Use of EnglishA

Use of English 10A

A Complete each sentence so that it means the same as the sentence before.

(7 points)

0 My brother regrets he can't play the violin.

My brother wishes ____he could play the violin____ .

1 Our politicians don't care enough about the welfare of the poor and underprivileged.

Our politicians should _________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ .

2 I regret I told them about the incident.

I wish ______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ .

3 It's a pity he can't visit his parents to ask for help.

He wishes __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ .

4 It's a pity I didn't talk to her at the party.

I should ____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ .

5 I don't like the fact that you wear high-heeled shoes to school.

You shouldn't _______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ .

6 I'm very sorry I didn't dress properly for the occasion. ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ .

7 I regret I fell asleep in the middle of the film.

I shouldn't __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ .

B Complete the sentences with the -ing form or to+ infinitive of the verbs in brackets.

(4 points)

0 If the television still doesn't work properly, try __moving__ (move) the aerial.

1 I regret __________ (tell) Mary the whole truth about her son's accident. It was too much for her.

2 The sightseeing tour was so tiring that we stopped __________ (take) a rest at the nearest café.

3 Did you remember __________ (buy) milk and cornflakes for the children?

4 She knows your telephone number. Have you forgotten __________ (give) it to her?

C Match the words from two columns to form compound words.

(4 points)

0 personal a) maker

1 alarm b) wheel

2 coffee c) channels

3 key d) stereo

4 palmtop e) statues

5 potter's f) ring

6 marble g) computer

7 TV h) clock

8 irrigation i) remote









D Complete the sentences with the appropriate words. The first letter of each word is given.

(5 points)

0 The doctor told me to ____give_____ up smoking.

1 Mark was totally b_____________ and confused when his girlfriend packed her bags and left.

2 When he dies his eldest son will t_____________ over the business.

3 Her baby learnt how to c_____________ when he was eight months old. I'm sure he will soon start to walk.

4 We were all greatly i_____________ by Julia Robert's acting in this film. She was just great!

5 Local shop owners complain that too many supermarkets g_____________ up in their area.



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