Track 1 : Lip-rolls - five tone up-down from G-1 til C2 (curbing&neutral)
Track 2 : Mixed scale lip-rolls from G-1 to C2 (curbing&neutral)
I-based curbing:
Track 3 : Octave scale on I slowly from G-1 to F1 (curbing)
Track 4 : Slow melody on I from G-1 to G1 (curbing)
Track 5 : Slow chromatic scale (on vowels:)bEAt - hErb - End from G-1 to G1 (curbing)
Track 6 : Take a five minute break and a glass of water
Warm up:
Track 7 : faster lip-rolls - octave scale up-down from G-1 to C2 (curbing&neutral)
U-based curbing:
Track 8 : Slow octave scale on U from G-1 to F1 (curbing)
Track 9 : Slow melody on U from G-1 to G1 (curbing)
Track 10 : Slow chromatic scale (on vowels:) yOU - hErb - sAd - Over from G-1 to G1 (curbing)
Track 11 : Take a five minute break and a cup of tea
Warm up:
Track 12 : Faster lip-rolls - mixed scale up-down from G-1 to C2 (curbing&neutral)
Curbing on difficult vowels
Track 13 : Slow chromatic scale U-A from G-1 to G1 (curbing)
Track 14 : Slow chromatic scale U-Å from G-1 to G1 (curbing)
Track 15 : Slow chromatic scale I-E from G-1 to G1 (curbing)
Warming up neutral:
Track 16 : Lip-rolls - five tone from G-1 to C2 (curbing&neutral)
Neutral exercise:
Track 17 : Slow chromatic scale on U from C1 to G2 (neutral)
Warm down:
Track 18 : Lip-rolls - five tone G-1 C2 (curbing&neutral)
Deep overdrive
Track 19 : bOH-OHm decending fifths G0 - C-1 (overdrive)