Linux Chinese HOWTO English Version Linux Chinese HOWTO English Version Chih-Wei Huang Chen, 2 June 1998This document demonstrates how to implement Chinese available on Linux system, including those common problems encountered on Linux/UNIX system while using Chinese, the ways to obtain, and shows how to install and setup a variety of different Chinese softwares. Finally, we would like to take a bit little glance at the work for making a complete Chinese environment with Linux system.1. Foreword1.1 Introduction1.2 Awareness1.3 Newest Version1.4 Copyright and Announcement1.5 Goal1.6 Acknowledgement1.7 Words from The Translator--Frank J.S. Chen2. Difficulties of Using Chinese on Linux System3. Where to Get Chinese Softwares?3.1 Websites for Chinese softwares3.2 Using Archie4. Display and Input Chinese4.1 xcin+crxvt4.2 yact4.3 bcs164.4 chdrv4.5 cxterm4.6 XA (Xcin Anywhere)4.7 New Added Inputs4.8 Problems coming with input5. Chinese X Window System5.1 CXWin5.2 Installation of Chinese fonts5.3 TaBE & B5LE6. Printing for Chinese6.1 cnprint6.2 ps2cps6.3 bg2ps6.4 gb2ps7. Chinese Printing Softwares7.1 LaTeX + CJK7.2 ChiTeX7.3 Dtop7.4 ChinesePower7.5 EasyFlow8. Useful Chinese Softwares8.1 cjoe - Joe's Own Chinese Editor8.2 celvis8.3 cvim8.4 he8.5 hztty8.6 ktty8.7 Cemacs and CChelp For Emacs8.8 Mule8.9 hc8.10 ctin8.11 Some Other Toys9. Related Chinese Problems with Others9.1 Netscape Navigator9.2 sendmail9.3 procmail9.4 telnet9.5 less9.6 pine9.7 samba9.8 lynx9.9 minicom9.10 fingerd9.11 tintin++10. Chinese Linux10.1 Chinese Linux Documentation's Projects10.2 Chinese Linux Project10.3 Chinese websites of Linux10.4 Discussed groups of Linux11. FAQs11.1 Why Can't I Enter Chinese?11.2 I have got the NTU TTF fonts, but how can I decompress it?11.3 Netscape's title and tag cannot see Chinese?11.4 My Netscape cannot see Chinese?11.5 How to enter Chinese in Netscape?11.6 What's the difference between ChiTeX and CJK? Can I install them at the same time?12. Appendix - Chinese Softwares of FTP.IFCSS.ORG v


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