start page en

Describe here your purpose why you create this homepage to your audience.
Website Initialisation
If you can see this page, your setup process is succesfull. It is the time to
initiate your website contents:

Remove the the setup directory (/setup/) from your ChakraWeb directory.
If you do not remove these files then users can obtain the password to your database!.
Design your own logo and upload to each theme directories.
Change System Variables and Other
Manage your own email services.
Add Advertising Text List and Random
Advertising Text List. You can also delete the example provided. :)
Delete all example articles that added
on setup process, after you understand how to create and edit the page.
Delete the feedback example and design your own Feedback
Page. If you don't want to accept any feedback, delete the feedback
folder and any links related to that folder.
Delete the example news and design your own News
Page. If you don't want to release any news,  delete the news
folder and any links related to that folder.
Add your affiliate list. Here you can add
some new sub-folders to classify your affiliates. Remember to change all
affiliate folders attribute so the have read level 0, write level 9, and
un-select show attribute. With this method your affiliate pages can be
accessing by visitors, but the can't see your affiliate list.
Add links. You can also add some
sub-folders to classify you links.
The feedback box shown on the sidebar, come from macro
text table. You can edit
the content or add the list.

Congratulation, you have finished initiating process. The Administrator's
To Do List can help you see the activity on this website after that.
Currently, the to do list contain: monitoring visitor feedbacks and comments,
and links otorization.
Macro Help Card
ChakraWeb extensively using macro to create dynamic contents.
Page Macro Hep Card will to help you
remind the available macros.


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