II FA Writing
Assignment 2 (to hand in a printout version on Wednesday 20th Jan 2010)
Select one topic (about 250 - 350 words):
There are plans to tear down an old cinema in the town where you live. Write a letter to the authorities stating why you think this should not be done, and suggesting alternative ways in which the building might be used.
Write a letter applying for a job.(Choose one advertisement only)
Jobs for English Speakers
Our town has been chosen for our International Summer Camp this year. We require 12 summer helpers aged 17-29 who should have a good command of English as well as masses of energy and enthusiasm for working with children aged 12-15 from all over the world. The job is residential, with round-the-clock responsibility for the success of the camp. We also require 4 community coordinators (min. 24 years, with a good knowledge of the region and proven organizational ability) to coordinate the sports, social and cultural programmes. Written applications to: World Study Tour, 37 Flagan's Way, Cork, Ireland.
English Language Publisher wants keen, committed individuals as local representatives.
You must have a clear interest in the English Language and the teaching of English as a foreign language. A significant part of your responsibilities will involve visiting teachers in schools in your local area and telling them about our excellent range of teaching materials. No previous experience necessary. All training provided. A good level of English is required. Company car, competitive salary package, definite career opportunities.
All applications in writing to Ms. B. Dickison (Personnel Manager), Brit Books, Scotland House, Harlow, Essex, CM 33 5 H U England.
3. You recently applied for a credit card. You planned to use the card while traveling around Britain during your summer vacation. However, you could not use it because the machine did not give you the money. When you asked the bank for replacement, they promised to send it, but the card never arrived. Fortunately, your friends in England were able to lend you some money to cover your expenses during the rest of your stay. Now that you are back in your country, you have decided to write to the head office of your bank complaining about the treatment you received. Write a suitable letter.