New Inside Out Intermediate TESTS Review B Test

New Inside Out Intermediate Review B Test

Name _______________________ Score ______/50

Part A


1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are three extra words.

weak raw packet mingle head off dry decision cross off bar

a) Finished! That's another job I can ________ my list.

b) Waiter! Excuse me, but these vegetables are ________ !

c) So, have you made your ________ yet?

d) Try and ________ and talk to as many people as possible.

e) Can you pass me that ________ of cigarettes?

f) I love ________ white wine. It goes really well with fish.

(6 points)

2 Complete the words.

a) Two weeks is also called a f__________ .

b) If you g________ b________ , you manage on very little or without something you need.

c) When food doesn't taste of very much you say it is b__________ .

d) When you want someone to come to a party, you give them an i__________ .

e) When you delay something you say you p__________ it o__________ .

(5 points)

3 Underline the correct words.

a) Have you done / made arrangements for the party?

b) This tastes bitter / creamy. Can we add some more sugar?

c) We seem to have a lot in common / be there for each other. We like the same things.

d) Are you going to wear fancy / special dress to the party?

e) Ben gave me a lovely bar / bunch of flowers for my birthday.

f) Wow! I got here just in time / on time to see the fireworks.

g) I was absolutely exhausted / tired after the party.

(7 points)


4 Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence.

a) I've decided that _____ eating chocolate.

(1) I'm going to stop (2) I'm stopping (3) I'll stop

b) I really _____ try to finish this today as Alice is waiting for it.

(1) can (2) needn't (3) must

c) There was only a _____ time left.

(1) few (2) little (3) several

d) I'm planning on going to Crete _____ the summer.

(1) at (2) in (3) on

e) _____ Helen at ten tomorrow morning.

(1) I'm going to meet (2) I'm meeting (3) I'll meet

(5 points)

5 Complete the sentences with the words and phrases in the box. There are three extra words and phrases.

anything didn't use to enough need to nothing shouldn't some used to

a) You really ___________ worry! It's not your fault.

b) Sam ___________ go out much, but recently he's been going out almost every evening.

c) I didn't say ___________ .

d) We really don't have ___________ time to finish this.

e) Did you know that Rachel ___________ sing in a choir?

(5 points)

6 Spot the mistakes. Cross out the incorrect sentence, a or b.

1 a) Oh dear! I almost forgot to call John. I'll do it now.

b) Oh dear! I almost forgot to call John. I'm doing it now.

2 a) I've been learning English since ages.

b) I've been learning English for ages.

3 a) I haven't been anywhere interesting recently.

b) I haven't been nowhere interesting recently.

4 a) Martin found it difficult to get his divorce over but he seems to be happier now.

b) Martin found it difficult to get over his divorce but he seems to be happier now.

5 a) We haven't got much jam left. I'll go and buy some.

b) We haven't got many jam left. I'll go and buy some.

6 a) Steve used to live with his girlfriend, but now he lives alone.

b) Steve would live with his girlfriend, but now he lives alone.

7 a) Hurry up! We don't have to be late.

b) Hurry up! We mustn't be late.

(7 points)Part B


Word stress

[Track 15]

7 Listen and underline the stressed syllable in each word.

a) weekend

b) decision

c) arrangement

d) degree

e) permission

(5 points)


[Track 16]

8 Listen to the conversation between Ellie and Callum. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?

a) Callum has had dinner with Monica's parents before.

b) Callum has made the food himself for the dinner party.

c) The shepherd's pie is going to be delicious.

d) Monica's mum used to be a chef.

e) Ellie's going to tidy up the kitchen to help Callum.

(5 points)


9 Complete the sentences with the correct names.

a) ________ says he/she would eat it in the future.

b) ________ thinks the strangest thing is the time of day it is eaten.

c) ________ was surprised by the taste.

d) ________ thought the food was horrible.

e) ________ thought the food was OK but could be better.

Tasty or …

We asked five people what the strangest thing they've ever eaten was. Here are the five replies.

`When I was in South Africa I ate springbok. It's a kind of antelope, I think. The meat was a bit tough and very salty, but then that might have been just the way it was cooked. I don't think I'd eat it again, but it certainly wasn't unpleasant.'


`Yuck! I wish you hadn't asked me that question. It brings back horrible memories. I must have been about 14 and I was on a school trip to France. Our teachers took us to a typical French restaurant and made us try different food. Of course we all had to eat frogs' legs. I thought they were disgusting!'


`I come from China and we're well known for eating almost anything, but I have to say that the strangest thing I've ever tried was here in the UK. I went to Scotland for a short holiday and had Haggis, it was OK and I'd happily have it again if it was served to me, but it's not something I'd want to eat regularly.'


`Ants, definitely. We were in the Amazon on an adventure holiday. One day we were walking through the rainforest when our guide stopped, peeled back the bark from a tree and started picking up ants and putting them in his mouth. Of course, we all had to try them. At first I was a bit unsure, but they were delicious. They tasted a bit like lemon!'


`Probably Miso soup. It's a Japanese dish and they eat it for breakfast. I think it's made from beans and it's quite strong tasting. It's not so much that it's strange, but it's definitely not something I'd normally have for breakfast.'


(5 points)


New Inside Out Intermediate Review B Test

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2009


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