SO UI U1 Audio

UNIT 1 Recording 1

P = Presenter M= Matt

Part 1

P: Now you might have heard of speed dating - those events for the young, free and single who are just too busy to find the love of their lives - but what about applying the same principle to finding a lodger for your spare room? Natalie Steed went to experience `speed flatmating'.

M: My name's Matt Hutchinson and I'm with Basically what we do is we have an evening that introduces people looking for places to live with people who've got a spare room in their house and it's just a chance for people to meet the people that are involved rather than just see the flats. It's a chance to actually see who you'd be living with because it makes such a difference. And everybody that arrives gets a list of who's here so if you're looking for a room for example, you get a list of everybody who's got a room, what their area is, what their budget is. Everybody has a badge to say who they are and whether they've got a room or are looking.

UNIT 1 Recording 2

P = Presenter M1 = Man 1 M2 = Man 2 W1 = Woman 1

W2 = Woman 2 W3 = Woman 3

Part 2

P: You're wearing a white label. You've got a room to rent.

M1: We both have a room to rent.

P: Oh, I see.

M1: So we're seeking another person to join us.

P: Why are you looking for someone to move in?

M1: Our magnificent German room-mate, who was away every weekend, has moved out. So as a result we're looking for someone equally magnificent who will be there as little as possible.

P: You're looking a little bit lost and you're wearing a pink badge. What does that mean?

M2: That means I'm looking for a room and also I'm willing to buddy up with someone else who's looking.

P: How long have you been looking for a room?

M2: A couple of weeks. I'm sort of new to the game. So I'm just trying to understand what's going on and how it works. You know, it's a bit of a shock and a bit of a steep learning curve for me.

P: Do you think you're pretty good at spotting the kind of person you can get on with?

W1: Yes I think it's easy. You just know straightaway.

P: When you've done it before, when you've done it through an online service, and you've presumably had people come to look at your house, how has that been?

W1: Well I must be a bit choosy I suppose, but the two best lodgers I had, I just knew immediately, as soon as I looked at them, smiled at them, I knew that they were somehow the right sort of people and that we would get along.

P: So, really it's … this kind of event's quite good for you, rather than sitting down with somebody where you know straightaway you don't want to live with them but they're in your house, you feel obliged to show them round.

W1: Yes, because that's so embarrassing, having to show someone round when they're not interested. Sometimes I open the door and because I'm older they look at me and go `Oh god, I don't want to live with my mother.'

W2: It's two bedrooms. There's one bathroom which is why I always ask people what time they get up in the morning. Because I do have a bad habit that I like to have half an hour bath in the morning.

W3: That's not a bad habit!

W2: Other than that I'm not largely in the house at all. I'm actually a little bit sort of brain dead from all the conversations I've had but it's been so so useful.

P: You seem to have to be quite open straightaway, I mean, I heard you talking about your bathing habits earlier.

W2: I think that's important. I mean they're going to be living with you. They're going to be in really close contact and it's best to advertise yourself as you are from the outset.

P: And have you had any firm interest yet?

W2: I have met several people that I'd like to follow it up with. Several people that I feel I could live with.

UNIT 1 Recording 3

A: So where are you staying at the moment?

B: Quite near here.

A: Oh, who are you living with?

B: Some friends from college. I'm just staying there on a temporary basis until I find a flat.

A: Right. And what made you decide to come to the city in the first place?

B: I work for a big sportswear company and they've just relocated here.

A: And have you any idea how long you want to stay here?

B: At least a year, I hope. I suppose it depends how it works out.

A: Do you mind me asking if you're in a relationship?

B: Not, that's OK. No, I'm single at the moment.

A: One more question. Er, what are you like in the mornings? It's just that I'm not at my best early in the day.

B: Me neither. I don't usually talk to anyone till after my first coffee at work!

UNIT 1 Recording 4

1 I was wondering if I could see the flat.

2 Could you tell me how much the deposit is?

3 Do you mind me asking how old you are?

4 I'd be interested to know how you organise the cooking.

5 Can I ask you how noisy it is?

6 Do you know how soon the room will be available?

UNIT 1 Recording 5

S1 = Speaker 1 S2 = Speaker 2 S3 = Speaker 3 S4 = Speaker 4

S5 = Speaker 5

S1: I didn't enjoy it much. For a start, I was very anxious and I think animals can sense it when you're nervous and worried. It was OK when we were going at a walk but then we went faster and I found it difficult to stay on. Actually, I was extremely relieved when the lesson finished and I could get off.

S2: It was the first time I'd tried it and it was a kind of competition. So I chose a song I knew well and I really enjoyed doing it. I came second so I was really thrilled. There were about twenty people entered and I was absolutely fascinated to see how different people behaved when they got in front of the microphone.

S3: It took me ages to do and I got really annoyed and frustrated at one point because I couldn't make it straight. Eventually, I put the books on it and it looked great. I felt really satisfied when I'd finished because it was the first one I'd ever put up on my own. Yeah. It was a really satisfying thing to do.

S4: Most people were there for the first time and I was really impressed by how quickly they learnt the steps. But I was useless and I'm sure my partner thought so too. I was very embarrassed because I kept treading on her toes. She was very patient but you could tell she was getting annoyed. So it was a bit of a disaster, quite disappointing.

S5: He should never have started it. I think he wanted to impress me because it was our first date but I found out later that he'd never changed one before. Anyway, after three hours, I suggested calling the repair company. I felt very awkward about it but I thought we'd never get home. I didn't get to bed till two in the morning and I was completely exhausted.

UNIT 1 Recording 6

1 embarrassed

2 exhausted

3 satisfied

4 thrilled

5 awkward

6 relieved

7 anxious

8 fascinated

9 frustrated

10 impressed

UNIT 1 Recording 7

1 I've thought about it a lot.

2 I thought about it a lot.

3 We tried to phone you.

4 We've tried to phone you.

5 She's had her first lesson today.

6 She had her first lesson today.

7 I've changed my email address.

8 I changed my email address.

9 I think he's left the building.

10 I think he left the building.

UNIT 1 Recording 8

A frustration



B embarrassment


C similarity



D awkwardness


UNIT 1 Recording 9

W = Woman M = Man

M: Hello, English Language College. Can I help you?

W: Yes, I'd like to enquire about a course.

M: OK. Have you seen the information on our website?

W: Well, actually the situation is that I booked myself onto a course through your website yesterday, and now I'd like to change.

M: Could you tell me your name?

W: Misa Radnoti.

M: And which course was it?

W: A general English course, pre-advanced.

M: Bear with me a minute. Yes, I've got it. What would you like to change to?

W: I've just noticed this morning that you have an advanced course in business English starting next week.

M: That's right.

W: I was wondering if it would be possible for me to change to that group.

M: OK, let me just check. There are still a few places in that group, but you'll have to do a level test.

W: But I've already done an online test for the other course.

M: I appreciate that, but for this course you need to do a level test in person.

W: Can you tell me why I have to do it in person?

M: It's because it's a specialised course and there's an oral component to the level test.

W: I see. Would there be any chance of doing the level test on the phone?

M: Hold on, let me check ... sorry to keep you. No, I'm afraid it has to be in person.

W: I see. Do you mind me asking what it involves?

M: There's a written task that you have to do under timed conditions, and preparation materials for the oral interview.

W: I see. Sorry to be difficult, it's just that I'm really busy this week and can't make it up to the school for the level test.

M: That's going to be a problem. I'm not sure what we can do about that.

W: I'd really appreciate your help.

M: Hmm … You couldn't come in on Thursday evening, could you?

W: No, I'm afraid not. But I tell you what. I could come in on Saturday to do the level test.

M: The problem is, that's leaving it very late and we might have other applicants.

W: I'd be really grateful if you could hold a place for me till Saturday morning.

M: Can you hold on a minute? I'll just see ... OK, we can do that. We'll provisionally transfer the course fee over as a deposit.

W: That's great. Oh, I've got one more question, if I'm not keeping you.

M: No, go ahead.

W: If I don't get into this group, do I lose my course fee?

M: I'm afraid we can't refund the deposit, but you could apply it to another course.

W: That's a relief. Would you mind putting that in an email for me?

M: Certainly.

W: And could you tell me when the school opens on Saturday?

W: We're open from nine. I won't be here myself, but I'll tell my colleague to expect you.

M: Thank you very much for your help.

W: You're welcome. Thank you for calling.

UNIT 1 Recording 10

1 I'd like to enquire about a course.

2 I was wondering if it would be possible for me to change to that group.

3 Can you tell me why I have to do it in person?

4 Would there be any chance of doing the level test on the phone?

5 Do you mind me asking what it involves?

6 I'd be really grateful if you could hold a place for me till Saturday morning.

7 Would you mind putting that in an email for me?

8 Could you tell me what time the school opens?

UNIT 1 Recording 11

A: Well, I've had some very embarrassing experiences in my life but one of the worst was my very first day at work. I was a trainee solicitor in a law firm and there were fourteen of us trainees there, and everyone was on their best behaviour. Everyone was dressed nicely and the guys had polished their shoes and done their hair you know wanting to make a good first impression and

B: Yeah, I know what you mean. How old were you?

A: Only twenty-three, so I was one of the youngest in the group. Anyway, it started as a typical first day, you know a bit like the first day at school - everyone's not quite being themselves but, you know trying their hardest and you go and get your cup or tea or coffee and you try not to spill it or drop your biscuit on the floor.

B: Yeah.

A: And I remember I was feeling kind of - kind of nervous maybe a tiny bit shy and then having to pretend to be confident as if to say you know `I'm very professional.' I spent the whole time looking at the others and wondering how experienced they were and

B: I know the feeling.

A: And then I had to go to my desk and wait for some work to be given to me and, it was a quiet department so I was waiting and waiting and my shoes were new and were hurting so I kicked them off under the table and then another hour went by, and by this time I was feeling a bit panicky because I didn't have anything to do - I hoped someone would give me some proper work to do - then the head partner rang me up and told me to come to his office because he'd got some work for me so I grabbed my pen and pad and I went racing round there. And as I walked into his office, he looked me up and down and saw that I wasn't wearing any shoes - I must have seemed ridiculously casual. It was so embarrassing, thankfully there were no holes in my socks because they were new, too. So I just spent the whole time in his office thinking - are you gonna say anything, are you gonna tell me off?

B: Did he say anything?

A: Just before he sent me away he stopped me and he wanted to know why I didn't have any shoes on, and I didn't have a good answer for that. I just said I wanted to feel more comfortable. I thought - I'm never going to fit in at this law firm.

B: And how did he react?

A: He smiled so I think he thought it was pretty funny, but ever since then I've always made sure I keep my shoes on!

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Upper Intermediate Unit 1 Audio Script

PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman

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