingdoms dissolve without a

Captured between duty and desire, Chala must use every ounce
of her cleverness to save a desert peopleand take back the most precious
treasure of alla future with Kyo.

Warning: Kidnapping, but no forced sex. Sand, sun,
seduction and sensual slavery.


Enjoy the following excerpt for
The Thief and the Desert Flower:

Chala watched Kyo from beneath her lashes, checking his
reaction. Over the past few days shełd begun to believe he didnłt intend to
ransom her at all. He was going to keep her as a slave to do his menial labor
for the rest of her life. This discussion of kidnapping brides made her doubt
hełd ever planned to free her, and when she thought of it, hełd never actually
had a chance to give a ransom message to anyone from the caravan.

He blinked and poked at the fire with a stick. The movements
in themselves meant nothing, but his demeanor proclaimed guilt. “I leave to
negotiate with Brachas today." He lingered with a hiss on the word “negotiate",
and she guessed it was a new one in his Genderese vocabulary.

Standing, he held out a hand to her. “Come. You bored from
sit too much. I show you something."

She rose without taking his hand. “Show me what?"

“I canÅ‚t take you. You will be alone for some days. I trust
you not to run because I take horses, but you need know how to defend if
something happen." He suddenly seized her arm. “In caravan you fight good. I show
you how to do even better."

Her eyebrows shot up. He was going to teach her to fight?
The man really was crazy.

“When man grab you like this how you break free?"

Chala pulled against his grip and kicked out with her foot,
but before it could connect with his shin, Kyo had spun her around and pulled
her back against him. Now he held her tight in the circle of his arm, against
his body. She struggled, but couldnłt break the iron band of his arm around her

“No! Man is big. You are small. Must use cleverness to

She panted, breathless even though she hadnłt really exerted
herself yet. “What do you suggest?"

Abruptly he whirled her away till she faced him and let go
of her.

“Man expect you to pull away. You step in close and stab
like so Reach for my arm."

Chala acted the part of the attacker, grabbing his forearm.
Kyo lunged toward her so quickly she shrieked. His hand shot toward her eyes,
two fingers extended to gouge them. He stopped inches short of doing so.

Her heart pounded. “Karachi!"

Kyo pulled back. “Or, try this." He drew her swiftly back
into his arms, twirling her around and close to his body again. “Maybe you
canÅ‚t break free." His breath puffed warm against the side of her face. “But
you can hit with back of head. Try."

Chala was confused. He was moving quickly, giving her no
time to think, only to react. But she obeyed his command and snapped her head
back. Pain bloomed in her skull as it cracked against his jaw.

Kyo grunted and cursed. His grip on her body loosened and
she almost wiggled free before he caught her again.


“YouÅ‚re crazy! Let me go." She stomped on his foot, but he
didnÅ‚t flinch, probably because her feet were bare while he wore boots. “Take
me back where I belong and I wonłt need to learn how to defend myself."

“Patience. I make deal, then we see."

“I donÅ‚t believe you. I donÅ‚t think you have any intention
of letting me go," she blurted, tired of pretending she believed his lies. She
bent her head and bit his forearm.

He yelped and relaxed his grip. This time she pushed her
body back into his, knocking them both off kilter. As Kyo stumbled, trying to
catch his balance, she shot forward, out of his arms. She scooped up the small
axe they used to chop kindling and spun around to face him.

Kyo was back on his feet. Eyes glittering, he moved toward
her, lithe and graceful as a cat. She swung the ax toward him, not in a
spinning arc as if to cut off his head, but a little jab intended to threaten
and force him back.

He ducked down and lunged up in front of her. His arm swept
out, hitting hers with a stunning blow that sent the ax flying and clattering
on the ground. It felt like her arm had been hit by a hammer. Stinging pain
shot from the point of contact. Before she could even cry out, Kyo had her in
his arms again, pulled up tight against him.

He gazed into her eyes, less than a hand span away. “Very
good, sachense. You learn fast."

“You hurt me!" She smacked her hands against his chest, her
arm throbbing.

“YouÅ‚ll live." He lowered his face, closer yet, only inches away.
His lips were parted, the lower one moist and gleaming. She focused on a tiny
brown mole to the left of his nose to keep from staring at his mouth.

They stood together, bodies swaying slightly, and all she
could hear was his breath, the blood rushing in her ears and the trickling of
water from the back of the cave. Would he kiss her? What was he waiting for?

Suddenly, she couldnłt bear it any longer. She rose up on
her toes and leaned toward him. Her mouth settled over his and she tasted him,
warm and spicy. She sucked his lower lip into her mouth and he groaned. Then
she took it between her teeth, tugging and making him groan louder. Chala bit
downnot a playful nip, a hard bite, her teeth tearing through his flesh.

Kyo yelled and pushed her away. His hands flew to his mouth.
Below his cupped hands, blood trickled down his chin. “Lagro! Lagro,

Chala licked her lips and tasted copper. She glanced past
him, gauging the distance to the cave entrance and her chances of reaching it
before he grabbed her again. Lunging to the left, she darted past him.

Kyo tackled her to the ground. She hit the rocky floor hard
enough to drive the air from her lungs, and he landed with his body half
covering hers. Gasping for air, she tried to crawl from beneath him. He rolled
to the side, flipping her over so she lay face up. He straddled her body,
pinning her down.

She glared into his bloodied, grinning face. He was panting
and his eyes were as bright as the midday sun. “Kloa, yes? Hot!"

Her lungs burned as she inhaled. Before she could say a word
or spit in his face, Kyo descended on her like a diving eagle and kissed her.
If it hurt when he ground his torn lip against hers, he didnłt flinch. He held
her arms to the ground on either side of her head and kissed her with such
ardor that she was breathless again.

She wiggled beneath him, testing to see if she could shift
his body weight off of her. It was like being trapped under a pile of rocks,
and his erection prodding into her belly was definitely rock hard. He dared to
plunge his tongue into her mouth, heedless of the damage she could do with her
teeth even though shełd just given him a lesson.

The tang of his blood and the new awareness of violence
shełd never known she possessed combined into a heady aphrodisiac. Chala
surrendered to his stroking tongue. Of its own accord, her tongue curled around
his and her lips molded to his hard pressure. Her body felt like softened
tallow, refusing to respond to her commands to fight him.

After a few moments, he released her mouth to kiss her jaw
and neck, tickling her with his lips until she squirmed once more. He murmured
something in Shinje against her neck and rocked his hips, rubbing his cock
against her.

Her pulse fluttered as erratically as a trapped moth, and
her already sweating body grew hotter. His grip on her wrists loosened as his
mouth ranged over her chest and the swell of her breasts. “Lagro, ti
claisse. Mi tyokianna ti." The vibration of the words against her flesh,
the puffs of air that accompanied them, melted her into a puddle of desire. Her
ability to struggle drifted away on a current of pleasure.

All her lightand all his lovemay not be enough to hold
the nightmares at bay


Dust of Dreams

© 2010 Renee Wildes


Guardians of Light, Book 4

Mingling with other races is strictly forbidden,
but dream faerie Pryseis has no choice. An innocent goblin child suffers
dangerous nightmares, and it should be a simple task to cure him and return to
her anxious sisters before the council knows shełs gone.

Yet therełs a reason a creature of air and
sunlight has no business underground. Now in chains, prisoner of an ungrateful
goblin sorcerer, Pryseis despairs that anyone will save her. Her only
comfortthe memory of a man she can only touch in her dreams.

Benilo ta Myran, with the reluctant blessing of
his elven king and queen, takes up a quest some would call mad, driven by the
certain knowledge that the beautiful faerie who invades his dreams is in
danger. He carries a terrible secretwar has broken his healing powersyet he
cannot leave her to face the darkness alone.

The first touch of their flesh surpasses their
most erotic dreams, but the nightmare has just begun. Therełs the suffering
child, and a sorcerer who wonłt go down without a fight. And the clock is
ticking down for Pryseis, who must return homeor fade away.

Warning: Beware of wounded bunnies, hungry trolls, low
ceilings, glowing mold and goblins bearing gifts. Most of all, beware beautiful
faeries and hot elves appearing in your dreams. They may lead you astrayand
steal your heart.


Enjoy the following excerpt for
Dust of Dreams:

Pryseis watched the goblins leave the encampment and gave up
trying to discern their intended target. Benilo was right. She curled up next
to him. They both needed rest. At least she wasnłt alone. He pulled her into
his arms, and she ended up half-sprawled across his chest. She stiffened and
pulled away. “I donÅ‚t want to hurt you."

“Does not hurt in the slightest," he said.

She felt no deception in his thoughts. And she felt
better, surrounded by his warmth, his strength. His heart beat under her ear,
slow and steady. She went boneless by slow degrees, matching him breath for
breath. His scent curled around her, through her. Thatłs what had been absent
afore, in her dream. Hełd not felt real, for all theyłd shared. Now
there was solid warmth, hot male skin scented with sunlit ferns. She toyed with
a lock of his hairunexpected softness, a cascade of light. His calloused
fingers caressed her back, and she shivered at the goose bumps that rose in
their wake. Unbidden, her mind drifted back to the dream. Her breasts swelled
and she flushed, embarrassed as her nipples tightened against him.

His fingers trailed over the curve of her backside. She
tried to squirm away, but Benilo held her still. “Shh, easy, beauty," he
soothed, the brush of his mind in hers seduction itself. “Do not fear me. I
would never hurt you."

“It wasnÅ‚t real," she denied.

“But it was, and this is. Look at me."

Pryseis was caught in the hypnotic blue power of his gaze.
Blue as the mountain sky, hot as the living fires within the earth. Open desire
there for her to read, to feel. She gasped, and his eyes darkened. She reached
out to trace his lips with her fingers. He captured her hand in his, raising it
so he could tease, not her palm, but the sensitive skin of her inner wrist. It
caused an unexpected tingle in her breasts, and she whimpered as her nipples
tightened further, an almost painful arousal.

“This is crazy."

“The sweetest madness."

“Anyone could walk in."

“Then we shall have to be quiet." Benilo rolled over
so they lay side by side, raised himself up to nibble along the side of her
neck. Her nails tightened on his shoulders when he found a sensitive spot, and
he stroked her there with his tongue, suckling on her skin until she whimpered
and wriggled closer. He curled a hand around her breast, circling her aching
nipple with his thumb, and she gasped in his ear. He shuddered at the sound,
and moved to capture her lips with his.

Pryseis opened to him, taking him deep, savoring the dark,
wild taste of him as her tongue tangled with his. Every stroke of his tongue
heightened her craving, her need. This was naught like the dream. It was so
much more real. She felt herself swelling, softening, kenned he caught the
scent of her arousal when he slid his muscled thigh betwixt hers, drew her leg
up over his hip. Benilo bent his head to her breast, taking a long pull,
teasing her nipple with the rasp of his tongue. She bit her lip to silence the
cry that rose. Sweet Mother, how he made her ache!

“You make me burn, beauty." He drew her hand down to
his erection, pulsing hot and heavy against the fingers she curled around him.
His mind was a swirl of hot air, boiling water, pure fire. A chaos of pure need
pulled her in until she drowned in sensation. Desire and need. The light of his
passion drew her, but instead of burning, she took it in, took him in. It was a
magic shełd never kenned, a joining shełd never conceived of. Body and mind.
Heart and soul.

“Dracken rue, beauty, this is as real as it gets."
Benilo sounded desperate as he thrust into Pryseisł wet, willing body. She held
him close, in her heart, in her mind. He surged into her body, again and again,
taking them both higher until barriers shattered as the Light swamped them
both. “I bind myself to you. Whenever, whatever your need, I shall come to
you. To you do I answer with body or blood. My life for yours. My soul to
yours, Å‚til our last breath. Never again shall you be alone. You are mine, in
this lifetime and the next. I shall ever be yours, for always. We are one."

Pryseis shattered in a splendor of Light, and he took her
mouth to silence her cry as she screamed in his mind and pulsed around him. His
heart answered her back as he poured himself into her. Solid earth in his
muscles, churning water in the trickle of sweat, the blood boiling in the fiery
heat of passion, the air in their shared breath, his very life as he succumbed
to passion. She took it all in and flew. The cold air of the mountaintops, the
Motherłs very breath. The Light settled deep within their soulssun, moon and

Her net shone bright. She felt rejuvenated, almost as if
shełd drunk from the pool itself. And Benilohe felt whole. Healed. Balanced.

He gasped for breath. His eyes widened as he sensed the
change in them both. “Lady of Light, what have I done?"

“UmmI think you healed us both." She grinned. “Interesting
technique, healer."

“It is more than that. Give it a moment." He looked wild and
a little desperate as he took her hand and placed it against his stomach. “What
do you feel?"

“Your skin under my hand." She stroked her hand across his
stomach, and she flinched as she struck a ticklish spoton her own side. It was
as if she felt her own touch. Her heart pounded in her earwith his trepidation.

He reached out to run his fingers through her hair, and she
shuddered as the silken strands slid across her knuckles. “Stop it! What did
you do?" Pryseis hissed, trying to keep her voice at a whisper. “Get out
of my mind."

“I cannot." His voice was grim. His face, grimmer still. “I
found a way to heal us, aye. But the only way to do so was to open up to the
elementsand each other. I found a way for you to take my energyby binding us
together. As life mates."

She felt him in her heart, in her blood. In her mind. The
words of the vow came back to her, blessed by the Mother. Permanent.
Irreversible. “I donÅ‚t believe this!"

“It was not what I intended to do at all," he defended
himself. “I did not even intend to kiss you."

“DonÅ‚t you blame me for this!"

“I do not, but I believe there was a higher power involved."
He glared at her. “Without the pool, you would have died, Pryseis. I remember
that much of my lessons. Faeries do not survive without a direct infusion of
elemental energy. I can give you that. As much as you need, as often as you

His conviction burned in her chest. His pure intentions. He
hadnłt intended to bind them together, but it was the only way to do what they
both needed doing. Hełd needed healing as much as she had. And with the
sharing, they were both stronger. She tried to recall what she kenned of elven
life mates. They kenned what each other felt, thought. No secrets. No privacy.

“No loneliness," he whispered. “Total support. A passion
that just grows hotter with timeand practicewith a partner who kens what you
need almost afore you need it."

She shivered at his words, at the way his gaze dropped to
her breasts. She could almost feel his mouth on her, there

He groaned, and she felt her bodyhis bodytighten in
response. “Careful, beauty."

“Well, you missed one. Å‚Tis feeling neglect-ed." The
last part of the word was all but a squeak as he captured her nipple betwixt
his lips. She felt the pull of it betwixt her thighs.

“So sweet" She caught BeniloÅ‚s thought, the wonder of
her silken skin sliding against his body. She felt her tightly puckered nipple
on her own tongue and panicked at the momentary disorientation.

“Easy, beauty." Benilo was right there with her. “Do
not focus on you, or me. Just go with the feeling, the sensations. It is

It was like the dream, but a hundredfold more intense.
Wonder and awe, softness and hard strength, drowning in fiery need. She rained
kisses down his stomach, no longer hesitating at the trail of flame that
flickered across her own skin. He stroked betwixt her wet swollen folds, and
she felt the hot cream coating her fingers. She ached to be buried in all that
softness, feel all that hot, wet tightness squeezing around her. She took him
in her hand, in her mouth, and the exquisite agony of her tongue circling the
sensitive head of an organ she didnłt even have almost made her shatter
then and there.

“Do it." His voice was rough, almost harsh, in her
mind. He spun her about so she straddled his face. He buried his head betwixt
her thighs, his tongue probing for the sensitive bud hidden in her folds.
Embarrassment warred with excruciating arousal. “Do not hold back." His
need for the wet heat of her mouth, the intoxicating taste of her on his
tongue, drove her to take him into her mouth, tracing the engorged vein that
ran along the underside of his shaft. She moved on his mouth, rubbing against
his tongue.

“Mmph!" Pryseis jerked as he suckled that bud into a point
of pure fire and she shattered over him. Relaxing her mouth, she took him deeper,
down her throat.

Benilo, too, was beyond words, at the wet heat of her
tongue, stroking, pressing. She sucked him down, squeezed around him, and his
body erupted. She started, gagged and then swallowed. The second shock of
pleasure at that action all but knocked him senseless.


Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

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