Vocabulary Test


1 Wstaw brakujące słowa.

1 I don't feel well. I need to make an _ p _ _ _ _ t _ _ _ _ with my doctor.

2 Before the doctor tells you what's wrong, he must _ x _ _ _ n _ you.

3 Excuse me, is there a _ h _ _ _ _ c _ opened 24 hours a day near here? I need some aspirin.

4 I'm afraid I can't sell you this medicine without a _ r _ _ _ _ _ p _ _ _ _ from your doctor.

5 After the operation, she couldn't walk and had to use a _ _ e _ _ _ h _ _ _ .

6 Because of my allergy, I start to s _ _ _ z _ when there's a cat around.

7 This morning I woke up with a terrible he _ _ _ _ h _ . I need some painkillers.

8 His broken arm must be in _ l _ _ _ e _ for six weeks.


2 Połącz wyrazy, żeby utworzyć popularne wyrażenia.


1 a first-aid _________

2 a sore _________

3 feel _________

4 take _________

5 catch _________

6 a runny _________

7 twist _________


a) dizzy

b) a cold

c) an ankle

d) throat

e) nose

f) kit

g) the temperature


3 Wstaw brakujące przyimki.

1 Did they operate ____ your brother yesterday?

2 I'd like you to breathe ____ and hold your breath for a few seconds.

3 He's suffering ____ chest pains.

4 Are you allergic ____ anything?

5 He felt sick and began to throw ____ .


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