Listopad 21st, 2010
Welcome again,
The latest issue of “Business English Magazine” casts a positive light on the global business world in 2011. After a tedious period of months followed by continuouscutbacks and budget restraints, entrepreneurs and companies are beginning to finally catch their breath. As the international economy begins to recover, it brings up the question of emotional attitude towards business and life in general.
An Australian writer, Rhonda Byrne, described some of the psychological processes that influence our everyday lives. In her book “The Secret” Rhonda writes about thelaw of attraction, which can be simply defined as: “whatever you think, you shallreceive”. A big part of the author's research is our subconscious and how it influences events in our lives.
Nowadays it is hard to stay afloat and upbeat amidst all the negative press the news brings to us daily. However, it is up to us how we respond to the reality that surrounds us. Positive thinking is not only trying to convince yourself that its all great out there, but largely about self-confidence, having goals and dreams and most importantly - acting on them.
So next Monday instead of dreading negative situations that might come up this week, think of how can you leave a positive mark at your company.
Vocab dictionary:
Cast positive light - prognozować pozytywne spojrzenie/perspektywę
Continuous - ciągły;
Cutback - ograniczenie;cięcie budżetowe
Restraint - powściągliwość;umiar
Entrepreneur - przedsiębiorca
Attitude - nastawienie;podejście
Influence - wpływ;oddziaływanie
Attract - przyciągać
Inspiring - inspirujący;motywujący
Shall - powinienieś/aś
Subconscious - podświadomość
Afloat - utrzymywać się na powierzchni
Upbeat - entuzjastyczny
Amidst - wśród;między
Up to - zależeć od
Convince - przekonać
Largely - głównie
Act on - podjąć działanie
Leave a mark - zostawić ślad