J. Milton, Paradise Lost

Publisher In II part of the 17th century, (the Stuart restoration 1660, Charles I beheaded in 1649 important facts for Milton),

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Paradise Lost as an epic text:

Eurania connected with Moses.

He humbles himself- tries to avoid punishment for his pride.

The poet asks a muse to speak through him. In the very beginning, Milton invokes a muse to inspire and instruct him. "I thence invoke thy aid to my adventurous song/…instruct me, for Thou know'st" (Book 1 ll 13-19). Though the muse gives him his motivation, it is not only the muse that distinguishes his knowledge of the supernatural world. There is a separate affiliation between the poet and the muse. Instead of the heavenly muse speaking through Milton, he uses her more as guidance. It is plain to see that the muse was Milton's divine inspiration that made Paradise Lost the creation it became.

book III- apostrophy to Light; Light will always exist- God is Light. He uses Light to speak of his situation. He is blind- he's following the tradition of blind poets (e.g. Homer). Compensation for his blindness is vision

book VII- apostrophy to the Muse; Calls for help Urania (He wants her to guarantee the audience for his poem). He's moving from heaven to earth. He has fallen on evil days=> the poem is personal- England failed as a nation.

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Milton doesn't rhyme his poem. He uses blank verse - iambic penatametre.

He creates long sentences in his poem. Uses a lot of foreign words and words he

created himself for the purpose of the poem (to achieve certain style.

He uses alliteration- instead of the rhyme: `Here in the heart of Hell to …'

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Primary and secondary epic in Paradise Lost

Primary epic has not a single author; it is the product of oral tradition. It is sung or recited in a whole and is one of the entertainment of that age. Primary epics are simple heroic stories and do not care great national or international subjects. Second one is Secondary (or Literary) epic. The literary epic pays more attention to the meaning. Hero develops and learns to extension of his own ideas, his desires and wishes. Secondary epic is more philosophical, didactic and highly elusive. Beowulf is an example of primary epic and John Milton's Paradise Lost is an example of secondary epic.

In Paradise Lost the poet explains the subject of the poem to the reader. The first a few lines tell the reader the main theme and subject matter of that poem.
In epic poetry religious elements have an important place. In primary epics generally paganistic elements were used whereas in secondary epics biblical subjects and motifs were used.

Epic proposition in Paradise Lost => subject matter- stated at the very beginning of the text

Invocation in Paradise Lost (see above)

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Presentation of Satan

The first major character introduced in the poem.

He wanted to be equal with God (fall of Satan). Milton Starts with him because everything started because of him (e.g. the fall of the mankind).

He persuaded other angels to follow him and he brought ruin on them. We see him fisrt in Hell. He suffers both physically and mentally- he lost his beauty.

Head of the rebellious angels who have just fallen from Heaven. As the poem's antagonist, Satan is the originator of sin—the first to be ungrateful for God the Father's blessings. He embarks on a mission to Earth that eventually leads to the fall of Adam and Eve, but also worsens his eternal punishment. His character changes throughout the poem. Satan often appears to speak rationally and persuasively, but later in the poem we see the inconsistency and irrationality of his thoughts. He can assume any form, adopting both glorious and humble shapes.

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Light in Paradise Lost

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Language in Paradise Lost (see above)

The poet uses colloquial language.

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The poet- John Milton

Born on December 9, 1608, in London. Republican and puritan. He didn't support Stuart Restoration (important for his creativity). Just after the Restoration he was imprisoned and deprived of all he owned(later on he was released). He wrote pamphlets explaining the necessity of a king and to change educational system. He heartedly supported the revolution. Well educated=> fluent in Greek, Italian, French Latin & Hebrew. By 1660 Milton was completely blind and his daughter read and wrote for him, so he dedicated Paradise Lost not wrote it. Since university he wanted to write an epic text, he even had a list of possible topics(at the top of it was King Arthur) but he was disappointed with the political situation- Restoration of Stuarts- and generally with man and as a result of that he decided to wrote about the fall of man.

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The poem is personal. The poet defines heroism in terms of Christ (he was crucified, gave his life for the mankind) => christian epic.

Encyclopedic epic=> containing number of many topics. Milton presents many events (the creation, fall, and redemption of the world and humankind).

Milton took the inspiration from ancient poets=> Vergues influences- 12 books (Paradise Lost consists of 12 books).

Homer's influence => Milton based on hoomeric hero; e.g. Satan presented like Odysseus

and like Achilles- driven by wounded pride.

Spencer's influence=> usage of allegorical figures (e.g. Death, Sin)

In Renaissance epic poetry had to combined everything- combination of different elements (mentioning large number of themes, etc- encyclopedic epic)

Rhetorical devices:


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