verify test approach E58263F5

Activity: Verify Test Approach

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Activity: Verify Test Approach

This activity demonstrates that the various techniques outlined in the Test Approach will facilitate the planned test effort. The intent is to verify by demonstration that the approach will work, produce accurate results and is appropriate for the available resources.

Extends: Verify Test Approach

DescriptionWork Breakdown StructureTeam AllocationWork Product Usage


Work Breakdown = {
title: "Work Breakdown", summary: "Work Breakdown",
columns: [
["presentation_name", "Breakdown Element"],
["steps", "Steps"],
["id", "Index"],
["predecessors", "Predecessors"],
["model_info", "Model Info"],
["type", "Type"],
["is_planned", "Planned"],
["is_repeatable", "Repeatable"],
["has_multiple_occurrences", "Multiple Occurrences"],
["is_ongoing", "Ongoing"],
["is_event_driven", "Event Driven"],
["is_optional", "Optional"],
["teams", "Team"]],
rows: [

{id: "7866ff44", parentId: "", relPath: ",_q4_fwEohEdqrjq4i3fchvA", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 0, hasChildren:true,
index: "2", prefix: "", name: "implement_test_suite", title: "Implement Test Suite", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/implement_test_suite_4D41C58F.html",
predecessors: "", info: "", type: "Task",
repeatable: "false", multiOccurences: "false", optional: "false", planned: "false", ongoing: "false", eventDriven: "false",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: "",
steps: [true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true]},

{id: "29fd32a2", parentId: "7866ff44", relPath: ",_q4_fwEohEdqrjq4i3fchvA,_CT5ACRi2Edq_uI8xTPML6g", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_tester", title: "Tester", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_tester_1F053E21.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Primary Performer", type: "Role",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "false", optional: "false", planned: "true", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: "",
steps: []},

{id: "b31de7c2", parentId: "7866ff44", relPath: ",_q4_fwEohEdqrjq4i3fchvA,_CT5ADRi2Edq_uI8xTPML6g", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_build", title: "Build", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_build_E3972040.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Mandatory Input", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "false", optional: "false", planned: "true", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: "",
steps: []},

{id: "79807714", parentId: "7866ff44", relPath: ",_q4_fwEohEdqrjq4i3fchvA,_CTmsIhi2Edq_uI8xTPML6g", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_test_strategy", title: "Test Strategy", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_test_strategy_7FB79B6B.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Mandatory Input", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "false", optional: "false", planned: "true", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: "",
steps: []},

{id: "8a8c3602", parentId: "7866ff44", relPath: ",_q4_fwEohEdqrjq4i3fchvA,_CT5ACxi2Edq_uI8xTPML6g", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_development_infrastructure", title: "Development Infrastructure", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_development_infrastructure_183C3247.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Optional Input", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "false", optional: "false", planned: "true", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: "",
steps: []},

{id: "72347fe2", parentId: "7866ff44", relPath: ",_q4_fwEohEdqrjq4i3fchvA,_CTmsLxi2Edq_uI8xTPML6g", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_implementation_model", title: "Implementation Model", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_implementation_model_D80B21D8.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Optional Input", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "false", optional: "false", planned: "true", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: "",
steps: []},

{id: "b448f518", parentId: "7866ff44", relPath: ",_q4_fwEohEdqrjq4i3fchvA,_q5LtAEohEdqrjq4i3fchvA", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_test_suite", title: "Test Suite", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_test_suite_F1637807.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Optional Input", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "false", optional: "false", planned: "true", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: "",
steps: []},

{id: "43516764", parentId: "7866ff44", relPath: ",_q4_fwEohEdqrjq4i3fchvA,_q5LtAEohEdqrjq4i3fchvA", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_test_suite", title: "Test Suite", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_test_suite_F1637807.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Output", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "false", optional: "false", planned: "true", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: "",
steps: []},


©  Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 2006.  All Rights Reserved.



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