
burda Download
Instructions, Handbag 148
Bag approx. 32 x 16 cm (123D 4" x Fold buckram in half with
63D 8") fusible side facing in. Press, there-
by fusing layers together. For
Materials: the back of the bag, cut one
Cotton twill fabric, 150 cm (59") piece of fused buckram, 32 x 16
wide: 0.30 m (12"). cm (123D 4" x 63D 8"), and round off
Lining fabric, 35 x 45 cm (14" x lower corners. Cut piece of
18"). fused buckram to match flap 
Vilene/Pellon fusible buckram 2 mm (1D 16") smaller than flap on
S 320, 90 cm (36") wide: 0.35 m outer edges and with no allow-
(14"). ance on attachment edge.
Sequin braid, 2 cm (3D 4") wide: Slide buckram into flap. Top-
0.70 m (28"). stitch flap close to seamed
Approx. 80 sequins. Instructions: edges. Stitch open flap edges
Approx. 80 beads in various Lay bag pieces together, together to upper edge of bag
sizes. right sides facing. Stitch side back. Press allowances away
1 large sew-on snap fastener. seams. Press seams open. On from flap then press allowance
lower edges of bag pieces, on remaining upper edge of
Recommended fabric: Fabrics measure and mark 3 cm (11D 4") bag to inside.
with some body. on each side of each seam. Lay buckram piece on inside
Stitch long edges of base piece of bag back. Fold lining piece in
Seam and hem allowances: to lower edges of bag pieces, half, matching shorter edges.
1 cm (3D 8") at all seams and edges. between marks. Clip allowances Stitch side seams. Press upper
of bag pieces at ends of seams. edge to inside. Lay lining in
Cutting: Then stitch narrow edges of bag, wrong sides facing. Baste
Cotton twill: base to bag pieces. Turn seam upper edges together. Sew
2 bag pieces (front/back), each allowances up. Topstitch close sequin braid to inside of bag,
32 cm (123D 4") long and 16 cm to lengthwise seams, thereby along upper edge and flap
(63D 8") wide. catching allowances. attachment seam.
2 flap pieces, each (123D 4") long Pin flap pieces together, Sew individual sequins to
and 16 cm (63D 8") wide. right sides facing. Round off flap, each with a bead, as illus-
Base, 26 cm (101D 4") long and 6 cm lower corners. Stitch pieces trated.
(23D 8") wide. together along side and lower Sew one half of snap
Lining: Cut 1 piece, 38 cm (15") edges. Trim seam allowances. fastener to underside of flap.
long (finished size 19 cm/ 71D 2") Turn flap right side out. Press Sew second half to bag front to
and 32 cm (123D 4") wide. seamed edges. match.
Copyright 2007 by Verlag Aenne Burda GmbH & Co. KG, Am Kestendamm 1, D-77652 Offenburg, Germany.
All models, pattern pieces, and illustrations are copyrighted. Commercial use is prohibited.
The publishers cannot be held responsible for damages due to improper use of the pattern or materials,
improper carrying-out of instructions or tips, or improper use of finished models.


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