Concept Exercise Chapter 3 Name:
Date: Class:
Cisco Exercises - Semester 2 - Networking Fundamentals
Chapter 3 Router CLI
You configure Cisco routers from the user interface that runs on the router console or terminal. You can also configure Cisco routers by using remote access. You must log in to the router before you can enter an EXEC command.
For security purposes, the router has two levels of access to commands:
User mode-Typical tasks include those that check the router status. In this mode, router configuration changes are not allowed.
Privileged mode-Typical tasks include those that change the router configuration.
Concept Questions
Demonstrate your knowledge of these concepts by answering the following questions in the space provided.
You can use the router to do the following:
Log in with the user password
Enter privileged mode with the enable password
Disable or quit
What procedures would you follow to log in to the router?
You can use the following advanced help features:
Command completion and prompting
Syntax checking
Why would you need to use syntax checking?
And you can use the following advanced editing features:
Automatic line scrolling
Cursor controls
History buffer with command recall
Copy and paste, which are available on most laptop computers
Why is it important to have two access of commands?