Open GL Super Bible:Lighting and Lamps
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Open GL Super Bible
(Publisher: Macmillan Computer Publishing)
Author(s): Waite group Press
ISBN: 1571690735
Publication Date: 08/01/96
Table of Contents
Listing 9-7 The rendering function from the WAVEY example program
// Called to draw scene
void RenderScene(void)
float normal[3]; // Storage for calculate normal
float v[4][3]; // Storage for rectangle coordinates
float lastY; // Left-hand side of rectangle
float nextY; // Right-hand side of rectangle
float temp; // Temporary storage for swapping
float x; // X coordinate storage
// Menu state specifies if wireframe or not
if(iState == WIRE)
// Menu state specifies if smooth or flat shading
if(iState == SMOOTH || iState == AVERAGE)
// Clear the window with current clearing color
// Reset viewing volume and viewport
// Rotate the image according to accumulated angle set
// by the arrow key handlers
glRotatef(xRot, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
glRotatef(yRot, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
// Set surface color to blue
// Initialize the y steppings
lastY = 0.0f;
nextY = 10.0f;
// Loop through x coordinate from left to right, build
// a rectangle with alternating slopes upward and downward
for(x = -60.0f; x < 60.0f; x+= 20.0f)
// 1st Vertices
v[0][0] = x; // X coord for left
v[0][1] = lastY;
v[0][2] = 50.0f; // Z coord for back
// 2nd vertices
v[1][0] = x; // X coord for left
v[1][1] = lastY;
v[1][2] = -50.0f; // Z coord for front
// 3rd Vertices
v[2][0] = x + 20.0f; // X coord for right
v[2][1] = nextY;
v[2][2] = -50.0f; // Z coord for front
// 4th Vertices
v[3][0] = x + 20.0f; // X coord for right
v[3][1] = nextY;
v[3][2] = 50.0f; // Z coord for back
// Begin the polygon
if(iState != AVERAGE)
// Calculate and set the normal vector,
// averaging selected from the menu.
else // Average normals. Here we cheat because we
// the normal points either up or down
// Normal points straight up
if(nextY == 10)
glNormal3f(0.0f,1.0f, 0.0f);
// Normal points straight down
glNormal3f(0.0f,-1.0f, 0.0f);
// Specify the left two verticies
// Do the same, but the normal on the other side
// the other direction
if(iState == AVERAGE)
if(nextY == 10)
glNormal3f(0.0f,-1.0f, 0.0f);
// points down
glNormal3f(0.0f,1.0f, 0.0f);
// points up
// Specify the right two vertices
// Swap the y coordinate positions
temp = lastY;
lastY = nextY;
nextY = temp;
// Flush drawing commands
The WAVEY program has menu options to render just a wireframe image, do flat or smooth shading, and finally do the normal averaging. Figure 9-20 shows this folding image using flat shading, and Figure 9-21 is the same object with the normals averaged. You can see that the second image appears to have a smooth rippling effect across its surface.
Figure 9-20 Bent surface with regular surface normals
Figure 9-21 Bent surface with surface normals averaged together
So far, we have been specifying a lightłs position with glLight as follows:
// Array to specify position
GLfloat lightPos[] = { 0.0f, 150.0f, 150.0f, 1.0f };
// Set the light position
The array lightPos[] contains the x, y, and z values that specify either the lightłs actual position in the scene, or the direction from which the light is coming. The last value, a 1.0 in this case, indicates that the light is actually present at this location. By default, the light will radiate equally in all directions from this locationbut this can be changed to make a spotlight effect.
To make a light source an infinite distance away and coming from the direction specified by this vector, you would place a 0.0 in this last lightPos[] array element. A directional light source, as this is called, strikes the surface of your objects evenly. That is, all the light rays are parallel. In a positional light source on the other hand, the light rays diverge from the light source. The specular highlights achieved in the SHINYJET example would not be possible with a directional light source. Rather than the glistening spot, the entire face of the triangles that make up the jet would be white when they faced the light source dead on (the light rays strike the surface at a 90? angle).
Table of Contents
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