Matura Solutions intermediate Solutions Intermediate Cumulative Test 1 5


1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 Come back this evening. I _______ (finish) everything by then.

2 Where _______ (you / work) this time next year?

3 I need a bath. I _______ (dig) in the garden!

4 I _______ (meet) her and her husband a couple of times - mostly at work parties.

5 You're late! We _______ (start) the lesson ten minutes ago.

6 I _______ (cross) the road when I saw £10 on the pavement!

7 _______ (you / used to) travel a lot when you were younger?

8 We decided _______ (stay) in and watch TV.

9 When I was a student I _______ (live) in Paris for six months.

10 If we _______ (not wake her up), she'll sleep until lunchtime!

11 It was great to see Jackie last night. I _______ (not see) her for ages.

12 You look worried. What _______ (you / think) about?

Mark: ___ /12

2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

for where who who since which ago never

1 _______ I've been in England I've met some really nice people _______ have helped me with my English.

2 I've _______ been back to the hotel _______ we spent our first holiday.

3 Charlie hasn't been to school _______ two weeks and our teacher, _______ is really worried about him, wants to talk to his parents.

4 A week _______ I went to the new restaurant on Oak Street, _______ had been recommended by some friends.

Mark: ___ /8


3 Complete the sentences with the correct words.

1 I've got a very bad head_______.

A pain B hurt C ache

2 He fell over playing football and broke _______.

A a bone B his skin C a muscle

3 She got a really good job as a flight_______.

A assistant B attendant C agent

4 I don't like the fashion of wearing _______ trousers.

A baggy B long-sleeved C matching

5 The advert _______ a natural beauty product.

A prevents B provides C promotes

Mark: ___ /5

4 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

jealous relieved irritating guilty disappointment

1 She feels _______ because she broke Sarah's laptop.

2 I was so _______ to pass the exam. I really thought I'd failed.

3 Does your boyfriend get _______ if you talk to other boys?

4 We lost the game. What a _______.

5 It's _______ if someone interrupts you while you're working.

Mark: ___ /5


5 [*3.11] Listen to the people talking about shopping. Complete the sentences with the correct speakers, A, B, C, D or E.

1 Speaker _______ thinks clothes aren't the most important thing.

2 Speaker _______ thinks the clothes are more important than the price.

3 Speaker _______ likes to feel good rather than look good.

4 Speaker _______ doesn't plan her clothes shopping.

5 Speaker _______ buys clothes for their quality.

Mark: ___ /10


6 Read the text.


This summer bring your children to the Science Museum! They're welcome any time of the year but this summer we're offering them something very special. We're holding an extraordinary exhibition aimed particularly at the under-fourteens. It will be packed full of incredible things which will surprise, amaze and entertain young minds. Older minds will find a lot to occupy them too!

Just one of the many treats in store will be the Robot Hall. Here you'll find the very latest in robotic designs, ranging from the tiny to the enormous. Kids can programme a robot to perform different functions and compete with other robots doing the same task.

Another amazing feature of this exhibition is a link-up to a real space shuttle. On certain days children will be able to talk directly to an astronaut in space. What a conversation that could be! In addition to this both parents and children will be able to experience weightlessness in our special gravity-free room and see what it really feels like to be an astronaut!

These are only a couple of the attractions and there will be much, much more! So come along with your children to the Science Museum Summer Exhibition!

7 Choose the best answers.

1 This text is

A from a guidebook.

B an article.

C an advertisement.

2 The exhibition is

A for children only.

B for adults and children.

C for people over fourteen.

3 Children will be able to

A see different types of robots.

B make a robot.

C watch programmes about robots.

4 An astronaut will

A be at the exhibition on some days.

B talk to the children on some days.

C give a talk on space on some days.

5 There will be a room

A which is identical to a space shuttle.

B where you can have the experience of being in space.

C where you can learn about gravity.

Mark: __ /10


8 Imagine you have just been to the Science Museum Summer Exhibition. Write a letter to a friend and tell him/her about your day. Include the following information:

Mark: __ /10

9 Write a short note to a friend telling him/her that you want to meet in town to go shopping on Saturday morning. Include the following information:

Mark: __ /10

Total: ___ /70

Cumulative test Units 1-5

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Matura Solutions Intermediate Tests 1


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