Statement 20131206

Your statement
Ms Malgorzata Iwona Dec
06 Dec 2013
CF24 3GP
Your accounts at a glance
Your balances on 06 Dec 2013
To get your most up to date balances or find out about
other accounts you have that aren't listed here, log on
to online banking (if you're registered), call us on
0845 7 555 555*, or come into a branch.
Everyday banking
Barclays Bank Account
Ms Malgorzata Iwona Dec
Sort Code 20-18-15 " Account no 63521958
Everyday Saver
Ms Malgorzata Iwona Dec
Sort Code 20-18-15 " Account no 23032310
Monthly Savings
Ms Malgorzata Iwona Dec
Sort Code 20-18-15 " Account no 53452131
e-savings Reward
M I Dec
Sort Code 20-18-15 " Account no 73123316
This is the end of your account summary.
We're here
Call 0845 7 555 555* Come in
to a branch
* Call charges apply. Please check with your service provider.
We may monitor or record calls for quality, security, and training.
Statement date 06 Dec 2013
Barclays Bank
Last statement 07 Nov 2013
08 Nov  06 Dec 2013
Ms Malgorzata Iwona Dec
Sort Code 20-18-15
Account no. 63521958
IBAN GB14 BARC 2018 1563 5219 58
At a glance
Start balance Ł370.78
CF24 3GP
Money in Ł1,953.13
Money out Ł2,261.27
End balance Ł62.64
Your Barclays Bank Account statement
Your agreed limits
Reserve Ł0
Current account statement
Your transactions
Standing Order Cash Machine Branch Direct Debit
Debit Card Bank Giro Online Other
Helping you to
Date Description Money out Money in Balance protect your
8 Nov Start balance 370.78
8 Nov Card Payment to Paypal 27.00
If we see unusual activity
on your account, we can
Card Payment to Boots 0322 60.15
send you a text so you
can confirm it s you using
Payment: Pre Credit Removal 284.12
Ref: Fraud Prevent Gia
your card.
Check we have your
Received from Whitbread Grp PLC 64.50 64.01
Ref: 323787/0056160 correct mobile number so
we can text you. You can
11 Nov Payment to Dec M I 50.00
do this by calling 0845 7
Card Payment to Kaczuszka Ltd 6.46
555 555, through Online
Card Payment to Spar 8.58
Banking (using PINsentry)
or at any branch.
Card Payment to Tesco Store 2241 9.83
Card Payment to WP-Firstgroup 24.50
Dec M I 50.00 14.64
Unpaid standing order
12 Nov Cash withdrawal at Barclays 200.00
46Roath Park
Received from 20.30
Received: Fraud Refund 284.12 119.06
Ref: Fraud Prevent Gia
13 Nov Bill payment from Dec KM 100.00 219.06
Barclays Bank PLC. Registered in England. Registered No. 1026167. Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP
Sort code 20-18-15 " Account number 63521958
Your transactions
Date Description Money out Money in Balance
14 Nov Received from Work and Child TC 137.89 356.95
Ref: Malgorzata Dec
15 Nov Received from Whitbread Grp PLC 123.06 480.01
Ref: 323787/0056160
18 Nov Cash withdrawal at UL. 220.82 259.19
Nalkowskich 10 Poland
on 18 Nov
19 Nov Received from 20.30 279.49
20 Nov Cash withdrawal at UL. Dworcowa 103.59
1 Poland
on 19 Nov
Cash Machine Withdrawal at 20.00 155.90
Notemachine Wood Street Conven
Timed at 00:22 on 20 Nov
21 Nov Received from Work and Child TC 137.89 293.79
Ref: Malgorzata Dec
22 Nov Cash Machine Withdrawal at 20.00
Tesco Personal Finance Tesco Cdf
City Exp
Timed at 09:25 on 22 Nov
Received from Whitbread Grp PLC 175.97 449.76
Ref: 323787/0056160
25 Nov Card Payment to Tesco Stores 9.45
Card Payment to Post Office 10.46
Card Payment to WP-Scoach 15.50
Card Payment to Kaczuszka Ltd 39.79 374.56
26 Nov Payment to Trans Fast 150.00
Ref: dec
Received from 20.30 244.86
27 Nov Card Payment to Tesco Stores 14.38 230.48
28 Nov Cash Machine Withdrawal at 30.00
Lloyds TSB Roath Park 309207
Timed at 16:11 on 28 Nov
Received from Work and Child TC 137.89 338.37
Ref: Malgorzata Dec
29 Nov Card Payment to Tesco Stores 6.30
Card Payment to Home Bargains - 6.98
Card Payment to Productpol Ltd 14.61
Received from Whitbread Grp PLC 115.12 425.60
Ref: 323787/0056160
2 Dec Direct Debit to Aviva Life 20.00
Ref: a518503et
Card Payment to Tesco Store 2241 8.53
Barclays Bank PLC. Registered in England. Registered No. 1026167. Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP
Sort code 20-18-15 " Account number 63521958
Your transactions
Date Description Money out Money in Balance
2 Dec Card Payment to Home Bargains - 19.64
Card Payment to Iceland 28.60
Cash Machine Withdrawal at 20.00
Tesco Personal Finance Tesco Cdf
City Exp
Timed at 07:10 on 30 Nov
Cash Machine Withdrawal at Royal 200.00
Bank of Scotland Cardiff Roath
Timed at 19:15 on 01 Dec
Cash withdrawal at Barclays 360.00
44Roath Park
Received from Cardiff Council 231.64 0.47
Ref: 275497
3 Dec Received from 20.30 20.77
5 Dec Received from Work and Child TC 137.89 158.66
Ref: Malgorzata Dec
6 Dec Payment to Gogvo.Com USA 6.28
USD 9.97 on 03 Dec at Visa Exchange Rate
1.633309. The final GBP amount includes a
Non-Sterling Transaction Fee of Ł0.18
Card Payment to Iceland 15.70
Cash withdrawal at Barclays 250.00
41Roath Park
Received from Whitbread Grp PLC 175.96 62.64
Ref: 323787/0056160
6 Dec End balance 62.64
Anything wrong? If you've spotted any incorrect or unusual
transactions, see the next page for how to get in touch with us.
Charges coming up
The following charges are for the period 7 November 2013 to 5 December
2013 and will be debited to this account on 30 December 2013. These charges
are summarised below to help you budget and will appear on your next
1 Unpaid Transaction Fee @ Ł8.00 Each Ł8.00
Total Charges Ł8.00
Credit interest rates
This account does not pay credit interest
Barclays Bank PLC. Registered in England. Registered No. 1026167. Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP
Sort code 20-18-15 " Account number 63521958
How it works Get in touch
when you shop online at a non-UK website. On top of
 Our main number
Dispute resolution
this, if you're getting cash over the counter at a bank
0845 7 555 555
If you have a problem with your agreement, please
abroad (including Barclays), or using an ATM other
Talk to an advisor 7am - 11pm
try to resolve it with us in the first instance. If you
than a Barclays ATM or an ATM at a Global Alliance
or use our 24-hour automated
are not happy with the way in which we handled
member bank, you'll also be charged a Ł1.50
your complaint or the result, you may be able to
Non-Sterling Cash Fee and the ATM provider may
complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service. If
apply other charges. To see a full list of Global Alliance
 From abroad
you do not take up your problem with us first you
member banks and countries go to
+44 2476 842 100
will not be entitled to complain to the Ombudsman. Visa converts
7am - 11pm
We can provide details of how to contact the
transactions into sterling using the Visa Exchange
Rate on the day it processes the transaction. This date
 Write to us
may be different to the day on which the transaction
Barclays, Leicester
took place. Historic exchange rate information is
Important information about the
LE87 2BB
available on For more info please go
Financial Services Compensation Scheme
We are covered by the Financial Services  Find a branch
Compensation Scheme (FSCS). The FSCS can pay
Transferring money between countries
0800 400 100
compensation to depositors if a bank is unable to
7am - 11pm
If you need to transfer money between countries, you
meet its financial obligations. Most depositors -
may be asked for your SWIFTBIC (Bank Identification
including most individuals and small businesses -
 Your home branch
Code) and IBAN (International Bank Account
are covered by the scheme.
Roath Park
Number). These are on the front of your statement
In respect of deposits, an eligible depositor is
and you'll need them so that international banks can
entitled to claim up to Ł85,000. For joint accounts  Online banking help
identify your account correctly. Full details are on:
each account holder is treated as having a claim in 0845 600 2323
respect of their share so, for a joint account held by
7am - 11pm
two eligible depositors, the maximum amount that
How we pay interest
could be claimed would be Ł85,000 each (making a
 Lost and stolen cards
If your account pays interest and is in credit, we work
total of Ł170,000). The Ł85,000 limit relates to the
out your interest on the balance of your account at the
01604 230 230
combined amount in all the eligible depositor's
close of business every day. Interest is calculated on
24 hours
accounts with the bank, including their share of any
the statement balance or the cleared balance,
joint account, and not to each separate account.
Tell us straight away if:
depending on the type of account you have. Where
For further information about the compensation
 you do not receive a
credit interest rate(s) are shown on your statement,
provided by the FSCS (including the amounts
Barclays card you were
these are current at the time of printing the statement
covered and eligibility to claim) please ask at your
and may have changed during the statement period.
local branch, refer to the FSCS website
Unless we say otherwise, any interest rates we show  any of your cards are lost, or call the FSCS on
are gross annual rates. stolen or damaged
020 7741 4100 or 0800 678 1100. Please note only
If you're a UK taxpayer, your interest is subject to  you think someone else
compensation related queries should be directed to
income tax. Your statement will show how much tax may know your PIN.
the FSCS.
we've deducted at the basic rate. If you declare you're
Call charges will apply
Barclays Bank PLC may also accept deposits under
not liable for UK income tax (call us to find out how),
(please check with your
the following trading names; Barclays, Barclays
we can pay your interest without these deductions.
service provider). We may
Bank, Barclaycard, Barclays Business, Barclays
monitor or record calls for
Capital, Barclays Corporate, Barclays Direct, Barclays
If you go into overdraft or Reserve
quality, security, and
UK & Ireland Private Bank, Barclays International
If your account is overdrawn, and you don't pay off
Private Banking, Barclays Premier, Barclays Private
the full amount you owe, any credits paid into your
Bank, Barclays Wealth, Woolwich Mortgages.
account go first to pay off any fees. Once these are
Deposits accepted from an eligible depositor under
paid, your payments go towards repayment of your
these trading names are combined for the purposes
Personal Reserve (if you've used it) and finally towards
of deposit compensation from the FSCS. The FSCS is
repayment of your overdraft (including interest).
not applicable to deposits held at branches in the
To help avoid going overdrawn or into Personal
Channel Islands or the Isle of Man.
Reserve, and to understand payment cut-off times, go
to For more
Using your Barclays debit card
information about Personal Reserve usage and fees,
- what costs and what doesn't
go to or ask in branch
If you use your debit card in the UK: Barclays will for a copy of 'Our Bank Charges Explained'.
not charge you for using your debit card in the UK
Getting information from Barclays
when making purchases, withdrawing cash, or when
buying travellers' cheques or foreign currency. A small
We send information to customers with their
number of ATM providers may charge a transaction
statements about relevant new offers and products,
fee but they should tell you about this on-screen
and about how to get the best from their existing
before you commit to any transaction.
Barclays accounts. If you don't get these messages
and you'd like to, or if you do and you'd rather you
If you use your debit card abroad or pay in a
didn't, you can call 0845 7 555 555, go to
currency other than sterling (either abroad or in the, or come into a branch. And if you
UK): Barclays will charge you a 2.99% Non-Sterling
change your mind at any time, just get in touch.
Transaction Fee for using your debit card abroad
when making purchases, withdrawing cash, or when
you are being refunded. This fee will also apply
whenever you do not pay in sterling, for example
For a Braille, large print or audio version of your statement call
0800 400 100 (via TextDirect if appropriate) or contact your branch
Barclays Bank PLC is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation
Authority (Financial Services Register No: 122702).
Registered in England. Registered No. 1026167. Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP.


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