TENSE FORMS exercises


  1. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct past forms.

1. Last year, Tom and Fiona _________ (decide) to buy a house. They _________ (save up) for ages, and by the end of May they __________ (put by) enough for the deposit on a house. They _________ (live) in a tiny flat at the time and Fiona _________ (insist) that she _________ (want) a house with a big garden. They ________ (search) for a few days when they found exactly what they _________ (look for) - a two-bedroomed house in nearly an acre of garden. Unfortunately the owner ________ (ask) much more than they _______ (be) willing to pay, and when they ________ (look) closer at the interior, they ________ (see) that whoever ________ (live) there before , _________ (make) an absolute mess of the walls and floors. Still Fiona _______ (like) the garden and the location so much that she ________ (manage) to convince Tom that, despite the price, it _________ (be) the perfect house for them.

  1. Last summer some friends and I ________ (arrange) to go camping. We _______ (look) forward to going for weeks when finally the date of departure ________(arrive). We ________ (load) the car with our luggage and _______ (set off) early in the morning. The weather was perfect, the sun ________ (shine) brightly and the wind ______ (blow) gently. There ________ (not/be) a cloud in the sky. Shortly afterwards, while we _______ (travel) along the motorway, we _______(notice) that the car ________ (make) a strange noise. Pete, who ________(drive) very fast, suddenly _______ (stop) the car. Everyone _______ (get out) and ________ (go) round to the back of the car. To our surprise the boot was wide open - whoever ________ (load) the luggage ________(not/close) it properly, and everything ________ (fall out)!

  2. Jim ___________________ (not look) forward to the exam. He _________________ (study) for the past two months, and still __________________ (not feel) sure that he _________________ (know) even half of what he should know. He _________________ (question) his teachers repeatedly about the material that _________________ (appear) on past exams, but he still wasn't convinced that anything he ___________________ (learn) ___________________ (be) relevant to this year's exam; he _________________ (revise) all night long, and __________________ (feel) exhausted. In fact he __________________ (be) so tired that he ________________ (fall) asleep in the middle of writing the exam, and ___________________ (wake) just in time to finish it.

  1. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct present forms.

Dear John,

First of all, sorry I ________ (not/write) for so long, but I was on holiday.

_______(you / get) your exam results yet? I'm sure you _________ (pass) them all since you always _______ (study) so hard. I _______ (wait) for mine at the moment and I ________ (try) not to worry!. Well, I _______ (write) from my new flat. Yes, I ________ (move) the house! Now we ________ (paint) and _______ (clean) the place to make it look nice. When it's finished, I'm going to have a party because I _______ (not/see) you for weeks I _______ (want) you to come. Write soon and let me know if I'll see you there. Love, Mary.

  1. Susan _________________ (study) interior design part time for three years and she __________________ (get) her diploma next month. Since she __________________ (work) for the same company for over ten years she __________________ (feel) that she __________________ (need) a change, so she __________________ (plan) to open her own design business. She already __________________ (start) looking for a new office, and she ____________________ (hope) she __________________ (find) something in a good location and for a reasonable price.

  1. Alan ________ (fly) to Barcelona tonight. He _______ (already pack) his suitcase but he ________ (not/call) a taxi yet. His plane _______ (leave) ate 8 o'clock.

  2. Ann and Sally ________ (be) flatmates. They sometimes _______ (argue) because Sally _______ (always/make) a mess in the kitchen.

  3. Look over there! It's John. But he _______ (look) so different! He _______ (put on) at least 15 kilos and I _______(think) he _______ (wear) a toupee!

  4. Ever since the accident Susan _______(be) afraid to drive. Next week she ________ (see) a psychologist who _______ (specialize) in that sort of problem.

  5. What a great match! Johnson ________ (pass) the ball to Green, who _______ (shoot).

  6. `What on earth _______ (you/do)? Your clothes are all dirty!' `Well, I _______(work) in the garden all day. Look, I _______(already/plant) a lot of flowers. I _______ (plan) to mow the grass now.

III. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in bold and so that the meaning stays the same.

1. It's a week since I last saw him. for

I _________________________________________ a week.

2. How long is it since he wrote his last novel?

When ___________________________________his leg?

3. When did she move to France? since

How long ________________________________________ to France.

4. They started learning computing two months ago. been

They _______________________________________ two months.

5. They started eating as soon as the last guests arrived. had

They waited until ___________________________________________ they started eating.

6. The last time he visited her was a week ago. for

He __________________________________________ a week.

7. I haven't called Ted for a long time. since

It's ____________________________________________ Ted.

8. He has been working here for six months. started

He ________________________________________________ ago.

9. Today is Liz and John's thirtieth wedding anniversary. for

Liz and John _______________________________________ .

10. Cathy has not been on holiday with her sister before. first

It ______________________________________________ sister.

11. Whose watch is it? belong

Who ______________________________________ .

  1. When I was a child I didn't have any pets. use

When I was a child _____________________________________________.

IV. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.

  1. David _______ (think) about getting a new job.

  2. Your hand luggage _______ (weigh) too much.

  3. _______________ (you/enjoy) your stay here?

  4. First you _____ (roll) you the pastry, then you ____ (put) it into the fridge for an hour.

  5. …At the end of the last chapter she _______ (realize) that her hatred had caused the deaths of the lovers…

  6. What ______ (say) on this notice?

  7. I ______ (sell) this car. Do you want to buy it?

  8. Please be quiet! You ______ (continually interrupt).

  9. Pay no attention to Graham. He _____(be) sarcastic again.

  10. ______ (you/hear) anything from Jane these days?

  11. While I ____________________ (drink) my coffee, the phone ______ (ring).

  12. When Jane was at school, she ______ (always/lose) things.

  13. By the time I _______ get to the station, the train _______ (leave).

  14. I _______ (live) in a bed-sitter up to then.

  15. The kitchen was in a mess. It was obvious that someone ______ (cook) there and ______ (not bother) to clean it up.

  16. I realized that someone ______ (steal) my wallet when I ______ (feel) their hand in my pocket.

  17. I ____ (iron) my shirts this morning.

  18. I ______ (take) French lessons this year.

  19. I _______ (clean) the house but I still ______ (not/finish).

  20. They ______ (wait) outside your house till half past eight.

  21. Lately your work _______ (improve).

  22. She _______ (buy) a CD player last week and she ______ (listen) ever since.


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