Testy Different K Stanisławska


Read the sentences below. For questions 1-20 decide which answer (a, b or c) fits best each gap. Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

  1. Society should look after ________ .

a) the elderly b) an elderly c) the elderlies

  1. All my clothes are old and ________! I need some new ones to look more elegant.

a) scruffy b) patterned c) tight

  1. When her grandfather died, she ________some money.

a) inherited b) achieved c) invested

  1. He made a few notes to ________ himself of what he wanted to say.

a) remember b) remind c) realize

  1. I took ________of the good weather to paint the shed.

a) notice b) place c) advantage

  1. Someone who attacks people in public places and steals their money, jewellery is called

a) a mugger b) a thief c) a burglar

  1. I'm sorry I'm late. __________a long time?

a) Are you waiting b) Were you waiting c) Have you been waiting

  1. I __________the report by 10 this evening.

a) will be finished b) will have finished c) will be finishing

  1. I'm a bit__________ . Was that her husband or her son she was with?

a) confused b) confusing c) exhausted

  1. If you mix yellow and blue, you __________green.

a) get b) got c) would get

  1. I don't know anybody here. I wish I __________more people.

a) had known b) knew c) know

  1. If I had driven more carefully, I __________the car.

a) would have crashed b) wouldn't crash c) wouldn't have crashed

  1. This area of Liverpool is poor and __________. The buildings are in bad condition.

a) vibrant b) industrial c) run down

  1. __________ of the fact that he is rich, he never lends money.

a) In spite b) Despite c) Although

  1. Sally went to Leeds University, __________ Marion.

a) so did b) so went c) so goes

  1. They go to __________church every Sunday.

a) the b) a c) no article

  1. This place looks empty. I've never seen __________ people here before!

a) so many b) so few c) so little

  1. That man, __________ name was Bill Morrison, stole my purse.

a) which b) whose c) who

  1. You could __________ leave __________wait and go for a ride with us. It's up to you.

a) either/or b) neither/nor c) both/or

  1. Sorry, I can't give you __________advice.

a) many b) any c) an


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