Pytania i odpowiedzi Í 61 Satbility II



  1. What is usually the effect on G when the ship is damaged?

  1. Which of the following statements are true, with respect to change of stability parameters for a damaged ship?

  1. What statement is true about volume permeability?

  1. What statement is true about the metacentric radius?


  1. Click and drag the different terms to their corresponding boxes.

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  1. Which statements are true concerning the added weight method:

  1. In the added weight method, the free communication effect in damaged condition:

  1. Which statements are true concerning the Loss of Buoyancy method:


  1. What is the minimum required righting lever for a damaged passenger ship at intermediate state of flooding?

  1. What is the minimum required residuary dynamic stability for a damaged passenger ship at equilibrium?

  1. What is the minimum required righting lever for a damaged passenger ship at final state of flooding?

  1. On the right you see the correct combinations.

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  1. How many damaged compartments does the following ship survive? Click on the different watertight compartments and analyze the triangles.

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  1. Which the following statement(s) are true?

  1. A ship has VCG=9,80m above keel. The metacentre position above keel varies according the hydrostatic table:

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What is the maximal permissible draught for the ship to full fill the stability requirements?

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  1. What is the minimum required GM for a ship with following GMmin curve abd draught 6.3meter.

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- A - 1.7m


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