Hippolytus Role of Greek Gods in the Euripedes' Play

Hippolytus - Role of Greek Gods

The play Hippolytus by the Greek playwright Euripides is one

which explores classical Greek religion. Throughout the play, the

influence of the gods on the actions of the characters is evident,

especially when Aphrodite affects the actions of Phaedra. Also central

to the plot is the god-god interactions between Artemis and Aphrodite.

In this essay, I hope to provide answers to how the actions of

Hippolytus and Phaedra relate to the gods, whether or not the

characters concern themselves with the reaction of the gods to their

behavior, what the characters expect from the gods, how the gods treat

the humans, and whether or not the gods gain anything from making the

humans suffer.

Before we can discuss the play, however, a few terms need to be

defined. Most important would be the nature of the gods. They have

divine powers, but what exactly makes the Greek gods unique should be

explored. The Greek gods, since they are anthropomorphic, have many of

the same characteristics as humans. One characteristic of the gods

which is apparent is jealousy. Aphrodite seems to be jealous of

Artemis because Hippolytus worships Artemis as the greatest of all

gods, while he tends to shy away from worshipping Aphrodite (10-16).

This is important because it sets in motion the actions of the play

when Aphrodite decides to get revenge on Hippolytus. The divine

relationship between the gods is a bit different, however. Over the

course of the play, Artemis does not interfere in the actions of

Aphrodite, which shows that the gods, while divine, do have

restrictions; in this case, it shows the gods cannot interfere with

each other. (1328-1330) The gods are sometimes evil and revengeful,

though, as can seen by what Artemis has to say about Aphrodite: "I'll

wait till she loves a mortal next time, and with this hand - with

these unerring arrows I'll punish him." (1420-1422)

The relationship of mankind and the gods also needs to be

discussed. This relationship seems to be a sort of give-and-take

relationship, in part. The Greeks believed that if they gave to the

gods, through prayer and sacrifices, that the gods would help them

out. This is especially true of Hippolytus and his almost excessive

worship of Artemis. Also, Theseus praying to his father Poseidon is

another example of this, only Theseus actually gets what he prays for.

(887-890) Just because mankind worshipped the gods, however did not

mean that the gods had any sort of obligation to help out the humans.

Artemis did nothing to protect Hippolytus from being killed. But not

all relations between the gods and mankind were positive from the

humans' standpoint. Since Aphrodite is angry with Hippolytus for not

worshipping her, she decides to punish him by making Phaedra love him,

then making it seem that he rapes her, when she actually hangs

herself, whether that is through her own actions or is the doing of


The thoughts and actions of Hippolytus and Phaedra certainly are

irrational at times. After all, a stepmother falling in love with her

stepson is unlikely, but probably even less acceptable. This is

directly related to the gods. What Aphrodite does to Phaedra certainly

causes her to do some strange things. For instance, first Phaedra

seems to go crazy, and then she decides to hide her new-found love for

Hippolytus from the nurse. Later, though, she decides to tell the

nurse, and when she finds that the nurse has told Hippolytus, decides

that the only logical course of action is to kill herself. This action

is certainly related to the gods because Aphrodite makes it look as if

Phaedra's suicide is really the fault of Hippolytus. Some of

Hippolytus' actions are related to the gods as well. When Theseus

discovers that Phaedra is dead and decides to exile Hippolytus,

Hippolytus does object to his banishment, but eventually he stops

arguing with his father. At this point, he prays to the gods that he

be killed in exile if he is guilty of the death of Phaedra. It is also

possible he may be expecting Artemis to help him out, though she does

nothing until he is on the verge of death. The characters do worry

about how the gods react to them at times. Hippolytus does not seem to

concern himself much with how Aphrodite reacts to his behavior. At the

beginning of the play, the old man questions Hippolytus' decision not

to worship Aphrodite, but Hippolytus really does not worry that he may

be making Aphrodite angry. He does care how Artemis reacts, however,

because he is hoping to keep her happy so that she may help him out if

he should need it. Theseus certainly concerns himself with how the

gods react, since he needs Poseidon to send a bull to go kill his son.

At the end of the play he does care what Artemis has to say about him

killing his son. He believes that he should be the one to die, though

Artemis is able to convince him that he was fooled by the gods.

Phaedra, on the other hand, really is in no position to care much

about how the gods react to what she does. This is because she is

under the control of Aphrodite. Aphrodite makes her love Hippolytus,

it certainly is not of her own free will.

As far as what the characters expect from their gods, it varies

by person. Theseus, being the son of Poseidon, was supposedly given

three curses by his father, and he expects Poseidon to help him out

and kill Hippolytus. (887-889) Hippolytus never really expects

anything specific from Artemis during the play, but he does tell the

gods that he should die in exile if he is guilty of the rape of

Phaedra. Even as he is dying , he does not expect Artemis to help him.

Interestingly, he even apologizes to his father and to Artemis for

causing them to suffer because of his death. Phaedra wishes that her

judgment had not be interfered with by the Aphrodite, because she is

the one who caused Phaedra to fall in love with Hippolytus. The gods

treat human beings more or less as pawns to do with as they please. It

seems like it is all a game to them. In Hippolytus, it is game of

revenge between Aphrodite and Artemis. Aphrodite interferes in the

life of Hippolytus, someone loved by Artemis, then Artemis vows to

take revenge on Aphrodite to avenge the death of Hippolytus. Despite

the fact that he worships her above all others, she still does not

help him out throughout the entire play. This indicates that Artemis

may not care for him as much as we are led to believe. She says she

would take revenge, but there is no guarantee it will happen. From

this, we can see that the gods often did not treat the humans very

well. In a way, Poseidon treats Theseus well by granting his wish for

the death of Hippolytus. This joy is short-lived, however, when he

discovers that he has been fooled by the tricks of Aphrodite. Why the

gods would treat the humans this way is a somewhat complicated

question. An easy answer would be that they have the power to do to

the humans what the please. But there are other reasons as well. For

instance, the theme of revenge plays a major role in the plot. The

actions of Aphrodite against Hippolytus are motivated by revenge. The

gods, at least in Hippolytus, are not malicious and wanting humans to

suffer for no good reason. Therefore, the most important reason for

gods treating humans the way they do is that they are reacting to the

actions of humans; this is especially true of Aphrodite's reaction to

Hippolytus's failure to worship her.

The gods must derive something from the suffering of the humans;

otherwise there is no point in making them suffer. In this case, the

gods derive both sorrow and joy from the suffering of the characters.

Aphrodite certainly is happy that Hippolytus suffered and died through

her own actions, and that she causes Theseus to suffer as well by

taking his son away. On the other hand, she probably does not care

much that she also caused the death of Phaedra. Phaedra only serves as

a pawn to get revenge on Hippolytus. Aphrodite only cares to punish

Hippolytus, and she would have used Phaedra in whatever capacity

necessary to get that revenge. Artemis, however, is saddened by the

loss of Hippolytus: "You and I are the chief sufferers Theseus."

(1337) Because of this, she vows to avenge Hippolytus' death, and also

tells him that he will not be forgotten by future generations of

Greeks, that his name will live on in glory.

Interestingly, Hippolytus wis able to forgive his father even

though his father caused his death. That should not be surprising,

because he realizes that his father was fooled by the gods, and being

an irrational human, could not really be expected to know he was being

tricked. Also, Artemis does not blame Theseus for the death of his

son: "It is natural for men to err when they are blinded by gods."

(1433-1434) The most important thing that the ending shows is that

sometimes the gods do care what happens to the humans. It also shows

how easily the power of the gods, particularly that of Poseidon, could

be misused because Theseus gets what he prays for, the death of his

son, but it is not really what he wanted.

Two major themes are present in Hippolytus: revenge and

forgiveness. Almost the entire plot of the play is based on revenge.

There is the revenge between gods and humans, and humans and humans.

Initially, we have Aphrodite wanting revenge on Hippolytus for

worshipping Artemis and not her, which of course sets in motion the

actions of the play. Then we have the revenge of Theseus against

Hippolytus, when he believes that his son raped his wife and killed

her. This does not end up as revenge, however, as Theseus eventually

suffers as a result of his son's death. One final form of revenge

comes at the end of the play, when Artemis vows to avenge the death of

Hippolytus by interfering with a human loved by Aphrodite. It is all a

vicious cycle of revenge. This same story could very easily happen

again if Artemis does avenge his death. Also, forgiveness is an

important theme. Even though his father is responsible for his death,

Hippolytus is nevertheless able to forgive him. This comes from the

realization that his father had been deceived by the gods. In the end,

this proves once again that the Greeks were at the mercy of their gods

and that they had to try to live their life the best they could in

spite of that fact.


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