Use of EnglishA

Use of English 08A

A Report the following orders and sentences. Use the beginnings provided.

(7 points)

0 `I'm writing my diploma project now.'

My boyfriend said ___that he was writing his diploma project then_ _ .

1 `Don't look at people like that!'

She told me _________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________ .

2 `I have never used bad language before.'

He claimed _________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________ .

3 `I won't pay back all my debts in ten years.'

My father said _______________________________________________________________

____________________________________________ .

4 `We decided to take longer holidays than last year.'

She said ____________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________ .

5 `I'm not going to let you ruin your life.'

My mum announced __________________________________________________________

____________________________________________ .

6 `Could you give me a hand with the cleaning, please?'

My sister asked me ___________________________________________________________

____________________________________________ .

7 `I was arguing with my boyfriend until 11 o'clock at night.' Barbara admitted ___________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________ .

B Choose the correct answer from the options provided.

(3 points)

0 My elder brother _______________ me to sit down and keep quiet.

a) said b) ordered c) promised

1 Barbara _______________ to talk with her parents about her boyfriend.
a) refuses b) denies c) regrets

2 At the end of our conversation he _______________ me that he was deeply unhappy.
a) complained b) told c) admitted

3 My parents forgave me only because I _______________ my father not to do it again.
a) announced b) agreed c) promised

C Complete the sentences with do, get or make.
(5 points)

0 Even if you _____do_____ badly on the test, you will still have a chance to write it again.

1 Don't worry! We all ____________ mistakes when we start learning a foreign language.

2 I can't promise anything but I'll ____________ my best.

3 I wouldn't like to ____________ you think that I'm interested only in the financial aspects of this job.

4 I have no idea how to ____________ my geometry homework because I have been absent from school several times.

5 Hurry up! I don't want to ____________ stuck in the traffic jam.

D Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each gap.

(5 points)

More and more people nowadays don't want to work for a boss. They give up their jobs in big companies and become (0) ____self-employed____ . That's exactly what I did two years ago. Although law is one of the most respected (1) ______________ , I decided to quit it and make my (2) _______________ as a freelance journalist. At first I liked it enormously, especially the (3) _______________ working hours - I didn't have to start work at the same time every day. But after a while I discovered that it's a serious challenge. You need to be able to (4) _______________ up very quickly with new interesting topics for your articles. It's also not very easy to get your ideas (5) _______________ to the readers. Well, I guess being a lawyer might turn out much easier for me after all.



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