130109110947 130109 vwitn shark fin discovery

BBC Learning English
Words in the News
9 January 2013
Shark fin discovery
Thousands of shark fins drying on a Hong Kong rooftop.
It's thought they were stored away from the gaze of tourists and conservationists
who find the trade hard to stomach.
They say the practice of removing the fin and tossing the shark back into the sea
is barbaric.
But shark's fin soup is considered a delicacy by many Chinese diners, who also
claim it has medicinal qualities.
shark fins
thin vertical parts sticking out of the body of sharks which help them move
hard to stomach
hard to accept  of something that is unpleasant or wrong
extremely cruel and unpleasant
something rare or expensive that is good to eat
medicinal qualities
properties which are good for your health
Watch the video online: Shark fin discovery http://bbc.in/VOOfZ9
Words in the News © British Broadcasting Corporation 2013
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Use one of the words or phrases below to complete each of these sentences from
news reports.
Note that you may have to change the form of a word to complete the sentence
shark fins / hard to stomach / barbaric / delicacy / medicinal qualities
1. At first the company found it _________ some of the more hostile messages
from passengers.
2. Animal rights campaigners have long attacked the practice as ___________, and
it is banned in Vietnam.
3. Although the EU banned removing ________ at sea and discarding the body,
special permits allowed finning to continue legally.
4. Since about 4000 BC, the ancient Hindi medical theory of Ayurveda outlined
honey's __________ in treating burns, allergies and infections.
5. Hairy crabs are the great autumn ________ of eastern China, and an obsession
for those who can afford to eat them.
Words in the News © British Broadcasting Corporation 2013
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1. At first the company found it hard to stomach some of the more hostile
messages from passengers.
Source: Handling the London Waterloo rush hour on Twitter
2. Animal rights campaigners have long attacked the practice as barbaric, and it is
banned in Vietnam.
Source: Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre faces eviction
3. Although the EU banned removing shark fins at sea and discarding the body,
special permits allowed finning to continue legally.
Source: MEPs vote to close 'shark finning' loopholes
4. Since about 4000 BC, the ancient Hindi medical theory of Ayurveda outlined
honey's medicinal qualities in treating burns, allergies and infections.
Source: Bees' role in superbug fight, finds Cardiff research
5. Hairy crabs are the great autumn delicacy of eastern China, and an obsession
for those who can afford to eat them.
Source: The Chinese delicacy of hairy crabs
Words in the News © British Broadcasting Corporation 2013
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