Exercise (Chapter 3):
In the previous exercises, you established the basic objects to be used for a simplified customer tracking system. In addition to establishing the tables, data elements, and domains, you also established value tables for certain domains in order to ensure data integrity within the system. Now you will take this a step further by establishing appropriate foreign keys in the ABAP Dictionary. In this exercise, you will create a foreign key relationship between the YXXCUSTMASTER and YXXCUSTDISCOUNT tables.
After completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Create a foreign key relationship between tables in the Dictionary
If you need help with this exercise, the solutions can be found in Development Class YDATADICTIONARY.
Estimated time to complete this exercise: 20 minutes
The following exercises provide practice working with the concepts learned in Chapter 4.
Exercise 1: Foreign Key Relationships
In this exercise, you will create a foreign key relationship between the YXXCUSTMASTER and YXXCUSTDISCOUNT tables.
Step 1. Proceed to the dictionary definition of the YXXCUSTDISCOUNT table. Enter change mode.
Step 2. Establish a foreign key relationship from the YXXCUSTDISCOUNT table to the YXXCUSTMASTER table on the CUST_NUM field.
Step 3. When you are finished, re-activate the YXXCUSTDISCOUNT table.
The ABAP Dictionary ABAP Exercises
March, 2001
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Chapter 3