SO I U7 8 TestA


1 Track 7 Listen to six conversations and tick the correct answers: a), b) or c).

1 The neighbours invited Lynne for      .

tea coffee lunch

a)       b)       c)   

2 Jack would like to be a / an      .

millionaire mechanic engineer

a)       b)       c)      

3 Jo's sister is getting married in      .

Hong Kong Dubai Sydney

a)       b)       c)      

4 If Elizabeth wants a second helping, she should leave       food on her plate.

plenty of a little no

a)       b)       c)      

5 Vicky couldn't remember       phone number.

Matt's Tom's her

a)       b)       c)      

6 The problem is happening      .

on the Internet in class at lunchtime

a)       b)       c)      



2 Track 8 Listen and add commas where necessary.

1 My son, who is a journalist, lives in London.

2 The video clip which you emailed was funny!

3 The children who go to the local school are singing in a concert.

4 The hospital where I was born has been closed.

5 The website which is easy to use has some cheap holidays.

6 The laptop that I bought is fantastic!

7 The café where we had lunch is near the shopping mall.


Vocabulary and Grammar

3 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the word in capitals.

1 They've been building a lot of semi-  detached   houses around here. DETACH

2 He isn't only a                 painter, but he also plays the saxophone. SKILL

3 The new                 estate will create new jobs. INDUSTRY

4 This knife is absolutely                . It doesn't cut properly. USE

5 She's got the wonderful                 to make people feel at home. ABLE

6 You obviously haven't been paying him enough                . ATTEND


4 Complete the sentences with the prepositions in the box. Use some words more than once.

in at on for with to

1 You'll get better     at    it if you practise a lot.

2 We get on well because we have a lot            common            them.

3 He'll succeed            getting promoted if he puts ____ the hours.

4 You can rely            Angela to make friends            all the neighbours.

5 Richard has a talent            music, but he's hopeless            maths.

6 The documentary focuses            education and picks up            the role of technology.


5 Correct two mistakes in each sentence.

1 He's the man that his son has won the lottery last week.

He's the man whose son won the lottery last week.

2 I don't able to come tonight because I didn't manage find a babysitter.


3 She's be living abroad since the past five years.


4 I've met him when we have been working in the same company.


5 They gave him new bike for his birthday, that he loved.


6 There are a few of biscuits, but there isn't no cheese.



6 Underline the correct alternatives.

1 `An / A investment in the /  --  knowledge always pays the best interest.' (Benjamin Franklin)

2 `Many of life's failures are people which / that did not realize how close they were to success when / how they gave up.' (Thomas A. Edison)

3 `If I have seen / been seeing farther than others, it is because I was standing on / the shoulders of giants.' (Isaac Newton)

4 `Be civil to all; sociable to many / much; familiar with few; friend to one; enemy to no / none.' (Benjamin Franklin)

5 `I'm looking for a lot of men whose / who have an infinite capacity to not know what can't / able to be done.' (Henry Ford)

6 `An / The important thing is not to stop questioning. The / curiosity has its own reason for existing.' (Albert Einstein)


7 Choose the correct answers to complete the text: a), b), c) or d).

In 1  a        months, David Jones, 44, from Sussex, hopes to break 2           world record. He's planning to spend 121 days in a room with 3           of the world's most poisonous snakes, 4           will include deadly black mambas.

The four-month challenge will begin on April 24th. The current record is held by South African Martin Smit, 5           is also known as Mad Martin. In Oct 2008, he 6           113 days in a room with snakes without being bitten.

Mr Jones, 7           wife is terrified of snakes, 8           been interested in them. He decided this was the challenge that he wanted to do. He 9           doing it to raise money for charity. 10           last person who tried to break the record in 2009 was bitten by one of the snakes, 11           almost caused him to lose a leg.

1 a) a few b) a little c) some d) much

2 a) -- b) a c) the d) some

3 a) enough b) many c) all d) much

4 a) who b) that c) where d) which

5 a) that b) which c) who d) whose

6 a) 's spent b) 's been spending c) spent
d) 'll spend

7 a) whose b) which c) who d) that

8 a) always was b) has always c) is always
d) was always

9 a) have been b) has c) was d) is

10 a) The b) A c) One d) --

11 a) who b) that c) which d) and



8 Read the article. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

Maths genius turns down $1m

In March 2010, unconventional Russian maths genius Grigory Perelman was in the newspapers for refusing to accept a prize of $1m. The US Clay Mathematics Institute had awarded the Millennium Prize for his solution to the Poincaré conjecture, posed by French mathematician Henri Poincaré in 1904. It was considered one of the most important and difficult problems in mathematics. Perelman posted his solution on the internet in 2002, but it took the world's leading mathematicians several years to check it.

This wasn't the first time Dr Perelman had refused a prestigious prize. In 2006, he turned down the Fields Medal, regarded as the equivalent of the Nobel Prize, saying, `I'm not interested in money or fame.'

Perelman was born in St Petersburg in 1966. At the age of 16, he won a gold medal, with a perfect score, at the International Mathematical Olympiad. He was also a talented violinist and loved opera. He went on to complete a PhD, followed by a distinguished career, which included posts at several US universities. In 1995, he refused to send a CV when Stanford University offered him a job, arguing that if they were familiar with his work, it should not be necessary.

Since 2006, Perelman has given up mathematics and lives a reclusive life in St Petersburg. Described as the world's cleverest man, he lives with his mother in a small flat, where neighbours say he plays table tennis against the wall.

1 Perelman is gifted at maths.   T  

2 The newspapers didn't think he should
accept a million dollar prize.      

3 Perelman won the prize for solving a
very difficult maths problem.      

4 It took him several years to solve the
problem on the internet.      

5 He refused the Nobel Prize in 2006.      

6 Perelman scored 100% at the
International Mathematical Olympiad.      

7 He wasn't interested in anything except mathematics.      

8 He did a PhD before he went to
the USA.      

9 At Stanford University, they knew
nothing about Perelman's work.      

10 He doesn't work in mathematics now.      

11 He lives alone in St Petersburg.      



9 Match questions 1-6 with responses a)-f).

1 Is this a bad time?   b  

2 Did I do something wrong?      

3 My apologies. I'll come back later.      

4 Do I need to wear a long-sleeved dress?      

5 What should I do if they serve fish?
I don't like it.      

6 Is it OK if smoke at the table?      

a) Yes, I think you do.

b) No. Please come in.

c) If I were you, I'd try to eat a little bit.

d) It's OK. We won't be long.

e) No, you'd better not. They don't like it.

f) It's OK - we can sort it out.


10 Match gaps 1-11 in the conversation with
a)-k) below.

A: 1     a     , social networking sites are a complete waste of time. The reason 2           this is because you can communicate with people in so many other ways.

B: Yes, I 3           people spend too much time on these sites, but 4           say that they can be useful. 5          , you can contact all your family and friends at the same time.

A: Yes, I agree, but that's not always an advantage. For 6          , you don't have much privacy. 7           said before, you could keep in touch with people by email.

B: Yes, I prefer to use email, too. I don't like everybody else's friends to see my news and photos. Having said that, sites like Facebook can be very convenient in some situations. 8           give you an example. When I was on holiday in India last year, I 9           to contact family and friends and let them know where I was, all in one go! It was really useful.

A: Yes, 10           see your point. But 11           view, you could do that just as easily via email.

a) For me

b) I must

c) Like I

d) was able

e) Let me

f) For example

g) I say

h) do think

i) in my

j) I do

k) one thing



11 Join the sentences using the words in brackets. Make any necessary changes.

1 It's a formal party. Men should wear a dark suit. Women should wear a long evening dress.
(and / so)

It's a formal party so men should wear a dark suit and women should wear a long evening dress.

2 He isn't very reliable. He never does what he promises to do. He's always late.
(because / and)


3 The buses never come on time. This makes me very angry. I often get to work late.
(which / because)


4 She loves shopping online. It's convenient and easy. It's much cheaper.
because / and / also)


5 I get a lot of emails from friends. They want me to join their social networking site. I always refuse.
(who / but)


6 They've been living in Benson. It's a very pretty village. It's near Oxford. (which)



12 Write a summary of the text about Grigory Perelman in Exercise 8. Write 100-120 words.
























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