Rozumienie tekstu czytanego
B. w wieku 13 lat doszła do finału, ale przegrała; w wieku 14 lat wy- grała fina∏ z Sandrà Nacuk; w 1999 wygra∏a z Hingis w Australii
C. jest bardzo zaj´ta, ale marzy - chciałaby byç aktorkà; ma różne zain- teresowania; zbiera lalki
D. popularna ze względu na swój wygląd i ekstrawaganckie zachowa- nie; modna; często wyszukiwana w Internecie
E. reklamuje du˝o firm; zarabia du˝o pieni´dzy; jest na ok∏adkach czasopism; hollywoodzki styl ˝ycia
A. was born (…) to a rather poor family; her parents sold their TV to buy her a racquet
B. final in the Rolex Orange Bowl tournament; the following year (…)
she was better than Sandra Nacuk; won the Australian Open
C. likes reading, listening to music, watching TV, dancing, going to parties, swimming, coaching children; interested in ice hockey; has collected dolls
D. her good and trendy looks; fashionable
E. $ 11 million for advertisements; highest-paid female tennis player;
cover girl in magazines; Hollywood-like lifestyle
3. Podpowiedzi
1. zwrot ten oznacza fa∏szywe przekonania /ka˝dy cz∏owiek musi znaleêç cechy w sobie, które sà niepowtarzalne
2. nale˝y prawiç sobie komplementy, byç produktywnym i dobrym dla innych
3. autor wspomina ludzi pasywnych i tych, którzy nimi manipulujà; za- ch´ca czytelnika, aby wzià∏ ˝ycie w swoje r´ce
4. ten zwrot oznacza ca∏y czas czyli ca∏e ˝ycie
1. D - ostatnie zdanie: wszyscy jesteÊmy równi i ale te˝ unikalni - mu- simy szukaç w sobie tego, co nas wyró˝nia od innych
2. A - kilka zwrotów: make other people's lives better / being a good person
3. B - ca∏y paragraf zaleca, abyÊmy kontrolowali w∏asne ˝ycie
4. E - ca∏y paragraf zaleca, abyÊmy polubili siebie jako osob´
Rozumienie tekstu s∏uchanego
Speaker 1 - `arguments with parents' Speaker 2 - `no time to tidy'
Speaker 3 - `free to decorate it myself' Speaker 4 - `disorganised by nature'
Speaker 1 - 4
Speaker 2 - 1
Speaker 3 - 5
Speaker 4 - 2
Speaker 1 - ... there is not enough time in the day to clean your room; it gets really hard
Speaker 2 - ... I won't tidy my room just because my mum is telling me to do it; ... these people don't like order too much and hate being told how to do things
Speaker 3 - ... It's quite small so I don't have much room for my stuff. I wish I had more space for my books and school things. Speaker 4 - ... I'm like most teenagers
1. D
2. E
3. B
4. A
Wypowiedę pisemna
Odpowiedzi ucznia
never - nigdy
only occasionally - tylko czasami once in a while - raz na jakiĘ czas
from time to time - od czasu do czasu
once a week /month - raz w tygodniu /miesiŕcu
every week /month - co tydzie /miesiŕc
I like /love working in a team because ... - Lubi´ /uwielbiam prac´
w grupie, poniewa˝ ...
I prefer to work in a team because it's easier /more enjoyable. - Wol´
pracowaç w grupie, poniewa˝ jest ∏atwiej /jest to przyjemniejsze. I'm friendly /co-operative /agreeable /creative /helpful - Jestem przyjacielski/-a /ch´tny/-a do wspó∏pracy /zgodny/-a /twórczy/-a / pomocny/-a
I like co-operating with others /negotiating - Lubi´ wspó∏pracowaç
z innymi /negocjowaç.
I am very /quite co-operative /creative. Jestem bardzo /ca∏kiem ch´tny /-a do wspó∏pracy /jestem twórczy /-a.
I am a good leader /a good listener - Jestem dobrym przywódcà /
umiem s∏uchaç.
I am good at solving logical questions /finding a compromise - Jestem dobry/-a w rozwiàzywaniu zadaƒ logicznych /osiàganiu kompromisu.
I can organise my /other people's work well - Umiem dobrze organizo- waç sobie i innym prac´.
Odpowiedzi ucznia
1. Why do you like working in a team? /Why do you like teamwork?
2. What makes you a good teamworker? /What teamwork skills do you have?
3. Why would you like to join our club?
4. What kind of tasks do you like solving the most?
5. Is teamwork effective?
1. Say why you like working in a team.
2. Describe what makes you a good teamworker.
3. Explain why you would like to join our club.
4. Tell us which tasks you like solving the most.
5. Explain why teamwork is effective?
Odpowiedê przyk∏adowa:
What do you think about the course? /Tell us what you think about the course.
What do you think about our leader and his work? Tell us what you think about our group leader.
What have you learnt during the course? Say what you have learnt during the course.
Would you like to take part in similar courses in the future? Tell us if you would like to take part in similar courses in the future.
Wypowiedę ustna
Typ zadania maturalnego (1)
finally - w koocu when - kiedy
while - podczas gdy
in the meantime - w tym samym czasie then - nast´pnie
in the beginning - na poczŕtku before - zanim
after - po tym jak
while /in the beginning /then
When /After
In the meantime
1. Positive feelings
2. Negative feelings
3. Story beginnings
4. Weather conditions
Odpowiedzi uczniów
Student 1
- So what happened?
- It was scary. I was coming back from my basketball match.
- What scared you so much?
- I was walking through a park. It was dark and suddenly I saw
a group of hooligans. They saw me too and started running to me.
- How did it all end?
- Fortunately, I ran away and got home. I was very frightening. Informacje przekazane /czasy przesz∏e poprawnie u˝yte/pe∏ne zdania / jeden b∏àd I was very frightened.
Student 2
- So what happened?
- It is scary.
- What scared you so much?
- A group of hooligan - they want to catch me.
- Oh, how did it all end?
- I run home.
Informacje przekazane /niepoprawnie u˝yte czasy Past Simple i Past
Continuous / jeden b∏àd w liczbie mnogiej /pe∏ne zdania
Pomimo b∏´dów gramatycznych dwie wypowiedzi zosta∏yby zaliczone.
Rozmowa przyk∏adowa
- So how did you meet?
- Well, one day I was chatting on the net and we met on-line. Then we arranged to meet at a café in the centre.
- And what is your friend like?
- She's friendly and she has a good sense of humour. She seems very clever too.
- And what did you do?
- We talked about our hobbies, friends, school and parents. I enjoyed
it a lot. We were both happy that we met.
Typ zadania maturalnego (2)
a. She seems /she looks like /she probably feels /she must be… /she's wearing…
b. She is looking…..oraz inne zdania w Present Continuous.
She seems very interested /fascinated by something on the computer. She looks like a 5-year-old child.
She's wearing a T-shirt and a dress.
She probably feels very happy because she can play on the computer. She's looking at the computer and she's probably playing a computer game.
She must be about 5 years old.
1. I think she likes playing on her own because she looks happy and fascinated. Young children like playing on the computer.
2. Przyk∏adowa odpowiedê ucznia
I love skiing because I can do it very well. I'm also interested in model-making because it is creative and it helps me relax.
Odpowiedê przyk∏adowa
1. In the picture I can see some people and Leonardo di Caprio. The women are trying to get an autograph from him and take a picture.
They look like they really like the star. He must be their idol.
I think they look for the information on the Internet or in magazines. They may belong to a fan club too.
2. I really like Bono from U2. He's a singer and I love his music but he also helps poor people in Africa.