SO PI U10 12 TestB


1 Track 7 Listen to the phone conversation and underline the correct answer, a), b) or c).

1 Judy is phoning Ralph   c  

a) in London.

b) from Los Angeles.

c)   from her house.  

2 Ralph           

a) is not a successful actor.

b) works in the film business.

c) has just finished making a film.

3 Judy has           

a) already booked her flight to L.A.

b) just looked at some possible flights.

c) already visited Ralph in L.A.

4 Ralph won't have a break until           

a) 25th May.

b) the beginning of June.

c) 21st May.

5 Judy is planning to go to Los Angeles for           

a) two or three weeks.

b) a month.

c) two months.

6 Ralph thinks that Judy and her friends should         

a) go to a hotel in Beverley Hills.

b) share a house with eight bathrooms.

c) stay at his house in Los Angeles.


2 Track 8 Listen and underline the main stressed syllables (1 or 2) in the sentences.

1 What's the   nightlife   like? (1)

2 We were   told   not to   come  . (2)

3 I'm really sorry about that. (1)

4 I'm afraid I totally disagree. (1)

5 Have you booked the ticket yet? (1)

6 She's just spoken to John. (2)

7 Would you like me to speak to them? (1)


Vocabulary and grammar

3 Rearrange the letters and write the last word in each group.

1 fraud murder theft fritgafit   graffiti  

2 arrest shoot break in altse                

3 shoplifter thief criminal gejdu                

4 fax postcard email asmp                

5 bored lonely confused azmdae              

6 drama thriller musical dcmeyo              


4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in CAPITALS.

1 The Beatles were the most   successful   group of the 20th century. SUCCESS

2 It's is the most                      bed I've ever slept in. My back really hurts. COMFORT

3 The                      was caught stealing a jacket in the supermarket. SHOP

4 The nightlife here is                     . The clubs stay open until 6.00 a.m. WONDER

5 The concert was cancelled because four of the                      were ill. MUSIC

6 His daughter wants to be a well-known                      like him. POLITICS


5 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

remote addict download internet driving system sharing prison affairs jams historical

1 I don't know how we used to watch TV without a   remote   control.

2 You can see all our holiday photos on this photo                      site.

3 I never go to see                      dramas. They never get the facts right.

4 If I don't stop using the computer so much, I'll turn into an internet                     .

5 Traffic                      will be reduced if they improve the public transport                     .

6 If they read the newspaper more often, they'd know more about current                     .

7 She said she was going to call me on her                      phone.

8 Have you used a music-                     site yet? You can put it all on your MP3 player.

9 If he's caught for drink                      again, he'll get a                      sentence.


6 Underline the correct alternative.

1 He hasn't heard if he's got the job just /   yet  .

2 If you don't study / 'll study, you can't / 'll never be able to go to college.

3 If she have / had more money, she'd be happier.

4 You said / told us you'd be here by six o'clock.

5 My grandmother's sixty-two and she's already / 's just learnt to drive.

6 If she doesn't feel / `ll feel nervous, she'll give a great performance.

7 If you join a social networking site, you make / 'll make a lot of new friends.

8 They already have / 've already eaten three cakes. Don't give them any more.

9 She was chosen / chose to swim in the Olympic team.

10 What does / 's the weather like there in summer?


7 Complete the text with the correct alternative, a) b) or c).

1  c   a child, I always wanted to be an air hostess. Now they're called flight attendants. I 2           no idea what the job was like but I dreamt of travelling to faraway, romantic places. When I 3           nine, I was already anxious to 4           preparing myself for the job. I wrote a letter to the British airline company, BOAC. I 5           them what qualifications were needed. I was 6           when I got a reply. It said, `If you 7           to be an air hostess, you 8           to speak at least two foreign languages. Please 9           to us again when you are eighteen.' I started studying French and Spanish as soon as I could and 10           forward to flying all over the world. But when I was eighteen, I was persuaded to go to university. I didn't become a flight attendant in the end but I 11           my life travelling to faraway, romantic places.

1 a) Like b) When c)   As  

2 a) didn't have b) had c) 've had

3 a) was b) had c) became

4 a) be started b) started c) start

5 a) asked b) asked to c) was asked

6 a) nervous b) confused c) amazed

7 a) 'll want b) want c) wanted

8 a) 'd be able b) must c) 'll need

9) a) write b) to write c) don't write

10 a) have looked b) looked c) was looked

11 a) spend b) have spent c) was spent



8 Complete the article with sentences a)-f).

1  a   On 8th August 1963, fifteen men stopped the Glasgow-to-London mail train and stole £2.6 million. Wearing ski masks, they climbed onto the train in a quiet area outside London, and got away with 120 bags full of bank notes.

2          . £2.6 million was a record amount in those days. It would be worth around £50 million in today's money.

3          . They left too many clues and the police managed to catch them. They were given a total of 300 years in prison sentences between them.

4           And it was Ronnie Biggs who became the most famous. Biggs escaped from prison in a furniture van in 1965, after serving only fifteen months of his sentence.

5          . He then moved to Australia, and finally to Rio de Janeiro, where he had a son. As the father of a Brazilian child, he could not be sent back to Britain. He became a well-known local figure and lived a free life for thirty-six years.

6          . He was in very bad health and he wanted to go home. When he arrived back at Heathrow airport, he was arrested and put in prison again. One of the most famous news stories of the 20th century finally came to an end.

a) The Great Train Robbery was probably the most famous British crime in the 20th century.

b) However, the gang didn't get time to enjoy the money.

c) He went to Spain and changed his appearance with plastic surgery.

d) In 2001, Biggs was in the headlines again.

e) Because of the publicity, some gang members became celebrities.

f) It was a huge news story that captured the imagination of the British public.



9 Match 1-6 to responses a)-f).

1 Could you recommend a good French restaurant in the town?   a  

2 I think children see too much violence on television.           

3 Could you help me?           

4 Shall I phone for a taxi?           

5 Excuse me. Could I speak to the manager?           

6 Would you be able to drive me to the station this afternoon?           

a) No, I'm afraid there isn't one.

b) Hang on. I'll just check in my diary.

c) Just a moment. I'll call her.

d) That's true, but I don't think it hurts them that much.

e) No, that won't be necessary, thank you.

f) Of course. What's the problem?


10 Complete the conversations with a)-f).

Conversation one

A: I bought this laptop yesterday but it doesn't work.

B: 1  c  

A: Of course I have!

B: 2          

Conversation two

A: Would it be possible to get tickets for the opera tonight?

B: 3          

A: That would be wonderful.

B: 4          

A: Just two, please.

Conversation three

A: I thought the last James Bond film was rubbish!

B: 5          

A: What did you like about it?

B: 6          

a) How many would you like?

b) I thought the acting was much better than in the earlier films.

c) Have you tried turning it on?

d) OK. We'll look into it right away.

e) Yes, of course. Do you want me to get them for you?

f) I'm afraid I totally disagree.



11 Replace words 1-11 with pronouns.

My friend Ellen lives in Sydney, Australia.

1Ellen moved there five years ago when she married Pete. I went to see 2Ellen and Pete last year. 3Ellen and Pete love the city. 4The city is on the south-east coast of Australia, on the Pacific Ocean. 5Ellen and Pete think 6Sydney is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Ellen likes the people there because 7the people are very friendly. Ellen and Pete love having barbecues. 8Ellen and Pete have 9barbecues every weekend if the weather is good. They also love the beaches. 10The beaches are full of young people surfing early in the mornings. The nightlife is wonderful, with a lot of restaurants and clubs. I really enjoyed 11the nightlife when I was there.

1   She  

2 __

3 __

4 __

5 __

6 __

7 __

8 __

9 __

10 __

11 __


12 Write a comment for a discussion board. Agree or disagree with ONE of the statements 1-3 below, giving your reasons. Write 75-100 words.

Celebrities make life more fun.

It would be wonderful to be famous.

Technology is a waste of time.

  I totally agree/disagree with this statement.  
















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