Stage hypnotist 'brought back trauma of sex abuse'.
By David Graves
1. Match the terms with the definitions:
a. legal responsibility b. easily influenced or harmed c. return to an earlier stage d. unsteadily or hesitantly e. persuaded f. arouse the same emotions as before g. to reach its highest point h. lacking proper care and attention i. horrifying j. worried or anxious k. insane l. vividly shocking |
2. Questions for discussion.
a. Does hypnotism as a form of entertainment raise ethical issues?
b. What might Lynn Howard mean by describing her condition after the show as being like a “zombie”?
c. How do you account for the increasing popularity of such types of public entertainment?
d. Would you ever consider volunteering to participate in such a show?
e. Should stage hypnotists be (legally) accountable for any harmful consequences for participants after the event? Is Philip Green to blame in this case?
f. What do you think was the outcome of Lynn Howard's legal action?
g. Is too little know about hypnotism (or even the human brain) for us to be experimenting with such techniques?
3. Additional material
Hypnotism as entertainment is already well-established in the UK. There are a number of famous names, and you might want to look at Derren Brown. For example:
(Total time for both parts: approx. 25 minutes)
On a lighter note, there was a news story of a stage performer who hypnotized himself for 5 hours: