Original Title: "Tracked by.txt support"
Original Coder: SqrtBoy
Modified by: Perma
Works with: TTClassic + RC2
You may have seen a hack like this on popular sites like Demonoid; this hack requires all torrents uploaded to included a file called "Tracked by yoursite.com.txt" to be included in the torrents contents. This will help advertise your tracker, making it more popular.
A torrent containing the files "1.exe, 1.nfo" will not be allowed to be uploaded.
However, a torrent containing the files "1.exe, 1.nfo, and Tracked_by_yoursite.com.txt" will be allowed to be uploaded.
There are two lines to uncomment in the first step if you are using the externals hack. Leave those lines commented if your tracker only accepts local torrents.
In torrents-upload.php, find:
$tmphex = sha1($info["string"]);
$hexhash = strtolower($tmphex);
Replace with:
$trackedby="Tracked by yoursite.com.txt"; //change yoursite.com to be whatever you want
//if($external == 'no'){ //uncomment this line if you are using the externals hack
$tmpval = 0;
foreach ($filelist as $file) {
if (ereg($trackedby,$file[0])) $tmpvalue+=1;
if ($tmpvalue==0) $message = "You must put a file called:
".$trackedby." inside your torrent files to be allowed to post it on this tracker !";
//} //uncomment this line if you are using the externals hack
$tmphex = sha1($info["string"]);
$hexhash = strtolower($tmphex);
All releases must include a description.Replace with:
All releases must include a description.All releases must include a file called : echo $trackedby; ?> in order to be accepted on the tracker !
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