Room (simplified)
File: room.doc
Last edition: 2003-03-20/MK
Author: Lars Halling
History: 96-03-01/HN First released version
96-10-04/MK Updated to Menta 1.20
97-09-01/MK Updated to Menta 3.0
2003-03-20/MK Updated to Menta 4.0
Simple model of a room with a constant air flow entering the zone. The temperature in the room is controlled by changing the temperature of the supply air. The model is a first order model. The gain and time constant is set directly by the user. To the output of the dynamic part of the system we add a static contribution, T0. T0 corresponds to the room temperature when the temperature of the air entering the room is 0°C. Nominal values for the gain and time constant are 0.2 resp. 15 minutes.
(Real) Supply Temp, °C (Tin)
(Real) Room Temp, °C (Troom)