swf_openfilePodręcznik PHPPoprzedniNastępnyswf_openfile (PHP 4 >= 4.0.0)swf_openfile -- Open a new Shockwave Flash fileDescriptionvoid swf_openfile (string filename, float width, float height, float framerate, float r, float g, float b) The swf_openfile() function opens a new file named filename with a width of width and a height of height a frame rate of framerate and background with a red color of r a green color of g and a blue color of b. The swf_openfile() must be the first function you call, otherwise your script will cause a segfault. If you want to send your output to the screen make the filename: "php://stdout" (support for this is in 4.0.1 and up). PoprzedniSpis treściNastępnyShockwave Flash functionsPoczątek rozdziałuswf_closefile

Podobne podstrony:
function swf openfile
function swf addcolor
function swf nextid
function swf actiongotoframe
function swf startdoaction
function swf removeobject
function swf getfontinfo
function swf actionstop
function swf shapefillsolid
function swf oncondition
function swf definerect
function swf oncondition
function swf shapearc
function swf actionsettarget

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