{7/24/90, Added InitProg globally to posts with this remark, DWB}
{1/28/91 Copied & modified: Sharnoa-Tiger III M023.55 For: Gibbs & Associates Machine: Tiger III Control: Sharnoa Updated to Version 3.2 per Fanuc 6M M001.76.1 Format. Added 'T' label to CRCOffset in Form. DWB}
{1/28/91 Copied & modified: Sharnoa-Tiger III M023.76.1 For: Chevron Oil Field Research Company Machine: Tiger III Control: Sharnoa Modifications made per customer request: Deleted DrillOff at FirstOperation. Deleted occurance of ' G99' work fixture offset code for FirstOperation only. Deleted CRCOff at NewTool. Deleted all occurances of CRCOffsetC. DWB}
{4/3/91 Modified: Sharnoa Tiger III CO M389.76.7 For: Gibbs & Associates Updated to Version 4.0 per Fanuc 6M M001.80 Format. DWB}
{5/7/91 Modified: Sharnoa Tiger III CO M389.79 Renamed: Sharnoa Tiger IV CO M389.80 For: Gibbs & Associates Changed OfstOn to ZCP1 4 places. DWB}
{4/10/92 Modified: Sharnoa Tiger IV CO M389.80 For: Chevron Removed all occurances of CoolOn/CoolOff. Removed the G17, G18, G19 codes for planes in the form, to illiminate the output but still allow for flexible capability. Deleted all speed code commands, their machine does not read them. Commented out the ' O' NewWFO# EOL in the WFOStuff subroutine, not sure if they really want to delete this altogether, wait to delete this code. Kim Michelman}
{2/23/96 Modified: Sharnoa-Tiger V M810.80.1 For: Gibbs & Associates Updated form for use as a SFP post Updated post to handle drill subs per Danny's v2.20 Update Instructions .01. This post is only partially updated since it uses the SharnoaMill command to do line features which prevented adding Separate Subs for ZShiftOnly subs. WS}
{3/9/96 Modified: Sharnoa-Tiger V M810.80.2 For: Sharnoa Corp. removed any references to the drilloff(G80) code removed the "%%" at the beginning of the post output removed all calls to WFOStuff function. changed tool change line to include a G40(CRC cancel) at beginning of line. changed so no Z move with a G40 line. changed form to use E code and start w/ 50 changed so CRCon (G41 or G42) never has an X,Y, or Z move on this line added tool change block to the first operation. If tool in spindle no tool chnage is made. added spindle speed to line w/ spindle direction code. added "G4" code (no move) before various M codes which was on a line by itself. added support for turning on coolant in DoCoolSpinOn. WS}
{3/19/96 Modified: Sharnoa-Tiger V M810.80.3 For: Sharnoa Corp. (Sharnoa-Tiger V M810.80.4a - 3/11/96) changed so rapid move after tool change is an XYZ move. changed so Feedrate code alway output. added SeqLabC before some comment lines that didn't have it. added "G99" after the EachWFO-NextWFO loop in OpenMP FixtureOffsets. added rapid code when moving to start position when doing MP-1TAP-xCP removed ending comments at the end of the program (Sharnoa-Tiger V M810.80.4b - 3/12/96) fixed drilling so D and E words appear on every drill line since they are modal. fixed problem where Feedrate was being output on a line by itself added Flag('10') for outputting G4 code w/ Feedrate (Sharnoa-Tiger V M810.80.4c - 3/12/96) fixed problem with no rapid code output after G99 code in ZOnlyRep. fixed problem with no linear motion code for Ramp moves following a CRCon. changed so there will not be a G4 only line when no linear move before Ist arc move. (Sharnoa-Tiger V M810.80.4d - 3/13/96) changed so it uses SeparateSubsCalls. set the SetMaxSeparateSubCalls to be 200 outputs message if an operation exceeds 200 steps. removed the G99 code output at the end of a ZOnlyRep sub. fixed problem where not outputting G1 after CRCon code. (Sharnoa-Tiger V M810.80.4 - 3/19/96) release version given to a customer. WS}
{1/8/97 Modified: Sharnoa Tiger V M810.80.4 Created: Sharnoa Tiger V MY02.89 For: Sharnoa Machine: Tiger V Control: Sharnoa Versions: Catalyst v3.23C/Compost 4.21.37/v1.0b3 Changes made per Terry Van De Walker of Sharnoa, phone conversations and sample files. Changes also made per Wayne Shibuya of Gibbs & Associates and Sharnoa Tiger V M810.80.4. Updated for Catalyst v3.23C per Fanuc 6M M001.89a Format Changed FORMAT#2 from ###.###;0. to #####.###;0. at Prog Numeric Format Definitions. Changed FORMAT#3 from *###.###;0. to *#####.###;0. at Prog Numeric Format Definitions. Deleted version comments. Deleted Flag(2) for CutterRadiusCompensation logic. Moved contents of FormatLine back to ToolPath LineFeat. Modified WorkFixtureOffset logic. Added WFONum sub. Rewrote logic at WFOStuff sub. Added EOL to NewWFO MP WFOStuff sub Warning. Deleted SeqC and EOL at WFOStuff sub. Moved WFOStuff after MP-OTAP-FU condition at FirstOperation and NewTool. Added WFOStuff for MP-OTAP-ECP condition at FirstOperation and NewTool. Added SeqC and EOL at WFOStuff calls at GetStartOfSameTool, FirstOperation and NewTool. Added SetMaxFeed(12700) for Metric VNC files. Moved Speed SpinOn after MP-OTAP-FU condition at FirstOperation and NewTool. Added Speed SpinOn for MP-OTAP-ECP condition at FirstOperation and NewTool. Complete rewrite to correct support for Canned Peck Drilling, Helical Arcs, AutoCycles and ZShiftOnly Repeats, SepSubs, among other minor issues. Canned Peck Drilling requires Peck and Retract Parameters on every location block. Post outputs Polar Coordinates for Arcs. ncPost and Virtual Source Code output G11 block which positions tool to startpoint using Arc centerpoints, radius and start angle, followed by G12 block outputting end angle and ZMove if applicable. Incremental Arcs are handled manually in post processor because Incrmental moves require literal '/' character, which is not part of ncPost and Virtual Source Code. Non-Polar Arcs LessThan 180 degrees is output as GXYZR. Non-Polar Arcs GTEqual 180 and LessThan 360 degrees is output as GXYZR-. Full Arcs must be output in Polar Coordinates. Past problems were due in part because Polar CenterPoints are modal. Incremental output requires that Polar CenterPoints be distance from last values output. AutoCycles require setting up Absolute Polar CenterPoints prior to calling Incremental Path. Incremental Polar CenterPoints are Tracked during ToolPath. Added Flag(3) to force SeqLab at start of Subs. Added Flag(4) to force G-code at start of Subs and after PolarArc, CRCOnC and CRCOffC. Added Flag(5) to force G-code after ArcFeat. Added Flag(6) to Track Polar CenterPoint for Full Incremental AutoCycle Arcs. Added Flag(7) to output G4 FeedRate prior to PolarArc when needed. Added Vars(1-11) to Track Polar CenterPoint for Full Incremental AutoCycle Arcs. Added VarReport1 and VarReport2 subs to report variable values. Calls to same are commented out. Uncomment calls when report is desired. DWB}
RestoreScale: IF Metric? {CAM file is in Metric, tools and tool path} SetScale('.03937007874') { change to English, this is an English post} END RETURN
WFOStuff: { This post only supports PostScript and OpenMP WFOs } IF NewWFO? IF MultipleParts? AND WorkFixtureOffsets? EOL '/*** WARNING *** DO NOT USE NEWWFO() WITH MULTIPLE PARTS AND WORK FIXTURE OFFSETS' EOL ELSE WFONum END END RETURN
DoSubComment: IF UseComments? AND SubComment? SeqLabC '/ SUB NUMBER: ' Tag# EOL END RETURN
DoOpComments: IF UseComments? SetScale('1') IF OperationIDComment? SeqLabC '/OPERATION ' Operation# ': ' OperationType$ EOL END IF OperationComment? SeqLabC '/' OperationComment$ EOL END IF WorkGroupComment? SeqLabC '/' WorkGroupComment$ EOL END IF ToolTypeComment? SeqLabC '/TOOL ' Tool# ': ' ToolDiameter# ' ' ToolType$ EOL END IF ToolComment? SeqLabC '/' ToolComment$ EOL END RestoreScale END RETURN
PSStuff: IF FourthCW? FORMAT(FourthDegree#,2) SeqLabC ' A' FourthDegree# EOL FourthCWF END IF FourthCCW? FORMAT(FourthDegree#,3) SeqLabC ' A' FourthDegree# EOL FourthCCWF END IF FifthCW? FORMAT(FifthDegree#,2) SeqLabC ' B' FifthDegree# EOL FifthCWF END IF FifthCCW? FORMAT(FifthDegree#,3) SeqLabC ' B' FifthDegree# EOL FifthCCWF END RETURN
EntryMove: IF Flag?('3') { Force SeqLab at Start of Sub } SeqLab END IF FeedEntry? IF Flag?('4') { Force G-Code at Start of Sub } Feed END IF AutoCycle? { Implies Incremental } SeqLabC FeedC ' Z/' FIRST SPZ# FeedEnt EOL ELSE SeqLabC FeedC ZIn FeedEnt EOL END ELSE IF Flag?('4') { Force G-Code at Start of Sub } Rapid END IF AutoCycle? { Implies Incremental } SeqLabC RapidC ' Z/' FIRST SPZ# EOL ELSE SeqLabC RapidC ZIn EOL END END SetFlagF('3') { Force SeqLab at Start of Sub } SetFlagF('4') { Force G-Code at Start of Sub } RETURN
StartSub: OpenSub DoSubComment '>' Tag# EOL SetFlag('3') { Force SeqLab at Start of Sub } SetFlag('4') { Force G-Code at Start of Sub } RETURN
FinishSub1: {part 1} SeqLabC IF NOT FeedConnect? IF AutoCycle? ZCP3C ELSE IF FIFO? FeedC ZCP3C FeedEntC ELSE RapidC ZCP3C END END END EOL SeqLabC CRCOffC EOL RETURN
FinishSubG92: {part 2} SeqLabC Preset ShftSR EOL SeqLabC EndSub EOL CloseSub TagDown IF MultipleParts? AND EquallySpacedOffsets? SeqLabC Preset UnshftSR EOL ELSE SeqLabC ' G99' EOL { Restore Control to Original Origin. } END RETURN
OpenMP: TagUp TagInc IF WorkFixtureOffsets? NewWFO EachWFO {simple eachPart} SeqLabC ' G99' SetWFO EOL SeqLabC SubCall ' Lł' Tag# EOL IncWFO NextWFO {simple NextPart} ELSE SeqLabC SubCall ' Lł' Tag# ' E' Parts EOL END StartSub SetFlagF('3') { Force SeqLab at Start of Sub } SetFlagF('4') { Force G-Code at Start of Sub } SeqLab RETURN
CloseMP: IF WorkFixtureOffsets? SeqLabC EndSub EOL CloseSub TagDown ELSE SeqLabC Preset ShftSP EOL SeqLabC EndSub EOL CloseSub TagDown END SeqLabC ' G99' EOL { Restore Control to Original Origin. } RETURN
DoAbsOrInc: IF Flag?('1') AND AbsoluteMoves? IF ZMove? AND AbsValue? SetInc ELSE IF NOT ZMove? AND NOT AbsValue? SetAbs END END END RETURN
DoDrillAbsOrInc: IF Flag?('1') AND AbsoluteMoves? IF SPZMove? AND AbsValue? SetInc ELSE IF NOT SPZMove? AND NOT AbsValue? SetAbs END END END RETURN
RestoreAbsOrInc: IF Flag?('1') AND AbsoluteMoves? AND NOT AbsValue? SetAbs END RETURN
GetMove: IF AutoCycle? IF XMove? ' X/' EPX# END IF YMove? ' Y/' EPY# END ELSE SetAbs MoveXYC SetInc END IF ZMove? ' Z/' EPZ# END RETURN
GetArc: IF ArcCW? ' G2' ELSE ' G3' END RETURN
FormatArc: GetMove IF ArcCW? IF GreaterThan? SPMoveAngle# EPMoveAngle# IF GTEqual? SUB# SPMoveAngle# EPMoveAngle# Num#('180') FORMAT(ArcR#,7) END ELSE IF LTEqual? SUB# EPMoveAngle# SPMoveAngle# Num#('180') FORMAT(ArcR#,7) END END ELSE IF GreaterThan? SPMoveAngle# EPMoveAngle# IF LTEqual? SUB# SPMoveAngle# EPMoveAngle# Num#('180') FORMAT(ArcR#,7) END ELSE IF GTEqual? SUB# EPMoveAngle# SPMoveAngle# Num#('180') FORMAT(ArcR#,7) END END END ' R' ArcR# FORMAT(ArcR#,4) RETURN
VarReport1: EOL ' Num( 1) = ' Recall# Num#('1') EOL { Sub Polar Center I Value } ' Num( 2) = ' Recall# Num#('2') EOL { Sub Polar Center J Value } ' Num( 3) = ' Recall# Num#('3') EOL { Polar Center I Value } ' Num( 4) = ' Recall# Num#('4') EOL { Polar Center J Value } RETURN
VarReport2: ' Num( 5) = ' Recall# Num#('5') EOL { Distance from I to X } ' Num( 6) = ' Recall# Num#('6') EOL { Distance from J to Y } ' Num( 7) = ' Recall# Num#('7') EOL { A Squared } ' Num( 8) = ' Recall# Num#('8') EOL { B Squared } ' Num( 9) = ' Recall# Num#('9') EOL { C Squared } ' Num(10) = ' Recall# Num#('10') EOL { Polar StartPos Radius Value } ' Num(11) = ' Recall# Num#('11') EOL { Polar Angle } RETURN
PolarIJ: { Full Incremental AutoCycle Arcs Need Calculated IJ Polar Centers } SetStatusOff SetACSPCompF Save# Num#('1') SPX# { Sub Polar Center I Value } Save# Num#('2') SPY# { Sub Polar Center J Value } SetACSPComp IF FirstFeat? Save# Num#('3') Num#('0') { Polar Center I Value } Save# Num#('4') Num#('0') { Polar Center J Value } Save# Num#('5') SUB# SPX# Recall# Num#('1') { Distance from I to X } Save# Num#('6') SUB# SPY# Recall# Num#('2') { Distance from J to Y } Save# Num#('7') MUL# Recall# Num#('5') Recall# Num#('5') { A Squared } Save# Num#('8') MUL# Recall# Num#('6') Recall# Num#('6') { B Squared } Save# Num#('9') ADD# Recall# Num#('7') Recall# Num#('8') { C Squared } Save# Num#('10') SQRT# Recall# Num#('9') { Polar StartPos Radius Value } IF Equal? Recall# Num#('7') Num#('0') IF Equal? Recall# Num#('8') Num#('0') Save# Num#('11') Num#('0') ELSE IF GreaterThan? Recall# Num#('6') Num#('0') Save# Num#('11') Num#('90') ELSE Save# Num#('11') Num#('270') END END ELSE IF Equal? Recall# Num#('8') Num#('0') IF GreaterThan? Recall# Num#('5') Num#('0') Save# Num#('11') Num#('0') ELSE Save# Num#('11') Num#('180') END ELSE Save# Num#('11') ATAN# DIV# Recall# Num#('6') Recall# Num#('5') IF LessThan? Recall# Num#('5') Num#('0') Save# Num#('11') ADD# Recall# Num#('11') Num#('180') ELSE IF LessThan? Recall# Num#('6') Num#('0') Save# Num#('11') ADD# Recall# Num#('11') Num#('360') END END END END END {VarReport1} {VarReport2} SeqLabC ' G10' ' I' Recall# Num#('1') ' J' Recall# Num#('2') ' R' Recall# Num#('10') ' C' Recall# Num#('11') EOL SetStatusOn RETURN
PolarArc: SetAbs SeqLabC ' G11' IF Flag?('6') { Need to Track Polar CenterPoint for Full Incremental AutoCycle Arcs } Save# Num#('1') SUB# ArcI# Recall# Num#('3') Save# Num#('2') SUB# ArcJ# Recall# Num#('4') Save# Num#('3') ArcI# Save# Num#('4') ArcJ# {VarReport1} ' I/' Recall# Num#('1') ' J/' Recall# Num#('2') ELSE ' I' ArcI# ' J' ArcJ# END ' R' ArcR# IF ArcCW? IF GTEqual? SPMoveAngle# Num#('270') ' C' SUB# SPMoveAngle# Num#('270') ELSE ' C' ADD# SPMoveAngle# Num#('90') END ELSE IF LessThan? SPMoveAngle# Num#('90') ' C' ADD# SPMoveAngle# Num#('270') ELSE ' C' SUB# SPMoveAngle# Num#('90') END END ArcFeedC EOL SeqLabC IF ArcCW? CWArc IF GTEqual? EPMoveAngle# Num#('270') ' C' SUB# EPMoveAngle# Num#('270') ELSE ' C' ADD# EPMoveAngle# Num#('90') END ELSE CCWArc IF LessThan? EPMoveAngle# Num#('90') ' C' ADD# EPMoveAngle# Num#('270') ELSE ' C' SUB# EPMoveAngle# Num#('90') END END IF ZMove? SetInc ' Z/' EPZ# SetAbs END EOL TrackXNO# EPX# TrackYNO# EPY# TrackZNO# EPZ# SetInc SetFlag('4') { Force G-Code after PolarArc } RETURN
ckCRC: IF NOT ArcFeat? IF LastFeat? CRCOffC IF NOT EmptyLine? SetFlag('4') { Force G-Code after CRCOffC } END ELSE IF XYPlane? AND NOT ZMove? CRCOnC IF NOT EmptyLine? IF Flag?('3') { Force SeqLab at Start of Sub } SetFlagF('3') SeqLab END SetFlag('4') { Force G-Code after CRCOnC } END END END END RETURN
ToolPath: SetFlagF('5') { Force G-Code after ArcFeat } SetFlag('7') { G4 FeedRate prior to PolarArc } EACHFeat IF PointFeat? SetFlagF('7') { G4 FeedRate prior to PolarArc } IF AutoCycle? IF NOT FirstFeat? SeqLabC Rapid MoveSXYC EOL END IF Flag?('6') { Need to Track Polar CenterPoint for Full Incremental AutoCycle Arcs } PolarIJ END SeqLabC SubCall RepLab 'ł' Tag# EOL CalcACSRXY {calc tool position after sub call, CalcAutoCycleStatusRecordXY} ELSE IF NOT FirstFeat? IF Flag?('3') { Force SeqLab at Start of Sub } SetFlagF('3') SeqLab END IF Flag?('4') { Force G-Code at Start of Sub } SetFlagF('4') Cycle END SeqLabC DrilFeat Dwell IF Peck? ' E' Peck# ' D' Retract# END EOL END END ELSE SeqLabC ckCRC EOL DoAbsOrInc IF AutoCycle? OR NOT AbsValue? IF RapidFeat? IF XMove? OR YMove? OR ZMove? IF Flag?('3') { Force SeqLab at Start of Sub } SetFlagF('3') SeqLab END IF Flag?('4') { Force G-Code at Start of Sub and after PolarArc, CRCOnC and CRCOffC } SetFlagF('4') Rapid ELSE IF Flag?('5') { Force G-Code after ArcFeat } Rapid END END SetFlagF('5') SeqLabC RapidC GetMove EOL END ELSE IF LineFeat? IF XMove? OR YMove? OR ZMove? SetFlagF('7') { G4 FeedRate prior to PolarArc } IF Flag?('3') { Force SeqLab at Start of Sub } SetFlagF('3') SeqLab END IF Flag?('4') { Force G-Code at Start of Sub and after PolarArc, CRCOnC and CRCOffC } SetFlagF('4') Feed ELSE IF Flag?('5') { Force G-Code after ArcFeat } Feed END END SetFlagF('5') IF Decelerate? IF RoomToDecel? DecelMove1 SeqLabC FeedC GetMove FeedRateC EOL DecelMove2 END SeqLabC FeedC GetMove DecelFeed EOL ELSE SeqLabC FeedC GetMove FeedRateC EOL END END ELSE IF ArcFeat? SetFlagF('7') { G4 FeedRate prior to PolarArc } IF Flag?('3') { Force SeqLab at Start of Sub } SetFlagF('3') SeqLab END IF Equal? SPMoveAngle# EPMoveAngle# SetFlagF('4') { Force G-Code at Start of Sub and after PolarArc, CRCOnC and CRCOffC } PolarArc ELSE IF Flag?('4') { Force G-Code at Start of Sub and after PolarArc, CRCOnC and CRCOffC } SetFlagF('4') GetArc ELSE IF FirstFeat? GetArc ELSE IF Flag?('5') { Force G-Code after ArcFeat } IF ArcCW? AND LAST NOT ArcCW? GetArc ELSE IF NOT ArcCW? AND LAST ArcCW? GetArc END END ELSE IF LAST NOT ArcFeat? GetArc END END END END EACHQuadrant { Do not use NOT, FIRST, LAST or NEXT modifiers in this loop } IF LastQuadrant? AND Decelerate? IF RoomToDecel? DecelMove1 SeqLabC FormatArc ArcFeedC EOL DecelMove2 END SeqLabC FormatArc DecelFeed EOL ELSE SeqLabC FormatArc ArcFeedC EOL END NEXTQuadrant END SetFlag('5') { Force G-Code after ArcFeat } END END END ELSE IF ArcFeat? IF Flag?('3') { Force SeqLab at Start of Sub } SetFlagF('3') SeqLab END SetFlagF('4') { Force G-Code at Start of Sub and after PolarArc, CRCOnC and CRCOffC } IF Flag?('7') { G4 FeedRate prior to PolarArc } IF NotEqual? FeedEntry# FeedContour# SetFlagF('7') SeqLabC ' G4' FeedRate EOL END END SeqLabC SharnoaMill FeedRateC EOL ELSE IF XMove? OR YMove? OR ZMove? IF LastFeat? OR NEXT NOT ArcFeat? IF Flag?('3') { Force SeqLab at Start of Sub } SetFlagF('3') SeqLab END IF Flag?('4') { Force G-Code at Start of Sub and after PolarArc, CRCOnC and CRCOffC } SetFlagF('4') IF RapidFeat? Rapid ELSE IF LineFeat? Feed END END ELSE IF Flag?('5') { Force G-Code after ArcFeat } IF RapidFeat? Rapid ELSE IF LineFeat? Feed END END END END SetFlagF('5') SeqLabC SharnoaMill FeedRateC EOL IF NotEqual? FeedEntry# FeedContour# SetFlagF('7') { G4 FeedRate prior to PolarArc } END END END END TrackXNO# EPX# TrackYNO# EPY# TrackZNO# EPZ# END END NEXTFeat RestoreAbsOrInc RETURN
AutoCycCutSub2: {part 2} ToolPath SetAbs SeqLabC IF Repeats? AND FeedConnect? AND ZshiftOnly? ELSE IF FIFO? FeedC ZCP2 FeedEntC ELSE RapidC ZCP2 END END EOL SeqLabC CRCOffC EOL SeqLabC EndSub EOL CloseSub SetSRSubXY {restore SR to 1st position value} SetSRSubMove RETURN
AutoCycPat: SetPass2 {position pattern} ToolPath {call after TagInc for correct sub calls} SetPass1 {reset} RETURN
Milling: IF AutoCycle? TagUp TagInc AutoCycCutSub1 EntryMove AutoCycCutSub2 AutoCycPat TagDown ELSE EntryMove ToolPath END RETURN
G92Sub: SubWarning StdSub SetFlagF('3') { Force SeqLab at Start of Sub } SetFlagF('4') { Force G-Code at Start of Sub } SetAbs SeqLab Connect StrtPos EOL Milling FinishSub1 FinishSubG92 RETURN
ZonlyRepAutoCycle: AutoCycPat {write pattern moves and main calls} StartSub SeqLab SetFlagF('3') { Force SeqLab at Start of Sub } TagUp TagInc EachCycle SetSRXYtoEP IF FeedConnect? Feed IF NOT FirstCycle? IF SPXMove? OR SPYMove? SetInc SeqLabC IF SPXMove? ' X/' StartPosX# END IF SPYMove? ' Y/' StartPosY# END EOL SetAbs END END SeqLabC ZInPlusInc FeedEnt EOL ELSE IF NOT FirstCycle? Rapid IF SPXMove? OR SPYMove? SetInc SeqLabC IF SPXMove? ' X/' StartPosX# END IF SPYMove? ' Y/' StartPosY# END EOL SetAbs END IF FeedEntry? SeqLabC ZCP2PlusInc EOL END END IF FeedEntry? SeqLabC Feed ZInPlusInc FeedEnt EOL ELSE IF FirstCycle? Rapid END SeqLabC RapidC ZInPlusInc EOL END END IF FirstCycle? SetStatusOff {protect Z position for incremental sub} END SeqLabC SubCall RepLab 'ł' Tag# EOL NextCycle SetStatusOn AutoCycCutSub1 {build element sub} AutoCycCutSub2 IF FeedConnect? {there is no Z up in the sub} IF FIFO? SeqLabC Feed ZCP2 FeedEnt EOL ELSE SeqLabC Rapid ZCP2 EOL END END TagDown SeqLabC EndSub EOL CloseSub TagDown {Element shift, not pattern} RETURN
ZonlyRep: EachCycle IF NOT FirstCycle? SeqLabC Connect StrtPos EOL END IF FeedConnect? SeqLabC FeedC ZInPlusInc FeedEnt EOL ELSE {Entry/Exit Connect} IF FeedEntry? IF NOT FirstCycle? SeqLabC RapidC ZCP2PlusIncC EOL END SeqLabC Feed ZInPlusInc FeedEnt EOL ELSE SeqLabC RapidC ZInPlusInc EOL END END SeqLabC SubCall ' Lł' Tag# EOL NextCycle StartSub TrackZNO# FIRST SPZ# ToolPath FinishSub1 SeqLabC EndSub EOL CloseSub TagDown RETURN
CheckPass: SetFlagF('6') { Need to Track Polar CenterPoint for Full Incremental AutoCycle Arcs } IF AutoCycle? {use the correct StrtPos} SetPass1 SetStatusOff EachFeat IF NOT Flag?('6') IF ArcFeat? IF Equal? SPMoveAngle# EPMoveAngle# SetFlag('6') END END END NextFeat SetStatusOn SetPass2 ELSE SetPass1 END RETURN
SkipToLastFeat: EachFeat IF LastFeat? TrackXNO# SPX# TrackYNO# SPY# END NextFeat RETURN
GetSpinOn: IF CoolOff? SpinOn ELSE IF CWSpindle? ' M33' ELSE ' M34' END END RETURN
{Start of executable Prog **************************************************}
{setup and initializations} InitProg NoQuadStop TagInit SetAbs ReverseXZArcs InitWFONum SetFlood UseSeparateSubCalls SetMaxSeparateSubCalls('200') SetMaxRPM('10000') IF Metric? SetMaxFeed('12700') ELSE SetMaxFeed('500') END SetFlagF('1') { Milling ZShiftOnly SepSubs } SetFlagF('2') { WFOStuff } SetFlagF('3') { Force SeqLab at Start of Sub } SetFlagF('4') { Force G-Code at Start of Sub and after PolarArc, CRCOnC and CRCOffC } SetFlagF('5') { Force G-Code after ArcFeat } SetFlagF('6') { Need to Track Polar CenterPoint for Full Incremental AutoCycle Arcs } SetFlagF('7') { G4 FeedRate prior to PolarArc } IF PSComment? AND UseComments? 'PostScript:' EOL ' Literals: put between single or double quotes.' EOL ' Separate commands and literals with at least one space.' EOL ' A CR ( RETURN key ) will start a new line.' EOL ' Commands: may be capital and/or lower case letters. Separate commands with a space.' EOL ' EndOP -' EOL ' all literals and commands before an ENDOP command' EOL ' will appear at the beginning of the operation. All ' EOL ' literals and commands after an ENDOP command will appear' EOL ' at the end of the operation. ' EOL ' NewWFO(56), NWFO(56) -' EOL ' The Work Fixture Offset # you specify will be used for all following operations.' EOL ' Do not use with the ncPost multiple part option.' EOL ' 4thAxisCW(12.5), 4ACW(12.5) -' EOL ' generates a + A move of the value you specify' EOL ' 4thAxisCCW(22.5), 4ACCW(22.5) -' EOL ' generates a - A move of the value you specify' EOL ' 5thAxisCW(30), 5ACW(30) -' EOL ' generates a + B move of the value you specify' EOL ' 5thAxisCCW(22.5), 5ACCW(22.5) -' EOL ' generates a - B move of the value you specify' EOL END EachOp {Start of post processing *********************} IF FirstOperation? IF ToolChangeAtHome? SetHome END IF UseComments? IF ProgramNameComment? SeqLabC '/PROGRAM: ' ProgramName$ EOL END IF ProgramComment? SeqLabC '/' ProgramComment$ EOL END IF FormatNameComment? SeqLabC '/FORMAT: ' FormatName$ EOL END IF TimeComment? SeqLabC '/' Date$ ' AT ' Time$ EOL END IF MovesComment? SeqLabC '/OUTPUT IN ABSOLUTE INCHES' EOL END IF PartsComment? SeqLabC '/PARTS PROGRAMMED: ' Parts# EOL END IF StartToolComment? SeqLabC '/FIRST TOOL IN SPINDLE' EOL END END OpenSub RestoreScale IF MultipleParts? AND AllToolsOnePart? OpenMP END SeqLab CRCOff OpToolID ToolChng EOL SeqLabC Plane EOL DoOpComments DoPostScript IF MultipleParts? AND OneToolAllParts? AND FullUp? OpenMP END SeqLabC ' G4' GetSpinOn Speed EOL SeqLabC WFOStuff EOL CheckPass SeqLabC Rapid StrtPos ZCP1 EOL IF MultipleParts? AND OneToolAllParts? AND ExitClearancePlane? OpenMP SeqLabC ' G4' GetSpinOn Speed EOL SeqLabC WFOStuff EOL SeqLabC Rapid StrtPos EOL END ELSE IF NewTool?
{Finish off last Operation}
IF MultipleParts? AND OneToolAllParts? AND ExitClearancePlane? CloseMP END IF MultipleParts? AND OneToolAllParts? AND FullUp? LoadFeat Num#('0') Num#('0') LAST ClearancePlane1# IF ZMove? SeqLabC MoveSXYC MoveZ CoolOff EOL ELSE SeqLabC ' G4' CoolOff EOL END CloseMP DoEndOpPS IF ToolChangeAtHome? SeqLabC Rapid Home SpinOff EOL ELSE SeqLabC ' G4' SpinOff EOL END ELSE DoEndOpPS IF ToolChangeAtHome? SeqLabC Rapid Home SpinOff CoolOff EOL ELSE SeqLabC ' G4' SpinOff CoolOff EOL END END IF LAST ProgStop? SeqLabC ' G4 M' EOL ELSE IF OptionalStops? SeqLabC ' G4' ProgStop EOL END END
{Start new Operation}
SeqLab CRCOff OpToolID ToolChng EOL SeqLabC PlaneC EOL DoOpComments DoPostScript IF MultipleParts? AND OneToolAllParts? AND FullUp? OpenMP END SeqLabC ' G4' GetSpinOn Speed EOL SeqLabC WFOStuff EOL CheckPass SeqLabC Rapid StrtPos ZCP1 EOL IF MultipleParts? AND OneToolAllParts? AND ExitClearancePlane? OpenMP SeqLabC ' G4' GetSpinOn Speed EOL SeqLabC WFOStuff EOL SeqLabC Rapid StrtPos EOL END ELSE IF SameTool? DoEndOpPS IF LAST ProgStop? SeqLabC ' G4' SpinOff CoolOff EOL SeqLabC ' G4 M' EOL
{Start new Operation}
GetStartOfSameTool SeqLabC PlaneC EOL SeqLabC ' G4' GetSpinOn Speed EOL SeqLabC Rapid StrtPos ZCP1 EOL ELSE IF CoolOff? AND LAST NOT CoolOff? SeqLabC ' G4' CoolOff EOL END IF NewToolOffset?
GetStartOfSameTool SeqLabC PlaneC EOL SeqLabC Rapid StrtPos SpeedC EOL END IF NOT CoolOff? AND LAST CoolOff? SeqLabC ' G4' CoolOn EOL END END END END END {common point for all operations} IF Milling? SeqLabC ZCP2C EOL IF Repeats? TagUp TagInc IF ZshiftOnly? IF AutoCycle? {incremental Autocycle sub can have Z moves} ZonlyRepAutoCycle ELSE {Z shift only, NOT Auto Cycle} IF UseSeparateSubCalls? AND CyclesLessThanMaxSubCalls? SetFlag('1') { Milling ZShiftOnly SepSubs } ZonlyRep SetFlagF('1') ELSE {no sep subs desired} {G92Sub} SeqLabC '/ ***** This operation exceeds the 200 steps maximum *****' EOL SeqLabC '/ ***** allowed by this post. Please contact Sharnoa *****' EOL SeqLabC '/ ***** for assistance in resolving this problem. *****' EOL END END {end Auto Cycle IF} ELSE {not Z only} G92Sub END {end Z only IF} ELSE {no repeat OPs} Milling END IF AutoCycle? SeqLabC ZCP3C EOL ELSE IF FIFO? SeqLabC FeedC ZCP3C FeedEntC EOL ELSE SeqLabC RapidC ZCP3C EOL END END SeqLabC CRCOffC EOL ELSE IF Drilling? IF Repeats? TagUp TagInc StdSub SetFlagF('3') { Force SeqLab at Start of Sub } SetFlagF('4') { Force G-Code at Start of Sub } SeqLab Rapid StrtPos EOL END SeqLabC DrillCP EOL GetCycle SeqLabC Cycle StrtPos RLevel ' P' SUB# ClearancePlane2# Num#('.05') ZDepth Dwell IF Peck? ' E' Peck# ' D' Retract# END FeedEnt EOL IF CallMasterOp? SeqLabC SubCall RepLab 'ł' CallMasterNum# EOL SkipToLastFeat ELSE TrackZNO# FIRST SPZ# IF MasterOp? SetFlag('1') {std sep sub Zreps in effect} TagUp NewMasterTag SeqLabC SubCall RepLab 'ł' Tag# EOL StartSub ToolPath SeqLabC EndSub EOL CloseSub TagDown SetFlagF('1') {not std sep sub Zreps in effect} ELSE ToolPath END END SeqLabC Rapid ZCP3 EOL IF Repeats? FinishSubG92 END END END NextOp {loops back to EachOP until last Operation}
{End of program ************************************************************}
{finish last operation} IF MultipleParts? AND OneToolAllParts? AND ExitClearancePlane? CloseMP END IF MultipleParts? AND OneToolAllParts? AND FullUp? LoadFeat Num#('0') Num#('0') ClearancePlane1# IF ZMove? SeqLabC MoveSXYC MoveZ CoolOff EOL ELSE SeqLabC ' G4' CoolOff EOL END CloseMP DoEndOpPS IF FIRST ToolChangeAtHome? {.71.2 added FIRST modifier} SeqLabC Rapid FirstHome SpinOff EOL ELSE SeqLabC ' G4' SpinOff EOL END ELSE DoEndOpPS IF FIRST ToolChangeAtHome? {.71.2 added FIRST modifier} SeqLabC Rapid FirstHome SpinOff CoolOff EOL ELSE SeqLabC ' G4' SpinOff CoolOff EOL END END IF ProgStop? SeqLabC ' G4 M' EOL END IF MultipleParts? AND AllToolsOnePart? CloseMP END SeqLabC ' G4' EOP EOL CloseSub Post2 {organize Subs into one program} Close ReTag { - Sharnoa didn't need these ending comments IF UseComments? SetScale('1') {restore scale for comments} Reopen IF FileBytesComment? '/FILE LENGTH: ' FileBytes# ' CHARACTERS' EOL END IF FileFeetComment? '/FILE LENGTH: ' FileFeet# ' FEET' EOL END IF FileMetersComment? '/FILE LENGTH: ' FileMeters# ' METERS' EOL END Close END }