Recipe LemonMeringuePie

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Look at the picture below and read the recipe. Find the suitable words in the recipe and label the things.

Match the verbs in the recipe with the pictures.

YOU NEED: 250g short crust pastry, 2 lemons, 250ml cold water, 2 tablespoons of corn flour, 150g sugar, 2 eggs and 40g butter.

(1) ROLL OUT the pastry and put it into a 20cm round baking dish. (2) BAKE in the oven for 20 - 25 minutes.

(3) SEPARATE the egg yolks from the whites. Put the corn flour and 50g sugar into a bowl. (4) POUR a little of the water into a paste and mix.

(5) GRATE the lemons and put the grated rind into a pan with the rest of the water. (6) BOIL the water and rind, add the corn flour paste and mix well. Heat gently for one minute. (7) STIR all the time. Remove from the heat.

(8) BEAT in the egg yolks, juice from the lemons and butter. Pour the mixture into the pastry case.

With an electric mixer (9) WHISK the egg whites in a large bowl until stiff. Add 100g sugar little by little. (10) SPOON the meringue over the lemon mixture. Bake in the oven from 40-45 minutes at 150°C.

YOU NEED: 250g short crust pastry, 2 lemons, 250ml cold water, 2 tablespoons of corn flour, 150g sugar, 2 eggs and 40g butter.

(1) ROLL OUT the pastry and put it into a 20cm round baking dish. (2) BAKE in the oven for 20 - 25 minutes.

(3) SEPARATE the egg yolks from the whites. Put the corn flour and 50g sugar into a bowl. (4) POUR a little of the water into a paste and mix.

(5) GRATE the lemons and put the grated rind into a pan with the rest of the water. (6) BOIL the water and rind, add the corn flour paste and mix well. Heat gently for one minute. (7) STIR all the time. Remove from the heat.

(8) BEAT in the egg yolks, juice from the lemons and butter. Pour the mixture into the pastry case.

With an electric mixer (9) WHISK the egg whites in a large bowl until stiff. Add 100g sugar little by little. (10) SPOON the meringue over the lemon mixture. Bake in the oven from 40-45 minutes at 150°C.

Match the verbs in the recipe with the pictures.

Look at the picture below and read the recipe. Find the suitable words in the recipe and label the things.


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