The Alien Study

The Alien Study

Heather Stone is a researcher working off the coast of Alaska where she studies the sky and strange lights that appear in it. Heather has always been a believer in paranormal activity and especially aliens. In addition, she has always been a bit of a loner, outcast, and just 'different'. She has spent the majority of her adult life researching aliens and traveling the United States to find and examine supposed alien artifacts. Unfortunately, all her current research hasn't brought her any closer to finding actual evidence of an alien species.

As Heather is watching lights in the sky early one morning, she sees a strange shape crash towards the ground about a mile ahead of her. Heather quickly jumps on her bike to investigate the crash and as she approaches she sees bits of metal and burnt ground. Heather nearly falls off her bike as she sees a ship smashed into the ground, nearly broken in half. She rushes forward to examine the ship and is thrilled to see that it looks like an alien spaceship.

Heather can barely control her excitement and begins carefully rummaging through the wreckage. She is unexpectedly yanked back and Heather starts to struggle against the grip the stranger has on her arms. As she is able to work herself free enough to turn around, Heather finds herself facing a tall creature, human-like except for its extremely pale blue skin and white eyes. She gasps in shock and faints, unable to believe what is happening.

When Heather wakes up again, she is sitting behind a bush and restrained with a strange bungee-cord like device around her wrists. She manages to stand up and starts to make her way out from behind the bush when she hears a language completely foreign to her ear. Heather crouches back down, nearly losing her balance and looks around the edge of the bush to see two more of the blue creatures communicating.

She is watching them in awe when she is suddenly picked up by her shoulders and lifted off the ground. She finds herself staring into the eyes of one of the creatures. She demands to be let go and the creature covers her mouth, setting her down on her feet. Before she can ask if it understands her, the creature tells her she is in great danger and must come with them if she wishes to survive. Heather is surprised by both the fact that the creature speaks English and also that it is asking her to come with it. She agrees as her mind flashes over how important this could be to her research and life's work.

Heather finds herself transported to a huge spaceship unlike anything she has ever seen before, followed by the other blue creatures. The written language is nothing she recognizes and she watches in awe as the ship lights up and begins to move.

As the ship takes off, Heather turns to the alien who brought her aboard, asking its name and what is going on. The alien introduces himself as Qua'thro, military leader of Miun. He goes on to tell Heather that the ship that crashed on Earth was a ship belonging to the Miun's enemies, a group of beings called the Raith who plan to conquer other planets and turn them into giant factories for monetary profit. Qua'thro has organized a military strategy and fleet to destroy the Raith and their ships and have been successful so far, but now they are being followed by a large group. For Heather's safety, they will have to drop her off later they are able to shake off the fleet.

As Qua'thro tells Heather about the situation, the ship is attacked. The crew is forced to hang on and Qua'thro quickly jumps to the front to take control, aiming and firing at enemy ships. Heather watches in awe as he fights and is impressed by his skill and quick thinking. She listens as the crew begins speaking in the language she heard earlier, taking in the different sounds and accent. After a stressful fight, the Miun crew is able to fight off the attack.

Qua'thro talks to a few different officers and Heather watches as his mouth turn to a frown as he talks. When he approaches her again, Heather begins talking about how exciting the situation was, complimenting his fighting and quick thinking and rambling about her research and studies as well. Qua'thro has to interrupt her as he mentions that the ship is unable to turn back just yet because of the danger from the Raith army. He informs her she will have to stay a bit longer for her own safety. Just how long is currently unknown. Heather is unfazed by his information and brushes it off, talking again about the battle and her research. Qua'thro is amused by her excitement.

Due to being constantly pursued by the enemy, Heather is forced to stay on the ship for a couple weeks. During this time she and Qua'thro share and exchange information. Most of the crew is wary of her, but Qua'thro freely shares information about their culture, technology, and people and Heather tells him of Earth, as well as humans.

Heather allows Qua'thro's medical officers to observe her and make entries about humans in their database. In turn, Qua'thro teaches Heather some of the Miun language and gives her some small artifacts and Miun trinkets as a gift. Heather hugs him and kisses his cheek in thanks. Qua'thro is surprised by her foreign actions. Unsure how to react, he returns the gesture with a longer hug and kiss, causing Heather to blush.

After a total of two and a half weeks aboard the ship, Heather is finally able to return to Earth. The two share an awkward and sad farewell and Qua'thro tells her he will visit her again one day. As Heather watches the ship leave, a Raith fleet appears out of nowhere and attacks them. She watches with worry as the two armies battle as the ship flies off, quickly becoming small flashes of light in the far away sky.

Heather sighs worriedly and walks home, turning on the TV when she gets there. Turning on the news channel, she watches a report of what has been happening, finding that the planet has been attacked by the Raith. The broadcast turns to a live shot of what is happening and Heather sees that a huge ship has just crashed into the ground and that one of the races of aliens has been proclaimed dead. Unsure which one was destroyed, Heather leaves the house in her car and travels to the scene of the crash to see whether or not it is Qua'thro's ship. When she arrives she sees nothing but a giant crater in the ground and begins to weep, worrying that it was Qua'thro's ship.

As she kneels at the crater and cries, Heather feels a hand on her shoulder. Turning around she sees Qua'thro. He lifts her up, wiping at the tears on her cheeks curiously. In the Miun language, Heather tells him she was worried and Qua'thro embraces her. She asks him to take her with him and he agrees.


Chapter 1: Heather researches paranormal activity and aliens. As she is observing the sky one morning she sees a space ship crash, encounters an alien at the site, and faints.

Chapter 2: Heather wakes up and is taken aboard the ship. She is impressed by the technology and is excited. She meets Qua'thro who tells her about the situation.

Chapter 3: The ship is attacked and Heather witnesses the battle. Qua'thro impresses her with his actions and she finds out that, for her own protection, she has to stay longer.

Chapter 4: Heather and Qua'thro become closer learn about each others' species and share information. Heather is eventually returned to earth when it becomes safe.

Chapter 5: Heather learns that earth has just suffered an alien attack and watches on the TV as new about the final battle is aired. She meets Qua'thro again and is able to return to the ship with him.


Heather Stone

Age: 25, scientist and paranormal researcher. Blonde hair, green eyes.


Age: unknown, alien. Pale blue skin, closed cropped black hair, white eyes. Tall, lean body.


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