(Kabbalah) To Man (Aleister Crowley)

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
My term of Office upon the Earth being come in
the year of the foundation of the Theosophical Society,
I took upon myself, in my turn, the sin of the whole
World, that the Prophecies might be fulfilled, so that
Mankind may take the Next Step from the Magical
Formula of Osiris to that of Horus.
And mine Hour being now upon me, I proclaim
my Law.
The word of the Law is ą
Given in the midst of the
Mediterranean Sea
An XX Sol in 3 Libra die Jovis
by me ńź śę ŚĄź DCLXVI
źźŁ ę&!źŁ ą
Whoso understandeth may seek through
All communications relative to this Message
Should be addressed to Seniat El Kitou, La Marsa, Tunisia.
The World-Teacher sayeth:
Find, each of you, your own true Way in the Universe, and
follow it with eager joy!
There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt !
Do that, and no other shall say nay.
Greeting and Peace !
the Priest of the Princes.
} in Aquarius. An XXI
The Avenger sayeth:
You have done well to protest against the grotesque
mummeries of the bottle-fed Messiah; you will still do wisely to
beware of its Jesuitical wire-pullers. The attempted usurpation is
most sinister Black Magic of the Brothers of the Left-Hand Path.
I need not remind you of the shameless and nauseating fraud
by which the Grand Old Procuress worked herself into the presi-
dency of your Society, of her blatent attempts to capture various
rites of Freemasonry, of her imbecile parodies of the Romish
heresy, of the obscene manustuprations practised by Leadbeater
on the wretched Krishnamurti, with a view to making him a docile
imbecile, in imitation of the traditions of the Dalai Lamas, or of
a thousand other duplicities, tergiversations, and crimes. It is
your daily shame to remember. Nor need I indicate your only
proper course.
With regard to the recent intrigue of the S.J. to introduce
their cult into Hinduism :
You are free to use the Sign of the Cross  or the Sign of the
Blue Posts  exactly as you will. The Theosophical Society is,
first of all, not a sect.
The World-teacher will not try to enforce on Englismen
Hindu restrictions of diet, or on Hindus English restrictions of
The word of Sin is Restriction !
Madame Tussaud-Besant has produced yet again a waxwork World-
Well, he certainly looks lovely ; but the question is : what has he got to
teach ?
It is hard to write seriously about such antics ; but it must be done for
the sake of the well-meaning if weak-minded dupes of Mrs Barnum-Besant.
Let it be understood that any World-Teacher must comply with certain
conditions known only to initiates ; but above all with one condition which
can be appreciated by all men.
He must utter a New Law ; and this Law must be capable of full
expression in one single word.
Thus, in the past, we have the Word Tao uttered by Laotze, Jahweh by
Moses, Anatta by Gautama, Iao by Dionysus, Allah by Mohammed, and so
forth : the full interpretation of these words, when investigated philosophically,
historically, or qabalistically contains the whole doctrine.
Further, the Word must be self-evidently Truth, that is, it mut be
recognizable as fitted  and uniquely fitted  to the immediate neceesity of
Mankind, or to that section of Mankind for whom it is uttered, at the moment
of its utterance.
Let it moreover be known that the World-Teacher has indeed appeared,
having fulfilled every one of the necessary conditions ; that representatives of
all the authentic Orders of Initiates have borne witness to his advent ; and that
hie has in due form proclaimed his new Law. The Word of the Law is
It was necessary to express this Law in the Greek language for
philosophical, historical and qabalistic reasons, which will be explained to all
But, for this time, be it enough to say that the most general meaning of
the Word is Will, with the sub-meaning Love ; so that the elements of the
Law may be expressed in these two phrases :
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Love is the law, love under will.
Fra 4" H.I.
An XXI Sol in 0 Aquarius
Luna in 28 Aries.


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